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江苏省地质灾害气象预警系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于强降水是滑坡、崩塌等突发性地质灾害的主要诱因,通过分析现有地质灾害和降水资料以及灾害的发生与强降水之间的关系,综合考虑该地区地质环境特征和前期降雨过程、降雨类型、累计雨量和当日降雨量以及预期(未来24h)降雨量,对滑坡、崩塌灾害与降雨量的相关性进行了研究,建立了地质灾害气象预警模型,在此基础上开发了江苏省地质灾害气象预警系统并投入使用。该系统运行稳定、功能全面,可自动下载气象数据、绘制雨量等值线图,具有强大的信息查询功能。  相似文献   

闽北是地质灾害的易发区。通过分析闽北地质灾害与降水的关系, 建立了闽北地质灾害与降水的关系模型(有效雨量) , 并应用GIS技术开发了闽北地质灾害气象预警系统。分析结果表明: 闽北地质灾害的发生与近10天的降水均有关系, 与当天大暴雨和近3天降水的关系最为密切, 群发性地质灾害大多在近3天合计雨量≥180 mm或近3天雨量≥100 mm且中4天(或远3天) 有连续性暴雨的情况下出现。降水量(有效雨量) 大小与地质灾害的发生呈指数关系, 出现地质灾害的有效雨量为: 在中南部高易发区为60 mm, 在中北部中易发区为75~80 mm, 在北部低易发区为100 mm。  相似文献   

利用测站雨量、加密区域自动站雨量、高空探测、卫星云图等资料,分析诱发顺昌"6.18"特大滑坡、崩塌、泥石流、地面塌陷等地质灾害的气象成因。结果表明,除地质地貌自然原因和人为因素外,与罕见连续特强降水天气过程的前期气候背景有关的是高空槽区稳定、中低层切变维持、高低空急流存在、中尺度系统强烈发展、充沛水汽输送辐合等气象条件导致特大暴雨引发地质灾害。  相似文献   

福建南安市地质灾害特征及防治对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据福建省南安市地质灾害调查和区划工作成果,总结该区地质灾害类型主要有滑坡、崩塌和泥石流,尤以滑坡和崩塌的危害性最大。全市共发现地质灾害140处,其中滑坡72处(含土质滑坡67处),崩塌65处(土质崩塌55处),泥石流3处。南安市地质灾害具有分布广、规模小、突发性强、危害性大等特点,其控制因素:包括地形地貌、岩土体性质、降雨和人类工程活动等。南安市属于低山丘陵地貌,其中低山山地占全市面积的50%,丘陵、台地占25%;花岗岩、凝灰岩分布面积广,其残积层厚度较大,约5~17m,岩性为残积砾(砂)质粘性土,是致灾的主要土体。98%的地质灾害与降雨有直接的关系,当过程雨量达到100mm时,滑坡开始产生;过程雨量大于200mm时,滑坡普遍发生。直接与人类工程活动有关的地质灾害共134处,占地质灾害总数的95%,坡脚开挖是引发地质灾害的主要因素,占调查总数的84.4%。论文还提出了地质灾害防治的相应对策。  相似文献   

河北省地质灾害分布特征及预报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用河北省近40a的地质灾害发生个例资料,分析了地质灾害时空分布特征;进行预报分区,分别找出了各区泥石流临界雨量指标;采用数学决策模型-权重分布集成法,对未来24h降水预报产品、中央台下发的降水指导预报产品、河北省气象台MM5模式降水预报产品、河北省气象台下发的降水指导预报产品等进行降水集成,将各区的降水集成结果及前期降雨量分别与临界雨量指标进行比较,作出地质灾害预报。  相似文献   

邢台西部山区地质灾害形成的成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邢台西部山区每年汛期受降雨因素影响,崩塌,滑坡、泥石流等突发性地质灾害时有发生,危害日趋严重,严重制约着山区国民经济的发展,威胁着人民生命财产的安全.本文根据调查分析邢台西部山区地质灾害发生、发育的特点,对崩塌、滑坡、泥石流等地质灾害形成的成因、暴雨在地质灾害形成中的作用以及暴雨诱发地质灾害的主要影响系统进行了分析,指出地质灾害形成的因素主要有地形地貌、降水和人类活动,地形地貌因素是灾害发生的内在原因,降水是触发灾害的外在条件,人类活动是引发地质灾害的重要因素,暴雨及强降水是促成地质灾害发展的动力条件.高空低槽、中低层低涡、切变线、台风等天气系统是暴雨诱发地质灾害的主要影响系统.  相似文献   

浙江宁波市地质灾害的雨量阈值及预报分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山体滑坡、崩塌、泥石流等地质灾害主要由强降水或连续性降水引发产生,根据最近七年来宁波市国土资源局和宁波市气象台联合制作的地质灾害气象预报预警和地质灾害实况资料分析,结果发现:在最近七年里出现的159处地质灾害中,由热带气旋强降水引发的地质灾害有142处,约占89%;宁波市绝大多数地质灾害是由强降水引发,而强降水中又以热带气旋强降水为主要诱因,引发宁波市地质灾害的有效雨量大多数在100mm以上,因此,100mm有效雨量可作为预报引发宁波市地质灾害的雨量阈值,而200mm有效雨量可引发多处地质灾害产生。统计结果为以后地质灾害气象预报预警及强降水的临近监测提供参考依据。  相似文献   

甘肃省是全国4大滑坡、泥石流分布区。境内滑坡、泥石流主要分布在西秦岭山地、黄土高原和祁连山地。根据历年灾害资料研究,降水引发的地质灾害占年度地质灾害的比例为45%~95%,且具有突发性、群发性和滞后性等特征,造成了严重的人员伤亡和经济损失。引发滑坡、泥石流主要有连阴雨、局地暴雨、前期降水-区域暴雨和区域性大暴雨。通过对降水与滑坡、泥石流关系研究,分类型建立了甘肃省滑坡24 h趋势气象预警模型和滑坡、泥石流实时降雨预警模型,并在2013年陇东南连续强降水过程中应用,取得了很好的预警效果。  相似文献   

地质灾害与降雨雨型的关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地质灾害的发生与降雨历时、降雨量及降雨雨型有密切的关系,不同雨型的降雨诱发地质灾害的诱发机制具有明显的差异性。本文通过收集的降雨实况与地质灾害反馈资料,将诱发地质灾害的降雨雨型分为3种类型:台风降雨、持续强降雨和局地暴雨。研究表明,台风降雨型降雨诱发地质灾害具有即雨即滑的特点,即地质灾害的发生与降雨在时间上具有较好的对应关系;地质灾害发生空间位置与台风运移轨迹也基本一致。多为群发型地质灾害,灾害规模较小,一般为表层或浅层滑坡、崩塌。持续强降雨型降雨诱发地质灾害,在强降雨过程中地质灾害具有同步发生的特点;在降雨强度不大但连续降雨过程中,地质灾害具有一定的滞后效应;在地质灾害大规模发生后,诱发新的地质灾害雨量阈值提高。局地暴雨型降雨诱发的地质灾害往往集中发生在出现局地暴雨的当日当地。  相似文献   

在分析三峡库区湖北段滑坡灾害发育规律的基础上,结合三峡库区湖北段1980-2010年不同时间尺度降水的时间和空间分布特征,得出持续性降雨与暴雨是影响三峡库区湖北段滑坡地质灾害发育的敏感因子。结果发现:三峡库区湖北段滑坡发生区域性强,且库区湖北段降水量的分布与滑坡地质灾害发生的年内变化相一致;库区内多雨中心位于库区鹤峰附近;根据三峡库区降水量分布图,结合库区地质环境,建议将库区强降雨地区作为地质灾害重点防护区和监测区,尽可能以最小代价确保库区稳定性;此外,通过对滑坡灾害与不同时段不同降水类型的相关系数分析,进一步验证前期降水量的累积和强降雨是三峡库区湖北段发生滑坡地质灾害的重要诱因。  相似文献   

台风暴雨是我国东南丘陵山地滑坡的主要诱发因素,揭示台风路径与滑坡发生的相关关系对东南丘陵山地台风暴雨型土质滑坡监测预警具有重要的理论及实际意义。本文基于2015—2019年直接过境福建省或间接对福建省造成影响的台风数据以及与这些台风事件发生期间的降雨量数据和台风暴雨滑坡数据,运用ArcGIS软件中的克里金插值法将台风路径、降雨量数据及台风暴雨滑坡数据进行耦合。再运用Logistic回归方法,通过SPSS软件得到泉州市基于台风路径追踪的滑坡发生概率模型。并运用克里金插值法和Logistic回归方法,以台风杜鹃期间的滑坡为实例对所得模型进行验证,其对实际雨量站测得降雨数据引发滑坡与否的判对概率为77%,对实际发生滑坡的判对概率为100%,依据实际降雨量计算数据,其误报率为21%,但实际滑坡发生的误报率为0,符合安全性。预报效果较为满意,因此模型可作为在台风经过泉州市时的台风暴雨型滑坡发生概率的预测。  相似文献   

 Hydrological landslide-triggering thresholds separate combinations of daily and antecedent rainfall or of rainfall intensity and duration that triggered landslides from those that failed to trigger landslides. They are required for the development of landslide early warning systems. When a large data set on rainfall and landslide occurrence is available, hydrological triggering thresholds are determined in a statistical way. When the data on landslide occurrence is limited, deterministic models have to be used. For shallow landslides directly triggered by percolating rainfall, triggering thresholds can be established by means of one-dimensional hydrological models linked to the infinite slope model. In the case of relatively deep landslides located in topographic hollows and triggered by a slow accumulation of water at the soil-bedrock contact, simple correlations between landslide occurrence and rainfall can no longer be established. Therefore real-time failure probabilities have to be determined using hydrological catchment models in combination with the infinite slope model. Received: 15 October 1997 · Accepted: 25 June 1997  相似文献   

降雨与滑坡灾害相关性分析及预警预报阀值之探讨   总被引:34,自引:3,他引:31  
高华喜  殷坤龙 《岩土力学》2007,28(5):1055-1060
详细研究了深圳市降雨与滑坡的历史资料,对区域性滑坡与降雨量进行偏相关分析,与降雨强度进行相关分析以及与降雨时间进行了系统地统计分析。研究结果表明,(1)滑坡的活动1~4日的降雨量及一次降雨过程的降雨量偏相关系数较大,表明一次性降雨量达到或超过某一数值时区域性滑坡就可以出现;(2)暴雨尤其是大暴雨及特大暴雨与滑坡的关系非常密切,相关系数达0.8以上,大暴雨或特大暴雨具有直接触发滑坡的作用;(3)滑坡活动时间与季节性降雨相对应,季节雨量越多,滑坡亦越多;另外滑坡活动时间与暴雨、大暴雨相吻合或略滞后,滞后时间一般不超过4 d,暴雨的当天及次日发生滑坡的可能性最大。在此基础上,探讨了区域性滑坡发生的临界降雨量和降雨强度阀值。最后将滑坡灾害的地质模型与降雨模型耦合建立了滑坡灾害的空间预警预报区划指标和等级系统,为区域滑坡灾害发生的时间与空间预报预警提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

建立高效合理的区域滑坡灾害降雨预警模型对滑坡防治具有重要意义.然而以往的研究多侧重于临滑预警,对蠕变型滑坡在强降雨工况下的短暂加速变形的预警研究还有待深入.以三峡库区云阳县域内滑坡为例,首先根据滑坡地表位移监测数据的特点对统计样本进行合理筛选.再通过降雨因子与滑坡发生的相关性分析以及对滑坡在降雨条件下位移变化情况的数值模拟,确定了适用于不同时间阶段的降雨统计变量.然后将考虑了滑坡规模特征的滑坡位移比(累计位移与滑坡纵长之比)作为变形指标,分时段统计滑坡地表位移监测数据与历史降雨信息,建立了日降雨数据与月位移数据的对应关系,得到了可用于确定降雨量阈值的位移比模型,并获得了云阳县蠕变型滑坡的五级预警分区.最后分别选用研究区滑坡险情实例、长年位移监测数据及极端降雨事件对模型预警效果进行检验.结果显示基于专业监测数据的位移比模型的滑坡降雨预警结果与实际情况相符,可为蠕变型滑坡的预警预报提供依据.   相似文献   

From September 16 to September 20, 2010, a cold weather front went across Slovenia. A heavy 4-day rainfall totaling between 300 and 520 mm caused large floods and triggered numerous rainfall-induced landslides. The damage due to the floods and landslides is estimated over 250 million Euros. One of the largest landslides covering the area of approximately 15 ha was triggered on flysch bedrock, just below a limestone overthrust zone. The sliding material properties, the inclinations of the slope, and the water catchment area indicate that the landslide may transform into a fast moving debris flow. The necessary protective measures were taken to protect inhabitants and the infrastructure against the disaster. The Stogovce landslide is one of the numerous rainfall-induced landslides that have occurred in Slovenia on flysch bedrock in the last 10 years. It proves that landslide risk on flysch territory is increasing. Special program of monitoring and protective measures will have to be developed in near future to protect densely populated areas against landslides as a consequence of weather extremes.  相似文献   

提高降雨型滑坡危险性预警精度和空间辨识度具有重要意义.以江西宁都县1980—2001年156个降雨型滑坡为例,首先基于传统的EE-D(early effective rainfall-rainfall duration)阈值法计算不同降雨诱发滑坡的时间概率级别;然后以各级别临界降雨阈值曲线对应的时间概率为因变量,并以对应的前期有效降雨量(early effective rainfall,EE)和降雨历时(D)为自变量,采用逻辑回归拟合出上述因变量与自变量之间的非线性关系,得到降雨诱发滑坡的连续概率值;之后对比C5.0决策树和多层感知器的滑坡易发性预测性能;最后利用降雨诱发滑坡的连续概率值与易发性图相耦合以实现连续概率滑坡危险性预警.结果显示:(1)宁都降雨型滑坡连续概率值的逻辑回归方程为1/P=1+e4.062+0.747 4×D-0.079 44×EE,其拟合优度为0.983;(2)2002—2003年的20处用于连续概率阈值测试的降雨型滑坡大都落在连续概率值大于0.7的区域,只有4处落在小于0.7的区域;(3)C5.0决策树预测滑坡易发性的精度显著高于多层感知器;(4)近5年的4次降雨型滑坡的连续概率危险性值都在0.8以上,且高和极高预警区的面积较传统滑坡危险性分区更小.可见连续概率滑坡危险性预警法相较于传统危险性分区法具有更高的预警精度和空间辨识度,且通过叠加滑坡易发性图及其临界降雨阈值可开展实时滑坡危险性预警制图.   相似文献   

坡地地质灾害的减灾策略——以降雨预警基准为例   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
降雨是诱发坡地地质灾害的重要原因,因此掌握降雨的趋势与分布规律,可有效地用于坡地灾害预警,但由于降雨预测精度、灾害资料统计的不足与坡地地质条件的不确定性,实际应用降雨预警基准仍存在许多困难。通过分析台风诱发坡地地质灾害的降雨特性,来说明降雨预警基准在防灾减灾工作上应用的条件与限制。结果表明,对于不同类型之坡地灾害与降雨分布特性,需采用不同的雨量预警基准。唯有通过岩土力学、工程地质学与气象学的整合研究,才能有效提高降雨预警基准预测的准确率,因此各学科的整合是未来防灾减灾研究工作的发展趋势。  相似文献   

The key to advancing the predictability of rainfall-triggered landslides is to use physically based slope-stability models that simulate the transient dynamical response of the subsurface moisture to spatiotemporal variability of rainfall in complex terrains. TRIGRS (transient rainfall infiltration and grid-based regional slope-stability analysis) is a USGS landslide prediction model, coded in Fortran, that accounts for the influences of hydrology, topography, and soil physics on slope stability. In this study, we quantitatively evaluate the spatiotemporal predictability of a Matlab version of TRIGRS (MaTRIGRS) in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Macon County, North Carolina where Hurricanes Ivan triggered widespread landslides in the 2004 hurricane season. High resolution digital elevation model (DEM) data (6-m LiDAR), USGS STATSGO soil database, and NOAA/NWS combined radar and gauge precipitation are used as inputs to the model. A local landslide inventory database from North Carolina Geological Survey is used to evaluate the MaTRIGRS’ predictive skill for the landslide locations and timing, identifying predictions within a 120-m radius of observed landslides over the 30-h period of Hurricane Ivan’s passage in September 2004. Results show that within a radius of 24 m from the landslide location about 67% of the landslide, observations could be successfully predicted but with a high false alarm ratio (90%). If the radius of observation is extended to 120 m, 98% of the landslides are detected with an 18% false alarm ratio. This study shows that MaTRIGRS demonstrates acceptable spatiotemporal predictive skill for landslide occurrences within a 120-m radius in space and a hurricane-event-duration (h) in time, offering the potential to serve as a landslide warning system in areas where accurate rainfall forecasts and detailed field data are available. The validation can be further improved with additional landslide information including the exact time of failure for each landslide and the landslide’s extent and run out length.  相似文献   

Majority of landslides in the Indian sub-continent are triggered by rainfall. Several attempts in the global scenario have been made to establish rainfall thresholds in terms of intensity-duration and antecedent rainfall models on global, regional and local scales for the occurrence of landslides. However, in the context of the Indian Himalayas, the rainfall thresholds for landslide occurrences are not yet understood fully. Neither on regional scale nor on local scale, establishing such rainfall thresholds for landslide occurrences in Indian Himalayas has yet been attempted. This paper presents an attempt towards deriving local rainfall thresholds for landslides based on daily rainfall data in and around Chamoli-Joshimath region of the Garhwal Himalayas, India. Around 128 landslides taken place in last 4 years from 2009 to 2012 have been studied to derive rainfall thresholds. Out of 128 landslides, however, rainfall events pertaining to 81 landslides were analysed to yield an empirical intensity–duration threshold for landslide occurrences. The rainfall threshold relationship fitted to the lower boundary of the landslide triggering rainfall events is I?=?1.82 D ?0.23 (I?=?rainfall intensity in millimeters per hour and D?=?duration in hours). It is revealed that for rainfall events of shorter duration (≤24 h) with a rainfall intensity of 0.87 mm/h, the risk of landslide occurrence in this part of the terrain is expected to be high. Also, the role of antecedent rainfall in causing landslides was analysed by considering daily rainfall at failure and different period cumulative rainfall prior to failure considering all 128 landslides. It is observed that a minimum 10-day antecedent rainfall of 55 mm and a 20-day antecedent rainfall of 185 mm are required for the initiation of landslides in this area. These rainfall thresholds presented in this paper may be improved with the hourly rainfall data vis-à-vis landslide occurrences and also data of later years. However, these thresholds may be used in landslide warning systems for this particular region of the Garhwal Himalayas to guide the traffic and provide safety to the tourists travelling along this pilgrim route during monsoon seasons.  相似文献   

We model the rainfall-induced initiation of shallow landslides over a broad region using a deterministic approach, the Transient Rainfall Infiltration and Grid-based Slope-stability (TRIGRS) model that couples an infinite-slope stability analysis with a one-dimensional analytical solution for transient pore pressure response to rainfall infiltration. This model permits the evaluation of regional shallow landslide susceptibility in a Geographic Information System framework, and we use it to analyze susceptibility to shallow landslides in an area in the eastern Umbria Region of central Italy. As shown on a landslide inventory map produced by the Italian National Research Council, the area has been affected in the past by shallow landslides, many of which have transformed into debris flows. Input data for the TRIGRS model include time-varying rainfall, topographic slope, colluvial thickness, initial water table depth, and material strength and hydraulic properties. Because of a paucity of input data, we focus on parametric analyses to calibrate and test the model and show the effect of variation in material properties and initial water table conditions on the distribution of simulated instability in the study area in response to realistic rainfall. Comparing the results with the shallow landslide inventory map, we find more than 80% agreement between predicted shallow landslide susceptibility and the inventory, despite the paucity of input data.  相似文献   

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