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自《中华人民共和国招标投标法》及相关法令实施以来,在设计市场中存在有规避招投标,程序不规范,行政干予和地方保护等问题。本文列举了这些问题在设计招标投标中的突出表现后,指出学好用好招投标法是规范设计市场的重要环节。  相似文献   

目前,在煤炭工程勘察设计招投标工作中设置所谓商务标,即以投标人的勘察设计费报价高低作为评定能否中标的惟一标准或重要标准,这种违法违规行为是十分有害的。工程勘察设计招投标应执行国务院令规定的评标标准早在1986年6月25日,原国家计委发布的《关于加强工程设计招标投标工作的通知》就指出,"在招投标中不是择优评标,而是搞保护主义;有的招标  相似文献   

从日前召开的关于《厦门市建设工程设计招投标管理办法》新闻发布上获悉,从6月1日起,厦门重要的建筑工程建设必须通过招投标方式进行。 长期以来,由于厦门的工程量不多,而在厦门注册的勘察设计院有100多家,靠走关系、压低设计费、给回扣等不正当手段拿设计任务的现象时有发生,无证设计、非法挂靠、出卖图章的现象也屡禁不止,使设计质量得不到保证,给公共利益、安全带来负面影响,厦门市决定实行建设工程设计招投标,本着“公平、公正、公开”的原则,择优选用设计项目。 《管理办法》规定,必须进行设计招投标的建设工程项目有:项目总投资在1000万无以上的政府投资项目、政府融资项目;使用国有企业事业单位自有资金,并且国有资产投资着实际拥有控制权的项目;  相似文献   

本文分析了现行的勘察设计招投标中存在的亟待解决的问题,并提出了相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

根据国家有关法规,针对设计工作的特点,阐述了设计招投标中初步评审与详细评审的内容和要求,结合实际案例对如何更好地编制招标文件和投标文件提出了具体建议.  相似文献   

一、勘察设计工作情况(一)勘察设计咨询业稳步发展;(二)发展专业事务所,调整队伍结构二、勘察设计质量存在的问题(一)勘察设计质量存在的问题1.勘察设计市场秩序不够规范,设计质量和水平有待进一步提高。2.勘察设计深度不满足规定的现象较为普遍。3.存在勘察设计单位之间压价竞争的问题。勘察收费已严重偏离国家收费标准,影响了勘察工作的质量。4.勘察招投标工作不规范。商务标成了投标是否成功的决定因素,特别是开发商自己组织的招投标已将此作为压价的竞争办法。5.在岩土工程方面存在监管力度不够的问题。(二)审查机构存在的主要问题1.管…  相似文献   

招投标这一被大家认为较为公正的竞争方法,近年来,却让业内人士感到不尽如人意,接连爆出一些问题:如武汉地铁广告招投标时,有的企业出价比竞争对手高出3亿元,却仍然中不了标;而在高铁配件招标中,中标价格高得更是离谱……一系列事件引起了社会大众对招投标制度的信任危机,人们感到,公正、公平、透明似乎很难在招投标中得以实现,招投标似乎沦为了某些人手中的"傀儡"。那么,如何才能保证招投标真正做到公正、公平、透明呢?  相似文献   

近几年,针对土地开发整理项目工程招投标存在的问题,泰安市国土资源局大胆创新路子和办法,规范土地开发整理项目工程招投标行为。积极探索,采取了四项措施,确保了土地整理项目工程招投标的规范运作。  相似文献   

《建筑工程方案设计招标投标管理办法》(以下简称《管理办法》)已于2008年3月21日以建市[2008]63文件颁布,该管理办法将于2008年5月1日起实施。这是针对目前开展设计招投标工作中存在着许多不规范或不适宜的行为,为了满足规范工程设计市场的实际需要,编制的符合设计特点,统一规范,又具操作性的建筑设计招投标管理办法。日前,本刊记者就这一《管理办法》出台的相关问题采访了住房和城乡建设部建筑市场管理司王早生副司长。  相似文献   

论述了建设工程造价全过程控制与管理,它是一个动态过程,分析了建设过程中的投资决策、设计、招投标,施工以及竣工决算等阶段对工程造价进行有效控制和管理的方法与措施,以控制建设工程造价核定的限额,确保投资控制目标实现。  相似文献   

我国直接为农业服务的磷、硫、钾矿资源总体形势不容乐观。针对各自资源特点,应采取不同的发展战略:磷——立足国内,有进有出,南出北进;硫——立足国内,适当进口,调整结构,必要储备;钾——稳定进口,国外开发,国内开发,国内找矿,四位一体,分三步走。为此建议:将磷、硫、钾纳入战略性矿产资源的范畴进行管理和规划;强化地勘队伍,加大找矿力度;增加投入,寻求新的突破;加大“走出去”的步伐;规范进出口秩序;国家在更高的层面进行宏观调控;拓宽为农业服务的新领域。  相似文献   

封闭体系有机质与有机碳氢氮恢复动力学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在封闭体系的条件下,对典型的Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ型干酪根在热演化过程中的损失进行生烃动力学研究,获得了Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ型干酪根的总量、有机碳、氢以及氮质量损失动力学参数。用Kinetics软件计算了封闭体系干酪根有机碳丰度、氢碳原子比和氮碳原子比的恢复系数。认为在对高成熟—过成熟干酪根进行生烃评价时,Ⅰ、Ⅲ型干酪根残余有机碳丰度需要进行恢复,而Ⅱ型干酪根残余有机碳丰度不需要恢复。三种类型干酪根的氢碳原子比均需要进行恢复。  相似文献   

In this paper, the sequential extraction procedure was used for the selection of fractions of lead in seven stages corresponding to lead exchangeable, lead bounded to carbonates, to manganese oxides, to organic matters, to amorphous iron, and lead associated to crystallized iron, and to residuals. The vertical distributions of lead species were carried out in the soils related to good agriculture progress (GAP) of Chinese medical materials of Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort in Dujiangyan city and Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province. Based on those researches, it is found that the plant of Glycine Max (L.) Merr. has the character of lead enrichment and sorption, which is not reported in the literature. Using Glycine Max (L.) Merr. alternate planting with Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort is a valuable recommended in order to produce a high quality Chinese medical materials in order to eliminate the barrier on the beyond the lead limit for the import and export of Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort.  相似文献   

In the growing field of Geoheritage, Geoconservation, Geo-education and Geotourism, there is a need to manage sites of geoheritage significance. While there is some great geology in nature available to appreciate for scenic value, education, tourism and research, many locations need to be protected from people and commercialism (e.g. the Iridium layer at the K/T boundary in Gubbio, Italy, the Ediacaran fauna in South Australia, the Burgess Shale in Canada or the zircon crystals at Jack Hills, among many others), and some locations need hazard management to protect people (e.g. continuously collapsing cliffs that have potential to be hazardous via rock falls, or slippery slopes, or high cliffs that are treacherous, or ‘king waves’ on rocky shores). The concept of the ‘8Gs’ is intended as a policy-style guidance that logically and progressively links Geology and Geoheritage through a series of steps to Geo-education and Geotourism. There is a logical progression from Geology the Science, through to Geoheritage and the identification of sites of geoheritage significance, to the establishment of Geosites/Geoparks, Geoconservation, leading to Geomanagement, Geo-education and Geotourism. Geomanagement needs to be undertaken prior to the use of sites for Geo-education and Geotourism. In relation to Geomanagement, sites need to be investigated for safety issues, and for the protection of their geological features. Geodiversity, the eighth ‘G’, is outside the progression but plays an important part in underpinning biodiversity. There is also a need to address and manage geodiversity in a given region or specific site to help understand and manage biodiversity.  相似文献   

地勘单位要吸引和留住人才,就要在事业、感情、待遇留人上下功夫.即营造鼓励人才干成事业、帮助人才干好事业、创造施展才华的社会氛围和环境;用来自领导的关心爱护之情,同事的团结友爱之情来拴住人心;为人才提供与其创新能力和贡献相适应的物质待遇,使人才充分享有实现自身价值的自豪感、贡献社会的成就感、得到社会承认的荣誉感.  相似文献   

Zhang  Jiquan  Okada  Norio  Tatano  Hirokazu  Hayakawa  Seiji 《Natural Hazards》2004,31(1):209-232
Agro-meteorological hazards such as drought, waterlogging and cool summer occur with very high frequency and affect maize production and social-economic development in the maize-growing region of Songliao Plain, China. Moreover, both the frequency of these hazards and loss from them are considered to be increasing with global warming. The purpose of this paper is to quantitatively analyze the relationships between the fluctuation of maize yield and drought, waterlogging and cool summer, and to evaluate the consequences of these hazards in the maize-growing area of Songliao Plain, taking Lishu county as a case study area based on GIS (Geographic Information System). Crop yield-climate analysis and regression analysis were employed to analyze and quantify relationships between the fluctuation of maize yield and drought, waterlogging and cool summer, and to evaluate the consequences of these hazards. The parameters and model of damage evaluation were presented using weighted comprehensive analysis, and the degree of damage of drought, waterlogging and cool summer to maize production was comprehensively evaluated and regionalized. It is shown that from 1949 to 1990, the negative value years of the fluctuation of maize yield due to meteorological hazards accounted for 55% of seasons, of which 14% was caused by drought, 30% by waterlogging, 4% by cool summer and drought, 9% by cool summer and waterlogging, 13% by drought and waterlogging, 30% by drought, waterlogging and cool summer. Studies on the instability and spatial variation of the fluctuations in maize yield in Lishu county showed that the middle plains are stable areas to climatic influence, while southeastern hills and low mountains, the low lands of the plains along the East Liao River and the western plain are unstable areas in terms of areas in maize yield. The synthetic index of the degree of damage to maize of drought, waterlogging and cool summer showed a strong positive correlation with the ratio of the amount damaged to the normal yield of maize. This suggests that this index can be used to evaluate such damage. The degree of damage of drought, waterlogging and cool summer to maize in Lishu county shows the regional characteristics, which increase gradually from the center to the west and east, this being almost identical with the spatial distribution of the fluctuation of maize yield due to these hazards. This study can be expected to provide the basis for developing strategies to mitigate agro-meteorological hazards and reducing the losses from them, and adjust the medium and long-term distribution of agricultural activities so as to adapt to environmental changes.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on what observers have perceived to be a failure of development leading to a ‘crisis of youth’ as increasing numbers of young people find it more difficult to gain education, access to health, a job and meet standard of living aspirations. For some, a possible escape is offered by migration to Europe, the United States or Australia, often illegally. For those remaining behind, however, international development agencies offer a ‘globalisation of solutions’ to employment, gender inequality and poverty through the millennium development goals and the programmes to attain them. In this paper we do not take the failures of development at face value but look at local contexts to present a more complex picture of the relation between education, work and social life. Based on fieldwork conducted in urban areas of The Gambia and Ghana, we argue that rather than education as a catch-all solution we need to give more attention to the costs incurred by and for young people in pursuing education and training, to the operation of and actual opportunities in labour markets, and to patterns of gender socialisation which give women limited scope to exercise agency. This paper explores key gender dimensions of work and education among low-income urban youth noting that despite on-going efforts to increase young women’s enrolment in schools and access to employment, gender inequalities have been far from eradicated. Our field interviews reveal how social expectations that women should perform the bulk of reproductive labour in their youth as well as in adulthood and constraints placed on young women’s personal freedom in respect of their social relationships reduce time dedicated to education and establish fewer contacts relevant to securing paid employment. The result is for men to end up with more educational qualifications, more skills, and higher-paying jobs, even if unemployment among young people in general remains a major problem.  相似文献   

基岩裂隙水探寻是一项意义重大的研究课题,富水优势断裂的确定是其中的关键。文章详细论述了运用层次分析法寻找富水优势断裂并进行分级的实施方法。这一方法的实施可归纳为"两个前题条件,五个分析步骤,一个结果判断",两个前题条件为富水性功能分类和构建优势指标体系,五个分析步骤为构建层次分析结构模型、构造判断矩阵、层次单排序及其一致性检验、层次总排序、对象层权重总排序;一个结果判断为利用层次分析的结果进行断裂富水性分级,从而最终确定出富水优势断裂。此法为富水优势断裂的定量化评价提供了一种简洁、实用的新方法。   相似文献   

提高绳索取心钻进效率的有效途径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提高绳索取心钻进效率要做到:一是根据孔深、钻孔孔径、钻孔所遇地层及其岩性的完整程度、构造特点、风化带发育深度等选择套管的直径及下入深度;二是采取措施克服轴向压力预防孔斜;三是根据钻遇岩石的可钻性级别选择钻头,按照一定顺序依次使用,并合理控制时效及提钻间隔;四是根据地层特点,钻孔深度,施工要求选择合适的钻井液技术参数;五是根据钻井过程中遇到的特殊现象及钻井液漏失程度判别漏失类型,并采用合理的堵漏方法,实现安全钻进;六是定期检查钻具,更换破损、变形部件,作好维修保养工作。  相似文献   

王登红 《中国地质》2016,(5):1585-1598
华南是中国近百年内矿产资源开发强度比较高的地区,形成了赣南钨矿、桂北锡矿、湘南铅锌矿等一大批老矿山。随着已探明资源的快速消耗,"深地"探测、深部找矿已是大势所趋。基于对华南不同地区、不同类型、不同企业矿山生产情况的了解,文章对矿产资源的深部探测问题,从探测的目标、理论、深度、程度、效益等诸方面加以探讨,认为:当前技术经济条件下,1坚持国家目标、科学目标和人才目标相结合的原则,宜灵活运用各种成矿理论,充分发挥"五层楼+地下室"等勘查模型的作用,把"层状含矿地质体"作为矿产资源深部探测的主要目标;2坚持从已知到未知和由浅入深的原则,重点在老矿区和浅部地质与矿产资源比较清楚的工作程度比较高的地区优先部署工作,既可以降低风险又可以满足现实需要;3宜坚持点面结合的原则,2000 m、3000 m乃至于5000 m深钻的部署,宜相应地部署在矿床、矿田和矿集区工作程度最高的地区,达到立体探测和"透明化"的目的;4坚持综合评价的原则,综合调查、综合评价、综合研究,学科也要综合,避免单打一,避免单学科冒进。以问题为导向,具体问题具体分析,注意合理的探测深度和工作程度,抓住关键,有针对性地布设工作量,才能取得成效。  相似文献   

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