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利用遥感影像反演积雪的范围与雪深是当前的主流方法之一,但是由于卫星影像获取的时效性约束,存在难以表示积雪动态信息、模型通用性弱、对遥感资料质量依赖程度高等问题。三维粒子系统作为一种优秀的不规则模糊物体模拟方法,可以大大提高自然现象三维场景的真实感。本文提出了一种基于三维例子系统的雪灾模拟与实时绘制方法,将降雪的物理属性及几何属性转化为雪粒子属性,并以物理引擎为基础,建立基于三维粒子系统的积雪模型和融雪模型,模拟降雪过程并计算积雪范围和积雪深度,真实再现雪灾场景和发展趋势,方法简单、可操作且约束较少。实验表明,该方法的模拟结果与实际灾情具有较强的一致性,算法具有可靠性,并能再现三维雪灾场景,具有实时性和逼真性。  相似文献   

基于Agent建模的地理模拟是认识和理解动态地理现象的有效方法,但随着地理模拟的规模和复杂性不断增加,模型的计算问题开始凸显。分布式并行仿真是解决大规模Agent复杂模拟计算的途径,然而已有研究基于Agent建模/仿真软件构建并行仿真系统的方式并不适用于具有高移动与行为交互的空间Agent建模及其模拟过程的实时可视化。为解决这个问题, 本文提出了一个分布式地理模拟框架DGSimF,用于大规模动态空间Agent模拟,支持模拟过程的实时表示与分析。设计了一个简单但高效的时空数据模型建模空间Agent,支持直接基于Agent行为建模集成地学模型,采用了时间微分方法协同各计算节点行为的执行,实现以“任务并行”的方式进行分布式计算以提高仿真性能,构建了基于三维地球渲染引擎的虚拟地理环境,提供模拟过程的实时可视化。最后,以“红蓝对抗”案例进行了实验验证,对不同模拟计算量和不同客户端数量下的仿真性能进行了分析,结果表明DGSimF可以为具有时空特征变化与行为交互的大规模空间Agent模拟提供一个有效的平台。通过扩展计算节点,DGSimF可以有效地缓解复杂模拟计算的压力问题,并且仿真性能较高,在实验中并行效率保持在0.7以上。  相似文献   

管线三维建模是构建数字城市的重要内容,目前,管网建模技术主要是基于手工或标准连接件的半手工建模,而三维管网的全自动建模存在建模过程复杂、效率低、模型质量差等不足。针对这一问题,本文提出了一种基于管线路径扫略、形体放样及布尔运算的复杂三维管线模型自动生成算法。根据截面形状参数曲线,运用图形变换,沿路径确定内插截面法线实现管线路径扫略三维模型构建;形体放样则是以放样截面间以各自顶点组成三角形为基元的小平面来构造管线表面,采用逼近方式拟合三维管线的整体形状;布尔运算的联合、交、差几何计算实现管网交叉贯通复杂模型的三维建模。通过实例验证,表明了该方法能够快速、高效实现任意复杂管网高质量三维模型的构建。  相似文献   

在三维地质体模型构建过程中所采用的数据多为钻孔数据,而研究区域内原始钻孔数据通常数量有限且分布不均,难以构建出既能够准确地反映研究区域地质构造,又具有良好可视化效果的三维地质体模型。针对此问题,本文对虚拟钻孔概念进行延伸,提出了用于三维地质体建模不同阶段的三种虚拟钻孔概念,并基于此设计了一种虚拟钻孔控制的三维地质体模型构建方法。首先,根据原始钻孔数据空间分布特征,自适应地确定插值点位,并采用克里金插值算法构建插值加密虚拟钻孔;其次,根据尖灭规则构建尖灭处理虚拟钻孔,采用改进的自适应蝴蝶细分算法构建细分光滑虚拟钻孔;最后,利用原始钻孔、插值加密虚拟钻孔、尖灭处理虚拟钻孔,以及细分光滑虚拟钻孔构建研究区域内符合地统计学规律且具有C1几何连续性,可视化效果良好的三维地质体模型。与将虚拟钻孔作为专家知识补充手段的传统建模方法不同,该建模方法将虚拟钻孔引入三维地质体构建的各个环节中作为核心的算法中间单元,有效简化了建模算法的实现过程,确保了算法的稳定性与高效性。  相似文献   

为解决无监督入侵检测算法检测率低,有监督的入侵检测不能有效的检测未知攻击的问题,提出了一种粒子群优化的半监督入侵检测算法,算法对少量的约束信息进行基于密度的扩展获得潜在约束得到聚类模型,以此指导未标记数据聚类,对仍没有确定类别的未标示数据使用粒子群优化的K均值算法进行聚类实现对异常的检测。改进的算法检测率达到83.7%,误报率减少至3.13%,总体效果优于无监督和有监督学习的入侵检测算法。  相似文献   

通过对传统GM(1,1)缺陷分析和改进的基于权的PGM(1,1)建模机理描述,顾及PGM(1,1)中背景值构造时取相同的参数不能充分降低模型的预测误差,对不同的时刻引入不同的参数来改进GM(1,1)背景值序列的计算公式,将这种背景值构造方法和灰元N引入GM(1,1)建立了新的白化方程。在建立的新的白化方程基础上,用龙格-库塔法以修正的初始值计算累加值的模拟序列。针对引入的参数较多问题,采用粒子群算法寻找满足相对误差均值最优的参数,从而建立了基于粒子群优化算法和加权灰色组合的PSO-GM模型。工程实例应用表明,新模型的拟合精度高,预测效果好,相对其他两种原有模型预测精度有明显提高。  相似文献   

数字城市和智慧社会对综合管线信息三维轻量可视化的需求越来越多。针对全市大范围三维管线丰富的几何、材质与纹理等多细节层次信息三维轻量可视化难题,本文设计实现了基于Web GL的三维管线轻量可视化方法。该方法针对三维管线数据设计了动态组织调度策略,通过异步加载、可见性剔除等技术,把视点相关的管线和管点信息动态接入并实时生成三维模型,基于Web GL以GPU硬件加速的方式进行实时渲染绘制。典型城市综合管线信息管理应用实验表明,该方法能够在网络环境下各种终端上实现多种类型管线多细节层次三维模型的实时真实感可视化。  相似文献   

提出一种针对基于海浪图像功率谱获取海浪波长和波向的改进算法。算法首先假定海浪功率谱是一个密度不均匀的薄片平面,然后寻找其重心坐标,该坐标可等效为海浪主频位置,从而能够快速准确地得到海浪波长和波向。并经过大量的实验,验证该方法能够很好地解决基于二维傅里叶变换获取海浪图像波长、波向时主频不明显和大量频率分量没用上等缺点。  相似文献   

目前缺乏针对较强空间特性水文地质计算参数的高效采集方法与管理机制,而且现有孔隙地下水流有限元数值模拟在三维可视化与空间分析等方面仍存在很多不足。因此,本文以有限元数值计算方法和三维地理信息平台为基础,结合GIS空间分析算法和计算机图形学理论,针对孔隙承压地下水有限元分析过程的关键步骤(概念模型构建、空间离散、水文地质参数提取与赋值等),提出了孔隙地下水有限元数值模拟过程在3D GIS下的实现方法和技术框架。基于水文地质钻孔数据和GTP(Generalized Tri-Prism)空间数据模型,以盐城市滨海平原水文地质区为研究区域,实现了地下水系统空间结构特征的三维表达,同时与地下水流有限元数值模型相耦合,提出了3D GIS模型与地下水非稳定流有限元数值模型耦合的核心处理算法,并在此基础上开发了3D GIS地下水流数值模拟系统。应用实例表明,该技术框架可有效简化有限元分析流程、优化模型计算效率、实现地下水有限元数值模拟过程及计算结果的三维可视化。  相似文献   

构建传染病模型可为疫情防控与公共卫生研究提供至关重要的规划与解析工具。由于宿主行为是传染病传播动态的决定性因素之一,有效耦合人群时空行为对以人为宿主的传染病建模具有重要意义。得益于人群移动大数据研究与应用的快速发展,新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)的疫情建模研究中呈现出了耦合人群移动建模的显著特征。为系统深入理解该项传染病模型研究中的重要进展,本文对相关文献进行分析与总结。首先,本文分析了COVID-19疫情与人群移动的交互影响,说明了耦合人群移动构建COVID-19模型的必要性。然后,根据建模的目的和原理,从疫情短期预测与过程模拟2个角度,对耦合人群移动的COVID-19传染病模型进行分类梳理。其中,根据耦合人群移动的方式,本文将面向疫情短期预测的模型分为人群移动一阶量与人群移动二阶量的耦合模型,将基于过程模拟的模型分为群体级别和个体级别的耦合模型。最后,本文评述了耦合人群移动的传染病模型研究进展和未来发展方向,认为该领域研究亟需更加深入建模与疾病传播相关的复杂人群时空行为、提升模型的空间解析能力、突破精细化时空传播模拟的计算瓶颈、拓展与前沿人工智能方法的融合,并构建普适而开放的建模数据与工具以促进应用发展。  相似文献   

The newly developed Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere-Wave-Sediment Transport(COAWST) Modeling System is applied to investigate typhoon-ocean interactions in this study. The COAWST modeling system represents the state-of-the-art numerical simulation technique comprising several coupled models to study coastal and environmental processes. The modeling system is applied to simulate Typhoon Muifa(2011), which strengthened from a tropical storm to a super typhoon in the Northwestern Pacific, to explore the heat fluxes exchanged among the processes simulated using the atmosphere model WRF, ocean model ROMS and wave model SWAN. These three models adopted the same horizontal grid. Three numerical experiments with different coupling configurations are performed in order to investigate the impact of typhoon-ocean interaction on the intensity and ocean response to typhoon. The simulated typhoon tracks and intensities agree with observations. Comparisons of the simulated variables with available atmospheric and oceanic observations show the good performance of using the coupled modeling system for simulating the ocean and atmosphere processes during a typhoon event. The fully coupled simulation that includes a ocean model identifies a decreased SST as a result of the typhoon-forced entrainment. Typhoon intensity and wind speed are reduced due to the decrease of the sea surface temperature when using a coupled ocean model. The experiments with ocean coupled to atmosphere also results in decreased sea surface heat flux and air temperature. The heat flux decreases by about 29% compared to the WRF only case. The reduction of the energy induced by SST decreases, resulting in weakening of the typhoon. Coupling of the waves to the atmosphere and ocean model induces a slight increase of SST in the typhoon center area with the ocean-atmosphere interaction increased as a result of wave feedback to atmosphere.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the assimilation technology in an ocean dynamics model and discusses the feasibility of inverting the sea surface current in the detection zone by assimilating the sea current radial velocity detected by single station HF ground wave radar in ocean dynamics model. Based on the adjoint assimilation and POM model, the paper successfully inverts the sea surface current through single station HF ground wave radar in the Zhoushan sea area. The single station HF radar inversion results are also compared with the bistatic HF radar composite results and the fixed point measured results by Annderaa current meter. The error analysis shows that acquisition of flow velocity and flow direction data from the single station HF radar based on adjoint assimilation and POM model is viable and the data obtained have a high correlation and consistency with the flow field observed by HF radar.  相似文献   

On the basis of an understanding of the ocean current produced under the combined forces of wind stress over the sea surface and horizontal pressure gradient force caused by the uneven distribution of seawater density and the elevation of sea surface, we obtained the unsteady analytic solution of the variation with time of ocean surface current velocity corresponding to the time variation of the above two forces, and the unsteady analytic solution for variation of seawater density with time by considering only the vertical turbulence. To meet different needs, the above solutions may be written in two forms for short and long time predictions. After some simplification the analytic solution was used to predict surface ocean current velocity for meteorological navigation in the North Pacific. The monthly average current field was first obtained to get the necessary parameters for selecting the initial shipping route in the North Pacific and Bohai and Yellow Seas. The wind current field was then calculated by means of the simplified analytic solution to provide realistic bases for prediction of the ocean surface current field so that the optimum navigational route can be known several days in advance. This paper was presented on the Program on “Meteorological navigation in the North Pacific” as a contribution on prediction of ocean surface current in the North Pacific. This program won the Second Prize for Scientific-technical Progress awarded by the National Education Committee.  相似文献   

Directional wave spectra and integrated wave parameters can be derived from X-band radar sea surface images.A vessel on the sea surface has a significant influence on wave parameter inversions that can be seen as intensive backscatter speckles in X-band wave monitoring radar sea surface images.A novel algorithm to eliminate the interference of vessels in ocean wave height inversions from X-band wave monitoring radar is proposed.This algorithm is based on the characteristics of the interference.The principal components(PCs) of a sea surface image sequence are extracted using empirical orthogonal function(EOF)analysis.The standard deviation of the PCs is then used to identify vessel interference within the image sequence.To mitigate the interference,a suppression method based on a frequency domain geometric model is applied.The algorithm framework has been applied to OSMAR-X,a wave monitoring system developed by Wuhan University,based on nautical X-band radar.Several sea surface images captured on vessels by OSMAR-X are processed using the method proposed in this paper.Inversion schemes are validated by comparisons with data from in situ wave buoys.The root-mean-square error between the significant wave heights(SWH) retrieved from original interference radar images and those measured by the buoy is reduced by 0.25 m.The determinations of surface gravity wave parameters,in particular SWH,confirm the applicability of the proposed method.  相似文献   

By taking into consideration the effects of ocean surface wave-induced Stokes drift velocity U,w and current velocityU,c on the drag coefficient,the spatial distributions of drag coefficient and wind stress in 2004 are computed over the tropical andnorthern Pacific using an empirical drag coefficient parameterization formula based on wave steepness and wind speed.The globalocean current field is generated from the Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) and the wave data are generated from Wave-watch Ⅲ (WW3).The spatial variability of the drag coefficient and wind stress is analyzed.Preliminary results indicate that theocean surface Stokes drift velocity and current velocity exert an important influence on the wind stress.The results also show thatconsideration of the effects of the ocean surface Stokes drift velocity and current velocity on the wind stress can significantly im-prove the modeling of ocean circulation and air-sea interaction processes.  相似文献   

In this study,a 3D virtual reality and visualization engine for rendering the ocean,named VV-Ocean,is designed for marine applications.The design goals of VV-Ocean aim at high fidelity simulation of ocean environment,visualization of massive and multidimensional marine data,and imitation of marine lives.VV-Ocean is composed of five modules,i.e.memory management module,resources management module,scene management module,rendering process management module and interaction management module.There are three core functions in VV-Ocean:reconstructing vivid virtual ocean scenes,visualizing real data dynamically in real time,imitating and simulating marine lives intuitively.Based on VV-Ocean,we establish a sea-land integration platform which can reproduce drifting and diffusion processes of oil spilling from sea bottom to surface.Environment factors such as ocean current and wind field have been considered in this simulation.On this platform oil spilling process can be abstracted as movements of abundant oil particles.The result shows that oil particles blend with water well and the platform meets the requirement for real-time and interactive rendering.VV-Ocean can be widely used in ocean applications such as demonstrating marine operations,facilitating maritime communications,developing ocean games,reducing marine hazards,forecasting the weather over oceans,serving marine tourism,and so on.Finally,further technological improvements of VV-Ocean are discussed.  相似文献   

A real-time photo-realistic rendering algorithm of ocean color is introduced in the paper, which considers the impact of ocean bio-optical model. The ocean bio-optical model mainly involves the phytoplankton, colored dissolved organic material (CDOM), inorganic suspended particle, etc., which have different contributions to absorption and scattering of light. We decompose the emergent light of the ocean surface into the reflected light from the sun and the sky, and the subsurface scattering light. We establish an ocean surface transmission model based on ocean bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) and the Fresnel law, and this model’s outputs would be the incident light parameters of subsurface scattering. Using ocean subsurface scattering algorithm combined with bio-optical model, we compute the scattering light emergent radiation in different directions. Then, we blend the reflection of sunlight and sky light to implement the real-time ocean color rendering in graphics processing unit (GPU). Finally, we use two kinds of radiance reflectance calculated by Hydrolight radiative transfer model and our algorithm to validate the physical reality of our method, and the results show that our algorithm can achieve real-time highly realistic ocean color scenes.  相似文献   

The resolution of ocean reanalysis datasets is generally low because of the limited resolution of their associated numerical models.Low-resolution ocean reanalysis datasets are therefore usually interpolated to provide an initial or boundary field for higher-resolution regional ocean models.However,traditional interpolation methods(nearest neighbor interpolation,bilinear interpolation,and bicubic interpolation) lack physical constraints and can generate significant errors at land-sea boundarie s and around islands.In this paper,a machine learning method is used to design an interpolation algorithm based on Gaussian process regression.The method uses a multiscale kernel function to process two-dimensional space meteorological ocean processes and introduces multiscale physical feature information(sea surface wind stress,sea surface heat flux,and ocean current velocity).This greatly improves the spatial resolution of ocean features and the interpolation accuracy.The effectiveness of the algorithm was validated through interpolation experiments relating to sea surface temperature(SST).The root mean square error(RMSE)of the interpolation algorithm was 38.9%,43.7%,and 62.4% lower than that of bilinear interpolation,bicubic interpolation,and nearest neighbor interpolation,respectively.The interpolation accuracy was also significantly better in offshore area and around islands.The algorithm has an acceptable runtime cost and good temporal and spatial generalizability.  相似文献   

Combining with the indoor clogging tests of loose foundation in Tibet,the permeability clogging process of loose foundation was simulated based on particle flow method. Under the constant head of 2.2m, numerical micro-simulation was made in three cases,which was not adding any clogging materials,or adding the clogging materials with the diameter between 0.075-0.500 mm and 0.5-1 mm. The dynamic changes of fluid velocity,permeability coefficient,porosity and loss amount were recorded in the numerical simulation. The results have shown that fluid velocity and permeability coefficient decreased rapidly,when adding the clogging materials with the diameter between 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm. With seepage stability,fluid velocity value was very low. By using computer simulation in the two cases,we got that both cases induced clogging effect. Clogging effect was due to one of the interval of particles rather than one size,which could be seen in the phenomenon of the second case. To some extent,numerical method is useful in the study of clogging problems,which gave the same result obtained in laboratory test and simulation test. These data provided basis and reference for further study of clogging problems,and also provided a new method to study the micro-scale permeability clogging mechanism.  相似文献   

传统滑坡模拟方法需要进行大量物理模拟计算,导致模拟效率低且模拟精度受制于所采用的力学模型。本研究在传统模拟方法的基础上引入PhysX物理引擎中的粒子系统模拟滑坡发生的整个过程,简化了传统模拟方法的大量物理模拟计算过程,提高了模拟效率。首先采用参数率定以及极限平衡分析方法计算滑坡灾害体的物理属性值及几何属性值,并将其转化为粒子属性,其次在物理引擎中通过控制模拟时间及粒子周期模拟滑坡灾害过程,最后通过粒子系统反馈回的滑坡粒子的几何位置、持续时间和个数等要素的统计计算得到滑坡灾害范围。选取浙江丽水市滑坡为典型案例,验证了本文方法的可行性与可靠性。  相似文献   

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