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偏心率是描述天体运动轨道的重要参数之一, 能够为揭示天体的动力学演化提供重要线索, 进而帮助理解天体形成与演化的过程及背后的物理机制. 随着天文观测技术的不断发展, 人们对于天体运动轨道的研究已经走出太阳系, 包含的系统也从大质量端的恒星系统延伸到了低质量端的行星系统. 聚焦天体轨道偏心率研究, 回顾了目前在恒星系统(包括主序恒星、褐矮星以及致密星)和行星系统(包括太阳系外巨行星以及``超级地球''、``亚海王星''等小质量系外行星)方面取得的进展, 总结了不同尺度结构下偏心率研究的一些共同之处和待解决的问题. 并结合当下和未来的相关天文观测设备和项目, 对未来天体轨道偏心率方面的研究工作进行了展望.  相似文献   

M型恒星(M dwarf)是主序星中质量较小的恒星,也是银河系中数量最多的恒星类型,在其周围形成的行星通常距离主星较近,宜居带也比F、G、K型恒星更靠近主星,更有利于发现系外宜居行星.研究表明, M型恒星周围平均存在2.5颗小质量行星,约为F、 G、 K型恒星的3.5倍,但M型恒星周围巨行星的出现率(occurrence rate)则比F、 G、K型小一个量级.基于M型恒星周围发现的401颗行星的参数开展了统计研究,发现质量越大的行星平均轨道半长径越大.类地行星约占行星总数的74%,且轨道半长径均小于1 au,其中28颗行星具有潜在宜居性.根据行星质量-半径关系,在质量等于4倍地球质量(M⊕)处存在一拐点,除少数几颗行星外,大部分小于该质量的行星可能都是由约65%的硅酸盐和约35%的铁组成,大于该质量的行星半径则随质量增加而迅速增大.约60%的M型恒星周围的行星位于多行星系统且轨道分布紧密,相邻行星轨道在3:2、5:3及2:1等平运动共振位置处存在峰值. M型恒星的多行星系统形成与演化等问题对现今的行星形成理论提出了新挑战.  相似文献   

近30年来的系外行星探测揭示了行星在宇宙中普遍存在的事实.为了深入研究适宜生命居住行星的普遍性,一方面需要了解宜居行星的特性;另一方面可以通过分析已发现系外行星的分布特征,推算该类行星在恒星周围的存在几率.在目前已发现的系外行星中,凌星法发现的占据了绝大多数,如Kepler空间望远镜所观测的系外行星共有2344颗. 2018年Kepler正式退役,其科学团队发布了最终版的Kepler Data Release (DR25),包含观测季度Q1–Q17的恒星共198709颗.通过对Kepler数据的分析,使用逆检测效率法和最大似然分析法两种不同的方法对系外行星半径周期参数空间内的行星生成率进行了估算,同时将计算样本根据恒星的光谱类型进行分类,分别估算得到了F、G、K型的Kepler恒星周围的行星生成率及其整体的生成率.对于半径范围1–20 R(R为一个地球半径),轨道周期范围0.4–400 d的Kepler凌星系外行星,宿主恒星为F型时逆检测效率法和最大似然法估算得到的行星生成率分别为0.36±0.02和0.47±0.02,宿主恒星为G型时的...  相似文献   

针对地基卫星测控系统(Tracking Telemetry and Command, TT&C)系统对地球静止轨道(Geostation-\lk ary Earth Orbit, GEO)卫星在空间和时间覆盖上的局限性, 提出小倾角低地球轨道(Low Earth Orbit, LEO)多星组网天基平台对GEO卫星进行跟踪定轨的方法. 根据空间环境和光学可视条件对仿真数据进行筛选以模拟真实的观测场景, 利用光学测角数据, 使用数值方法对GEO卫星的轨道进行确定. 结果与参考轨道进行重叠对比, 在平台轨道精度5 m、测量精度5rq\rq、 定轨弧长12 h的情况下, 两颗LEO卫星对GEO卫星进行跟踪定轨的精度可达到千米量级, 4颗LEO卫星对GEO目标进行跟踪定轨的精度可达到百米量级. 随着LEO组网卫星数量的增加, 定轨精度得到了较大的提高.  相似文献   

张旭东  周济林 《天文学报》2006,47(2):175-185
最近的多普勒观测表明恒星HD 12661周围存在两颗中等偏心率轨道上运行的行星,内行星的最小质量为2.3木星质量,轨道周期为263.6天;外行星的最小质量为1.57木星质量,轨道周期为1444.5天.该系统的稳定性要求两颗行星处在平运动轨道共振.用数值方法研究了该系统形成初期在恒星气体盘作用下的轨道迁移与稳定性,计算了行星在迁移中被平运动共振俘获的概率.发现这两颗行星目前很可能正处在11:2平运动共振边缘,且运动是混沌的,从而澄清了关于系统目前构形的不同说法,并且很可能在系统形成后行星迁移到目前构形时,气体盘几乎消失了.  相似文献   

对多行星系统中行星周期比的统计发现,行星周期比在简单整数比2:1、3:2的右侧边缘处有明显聚集,而在其紧邻的左边有明显空缺.针对这一现象有各种不同的动力学解释. Kepler-9系统中已发现的3个行星中,行星b、c周期比约为2.03,是接近2:1共振的一个典型例子.利用关于偏心率的二阶哈密顿方程,针对只考虑长期作用和加入共振摄动两种情况,通过研究当前状态下系统在能量等高线图与相空间截面图中的位置,讨论了两行星可能的近共振状态.  相似文献   

嫦娥二号卫星是我国继嫦娥一号卫星成功发射后的第2颗探月卫星,其上搭载的伽玛射线谱仪(Gamma-Ray Spectrometer,GRS)的主要科学目标是探测月表O、Si、Fe、Ti、U、Th、K、Mg、Al、Ca等主量元素.相比嫦娥一号伽玛射线谱仪,嫦娥二号的能量分辨率和探测效率都大大提高.描述了嫦娥二号伽玛射线谱仪的设计和性能测试结果以及在轨飞行的初步探测成果.  相似文献   

李家威  杨磊  吴德金 《天文学报》2023,64(3):31-144
离子回旋波(Ion Cyclotron Wave, ICW)是指频率接近离子回旋频率的一种等离子体波,它在火星上游广泛存在,卫星观测到的频率多在质子回旋频率附近. ICW是拾起离子时的副产物,成为新生行星质子存在的间接标志.火星上游ICW自1990年首次报道以来,受到广泛的关注.总结了火星上游ICW的研究进展,包括ICW事件的观测、ICW的产生机制、统计性质以及将来的研究趋势.  相似文献   

你的行星观测列表上还有哪个天体没有打上勾?太阳系中除了地球,还有七颗行星。在地球上看,它们大部分都很明亮,每个人或多或少都见过它们中的几颗。有个别行星观测起来不是那么容易,如果不是有计划地寻找,是很难偶遇的。图1总结了太阳系行星的亮度范围,其中金星、火星、木星和土動亮不钱低,全年大部分时麵能轻易姻它们。  相似文献   

近地小行星(10302) 1989 ML和(4660) Nereus作为下一代深空探测的候选目标一直备受关注. 在考虑太阳系主要天体的动力学背景下, 通过计算最大Lyapunov指数(MLE)及MEGNO (Mean Exponential Growth factor of Nearby Orbits)指数讨论它们的稳定性. 同时, 对每个小行星, 在其观测误差范围内按多元正态分布各选取1000个克隆粒子, 通过统计分析显示这两个小行星在10万年内可能的运动范围, 给出半长径-偏心率空间中的出现次数分布图, 并统计小行星与地球或其他大行星之间的密近交汇及碰撞的概率. 此外还对这两个小行星的标称轨道进行长期共振、Kozai共振及平运动共振的动力学分析. 综上得出结论, 1989 ML处在平运动共振主导的区域, 发生密近交汇的概率较小, 从而其轨道相对较稳定; 而Nereus处在地球的密近交汇区域, 轨道极不稳定.  相似文献   

Infrared spectra from the Spitzer Space Telescope ( SSC ) of many debris discs are well fit with a single blackbody temperature which suggest clearings within the disc. We assume that clearings are caused by orbital instability in multiple planet systems with similar configurations to our own. These planets remove dust-generating planetesimal belts as well as dust generated by the outer disc that is scattered or drifts into the clearing. From numerical integrations, we estimate a minimum planet spacing required for orbital instability (and so planetesimal and dust removal) as a function of system age and planet mass. We estimate that a 108 yr old debris disc with a dust disc edge at a radius of 50 au hosted by an A star must contain approximately five Neptune mass planets between the clearing radius and the iceline in order to remove all primordial objects within it. We infer that known debris disc systems contain at least a fifth of a Jupiter mass in massive planets. The number of planets and spacing required is insensitive to the assumed planet mass. However, an order of magnitude higher total mass in planets could reside in these systems if the planets are more massive.  相似文献   

In this work, we study the stability of hypothetical satellites of extrasolar planets. Through numerical simulations of the restricted elliptic three-body problem we found the borders of the stable regions around the secondary body. From the empirical results, we derived analytical expressions of the critical semimajor axis beyond which the satellites would not remain stable. The expressions are given as a function of the eccentricities of the planet, e P, and of the satellite, e sat. In the case of prograde satellites, the critical semimajor axis, in the units of Hill's radius, is given by a E≈ 0.4895   (1.0000 − 1.0305 e P− 0.2738 e sat). In the case of retrograde satellites, it is given by a E≈ 0.9309  (1.0000 − 1.0764 e P− 0.9812 e sat). We also computed the satellite stability region ( a E) for a set of extrasolar planets. The results indicate that extrasolar planets in the habitable zone could harbour the Earth-like satellites.  相似文献   

The origin of the irregular satellites of the giant planets has been long debated since their discovery. Their dynamical features argue against an in situ formation suggesting that they are captured bodies, yet there is no global consensus on the physical process at the basis of their capture. In this paper, we explore the collisional capture scenario, where the actual satellites originated from impacts occurred within Saturn's influence sphere. By modelling the inverse capture problem, we estimated the families of orbits of the possible parent bodies and the specific impulse needed for their capture. The orbits of these putative parent bodies are compared to those of the minor bodies of the outer Solar system to outline their possible region of formation. Finally, we tested the collisional capture hypothesis on Phoebe by taking advantage of the data supplied by Cassini on its major crater, Jason. Our results presented a realistic range of solutions matching the observational and dynamical data.  相似文献   

With the ceaseless progress of detecting technology, over 3500 exo-planets have been discovered. It is interesting but unexpected that the majority of the detected exoplanets are unlike any planets in our solar system. They have a size and mass between the Earth and the Neptune, and thus they are called as Super-Earths or Sub-Neptunes. In this article, I introduce these newly rising planets and review our current knowledge of their physical properties, orbital properties, and origins. Finally, I discuss the promising and exciting prospects.  相似文献   

对金斯定则的几点认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高崇伊 《天文学报》2002,43(4):366-374
用物理学基本定律可导出金斯经验定则,它似应称为金斯定则,该定则的速度、高度或能量等表述完全等效,可随意选用,用能量观点更容易解释此定则,满足金斯定则只是给定的粒子成为具有稠密大气的行星或卫星的主要大气成分的必要条件,该定则的适应范围可用方程或其图像表示,也能用诺模图确定,它适用于太阳系内的行星,卫星,小行星,流星体和像柯伊伯带天体与半人马族星这样的外太阳系天体,此定则现在仍有普遍的现实意义。  相似文献   

In this paper we develop further the model for the migration of planets introduced in Del Popolo et al. We first model the protoplanetary nebula as a time-dependent accretion disc, and find self-similar solutions to the equations of the accretion disc that give us explicit formulae for the spatial structure and the temporal evolution of the nebula. These equations are then used to obtain the migration rate of the planet in the planetesimal disc, and to study how the migration rate depends on the disc mass, on its time evolution and on some values of the dimensionless viscosity parameter α . We find that planets that are embedded in planetesimal discs, having total mass of  10-4-0.1 M  , can migrate inward a large distance for low values of α (e.g.,   α ≃10-3-10-2)  and/or large disc mass, and can survive only if the inner disc is truncated or because of tidal interaction with the star. Orbits with larger a are obtained for smaller values of the disc mass and/or for larger values of α . This model may explain several orbital features of the recently discovered giant planets orbiting nearby stars.  相似文献   

We use numerical simulations to model the migration of massive planets at small radii and compare the results with the known properties of 'hot Jupiters' (extrasolar planets with semimajor axes   a < 0.1  au). For planet masses   M pl sin  i > 0.5 M J  , the evidence for any 'pile-up' at small radii is weak (statistically insignificant), and although the mass function of hot Jupiters is deficient in high-mass planets as compared to a reference sample located further out, the small sample size precludes definitive conclusions. We suggest that these properties are consistent with disc migration followed by entry into a magnetospheric cavity close to the star. Entry into the cavity results in a slowing of migration, accompanied by a growth in orbital eccentricity. For planet masses in excess of 1 Jupiter mass we find eccentricity growth time-scales of a few ×105 yr, suggesting that these planets may often be rapidly destroyed. Eccentricity growth appears to be faster for more massive planets which may explain changes in the planetary mass function at small radii and may also predict a pile-up of lower mass planets, the sample of which is still incomplete.  相似文献   

There is evidence for the existence of massive planets at orbital radii of several hundred au from their parent stars where the time-scale for planet formation by core accretion is longer than the disc lifetime. These planets could have formed close to their star and then migrated outwards. We consider how the transfer of angular momentum by viscous disc interactions from a massive inner planet could cause significant outward migration of a smaller outer planet. We find that it is in principle possible for planets to migrate to large radii. We note, however, a number of effects which may render the process somewhat problematic.  相似文献   

We have performed N -body numerical simulations of the exchange of angular momentum between a massive planet and a 3D Keplerian disc of planetesimals. Our interest is directed at the study of the classical analytical expressions of the lineal theory of density waves, as representative of the dynamical friction in discs 'dominated by the planet' and the orbital migration of the planets with regard to this effect. By means of a numerical integration of the equations of motion, we have carried out a set of numerical experiments with a large number of particles  ( N ≥10 000)  , and planets with the mass of Jupiter, Saturn and one core mass of the giant planets in the Solar system  ( M c=10 M)  . The torque, measured in a phase in which a 'steady forcing' is clearly measurable, yields inward migration in a minimum-mass solar disc  (Σ∼10 g cm-2  ), with a characteristic drift time of ∼ a few 106 yr. The planets predate the disc, but the orbital decay rate is not sufficient to allow accretion in a time-scale relevant to the formation of giant planets. We found reductions of the measured torque on the planet, with respect to the linear theory, by a factor of 0.38 for M c, 0.04 for Saturn and 0.01 for Jupiter, due to the increase in the perturbation on the disc. The behaviour of planets whose mass is larger than M c is similar to the one of type II migrators in gaseous discs. Our results suggest that, in a minimum mass, solar planetesimals disc, type I migrations occur for masses smaller than M c, whereas for this mass value it could be a transition zone between the two types of migration.  相似文献   

日冕是太阳大气活动的关键区域,是日地空间天气的源头.受观测限制,对日冕低层大气等离子体结构和磁场状态的研究非常欠缺,国际上对于可见光波段日冕低层大气的亮度分层研究很少.利用丽江日冕仪YOGIS(Yunnan Green-line Imaging System)的日冕绿线(FeⅩⅣ5303?)观测资料,对内日冕区域(1.03R-1.25R,R表示太阳半径)亮结构及其中冕环进行了有效的强度衰减分析.对亮结构的强度在太阳径向高度上进行了指数衰减拟合,比较这些拟合结果发现所得到的静态内冕环的衰减指数在一固定值附近.然后将比较明显的冕环提取出来,通过对不同高度的绿线强度进行指数拟合,得出的衰减指数与亮结构中也比较相近,这对进一步研究日冕中的各项物理参数演化提供了参考.  相似文献   

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