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安宁  张博 《世界地理研究》2022,31(6):1119-1129
在全球-地方频繁互动的今天,跨国/跨地方逐渐成为超高速流动的社会现实,移民与流入流出地的多元互动模糊了国与国、地方与地方之间的边界,在目的地不断重塑社会结构和空间,在物质和符号维度赋予了地方不同的意义。族裔社区不仅仅反映了不同的移民群体复杂的日常生活实践及其在空间上的互动,也将对多元化族裔空间的关注转移到社区、空间、领土政治甚至流动地缘想象,同时也将族裔社区空间纳入一个关系性的视角下。而传统上地缘政治视角对移民和族裔空间的关注相对有限。因此,本专栏主要讨论地缘政治视角下的跨境移民和族裔社区。具体而言,专栏首先回顾了地缘政治研究及其对流动性的关注和移民研究中的地缘政治面向,其次通过8篇文章讨论了不同尺度下多元的跨境移民及族裔社区营造与建构的相关研究,希冀从理论、方法以及实证研究方面对现有知识进行补充,也尝试通过探索国内外相关研究的进展,为社会和国家治理的需求服务。  相似文献   

三亚作为国际旅游目的地,国际流动人口塑造了俄语语言景观,吸引了俄语区国家移民流动至三亚。论文通过定性研究方法,在流动性框架下分析三亚俄语区移民与城市空间的联结。在新型流动性范式下,借助流动/停泊辩证观分析移民空间实践与身份建构,以理解俄语区移民的流动性特征,从日常流动实践中揭示移民空间集聚形成的停泊点结构与意义。研究发现,群体身份可通过社会网络和组织来营造与认同。俄语区移民居所与社会身份具有流动性及不稳定特征,但空间性建构的基础设施作为其日常流动的停泊点赋予特殊地方性意义。停泊点以空间地方性建构引导群体的日常生活流动,开启社会网络的重建。在此过程中,群体对地方性的塑造与体验,通过语言文化产生了群体身份的营造与认同,以及他者对群体的社会建构,形成俄语国家的社交网络。移民在停泊空间的日常流动空间实践与社会交往相互影响、相互依赖,移民的空间实践与身份认同构成人地互动下新的社会网络的重要因素。研究结论丰富了移民流动性的研究案例,拓展了在华跨国移民群体研究对象与其在旅游城市日常生活的探讨,具有重要的政策参考意义。  相似文献   

新型全球化与流动性背景下知识移民研究:议题与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马凌  谢圆圆  袁振杰 《地理科学》2021,41(7):1129-1138
通过CiteSpace可视化分析和文献分析,重点评述当前国外地理学对知识移民研究的主要脉络和议题,发现:① 国外对于知识移民研究相对细化,早期主要是教育地理学对于青年知识留学生迁移的系统研究,以及经济地理学对于知识移民及知识转移与全球城市发展关系的系列研究;② 新世纪以来,社会文化地理和人口地理学者开始关注知识移民的跨国和跨地方流动,并对其过程中的身份认同与经济社会文化资本、跨地方关系网络、流动过程和特征等议题进行了探讨;③ 新型全球化尤其是全球南方国家经济崛起的背景下,知识移民与城市创新发展、以及回流移民(包括北南移民)现象越来越得到学者的重视,移民政策和移民-城市关系成为重要关注点。  相似文献   

生活方式型移民研究综述   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在经济比较发达以及后现代社会带来个人主体性增强的背景下,以寻找更好的生活方式的迁移——“生活方式型移民”成为一种重要的人口流动类型,并受到西方学者的高度关注。在中国,生活方式型移民开始萌芽,然而研究较少,目前主要集中在对生活方式型旅游企业主移民研究;西方的研究则涉及退休移民、生活方式型企业主移民等多种类型,但尚未形成完整的研究体系,对于生活方式型移民概念界定及其类型划分较为杂乱。为此,本文从现有文献出发,试图对这类移民的研究内容进行介绍、探讨、厘清和评析,首先确定“生活方式型移民”的概念框架,根据生产和消费在时间和空间上的结合状态将生活方式型移民划分为三种类型,并从社会交往、生活状态、旅游行为和自我认知等方面综述其迁移后的行为表现及由此产生的影响,希望借此促进中国学者对生活方式型移民的关注。  相似文献   

新型城镇化背景下中国流动人口研究:议题与展望   总被引:3,自引:10,他引:3  
朱竑  张博  马凌 《地理科学》2019,39(1):1-11
研究通过4个议题(户籍与人口流动,循环流动、定居意愿及家庭策略,社会网络和移民社区,迁移、流动性和移民的日常生活),回顾了近年来乡城人口迁移的研究。指出:户籍政策对移民在城市中的生计带来的影响将减弱,移民的住房及在城市的居住模式和居住空间、社会交往、生活方式、移民身份建构及生活空间的重构等将会成为新的关注点。新文化地理学中关于移民“微观化”“生活化”的研究应受到更多的重视。换言之,如何理解移民在个体层面的诉求和移民的日常生活,将会是未来流动性研究的重点。如何立足于国内移民地理研究的基础与发展机遇,批判性地与西方移民研究搭建对话空间和平台,结合当前中国崛起过程中所呈现的前所未有的全球化与城镇化契机,为世界移民研究积累和贡献“中国知识”,将成为未来这一领域学者研究的方向。  相似文献   

经济全球化与区域一体化是21世纪区域合作的核心动因,跨边界合作议题备受学界关注。欧盟在区域一体化实践方面有丰硕的理论与实证成果,其发展经验为粤港澳大湾区协同治理提供了指引,二者均涉及到跨制度、边界的协作和权力的尺度重组。文章基于Web of Science(WOS)数据库和中国知网(CNKI),运用Citespace文献计量方法,系统分析了1993—2020年欧盟跨边界合作研究动向。结果发现:1)欧盟跨边界合作研究主要集中在边界区域互动、跨边界合作模式、跨边界合作领域、跨边界合作障碍等方面;2)欧盟跨边界合作的发展得益于国家之间政治上的互动互信、正式与非正式的制度协调和合作范围的扩大与深入,然而在双边差异、跨边界可达性、移民和安全等方面仍存在不足;3)欧盟跨边界合作的实践经验对粤港澳大湾区协同治理具有重要启示作用,增强价值与文化认同,创设特殊制度安排,构建多尺度合作空间与多维度治理体系是实现大湾区协同发展的核心支撑。  相似文献   

作为昔日重要的国际移民迁入地,拉丁美洲曾接纳了来自世界各地的大量移民。自20世纪60年代起该州转而成为国际移民迁出地,且迁移数量日益增多,并由此引发一系列广为国际社会关注的问题。本文对拉丁美洲国际移民方向发生逆转的原因进行了分析,阐述了目前该州国际移民的主要流向及其数量,对其已经和可能产生的后果做了评价并在此基础上提出了相应的对策思考。  相似文献   

随着新文化地理学对流动研究的持续关注,家逐渐成为理解跨国移民日常生活实践的重要概念。本文回顾了家的地理学与跨国移民研究的文献,结果发现:首先,跨国移民家的研究开始吸收物质、情感地理学及政治经济学相关理论,文化地理学者可以结合物质、情感与权力创新“家”的理论;其次,跨国移民家的空间政治主要是基于女性、边缘化阶层以及形式上的公民权,有关男性、精英阶层、内容上的超公民权等研究不仅会成为跨国移民研究的趋势,也会为流动性背景下家的研究提供更多的视角。最后,本文提出跨国移民“家”的实践三要素(物质、情感与权力)概念框图,强调从住宅空间、城市空间与跨国空间尺度对家的实践及尺度互动机制进行探讨。  相似文献   

谢圆圆  李锦昊  马凌 《热带地理》2022,42(3):385-395
随着城市知识经济转型,各个城市越来越重视对知识人才包括青年知识人才的吸引。以广州市高校大学生为例,采用定性和定量相结合的方法,从城市与个人的双重视角探讨高校青年知识移民就业城市选择的特点及其影响因素。研究发现:1)青年知识移民总体上倾向于选择其本科或研究生就读地所在的城市和比其户籍地与就读地更高等级的城市(如一线、新一线城市)就业,这反映了他们向上空间流动和社会流动的意愿与动机;2)他们的就业流动是城市因素和个人因素共同作用的结果,其影响因素主要包括城市经济、城市环境、城市政策与城市文化,以及青年知识移民来源地的户籍类型与户籍地的城市等级等;3)城市经济发展(工作机会)是吸引高校青年知识移民的最重要因素,但与此同时,生存舒适度(生活机会)在青年知识移民的就业流动过程中所起的作用愈发重要,城市环境建设需要关注公共文化设施、社会舒适程度、交通便利程度、卫生服务设施以及城市自然环境和居住环境等方面的问题。个人因素方面,高校青年知识移民来源地的户籍类型与户籍地的城市等级对其就业流动决策具有显著的影响作用。细致探究青年知识移民就业流动规律及其影响因素是新时期理解和建构基于中国语境的知识型人才流动理论的需要,也是人才政策制定与知识人才实现自身价值的关键。  相似文献   

全球化影响下人口跨界迁移势不可挡,中国亦凭借高速经济发展吸引众多外国人跨界来华。本文在此背景下,通过描述统计、比较分析、聚类分析等方法,刻画了1990年代以来在华跨国移民的增长动态,并以日本为参照比较了在华跨国移民的主要特征。研究发现,发达国家移民大多为低端移民、定居移民、以女性居多,而在华跨国移民以高端移民为主,以男性居多,大部分来源于发达国家,具有单身赴任、滞留时间短、受教育程度高、任职于外企或跨国机构、集聚于沿海发达省市等特征。这些移民聚居现象为我国制定符合中国国情的移民政策和国际化政策,探索研究新的移民理论提供了有益参考。  相似文献   

边界是分割不同政治实体的界线,但国家对于边界的管治往往是有弹性的,因而孕育了丰富的“流动”,成为经济融合、社会交流与文化对话的重要场域。跨境民族是受其影响的典型群体,他们在原本生活区域被分隔的情况下,从未间断过跨境流动。总体来看,跨境流动过程中的文化认同及其形成机制是多元复杂的。本文以云南省河口县中越边境地区的苗族花山节为研究切入点,通过质性研究方法探讨节庆所折射的民族文化认同与国家认同的建构过程。研究发现:跨界的流动性加强了民族文化的交流与认同,共同促成了花山节的文化传承,维系了跨境民族的亲缘关系。这样的跨界流动亦强化了边界所形成的发展轨迹差异的感知,从而增强了中国籍苗族边民的国家认同与国家自豪感。  相似文献   

Land borders connecting Canada and the United States are vital transportation facilities for the two countries. Truck crossing times at these facilities can have a significant impact on the performance of the economy. To date, knowledge about border crossing times has been limited due to lack of detailed data on the Canadian border. This article explores and models the patterns of crossing times at the three major land crossings connecting Canada to the United States: Ambassador Bridge, Blue Water Bridge, and Peace Bridge. The analysis is based on 387,775 border crossing truck trips that were generated between Canada and the United States over a course of twelve months. Seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) models are estimated to evaluate the seasonal and hourly crossing times of Canada- and U.S.-bound trips on each border crossing, controlling for traffic intensity in the models. The SUR modeling approach is chosen to control for potential cross-model correlations. The results suggest that crossing times at the border vary by season and hour of the day. Crossing times also vary by direction of traffic and by type of day (i.e., weekday vs. weekend). Traffic intensity has a significant influence on crossing times at two of the crossings but not the Blue Water Bridge. Finally, crossing times are more variable during the summer season and tend to be higher during the late evening hours and past midnight.  相似文献   


The transition to a low-carbon economy is a major challenge confronting policymakers at all government levels. In the European Union (EU), ambitious targets for reductions in greenhouse gas emission are linked to aspirations of fostering green growth at national and regional levels. These aspirations have been manifested in a recent radical policy change through the introduction of the smart specialisation research and innovation strategy (RIS3) for national and regional development. The novelty of the RIS3 compared with previous EU innovation policy is that it aims to develop regional competitiveness based on the harnessing of regional assets rather than focusing on the provision of innovation infrastructure. In this article, the authors employ a mixed-methods research approach both to explore the nature and content of energy-related priority settings in RIS3 strategies in the EU and to address the question of regions’ abilities to foster renewable energy through their place-based strategies. The article contributes to the literature on policy strategies for realising EU energy and emissions targets and the RIS3 aim of developing competitive advantages. The main conclusions are that energy-related priority settings vary substantially within RIS3, and that regional innovation policy ambitions may be hindered by unconducive policy frameworks at national levels.  相似文献   

"This analysis uses the ONS [Office for National Statistics] Longitudinal Study, a record linkage study including individual-level data from three national Censuses (1971, 1981 and 1991) and linked vital registration data, to examine migration patterns among older people [in Great Britain]. The aims of this study are to examine regional differences in household composition, to look at changes in the relationship between household change and migration over time, and finally, to analyse the interrelationships between changes in household composition, health and migration in the 1981-91 period.... Despite...dramatic changes in the living arrangements of older people, results show that mobility among the elderly remained relatively stable between the 1971-81 and 1981-91 decades."  相似文献   

Drawing on recent research in the Horn of Africa, emerging patterns of managing forced migration in the post-Cold War landscape are identified and analyzed. While camps continue to house refugees, the meaning and value of ‘refugee’ have changed dramatically since the Cold War. Efforts to prevent people from crossing political borders to seek safety are increasing, giving rise to a new set of safe spaces. These new spaces are expressions of a distinct geopolitical discourse and take the names ‘UN protectedarea’, ‘preventive zone’, and ‘safe haven’. Their significance as a challenge to state-centric geopolitics both within conflict zones and as refugee camps is explored in the Kenya-Somalia context.  相似文献   

劳动力跨地区流动与地区差距   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
严浩坤 《地理科学》2008,28(2):179-184
中国区域间的劳动力流动对地区差距有着重要的影响。但是,劳动力流动对地区差距究竟是起了扩大作用,还是缩小作用,已有的研究并没能形成一致的结论。基于中国的转型背景,认为中国特有的户籍制度及其相应的配套政策构成了劳动力区际流动的制度约束,这种制度约束使不同类型的劳动力流动方式不同。进而分析了劳动力流动方式对地区差距的影响。研究结论表明:转型期中国区域之间劳动力流动,尽管流动方式不同,但都在一定程度上扩大了中国地区差距和城乡差距。  相似文献   

The author analyses the state powers steering biofuel development in two European Union (EU) Member States: Finland and Sweden. The different biofuel developments of these countries are approached through the concept of assemblages, which allows analysis of how the spatiality of national development is constituted in relation to the increasingly global development of biofuels. The approach illustrates how national policies implemented by Finland and Sweden are multiscaled in their origins and mediated by the agents of these assemblages. Materials in the study consist of EU and national policy documents, and 16 interviews from the key biofuel agents in Finland and Sweden. The author explains the differentiation of national biofuel assemblages through their distinguishing topologies, advocacy groups, and the properties of national policy instruments. The results demonstrate how Finnish and Swedish policies have influenced national biofuel developments. The EU's biofuel policies have diverging impacts nationally as they are translated into the specific patterns of biofuel production, consumption, and trade. Consequently, the agents of biofuel assemblages affect the transference of biofuel policies that originate from multiple scales into the national policy frameworks of the Member States.  相似文献   

Paradoxically, Johannesburg is a quintessentially migrant city and also ranks among the least immigrant-friendly cities in the world. Over the past 20 years, inner-city Johannesburg has been vacated and then reconstituted as a hive of informal trade networks and migration circuits that extends well beyond national borders. Research on immigrants in Johannesburg has contributed significantly to understandings of xenophobic sentiments and immigrant identities, but there remains a large gap in knowledge about immigrant entrepreneurship, economic enclaves and economic mobility. Our research is based on extensive fieldwork, discussions with immigrant organizations and in-depth interviews with immigrants and South Africans engaged in business in three prominent inner-city immigrant business enclaves: Jeppe/Delvers, Eighth Avenue and Raleigh Street. Our research shows that these immigrant business zones each operate differently and vary in the degree to which they connect to urban and national economic grids; some retain stronger ties to transnational networks that link dispersed spaces to Johannesburg, creating specific local milieus. We advocate for a more geographically sensitive and nuanced understanding of immigrant entrepreneurs and a reconsideration of their rights to the city.  相似文献   

曾永明  骆泽平  汪瑶瑶 《热带地理》2021,41(6):1258-1269
人口流迁对区域经济差距是扩大效应还是缩小效应的争论一直存在,文章利用长江经济带104个城市2001—2017年的空间面板数据,对此议题再作分析。主要结论为:1)对于全局区域经济差距,人口流动、人口迁移与经济差距存在倒“U”型的非线性关系:早期为扩大效应,后期为收敛效应,这与中国梯度发展战略和“先富带动后富,最终实现共同富裕”的阶段化发展理念吻合。2)对于省内区域经济差距,人口流动亦表现为先扩大后收敛的作用,人口迁移则仅表现为扩大效应而无收敛效应。人口流动与人口迁移作用差异来源于后者户籍变更所带来的经济行为和资源配置空间转换。3)考虑空间效应后,判断人口流迁与区域经济差距的内生关系变得相对复杂,但更为全面客观;效应分解显示,人口流动和人口迁移最终是利于区域均衡发展的,其中溢出效应发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

The modelling of human mobility and migration patterns has received much attention due to its substantial importance. Despite long-term efforts, we still lack a modelling framework that captures mobility patterns and further obtains a prospective view of movement trends with regards to diverse impacting factors. Here, we propose a proportional odds model of human mobility and migration (POM-HM) that takes a probabilistic approach to model human movements. Our model is based on the migration probability with a log-logistic distribution under the proportional odds assumption. Explanatory variables are introduced into the model by re-parameterizing the probability distribution function. The two resultant functions, namely, the migration strength and cumulative hazard, are used to estimate regional differences among travel fluxes and their tendencies. The performance of the POM-HM in terms of its validity and accuracy is examined and compared with the gravity model and the radiation model. The probability-based modelling framework enables us to investigate regional variations in migrant fluxes consequently further predict potential future patterns. In short, our modelling approach captures the probabilistic nature of human mobility and migration and furthers our understanding of both the spatiotemporal patterns of population movements and the impacts of various driving forces.  相似文献   

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