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滇池是中国最大的高原淡水湖泊,是长江上游生态安全格局的重要组成部分。自2008年起政府在滇池湖滨带大规模退耕还草还林,以恢复滇池及其湖滨生态。湖滨带植被对滇池总磷浓度的影响是一个长期过程,需要通过遥感长时间连续监测的数据来评价。本文以滇池和滇池湖滨带为研究区,从空间分布、季节差异2个角度,结合入湖河流总磷负荷,研究2005—2018年滇池湖滨植被时空变化对滇池总磷浓度的影响。主要结论如下:① 滇池总磷浓度由湖缘向湖心逐渐降低,并且北部和南部偏高;2005—2018年,滇池总磷浓度呈现显著下降趋势;② 2011—2018年滇池总磷浓度显著减小与湖滨带植被的拦截作用密切相关;③ 2005—2018年滇池湖滨带草本和木本植物面积都显著增加,增加最剧烈的年份是2010—2011年;④ 相比于平水期和丰水期,枯水期NDVI与强影响区总磷浓度负相关关系最强,且木本植物NDVI与强影响区总磷浓度负相关性强于草本。本文利用长时间序列数据评价滇池总磷浓度与其湖滨植被的响应关系,可为滇池湖泊生态恢复提供科学依据。  相似文献   

涛动(ENSO)间的相互作用可进一步诱发季风突变,造成北半球中低纬度地区大面积干旱。   相似文献   

根据安徽省2006~2009年4年来10个地面测站的闪电定位数据资料,分析安徽省闪电活动的时空分布特点。从时间分布来看,闪电频次分布具有明显的季节性,春季闪电发生频次上升,夏季7月达最大值,秋季下降,至冬季达最小值。在闪电发生频次逐时分布中呈现出一定规律性,闪电多发生在1天中15:00-17:00,而在9:00发生频次最少。通过分析闪电空间密度分布图可以发现,南部闪电密度大于北部,原因是北部以平原为主,南部以山丘为主,且南北气候类型不同,北部为暖温带半湿润季风气候,南部为亚热带湿润季风气候,而且与北部相比南部经济发展快,城市高层建筑多,人口密度大,和空气污染相对严重。  相似文献   

研究徐家围子断陷19个气藏.结果表明:徐家围子断陷天然气盖层主要为登二段发育的泥岩盖层和营—段顶部发育的沉凝灰岩和泥岩盖层,前者整个断陷分布,是断陷南部营四段火山角砾岩气藏和断陷北部营三段火山岩气藏的盖层;后者仅分布在断陷南部,是营一段火山岩气藏盖层.盖层厚度大于2.5m,主要分布在25.0m以上.盖层排替压力p主要大...  相似文献   

银川平原主要水环境问题及其对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于野外调查、取样分析以及遥感影像等,介绍了银川平原水文地质条件及水资源利用概况,探讨了土壤盐渍化、湖泊湿地萎缩、地下水盐化、地下水超采以及土地荒漠化等水环境问题及其演化成因。结果表明:银川平原地下水主要接受渠系渗漏及灌溉入渗、大气降水入渗、平原周边地下侧向径流、洪水散失、黄河水等补给,地下水排泄方式主要是排水沟排泄、蒸发和人工开采等,大部分地区潜水埋深在3 m以内;地表水主要来源于黄河引水,水资源利用效率不高;土壤盐渍化总面积8.17×104hm2,呈逐年缩减的趋势,主要分布于银川平原北部,平原南部仅分布在邵岗东部、灵武东部秦渠和东干渠等;湖泊湿地总体呈逐渐减少趋势,主要分布在银川平原北部,永宁以北、平罗以南区域比较集中,滩涂沿黄河两岸分布;潜水总含盐量自西向东、自南向北不断增大;银川和石嘴山深层地下水超采严重,地下水降落漏斗面积已超过500 km2;沙漠化土地分布在银川平原的东西两侧;土壤盐渍化及地下水盐化主要由潜水位埋深过浅,蒸发强烈造成的。最后,提出了防治上述水环境问题的对策:进一步加强水资源管理以及地表水与地下水联合调配;提高农业水资源利用效率;完善田间工程配套,实现渠道防渗管道化;改进田间灌溉技术;严格污水排放,积极开展污水净化处理,实行污水资源化;加强对水土环境质量的系统监测。  相似文献   

水资源是人类赖以生存的不可替代的物质基础,在全球经济和社会可持续发展过程中占有相当重要的地位。近年来,随着工业和农业的快速发展以及城镇人口的快速增长,随之而来的石油类污染、纺织印染污染、城市垃圾和生产生活污水的不合理处置以及农业生产农药、化肥的大量使用,造成本来有限的地下水污染状况日趋加重。以20世纪80年代时期地下水水质测试资料为背景,利用2015年以及近年来取得的大量水质测试资料,采用"污染指数法",对山东省滨州市进行区域地下水污染综合评价。研究表明:滨州市地下水无机污染以硝酸根、亚硝酸根、氯化物和硫酸盐为主,有机污染以二氯甲烷、三氯乙烯、1,1-二氯乙烯、三氯甲烷为主。相比而言黄河以北地区因地下水水位埋藏较浅,包气带岩性以砂岩为主,而且化工和皮革鞣质加工企业较多,因此受到有机污染危害更大一些。  相似文献   

鸡西盆地位于黑龙江省东南部,东西长135km,南北平均宽25km,面积3375km^2。鸡西盆地为NEE—NE向中新生代含煤盆地,盆地中部具有一向东倾伏基底隆起,并存在一条近东西向的平麻逆断裂,使盆地分成南、北两个坳陷。盆地南、北坳陷均为大型复向斜构造,盆地中部受控于平阳一麻山逆断裂和恒山古隆起,南部边缘受敦化一密山断裂控制,北部为侵蚀边界。穆棱组是鸡西盆地内含煤地层,  相似文献   

水环境监测数据在水环境敏感性评价中起关键作用,然而受地形、环境、站点布设等因素影响存在缺失或不足的问题。为此,本文选取福建省为实验区,以2017年4-6月该省重点平台采集的网络文本数据为数据源,从水环境网络文本敏感度、污染敏感度和保护敏感度3个方面分析遴选出13个评价因子,基于模糊层次分析法结合网络文本构建水环境敏感性评价模型,分类验证评估结果的合理性。结果表明:① 从网络文本敏感度看,该省东部-中北部地区高于西部-中南部地区,高敏感区分布集中在闽江下游地区;② 从污染敏感度看,该省南部地区高于北部地区,高敏感区主要分布在汀江中下游、晋江下游和龙江等区域;③ 从保护敏感度看,该省西北-中南地区高于东北-西南地区,高敏感区主要分布在闽江上游支流建溪、木兰溪、萩芦溪等区域。综合各敏感度因子分析后发现全省水环境敏感度整体从东南-西南-北部-中部-东北依次减小,东沿海经济发达区和河流入海口等区域呈现出高敏感性,与实际情况相符。本研究使得水环境敏感性评价结果更具合理性,对于预测或排查水环境高敏感污染风险区、重要保护区及公众关注区具有一定的实用意义。  相似文献   

10月6日,今年第23号强台风“菲特”向浙江南部和福建北部沿海直扑而来,给余姚带来了连续强降雨。全市过程雨量达到了561毫米,最大降雨量达到819毫米,百年一遇。受连续强降雨影响,余姚的山塘、水库、河网水位不断上升,姚江余姚段最高水位达533米,超警戒水位1.56米,为建国以来的最高记录。  相似文献   

在以色列狭长的国土上旅行,从北到南一路走来,人们会有一种从高处慢慢滑落的心理感受.北部高山区海拔1200多米,南部死海边缘的沙漠地带海拔-400米,是地球上最低的地方.与人们按常规想象的相反,北部高山地区反倒有一些雨水,南部低洼地区却是极度干旱,年均降水量不到200毫米,许多地区还从未下过雨.举目望去,沙漠砾石,热气纷腾,很难与自古以来犹太人一心向往的"流淌着蜜与奶的土地"对上号.对此,以色列的朋友会毫不遮掩地告诉你,这种严重缺水的沙漠旱地,竟占了他们国土面积的60%.世界公认人均年用水量低于3000立方米即属缺水,而以色列的人均年用水量只有300立方米.  相似文献   

Wetland plant communities in the plateau lakes of Yunnan Province, China, have decreased significantly over the past decades. To better understand this degradation, we analyzed the processes and characteristics of changes in wetland plant communities in two of the largest lakes in Yunnan Province, Dianchi and Erhai lakes. We collected records of native and alien plant communities in the two lakes from literature published from the 1950s to current period. We calculated plant community types and their area in some historical periods when related data were reported, and analyzed the relationship between changes in plant communities and water pollution. In Dianchi Lake, 12 community types of native plant communities, covering over 80% of the surface in the 1950s and 1960s, were reduced to four types covering 2.4% by the late 2000s. Alien plant communities started to appear in the lake in the late 1970s, and have since come to cover 4.9% of the lake surface, thereby becoming dominant. In Erhai Lake, 16 community types of native plant communities, covering 47.1% of the lake surface in the late 1970s, declined to 10 community types, covering 9.3% of the surface, by the late 2000s. Alien plant communities appeared in the middle 1980s, and at present cover 0.7% of the surface area. It was indicated that changes in plant communities were significant related to water eutrophication. The area occupied by native and alien plant communities was, respectively, negatively and positively related to the content of nutrients in water. This showed lacustrine pollution played an important role in native plant loss and alien plant invasion in the two plateau lakes.  相似文献   

湖泊水位是评估湖泊水量变化的重要指标。本文以洪泽湖、高邮湖及洞庭湖为研究对象,利用集中度的概率密度函数方法(CPDF)来提高Jason-2测高数据精度,分析了降水量与各个湖泊水位变化的相关性,并基于实测水位数据对比评价了Jason-2测高卫星原始GDR数据和CPDF方法处理后的卫星数据的精度。结果表明:①Jason-2原始GDR数据点的分布存在疏密之分,大部分数据分布相对集中,且有一定的周期变化,但评价结果显示精度较差,故原始GDR数据不能直接用于湖泊水位监测;②CPDF方法可以极大提高测高卫星的水位数据精度,洪泽湖与高邮湖的均方根误差分别由1.92 m与1.74 m减少到了0.32 m和0.36 m,相关系数由0.28和0.04提高到了0.85和0.72。对于南北宽度较窄且日水位变化较大的湖泊(如洞庭湖),CPDF方法提高原始GDR结果的精度有限;③洞庭湖降水与水位相关性最强,高邮湖次之,而洪泽湖降水与水位成不显著的负相关,是洪泽湖水利工程对于水位的调节导致了这一结果。本研究对于利用测高卫星获得湖泊水位值,进而对湖泊进行动态监控,特别是在填补资料匮乏地区湖泊水位数据方面具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The Taihu Lake region in southern Jiangsu is one of the regions with flourishing economy and the highest level of urbanization due to favourable natural conditions and socio-economic foundation. However, there emerge a seriers of urban ecological problems on continuous stretch of cities and towns, a vague division of urban functions, ground subsidence, serious pollution of atmosphere and waters arising from dense population, irrational distribution of industry, backwardeness of municipal engineering facilities, and inexperienced scientific management of water resources. In order to improve the urban eco-environment in this lake region, we should work out an overall regional eco梕nvironmental programme, perfect the urban economic set-up from the reqirements of urban material circulations and energy exchanges, and finally put into practice the urban functional regionalism, so that the Taihu Lake region in southern Jiangsu has not only a higher economic benefit, but also a beautiful and comfortable eco-env  相似文献   

The southern coast of Laizhou Bay, Bohai Sea, is one of the areas in China most seriously impacted by seawater intrusion. Based on the sources of intruding waterbedies, seawater intrusion can be divided into two types: intrusion of saline water derived from modern seawater, and intrusion of subsurface brine and saline water derived from paleo-seawater in shallow Quaternary sediments. There are some distinct differences in their formation, mechanism and damage. The subsurface brine intrusion is a special type, which can cause very serious disaster. The coastal landform and the Quaternary hydrogeological environment are predominant factors in the classification of seawater intrusion types. Various coastal environments in different coastal sections result in three types of intrusion: seawater intrusion, saline groundwater intrusion, and mixed seawater and saline water intrusion, in the southern coast of Laizhou Bay, which can be divided into four areas: the sea-water intrusion area in the northern Laizhou City coast, the mixed seawater and saline groundwater intrusion area in the Baisha River-Jiaolai River mouth plain area, the mixed seawater and saline groundwater intrusion area in the Weihe River mouth plain area northern Changyi county coast, and the saline ground-water intrusion area in the northern Shouguang plains.  相似文献   

In recent years, sedimentation conditions in Dongting Lake have varied greatly because of significant changes in runoff and sediment load in the Changjiang (Yangtze) River following the construction of Three Gorges Dam. The topography of the lake bottom has changed rapidly because of the intense exchange of water and sediment between the lake and the Changjiang River. However, time series information on lake-bottom topographic change is lacking. In this study, we introduced a method that combines remote sensing data and in situ water level data to extract a record of Dongting Lake bottom topography from 2003 to 2011. Multi-temporal lake land/water boundaries were extracted from MODIS images using the linear spectral mixture model method. The elevation of water/land boundary points were calculated using water level data and spatial interpolation techniques. Digital elevation models of Dongting Lake bottom topography in different periods were then constructed with the multiple heighted waterlines. The mean root-mean-square error of the linear spectral mixture model was 0.036, and the mean predicted error for elevation interpolation was -0.19 m. Compared with field measurement data and sediment load data, the method has proven to be most applicable. The results show that the topography of the bottom of Dongting Lake has exhibited uneven erosion and deposition in terms of time and space over the last nine years. Moreover, lake-bottom topography has undergone a slight erosion trend within this period, with 58.2% and 41.8% of the lake-bottom area being eroded and deposited, respectively.  相似文献   

The relative importance of each pollution factor in analytical hierarchy process (AHP) method comes from pooling expert opinions in general. Because expert opinions are based on information and judgment criteria, determining their weight may lead to uncertainty.. Therefore, an improved AHP method had been developed. The process of the improved AHP method involved four key procedures. The weights of pollution factors were completely related to the objective monitoring data through the standardization of these procedures. The environmental comprehensive quality of water and sediment of Xuanwu Lake, Nanjing, China had been evaluated. The environmental quality comprehensive indices (EQCI) of the water in 1991-1995 and 1996-2000 were 3.32 and 1.85, respectively, indicating that the water quality improved. The EQCI of the sediment in 1995 and 2000 indicates that the sediment contamination decreased from 1995 to 2000. Such results agreed with the fact that the lake had been under comprehensive control. However, with the classical AHP method, the EQCI of the sediment in the northwestern part of the lake may have indicated that sediment contamination increased from 1995 to 2000. The discrepancy may have resulted from the judgment difference of the experts. The improved AHP method can avoid arbitrariness of subjective judgment and can reflect the real influential factors of environment pollution in different periods or regions.  相似文献   

银川地区地下水氮污染原因及防治   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
通过对银川地区1991-2000年的地下水水质动态监测数据分析发现其地下水氮污染严重.其中尤以氨氮污染最为严重,对其氮污染的成因作进一步分析得出:引起潜水氮污染的主要因子是农田大量施用化肥和地面污水下渗,引起承压水氮污染的主要因子是大量开采承压水造成的潜水对其越流补给.最后提出了相应的防治措施。  相似文献   

Present-day conditions of the Lake Kenon ecosystem are determined by a combination of natural and anthropogenic factors.We have estimated the effects of a complex of factors on the condition of the abiotic environment and on specific biological components in the lake ecosystem.Change in biogenic load has caused an increase in the role of phytoplankton in the general balance of organic matter during the high-water period.Charophytes are the main dominants of bottom vegetation.Anthropogenic load has caused a decrease in both fish species and fish capacity.The lake application as a water reservoir-cooler has influenced the average annual water mineralization(from 420 mg/L to 530.0 mg/L with a maximum 654 mg/L in 1993) and fluctuations in its hydrochemical composition.The present composition of the lake is sulfate-hydrocarbonate-chloride calcium-sodic-magnesium in character.SO 4 – content is twice as much as the maximum permissible concentration in fishery waters.Water drainage from an ash disposal area to the lake has caused an increase in chemical-element concentrations including the heavy metals.Hg concentration in Perca fluviatilis muscles is 0.5 μg/g dry wt.Thus,understanding directions in the ecosystem of the water reservoir-cooler under changing hydrological conditions will let us forecast the consequences of new combined heat and power plant operation.  相似文献   

湖泊(特别是内陆湖)作为全球气候变化的敏感区域,是气候变化与环境变异的指示器,其面积变化在一定程度上可反映区域的气候变化。因此,精确监测湖泊面积的时空变化,对分析区域生态环境变化具有重要的意义。本文基于ESTARFM时空数据融合模型,利用MODIS数据模拟了2000年后无法得到的Landsat数据;利用NDWI和MNDWI 2种水体指数并辅以DEM数据分析了1976-2014年西藏色林错湖湖面面积的时空变化;综合湖区周围6个气象站点的气象数据(1970-2014年),探究了湖面面积变化的原因及其对气候变化的响应。结果表明:(1)利用ESTARFM时空融合模型得到的Landsat-Like数据与真实的Landsat数据在水体信息提取方面具有较高的相关性,R2可达0.93,时空数据融合的结果可用于湖泊水体的信息提取;(2)近40年来(1976-2014年),色林错湖处于持续扩张状态,面积呈较显著的增长趋势,增加了近711.652 km2,增幅为42.36%,年平均增长速率约为18.728 km2a-1,增长最快时可达55.954 km2a-1;湖面面积变化先后经历了平稳变化-迅速变化-平稳变化3个阶段;北部湖区在40年间变化最为明显,向北扩展了约22.812 km;2003-2005年,南部湖区已与雅根错湖连为一体,随后二者共同扩张;(3)气温的持续升高造成的冰雪融水补给增加可能是导致湖泊面积扩张的主要因素,风速的降低为次要因素,湖面的面积变化与降水量、日照时数的变化相关性不明显。  相似文献   

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