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Penguin and skua in the maritime Antarctic have high salt loadings in the body due to almost exclusive diet consumption of marine invertebrates. However, the storage and turnover of sodium and potassium in these animals are poorly investigated. Here we determined the concentration and microscopic distribution of the two elements in the bones of penguin and skua. The average concentrations of sodium and potassium in penguin bone were comparable with that in skua bone (0.18% and 0.82% for penguin bone; 0.19% and 0.76% for skua bone in dry weight). The ratios of sodium to calcium and potassium to calcium (0.0330 and 0.0075 for penguin, 0.0335 and 0.0082 for skua in average by weight) were somewhat higher than the reported ratios for terrestrial animals, indicating these marine animals' bone enrichment of salt. The ratios of sodium to potassium in average by weight were 6.75 and 4.65 for penguin and skua, respectively. This value is much lower compared with the bulk sea water ratio of about 27.0, implying that potassium is favorable to reside in the bone rather than sodium. Both sodium and potassium were found to significant correlation with the content of organic materials in bone based upon the intensity of native signal determined by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR). It was estimated that almost all of potassium is kept within the organic phases, while about 30% of sodium is stored in organic phases and the other 70% within mineral phase. The microscopic distributions of potassium in the cross-section and/or surface were revealed by synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence (SR-XRF) technique. The ratio of potassium to calcium based upon the SR-XRF intensity counter varied considerably from the surface to the interior, and on the surface the highest concentration of potassium was observed in the middle section with decreasing amounts toward the edge. This indirectly documented that exchange of potassium between fluid and bone organic phase maybe occur.  相似文献   

Mercury (Hg) was investigated in bone tissues of skua ( Catharacta maccormick) and penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) collected in the maritime Antarctic using atomic fluorescence spectrometry (AFS) and synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence (SR-XRF) method. The total levels of mercury in bone tissues of penguin and skua are much lower than those in other organs (e. g. , kidney, liver). The toxic effects of mercury in bone tissues of seabirds in polar region are not known. We have used SR- XRF method to map the distribution of trace levels of mercury in bones. The levels of mercury are found to be enriched somewhere near the periosteal surface and/or endosteal surface. The distribution of mercury shows strongly correlation with that of some essential elements and probably poses negative effect on the bone metabolism inferring from the relationship of mercury with the other elements. These studies represent a first step toward understanding the toxic effects of mercury on bone of polar animals by suggesting the possible microscopic investigation.  相似文献   

An expriment on the phosphorus requirement and the proper Ca/P ratio in the diet of the black sea bream using the phosphorus gradient method (with casein as basic diet, sodium dihydrogen phosphate as source of phosphorus, and calcium lactate as source of calcium) showed that growth was greatly affected by the diet's phosphorus content and Ca/P ratio. Inadequate phosphorus in the diet resulted in slow growth and poor food conversion ratio (FCR). Analyses of the fish body showed it contained a high level of lipid but a low level of moisture, ash, calcium and phosphorus. The optimal values of phosphorus and Ca/P ratio in the black sea bream diet are 0.68% and 1∶2 respectively. Phosphorus in excess of this optimum value resulted in slow growth or even death. The results of this experiment clearly indicated that phosphorus is the principal mineral additive affecting black sea bream growth. Contribution No. 1972 from the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica.  相似文献   

Calculation and comparative study of the chlorophyll fluorescence ratio F685/F735 in brown algae (Laminaria japonica, Underia pinnatifida and Padina crassa) excited by blue and green light showed that the fluorescence ratios were higher when the algae were excited by blue light (440 nm), but reduced obviously under green light (540 nm) excitation. The values also reduced under dehydration but could recover during rehydration if the stress was not serious. The variation of the fluorescence ratio under dehydration was mainly because changes in fluorescence emission at 735 nm were always sharper than those at 685 nm. The ratio was sensitive to stress and has potential as a stress indicator in phycological research. Measurement of the fluorescence excitation spectra showed that the only peak at 540 hm changed apparently during dehydration. It meant that the function of the Chl a /Fucoxanthin protein complex for energy transfer was easily inhibited by water stress. However, no variation of the ratio was foun  相似文献   

The chorophyll fluorescence ratio F685/F735 in vivo can be a useful indicator for stress detection inhigher plants and seaweed. DCMU [3 - (3, 4 - dichlorophenyl ) - 1, 1 - dimethylurea] treatment influencesthis ratio. Th effects of DCMU on F685/F735 of marine red, brown and green algae under excitationlight of different wavelengths were investigted. In the brown algae, Laminaria japonica and Undariapinnatifida,DCMU did not increase this ratio under blue light excitation but increased the ratio slightlyunder excitation by green light. For the red algea, Halymenia sinensis, DCMU increased the ratiomarkedly under both blue and green ligh excitation. The percentage increase could reach 50% (undergreen light excitation) and was due to unequal enhancement at the two emission maxima by DCMU. Afraction of chlorophyll which contributed to fluorescence in the 735 nm region was less sensitive toDCMU and was likely from photosystem I of red algae. In the green alga, Ulva pertusa, DCMU causeda slight increase in F685  相似文献   

A study was conducted to evaluate the effects of meat and bone meal (MBM) and poultry by-product meal (PBM) as the replacement of fish meal in the diets on the growth performance, survival and apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) of Litopenaeus vannamei. The basal diets were formulated with 22% fish meal and other ingredients which provided about 40% protein and 9% lipid in the diet. The experimental diets included MBM or PBM to replace 0, 20%, 40%, 60% and 80% of total fish meal respectively. All diets were iso-nitrogenous and isocaloric in gross terms. The results showed that there were no significant differences (Pτ;0.05) in growth performance and ADC among the treatments fed with the diets in which 0–60% fish meal had been replaced with MBM, while the percent weight gain (WG, %), body length gain (BLG, %) and ADC significantly decreased when the MBM was up to 80% of the fish meal. There were no significant differences (Pτ;0.05) in growth performance and ADC among all the treatments fed with the diets in which 0–80% fish meal had been replaced with PBM.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to evaluate the effects of meat and bone meal (MBM) and poultry by-product meal (PBM) as the replacement of fishmeal in the diets on the growth performance, survival and apparent digestibility coefficient (ADC) of Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus). The experimental diets included 0%, 20%, 40%, 60% and 80% MBM or PBM replacement of total fishmeal respectively. All diets were iso-nitrogenous and isocaloric. The results showed that there are no significant differences (P 〉0.05) in growth performance among the treatments fed with 0% -60% MBM replacement of fishmeal, while the percent weight gain (WG, % ), body length gain (BLG, % ) and ADC significantly decrease when fishmeal is replaced by 80% MBM. The result showed also that there are no significant differences (P 〉0.05) in growth performance and ADC among all treatments fed with the diets with 0% -80% replacements of fishmeal with PBM.  相似文献   

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