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利用安徽数字地震台网安庆台记录的地震波形资料,运行Matlap S波分裂程序,对2011年1月19日安徽安庆4.8级地震的余震序列开展S波分裂研究。结果表明,快S波偏振方向有两个优势取向,分别为N73°E和N94°E,初步判断为区域应力场导致的EDA裂隙系各向异性结果。其中快S波N73°E偏振方向与区域应力场的主压应力方向N74°E基本相同,而快S波N94°E偏振方向稍有偏差,可能是由于4.8级主震产生的应力扰动引起的。慢S波延迟时间在0.82~10.92范围内变化,平均为2.84,主震后,延迟时间明显下降,可能反映了震后应力的释放过程,而几次较大余震前则处于上升高值状态,可能反映了较大余震前的应力积累过程。  相似文献   

四川宜宾地区S波分裂特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用纵横比与偏振分析相结合的方法测定了2013年4月25日~2015年12月31日四川宜宾地区10个台站S波分裂参数,即快波偏振方向和慢波延迟时间。结果表明,华蓥山断裂两侧台站呈现不同的快波偏振优势方向,断裂带以西的台站偏振优势方向为NW向,与区域应力场方向一致;位于断裂带以东的台站优势偏振方向为NE向,与断裂走向一致。在地震密集分布区域内的CNI台的优势偏振方向为NE向,与台站附近的断裂带走向基本一致。研究区域南段的3个台站(JLI、YAJ、XWE)优势偏振方向近NS向。各个台站平均慢波延迟时间在3.07~11.95ms/km范围内,慢波延迟时间最大的台站是CNI台,距离2013年4月25日06时10分M_L5.2地震震中位置最近,这反映出震源区地震波各向异性程度较强。CNI台站的慢波延迟时间显示,在2015年2月7日M_L4.8地震前观测到慢波延迟时间有明显的上升趋势。  相似文献   

本文测定了2013年4月20日芦山MS7.0地震震源区及其附近台站的S波分裂参数,包括快波偏振方向和慢波延迟时间,最终得到了40个台站的S波分裂结果.结果显示:在地震主破裂区内观测到的快波优势取向为NE向,与余震分布的长轴方向一致;位于双石—大川断裂以西台站的快波偏振优势方向为NW向,与区域最大主压应力轴方向一致;位于荥经断裂附近台站的快波偏振优势方向为NW向,与该断裂走向一致.快波偏振优势方向随时间的变化结果显示:主震前位于地震破裂区附近的TQU和BAX台站的快波偏振优势方向均呈NE向;主震后TQU台站的快波偏振优势方向为近EW向,而BAX台站的快波偏振优势方向则不突出,反映出芦山地震主震前快波偏振方向受控于龙门山断裂带,而主震后受构造应力场的作用更加明显.此外,各台站的慢波延迟时间为1.25—5.40ms/km,在余震覆盖密集区域,台站的慢波延迟时间均大于3.0ms/km,反映出震源区的各向异性程度较强.芦山主震后,各台站的延迟时间随时间变化持续减小,反映出震源区地壳应力随余震活动逐渐减小.   相似文献   

宁河地震前后S波分裂变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本研究利用宁河周围4个地震台的DD-1型短周期三分向记录图,对1976年11月15日宁河Ms6.9地震前后5个月内,距主震10 ̄15km范围的88个前震及余震进行S波分裂分析,根据S波分裂的时间延迟Δt变化发现,宁河主震前S波分裂的相位移动显著增高,且高值出现在主震震中附近并随主震距离增大而减小;异常始于主震前25天左右,震源区异常时间更早些,异常值为40 ̄80ms,震后恢复到正常水平10 ̄35m  相似文献   

2013年8月28日、31日云南德钦、四川得荣交界地区分别发生M_S 5.2、M_S 5.9地震,采用纵横比与偏振分析相结合的方法,测定此次地震序列S波分裂参数,即快波偏振方向和慢波延迟时间。BZL流动地震台得到272对S波分裂参数,等面积玫瑰图显示快波优势方向为NWW向,与台站附近断层走向和地震序列分布长轴方向一致;在M_S 5.9地震发生后,快波偏振方向出现紊乱现象;观测到在M_S 5.9地震发生的前一天慢波延迟时间迅速下降,表明较大地震发生前地壳应力突然释放。  相似文献   

采用质点运动判别法与偏振分析法相结合的方法,测定了四川九寨沟7.0级地震余震序列的S波分裂参数:快波偏振方向和慢波延迟时间,获得了6个台站S波分裂参数结果:位于余震密集区的L6202台有2个快波优势偏振方向(NNE向和近EW向),在主震后1个月其快波偏振方向为近EW向,随着余震的发生应力得到释放,其快波偏振方向调整为NNE向;L5111台无明显的快波优势偏振方向,体现了该区域复杂的地质结构和主震后应力调整作用;L5112台的快波优势方向为NNE向,与岷江断裂走向大体一致;位于余震密集区东侧的JZG台快波偏振方向为NW向,与塔藏断裂的走向一致;位于余震密集区南侧的L5110和L5113台的快波优势偏振方向为近EW向,与九寨沟区域应力场方向基本一致;各台站的归一化平均慢波延迟时间在1.2~5.0 ms/km范围内,L6202、L5112台的平均慢波延迟时间明显大于JZG、L5110台,反映出余震密集区的应力积累强于其他区域。  相似文献   

岫岩MS5.4地震前后S波分裂研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用辽宁数字地震台网的营口台的三分向数字化地震资料,研究了1999年岫岩Ms5.4地震前后S波分裂特征.结果表明:(1)延迟时间大部分在0.9~7.2ms/km范围内,平均4.23ms/km;(2)震前快S波的优势偏振方向为N51°~88°E,平均N58.66°E;震后S波的偏振方向主要集中在N1°W~N2°E和N55°~84°E范围内,平均偏振角为近NS向和N68.13°E.NE的偏振方向与震源应力场的主压应力方向N70°E接近,由此推测1999年岫岩Ms5.4地震的S波分裂是震源应力场引起的介质各向异性的结果.  相似文献   

利用2003年2月24日新疆巴楚-伽师6.8级地震后架设在震中区的三个数字地震台记录资料,分析了余震的S波分裂特征,发现震中区余震的快波偏振方向总体表现为近南北向,与主震的主压应力方向较为一致。3月16日5.1和3月31日5.3级强余震前慢波延迟时间总体表现出逐步减小的特征。  相似文献   

2003年云南大姚6.2级、6.1级地震序列S波分裂研究c   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
华卫  刘杰  陈章立  郑斯华 《地震学报》2006,28(4):357-371
在利用双差定位法对2003年7月21日、 10月16日云南大姚先后发生的6.2级、6.1级地震序列进行精定位的基础上,采用互相关系数法测量了两个地震序列的快波偏振方向和快慢波的延迟时间. 结果表明:① 两个地震序列的S波分裂现象较明显,除三台乡台以外,大部分台站记录到的地震快波平均偏振方向与区域最大水平主压应力方向基本一致,三台乡台的偏振方向出现两个峰值,平均偏振方向是N80deg;E,表现出与区域最大水平主压应力方向不一致的现象;② 序列延迟时间与震源深度之间没有明显规律性关系,但不同延迟时间范围内偏振方向表现出不同的规律;③ 两次地震序列S波分裂结果对比发现,6.2级地震序列快波的偏振方向明显较分散,快波平均偏振方向比6.1级地震序列大20deg;,而延迟时间方面二者相差不大;④S波分裂快波偏振方向所表现出的空间差异性,可能是由于在区域背景应力场的基础上叠加了两次6级主震产生的应力扰动引起的.   相似文献   

Introduction In seismology, medium isotropy and anisotropy is defined by the direction of seismic wave propagation. If the seismic wave velocity does not vary with the direction, the medium is isotropy, whereas it is anisotropy. Recently, the study of anisotropy in crack medium becomes a focus forseismologists. Crampin (1978) made a deeply research on crustal anisotropy and put forward a theory of extensive dilatancy anisotropy (EDA) that there are a lot of cracks parallel to the hori- zonta…  相似文献   

In this paper, variations of shear wave splitting in the 2013 Lushan Ms7.0 earthquake sequence were studied. By analyzing shear wave particle motion of local events in the shear wave window, the fast polarization directions and the delay time between fast and slow shear waves were derived from seismic recordings at eight stations on the southern segment of the Longmenshan fault zone. In the study region, the fast polarization directions show partition characteristics from south to north. And the systematic changes of the time delays between two split shear waves were also observed. As for spatial distribution, the NE fast polarization directions are consistent with the Longmenshan fault strike in the south of focal region, whereas the NW fast direction is parallel to the direction of regional principal compressive stress in the north of focal region. Stations BAX and TQU are respectively located on the Central and Front-range faults, and because of the direct influence of these faults, the fast directions at both stations show particularity. In time domain, after the main shock, the delay times at stations increased rapidly, and decreased after a period of time. Shear-wave splitting was caused mostly by stress-aligned microcracks in rock below the stations. The results demonstrate changes of local stress field during the main shock and the aftershocks. The stress on the Lushan Ms7.0 earthquake region increased after the main shock, with the stress release caused by the aftershocks and the stress reduced in the late stage.  相似文献   

辽宁1999年Ms5.9岫岩地震的剪切波分裂特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用辽宁遥测数字地震台网营口台的地震波形资料,采用高原等剪切波分裂SAM分析方法,对1999年11月29日辽宁省岫岩Ms5.9(ML5.3)地震前后的地震序列进行了剪切波分裂分析.通过对营口台的资料分析表明,快剪切波优势偏振方向为ENE-WSW向,与该地区主压应力方向一致,也与华北区域构造应力场方向一致;平均慢剪切波时间延迟在岫岩地震前显示增加,可能反映了震前的应力积累过程.营口台的快剪切波优势偏振方向还与小地震活动空间分布走向一致,与活动断层走向相关.快剪切波偏振的月平均变化直方图也显示,地震前两个月快剪切波偏振方向似乎也有变化,但这个现象还需要更多资料的证实.  相似文献   

After Ms=6.5 Yao'an earthquake on January 15, 2000, a large amount of aftershock waveforms were recorded by the Near Source Digital Seismic Network (NSSN) installed by Earthquake Administration of Yunnan Province in the aftershock region. It provides profuse data to systematically analyze the features of Yao'an earthquake. The crustal anisotropy is realized by shear wave splitting propagating in the upper crust. Based on the accurate aftershock relocations, the shear wave splitting parameters are determined with the cross-correlation method, and the results of different stations and regions are discussed in this paper. These conclusions are obtained as follows:firstly, the average fast directions of aftershock region are controlled by the regional stress field and parallel to the maximum horizontal compressive stress direction; secondly, the average fast directions of disparate stations and regions are different and vary with the structural settings and regional stress fields; finally, delay time value is affected by all sorts of factors, which is affinitive with the shear wave propagating medium, especially.  相似文献   

Using seismic waveform data recorded at station YK (Yingkou) of Liaoning Telemetry Digital Seismic Network, this paper studied the characteristics of shear-wave splitting before and after the Xiuyan MS5.9 (ML5.3) earthquake in November 29, 1999 with SAM method. The results show that the predominant polarizations of fast shear-waves at YK is in direction of ENE-WSW, consistent with the direction of regional principal compressive stress and also consistent with the direction of the regional tectonic stress field in North China; time-delays increasing before Xiuyan earthquake may shows accumulation of stress before earthquake. The predominant polarizations of fast shear-waves at YK are also related to the spatial distribution of small earthquakes and correlate with the fault strike. The histogram of monthly average polarizations of fast shear-waves shows that polarizations of fast shear-waves also seems to change from two months before the earthquake, but it still needs more data for verification.  相似文献   

After Ms=6.5 Yao'an earthquake on January 15, 2000, a large amount of aftershock waveforms were recorded by the Near Source Digital Seismic Network (NSSN) installed by Earthquake Administration of Yunnan Province in the aftershock region. It provides profuse data to systematically analyze the features of Yao'an earthquake. The crustal anisotropy is realized by shear wave splitting propagating in the upper crust. Based on the accurate aftershock relocations, the shear wave splitting parameters are determined with the cross-correlation method, and the results of different stations and regions are discussed in this paper. These conclusions are obtained as follows: firstly, the average fast directions of aftershock region are controlled by the regional stress field and parallel to the maximum horizontal compressive stress direction; secondly, the average fast directions of disparate stations and regions are different and vary with the structural settings and regional stress fields; finally, delay time value is affected by all sorts of factors, which is affinitive with the shear wave propagating medium, especially.  相似文献   

Variations of shear wave splitting in the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake region   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Through the analysis of S-wave particle motion of local events in the shear wave window, the polariza-tion directions of the faster shear wave and the delay times between the faster and the slower shear waves were derived from seismic recordings at the stations near the fault zones. The shear wave split-ting results of seven stations in the area of Longmenshan fault zone reveal spatial variation of the po-larization directions of the fast shear wave. The directions at stations in the southeastern side of the Longmenshan fault zone (in the Sichuan Basin area) are in the NE direction, whereas the direction at station PWU (in the Plateau), which is in the northwestern side of the faults, is in the EW direction. Systematic changes of the time delays between two split shear waves were also observed. At station L5501 in the southern end of the aftershock zone, the delay times of the slower shear wave decrease systematically after the main shock. After the main shock, the delay times at station PWU were longer than those before the earthquake. Seismic shear wave splitting is caused mostly by stress-aligned microcracks in the rock below the stations. The results demonstrate changes of local stress field dur-ing the main-shock and the aftershocks. The stress in the southern part of Wenchuan seismogenic zone was released by the main-shock and the aftershocks. The crustal stresses were transferred to the northeastern part of the zone, resulting in stress increase at station PWU after the main-shock.  相似文献   

自2012年2月2日起,辽宁盖州地区发生多次4级以上地震,地震活动呈震群态势,且2020年依然持续.利用辽宁区域数字地震台网2008年1月至2018年12月近场小地震波形资料,采用剪切波分裂( SAM)方法,计算盖州震群中75次中小地震的剪切波分裂参数,并利用盖县( GAX)地震台(下文简称盖县台)记录分析剪切波分裂特...  相似文献   

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