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特大城市群地区是国家经济发展的战略核心区和国家新型城镇化的主体区,担当着世界经济重心转移承载地的历史重任,但在发展过程中面临着日益严重的资源与生态环境的胁迫压力。开展特大城市群地区城镇化与生态环境交互耦合效应的研究,是未来10 年地球系统科学研究的前沿领域和高优先研究主题。本文系统解析了特大城市群地区城镇化与生态环境交互耦合效应的基本理论框架。首先从理论上分析了特大城市群系统各自然要素和人文要素交互作用的非线性耦合关系及耦合特征,科学辨识近远程主控要素作用下城市群系统内外部各要素相互作用的胁迫强度、近远程耦合机理与规律,总结特大城市群地区城镇化与生态环境交互耦合圈理论,进一步构建多要素—多尺度—多情景—多模块—多智能体集成的时空耦合动力学模型,研发特大城市群地区可持续发展优化智能调控决策支持系统;其次从方法上将特大城市群地区视为一个开放的复杂巨系统,在建立同一标准化共享数据库的基础上,采用多要素—多目标—多模型—多情景环境下的城镇化与生态环境交互耦合集成技术方法、大数据支持下的城镇化与生态环境交互耦合技术方法,构建多尺度—多技术—多智能体集成的城镇化与生态环境交互耦合技术框架,按照分析时空演变特征—寻求主控要素—辨识耦合关系—揭示胁迫机制—发现耦合规律—筛选调控变量—求解临界阈值—进行调控试验—完成情景模拟—提出优化方案—完成情景模拟—提出优化方案—实现国家目标这样一条技术路径,提出解 决问题的整体优化方案。本文旨在为特大城市群地区由问题集中区转为可持续发展区提供理论指导和方法支撑。  相似文献   

干旱区城市化与生态环境交互胁迫过程研究进展及展望   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:16  
城市化进程与生态环境之间客观上存在着种种矛盾与胁迫作用,在干旱区表现的尤为突出。本文系统总结了当前国内外关于干旱区城市化与生态环境交互胁迫过程研究在理论、观点、方法与实践等方面取得的最新进展,提出了干旱区城市化与生态环境在交互胁迫中相互促进的观点,指出了当前该领域研究的薄弱环节,并展望了未来主要的研究方向。研究认为,国际学者普遍关注城市化与生态环境交互作用关系的研究,涌现了一系列研究城市化与生态环境关系的理论;非常重视城市化与生态环境交互作用机理的研究,主要从城市人口集聚、经济增长、空间扩展等层面分析城市化对生态环境的胁迫作用;从生态条件、资源条件、环境污染等层面探讨生态环境对城市化的束缚作用;广泛采用“3S”技术和定量分析方法来评价城市化与生态环境的交互响应过程;逐步加强对干旱区城市化与生态环境可持续发展途径的研究。国内学者主要对干旱区水资源紧张及生态恶化原因,城市化与生态环境交互胁迫机理,城市化与生态环境之间的EKC模型、双指数模型和耦合度模型等定量分析手段,城市化发展模式等进行了研究。当前单独研究城市化或生态环境的较多,将二者结合起来的较少;实证研究较多,规律总结较少;定性分析较多,定量研究较少;胁迫效应研究较多,约束效应研究较少,至今尚未形成独立的理论体系。从发展趋势来看,多学科融合、与实践紧密结合、新技术方法的应用与动态模拟化将是今后国内外研究的主要发展方向。  相似文献   

中原城市群城市承载力评价研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
快速城镇化背景下,城市发展与资源环境的矛盾日益突出.选取中原城市群中土地、水资源、交通和环境要素承栽力指标,建立城市综合承载力评价指标体系.通过综合评价与比较分析,得出如下结论:水资源承载力对中原城市群的发展影响最大,而且是城市群发展中的短板要素;城市群供给指数低于需求指数;中原城市群城市综合承载力在五大城市群中处于中等水平;郑州和洛阳引领城市群发展的能力有限.针对上述问题,从城市发展速度、模式以及居民行为方式等方面提出提高承载力的政策建议.  相似文献   

长三角城市群城镇化与生态环境质量优化研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
以2003—2016年的长三角城市群26个城市为研究对象,分析长三角城镇化和生态环境的时空变化特征,运用STIRPAT模型探讨城镇化对生态环境影响。结果表明:① 2003—2016年,长三角城镇化与生态环境质量均有提升,且城镇化水平的地区差异大于生态环境质量。长三角形成以上海、南京和杭州为中心的城镇化水平高值集聚,生态环境质量整体提升明显且空间差异小。② 长三角城镇化明显改善本城市生态环境质量,对相邻城市的生态环境质量有一定的负面影响。对本城市而言,多维的城镇化从人口、经济、土地、社会层面疏解生态环境压力,加强生态环境治理,优化提升生态环境质量。以人口集聚和结构优化为特征的人口城镇化,促进消耗集中、排放集中,提升了资源使用效率和污染治理效率。以产业集聚和经济发展为特征的经济城镇化,通过产业集中布局和创造经济效益,在资源配置和污染治理上发挥集聚效应,并为生态环境改善提供资金支持。对相邻城市而言,城市的城镇化“虹吸效应”大于“扩散效应”,城市的产业转型和环境规制会使污染向相邻城市转移,从而对相邻城市生态环境质量有一定的负面影响。  相似文献   

中国城市化过程及其资源与生态环境效应机制   总被引:15,自引:6,他引:9  
目前中国城市化进程表现为速度过快、地域差异显著以及城乡二元结构明显等特征.城市化带来了显著的生态效应,使城市生态系统的结构、过程和功能受到影响或发生不可逆转的变化,出现了耕地资源流失、水资源稀缺、能源压力、城市环境污染严重以及城市区域生态占用扩大等资源与生态环境问题.目前国内外学者研究了城市热岛效应、城市地表覆被变化、城市生物多样性损失以及城市水土资源等问题,但多侧重单要素、单城市、单学科研究,缺乏多尺度机理性的研究.鉴于此,提出若干未来城市化及其生态环境效应研究的方向与议题,归纳为:(1)中国城市化过程多尺度定量模拟与监测研究;(2)阐明城市化影响下地表自然过程和人文过程相互作用的机理;(3)资源与生态环境约束下中国未来城市化的可能情景及其风险评估等.  相似文献   

高铁网络对城市群空间结构造成了复杂的影响。一方面,高铁的开通带来的时空压缩效应降低了区域要素流动的成本,带来区域整体经济效率的提高;另一方面,高铁的网络效应会强化中心城镇的区位优势,形成对周边中小城市的“虹吸效应”,扩大城镇发展的不均衡。传统基于地点可达性测度的“土地利用-交通交互作用”理论难以解释高铁网络对城市群空间结构的复杂网络效应。本文从要素流动的视角,基于“转移型”(具备时空排他性,例如资本与劳动力)与“共享型”(无时空排他性,例如信息与技术)两类要素流,解析“高铁网络–要素转移与共享–城市群空间结构”级联作用路径;以武汉城市群为研究案例区,利用互联网位置服务平台提供的人口迁徙等大数据资源识别并测度城镇间要素转移与共享空间特征,综合应用空间交互模型、空间面板回归等方法实证高铁网络对要素转移与共享,以及对城市群空间结构的影响。研究结果表明,高速铁路的发展对武汉城市群经济发展具有异质性影响,高铁的发展促进了劳动力从周边中小城镇向中心城市转移,从而对武汉市经济具有明显的极化作用,对武汉周边城市的经济发展造成了挑战;同时,高铁也促进了信息与技术从中心城市向周边扩散,给地区经济转型带来了...  相似文献   

中国土地利用变化生态环境效应的空间分异性与形成机理   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
陈万旭  李江风  曾杰  冉端  杨斌 《地理研究》2019,38(9):2173-2187
中国复杂的自然要素、社会经济要素、区域发展战略和政策调控形成了当前中国不均衡的经济发展空间格局、土地利用空间格局和生态环境质量空间格局。厘清中国生态环境质量的空间格局及形成机理对中国土地资源的可持续利用和生态环境的有效保护具有重要的实践意义和价值。以往研究缺乏对中国县域尺度土地利用/土地覆被变化生态环境效应的空间分异性及形成机理的相关研究,本研究基于1995—2015年间中国土地利用现状遥感监测数据,尝试采用生态环境质量指数方法测度中国土地利用变化的生态环境效应,并且综合运用重心分析、热点分析工具(Getis-Ord Gi*)和地理探测器等研究方法,分析1995—2015年中国生态环境质量时空演变特征及形成机理。研究结果如下:① 东部季风区生态环境质量指数高于青藏高寒区和西北干旱区,东部季风区生态环境质量低值区主要分布在人口和经济集聚的城市群以及省会城市周边地区。研究期间中国生态环境质量重心持续向西北方向迁移;② 1995—2015年间中国生态环境质量变化的热点区域主要分布在西藏地区、新疆、重庆、贵州以及位于黄土高原的省份(青海、甘肃、宁夏、内蒙古、山西、陕西以及河南)境内,冷点区域主要分布在长江经济带沿线地区省份以及东南部沿海地区省份;③ 土地利用程度对于生态环境质量影响力显著强于其他因子,东部季风区的社会经济和交通区位因子对生态环境质量影响力强于青藏高寒区、西北干旱区和生态大区过渡带;④ 影响因子之间相互作用主要包括非线性增强作用和双因子增强作用两种类型,以非线性增强作用为主。  相似文献   

论文以“长江三角洲城市经济协调会”内16个核心成员城市作为典型案例,构建城市土地利用与生态环境效应评价指标体系,运用灰色关联评价模型探究2000—2015年间城市土地利用与生态环境效应的时空演变规律与耦合度变化,解析系统间交互作用机制。结果表明:① 长三角地区城市土地利用指数不断增加,社会经济发展与土地利用开发均起到正向促进作用。社会经济发展对城市生产、生活空间和环境质量产生更多需求,建设用地扩张、耕地面积被侵占、人口承载增大也是导致城市土地利用指数上升的重要因素。② 区域生态环境质量整体表现平稳,效应映射到空间上,变化幅度与演变特征明显。浙江省的城市生态环境质量高于上海与江苏的城市,这与环境自净能力、污染处理设施建设以及生态保护理念的宣传等因素相关。③ 城市土地利用与生态环境效应耦合度较低的城市占多数,处于失调状态。城镇化进程中用地扩张呈现低密度、分散化倾向,对生态安全和环境质量扰动强烈,导致城市土地利用与生态环境保护的空间偏离度加大。④ 城市土地利用系统与生态环境系统各要素间存在较强的相互作用关系,要素胁迫与约束作用强度大小差异明显。  相似文献   

中国城市群研究取得的重要进展与未来发展方向   总被引:27,自引:8,他引:19  
方创琳 《地理学报》2014,69(8):1130-1144
中国的城市群是近30年来伴随国家新型工业化和新型城镇化发展到较高阶段的必然产物,自21世纪初期城市群成为国家参与全球竞争与国际分工的全新地域单元之后,中国连续10年把城市群提升为推进国家新型城镇化的空间主体,首次召开的中央城镇化工作会议和《国家新型城镇化规划 (2014-2020年)》进一步明确了城市群作为推进国家新型城镇化的主体地位。然而,城市群在中国的研究目前尚处在亟待加强的薄弱环节。系统总结从1934-2013年的80年间发表在地理学报的城市群主题论文,只有不到19篇,仅占总篇数的0.55%,不仅发表篇数少,而且发表时间短,首次发表城市群研究成果不到10年,研究单位和作者群体集中,研究内容瞄准国家需求但比较发散。即便如此,仅有的城市群研究成果还是对国家城市群总体格局的形成起到了引领作用,做出了重要贡献。具体体现在,提出的城市群空间格局推动国家形成了中国城市群空间结构的基本框架,引导国家新型城镇化规划把城市群作为推进新型城镇化的主体形态,提出的城市群空间范围识别标准与技术流程对界定国家城市群范围起到了重要作用,提出的城市群系列研究领域带动城市群的研究向着纵深与实用方向拓展,提出的中国城市群形成发育中存在的问题对未来城市群的选择与发展起到了警示作用。以这些研究进展和成果为基础,未来中国城市群选择与培育的重点方向为:以问题为导向,深刻反思检讨中国城市群选择与发育中暴露出的新问题;以城市群为主体,重点推动形成“5+9+6”的中国城市群空间结构新格局;以城市群为依托,重点推动形成“以轴串群、以群托轴”的国家城镇化新格局;以国家战略需求为导向,继续深化对城市群形成发育中重大科学问题的新认知,包括深入研究城市群高密度集聚的资源环境效应,科学求解城市群高密度集聚的资源环境承载力,创新城市群形成发育的管理体制和政府协调机制,研究建立城市群公共财政制度与公共财政储备机制,研究制定城市群规划编制技术规程与城市群空间范围界定标准等。  相似文献   

我国城市群整合发展的基础与实践   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
目前, 我国许多城市群还没有形成以城市集群为支撑的有整体竞争实力的地域实体, 区 域协调机制还没有从根本上建立起来。为了解决这个严重制约城市群发展的问题, 必须走整合发 展的道路, 整合发展是城市群战略的重大课题。城市群的整合发展要树立正确的科学理念, 充分 吸取国内外相关研究的宝贵启示。整合发展的理论基础分核心理论和基本理论, 前者有竞争优 势、空间相互作用、空间发展和区域协调理论等, 后者有系统、现代经济增长、可持续发展和区域 创新理论等。城市群的存在、城市群的要素和城市群地区的城镇化是整合发展的现实基础, 涉及 城市群存在状态的演进及其广域存在价值, 资源秉赋、整体实力、产业结构、交通通信和核心城 市, 城镇化的综合水平和面临的主要问题等。城市群整合发展的实践包含6 个方面的内容: 城市 竞争力整合、城市体系整合、产业整合、空间整合、城乡生态环境整合和发展的支撑平台整合。  相似文献   

Mega-urban agglomerations are strategic core areas for national economic development and the main regions of new urbanization. They also have important roles in shifting the global economic center of gravity to China. However, the development of mega-urban agglomerations has triggered the interactive coercion between resources and the eco-environment. The interactive coupled effects between urbanization and the eco-environment in mega-urban agglomerations represent frontier and high-priority research topics in the field of Earth system science over the next decade. In this paper, we carried out systematic theoretical analysis of the interactive coupling mechanisms and coercing effects between urbanization and the eco-environment in mega-urban agglomerations. In detail, we analyzed the nonlinear-coupled relationships and the coupling characteristics between natural and human elements in mega-urban agglomerations. We also investigated the interactive coercion intensities between internal and external elements, and the mechanisms and patterns of local couplings and telecouplings in mega-urban agglomeration systems, which are affected by key internal and external control elements. In addition, we proposed the interactive coupling theory on urbanization and the eco-environment in mega-urban agglomerations. Furthermore, we established a spatiotemporal dynamic coupling model with multi-element, multi-scale, multi-scenario, multi-module and multi-agent integrations, which can be used to develop an intelligent decision support system for sustainable development of mega-urban agglomerations. In general, our research may provide theoretical guidance and method support to solve problems related to mega-urban agglomerations and maintain their sustainable development.  相似文献   

Mega-urban agglomerations are strategic core areas for national economic development and the main regions of new urbanization. They also have important roles in shifting the global economic center of gravity to China. However, the development of mega-urban agglomerations has triggered the interactive coercion between resources and the eco-environment. The interactive coupled effects between urbanization and the eco-environment in mega-urban agglomerations represent frontier and high-priority research topics in the field of Earth system science over the next decade. In this paper, we carried out systematic theoretical analysis of the interactive coupling mechanisms and coercing effects between urbanization and the eco-environment in mega-urban agglomerations. In detail, we analyzed the nonlinear-coupled relationships and the coupling characteristics between natural and human elements in mega-urban agglomerations. We also investigated the interactive coercion intensities between internal and external elements, and the mechanisms and patterns of local couplings and telecouplings in mega-urban agglomeration systems, which are affected by key internal and external control elements. In addition, we proposed the interactive coupling theory on urbanization and the eco-environment in mega-urban agglomerations. Furthermore, we established a spatiotemporal dynamic coupling model with multi-element, multi-scale, multi-scenario, multi-module and multi-agent integrations, which can be used to develop an intelligent decision support system for sustainable development of mega-urban agglomerations. In general, our research may provide theoretical guidance and method support to solve problems related to mega-urban agglomerations and maintain their sustainable development.  相似文献   

Global urbanization is exerting severe stress and having far-reaching impacts on the eco-environment, and yet there exists a complex non-linear coupling relationship between the two. Research on the interactive coupling effect between urbanization and the eco-environment will be a popular area of study and frontier in international earth system science and sustainability science in the next 10 years, while also being a high-priority research topic of particular interest to international organizations. This paper systematically collates and summarizes the international progress made in research on interactive coupling theory, coupling relationships, coupling mechanisms, coupling laws, coupling thresholds, coupling models and coupling optimization decision support systems. The research shows that urbanization and eco-environment interactive coupling theories include the Kuznets curve theory, telecoupling theory, planetary boundaries theory, footprint family theory and urban metabolism theory; most research on interactive coupling relationships is concerned with single- element coupling relationships, such as those between urbanization and water, land, atmosphere, climate change, ecosystems and biodiversity; the majority of research on interactive coupling mechanisms and laws focuses on five research paradigms, including coupled human and nature systems, complex social-ecological systems, urban ecosystems, social-economic-natural complex ecosystems, and urbanization development and eco-environment constraint ring; the majority of interactive coupling simulations use STIRPAT models, coupling degree models, multi-agent system models and big data urban computer models; and research has been carried out on urbanization and eco-environment coupling thresholds, coercing risk and optimal decision support systems. An objective evaluation of progress in international research on interactive coupling between urbanization and the eco-environment suggests that there are six main research focal points and six areas lacking research: a lot of research exists on macroscopic coupling effects, with little research on urban agglomeration and scale coupling effects; considerable research exists on single-dimension coupling effects, with little on multiple-dimension coupling effects; a great deal exists on “one-to-one” dual- element coupling effects, with little on “many-to-many” multiple-element coupling effects; a lot exists on positive feedback coupling effects, and little on negative feedback coupling effects; a great deal exists on empirical coupling effects, and little on theoretical coupling effects; a great deal exists on the use of simple quantitative methods, and little on using integrated simulation methods. Future studies should focus on coupling effects between urbanization in urban agglomerations and the eco-environment, spatial scale coupling effects, multi-dimensional coupling effects, telecoupling effects, “one-to-many” and “many-to-many” element coupling effects, and positive and negative feedback coupling effects. There is also a need to strengthen the development and application of dynamic models for multi-element, -scale, -scenario, -module and -agent integrated spatiotemporal coupling systems and further improve theoretical innovations in coupling effect research and integrate and form complete and diverse coupling theoretical systems.  相似文献   

Global urbanization is exerting severe stress and having far-reaching impacts on the eco-environment, and yet there exists a complex non-linear coupling relationship between the two. Research on the interactive coupling effect between urbanization and the eco-environment will be a popular area of study and frontier in international earth system science and sustainability science in the next 10 years, while also being a high-priority research topic of particular interest to international organizations. This paper systematically collates and summarizes the international progress made in research on interactive coupling theory, coupling relationships, coupling mechanisms, coupling laws, coupling thresholds, coupling models and coupling optimization decision support systems. The research shows that urbanization and eco-environment interactive coupling theories include the Kuznets curve theory, telecoupling theory, planetary boundaries theory, footprint family theory and urban metabolism theory; most research on interactive coupling relationships is concerned with single- element coupling relationships, such as those between urbanization and water, land, atmosphere, climate change, ecosystems and biodiversity; the majority of research on interactive coupling mechanisms and laws focuses on five research paradigms, including coupled human and nature systems, complex social-ecological systems, urban ecosystems, social-economic-natural complex ecosystems, and urbanization development and eco-environment constraint ring; the majority of interactive coupling simulations use STIRPAT models, coupling degree models, multi-agent system models and big data urban computer models; and research has been carried out on urbanization and eco-environment coupling thresholds, coercing risk and optimal decision support systems. An objective evaluation of progress in international research on interactive coupling between urbanization and the eco-environment suggests that there are six main research focal points and six areas lacking research: a lot of research exists on macroscopic coupling effects, with little research on urban agglomeration and scale coupling effects; considerable research exists on sin-gle-dimension coupling effects, with little on multiple-dimension coupling effects; a great deal exists on "one-to-one" dual- element coupling effects, with little on "many-to-many" multiple-element coupling effects; a lot exists on positive feedback coupling effects, and little on negative feedback coupling effects; a great deal exists on empirical coupling effects, and little on theoretical coupling effects; a great deal exists on the use of simple quantitative methods, and little on using integrated simulation methods. Future studies should focus on coupling effects between urbanization in urban agglomerations and the eco-environment, spatial scale coupling effects, multi-dimensional coupling effects, telecoupling effects, "one-to-many" and "many-to-many" element coupling effects, and positive and negative feedback coupling effects. There is also a need to strengthen the development and application of dynamic models for multi-element,-scale,-scenario,-module and-agent integrated spatiotemporal coupling systems and further improve theoretical innovations in coupling effect research and integrate and form complete and diverse coupling theoretical systems.  相似文献   

Urban agglomerations are an inevitable outcome of China’s new national industrialization and urbanization reaching relatively advanced stages of development over the past 30 years. In the early 2000s, urban agglomerations became new geographical units for participating in global competition and the international division of labor, and China has spent the past decade promoting them as the main spaces for pushing forward its new form of urbanization. The convening of the first Central Work Conference on Urbanization and the National New-type Urbanization Plan (2014-2020) further defined the status of urban agglomerations as the main players in promoting China’s new type of national urbanization. Nevertheless, urban agglomerations remain a weak link in Chinese academia and are in urgent need of study. Only 19 articles on the theme of urban agglomerations were published in the journal Acta Geographica Sinica between 1934 and 2013, accounting for only 0.55% of all articles written during that period. Not only are there very few, they have also all been published within a relatively short period of time, with the first having been published only 10 years ago. The studies are also concentrated among only a few authors and institutions, and research is aimed at national requirements but is rather divergent. Even so, some studies on urban agglomerations have played a leading role and made important contributions to dictating the overall formation of urban agglomerations nationwide. Specifically, a proposed spatial pattern for urban agglomerations formed the basic framework for the spatial structure of China’s urban agglomerations and guided the government to make urban agglomerations the main urban pattern when promoting the new type of urbanization; proposed standards and technologies for identifying the spatial dimensions of urban agglomerations played an important role in defining the scope of national urban agglomerations; a series of studies in the area of urban agglomerations spurred more in-depth and practical studies in the field; and studies on issues related to the formation and growth of urban agglomerations provided warnings on the future selection and development of urban agglomerations. Taking the progress and results of these studies as a foundation, the foci of selecting and developing urban agglomerations in China are as follows: to be problem-oriented and profoundly reflect on and review new problems exposed in the selection and development of urban agglomerations; to concentrate on urban agglomerations and lay importance on the formation of a new “5+9+6” spatial structure for China’s urban agglomerations; to rely on urban agglomerations and promote the formation of a new pattern of national urbanization along the main axes highlighted by urban agglomerations; to be guided by national strategic demand and continue to deepen understanding of major scientific issues in the course of the formation and development of urban agglomerations, including studying the resource and environmental effects of high-density urban agglomerations, scientifically examining resource and environmental carrying capacities of high-density urban agglomerations, creating new management systems and government coordination mechanisms for the formation and development of urban agglomerations, studying the establishment of public finance systems and public finance reserve mechanisms for urban agglomerations, and studying and formulating technical specifications for urban agglomeration planning and standards for delineating urban agglomeration boundaries.  相似文献   

宁越敏 《地理科学》2011,31(3):257-263
大城市群正在成为城市化空间组织的主要形态,构成国家经济发展的重心。改革开放以来,中国重新纳入到世界经济体系之中,工业化与城市化加速发展推动了城市群规模壮大与能级提升。本文首先采用"五普"资料对大都市区进行界定,以大都市区为基本组成单元界定中国的大城市群,分析了中国13个大城市群的空间分布特征及在区域经济发展中的引领作用。  相似文献   

中国城市土地城市化水平与进程的空间评价   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
王洋  王少剑  秦静 《地理研究》2014,33(12):2228-2238
土地城市化在中国快速而持续的城市化进程中扮演的支撑与制约角色越来越明显,但目前对土地城市化水平的测度框架依然没有明确统一的认识。基于此,提出了一种可供参考的土地城市化率的概念与测度方法,并确定其阈值。以中国656个城市的城区为研究单元,以2000年和2010年城市建设用地面积为基本数据,采用城市建设用地面积、土地城市化率、城市土地扩展面积和城市土地扩展速度分别评价了中国城市的土地城市化规模、水平、绝对进程和相对进程的空间分异格局。并分析了九大类城市建设用地类型对土地城市化进程的贡献率。结果表明:① 近10年来,中国城市总体土地城市化率提高近一倍,由“金字塔式”等级分布逐渐转为“钥匙式”的分布格局;东部地区城市建设用地规模较大,但城区面积更大,使其土地城市化率的数值较低。② 省会城市和沿海城市群的城市土地扩展面积最大,呈现出行政等级式分异和空间集聚式分异的空间格局;城市土地扩展速度呈现出沿海城市群与其他城市分异的空间格局。规模越大的城市,土地城市化进程越明显。③ 近10年来中国土地城市化进程的两大核心用地增长类型是居住用地和工业用地;规模越大的城市,工业用地增长的驱动作用越显著;中西部地区和中小规模城市以居住用地增长为核心,沿海城市群和重要交通轴线城市以工业用地增长为主。  相似文献   

研究城市功能用地演替可以揭示出新时期中国城市功能空间演化的特征、趋势与形成机制,为城市管理提供理论依据。本文以张掖中心城区为研究范围,运用GIS工具及方法,定量分析了张掖市1981年以来居住用地、工业用地、公共服务用地三大功能用地的空间演变特征及其动因,进而绿洲城市空间的可持续发展提供指导。研究发现:张掖城市居住用地和公共服务用地呈逐步增加趋势,空间上呈“内聚→外散”的演变趋势,两者均由老城区向四周扩散,而工业用地先增加后减少,空间上呈“混杂→集中”的转变特征,整体上集中于东北部产业园区内。张掖城市功能用地演变是人口经济驱动、宏观政策调控、城市开发与生态环境博弈、交通线路牵引、城市规划引导等共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

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