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Zongming Wang Ni Huang Ling Luo Xiaoyan Li Chunying Ren Kaishan Song Jing Ming Chen 《International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation》2011
Agricultural development under climatic variations has resulted in substantial loss of marshes in the West Songnen Plain in the past decades. In this paper, the shrinkage and fragmentation process of marshes and its possible causes in the West Songnen Plain from 1954 to 2008 were explored using historical topographic maps and remote sensing data. Results indicated that the West Songnen Plain underwent considerable shrinkage and fragmentation of marshes in that same period. Marshes occupied 6404 km2 in 1954, but this area has decreased by 74% in the past 54 years. The average annual decrease rate of marshes was 88 km2 per year. Meanwhile, the number of marsh patches decreased from 1411 to 514, and the mean patch size decreased from 454 to 320 ha. Cropland and salinized wasteland were the two main land use types into which marshes were converted. During the same period, grassland decreased by 54%, cropland increased by 22%, and salinized wasteland expanded by 612%. A significant increase in air temperature and index of dryness was found in the study region, along with decreased precipitation, thereby affecting the marsh systems through the changing hydrological regimes. On the other hand, population, gross domestic product, and livestock number increased considerably as marshes shrank and became fragmented. Governmental policy changes played a key role in land use transformations in the study region. 相似文献
滑坡是仅次于地震、发生最频繁、造成损失最严重的一种地质灾害,中国西部山区则是世界上滑坡灾害分布最密集的地区之一。广域范围内滑坡灾害隐患的早期识别是地质灾害防治工作中的一项关键任务,基于星载合成孔径雷达重复轨道观测的时间序列雷达干涉测量(interferometric synthetic aperture radar,InSAR)技术在此领域具有巨大的应用潜力,但以永久散射体干涉测量为代表的传统时序InSAR方法在西部山区应用中往往受到植被覆盖等不利因素的影响,滑坡探测识别的可靠性较差。针对这一问题,以大渡河上游丹巴县为例,采用自主研发的相干散射体时序InSAR(coherent scatterer InSAR,CSI)方法,从历史存档的ALOS PALSAR和ENVISAT ASAR数据集中成功识别出了17处持续变形中的不稳定坡体,通过与外部观测数据比对和实地调查核实等手段验证了CSI方法探测结果的有效性和优势,并探讨了影响时序InSAR方法滑坡监测应用效果的主要因素及未来的优先研究方向。 相似文献
Tiantian Shao Kaishan Song Jia Du Ying Zhao Zhiming Liu Bai Zhang 《Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing》2016,44(1):77-89
Chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM), the light absorbing fraction of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), together with phytoplankton and total suspended matter are the main optically active components could be retrieved by remote sensing data. Generally, different composition of DOC and CDOM corresponds to different water surface reflectance. Absorption properties of CDOM and retrieval models for CDOM and DOC were investigated with data from potable reservoirs located in the central of Jilin Province. Water sampling field surveys were conducted on 15, 16 and 19 of September 2012 across the Shitoukoumen, Erlonghu and Xilicheng reservoirs, respectively. Both empirical regression (single band model and band ratio model) and partial least squares coupled with back-propagation artificial neural models (PLSBPNN) were established to estimate CDOM absorption coefficient at 355 nm [aCDOM(355)] and DOC concentration with in situ measured remote sensing reflectance. It was found that the band ratio models and PLSBPNN model performed well for estimating DOC concentration while the band ratio models yielded the best result in retrieval CDOM. Moreover, all the three models performed better on the DOC concentration estimation than the performance on aCDOM(355). Band ratio models outperformed (R 2 ?=?0.55) other models for estimating CDOM absorption coefficient, while PLSBPNN model outperformed other models with respect to DOC estimation (R 2 ?=?0.93). High spectral slope values indicated that CDOM in the potable waters primarily comprised low molecular weight organic substances; while sources of DOC were mainly coming from exogenous input, which was the main reason lead to the difference of model performances on DOC and aCDOM(355) estimation. The algorithms developed in this study is needed to be tested and refined with more in situ spectral data, also future work is still needed to be undertaken for characterizing the dynamic of the potable water quality with remotely sensed imagery. 相似文献
农牧交错地带地类复杂,混合像元现象严重,湿地信息的自动提取难度较大.针对该区湿地遥感信息提取的特点和难点,选取多伦县大仓乡地区的TM遥感数据,先采用NDVI阈值提取出水体,并利用水体形状特征(如面积s、周长p、形状指数k等)对水体类型进行提取;再尝试应用线性光谱混合模型( LSMM)提取去除水体后的湿地信息,并以SPO... 相似文献
The Dhanbad district in Bihar, feces acate water scareity and is chronically drought prone. The groundwater resources in the area have not been fully exploited. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the groundwater prospective zones, Landsat-5 MSS data of band-2 and band-4 and false colour composite of band 2, 3, 4 were interpreted visually to differentiate different hydromarphogeological units and to delineate the major trends of lineaments. The different geomorphic features identified are linear ridges, residual hills, pediplain, buried pedtment and dissected pediplain, besides lineaments. The study shows that the pediplain and buried pediments are promising zones for groundwater prospecting. 相似文献
基于NDVI的植被覆盖度变化的研究与分析——以河北省张家口市为例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为分析河北省张家口市在经过三北防护林三期建设后林地覆盖度变化情况,通过利用张家口2006,2010年两景同期TM影像数据,使用ERDAS软件首先提取植被指数(NDVI),根据像元二分法利用ERDAS的建模工具Spatial Modeler计算出该地区植被覆盖度,利用非监督分类方法对植被覆盖度进行分类、赋色,最后得出张家口市2006—2010年的植被覆盖度分类图,结果表明四年间该市植被覆盖面积增加698.44 km2,与第二次国家林业调查数据基本相符,说明利用遥感反演的方法能够快速、准确地获取该地区的植被覆盖度信息,以及利用NDVI监测植被覆盖度变化方法的可行性。 相似文献
我国的工业化发展严重依赖于煤炭、钢铁、电力、交通等传统污染性产业,这类产业高能耗、高污染的特性造成了严重的环境污染问题。东北地区是我国重要的重化工产业基地及主要粮食产业产区,其生态环境,特别是空气质量备受关注。本文利用点格图对2015年中国东北地区的空气质量时空分布情况进行了可视化表达。在利用日历视图可视化表达空气质量指数级别及首要污染物信息的基础上,还加入了地理参考信息。空气质量点格图为理解和分析东北地区的空气质量现状及其时空分布模式提供了面向大众的、直观有效的方法。利用该方法对空气质量进行分析,有助于辨别空气污染的主要问题、提高公众的环境保护意识,以及制定切实有效的遏制空气污染的政策法规。 相似文献
The Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) provides the user community with standard products of land-surface temperature (LST) and emissivity using the temperature and emissivity separation (TES) algorithm. This letter analyzes the feasibility of using two-channel (TC) algorithms for LST retrieval from ASTER data, which could be considered as an alternative or complementary procedure to the TES algorithm. TC algorithms have been developed for all the ASTER thermal infrared bands combinations, and they have been applied to six ASTER images acquired over an agricultural area of Spain in 2000, 2001, and 2004. LST values obtained with TC algorithms were compared with the TES product. In addition, the TC algorithms were tested using simulated data and ground-based measurements collected coincident with the ASTER acquisition in 2004. The results show that TC algorithms provide similar accuracies than the TES algorithm (~1.5 K), with the main advantage that the atmospheric correction is included in the algorithm itself 相似文献
基于NDVI和LSMM的干旱区植被信息提取研究——以新疆吐鲁番市为例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
植被是干旱区生态建设重要的组成部分,而植被覆盖度是生态环境变化的重要指示,是评价生态系统健康的前提条件.本文在遥感等技术的支持下,以landsatTM影像为数据源,选用归一化植被指数(NDVI)和线性光谱混合分析模型(LSMM)两种方法进行分析比较,提取吐鲁番市近20年植被覆盖度,并对该地区植被覆盖度的演变特征进行分析.结果表明:①LSMM方法能较好地提取干旱区植被信息,指标简单且分类精度较高.②NDVI方法提取植被时,受到很多限制,在干旱区不宜采用. 相似文献
A Case Study on Forewarning of Yellow Rust Affected Areas on Wheat Crop Using Satellite Data 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Sujay Dutta Suresh Kumar Singh Mukesh Khullar 《Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing》2014,42(2):335-342
Objective of this study was to identify stripe rust affected areas of wheat crop as well as evaluation of remote sensing (RS) derived indices. Moderately low temperature and high humidity favour the growth of yellow rust. Most affected areas of Punjab are the foothill districts such as Gurdaspur, Hoshiarpur and Ropar. Occurrence of yellow rust is possible when maximum temperature for day is below 15 °C and Temperature difference of day’s maximum and minimum temperature is less than 5 °C during the early growth of wheat. Forecast of the infestation was done using 3 days forecast of weather data obtained from Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model at 5 km resolution. Weather forecast used was obtained from Meteorological and Oceanographic Satellite Data Archival System (MOSDAC) site and post infestation, identification of specific locations were done using multi-date IRS AWiFS data. It is an attempt for early detection through 3 days advance forewarning of weather which will be handy tool for planners to expedite relief measures in case of epidemic with a more focused zones of infestation as well as for crop insurers to know the location and extent of damage affected areas. 相似文献
以陕甘宁地区为研究区、2001—2015年的MODIS遥感影像为数据源,基于MODIS像元的植被丰度提出了累积曲线梯度变化法,通过提取沙漠化界线确定了用植被丰度表达的界线指标,讨论了陕甘宁地区的沙漠化变化。结果表明:(1)基于数学统计分析方法的累积曲线梯度变化法,方法简单、可操作性强,为沙漠化的定量分析与动态监测提供了新方法;(2)以植被丰度15%为指标作为陕甘宁地区的沙漠化界线,发现在这15年间,陕甘宁地区的沙漠化呈现在波动中不断改善的总体趋势。 相似文献
Polygon-to-Polygon Spatial Accessibility Using Different Aggregation Approaches: A Case Study of National Forests in the US Mountain West Region 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Thomas W. Crawford 《Transactions in GIS》2006,10(1):121-140
Spatial accessibility is an enduring topic of spatial analysis that is intimately tied to issues of spatial representation and scale. A variety of methods to measure accessibility have been developed with most research focusing on metropolitan‐sized spatial extents using census‐defined aggregation units and relying on vector point representation to calculate Euclidean or network distances as key ingredients in measure formulations. Less research considers broader scales where both origin and destination points are treated as polygons. This research develops alternative gravity‐based measures of polygon‐to‐polygon accessibility for a case study of county‐level accessibility to national forests in the western US. Different methods of county and forest representation are implemented using census block centroids and a lattice approach for disaggregation and re‐aggregation. Other characteristics that are analyzed include origin‐destination linkage definitions, population weighting, and distance thresholds. Correlation analysis is used to assess relationships of alternative measures with a simple percentage measure and with each other. Low correlations would suggest that measures capture different aspects of accessibility that are related to their qualitative characteristics. Results show the alternative measures to be dissimilar from the percentage measure; however, high correlations among alternative measures suggest that there is little to differentiate certain disaggregated measures in spite of their richer qualitative interpretation. 相似文献
《Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, IEEE》2009,6(4):649-652
Sujay Dutta Suresh K. Singh Sushma Panigrahy 《Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing》2014,42(2):353-361
Remote sensing technology becomes an effective and inexpensive technique for detecting disease in vegetation. In this study, an attempt has been done to discriminate healthy and late blight affected crop using remote sensing based indices such as NDVI and LSWI. NDVI and LSWI spectral profiles between healthy and late blight affected crop shows large difference. Mean difference in reflectance between two acquired dates Jan. 10 and 29, 2009 crop clusters varied from 31.28 % in red band, 7.7 % in NIR band and 6.23 % in SWIR bands in healthy crops while in late blight affected crops it is ?15.5 % in red, 44.4 % in NIR and ?14.61 % in SWIR bands. Negative percentage differences in reflectance indicate reflectance increases from Jan. 10, 2009 to Jan. 29, 2009, while positive difference indicate decrease in reflectance between the two dates. Since potato is an irrigated crop, these differences in reflectance are attributed to prevalent disease at that time. It is found that severely affected areas are Bardhman, Arambag, Bishnupur, Ghatal and Hugli taluka with crop damage areas are 4036.66, 1138.68, 2025.23, 469.15, and 380.08 ha, respectively. 相似文献
西部测图项目制图数据的设计与实现 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
地形地物测绘与地图制印是国家西部1:50000地形图空白区测图工程单项工程之一。GEOWAY 系统允许各种数据的再加工,支持图形符号化和属性文字图形化,满足制图的要求。Illustrator 软件可以非常方便而又精确地编辑任何线条、图形或文字,具有丰富的图形数据接口,可生成印刷工业标准的图形文件的 PS 或 EPS 格式,方便地实现地图的设计、编辑和分色、制版。详细介绍了利用 GEOWAY 软件和 Illustrator 软件进行西部测图项目制图数据生产的技术要点。 相似文献
珞珈一号夜间灯光影像在建设用地提取中的应用:以武汉市为例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
城市建设用地能够反映城市建设发展在地域空间上的分布形态,是规划主管部门监测城市建设和扩张的关键指标.2018-06-02发射的珞珈一号卫星可提供130 m分辨率的夜间灯光数据,在城市建设用地的提取方面具有较大潜力.首先整合珞珈一号夜间灯光影像与Landsat 8多光谱影像以及网络地图兴趣点数据;然后分别采用人类居住合成... 相似文献
针对目前水资源问题的越发严重,雨水资源的利用受到越来越多的关注和重视。充分利用雨水资源可以补给城市水源,涵养地下水,防治雨洪灾害。平原区作为人类活动的主要区域,雨水的利用更具有研究意义。本文以崂山区的平原区为例,估算了雨水资源总量、雨水资源理论潜力和雨水资源实际潜力,然后根据实际情况对雨水资源的利用进行了研究分析。 相似文献
The influence of morphophysiological variation at different growth stages on the performance of vegetation indices for estimating plant N status has been confirmed. However, the underlying mechanisms explaining how this variation impacts hyperspectral measures and canopy N status are poorly understood. In this study, four field experiments involving different N rates were conducted to optimize the selection of sensitive bands and evaluate their performance for modeling canopy N status of rice at various growth stages in 2007 and 2008. The results indicate that growth stages negatively affect hyperspectral indices in different ways in modeling leaf N concentration (LNC), plant N concentration (PNC) and plant N uptake (PNU). Published hyperspectral indices showed serious limitations in estimating LNC, PNC and PNU. The newly proposed best 2-band indices significantly improved the accuracy for modeling PNU (R2 = 0.75–0.85) by using the lambda by lambda band-optimized algorithm. However, the newly proposed 2-band indices still have limitations in modeling LNC and PNC because the use of only 2-band indices is not fully adequate to provide the maximum N-related information. The optimum multiple narrow band reflectance (OMNBR) models significantly increase the accuracy for estimating the LNC (R2 = 0.67–0.71) and PNC (R2 = 0.57–0.78) with six bands. Results suggest the combinations of center of red-edge (735 nm) with longer red-edge bands (730–760 nm) are very efficient for estimating PNC after heading, whereas the combinations of blue with green bands are more efficient for modeling PNC across all stages. The center of red-edge (730–735 nm) paired with early NIR bands (775–808 nm) are predominant in estimating PNU before heading, whereas the longer red-edge (750 nm) paired with the center of “NIR shoulder” (840–850 nm) are dominant in estimating PNU after heading and across all stages. The OMNBR models have the advantage of modeling canopy N status for the entire growth period. However, the best 2-band indices are much easier to use. Alternatively, it is also possible to use the best 2-band indices to monitor PNU before heading and PNC after heading. This study systematically explains the influences of N dilution effect on hyperspectral band combinations in relating to the different N variables and further recommends the best band combinations which may provide an insight for developing new hyperspectral vegetation indices. 相似文献
GIS和RS技术在湿地资源研究中的应用——以大庆市湿地为例 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
以大庆市湿地为研究对象,以地理信息系统和遥感技术为技术平台,介绍了湿地环境因子研究工作程序及湿地现状类型分布研究,分析了地理信息系统和遥感技术在湿地资源研究中的地位和作用,从而为GIS与RS技术在湿地资源应用研究中提供理论支持。 相似文献