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Wind velocity and sand transport on a barchan dune   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We present measurements of wind velocity and sand flux performed on the windward side of a large barchan dune in Jericoacoara, northeastern Brazil. From the measured profile, we calculate the air shear stress using an analytical approximation and treat the problem of flow separation by an heuristic model. We find that the results from this approach agree well with our field data. Moreover, using the calculated shear velocity, we predict the sand flux according to well-known equilibrium relations and with a phenomenological continuum saltation model that includes saturation transients and thus allows for nonequilibrium conditions. Based on the field data and theoretical predicted results, we indicate the principal differences between saturated and nonsaturated sand flux models. Finally, we show that the measured dune moves with invariant shape and predict its velocity from our data and calculations.  相似文献   

沙丘共生问题是风沙地貌研究的热点,目前尚缺乏较为深入的探讨。以共生沙丘分布最为广泛的撒哈拉沙漠为例,基于Google Earth高清卫星影像对新月形沙丘和简单线形沙丘共生区域进行参数识别,并对其区域风况特征和形成发育环境进行分析,以探讨共生沙丘形成的可能原因。结果表明:撒哈拉沙漠共有17处典型的共生沙丘区域,是世界上最大的共生沙丘分布区。区域及单个共生沙丘形态参数之间均存在一定相关性,但并不具有理论上应具有的良好相关性,表明影响沙丘共生的因素较为复杂。共生沙丘在低、中、高风能环境以及不同风向变率下均可发育,但主要在低风能环境、中等风向变率,锐双峰风况下形成。单一的起沙风风向是共生沙丘形成的重要条件,合成输沙势方向与沙丘走向基本一致。除风况外,障碍物如山脉、河流等因素同样对沙丘共生发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

新月形沙丘形态参数与移动速度的关系   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
在塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地的新月形沙丘演变监测区,运用华测X90 GNSS接收机获取毫米级高时空分辨率三维坐标数据,利用ArcGIS 10.0和CASS 9.0提取新月形沙丘的15个形态参数和移动速度,利用SPSS 21.0对沙丘移动速度与15个形态参数间的数值相关性进行曲线估计分析。结果表明:以移动方向230°为界,沙丘移动速度与移动方向间存在明显的分段线性函数关系;当移动方向为210°~230°时,沙丘移动速度 > 1.5 m/月,移动较快且与主风向NE的下风向方向一致;当移动方向为230°~320°时,沙丘移动速度 ≤ 1.5 m/月,速度较低。沙丘移动速度与沙丘高度之间存在负线性函数关系,沙丘高度每增大1个单位,速度会相应减小2.263个单位,沙丘高度对移动速度的影响较大。移动速度和沙丘走向间存在正的增长函数关系,与沙丘左、右翼走向均呈正线性相关性。研究结果为明确新月形沙丘移动速度的具体影响因素和完善其计算公式提供支持,并对小尺度风沙地貌演变的精确分析有所裨益。  相似文献   

金字塔沙丘流场的三维数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对位于敦煌莫高窟顶部鸣沙山东麓的金字塔沙丘流场形态进行数值模拟,分析了多风向条件下沙丘的压力场和速度场变化规律。使用地面立体摄影技术获取沙丘的控制点坐标,建立了与实地沙丘等比例的三维模型,以解决二维建模不能表达3组主风向差异的问题。使用计算流体动力学(CFD)方法,采用非结构网格划分技术以适应沙丘的高度不规则地形,通过剪切压力传输模型(SST)分析计算并与以往风洞试验和数值模拟结果进行对比。模型很好地预测了沙丘底部停滞区、坡上加速区、背风坡回流区以及沙丘表面压力和风速分布等流场信息,反映了多风向条件下沙丘形态与气流的交互作用。流场中速度场的分布与压力分布直接相关。  相似文献   

库布齐沙漠南缘抛物线形沙丘表面风沙流结构变异   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对库布齐沙漠南缘抛物线形沙丘表面气流和输沙率的野外观测和分析结果表明,沙丘表面约90%的风沙输移集中在距沙面0.10 m高度范围内,输沙率随高度递减的形式在沙丘各部位因风速、下垫面状况和坡面形态不同而发生变异。沙丘迎风坡坡脚因出露坚硬、含砾石地表,颗粒跃移高度大,风沙流上层相对输沙率大;迎风坡沙粒沿坡向上运动,颗粒跃移高度减小,风沙流中近地表相对输沙率大;沙丘背风坡沙粒沿坡向下运动,加之来自丘顶变型跃移物质的影响,风沙流上层相对输沙率较大;脊线受迎风坡各个断面地形差异的影响,各观测点间风沙流结构差异显著。风沙流结构在迎风坡和丘顶均遵循指数递减规律(Q=aexp(-z/b)),其中,指数函数拟合中系数a与输沙率具有良好的幂函数关系,随风速增加而增加,但二者关系较弱;b与二者无相关性。背风坡风沙流结构具有明显的分段现象,以0.10 m高度为界,下层符合指数函数,上层符合幂函数。  相似文献   

边凯  张伟民  谭立海  高扬 《中国沙漠》2016,36(6):1503-1511
金字塔沙山丘体高大,形态复杂,坡面风沙动力过程实地观测困难,至今尚无坡面风沙流野外观测数据。通过新研制自动集沙仪,对偏西风作用下敦煌月牙泉北侧金字塔沙山顶部风沙流进行了实时观测,共观测8组近地表51.4 cm高度内输沙数据,各观测时段中2 m高度平均风速7.46~14.15 m·s-1,各组观测时长18~95 min。结果表明:偏西风纵向气流作用下金字塔沙山风沙流结构与平坦地表一致,即输沙量随高度增加呈单一的指数规律递减,且风沙流主要在近地表30 cm高度内输移。风沙流结构特征值λ以大于1为主,且随风速增大而增大,表明金字塔沙山坡面过程主要表现为风蚀过程。偏西风作用下金字塔沙山风沙流中沙粒以细沙为主,平均粒径随高度增加而减小;沙山迎风坡沙粒从坡脚到沙脊线逐渐粗化,风蚀作用增强,细沙从而随风沙流搬运至沙山顶,对金字塔沙山多以细沙为主的格局形成起重要作用。  相似文献   

反向沙丘形态-动力学过程是风沙地貌的重要研究内容.选择腾格里沙漠东南缘推平沙地发育的反向沙丘为研究对象,采用二维超声风速仪对沙丘表面5个位置0.25 m和0.5 m高度的气流进行野外观测.结果表明:(1)气流方向影响近地层气流特征.以沙丘脊线垂线为轴,0.25 m高度处沙丘脊线的垂线两侧风向变化不完全对称.当丘顶气流方...  相似文献   

在野外调查基础上,应用探地雷达(GPR)对古尔班通古特沙漠东南部植被线形沙丘内部构造进行探测,获取了沙丘内部构造的雷达相图像信息,结合区域自然地理和沙丘形态特征分析,初步探讨植被线形沙丘内部构造的演化模式。结果表明:(1)GPR探测揭示了沙丘地表以下3—5 m深度的浅层构造信息,可识别沙丘中上部和丘顶部位的高倾角、上凸形和楔状交错层理、沙丘中下部和丘间地的低倾角-近水平层理构造,反映了沙丘上部风沙蚀积活动较强烈,而两翼中下部和丘间地以风沙加积为主。(2)从沙漠边缘到沙漠中心,植被线形沙丘浅层沉积构造组合由两坡不对称分布向对称分布变化,沙丘横剖面形态亦由两坡不对称向对称形态同步变化,但未发现沙丘侧向迁移的沉积构造证据。(3)依据不同规模沙丘内部构造变化序列,可将植被线形沙丘演化划分为灌丛沙丘、风影灌丛沙丘、垄状沙链、植被线形沙丘等4个发育阶段。随着叠置灌丛沙丘不断合并融入,线形沙丘宽度和高度持续增大,沙丘顶部风沙活动性增强,高倾角、上凸形、楔状交错层理增多。(4)在沙丘表层3—5 m以下块状层理以及GPR探测信号衰减、图像分辨率变差的成因,应在今后工作中进一步验证。此外,系统阐明研究区植被线形沙丘演化过程,尚需补充更多GPR探测资料并开展年代学研究。  相似文献   

“Ejin Section” found in a typical vegetation-covered sand dune in Ejin Oasis was investigated. In this study, 263 samples were taken from the section for grain-size analysis, 25 for chemical analysis, 11 for 14C dating and 6 for scanning electron microscope (SEM). The results of the study indicate that 3 types of the sediments in the section can be identified, YS, LS and ST. YS, homogeneous yellow-brown dune sands, is equal to those of inland deserts, LS, loess-like sandy soils, is the same as the sandy loess in the middle Yellow River and modern falling dusts, and ST, sandy sediments interbeded with the deadwood and defoliation of Tamarix spp, represents the depositional process of the section interrupted by abrupt changes in climate. The Ejin Section has recorded the repeated dust-storms or sandstorms since 2500 yr BP and the peak periods of the dust-storms or sandstorms revealed by the section are consistent with the records of “dust rains” in historical literatures, indicating that the change of climate is a key factor to increase sandstorms or dust-storms, whereas, “artificial” factor may only be an accelerating one for desertification.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Oases are unique ecosystems and important residences for our ancestors in arid and semiarid regions of the world, and have deeply been imprinted by human actions, such as Jericho oasis of Jordan Valley, Jarmo oasis of the Euphrates River an…  相似文献   

Climate data from 339 meteorological stations collected from the 1950s to the early 2000s was employed to discuss aeolian activity in arid and semiarid northern China. The results show that at decadal time scales, erosivity varied greatly in this region. Most of arid and semiarid northern China was characterised by environments with moderate to low wind energy. After the 1980s, the erosivity was only 20 to 50% of that beforehand, and this difference had a significant impact on the environmental changes observed during the two periods. The dune mobility index was consistent with the observed dune activity. After the 1980s dune activity decreased and in some deserts with vegetated dune systems during the 1970s most of the dune plinths were active until the 1980s, after which only the crests were active. Some mobile dunes that had developed at the margins of mobile deserts were replaced by semi-anchored or anchored dunes. Because most desert areas with vegetated dune systems in arid and semiarid northern China are used for farming or grazing, the results of our monitoring show that the desertification trends were consistent with the trends in erosivity and dune activity in this region. Desertification was controlled much more by climatic changes than has previously been acknowledged, and especially by fluctuations in wind energy.  相似文献   

蒋红  佟鼎  黄宁 《中国沙漠》2011,30(3):626-631
 针对传统近地层风沙流的理论与数值模拟研究以及风洞实验大多是基于理想条件(平坦床面、定常风速),而实际风沙运动通常发生在复杂环境下(如复杂地形、湍流结构风场等),沙漠最基本的地貌形态如沙丘、沙波纹等迎风面坡度对颗粒起动和输沙率影响很大。基于此,应用相位多普勒粒子分析仪(PDPA)对坡面近地表风场进行测量,得到迎风坡及背风坡的风场特性,并且采用SIMPLE算法对坡面风场进行了数值模拟。通过对数值模拟及风洞实验结果进行对比分析后,发现数值模型不仅能够有效地模拟风洞实验中坡面地表的风场特性,而且能够较为直观全面的展现迎风坡面、特别是背风坡面的风场结构特性。  相似文献   

Shortly after the discovery of an oil and gas field, an initial estimate is usually made of the ultimate recovery of the field. With the passage of time, this initial estimate is almost always revised upward. The phenomenon of the growth of the expected ultimate recovery of a field, which is known as field growth, is important to resource assessment analysts for several reasons. First, field growth is the source of a large part of future additions to the inventory of proved reserves of crude oil and natural gas in most petroliferous areas of the world. Second, field growth introduces a large negative bias in the forecast of the future rates of discovery of oil and gas fields made by discovery process models. In this study, the growth in estimated ultimate recovery of oil and gas in fields made up of sandstone reservoirs formed in a complex depositional environment (Frio strand plain exploration play) is examined. The results presented here show how the growth of oil and gas fields is tied directly to the architectural element of the shoreline processes and tectonics that caused the deposition of the individual sand bodies hosting the producible hydrocarbon.  相似文献   

The article analyses the results of the scheme for field afforestation (EU-regulation 2080/92) in Denmark. The purpose is twofold, firstly to document the afforestation on arable land taking place both within the scheme and outside the scheme for field afforestation. The former is documented in Ribe and Vejle counties whereas the latter is documented in three smaller areas: Varde, Vorbasse, and Vejle. Secondly, the article argues that in order to evaluate the afforestation not only the location within designated areas hut also the spatial parameters and configuration of new woodlands must be considered. Two methods -'forest-pictures' and ‘gradient-pictures’-are presented and applied in order to quantify the spatial configuration of new woodlands in the landscape.  相似文献   

The dramatic lake level drop of the Dead Sea during the twentieth century ( 30 m) provides a field-scale experiment in transport-limited incision of gravel-bed channels in response to quasi-continuous base level fall at approximately constant rate. We apply a one-dimensional numerical incision model based on a linear diffusion equation to seven ephemeral channels draining into the Dead Sea. The model inputs include the measured twentieth century lake level curve, annual shoreline location (i.e., annual channel lengthening following the lake level drop), reconstructed longitudinal profiles of each of the channels based on mapped and surveyed terraces, and the current profiles of the active channels. The model parameters included the diffusion coefficient and the upstream-derived sediment flux. Both were first calibrated using a set of longitudinal profiles of known ages and then validated using additional sets of longitudinal profiles.The maximum at-station total incision observed at each of the studied channels was significantly less then the total lake level drop and varied in response to both drainage area and lake bathymetry. The model applied predicted degradation rates and the pattern of degradation with high accuracy. This suggests that sediment flux in the modeled channels is indeed linearly dependent on slope. Further support for this linear dependency is provided by a linear correlation between the diffusion coefficient and the mean annual rain volume over each basin (a proxy for discharge). The model presented could be a valuable tool for planning in rapid base level fall environments where incision may risk infrastructure.  相似文献   

利用涡动相关系统测定新疆石河子棉区覆膜滴灌棉田的CO2通量,分析2010年棉花各生育期净生态系统碳交换(NEE)的日变化特征,并将[NEE]拆分为生态系统总生产力(GEP)和生态系统呼吸(Reco),分析三者的生长季变化特征及其影响因素。结果表明:在播种期和苗期,棉田白天和夜间的NEE变化幅度都较小;其他生育期NEE白天呈‘V’形变化,夜间为正值且变化小。NEE的日变化主要受太阳总辐射影响。GEP、Reco和NEE的生长季变化趋势与叶面积指数变化相对一致,最大日累积量均出现在花铃期,分别为11.8,8.0和-6.2 g C·m-2·d-1。播种期、苗期、蕾期、花铃期和吐絮期的日平均[NEE]分别为2.6,1.6,-1.2,-2.8和0.5 g C·m-2·d-1。整个生长季棉田NEE累积量为-122.2 g C·m-2,表现为碳汇。由偏相关分析可得,GEP,Reco和NEE的生长季变化与气温的相关系数最高,其次为饱和水汽压差,再次为太阳总辐射和土壤温度,结果表明气温是影响棉田GEP,Reco和NEE生长季变化的主要气象因素。气温对棉田GEP,Reco和净碳吸收起促进作用,而饱和水汽压差对其起限制作用。  相似文献   

Cellular automata (CA) stand out among the most commonly used urban models for the simulation and analysis of urban growth because of their ability to reproduce complex dynamics, similar to those found in real cities, from simple rules. However, CA models still have to overcome some shortcomings related to their flexibility and difficult calibration. This study combines various techniques to calibrate an urban CA that is based on one of the most widely used urban CA models. First, the number of calibration parameters is reduced by using various statistical techniques, and, second, the calibration procedure is automated through a genetic algorithm. The resulting model has been assessed by simulating the urban growth of Ribadeo, a small village of NW Spain, characterized by low, slow urban growth, which makes the identification of urban dynamics and consequently the calibration of the model more difficult. Simulation results have shown that, by automating the calibration procedure, the model can be more easily applied and adapted to urban areas with different characteristics and dynamics. In addition, the simulations obtained with the proposed model show better values of cell-to-cell correspondence between simulated and real maps, and the values for most spatial metrics are closer to real ones.  相似文献   

Wang  Kaiyong  Wang  Fuyuan 《地理学报(英文版)》2020,30(8):1341-1362
Journal of Geographical Sciences - There is a lack of basic theory and method to examine the effect of administrative division (AD) adjustment on the regional development. Based on the theory and...  相似文献   

识别黄河流域绿色发展效率及其时空演进规律,有助于区域产业布局、环境规制与政策制定,进而实现黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展。针对黄河流域异质化发展,结合经济发展和环境治理的区域发展规律,构建多周期两阶段DEA模型(Multi-period two-stage DEA model),通过测算绿色经济效率与绿色创新效率,实现黄河流域省市的绿色发展效率测度,同时借助ArcGIS10.6软件对黄河流域省域绿色发展的时空格局进行了动态演进并分析其发展路径。结果表明:黄河流域空间维度呈现上游较差、中游一般、下游最优的发展不均衡现状;时间维度呈现“W”型波动式上升趋势,但整体一般;存在省份绿色发展水平较高、黄河段城市却较差的发展不一致现象。针对黄河流域省市的各种发展情境,从省市协同治理、政府引导、产业结构、科技研发、税收政策等方面提出了建议。  相似文献   

To simulate the landform evolution at the caldera wall of Mount St. Helens, USA, a mathematical model for talus development was applied to model the topographic change during the 11years from the volcanic eruption, i.e., from formation of the cliff. Simulated results show that the topographic change is predicted to be large for about 10years after the eruption and to decline thereafter. If snow accumulation in the talus slope deposits is negligible, the talus top will not reach the cliff top within 300years after the eruption. Talus growth in Mount St. Helens was much faster than that in the Chichibu Basin, Japan. This may indicate the low strength and/or high weathering rate of the rockwall of Mount St. Helens, resulting in rapid production of debris and rapid retreat of the cliff.  相似文献   

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