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本文应用1953~1984年的北极海冰资料,分析各区海冰的季节变化、年际变化、自相关特性及互相关特性。认为Ⅰ区海冰占有最大权重,又具有较大的方差,在全区海冰中起着重耍作用。冬季,各区海冰相互关联,其余季节,基本上相互独立。各区海冰均提供了气候“贮存”机制,一个季节的冰能影响下一个季节冰的特性;冬季的贮存能力大于夏季,春秋次之;Ⅱ区和Ⅳ区冰的持续性优于Ⅰ区 。  相似文献   

卫星气候数据集是卫星气候研究的基础。在规范卫星气候数据集基本概念的基础上,针对现有基本气候数据集(FCDR)和专题气候数据集(TCDR)的分类方式,无法反映卫星气候数据特点的问题,认为应将专题气候数据集进一步划分为单一遥感仪器专题气候数据集、多种遥感仪器融合专题气候数据集及卫星与多源资料融合专题气候数据集等几类。这种分类方法便于用户更好地了解和使用卫星气候数据。然后,重点围绕基本气候变量和基本卫星气候变量含义、卫星气候数据集生产规范、国内外主要卫星气候数据生产计划等方面,综述了卫星气候数据集建设及规范化生产已取得的最新研究进展。在此基础上,分析了卫星气候数据集建设和应用中存在的主要问题,展望了卫星气候数据集发展,同时对我国卫星气候数据集建设提出具体建议。  相似文献   

利用ICESat激光测高卫星数据获取2003-10~2008-03北冰洋秋季与冬季海冰出水高度,结果与国外相关研究基本一致。出水高度数据的拟合结果表明,北极海冰出水高度以每年约2.3 cm的速度递减,该速度比此前的相关研究结果更快。在不同作者利用ICESat数据计算的北极海冰出水高度的对比中,不同方法得到的结果之间存在明显的系统误差。对引起系统误差的原因进行深入分析表明,高程滤波的窗口长度、确定海面高的范围以及海面观测值的选取方式都会使出水高度的计算产生cm级的误差。  相似文献   

北极海冰范围时空变化及其与海温气温间的数值分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用美国国家冰雪中心提供的1989-2014年海冰范围资料,分析了北极海冰范围的年际变化和季节变化规律。分析发现,北极海冰范围呈减少趋势,每年减小5.91×104 km2,夏季减少趋势显著,冬季减少趋势弱。北极海冰范围显现相对稳定的季节变化规律,海冰的结冰和融化主要发生在各个边缘海,夏季期间的海冰具有融化快、冻结快的特征。结合海温、气温数据,进行北极海冰范围与海温、气温间的数值分析,结果表明北极海冰范围变化通过影响北极海温变化进而影响北极气温变化。海冰范围的季节变化滞后于海温和气温的季节变化。基于北极考察走航海温气温数据,进行楚科奇海海冰范围线与海温气温间的数值分析,发现楚科奇海海冰范围线所在区域的海温、气温与纬度高低、离陆地远近有关。  相似文献   

面向云原生应用的持续集成、持续部署技术发展迅速,但是当前结合遥感数据发布系统实际需求的集成和部署方案研究并不充分。为降低云原生极地海冰遥感数据发布系统在开发、测试、部署环节的难度,及时为用户提供安全、可靠的最新功能,本文基于GitOps理念,利用新兴的Argo Events、Argo Workflows和Argo CD工具设计实现了一个持续集成部署方案。实践表明,本文的部署方法能够加快系统新功能迭代速度,提升整个系统质量,进而为极地地区和全球气候变化研究提供数据保障。  相似文献   

台湾集集强震前的卫星遥感长波辐射场变异分析   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
1999年9月21日我国台湾省集集发生7.6级强烈破坏性地震。对这次强震的发生,应用NOAA卫星遥感监测“地-气系统”射出长波辐射-OLR场的数据进行分析后发现,强震前至强震时,震央所在地域显示有长波辐射增强的变异特征,可能与强震孕育过程中的热状态有关。识别和提取卫星对地遥感红外波段的热兆信息,可望在监视预报强震发生地域上开创出新的技术途径。  相似文献   

SOLAP是以空间数据仓库为基础,针对特定问题的联机空间数据访问和分析,实现SOLAP的前提是解决空间数据与非空间数据在空间数据仓库中的集成问题。首先,论文结合混合数据仓库架构模式,采用多层体系结构设计,提出和构建了一种面向环境数据集的空间OLAP系统的体系架构,包括"生产数据库—数据仓库层(基础业务库-主题数据库)-中间件层—BI综合分析层"等4个层次。接着,分析了环境数据集成和空间数据仓库建模过程,采用Oracle 11g来构建环境空间数据仓库,通过使用ODI工具的ETL功能实现环境属性数据集成。分析和构建了环境数据空间维度扩展的方法和模型,通过扩展行政区划维度表,使用Oracle Spatial sdo_geometry抽象几何数据类型存储环境空间数据,实现了空间数据和数据仓库数据的一体化存储。分析了SOLAP系统中OLAP和GIS的集成问题,采用OBIEE作为OLAP工具,Oracle Mapviewer作为GIS组件、GIS服务和OLAP服务在Web服务器中进行业务逻辑集成,对外提供统一的访问接口,实现OLAP和GIS的完全集成。最后,实现了一个环境数据集SO-LAP原型系统,验证了论文的框架和模型。  相似文献   

为分析BDS在亚太地区及其他范围内的数据质量差异,选取2个国内和3个境外MGEX连续跟踪站10 d的数据,利用Anubis软件对BDS及GPS数据质量进行对比和可视化分析,同时着重分析C37以上不同类型轨道卫星的多路径效应及信噪比.结果表明,BDS各测站的数据完整率均为100%;各频段各类型卫星的伪距多路径平均值均低于...  相似文献   

基于ArcGIS镶嵌数据集的正射影像数据库构建方法初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数字正射影像数据具有直观、信息量大、覆盖面广和经济、方便、获取快速等优点,是我国基础地理信息数据库的重要内容。本文讨论了基于ArcGIS镶嵌数据集栅格模型构建数字正射影像数据库的一些基本问题。首先对近年来的影像空间数据库技术进行了梳理,然后基于ArcGIS镶嵌数据集模型提出了数字正射影像数据库构建方法,其中对影像入库涉及的栅格数据存储模型、建库步骤、相关参数等问题进行了分析与探讨。最后,开展了海南省某测区小型正射影像数据库构建试验,通过试验证明了文中方法的可用性与可靠性。  相似文献   

面对迅速增长的资源三号测绘卫星的遥感影像,如何将其快速处理为影像底图,是实现资源三号测绘卫星影像快速信息服务的关键技术之一。本文针对使用传统影像处理方式进行资源三号测绘卫星底图生产时所面临的不足,采用ESRI公司最新的影像技术(包括区域网平差、镶嵌数据集、实时处理和影像服务等特性),设计了一种基于ArcGIS的资源三号测绘卫星影像底图快速处理方案。通过实验数据的分析,本文提出的方案解决了传统影像处理中存在的问题,其处理时间只需传统方式的1/7,存储空间占用是传统方式的1/26,适用于大规模资源三号测绘卫星影像的底图生产,为资源三号测绘卫星数据快速处理、共享服务和应用提供支撑。  相似文献   

1 Introduction Itiswellknownthatseaiceinthepolarregionplaysanimportantroleintheglobal climatechangesasapartofclimatesystem(Carleton1989;YuanandMartinson2000, 2001;ChengandBian2002;LiuandMartinson2002;LiuandZhang2004;Gigorand Wallace2002etal).Infact,numerousmodelingstudiessuggestanimportantinfluence throughtheseaicefieldsalone(Grumbine1994,Meehl1990,Rindetal.1995).Inor dertounderstandthevariabilityofArcticandAntarcticseaicealongwiththepossiblecon nectionswithclimaticanomaliesindetail…  相似文献   

Status of the Recent Declining of Arctic Sea Ice Studies   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In the past 30 years, a large-scale change occurred in the Arctic climatic system, which had never been observed before 1980s. At the same time, the Arctic sea ice experienced a special evolution with more and more rapidly dramatic declining. In this circumstance, the Arctic sea ice became a new focus of the Arctic research. The recent advancements about abrupt change of the Arctic sea ice are reviewed in this paper .The previous analyses have demonstrated the accelerated declining trend of Arctic sea ice extent in the past 30 years, based on in-situ and satellite-based observations of atmosphere, as well as the results of global and regional climate simulations. Especially in summer, the rate of decrease for the ice extents was above 10% per decade. In present paper, the evolution characteristics of the arctic sea ice and its possible cause are discussed in three aspects, i.e. the sea ice physical properties, the interaction process of sea ice, ocean and atmosphere and its response and feedback mechanism to global and arctic climate system.  相似文献   

This study revisits the Arctic sea ice extent(SIE) for the extended period of 1979-2015 based on satellite measurements and finds that the Arctic SIE experienced three different periods: a moderate sea ice decline period for 1979-1996, an accelerated sea ice decline period from 1997 to 2006, and large interannual variation period after 2007, when Arctic sea ice reached its tipping point reported by Livina and Lenton(2013). To address the response of atmospheric circulation to the lowest sea ice conditions with a large interannual variation, we investigated the dominant modes for large atmospheric circulation responses to the projected 2007 Arctic sea ice loss using an atmospheric general circulation model(ECHAM5). The response was obtained from two 50-yr simulations: one with a repeating seasonal cycle of specified sea ice concentration for the period of 1979-1996 and one with that of sea ice conditions in 2007. The results suggest more occurrences of a negative Arctic Oscillation(AO) response to the 2007 Arctic sea ice conditions, accompanied by an North Atlantic Oscillation(NAO)-type atmospheric circulation response under the largest sea ice loss, and more occurrences of the positive Arctic Dipole(AD) mode under the 2007 sea ice conditions, with an across-Arctic wave train pattern response to the largest sea ice loss in the Arctic. This study offers a new perspective for addressing the response of atmospheric circulation to sea ice changes after the Arctic reached the tipping point in 2007.  相似文献   

Seasonal prediction of East Asia(EA) summer rainfall, especially with a longer-lead time, is in great demand, but still very challenging. The present study aims to make long-lead prediction of EA subtropical frontal rainfall(SFR) during early summer(May-June mean, MJ) by considering Arctic sea ice(ASI) variability as a new potential predictor. A MJ SFR index(SFRI), the leading principle component of the empirical orthogonal function(EOF) analysis applied to the MJ precipitation anomaly over EA, is defined as the predictand. Analysis of 38-year observations(1979-2016) revealed three physically consequential predictors. A stronger SFRI is preceded by dipolar ASI anomaly in the previous autumn, a sea level pressure(SLP) dipole in the Eurasian continent, and a sea surface temperature anomaly tripole pattern in the tropical Pacific in the previous winter. These precursors foreshadow an enhanced Okhotsk High, lower local SLP over EA, and a strengthened western Pacific subtropical high. These factors are controlling circulation features for a positive SFRI. A physical-empirical model was established to predict SFRI by combining the three predictors. Hindcasting was performed for the 1979-2016 period, which showed a hindcast prediction skill that was, unexpectedly, substantially higher than that of a four-dynamical models’ ensemble prediction for the 1979-2010 period(0.72 versus 0.47). Note that ASI variation is a new predictor compared with signals originating from the tropics to mid-latitudes. The long-lead hindcast skill was notably lower without the ASI signals included, implying the high practical value of ASI variation in terms of long-lead seasonal prediction of MJ EA rainfall.  相似文献   

积雪对自然环境和人类活动都有极其重要的影响。积雪参数(雪面积、雪深和雪水当量)反演对水文模型和气候变化研究有着实际的意义。然而,目前森林区的雪深遥感反演精度一直有待于进一步提高。东北地区是我国最大的天然林区和重要的季节性积雪区之一,本文利用FY3B卫星微波成像仪(MWRI)L1级亮温数据和L2级雪水当量数据,以及东北典型林区野外实测雪深数据,对Chang算法、NASA 96算法和FY3B雪深业务化反演算法进行了验证与分析。结果表明:在东北典型林区的雪深反演中,Chang算法和NASA 96算法反演的雪深波动都比较大,当森林覆盖度f≤0.6时,NASA 96算法表现比较好,均方根误差值在3种算法中较小,但当f >0.6时,NASA 96算法失真严重。当考虑纯森林像元(f=1)时,Chang算法低估了雪深47%。当f≤0.3时,FY3B业务化算法始终优于Chang算法。整体上,FY3B业务化算法相对稳定,具有较高的精度。  相似文献   

Snow on sea ice is a sensitive indicator of climate change because it plays an important role regulating surface and near surface air temperatures. Given its high albedo and low thermal conductivity, snow cover is considered a key reason for amplified warming in polar regions. This study focuses on retrieving snow depth on sea ice from brightness temperatures recorded by the Microwave Radiation Imager(MWRI) on board the FengYun(FY)-3 B satellite. After cross calibration with the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-EOS(AMSR-E) Level 2 A data from January 1 to May 31, 2011, MWRI brightness temperatures were used to calculate sea ice concentrations based on the Arctic Radiation and Turbulence Interaction Study Sea Ice(ASI) algorithm. Snow depths were derived according to the proportional relationship between snow depth and surface scattering at 18.7 and 36.5 GHz. To eliminate the influence of uncertainties in snow grain sizes and sporadic weather effects, seven-day averaged snow depths were calculated. These results were compared with snow depths from two external data sets, the IceBridge ICDIS4 and AMSR-E Level 3 Sea Ice products. The bias and standard deviation of the differences between the MWRI snow depth and IceBridge data were respectively 1.6 and 3.2 cm for a total of 52 comparisons. Differences between MWRI snow depths and AMSR-E Level 3 products showed biases ranging between-1.01 and-0.58 cm, standard deviations from 3.63 to 4.23 cm, and correlation coefficients from 0.61 to 0.79 for the different months.  相似文献   

针对目前国产卫星对气溶胶遥感监测应用较少的情况,本研究综合暗象元和SARA算法优势,基于FY-3D MERSI2数据构建了一套气溶胶光学厚度(Aerial Optical Depth, AOD)快速遥感反演方法。首先,引入了传统暗象元算法中的地表反射率经验关系,然后利用AERONET长时间序列的地基观测数据,构建了红波段和蓝波段气溶胶光学厚度、不对称因子和单次散射率之间的关系,最后利用MOD04和AERONET的AOD产品对研究反演结果进行了验证和评估分析。结果发现:① 本研究反演的AOD不仅保持了与MODIS的气溶胶产品空间分布的一致性,而且合理地呈现了AOD的高值分布,改进了MOD04气溶胶产品在云和亮目标方面反演缺失问题;② 利用AERONET地基观测结果对本研究获取的MERSI2的AOD反演结果进行了对比分析,发现二者具有较高的线性相关性,蓝波段AOD线性相关系数超过0.85;③ 利用MERSI2数据完整地捕捉到了2018年3月9—14日京津冀及周边区域的一次重污染过程中气溶胶时空分布变化情况,这也说明了FY3D卫星具备良好的气溶胶遥感监测能力,为我国灰霾监测和预警提供参考依据。本研究对大力发展国产卫星在大气环境遥感的应用有重要参考意义。  相似文献   

Arctic sea ice in the polar region provides a cold habitat for microbial community. Arctic sea ice microorganisms are revealed to be of considerable importance in basic research and potential in biotechnological application. This paper investigated the culture condition and extraceIlular hydrolase of 14 strains of different Arctic sea ice bacteria. The results showed that optimal growth temperature of strains is 15 ℃ or 20 ℃. The optimal pH is about 8.0. They hardly grow at acid condition. 3 % NaCl is necessary for better growth. These strains have different abilities in producing amylase, protease, eellulase and lipase. Pseudoalteronomas sp. Bsi429 and Pseudoalteronomas sp. Bsi539 produced both cellulose, protease and lipase. These results provide a basis for further developing and exploiting the cold adapted marine enzyme resources.  相似文献   

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