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为优化魁蚶苗种的运输策略,提高在底播增殖过程中苗种的存活率。本实验于10、15和20℃3个温度条件下,分别对魁蚶(Anadara broughtonii)幼贝进行不同时长(2、4、8、16和24h)的干露,研究了干露条件对魁蚶幼贝潜沙行为和呼吸代谢的影响。研究显示,相同干露时长内,魁蚶幼贝在15℃时的失水率最高;幼贝的潜沙能力随干露时长的增加和干露温度的升高呈减弱趋势,具体表现为在一定时间内完成潜沙的魁蚶比例减小和完成潜沙的速度减慢。在10℃条件下,干露幼贝再次入水后的潜沙行为恢复较快,20℃时干露24h后,幼贝基本丧失潜沙能力,在12h的观察期内未出现完成潜沙的个体。同时,干露导致魁蚶幼贝出现显著的氧债和氨氮积累,干露后再次入水的魁蚶幼贝的耗氧率和氨氮排泄率显著高于对照组水平。相同干露时长内,随着干露温度的升高,魁蚶耗氧率的峰值显著增加,耗氧率的波动幅度更加剧烈,且在短时间内难以恢复至对照组水平。综合分析认为,魁蚶应对干露的能力较弱,在底播苗种运输过程中,相较于15和20℃,10℃的运输温度更好,同时运输时间不宜超过8h。  相似文献   

采用单因子分析方法,在室内模拟设置10个温度梯度(6-36℃)、10个盐度梯度(4‰-40‰)和4种底质(细粉沙、细沙、粗沙、混合沙组)及3个厚度梯度(5、10、30mm),研究温度、盐度和底质对大竹蛏稚贝生长及存活的影响.结果表明:1)在盐度为21.4‰的条件下,大竹蛏稚贝存活及生长的适温范围为6-30℃,最适温度范围为21-30℃;15℃以上随温度升高日生长率逐渐增大,30℃个体日生长率为1.82%,21℃组成活率最高达88%.2)在温度为21.6-28.6℃条件下,大竹蛏稚贝存活及生长的盐度适宜范围为20‰-32‰,最适盐度范围为20‰-28‰;盐度20‰时成活率最大为85%,盐度24‰时个体日生长率最大为1.72%.3)大竹蛏稚贝对底质环境无明显的选择性,沙的粒径大小对稚贝成活率和日生长率均无显著影响(P>0.05);但稚贝在不同厚度底质中的成活率和日生长率存在显著差异,10和30mm组的成活率和日生长率均显著高于5mm组的成活率和日生长率(P<0.05).  相似文献   

本文研究了小刀蛏(Cultellus attenuatus)室内人工育苗技术。在繁殖季节选择壳长7.5 cm亲贝,采用铺泥沙蓄养培育,以阴干+维生素浸泡刺激法获得精、卵,幼虫培育中人工控制幼虫密度,D形幼虫到壳顶幼虫前期为5~6个/mL,壳顶幼虫后期为1~2个/mL。进行了不同运输方式和不同底质亲贝蓄养比较试验、不同底质附着基采苗方法试验以及稚贝无底质上升流培育和不同盐度培育试验。研究表明,采用铺细沙加冰的运输方法亲贝成活率最高,干露9 h成活率可达90%;以纯海泥底质蓄养的亲贝肥满度和成活率最高;无底质采苗和铺泥采苗对幼虫变态率的影响没有差异;无底质采苗的稚贝,其生长速度明显慢于铺泥采苗;小刀蛏稚贝不宜用上升流进行培育,宜采用铺泥培育的方法;盐度为15时,稚贝培养效果最好,生长速度快、成活率高,盐度为35时培养效果最差。采用上述技术,成功培育出3 mm以上的商品苗2 000万粒,育苗效果显著。  相似文献   

硬壳蛤(Mercenaria mercenaria)幼虫和稚贝存活率的高低是人工育苗成败的关键。本文探究了复合益生菌和底质深度对硬壳蛤幼虫与稚贝的特定生长率、存活率和变态率的影响。研究结果表明, 在投喂S2益生菌(添加丁酸梭菌代谢物的乳酸菌复合菌群)后, 小个体硬壳蛤幼虫比例减少, 幼虫的生长率和变态率显著提升; 在不同温度下, S2益生菌对来自不同地区幼虫的特定生长率有显著影响, 其中天津地区种贝所产幼虫(25℃)的特定生长率显著高于对照组幼虫(20℃), 而福建地区种贝所产幼虫(25℃)和对照组幼虫(20℃)无显著差异。此外, 3 mm深度的沙质底质显著提高了幼虫生长率、变态率和出足率。埋栖在0~3 mm深度的稚贝比例显著高于3~9 mm深度。因此,筛选促进硬壳蛤生长发育、提高成活率的复合益生菌, 确定适宜硬壳蛤生长发育的最佳底质深度, 可进一步优化其人工育苗技术, 对于大规模开展硬壳蛤人工育苗具有重要意义。  相似文献   

2004年11月至2005年1月利用涌流装置和浓缩扁藻进行了大獭蛤(Lutraria(Psam-mophila)maxima)稚贝的中间培育实验。实验所采用的涌流流量为500 mL/min,扁藻密度分别为8 870个/mL±512个/mL和3 368个/mL±557个/mL,稚贝的培育密度分别为20 000,35 000,50 000粒/m2。结果表明,过高的扁藻密度不利于大獭蛤稚贝的摄食,并会造成稚贝的死亡。只有在适当的扁藻密度和涌流流量条件下,大獭蛤稚贝才能正常生长。不同的稚贝培育密度对稚贝的生长存在影响,密度越高,生长越慢;水温低于15℃时,稚贝摄食停止,生长缓慢;稚贝在游离状态下与铺沙条件下的生长基本一致。  相似文献   

中华鲎(Tachypleus tridentatus)是保障我国医疗检测安全的重要战略生物资源,国内外中华鲎行为生态学相关研究极少。在实验室内模拟砾石底(NS)、细砂(SS)、中砂(MS)、粗砂(CS)、泥(AR)、泥沙1 (AA)、泥沙2 (AB)和沙泥(SA) 8种不同比例的泥沙类型对中华鲎行为特征的影响。结果表明,稚鲎较多时间潜藏于泥沙中,较少时间裸露于泥沙表面活动(如爬行、游泳等)。稚鲎偏好在含淤泥较多的泥沙类型中潜沙,且在泥质和泥沙质类型中埋栖时间较在沙质中埋栖时间长;在裸露于泥沙表面时,稚鲎相对偏好栖息于沙质底。泥沙环境下稚鲎用于游泳的时间比例高于砾石底。在凌晨、上午、中午、下午、夜晚5个时间段中,稚鲎在夜晚和凌晨活动较活跃。通过揭示不同比例的泥沙类型底质对中华鲎稚鲎行为特征的影响,为野外增殖放流计划的设计与实施、放流适宜地点的选择以及稚鲎人工养殖环境的优化提供科学理论依据。  相似文献   

皱肋文蛤胚胎、幼虫及稚贝的发育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在水温28.5~30℃、盐度23.6~25.4 条件下, 观察了皱肋文蛤(Meretrix lyrata)胚胎、幼虫和稚贝的发育过程。结果表明, 皱肋文蛤的胚胎经历桑椹期、囊胚期、原肠胚期等阶段, 形成担轮幼虫。根据行为方式和形态特征, 其幼虫阶段可分为D 形幼虫、壳顶初期幼虫、壳顶中期幼虫、壳顶后期幼虫、变态期幼虫、附着期幼虫。稚贝发育可分为无管期稚贝、单管期稚贝和双管期稚贝。皱肋文蛤幼虫在不同阶段的生活习性逐渐改变, 从担轮幼虫至壳顶后期幼虫营浮游生活, 变态期和附着期幼虫分别营匍匐生活和附着生活。壳顶初期幼虫出现足原基, 壳顶中期和壳顶后期幼虫分别形成平衡囊和鳃丝。稚贝阶段开始从附着生活向埋栖生活过渡。稚贝出现明显的次生壳, 无管期稚贝和单管期稚贝的次生壳为红褐色, 而双管期稚贝的次生壳为白色。皱肋文蛤从D 形幼虫发育到附着期幼虫, 后者的壳长和壳高分别增至前者的1.77 倍和2.10 倍; 稚贝阶段从无管期发育到双管期, 后者的壳长和壳高分别增至前者的3.13 倍和3.28 倍, 显示皱肋文蛤幼虫阶段缓慢生长, 稚贝阶段快速生长的特征。  相似文献   

低盐度形成的微生物膜对厚壳贻贝稚贝附着的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为研究环境因子在厚壳贻贝(Mytilus coruscus)稚贝附着过程中的调控作用, 作者探讨了低盐度对微生物膜生物构成、群落结构的影响及所形成微生物膜对厚壳贻贝稚贝附着的影响。在实验室条件下, 研究微生物膜的日龄与干质量、细菌密度和硅藻密度、叶绿素a含量的关系及其对厚壳贻贝稚贝附着的影响。通过DGGE指纹图谱技术对微生物膜中的细菌群落结构多样性进行了分析。研究发现,盐度13和23时形成的微生物膜能有效促进厚壳贻贝稚贝的附着, 且盐度23、28d时稚贝附着率最高, 达到72%。相关性分析表明, 微生物膜的诱导活性与盐度、干质量、细菌密度、硅藻密度、日龄呈显著正相关性, 与叶绿素a无相关性。微生物膜的干质量、附着细菌密度及底栖硅藻密度明显随着日龄的增加而增加, 叶绿素a含量与微生物膜日龄无显著相关性。细菌群落在厚壳贻贝稚贝附着过程中发挥重要调控作用。  相似文献   

杨旸  高抒  汪亚平 《海洋学报》2008,30(2):92-101
于2005年5月大潮期间在杭州湾北部潮流深槽区的4个站位进行潮周期观测,获得了流速、悬沙等数据,并对其进行了分析,计算了水沙通量和再悬浮通量。分析结果表明,该深槽区涨潮流速大于落潮流速,涨潮历时小于落潮历时,潮差自湾口向湾内方向增大;悬沙的组分以粉砂为主,分选较差,偏态以负偏为主,这些特征与底质一致;深槽中部和东部的悬沙沿岸线向湾内方向输运;深槽西部和东部外侧的悬沙输运方向与余流方向一致,分别向湾内和南部输运;除转流和流速加速初期外,垂线流速分布符合Kûrmûn-Prandtl模型,摩阻流速与垂线平均流速变化趋势一致。计算得到的表观粗糙长度在涨落潮时段的水流加速或减速阶段都呈增大趋势,且数值较大,这难以把它简单地归结为床面形态的作用,表观粗糙长度的变化趋势可能是高悬沙浓度和浓度成层性共同作用的结果,但对这一假说的验证还有待于进一步的现场观测和机制分析。计算所得的再悬浮发生的周期性与实测悬沙浓度的周期性相符,而且最大悬沙浓度的出现滞后于最大再悬浮通量,说明再悬浮作用对水层中悬沙浓度的变化具有重要影响。  相似文献   

珠母贝人工繁育优化技术的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在室内水泥池分别进行了移池培育、不同种类附着器、光照强度、水流和冲洗对珠母贝附着幼虫变态和稚贝存活的研究,结果表明:附着密度为2.18个/cm~2±0.50个/cm~2时,移池培育,其变态幼虫密度为0.95个/cm~2±0.13个/cm~2,20 d稚贝存活密度0.41个/~2±0.08个/cm~2,移池培育显著提高附着幼虫变态和稚贝存活;附着板、附着绳、网片、小石块变态幼虫密度分别为0.70个/cm~2±0.08个/cm~2、1.38个/cm~2±0.15个/cm~2、0.97个/cm~2±0.12个/cm~2、1.04个/cm~2±0.28个/cm~2,稚贝存活密度分别为0.36个/cm~2±0.06个/cm~2、0.62个/cm~2±0.07个/cm~2、0.45个/cm~2±0.07个/cm~2、0.60个/cm~2±0.08个/cm~2,附着绳显著提高附着幼虫变态和稚贝存活;光照强度为300~600 lx时变态幼虫密度为0.87个/cm~2±0.07个/cm~2,20 d稚贝存活密度0.45个/cm~2±0.08个/cm~2,强光不利于幼虫的变态和稚贝存活;水流速为2.3 cm/s时变态幼虫密度为1.08个/cm~2±0.07个/cm~2,20 d稚贝存活密度0.87个/cm~2±0.07个/cm~2,冲洗的变态幼虫密度为1.64个/cm~2±0.19个/cm~2,20 d稚贝存活密度1.00个/cm~2±0.12个/cm~2,水流或冲洗显著提高附着幼虫变态和稚贝存活.  相似文献   

Predation by the big brackish-water isopod Saduria entomon on two age-classes (juveniles and adults) of the small deposit-feeding amphipod Monoporeia (syn. Pontoporeia) affinis was studied at different oxygen conditions (normoxia>11 mg/l O2, and moderate hypoxia 4 mg/l O2). Vulnerability of juvenile and adult M. affinis was studied in single and mixed age-class treatments. The proportions of juveniles and adults were varied at one total numerical density. The predatory effects were measured as numbers of individuals consumed and of total biomass intake (mg ash-free dry weight). The highest predation rate (in numbers) was detected in the single-prey treatment with juvenile M. affinis, both in normoxia and moderate hypoxia. No preference for any of the two size classes was found in the treatment with equal numbers of adults and juveniles. In normoxia, the total number of prey consumed decreased with increasing proportions of adults, while intake increased in terms of biomass. In moderate hypoxia, high proportions of adults reduced the predation rate of S. entomon to such an extent that also the intake in terms of biomass was significantly negatively affected.  相似文献   

Timing, microhabitat selection and behavior from the onset of settlement to recruitment to the adult population of juvenile fishes of the genus Diplodus (Pisces: Sparidae) were investigated along a rocky coastline in the Central Mediterranean Sea. The settlement periods in Diplodus sargus and Diplodus annularis were concentrated in spring, between late May and early June, and the recruits leave the nursery grounds in late September–October. Juvenile fishes of Diplodus puntazzo and Diplodus vulgaris showed a partial time overlapping, sharing the same zones in winter and early spring, from February to May. Multiple correspondence analysis showed that sea breams settle in well‐defined habitats. The smallest juveniles of D. sargus and D. puntazzo settled primarily in the shallowest sheltered pebbly areas, located in sciaphilous crannies covered by red algae. Diplodus vulgaris settlers were observed on a wider range of substrata: rock on sand, gravel and pebbles without algal cover or large boulders, generally in deeper waters. The intermediate‐size juveniles of D. sargus, D. puntazzo and D. vulgaris showed a preference for rocky substrata with substantial algal cover, with arborescent structures (Phaeophyceae). Diplodus annularis juveniles showed high fidelity to seagrass beds (Posidonia oceanica). The home range increased over time in all species, highlighting a loss of substrate specificity: larger juveniles were even observed in deeper and different microhabitats outside nursery grounds. This study suggests that shallow infra‐littoral rocky communities with photophilic algae play a key role in recruitment of sparid fishes, affecting the distribution and abundance of juvenile fishes and therefore determining the renewal of populations and the structure of adult assemblages.  相似文献   

Variation in the sensitivity to stress of Macoma balthica was measured in several French and Dutch estuaries. For adult and juvenile Macoma balthica exposed to copper under conditions of starvation, differences in mortality rate, condition, glycogen, burrowing rate and copper content were assessed. No significant differences were observed between adults and juveniles; the influence of treatment and origin was always evident. Animals from the most southern estuaries, Loire and Gironde, near to the species's southern limit of distribution, showed, in the field, the strongest deviations for the ecophysiological traits measured, and were in the experiments the most sensitive to stress.  相似文献   

The significance of a sheltering effect of seagrass against predators influencing the distribution patterns of benthic juveniles of the streaked goby Acentrogobius sp. was investigated by field experimentation in and around seagrass habitats at Moroiso and Aburatsubo Bays, Miura Peninsula, Japan. In the former bay, juveniles were always restricted to the seagrass bed, whereas at the latter, they also occurred over the surrounding bare sand substrate. Juveniles never occurred inside predator-exclusion cages over unvegetated sand in Moroiso Bay. Additionally, a tethering experiment resulted in similarly small numbers of juveniles being preyed upon in both the seagrass bed and over bare sand, suggesting that the predation risk for juveniles may not differ between the habitat types and was thus not responsible for their distribution patterns. The availability of symbiotic shrimp burrows, which were scarce in bare sand in Moroiso Bay but abundant in a similar area in Aburatsubo Bay, was also hypothesized as a determinant of distribution pattern. In a manipulative experiment at Aburatsubo Bay, however, juveniles showed no response to alterations in the availability of symbiotic shrimp burrows, indicating that neither the sheltering effect of seagrass against predators nor the availability of symbiotic shrimp burrows was a significant factor in streaked goby juvenile distribution. Food availability may be a determinant, because food abundance patterns were concordant with the juvenile distribution pattern.  相似文献   

It is believed that juvenile habitats are important to determining recruitment to adult fish populations through density dependence that occurs in nursery areas. For deepwater marine fishes, the characteristics of nursery areas are generally unknown. The objectives of this study were to examine a potential nursery area for juvenile Pacific ocean perch (POP, Sebastes alutus), determine the specific microhabitats used by juvenile POP, and compare the distribution of juvenile POP to adults. Juvenile POP habitat use was examined at three sites near Samalga Pass in the Aleutian Islands. Presence or absence and density estimates of juvenile POP were made from underwater video collected at 11 transects and from 6 bottom tows at the study sites. Juvenile POP were found predominantly in mixed sand and boulder substrata to the exclusion of most other habitat types. Juvenile POP were found within one body length of complex structure such as boulders, upright coral or sponges. There were higher densities of juvenile POP at the site south of Samalga Pass than at the other sites, while adult POP were found in highest abundance at the site north of Samalga Pass. An examination of large-scale patterns of juvenile and adult POP distribution indicates that juveniles use shallower depth zones on the continental shelf. Combined with the geographic separation we observed in this study, this suggests juvenile POP use nursery habitats that are different from adult POP. Conservation and management of this species should address the habitat requirements of juveniles to maintain the goal of healthy adult populations.  相似文献   

The large-scale (km) distributional patterns of juvenile bivalves are established by larval settlement and subsequently changed due to actively initiated postlarval migrations (byssus-drifting), resuspension during sediment disturbance, and local differences in mortality. Repeated mapping of 0-group bivalve distribution during two summers was combined with simultaneous registrations of the numbers of drifting specimens. Species differed in their susceptibility to passive resuspension and their activity in byssus-drifting, but the two ways of entry into the water column were independent of each other. As a result, the relative magnitude of byssus-drifting and passive resuspension varied with the species. While hydrographical conditions always determined the changes in the distributional patterns of passively eroded species, this was not the case in active migrations of byssus-drifting bivalves. A comparison of the distributional patterns of juveniles over two consecutive years showed similar patterns in the tellinid clam Macoma balthica and the razor clam Ensis americanus. In these two species spatfall mainly occurred around mean low-tide level. Subsequently, juvenile M. balthica rapidly accumulated in the upper intertidal, whereas juvenile E. americanus accumulated subtidally. In mussels Mytilus edulis the distribution of juveniles only changed in a longshore direction, not in the tidal level occupied. The spatial pattern of cockles Cerastoderma edule changed from aggregation of the early spat in the mid and lower intertidal towards a more uniform distribution of recruits over these tidal flats. There were only a few patches of high abundance left at the end of summer. Finally, in juvenile clams Mya arenaria the spatial patterns of both spatfall and redistribution were unpredictable.On a km-scale, abundance of some species correlated with sediment granulometry. Presumably, this does not reflect a causal relationship but is a consequence of the correlation between grain size distribution and tidal level within the area studied. On a scale of hundreds of metres, there were no consistent correlations between juvenile abundance and sediment granulometry in any species. In summary, it seems that hydrography ruled the initial settlement of larvae to the sediment and strongly influenced the subsequent redistribution of juveniles caused by passive resuspension. The outcome of actively initiated migrations, on the other hand, was only weakly influenced by hydrography. Therefore it is suggested that hydrography plays a dominant role in the initial development of km-scale distributional patterns of just-settled bivalves in the Wadden Sea, while habitat selection is delayed to the byssus-drifting postlarvae phase.  相似文献   

金岳  李楠  俞骏  方舟  陈新军 《海洋与湖沼》2021,52(6):1540-1548
根据2016年5月于南海北部采集的中国枪乌贼(Uroteuthis chinensis)和剑尖枪乌贼(U.edulis)样本,分析其不同时期耳石微量元素的差异,推测两种枪乌贼类可能的洄游路线。研究结果表明,选取的枪乌贼样本均孵化于2015年10月-2016年2月,其中主要分布于11-12月。中国枪乌贼耳石Sr/Ca随着月份推移呈现出先降低后回升的趋势;剑尖枪乌贼耳石Sr/Ca在不同月份间有更多的变化,稚鱼期的Sr/Ca为最低;中国枪乌贼耳石的Ba/Ca值随着生长而下降,成鱼期迅速上升,剑尖枪乌贼耳石Ba/Ca由仔鱼期后开始逐渐下降,至成鱼期逐步回升。根据耳石Ba/Ca与水深关系确定了不同生长时期对应的水层,随后将对应水层的平均温度与Sr/Ca建立关系,发现除1月孵化的中国枪乌贼外其耳石Sr/Ca与水温均呈正相关,而剑尖枪乌贼耳石Sr/Ca与水温均呈负相关。根据上述结果,最后推测两种枪乌贼的洄游方式均在大陆架范围内进行南北定向洄游。  相似文献   

Perinereis aibuhitensis(Grube, 1878) lives in marine sediments of estuary or shoal areas, where substrate has some crucial environmental factors affecting its burrowing and distribution. In order to provide basic data for the habitat selection and suitability evaluations of the artificial aquaculture of P. aibuhitensis, this paper conducted a quantified analysis of its burrowing ability and explored its behavioral preferences in different substrates,including mud(75 μm), fine sand(125–250 μm), medium sand(250–500 μm), coarse sand(500–2 000 μm), gravel(2 000–4 000 μm) and ceramsite(4 000–8 000 μm). The research results revealed that substrate grain size significantly affected the burrowing time, burrowing rate, burrowing depth and distribution rate(P0.01).Moreover, P. aibuhitensis demonstrated preferential selections relating to substrate grain sizes, had higher burrowing ability in ceramsite, mud and fine sand compared with other substrates. The strongest burrowing ability and the highest distribution rate were observed in ceramsite. The study indicated that P. aibuhitensis was sensitive to substrate grain size, which also had an impact on its burrowing process and population distribution.In the natural sea, substrates mainly composed of mud and fine sand are fit for aquaculture and stock enhancement. Based on behavioral preferences and ecological rehabilitation function of P. aibuhitensis, this paper proposes a symbiotic system of marine animals and halophytes, and constructs an ecosystem model of"Marine fish-Halophytes-Perinereis aibuhitensis" with P. aibuhitensis as the link.  相似文献   

孙小真  刘志刚 《海洋科学》2010,34(10):62-67
对马氏珠母贝人工育苗换水、投附着基和饵料等关键环节进行了研究。结果表明:(1)不换水组的D形幼虫及壳顶幼虫的存活率,稚贝育成率以及D形幼虫、壳顶幼虫及稚贝壳长日生长率比换水组分别提高了15.3%、259.6%、186.5%、33.3%、34.2%、12.4%,且差异显著;(2)第1、2次投附着板组的稚贝壳长日生长率均比一次性投附着板组快,第3次投附着板组的壳长日生长率比其他所有组均慢,且差异均显著。多次投附着板组的同一批次稚贝均匀度均比一次性投附着板组好,且多次投附着板组比一次性投附着板组的稚贝育成率提高了32.5%,稚贝存活率提高了19.3%,采苗量提高了35%;(3)投喂虾塘水组稚贝存活率、育成率及壳长日生长率比投喂50%自溶酵母+50%小球藻组分别提高了28.1%、47.2%、35.9%,而投喂这两种不同饵料的稚贝阴干后的存活率差异不显著。研究表明,通过封闭不换水育苗、多次投附着板及投喂虾塘水中的生态饵料的方法可以高效地培育出健康的马氏珠母贝种苗。  相似文献   

Many studies on invasive species show reduced native densities, but few studies measure trait‐mediated effects as mechanisms for changes in native growth rates and population dynamics. Where native prey face invasive predators, mechanisms for phenotypic change include selective predation, or induced behavioral or morphological plasticity. Invasive green crabs, Carcinus maenas, have contributed to declines in native soft‐shell clams, Mya arenaria, in coastal New England, USA. We tested the hypothesis that clam ability to detect chemical cues from predators or damaged conspecifics would induce greater burrowing depth as a refuge from invasive crabs, and greater burrowing would require increased siphon growth. To determine how crab predation affected clam survivorship and phenotypic traits in the field, clams in exclosure, open, and crab enclosure plots were compared. Crab predation reduced clam density, and surviving clams were deeper and larger, with longer siphons. To determine whether the mechanism for these results was selective predation or induced plasticity, phenotypes were compared between clams exposed to chemical cues from crab predation and clams exposed to seawater in laboratory and field experiments. In response to crab predation cues, clams burrowed deeper, with longer siphons and greater siphon mass. Overall, crab predation removed clams with shorter siphons at shallow depths, and crab predation cues induced greater burrowing depths and longer siphons. Longer siphons and greater siphon mass of deeper clams suggests clams may allocate energy to siphon growth in response to crabs. By determining native behavior and morphological changes in response to an invasive predator, this study adds to our understanding of mechanisms for invasive impacts and illustrates the utility of measuring trait‐mediated effects to investigate predator–prey dynamics.  相似文献   

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