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文章系统基于地理信息技术支持,采用Arc Gis地图引擎、VS2010、SQL Server2008软件开发,采用B/S+C/S的模式设计。集成葡萄气象指标、葡萄生产管理、气象条件分析和评价、信息化处理等现代化技术,开发乌海市葡萄特色气象服务系统软件。以葡萄气象指标为基础,深入调查了解葡萄生产与气象条件和气象灾害之间的关系;采用气象资料分析和评价的方法,开展当地葡萄特色产业气象信息服务;根据气象情况和葡萄实际生长发育信息,分析葡萄生长发育周期与气象条件的匹配状况,对葡萄生长发育将造成的影响或危害,给出相对应的葡萄生产管理对策措施;以此对葡萄种植产业建立多层面、全方位的气象信息综合保障,为乌海市葡萄特色产业提供强有力的气象信息技术支撑,增强气象信息服务于葡萄特色产业的综合能力。  相似文献   

通过对双流彭镇羊坪葡萄现代农业园区生态条件和葡萄栽培适宜度的分析,认为产业园的生态条件有利于葡萄根、蔓、叶的生长,较不利于果实糖分和固体可溶物的积累。气象条件适宜二茬葡萄栽培,夏果以鲜食葡萄为主,冬果可生产一般酿酒葡萄。提出大力发展设施农业、观光农业、都市农业和建立农业气象灾害动态监测预警系统等建议。   相似文献   

本文从葡萄栽培的农业气象指标出发,对比分析了德清县葡萄生产的利弊气象条件,指出了葡萄生长期中易遭受的天气灾害。分析得出德清县属于葡萄生态气候条件相对较适宜区,并提出提高葡萄产量的栽培管理方法和措施,供生产部门参照。  相似文献   

新疆葡萄产品的优势及其生态气候条件评价   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
新疆生产的品质优良和用途广泛的无公害葡萄产品,是干旱荒漠区得天独厚的生态气候条件造就的结果。与国内东部葡萄产区相比,最大的优势是干热气候条件和稳定的灌溉水源;不利条件是冬季寒冷,春季灾害天气多、缺水,对葡萄生长有影响。  相似文献   

通过对乌海市40年(1961—2000年)出现的干旱、霜冻、寒潮、大风等主要气象灾害的分析,给出了确定各气象灾害的指标,并对其基本特征、时间分布特点、历史演变规律进行了统计分析,在此基础上提出了气象防灾减灾对策。  相似文献   

1引言雷电是一种重要的自然天气现象,由于其发生可以产生很强的大电流、大电压、强电磁辐射,通常给设备造成巨大的破坏和人员伤亡,特别是对乌海市的经济发展造成较大损失,因此雷电灾害及其活动规律在很大程度上可以反映出雷电天气的活动规律,研究和探讨其活动规律对乌海市的雷电安全防护将会起到重要的作用。  相似文献   

哈密种植葡萄历史悠久,长期以来,由于经济技术落后,又受气象条件的影响,葡萄生产的发展极为缓慢.1984年当地只有葡萄4500亩,其中庭院葡萄占3000余亩.自1985年以来,大田葡萄迅速发展,目前,全地区已达30000亩.1986年,我们开展了“葡萄生长发育与气象条件关系的研究”,通过三年的研究,基本搞清了哈密葡萄生长期的主要气象灾害及其对策、葡萄各个生育期的适宜气象条件以及当地葡萄鲜果的品质状况,为当地发展葡萄生产和栽培管理提供了重要依据.  相似文献   

沙漠化吞噬着绿色 ,威胁着人类 ,已成为世界公害。土地沙漠化已被列为当今世界十大环境问题之首。中国是受沙漠化危害严重的国家之一 ,内蒙古自治区沙漠化面积达 4930多万 hm2 ,居全国第 2位 ,而地处自治区西南部的乌海市也深受沙漠化之苦。土地沙漠化导致沙尘暴、干旱等自然灾害频繁发生 ,严重影响了乌海市的国民经济建设 ,并危及了乌海人民的生存环境。本文分析了乌海市土地沙漠化的成因及危害 ,并提出了相应的治理措施。1 乌海市土地沙漠化的成因及危害1 .1 乌海市土地沙漠化的成因1 .1 .1 地理位置及气候条件乌海市地处内蒙古自治区…  相似文献   

利用1990—2019年蓝田县国家气象站观测资料,结合核桃生长适宜气象指标,从气温、降水、光照等方面对蓝田县核桃种植的气象条件适宜性进行了对比分析;同时普查了蓝田核桃生长的主要气象灾害。结果表明:蓝田县气候条件适宜核桃生长,影响蓝田核桃生长的主要气象灾害是低温冻害和干旱。研究结果可为蓝田县核桃产业灾害防御、提质增效提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

采用1961—2008年陕西关中40个气象站的气象资料,运用线性趋势分析法,基于GIS技术分析了陕西关中冰雹气候变化特征及趋势,结果表明:关中北部多冰雹,南部最少;主要梯度方向呈明显的北—南走向。铜川市和渭南、咸阳北部要积极防御夏秋季的冰雹危害。夏粮、秋粮生长季冰雹灾害年出现频次总体呈下降趋势,对粮食安全的影响逐渐降低。关中中北部和西部冰雹灾害呈减少趋势,铜川等冰雹多发地区的冰雹灾害气候变化呈减少趋势,对当地秋粮作物的灾害程度相对减轻。夏粮生长季冰雹灾害的范围和强度大于秋粮生长季,要重视5月冰雹灾害的防御。  相似文献   

酿酒葡萄冻害原因的初步分析及防御对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对酿酒葡萄冻害的调查研究分析指出:初霜冻的早晚和冬季的极端低温不是造成酿酒葡萄冻害的主要原因。品种间差异和栽培管理不同也不是造成酿酒葡萄冻害的主要原因,10月份的强降温、气温明显偏低(气温≤-5.2℃)才是酿酒葡萄树体冻害的主要原因。引种抗冻能力较强酿酒葡萄品种、选择适应的生长环境和掌握适宜的埋土时间,是防御酿酒葡萄冻害防御的主要对策。  相似文献   

以中国环渤海地区葡萄主产区为研究对象,利用1980-2019年研究区域内303个气象站逐日气象资料、葡萄发育期资料和葡萄涝渍灾情资料,基于相对湿润度方法构建葡萄逐日涝渍指数M5i,以历史灾情反演和灾变过程解析为主线,采用正态分布的Lilliefors检验和t分布区间估计等方法,构建适用于中国环渤海地区葡萄主产区的葡萄涝...  相似文献   

222团发展酿酒葡萄的气候条件分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
根据葡萄的生物学特性及其对气候条件的要求,对222团的气候资源进行初步分析,结合3年葡萄生产的实际,提出本地区适宜酿酒葡萄的生长。  相似文献   

通过对无核紫葡萄温室苗的生长发育及所处小气候环境条件的要素观测,掌握了该新品种葡萄苗木在哈密目光温室中的生长发育状况及所需的适宜气象条件,获取了无核紫葡萄温室生长的气候调控技术,为苗木的大量繁育和该品种的大面积推广提供了支撑。  相似文献   

吐鲁番葡萄免土埋越冬技术试验分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以吐鲁番市葡萄乡铁提尔村和红柳河园艺场五队为试验区,在2007-2008年越冬期间,利用白绒胶粘布、黑绒胶粘布、深色再生绒毡、黑色PVC保鲜膜作为覆盖材料,开展葡萄免土埋越冬气象条件研究。结果表明,免土埋覆盖能较好起到保温保湿作用,基本能满足葡萄安全越冬需要。  相似文献   

美国红地球葡萄(RedGlobe),是我国近几年引进的葡萄新品种,其对气象条件的要求较高。本文分别通过温度、湿度、光照等几个方面分析了红地球葡萄生长的适宜气象条件,以便于今后在葡萄的生产过程中趋利避害。  相似文献   

The growth and development of crops is commonly regarded as a function of time alone. However, this approach can be inadequate due to temperatures which vary from year to year caused by global climate change. This prompted the development of the growing degree day concept, which incorporates information on both the passage of time and the temperature experienced by the crop plant during that time. Crop water requirements, which are estimated by multiplying reference evapotranspiration values by a crop-specific coefficient, play a crucial role in the management of hydrologic cycles on arable land. Consequently, it would be useful to identify the relationships between cumulative growing degree days and reference evapotranspiration, in order to develop new methods for predicting crop growth and development periods and calculating reference evapotranspiration. This paper describes annual trends in cumulative growing degree days values and their impact on grape growth. Three different methods for calculating cumulative growing degree days values were evaluated as well. Several key findings were achieved. First, for the period between 1952 and 1995, the cumulative growing degree days values for specific days of the year were normally distributed. Second, the relationship between the relative cumulative growing degree days value and the passage of time can be accurately described by using a cubic polynomial function. Third, the day-to-day change in the average relative cumulative reference evapotranspiration can be described using an exponential function of time, which can be used to calculate the relative cumulative reference evapotranspiration value for any given day of the year. Fourth, there was a significant correlation between the relative cumulative growing degree days and cumulative reference evapotranspiration values during the period between grape budding and maturity, which can be described using a cubic polynomial function. Finally, a new method for determining the ET0 value for any given day of the year was developed; this method requires only a knowledge of the CGDD-at-year-end and no sophisticated meteorological data.  相似文献   

ARPEGE general circulation model simulations were dynamically downscaled by The Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) for the study of climate change and its impact on grapevine growth in Burgundy region in France by the mid twenty-first century. Two time periods were selected: 1970–1979 and 2031–2040. The WRF model driven by ERA-INTERIM reanalysis data was validated against in situ surface temperature observations. The daily maximum and minimum surface temperature (Tmax and Tmin) were simulated by the WRF model at 8?×?8?km horizontal resolution. The averaged daily Tmax for each month during 1970–1979 have good agreement with observations, the averaged daily Tmin have a warm bias about 1–2?K. The daily Tmax and Tmin for each month (domain averaged) during 2031–2040 show a general increase. The largest increment (~3?K) was found in summer. The smallest increments (<1?K) were found in spring and fall. The spatial distribution of temperature increment shows a strong meridional gradient, high in south in summer, reversing in winter. The resulting potential warming rate in summer is equivalent to 4.7?K/century under the IPCC A2 emission scenario. The dynamically downscaled Tmax and Tmin were used to simulate the grape (Pinot noir grape variety) flowering and véraison dates. For 2031–2040, the projected dates are 8 and 12?days earlier than those during 1970–1979, respectively. The simulated hot days increase more than 50% in the two principal grapevine regions. They show strong impact on Pinot noir development.  相似文献   

Changes in maximum spring and summer temperature are expected to have impacts on plant phenology and the occurrence of forest fires. Homogenised instrumental records of maximum spring and summer temperature are available in northern France for the past century, as well as documentary records of grape harvest dates and forest fire frequencies. Here we provide a new proxy of seasonal climate obtained by the analysis of latewood tree ring cellulose isotopic composition (δ18O, δ13C and δD), from 15 living oak trees (Quercus petraea) sampled in the Fontainebleau forest, near Paris. For the past 30 years, we have conducted a study on the inter-tree (for oxygen isotopes) and inter-station (for oxygen and hydrogen) isotopic variability. Multiple linear regression statistical analyses are used to assess the response function of documentary and tree-ring isotopic records to a variety of climatic and hydrological parameters. This calibration study highlights the correlation between latewood tree-ring δ18O and δ13C, grape harvest dates and numbers of forest fire starts with maximum growing season (April to September) temperature, showing the potential of multiple proxy reconstructions to assess the past fluctuations of this parameter prior to the instrumental period.  相似文献   

As global warming is scientifically and widely accepted, its impacts at regional scales are raising many questions for wine producers. In particular, climate parameters, especially temperature, play a decisive role in vine growth and grape ripening. An overview of expected climate change in terms of bioclimatic indexes (Winkler and Huglin) and thermal extremes in the wine-producing region of Champagne is presented. A variable-grid atmospheric general circulation model, ARPEGE-Climate, with a local zoom at 50 km over the area of interest, is used to investigate potential future changes in thermal extremes and bioclimatic indexes. Changes in daily maximum and minimum temperatures at key stages are discussed for three emission scenarios (B1, A1B, A2) that are currently used in studies of impacts of climate change. Model outputs are analyzed and critically assessed for a control period (1971–2000) and for changes in extreme events in relation to future scenarios, such as a decrease in extreme low temperatures in spring (April) during bud break and an increase in extreme high temperatures in summer, associated with more frequent heat waves during ripening.  相似文献   

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