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郑永飞 《地球学报》2005,26(Z1):94-97
对大别-苏鲁造山带超高压变质岩矿物稳定同位素的系统研究发现,超高压变质过程中存在少量含水流体,但是流体的活动性很小,在不同岩相界面之间缺乏明显的流体渗透;超高压榴辉岩中的石英脉是蜂期变质后含水矿物降压分解和羟基出溶引起的流体流动结果,不是板块俯冲过程中进变质作用的产物;超高压变质岩经历了广泛的角闪岩相退变质作用,退变质流体主要来源于板块折返过程中超高压矿物中溶解经基的降压出溶。  相似文献   

Minerals, fluid inclusions and stable isotopes have been studiedin ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) OH-rich topaz–kyanite quartzitesfrom Hushan (west of Dongai), in southern Sulu (China). Thequartzites underwent a metamorphic evolution characterized bya peak stage (3·5 GPa and 730–820°C) with theanhydrous assemblage coesite + kyanite I, followed by an earlynear-isothermal decompression stage (2·9 GPa and 705–780°C)with growth of kyanite II, muscovite, and OH-rich topaz, andby decompression-cooling stages, represented by paragonite (1·9GPa and 700–780°C) and pyrophyllite (0·3 GPaand 400°C) on kyanite (I and II) and OH-rich topaz, respectively.These rocks may exhibit unusually low 18O and D values acquiredbefore undergoing UHP metamorphism. Five distinct fluid generationsare recognized. Type I: concentrated peak solutions rich inSi, Al, and alkalis, present within multiphase inclusions inkyanite I. Type II: CaCl2-rich brines present during the growthof early retrograde OH-rich topaz. Type III, IV, and V: lateaqueous fluids of variable salinity, and rare CO2 present duringamphibolite- and late greenschist-facies conditions. A numberof conclusions may be drawn from these relationships that havean effect on fluid evolution in deeply subducted continentalrocks. (1) At a pressure of about 3·5 GPa alkali–alumino-silicateaqueous solutions, with compositions intermediate between H2Ofluid and melt (H2O > 25 and 50 wt %) evolved from quartzites,probably generated by dehydration reactions. (2) During earlydecompression stages, at the transition from UHP to high-pressure(2·9 GPa) conditions, brines of external origin withhigher water contents (82 wt % H2O) initiated the growth ofOH-rich topaz and muscovite. (3) The subsequent decompression,at P <2 GPa, was defined by a limited circulation of NaClaqueous fluids, and CO2 infiltration. Overall, fluid inclusionsand stable isotopes highlight a metamorphic fluid–rockinteraction characterized by internally derived intermediateaqueous solutions at UHP, followed by infiltration of Cl-richbrines with higher water activities. KEY WORDS: ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism; OH-rich topaz; fluid inclusions; stable isotopes; supercritical liquids  相似文献   

俯冲陆壳部分熔融形成埃达克质岩浆   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在岛弧背景,埃达克质岩浆形成于俯冲洋壳板片的部分熔融已得到共识,但在大陆碰撞背景,埃达克质岩浆是否形成于俯冲陆壳的部分熔融尚未有研究报导。对祁连山东南部关山花岗岩(229 Ma)的地球化学和岩石成因研究提供了俯冲陆壳部分熔融形成埃达克质岩浆的一个实例。关山花岗岩以高K(K2O=4.12%~5.16%,K2O/Na2O=0.97~1.64)、高Sr/Y比值(13.6~84.1)、低Y (6.8×10-6 ~15.7×10-6 )和低HREE(eg. Yb=0.62×10-6~1.31×10-6)为特征,并具有强分异的稀土元素组成模式[(La/Yb)N=17.5~41.6]和演化的Sr-Nd同位素组成[初始87Sr/86Sr=0.70587~0.70714, εNd(t)=-10.9~-5.16, tDM=1.10~1.49 Ga]。这些地球化学特征表明关山花岗岩属于大陆型(C型)埃达克质岩石,而明显不同于俯冲洋壳板片或底侵玄武质下地壳部分熔融形成的埃达克岩。关山花岗岩Pb-Sr-Nd同位素组成与商丹断裂北侧的祁连山前寒武纪基底岩石、早古生代火山岩和花岗岩类存在显著差异,但类似于商丹断裂南侧秦岭早中生代花岗岩类的Pb-Sr-Nd同位素组成,由此认为具有埃达克质的关山花岗岩的岩浆来自于南部俯冲陆壳物质的部分熔融,并提出了大陆碰撞背景中埃达克质岩浆产生的一个新的地质模型。  相似文献   

戴立群  赵子福 《地球科学》2019,44(12):4128-4134
在大陆碰撞造山带中寻找消失的古洋壳再循环及其壳幔相互作用的证据,对理解从洋壳俯冲到陆壳俯冲化学地球动力学过程的转变,以及板块构造理论的发展具有重要意义.通过对桐柏-红安造山带晚古生代和晚中生代镁铁质岩浆岩的岩石地球化学特征进行总结,可以识别出俯冲古洋壳再循环的岩石学和地球化学记录.晚古生代岛弧型镁铁质岩石具有弧型微量元素特征和相对亏损的放射成因同位素组成,记录了俯冲古洋壳在弧下深度(80~160 km)的流体交代作用;而晚中生代洋岛型镁铁质岩石OIB型微量元素特征和亏损-弱富集的放射成因同位素组成,记录了俯冲古洋壳在弧后深度(>200 km)的熔体交代作用.这一定性的解释也进一步得到了定量计算的证实,其结果表明镁铁质岩浆岩中的不相容元素的含量以及放射性成因同位素的富集程度,主要受控于地幔源区中所加入的地壳组分的性质和比例.因此,碰撞造山带中的岛弧型和洋岛型镁铁质岩浆岩,分别记录了弧下和弧后深度的俯冲古洋壳物质再循环.   相似文献   

都兰榴辉岩地体位于柴北缘—南阿尔金超高压变质带的东端,是唯一确定含柯石英的超高压变质地体,约700 km,其特点是含有两个特征不同的变质亚带,并经历了不同的折返过程。柯石英假像和温压计算表明两带榴辉岩峰期变质的压力都在柯石英的稳定域(2.8~3.3 GPa),但它们退化变质的p–T 轨迹具有明显不同的特征。北带榴辉岩经历了两个阶段的折返:早期从地幔深度快速折返到中部地壳层次,伴随岩石的等温降压,并发生角闪岩相退化变质;晚期抬升到地壳浅部。都兰南带榴辉岩折返过程中经历了高压麻粒岩相变质的改造,高压麻粒岩阶段的p–T条件为p=1.9~2.0 GPa,T=873~948℃, 并进一步经历了角闪岩相退化变质,说明都兰南带榴辉岩折返速率较慢,发生了壳幔过渡带(或加厚的深部地壳)层次的强烈热松弛。这种热松弛发生在许多大陆俯冲带的超高压岩石的折返过程中,并且是榴辉岩发生深熔作用的主要机制。都兰两个变质带不同的变质演化轨迹反映了俯冲的大陆地壳具有差异折返的特征。  相似文献   

Compared with the oceanic crust, knowledge about the formation of the continental crust (CC) is relatively poor. Although melting of subducted slabs in the early history of the Earth has been considered as the major way that shaped the chemical characteristics of the CC by most geologists, as the CC shares many characteristics with modern adakites, some geologists argued that Archean TTG was formed in the same way as modern arcs rather than slab melting, whereas others proposed that melting at the bottom of the thickened oceanic crust was more important. Recently,the debate is mainly focused on the unique subchondritic Nb/Ta value of the CC, and particularly, how Nb and Ta fractionated from each other and consequently how, in detail, the CC was built.  相似文献   

董杰  魏春景  张建新 《地球科学》2019,44(12):4004-4008
南阿尔金造山带是目前报道的具有最深俯冲记录的大陆超高压变质带,其内出露有高压-超高温麻粒岩,它们对深入理解大陆地壳岩石超深俯冲与折返过程具有重要意义.介绍了对南阿尔金巴什瓦克地区长英质麻粒岩和基性麻粒岩的岩相学、矿物化学、相平衡模拟及锆石U-Pb年代学研究成果.其中基性麻粒岩主要记录了深俯冲大陆地壳折返过程的变质演化:包括高压榴辉岩相、高压-超高温麻粒岩相、低压-超高温麻粒岩相及随后的近等压降温演化阶段;长英质麻粒岩除了记录与基性麻粒岩相似的折返过程外,还记录了从角闪岩相到超高压榴辉岩相的进变质演化过程.结合已有研究资料,确定超高压榴辉岩阶段峰期条件> 7~9 GPa和>1 000℃,可达到斯石英稳定域.锆石年代学显示两种岩石类型的原岩和变质年龄均分别在900 Ma和500 Ma左右.变质作用与年代学研究表明,南阿尔金大陆地壳岩石在早古生代发生超深俯冲至200~300 km后,折返至加厚地壳底部发生高压-超高温变质作用,随后被快速抬升至地壳浅部发生低压-超高温变质作用并经历迅速冷却.   相似文献   

The (ultra‐) high pressure eclogites from Sumdo area, recorded the subduction and exhumation process of the Paleo‐Tethys oceanic crust. Previous studies showed that there are significant differences in temperature and pressure conditions of the eclogites in four regions, e.g. Sumdo, Xindaduo, Bailang and Jilang. The cause of this differences remains unclear. Studying the peak metamorphic conditions and P‐T path of Sumdo eclogite is of great significance to reveal the subduction and exhumation mechanism of Paleo‐Tethys ocean. In this paper, we choose the Jilang eclogite as an example, which has a mineral assemblage of garnet, omphacite, phengite, hornblende, rutile, epidote, quartz and symplectit (diopside + amphibole + plagioclase), and minor biotite. Garnet has a “dirty” core with abundant mineral inclusions and a “clear” rim with less mineral inclusions, showing typical growth zoning. From the core to the rim, Prp content in garnet increasing while Grs content decreasing. P‐T pseudosection calculated with Domino constrained peak P‐T conditions of Jilang eclogite as 563°C, 2.4 GPa. Combined with petrographical observation, four stages of metamorphism have been recognized: (1) early stage prograde metamorphism represent by the core of garnet and mineral inclusions therein; (2) peak metamorphism represent by the rim of garnet, omphacite, phengite, glaucophane, rutile and quartz; (3) first stage of retrograde metamorphism characterized by decomposition of lawsonite to zoisite; (4) second stage of retrograde metamorphism characterized by symplectites surrounding omphacite and cornona rimmed garnet. Jilang eclogite shows a clockwise P‐T path, and near isothermal decompression during exhumation. It differs from eclogites in other area, which are hosted by garnet‐bearing mica schists or serpentinites. Jilang eclogites are enclosed in metamorphic quartzites, with relatively low P‐T conditions. We infer that the Jilang eclogite was derived from the shallow part of the subduction zone, and was exhumated by low density materials in the subduction channel.  相似文献   

Crystalline rocks from the Sierra de Comechingones, eastern Sierras Pampeanas, evolved through three distinct orogenic cycles during the Eopalaeozoic: (1) the first tectono-thermal event named Pampean orogeny (550 to 505 Ma), which peaked in the Early Cambrian, was responsible for extensive metamorphism, partial melting, juvenile magmatism, rapid decompression, and persistent tectonic activity. Large part of the crustal section that was residing at middle levels (c. 27 km) was heated above 800 °C during the thermal peak stage of the Pampean orogeny; decompression of the Pampean orogen's core took place at this high temperature. The exhumation mechanism that assisted rapid uplifting combined the effects of ongoing tectonic forces with a buoyant instability created by a large amount of anatectic magmas in the middle to lower crust. (2) Beginning at the Early Ordovician, the Famatinian orogeny produced an overall shortening, causing pervasive textural reworking of the Cambrian metamorphic sequences under a high-strain regime. By being adjacent to the Famatinian magmatic arc, the western border of the Cambrian crystalline package absorbed imposed deformation along a crustal scale ductile shear zone. Within this zone, the high-grade metamorphic rocks were reworked and re-hydrated to lower temperature assemblages (<600°C and 3–6 kbar). Early Ordovician subduction-related igneous activity, even though manifested as small plutons, intruded Cambrian crystalline sequences, and experienced textural reworking during Late Famatinian tectonic exhumation. Late Famatinian convergence resulted in west-vergent ductile shear zones that placed Cambrian onto Ordovician crystalline sequences. (3) During post-Famatinian times (360–400 Ma) enduring crustal perturbation produced intra-crustal-derived granitic magmatism. West- to northwest-directed thrusting was concentrated in belts nucleated along crustal-scale tectonic boundaries formed between older tectono-stratigraphic units. As a result, Devonian anatectic granites were formed and tectonically extruded among Pampean and Famatinian crystalline sequences. The post-Famatinian event is also characterised by the intrusion of batholith-scale monzogranites into Pampean and Famatinian crystalline sequences residing in the upper crust.

Crystalline rocks currently exposed in the Sierra de Comechingones show that they crystallised and were exhumed in a setting where tectono-thermal activity lasted, even though it might have waned, until the Middle Palaeozoic. From the latest Neoproterozoic (c. 550 Ma) until the Late Devonian (c. 360 Ma) tectonic activity was intermittently acting, indicating continuous convergence along the proto-Pacific margin of Gondwana.  相似文献   

Since the discovery of high‐pressure metamorphic minerals such as coesite and diamond (Xu et al., 1992), the exhumation mode and process of the Dabie ultrahigh‐high pressure (UHP) rocks had become hot topics. For the exhumation process of UHP rocks, several explanation models had been proposed, and the subduction tunnel mode (Warren et al., 2008) seemed to be recognized by most scholars. A low rheological zone formed along the subduction, and the deep subduction material was rapidly exhumated by buoyancy or tectonic stress. In the tunnel, the exhuming rock moved at the opposite direction of the subduction. Following this model, the Dabie UHP rock exhumation structure would generally tend to NW, and show a top to SE shear sense (Fig 1a, b). However, the existing structural observations indicate that the UHP rocks tend to be S‐SE with the top to NW shear sense (Faure et al., 2003). Therefore, the more detailly analysis of the exhumation structure in the UHP rocks, especially in the exhuming shear zone is very necessary.  相似文献   

The Brossasco‐Isasca subunit (BIU) of the Dora Maira massif is currently the only known continental crustal ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) unit in the Western Alps. The peak pressure/temperature conditions are 3.5–4.5 GPa/~730 °C; exhumation from ~3.5 GPa to ~1 GPa occurred within 2.2 ± 1.8 Ma, but the exhumation mechanism is incompletely understood. We present a conceptual model for the buoyancy‐driven exhumation of the BIU inside a low‐viscosity, dense mantle shear zone weakened by increased strain rates due to simultaneous strike‐slip and subduction (oblique‐slip) of the European plate. Two‐dimensional thermo‐mechanical models simulate such a buoyant uprise of an ellipse inside an inclined layer. Simulations (i) show the feasibility of the conceptual model, (ii) fit the pressure/temperature/time record and (iii) constrain effective viscosities. The model is compatible with the (i) small volume of continental crustal UHP rock in the Western Alps, (ii) minor erosion during exhumation and (iii) strike‐slip deformation during the exhumation period.  相似文献   

正Objective The East Kunlun Orogenic belt constitutes the first marked change in the topographic reliefs north of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.The Cenozoic tectonic evolution of this orogenic belt is crucial for understanding the remote deformational effects of the Eurasian plate collision and the migration track at the northern margin of the plateau.However,when and how the uplift occurred remains  相似文献   

A series of 2D petrological–thermomechanical numerical experiments was conducted to: (i) characterize the variability of exhumation mechanisms of ultrahigh pressure metamorphic (UHPM) rocks during collision of spontaneously moving plates and (ii) study the possible geodynamic effects of melting at ultrahigh pressure conditions for the exhumation of high‐temperature–ultrahigh pressure metamorphic (HT–UHPM) rocks. To this end, the models include fluid‐ and melt‐induced weakening of rocks. Five distinct modes of exhumation of (U)HPM rocks associated with changes in several parameters in the models of plate collision and continent subduction are identified as follows: vertical crustal extrusion, large‐scale crustal stacking, shallow crustal delamination, trans‐lithospheric diapirism, and channel flow. The variation in exhumation mechanisms for (U)HPM rocks in numerical models of collision driven by spontaneously moving plates contrasts with the domination of the channel flow mode of exhumation in a majority of the published results from numerical models of collision that used a prescribed plate convergence velocity and/or did not include fluid‐ and melt‐induced weakening of rocks. This difference in the range of exhumation mechanisms suggests that the prescribed convergence velocity condition and the neglect of fluid‐ and melt‐related weakening effects in the earlier models may inhibit development of several important collisional processes found in our experiments, such as slab breakoff, vertical crustal extrusion, large‐scale stacking, shallow crustal delamination and relamination, and eduction of the continental plate. Consequently, the significance of channel flow for the exhumation of UHPM rocks may have been overstated based on the results of the earlier numerical experiments. In addition, the results from this study extend over a larger proportion of the high‐temperature range of P–T conditions documented from UHPM rocks, including those retrieved from HT–UHPM rocks, than the results of experiments from previous numerical models. In particular, the highest peak metamorphic temperatures (up to 1000 °C) are recorded in the case of the vertical crustal extrusion model in which subducted continental crust is subjected to a period of prolonged heating by asthenospheric mantle abutting the continental side of the vertically hanging slab. Nonetheless, some extreme temperature conditions which have been suggested for the Kokchetav and Bohemian massifs, perhaps up to 1100–1200 °C, are still to be achieved in experiments using numerical models.  相似文献   

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