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The increasing globalization of the Chinese economy has been enabled by both Chinese financial institutions operating globally as well as international firms operating within China. In geographical terms, this has been organized through a number of strategic cities serving as gateways for the exchange of financial functions, products and practices between China and the global economy. Drawing on location data of financial service firms in China listed on stock exchanges in Shenzhen, Shanghai and Hong Kong, this paper shows that Chinese financial firms are expanding globally and how Chinese financial centers are positioned and connected in the urban networks shaped by these financial service firms. It is found that Hong Kong, China, holds strategic positions in the integration of Chinese cities into global financial center networks, and that establishing a foothold in global financial centers such as New York and London has been a priority for Chinese financial institutions. The increasing capital flows directed by Chinese financial institutions suggests a shifting global financial geography, with numerous Chinese cities playing increasingly important roles within global financial center networks.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to summarize the disparities of lnternet development in China spatially-temporally. The major objective is to measure the differences between Eastern, Central and Western China. Methods of map presentation, correlation, Lorenz curve, Gini Coefficient and location quotient analysis are conductcd in this study.For convenience, the indicator of regional lnternet development is simplified as the number of domain names registered under .CN in each province. The data used are collected from the semi-annual surveys of the Statistical surrey Report on the Internet Development in China since 1999. There are several findings: 1)The number of domain names in each province (city) declines gradually from the east to the west. 2) The gap between the highest growth provinces (cities) and the lowest ones is rather large. 3) Although the absolute differences between the eastern, ccntral and western China have been enlarged, the relative diffcrences in each province (city) have remained constant.4) Provinces (cities) are classified into three types according to location quotient changes, namely, rising type,changeless type and declining type. Compared with industrial and economic growth, lnternet sector in the eastern and western China is relatively ascending, while that in the central China is descending. 5) The number of domain names at provincial level is not statistically consistent with GDP.  相似文献   

Cotton is the leading cash crop in China. The cotton sown area accounts for about 30per cent of the total sown area of all the various cash crops. It is the main material used in the textile industry in China. More than 95per cent of textile materials were cotton during the 1950s; and it still occupies 80per cent at present. There are some problems concerning rational location of cotton production in China. In order to solve the problems existing in civil cotton production and supply, in view of strategy, a number of cotton production bases must be selected and built step by step in a planned way. The location of cotton production should be adjusted progressively in accordance with the existing problems. The existing cotton production regions should be consolidated and improved. The cotton production region of the middle and lower reaches of the Huanghe River should be renewed quichly to make it become the largest stable and high-yield cotton preduction region. In the regions with suitable natural condi  相似文献   

Proceeding from the commercial function of Guangzhou urban area, this paper expounds the principles and requirements for choosing commercial location, puts forward the bases to determine the limits of commercial centres. Thirty major commercial centres, in Guangzhou urban area are classified by means of cluster analysis. The function, size, hierarchy and interconnection of commercial centres of different groups are studied. The paper emphatically analyzes the major characteristics and formation factors of the commercial location of Guangzhou urban area. Finally, to counter some problems in existence, some suggestions are put forward in order to improve the commercial location of Guangzhou urban area.  相似文献   

ONDEVELOPMENTOFLARGECITIESINCHINA¥CuiGonghao(崔功豪)(NanjingUniversity,Nanjing210008,PRC)Abstract:ThelargecitiesinChinahavegrown...  相似文献   


安徽省旅游发展空间错位的模型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旅游资源与旅游区位的地域差异是客观存在的,对区域旅游发展空间错位及其原因的分析可为促进区域旅游均衡发展提供科学依据。本文以安徽省16个地级市为研究单元,运用重力模型和二维组合矩阵,选取旅游收入、资源丰度和旅游区位作为评价指标,定量分析旅游发展空间错位关系,并利用ArcGIS软件将结果进行可视化表达。研究发现:安徽省旅游收入、资源丰度和旅游区位的重心分别处于(117.63°E,31.18°N)、(117.51°E,31.12°N)和(117.20°E,32.00°N),经度方向最大错位0.43°,最小0.12°,纬度方向最大错位0.88°,最小0.06°;与区域几何中心相比,旅游收入重心和资源丰度重心均向南偏移;从旅游收入-资源丰度、旅游收入-旅游区位的组合矩阵来看,呈错位和同步发展的城市均为8个。整体而言,安徽省旅游空间错位主要是因旅游区位和旅游资源的条件差异,四大旅游板块要结合自身的特点,发挥优势,挖掘潜力,通过采取不同的空间矫正策略达到区域旅游协同发展的目的。  相似文献   

At present, paid urban landuse system is one of the most important economic reform in China. In the other words, landuse right can be transferred and land users must pay the rent to the state according to the quality of land. It is necessary to apply the theory of rent and location to the economic approaisal of urban land. China is vast in territory. Is’s geographical condition and economic development vary from place to place, so does the urban land value. In order to reveal the difference of land value between different cities, the following method is used. (1) Analysing the factors and elements that affect the quality of urban land. Six factors including 17 elements were selected in this paper: macrolocation of a city, benefit of urban aggregation, infrastructure investment, output value of urban land, potential of urban land, and investment intensity. (2) Deciding the weight andvalue of each factor. (3) Appraising each element separately. (4) Accounting the value of all factors and getting the total appraisal score of each city. (5) Grouping the 430 Chinese cities into sevencategories according to the appraisal values. The result shows that all the cities in the category with the highest land output values are in the coast belt, whereas most cities in the inland and outlying areas are belong to the category with low rank. For example, 87% of the cities in the outlying regions are belong to the lowest rank. Although there are some relationship between the size of cities and urban land rank, generally speaking, the larger the city, the higher the urban land rank. In fact, the locational condition is the most important factor which influences the rank of urban land.  相似文献   

基于新型城镇化内涵的深刻理解及城镇化发展历程的梳理,尝试性利用等权重方法,对2000~2015年中国31个省市新型城镇化发展水平进行测度和时空维度及集聚特征展示。在此基础上建立多元回归模型,对中国进行分区域新型城镇化发展驱动力进行分析。结果表明,中国东、中、西部新型城镇化发展主导驱动因素分别为外向力、市场力和行政力。政府应在充分认识新型城镇化内涵基础上,对东、中、西部实行不同发展策略,缩小区域差异。  相似文献   

伟大的生态文明工程——对中国大运河遗址的再认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文试图从生态文明建设、区域经济发展和宏观协调的角度,点评中国大运河工程。作者认为:她是中国东部大平原上开发湿地、利用湖泊的成功范例。是古代水网地区跨流域的内河航运的中央干线;为农耕文明时代国家级的标志性工程,是自隋唐以来保证中国南北统一的政治、经济、文化干线;是中国历史发展的大动脉;也是中国伟大的生态文明工程。中国大运河总长约3500km,顺应自然环境、水系格局和平原微地貌条件。她是2500年间代代中华儿女因势利导、因地制宜、河工逾千万、分段接力完成的伟大漕运系统。至今仍有近900km正常通航,每年货运量约3亿t,依然是北煤南运、南水北调、沿线资源流通的物流干道。中国大运河是活着的大遗址,是仍然发挥调控南北的作用的大遗址。中国大运河曾经串联了我国中东部六省两直辖市,穿越的33个地区级城市中有18个是历史文化名城。这些城市都不同程度地因大运河而兴衰,而且水文化和水景观仍然是这些运河沿线城市的特点和亮点,是其成为宜居城市、生态旅游城市的基本条件。  相似文献   

基于制造业企业网络视角的城市网络核心—边缘结构的研究将加深对城市网络演化规律的理解。利用2020年中国制造业500强企业网络数据和隶属联系模型构建城市网络,研究了中国城市网络核心—边缘结构的演化特征,定量测度了核心—边缘结构的影响因素,并根据国际生产折衷理论解析了城市网络地位分异的动力机制。研究发现: 2005—2020年,核心区块的城市数量逐渐增加,主要由直辖市、经济特区以及东、中部地区的省会城市组成,这些城市通过互惠性的链接关系形成了凝聚子群,网络权力较为集中;边缘区块的城市则主要位于中、西部地区,城市间经济联系相对稀疏,整体网络结构并不稳定,城市的发展受到了网络资本的约束。关键资源、基础设施和区位优势是影响中国城市网络地位的决定性因素,择优选择、网络邻近和路径依赖构成了中国城市网络核心—边缘结构演化的动力机制,这将进一步增强核心城市的网络地位。在网络环境下,城市间的差距趋于扩大,城市网络地位的提升取决于城市在网络中的影响力,中国城市化政策需要做出相应调整。  相似文献   

根据弹性理论的叠加原理,研究了有限元分析中的单元划分问题。通过有限元结点位移反演边界力系数与理论边界力系数进行比较来判别断裂区单元划分是否合理,应用模拟数据定量分析了二维和三维有限元法的单元划分,为有限元法在地学研究中的实际应用提供参考依据。  相似文献   

黄河三角洲是中国唯一一块保存最完整、最典型、最年轻的湿地生态系统,由于其地理位置优越、自然资源丰富等特点,在国际上备受关注。该文在已有资料分析、现场地质调查、遥感数据分析的基础上,构建了黄河三角洲湿地资源地质环境评价指标体系,采用定量与定性相结合的方法,将黄河三角洲湿地地质环境质量分为5个等级(优、良、一般、较差和差),研究结果表明,该地区19个县(市、区)中湿地地质环境资源质量为良的有8个,质量一般的为11个,总体处于健康-疾病的临界状态。并基于以上研究成果,针对性地提出了黄河三角洲湿地资源保护对策。  相似文献   

1 Introduction The industrial location is always the focus in academic circles and any analysis on industrial location can not avoid the agglomeration mechanism formed as the result of the industrial location. The study on the industrial location has become the focus for the massive theoretical location problems about agglomeration since the 1970s, which has a great influence on the formation of the in- dustrial location. In order to make more study of its in- fluence, it is necessary to resea…  相似文献   

Municipal district adjustment and built-up area expansion are two main forms of urban spatial expansion. Using geometric methods, this study constructed a space-time path method to characterize the space-time relationship between municipal district adjustment and built-up area expansion, and drew the space-time path sets of major prefecture level cities from 2000 to 2010 by constructing a coordinate system of the standardized built-up areas and municipal district areas. This divided them into four quadrants, namely, H-H, L-H, L-L, and H-L, based on the relative mean value to evaluate overall and individual stability by three indexes of the trajectory vectors, namely, direction, length, and slope. Results provide the following conclusions. 1) Municipal district adjustment is an effective spatial expansion way for city-scale promotion in China. Since 2000, municipal district adjustments have been mainly distributed in the eastern coastal regions and mid-western capital cities along with their surrounding cities. 2) Municipal district adjustment affects the scale and status of a city in China. Many cities that have expanded municipal districts behave stably and cross quadrants. 3) Great majority second-tier cities have effectively promoted their scale and status through municipal district adjustment. The municipal district adjustment of medium and small cities in the mid-west area is relatively advanced compared with city development. 4) Municipal district adjustment with minimal magnitude is severely restricted from upgrading the scale and status of a city. The transformation from entirely incorporated counties or cities to municipal districts should be the mainstream in future municipal district adjustment.  相似文献   

Assessment on agricultural drought risk based on variable fuzzy sets model   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Drought is one of the major natural disasters causing huge agricultural losses annually. Regional agricultural drought risk assessment has great significance for reducing regional disaster and agricultural drought losses. Based on the fuzzy characteristics of agricultural drought risk, variable fuzzy sets model was used for comprehensively assessing agricultural drought risk of Liaoning Province in China. A multi-layers and multi-indices assessment model was established according to variable fuzzy sets theory, and agricultural drought risk of all 14 prefecture-level cities was respectively estimated in terms of dangerousness, vulnerability, exposure and drought-resistibility. By calculating the combination weights of four drought risk factors, agricultural drought risk grade of each city was obtained. Based on the assessment results, the spatial distribution maps of agricultural drought risk were drawn. The results shows that eastern cities have lower drought dangerousness than western cities in Liaoning Province totally. Most cities are located in low drought vulnerability region and high drought exposure region. Because of frequent and severe drought since 2000, most cities are located in lower drought-resistibility region. Comprehensive agricultural drought risk presents apparent spatial characteristics, escalating from the east to the west. Drought dangerousness is the most important factor influencing comprehensive agricultural drought risk. Through the spatial distribution maps of drought risk, decision makers could find out drought situation and make decisions on drought resistance conveniently.  相似文献   

随着城市的不断发展,济南市用地紧张,人地矛盾不断增大。对济南市土地进行集约利用分析,能为提高土地利用效率、缓解土地利用压力提供支撑。当前济南市土地集约利用存在的问题有土地利用结构不合理,集约利用程度较低等。在未来城市化发展过程中,土地的价格以及用地压力将会不断加大。且当前济南市并未注重城市生态环境的建设。该研究运用主成分分析法,构建了土地集约利用指标体系及模型,对济南市土地集约利用状况进行了分析评价。结果表明,济南市的土地集约利用程度虽然有了一定的提升,但从整体上来说情况仍不容乐观。在未来发展中,济南市始终要优化土地利用结构,提升土地产出效能,加大土地监管力度,优化土地资源配置,注重土地集约发展。  相似文献   

TheimportantgUidingprinciplethatenstiresthesustainabledevelOPmentOfChinais"The21stCentury'sAgendaofChina"(Office,1994).ThesustainabledevelopmentintheareasalongthenewEtirasiancontinentalBridge(sectioninXinjiang)belongstooneoftheprioritemsof"theagenda".TheopeningofthenewEtirasiancontinentalBridgenotonlybringsabbotgreatoPPOrtunitiesfordevelopmentofXinjiang,butalsoplaysamajorroleinreducingthegapbetweentheWesternandeasternpartsofChina.Furthermore,itcantriggerfuttiresustainabledevelOPmentin…  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to evaluate the current state of rural area development at the county level in the eastern coastal China. An evaluation index system including 18 factors was developed, and a rural development index (RDI) was constructed to evaluate rural development state in 2000, 2004, and 2008. The quantitative evaluation indicated the following results. 1) This study derived four dominating components by means of principal component analysis, which can explain 78.2% of the total information, namely agricultural production input, the basic condition of agriculture, the comparative effectiveness of grain production, and the household′s own basic conditions. 2) Since the turn of the new millennium, the rural area in the eastern coastal China has experienced a rapid development in general. Well developed, developed, moderately developed and undeveloped rural areas respectively occupied 29.32%, 22.33%, 21.91%, and 10.51% in 2008. 3) The countryside had maintained a sound momentum of developing trend between 2000 and 2008, while the rural development in the eastern coastal China lacked sustainability. And 4) industrialization, urbanization, original economic basis, and location are four major driving forces of the disparity of rural area development in the eastern coastal China. Given these results, the strategies and policies for the improvement of each rural group were put forward.  相似文献   

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