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内蒙古托克托台地湖相地层及其初步意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
内蒙古河套地区广泛分布着一套晚第四纪河湖相地层,前人将其与萨拉乌苏组对比.托克托台地位于河套盆地最东部,晋陕峡谷上峡口,地貌上构成二级台地.台地前缘湖相地层出露良好.本文主要研究了郝家窑剖面湖相地层的时代与沉积环境.郝家窑剖面出露地层厚约47m:上部为棕黄色粉砂质粘土、粘土质粉砂层,风成黄土,厚约3m;下部为青灰、黄、...  相似文献   

对云南元谋龙街粉砂层保存较好的龙街剖面进行了年代地层学和沉积学研究。该剖面厚40.6m,距顶部10.9m处14C年龄为26305±1152a BP,指示龙街粉砂层的地质时代为晚更新世。粒度分析结果显示,龙街粉砂层主要由粉砂组成,中值粒径的平均值为15.28μm,频率曲线呈现明显的双峰特征,几乎没有粗尾。与内蒙古岱海湖相沉积、甘肃西峰黄土、安徽宣城河流沉积的粒度分布及粒度参数特征对比,龙街粉砂层与岱海湖泊沉积的粒度特征基本一致,而与西峰黄土及宣城河流相沉积明显不同,表明龙街粉砂层是水动力较弱的湖泊沉积物。  相似文献   

通过对江汉平原北部的野外考察,结合屈家岭剖面粒度、Rb/Sr比值、磁化率和已有孢粉结果的综合分析,揭示了该地区全新世中晚期沉积环境和气候变化特征。结果表明,该剖面沉积物中粉砂(62.5~4μm)、粘粒(<4μm)约占其总量的95%以上,属于略含细砂的粘土质粉砂,概率累积曲线以三段式为主。结合地貌和岩性分析,确认该剖面以河流相沉积为主。沉积物粒度组成以粒径<30μm组分为主,同黄土的众数组分类似。也有部分样品的概率累积曲线呈现出北方黄土和下蜀黄土多见的两段式,但概率累计曲线段的斜率和中、细粒组分的相对含量都同黄土有差异。粒度组成方面同黄土沉积的某些相似特征说明,青木垱河流域广泛分布的黄土沉积可能影响了该剖面的沉积特征。沉积样品的磁化率、Rb/Sr比值和已有的孢粉分析结果反映的气候变化趋势基本上是同步的。5.2kaBP以来屈家岭遗址附近区域气候变化可以分成3个阶段:5.2~4.2kaBP期间,是较为温暖湿润的时期,水热条件好于现在,后期暖湿程度有波动性降低的趋势;4.2kaBP开始气候暖湿程度明显下降,气候转向干凉;2.0kaBP以来,本地区气候暖湿程度有所回升。该地区包括气候在内的环境变化,一定程度上影响了新石器晚期文化的演化历史。  相似文献   

西藏定结盆地叶如藏布东岸剖面为一套灰—灰白色粘土质砂、粉砂、细砂与粗砂层所组成的湖相沉积地层,厚约41.3m,该套地层中产丰富的介形类化石,含10属26种,ESR测年数据显示地层沉积时间介于543.8~184.0 kaBP的中更新世时期。本文首次报道了该盆地中更新世时期(543.8~184.0 kaBP)的介形类,据介形类属种类型与丰度值变化,自下而上可分为6个化石组合;结合ESR测年结果,讨论了定结古湖近360 ka的沉积环境与气候变化:543.8~437.9 kaBP,湖区气候偏凉湿,降水较多,湖面较宽,水体较深,但水温不高,水质为微咸水;437.9~347.7 kaBP,湖区气候较上一时期变得寒冷,水体变小,湖水向咸化发展;347.7~264.2 kaBP,气候较上一时期变得更冷,湖泊水体扩大,湖水含盐度减少,向淡化方向发展;264.2~254.9 kaBP,湖区气候更加寒冷,水体温度变得更冷,湖泊水体先缩小后逐渐增大;254.9~239.0 kaBP,湖泊水体减少,湖区气候较前一阶段变暖;239.0~184.0 kaBP,湖水较上一时期有所扩大,淡化明显,湖泊周边环境依然比较寒冷。  相似文献   

金沙江中游云南龙街粉砂层沉积环境演化特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沿金沙江攀枝花三堆子至武定县白马口段河谷两岸分布一套以灰黑色、灰黄色、灰白色粉砂、粘土质粉砂和粘土为主的湖相地层,尤以云南省元谋县龙街盆地内最为发育,被称为龙街粉砂层。通过龙街YA钻孔和龙街、白泥湾剖面的磁性地层学和光释光年代学的研究,探讨龙街粉砂层的时代与归属。龙街YA钻孔地层厚度101.18m,其中龙街粉砂层厚92.96m,上覆7.5m的红棕色细砂和砂砾石层,下伏厚度大于0.72m的灰绿色含角砾粗砂。综合分析YA钻孔的磁性地层学和光释光年龄,认为获取龙街粉砂层的沉积时代为150~30ka BP,属于晚更新世。通过地层沉积特征变化,反演晚更新世以来湖泊的形成及沉积环境变化,探讨晚更新世以来区域新构造的活动阶段及其对河流演化过程的控制作用。  相似文献   

川西理塘甲洼盆地中的甲洼组是一套厚度在300m左右的松散状河湖相沉积物。磁性地层结果表明,B/M界线位于剖面中部157.0m处,剖面底部记录了奥尔都维正极性亚时。对比Cande和Kent的极性年表,理塘甲洼组的始沉积年代约为2.10MaBP,结束于0.10MaBP.孢粉记录显示该地经历亚高山针叶林植被→高山草甸植被的演变过程,沉积环境经历了河湖相→冲积相的转变过程。   相似文献   

位于青藏高原南部的米林地区在晚更新世晚期沉积了一套湖相沉积体系,为了探讨当时米林地区的古植被、古环境信息,在米林机场实测了一条晚更新世晚期剖面。根据样品14C测年结果初步认定该剖面湖积物的底部年龄约40kaBP,顶部年龄约12kaBP。根据孢粉分析研究把该剖面自下而上划分为4个孢粉组合带以及对应的4个植被发展演替阶段:①第一阶段(对应孢粉组合带Ⅰ;36~28kaBP)为森林草甸植被类型;②第二阶段(对应孢粉组合带Ⅱ;28~23kaBP)为高山草原植被类型;③第三阶段(对应孢粉组合带Ⅲ;23~18kaBP)为蒿草草原植被类型;④第四阶段(对应孢粉组合带Ⅳ;16~13kaBP)为荒漠草原植被类型。在此基础上,初步推论青藏高原南部晚更新世晚期气候环境演化为:从40kaBP至全新世高原南部气候类型总体寒冷偏干旱出现小型波动,与全球的冰期和间冰期吻合较好。  相似文献   

深海氧同位素第3阶段晚期(MIS3a)是青藏高原较为特殊的暖湿时期, 为了解这一时期高原东缘的气候变化细节, 利用AMS14C定年和粒度、总有机碳、正构烷烃等环境代用指标提取了四川都江堰湖相沉积剖面的相应记录.经过校正后的日历年龄显示此剖面沉积于43.6~34.6 kaBP期间, 记录了千年尺度的D-O旋回事件, 其分布时段分别为: DO11(43.6~41.8 kaBP), DO10(41.8~39.2 kaBP), DO9(39.2~37.7 kaBP), DO8(37.7~35.5 kaBP), DO7(35.5 kaBP~未见顶).该剖面总有机碳曲线与南京葫芦洞石笋和格陵兰冰心(GRIP)氧同位素曲线的对比表明, 该区域气候记录对全球高纬地区的冰量变化和亚洲季风演化具有响应; 而中纬度太阳辐射岁差对该区域气候波动的控制作用较强导致了细节上存在差异.   相似文献   

河北省阳原台儿沟剖面泥河湾河湖相层岩石地层的划分   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
台儿沟剖面位于河北省阳原县化销营郝家台南侧,主要出露晚新生代泥河湾河湖相层——阳原群,总厚129.25m。根据沉积物颜色、岩性、结构构造和与下伏地层的接触关系,将剖面地层划分为122层。在此基础上,将其中第四纪河湖相层自下而上划分为3个组,即泥河湾组、钱家沙洼组和郝家台组。剖面下部河流相含砾中粗砂层至中部河流相砂砾层之间的湖相灰绿、灰黄色粘土质粉砂和粉砂质粘土层称泥河湾组;剖面中部厚层河流相砂砾、粉细砂夹粘土质粉砂层称钱家沙洼组;剖面中部河流相地层之上的滨浅湖相灰黑、浅灰绿、灰黄、浅红色粘土质粉砂层称郝家台组。第四纪时期古湖经历了河流相→滨浅湖相→河流相→滨浅湖相至湖泊消失的演化过程。  相似文献   

对河北平原中部保定西伯章厚20.74 m的剖面进行实测,系统采集粒度和光释光(OSL)样品进行分析,以期获得其沉积特征及环境演变信息。光释光测年显示该剖面为102~8.69 ka的沉积,时代属于晚更新世到早全新世。岩性和粒度分析表明该剖面为曲流河冲积沉积,可以进一步划分为河道沉积和河漫滩沉积。河道沉积以含云母碎片的中粗砂为主,发育斜层理,频率曲线以正偏双峰频率曲线为主,分选中等到较差,概率累积曲线以跳跃组分为主的两段式为主。河漫滩沉积以黏土质粉砂为主,含保存良好的腹足类化石和钙质结核,频率曲线以负偏双峰为主,分选差,概率累积曲线以悬浮组分占比大的两段式为主。C-M图显示该剖面以均匀悬浮沉积为主,属典型曲流河沉积。实测剖面与黄土剖面对比分析显示西伯章剖面可以分为三个阶段,下部20.74~16.14 m为末次间冰期晚期沉积,气候温暖湿润,以粉砂质沉积为主;中部16.14~3.18 m为末次冰期沉积,气候干冷,沉积物显示细—粗—细的特征,与末次冰期早冰阶—间冰阶—盛冰阶一一对应;上部3.18~0.2 m为冰后期沉积,与末次间冰期晚期沉积环境类似,以黏土和黏土质粉砂沉积为主。粒度成因分析揭示了河北平原中部保定凹陷区晚第四纪沉积环境主要为河流冲积环境,粒度阶段性分布特征是晚第四纪以来冰期-间冰期气候的物质响应。   相似文献   

利用典型钻孔P5孔沉积物的岩性、测年、孢粉和有孔虫的分析结果,探讨了末次冰消期以来长江三角洲东南部古河谷区记录的气候波动和海平面阶段性上升过程及其控制下的古河谷沉积模式。研究发现本区古河谷末次冰消期(15~10 ka BP)以淡水湖沼相沉积为主,4 m厚的泥炭可能是新仙女木事件的反映。10~9 ka BP 发育滨海相粉细砂、粉砂沉积,反映此时海平面较为稳定。9~8 ka BP发育溺谷相泥质粉砂、粉砂质泥沉积,厚达11 m,反映海平面快速上升作用下的高速率充填。至全新世大暖期,古河谷区沉积顶界已和长江三角洲平原的第一硬土层埋深大致相同,反映古河谷已基本被填平。  相似文献   

Holocene deposits of the Hawkesbury River estuary, located immediately north of Sydney on the New South Wales coast, record the complex interplay between sediment supply and relative sea-level rise within a deeply incised bedrock-confined valley system. The present day Hawkesbury River is interpreted as a wave-dominated estuarine complex, divisible into two broad facies zones: (i) an outer marine-dominated zone extending 6 km upstream from the estuary mouth that is characterized by a large, subtidal sandy flood-tidal delta. Ocean wave energy is partially dissipated by this flood-tidal delta, so that tidal level fluctuations are the predominant marine mechanism operating further landward; (ii) a river-dominated zone that is 103 km long and characterized by a well developed progradational bayhead delta that includes distributary channels, levees, and overbank deposits. This reach of the Hawkesbury River undergoes minor tidal level fluctuations and low fluvial runoff during baseflow conditions, but experiences strong flood flows during major runoff events. Fluvial deposits of the Hawkesbury River occur upstream of this zone. The focus of this paper is the Hawkesbury River bayhead delta. History of deposition within this delta over the last c. 12 ka is interpreted from six continuous cores located along the upper reaches of the Hawkesbury River. Detailed sedimentological analysis of facies, whole-core X-ray analysis of burrow traces and a chronostratigraphic framework derived from 10 C-14 dates reveal four stages of incised-valley infilling in the study area: (1) before 17 ka BP, a 0–1 m thick deposit of coarse-grained fluvial sand and silt was laid down under falling-to-lowstand sea level conditions; (2) from 17 to 6·5 ka BP, a 5–10 m thick deposit composed of fine-grained fluvial sand and silt, muddy bayhead delta and muddy central-basin deposits developed as the incised valley was flooded during eustatic sea-level rise; (3) during early highstand, between 6·5 and 3 ka BP, a 3–8 m thick bed of interbedded muddy central-basin deposits and sandy river flood deposits, formed in association with maximum flooding and progradation of sandy distributary mouth-bar deposits commenced; (4) since 3 ka BP, fluvial deposits have prograded toward the estuary mouth in distributary mouth-bar, interdistributary-bay and bayhead-delta plain environments to produce a 5–15 m thick progradational to aggradational bayhead-delta deposit. At the mouth of the Hawkesbury estuary subaqueous fluvial sands interfinger with and overlie marine sands. The Hawkesbury River bayhead-delta depositional succession provides an example of the potential for significant variation of facies within the estuarine to fluvial segment of incised-valley systems.  相似文献   

At Lingfeng, (34°17'N, 104°08'E) on the northern slopes of the Qinling Mountains, a stratigraphic survey was made of a 21-m-profile of floodplain sediments on the watershed between the Chang Jiang (Yangtze River) and Huang He (Yellow River) at 2500 m above sea level. The sediments contain <2 m thick layers of peat and detritical plant matter that had been deposited on the floodplain of the Langouhe. If the radiometric dates are reliable, the chronology of the site spans some 80,000 years, covering an accumulation process from the terminal Last Interglacial up to <24 ka BP. The phase >73 ka BP had cool and wet conditions with a coniferous forest vegetation. Between 73 ka and > 40 ka colder and drier conditions were likely. The vegetation changed from aPicea-Pinus forest to aPicea-Abies-Larix forest with a later increase of non-arboreal pollen. Around 40 ka the climate was warm and moist. The accumulation of silt and organic matter as well as the development of a mixed coniferous forest with high rates of thermophilous trees(Quercus, Castanea) characterize the interstadial conditions at this time. Later on, the climate changed to cool and moist conditions, evidenced by silt and peat accumulation and a coniferous forest vegetation up to <24 ka BP. The loess in this area was deposited after 24 ka and erosion by the tributaries of Chang Jiang and Huang He to a depth of at least 40 m created the watershed between the two river systems.  相似文献   

In the late Wisconsinan, the South Thompson River valley, British Columbia, was occupied by an ice-dammed lake. After the lake drained, the exposed lacustrine silt became the source material for a Holocene loess. The purpose of this paper is to establish the stratigraphic, depositional and geomorphic framework of loess occurring along the South Thompson River valley immediately east of Kamloops, British Columbia. This montane environment of loess deposition was characterised by active slope and fluvial processes depositing sediments contemporaneously with the accumulation of loess. The loess reaches an average of 4 m in thickness in the central part of the valley and thins towards the valley sides. Two tephras—Mount St Helens Y (3.4 ka) and Mount Mazama (6.8 ka)— occur in the loess and are invaluable stratigraphic markers. Most of the loess was probably deposited between 8.2 ka and 3.4 ka, a period coinciding with mid-Holocene increased summer temperatures and decreased precipitation in south-central British Columbia. Debris flows and small streams, originating on the valley sides, flowed out on to the loess depositing sand and gravel beds. These deposits form a definite proximal—distal relation across valley with the slope-derived sediments decreasing and the loess increasing in thickness towards the centre of the valley. The lactustrine silt particles were mobilised by diurnal mountain and valley, gravity, and canalised winds flowing within the South Thompson valley. An analysis of contemporary wind-flow data was undertaken to provide a possible analogue for valley wind flows in the mid-Holocene.  相似文献   

Twenty-two new radiocarbon ages from Skagit valley provide a detailed chronology of alpine glaciation during the Evans Creek stade of the Fraser Glaciation (early marine oxygen isotope stage (MIS) 2) in the Cascade Range, Washington State. Sediments at sites near Concrete, Washington, record two advances of the Baker valley glacier between ca. 30.3 and 19.5 cal ka BP, with an intervening period of glacier recession about 24.9 cal ka BP. The Baker valley glacier dammed lower Skagit valley, creating glacial Lake Concrete, which discharged around the ice dam along Finney Creek, or south into the Sauk valley. Sediments along the shores of Ross Lake in upper Skagit valley accumulated in glacial Lake Skymo after ca. 28.7 cal ka BP behind a glacier flowing out of Big Beaver valley. Horizontally laminated silt and bedded sand and gravel up to 20 m thick record as much as 8000 yr of deposition in these glacially dammed lakes. The data indicate that alpine glaciers in Skagit valley were far less extensive than previously thought. Alpine glaciers remained in advanced positions for much of the Evans Creek stade, which may have ended as early as 20.8 cal ka BP.  相似文献   

Recurring glacial outburst floods from the Yukon-Tanana Upland are inferred from sediments exposed along the Yukon River near the mouth of Charley River in east-central Alaska. Deposits range from imbricate gravel and granules indicating flow locally extending up the Yukon valley, to more distal sediments consisting of at least 10 couplets of planar sands, granules, and climbing ripples with up-valley paleocurrent indicators overlain by massive silt. An interglacial organic silt, occurring within the sequence, indicates at least two flood events are associated with an earlier glaciation, and at least three flood events are associated with a later glaciation which postdates the organic silt. A minimum age for the floods is provided by a glass fission track age of 560,000 ± 80,000 yr on the GI tephra, which occurs 8 m above the flood beds. A maximum age of 780,000 yr for the floods is based on normal magnetic polarity of the sediments. These age constraints allow us to correlate the flood events to the early-middle Pleistocene. And further, the outburst floods indicate extensive glaciation of the Yukon-Tanana Upland during the early-middle Pleistocene, likely representing the most extensive Pleistocene glaciation of the area.  相似文献   

河西走廊花海剖面晚冰期以来年代学及沉积特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选择位于河西走廊的花海古湖泊沉积剖面作为研究对象,根据13个普通14C和5个AMS14C年代结果,以沉积物岩性特征为主要指标,建立了晚冰期以来花海湖泊沉积的年代框架及环境变化过程.结果表明:花海地区新仙女木期和晚冰期花海湖泊主要以芒硝沉积为主,指示了较低的温度环境.芒硝沉积中的淤泥细线为短暂升温标志,芒硝-淤泥-芒硝的...  相似文献   

王永  董进  杨劲松 《地球科学》2020,45(7):2662-2672
哈尔滨荒山剖面是东北地区第四纪典型剖面,因缺乏绝对年龄数据,关于其地层划分及时代还有不同认识.对荒山剖面进行了系统的磁性地层学研究,并与AMS14C、OSL等年代学数据相结合,重新厘定了荒山剖面第四纪地层的年代框架.结果表明,荒山剖面记录了Matuyama负极性时晚期至Brunhes正极性时的沉积,B/M界线位于剖面下部46.7 m,剖面起始沉积年龄早于0.90 Ma.根据AMS14C和OSL年龄确定了全新统和上更新统的底界,对第四纪岩石地层单位的分层标志及顶、底年龄进行了分析,确定第四纪各个岩石地层单位的时代分别为:坦途组的年龄为~12 ka BP,顾乡屯组的年龄为12~79 ka BP,哈尔滨组的年龄为79~138 ka BP,上荒山组的年龄为138~580 ka BP,下荒山组的年龄>900 ka BP.据此建立了荒山剖面第四纪地层系统,为区域地层对比提供依据.   相似文献   

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