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利用WRF模式中的UCM+AH城市冠层方案,以2005年8月两个晴天为天气背景,对比研究了1993年与2005年不同下垫面情况下,沈阳市城市扩张对近地层风热环境及边界层的影响。结果表明:UCM+AH方案能够较合理准确地模拟出城市范围的2 m气温与10 m风速的日变化特征,且对2 m气温的模拟效果要优于10 m风速;模拟2 m气温的日较差偏大,模拟10 m风速系统性偏高0.5—1.0 m·s-1;城市土地扩张后,城区普遍增温,且夜间增温幅度较大,扩建城区夜间最大增温能达到7℃,老城区在夜间增温幅度最大可达3℃,上风向增温幅度较大;城区日间增温不明显,在0—1℃;城市土地扩张后,老城区风速普遍减小,但减小值1 m·s-1;扩建城区风速减小近1 m·s-1,城区内可能出现的高温辐合中心对周围近地层风速有加速作用;城市扩张对边界层最显著的影响体现在午后,城区的扩张增大了湍流动能的影响范围,湍流动能在数值上增加0.2—0.3 m2·s-2;扩建城区上空的边界层高度在14时抬升100—200 m,且下风向边界层内部的局地环流与垂直上升运动增强。  相似文献   

为了研究不同等级公路对气温观测的影响,在渭南市境内108国道和渭蒲高速公路进行公路典型环境特定观测试验,结果表明:当测站距国道50m以外,气温观测基本不受影响。当高速公路位于测站上风方时,其对气温的影响明显大于当其位于测站下风方时,且当风速1.0m/s,靠近高速公路的测站增温现象明显,这种影响延伸到距测站100m以内;当高速公路位于测站下风方时,距高速公路75m以内测站的气温受其影响增大或减小趋势呈明显的日变化特征。建议在气象观测站选址和观测环境保护时,充分考虑测站对公路路基回避距离的要求。  相似文献   

城市建筑物对边界层结构影响的数值试验研究   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:5  
陈燕  蒋维楣 《高原气象》2006,25(5):824-833
在区域边界层模式的数值模拟中引入建筑物的影响,与实际观测的对比表明,模拟结果能较好地体现建筑物对城市风场的影响,提高了模拟性能。本研究根据城市形态特征,设计不同建筑物高度和密度的敏感性试验,结果表明:建筑物一般会使城市地区风速减小,风速最大可减小1.6 m/s,易引起低层气流的辐合。湍流动能中的机械产生作用增加,湍流交换加强,大气层结的不稳定性增大,混合层高度增加。地表和大气之间动量交换被削弱;日间热量交换减弱,夜间热量交换增强。这些变化表明,建筑物对城市气流及边界层结构的影响十分明显,尤其在风速较大的时候。  相似文献   

低层偏南气流对一次暴雨过程的动力作用分析和数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
肖递祥  肖丹  周长春  周春花  谌贵珣 《气象》2013,39(3):281-290
利用常规观测资料和NCEP再分析资料,对2010年7月22-25日四川盆地西部出现的一次暴雨过程进行了诊断分析.结果表明:暴雨出现在对流层低层南海至四川盆地一直维持偏南气流的环流背景下,暴雨与这支偏南气流的风速演变密切相关,降雨强度随南风气流的增强而增强,南风气流增强所形成的风速辐合及正涡度平流是暴雨的主要动力触发因子,暴雨与低层辐合和正涡度平流区域有很好的对应关系.WRF数值模拟试验进一步表明:850 hPa层3h风速演变对中尺度对流系统的发展具有很好的指示意义,在3h风速增大区域的下风方,未来3h对流云团将迅速发展;盆地西部形成的气流辐合与其西侧的高原地形密切相关.  相似文献   

利用卫星观测和再分析资料,研究了2018 年 4 月 30 日东海黑潮海面温度锋(黑潮锋)影响低云突破边界层发展为对流云团,并导致强降水的过程。结果表明:(1)29 日 12 时东海 500 hPa 上受短波槽控制,低空处于高低压之间的偏南气流中;黑潮锋大气边界层稳定,有利于低云发展。 (2)黑潮锋的暖水侧向大气不断输送热量和水汽,稳定性减弱;而冷水侧对大气的冷却作用显著, 大气稳定性增加。(3)经过约12 h 的调整,黑潮锋通过垂直混合机制强迫表层风速发生变化,在黑潮锋上空形成风速辐合,叠加背景辐合场,导致辐合明显增强。(4)受平流效应影响,黑潮锋上空大气增湿增温,抬升凝结高度降低。(5)潜热释放与低空辐合之间形成正反馈,最终导致对流云团发展,降水强度显著增强。  相似文献   

利用常规观测资料和榆林多普勒雷达(CB)观测资料,分析2009年7月16—17日发生在陕北地区的大暴雨天气过程,结果表明:大暴雨发生时段,对应着低层偏东或东南气流风速增大后再减小的过程。当低层气流风速增大后再减小,中低层低空急流建立时出现强降水。暴雨区高空急流南侧强辐散形成的上升气流和中低空急流风速持续增加形成的上升气流的叠加耦合为大范围暴雨天气的产生创造了有利的上升运动条件。大暴雨出现在中尺度辐合线附近,中尺度辐合线为大暴雨的发生提供了充分的水汽和更多的不稳定能量,使水汽的上升和不稳定能量的释放集中在一个更小的区域,从而使得降水雨强比仅由高低空急流耦合形成的更大。上游西北气流侵入强迫抬升前方偏南暖湿气流促使中尺度辐合线产生,当高层西北气流侵入到低层海拔3 km以下,暴雨天气结束。  相似文献   

洱海湖滨大气边界层结构及特征分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
利用JICA计划中日合作"2008年季风过程与暴雨天气上游关键区综合气象观测试验"期间在大理国家气候观象台的GPS探空加密观测资料,分析了洱海湖滨区大气边界层厚度、位温、比湿、风速、风向的垂直结构。结果表明,洱海湖滨大气边界层结构具有显著的日变化特征,边界层厚度日变化较大,对流边界层厚度在190~2500 m之间,平均厚度为1061 m;稳定边界层厚度在60~1760 m之间,平均厚度为467 m。无论在干季还是在湿季,大约在2400 m以上,气流主要受大尺度的大气环流的控制,以西风气流为主。在2400 m以下,气流主要受苍山和洱海的影响,可能存在着山谷风和湖陆风两者叠加效应引起的局地环流。大约在500 m以下,白天多为东风和东南风,夜间多为西风和西南风。  相似文献   

为探讨粤港澳大湾区城市群对局地极端强降水的影响,采用WRF-ARW中尺度区域数值模式及GSI-3DVar同化系统,以ECMWF提供的ERA5再分析资料作为模式初始场和边界场,并进行多普勒雷达资料的三维变分同化,对2020年5月22日发生在大湾区的极端强降水过程进行数值模拟,研究城市对局地极端降水的影响过程与机理。结果表明:相较于未同化任何观测资料,加入雷达反射率和径向风资料的同化可提升降水的模拟能力,尤其对250 mm以上的特大暴雨量级的模拟改善效果最为显著;观测与对照试验共同表明,大湾区城市群一方面作为“热源”,通过感热和潜热过程提高了边界层大气温度,产生明显热岛效应的同时增强了低层大气的对流不稳定度,另一方面,较强的摩擦耗散过程使边界层风速减弱,更多的暖湿空气被截留在城市区域内部,有助于形成更强的热力不稳定与水汽辐合条件,从而使强降水中心落在城市区域边缘靠内部一侧;城市下垫面被替换为农田的敏感性试验进一步表明,城市下垫面造成的摩擦耗散作用可影响800 hPa以下的边界层,而缺乏城市冠层的摩擦耗散作用,边界层更强的西南风可将暖湿不稳定空气输送至城市区域下游更远处,并受到局地地形的强迫抬升,引起更强的垂直上升运动,从而造成比对照试验强度更大、落区位置更偏于城市下风方的降水中心。  相似文献   

梅雨锋上边界层中尺度扰动涡旋的个例研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
运用实况自动站、高时空分辨率的雷达和数值模拟资料,对2009年7月24日的梅雨锋暴雨过程进行了分析,结果表明:(1)锋面南侧的暖区弱降水环境内,近地面的风场会有扰动涡旋出现,随着扰动涡旋趋于稳定和向上发展,降水迅速加强,形成短时暴雨,并伴随有大风出现。(2)偏西气流从边界层开始发展并加强为急 流,在向东推进的过程中逐渐抬升,形成了一支从边界层倾斜入对流层低层的急流轴;而偏南气流与偏北风相遇之后,不仅形成风向的辐合和切变,而且在空间上被抬升,形成了一支斜升入流。(3)在近地面风场的切变和 辐合作用下,锋生与辐合同步加强,边界层内的涡度也逐渐增强,由此带动了扰动的发生发展,扰动涡旋在边界层内率先形成,随后,在急流的东传和抬升影响下,扰动涡旋也逐步向东移动、向上发展。(4)近地面风速的加强、风向的辐合切变导致了扰动涡旋的发生和形成,并逐渐发展,这是边界层中尺度扰动涡旋发生发展的动力 因子。  相似文献   

花丛  刘超  张恒德 《气象科技》2017,45(5):870-875
利用L波段风廓线雷达资料,对北京2014年10月7-10日持续性雾霾天气过程的机理进行了研究,结果表明:低空偏南气流对雾霾的维持和发展有明显影响,当偏南风速大于8m/s时对大气扩散能力有一定改善作用,会抑制PM2.5浓度的持续增加;中低空弱冷空气扰动的下传高度决定了对污染物浓度的影响,当扰动不能到达近地层时,对污染物浓度影响较为微弱;雾霾维持阶段,近地层信噪比强度一般为10~35dB,可反映雾霾层的厚度;折射率结构常数可用于判断大气边界层高度变化情况,在热力湍流和污染物粒子散射作用下,白天边界层折射率结构常数可比夜间增大约3个量级。  相似文献   

The spatial variation of the nocturnal urban boundary-layer structure is described and the time variation of the mixing height, and the nocturnal inversion top and strength after sunrise is presented for urban sites located upwind, downwind, and near the center of the heat island, and at an upwind rural site. Observations were derived from high resolution temperature profiles obtained by a helicopter during 35 intensive morning experiments in St. Louis, Missouri.The nocturnal urban boundary layer increased in depth from the upwind edge of the urban area. Far downwind, in suburban and rural areas, a remnant of the urban boundary layer existed between a stable surface-based layer and an upper inversion that resembled the upwind rural inversion.The mixing height (base of the inversion) evolved in a parabolic manner after sunrise at the urban locations. A rise in the inversion top after sunrise at the urban locations is believed to be due to low-level convergence which caused the entire inversion layer to be lifted. Due to large horizontal temperature gradients associated with the urban heat island, cold air advection tended to counteract the urban-induced lifting effect by inhibiting mixing-height growth at urban locations upwind of the heat-island center. Advection also caused the maximum height and fastest growth rate of the urban mixed layer to be shifted downwind of the urban area with time. However, mean mixing-height growth rates at various urban locations did not differ significantly. The rural mixing-height growth rate was about twice as large as urban values for up to 3 hr after sunrise. Spatial differences in the mixing height became small near the time of inversion dissipation, which appeared to occur at about the same time at all locations.On assignment from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce.  相似文献   

为了研究成都地区城市化对当地气候的影响,利用不同时期的下垫面土地利用类型数据和耦合单层城市冠层模型(UCM)的WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting)模式对成都夏季和冬季城市化效应进行了模拟研究,得到以下主要结论:1)成都地区城市化使夏季城区上空出现增温区域。城区地表气温升高约2.8°C,边界层高度升高约150 m,冬季地表气温平均升高约0.6°C,边界层高度升高约25 m。夏冬两季气温日较差均减小。2)受城市化影响,成都地区夏季和冬季2 m相对湿度减小,感热通量增加,潜热通量减小,且夏季变化程度强于冬季。3)城市化使地表的粗糙度增加,进而使夏季和冬季风速在城区减小,减小约0.1~0.6 m s?1,但夏季风速减小区域较冬季更大。城市化还使城市上空低层散度减小,辐合作用增强,垂直速度增大,夏季水汽往高层输送明显。4)夏季,城市化作用使日平均和白天时段降水量在城区的迎风区和下风区均增加,夜间降水量在下风区域增加,对迎风区域影响不明显。  相似文献   

不稳定层结下的热岛环流   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用对数压力坐标系的大气热力、动力方程组,分析了由于城市的加热和摩擦作用,在大气层结不稳定情况下的热岛环流,给出了表征热岛基本特征的垂直运动,水平运动和温度场的空间结构,从理论上证实了热岛环流在不稳定城市边界层中存在的可能性,并得出了如下主要结论:(1) 垂直运动在市区是上升运动,在郊区是下沉运动,在低层z=150m处有一闭合中心;(2) 流场在市区上空呈一层波动,波谷在上风区,波峰在下风区,波长为城市半宽的4倍;(3) 地面的高温区出现在城市的下风区,且无逆温层出现。  相似文献   

北京海淀地区大气边界层的数值模拟研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
采用北京大学的三维复杂地形中尺度数值模式,利用Landsat-TM卫星影像图得到的地表状况计算陆气之间的能量平衡过程,模拟了北京海淀地区大气边界层的风、温场结构以及污染物浓度分布,进而模拟了由于汽车尾气的排放而转化成的气溶胶的浓度分布.模拟表明城郊之间存在热岛效应,边界层风场受到热岛的热力作用以及地形的动力作用影响.污染物及气溶胶浓度也存在城乡差别,最大浓度出现在城区的下风方向.  相似文献   

AnAnalyticalStudyontheUrbanBoundaryLayer①①ThisprojectwassupportedbyLASG,ChineseAcademyofSciences.LinNaishi(林乃实),ZhouZugang(周祖...  相似文献   

夏季金塔边界层风、温度和湿度结构特征的初步分析   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
利用2004年6~7月在河西走廊金塔陆-气相互作用试验的观测资料,分析了该地区夏季夜间和中午风、温、湿的垂直结构特征,结果表明:夏季夜间,当地面风较小时,金塔绿洲高空可能为偏西风气流,夜间稳定层高度大致在100~190m。夏季中午,当低空为偏东风时,风速随高度的变化比较复杂。总的来说,存在着东风急流,急流高度在1000-4000m之间,大气边界层顶盖(即逆温层底)约在3000-3600m高度,在500-800m高度以下存在绿洲内边界层;当低空为偏北风或西北风时,高空都为偏西风或西北风气流,低空风速随高度的变化比较平缓,风速有时存在极大值,大气边界层顶盖(即逆温层底)在3500m左右,在1200m以下可能存在绿洲内边界层,绿洲内边界层高度有时会很低。  相似文献   

A two-dimensional time-dependent Earth-atmosphere model is developed which can be applied to the study of a class of atmospheric boundary-layer flows which owe their origin to horizontal inhomogeneities with respect to surface roughness and temperature. Our main application of the model is to explore the governing physical mechanisms of nocturnal urban atmospheric boundarylayer flow.A case study is presented in which a stable temperature stratification is assumed to exist in the rural upwind area. It is shown through integration of the numerical model that as this air passes over a city, the heat is redistributed due to increased surface friction (and hence increased turbulent mixing). This redistribution of heat results in the formation of an urban heat island.Additional numerical integrations of the model are conducted to examine the dependence of induced perturbations on: (1) the upwind temperature inversion; (2) the geostrophic wind speed; and (3) urbanization. The results show a linear relationship between heat-island intensity and the rural temperature inversion with the heat island increasing in intensity as the upwind inversion becomes stronger; that the heat-island intensity close to the surface is inversely proportional to the geostrophic wind; and that the effects of anthropogenic heat cause an increase in the perturbation temperature with the perturbation extending to higher altitudes. From this study, we conclude that with an upwind temperature inversion, a city of any size should generate a heat island as a result of increased surface roughness. The heat-island intensity should increase with city size because of two factors: larger cities are usually aerodynamically rougher; and larger cities have a larger anthropogenic heat output.Research supported in part by NSF Grant GA-16822.  相似文献   

通过遥感技术与地面测定相结合的方法,对北京城市热岛现状作观测研究,得到北京城市地面的温度分布特点。使用北京大学城市边界层模式从气象观点就“楔形绿地”规划对北京城市气候的影响进行研究和评价,模式通过对城市地表复杂性和多样性的特征进行细致描述,建立了一个细致模拟城市特点的城市边界层能量平衡模式,并用此能量平衡模式得到的地面温度作为下边界条件,中尺度气象模式MM5做初始场和侧边界条件,建立一个最小分辨率为500 m的城市边界层模式系统,来研究城市边界层在中尺度背景场作用下的精细结构。通过个例模拟,模式能够较准确地模拟城市边界层的风温场分布情况,可以用来对楔形绿地规划进行模拟试验。通过对规划后的气象场在特定的气象条件下进行模拟,结果显示,建造大型的楔形绿地后,绿地区域及绿地周围约1 km以内的地区温度有所降低,降低的程度由规划前后的地表类型改变的剧烈程度、风速大小及与绿地的距离决定,但是这种规划方案却会因城市的下风方向的风速减小而导致通风不畅。  相似文献   

The development and characteristics of coastal internal boundary layers were investigated in 28 tests. These were made at all seasons and in both gradient and sea-breeze flows but only during mid-day periods. Measurements of turbulence and temperature were taken from a light aircraft which flew traverses across Long Island at successive altitudes parallel to the wind direction. These were used to locate the boundary between modified and unmodified air as a function of height and distance from the coast. The same measurements plus tower measurements of wind, turbulence and temperature, pilot balloon soundings and measurements of land and water surface temperatures by a remote sensing IR thermometer were used to quantify the characteristics of the modified and unmodified air. The boundary layer slope was steep close to the land-water interface and became shallower with downwind distance. Growth of the boundary layer was initially slower with stable lapse rates upwind than with neutral or unstable conditions over the water. An equilibrium height was found in many tests except under conditions of free convection when the internal boundary layer merged into the mixed layer inland and with sea-breeze conditions. The equilibrium height depended on downwind conditions and was greater with low wind speeds and strong land surface heating than with stronger winds and small land-water temperature differences. Current theoretical models are not adequate to predict the height of the boundary layer at the altitudes and distances studied but reasonably good predictions were given by an empirical model developed earlier. Wind speed in the modified air averaged about 70% of that at the coast but turbulence levels were several times higher both near the surface and aloft. These findings have important implications for diffusion from coastal sites.  相似文献   

The development and characteristics of coastal internal boundary layers were investigated in 28 tests. These were made at all seasons and in both gradient and sea-breeze flows but only during mid-day periods. Measurements of turbulence and temperature were taken from a light aircraft which flew traverses across Long Island at successive altitudes parallel to the wind direction. These were used to locate the boundary between modified and unmodified air as a function of height and distance from the coast. The same measurements plus tower measurements of wind, turbulence and temperature, pilot balloon soundings and measurements of land and water surface temperatures by a remote sensing IR thermometer were used to quantify the characteristics of the modified and unmodified air. The boundary layer slope was steep close to the land-water interface and became shallower with downwind distance. Growth of the boundary layer was initially slower with stable lapse rates upwind than with neutral or unstable conditions over the water. An equilibrium height was found in many tests except under conditions of free convection when the internal boundary layer merged into the mixed layer inland and with sea-breeze conditions. The equilibrium height depended on downwind conditions and was greater with low wind speeds and strong land surface heating than with stronger winds and small land-water temperature differences. Current theoretical models are not adequate to predict the height of the boundary layer at the altitudes and distances studied but reasonably good predictions were given by an empirical model developed earlier. Wind speed in the modified air averaged about 70% of that at the coast but turbulence levels were several times higher both near the surface and aloft. These findings have important implications for diffusion from coastal sites.  相似文献   

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