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基于地震数据子集的波形反演思路、方法与应用   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
地震数据与地下介质物性参数之间的复杂关系,决定了地震全波形反演在理论方法上面临着强烈的非线性难题.地下不同物性参数的不同分量在地震数据上具有不同的表现,勘探的不同阶段对地下介质模型的精度也具有不同的要求,这就决定了在地震全波形反演过程中不必时刻追求地震数据全部信息的匹配,部分信息的匹配就有可能解决现阶段的某些问题,还可以一定程度上规避匹配全部地震信息所遇到的强烈非线性难题.基于这样的考虑,我们提出了利用地震数据子集进行波形反演的思路,给出了统一的反演方法,并通过基于包络数据子集以及反射波数据子集的波形反演的理论模型与实际资料反演试验,证明了所提出的波形反演思路和方法的正确性.  相似文献   

体波波形反演对青藏高原上地幔速度结构的研究   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
采用波形反演方法对青藏高原地区震中距8°-38°范围内的宽频带炸波波形进行拟合,研究该地区上地幔平均速度结构以及上地幔纵、横波速度的横向不均匀性结果表明青藏高原地区的平均地壳厚度约为68km,上地幔盖层平均厚度约为30-40km,速度约为8.10km/s雅鲁藏布江附近地壳厚度最大,约80km,相应的上地幔Pn速度为8.15km/s左右,青藏高原中部地区的地壳平均厚度约68-70km.位于拉萨地块北部的羌塘地块S波速度相对较低,其地壳和上地慢的平均S波速度分别比拉萨地块低1%和2%以上34°N以北,90°E附近的区域存在明显的上地幔P波低速异常区,P波的平均速度小于7.8km/s据此结果及前人工作,推断印度板块的俯冲可能以雅鲁藏布江缝合带附近为界,青藏高原巨大的地壳厚度是由于欧亚板块碰撞造成地壳缩短与增厚引起.  相似文献   

本文对利用体波波形资料研究地壳上地幔速度结构的理论与方法进行了系统的研究 ,通过引入非线性反演中的遗传算法 ,发展了一种灵活有效的体波波形反演方法。利用中国的CDSN台网和中美合作在青藏高原架设的PASSCAL临时地震台站记录的宽频带体波波形资料 ,对中国大陆地区地壳上地幔速度结构进行了研究。在青藏高原地区 ,通过对高原中部地区瑞利波衰减特性及相速度频散特性的测定 ,反演了该地区地壳上地幔的 Qβ结构和 S波速度结构 ,并对 S波速度的横向不均匀特征进行了探讨。本文对上地幔速度结构的主要研究方向进行了系统的总结 ,这些…  相似文献   

南海西南海盆壳幔结构重力反演与热模拟分析   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
张健  李家彪 《地球物理学报》2011,54(12):3026-3037
壳幔结构及扩张期后的岩浆活动是研究南海西南海盆形成演化的关键.本文针对NH973-1剖面开展壳幔密度结构重力反演,并依据重力反演的壳幔模型,定量模拟海底扩张期后的壳幔热结构与热演化过程.重力反演表明:西南海盆中央残余扩张脊之下存在一个较深的凹陷带,其下Moho面比两侧略深,呈现扩张期后的热沉降特点.热模拟发现:海盆扩张终止后,壳幔并非均衡一致降温,而是以"地壳增温-地幔降温"方式进入热沉降阶段.海底扩张终结后,地壳继续增温约7 Ma之后才与地幔一同缓慢降温,同步进入后期热沉降.沿NH973-1剖面南、中、北段的地壳增温特点不同,在海盆扩张中心北侧约70 km之下7~9 km深度处,在9.6~4.6 Ma期间温度增幅一直保持在200℃以上,将该处地壳温度抬升至1100℃以上,具备了产生扩张期后岩浆熔融的温度条件.P-T图解分析也支持此期间如果地壳具备局部构造断裂形成的含水条件和减压条件,就可能因部分熔融产生岩浆活动.  相似文献   




本文利用荷泽-林县-长治剖面西段和郑州-济南剖面南段深地震测深资料,通过一、二维计算与解释,获得了汤阴地堑及邻区的二维速度结构。结果显示:该区地壳上地幔结构在纵、横向上均具明显的差异,地壳厚度变化大局部存在低速块体,对应汤阴地堑为M面隆起,隆起高点M面埋深为31km,向东往浚县隆起区M面逐渐加深32km,向西往太行山前隆起M面为一陡变带,至长治附近M面埋深增至40km。根据华北地区历史地震与深部结  相似文献   

中国东部地区的壳-幔过渡带结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
莫霍面是地壳和上地幔的边界,但莫霍面并不是一个简单的"面",而是一个反映地壳和地幔物质交换、相互作用等动力学意义的"过渡带".本文综合深地震反射、宽角地震折射和高温高压岩石物理实验结果,确定壳-幔过渡带的地震P波速度变化范围为6.8~7.5 km·s-1.在克拉通等构造活动稳定地区壳-幔过渡带内的速度梯度强且壳-幔过渡带厚度薄,而在造山带等构造活动区域壳-幔过渡带内的速度梯度弱且壳-幔过渡带厚.中国东部地区的壳-幔过渡带的平均厚度约为5~10 km,在四川盆地下方最薄(< 5 km),而在华北克拉通中部造山带下方的壳-幔过渡带最厚(~30 km).综合地球化学结果,华北中部巨厚壳-幔过渡带主要是幔源岩浆的底侵作用和堆晶作用而形成.  相似文献   

利用地震波场研究地球内部壳、幔结构的方法主要包括天然地震波场中的远地震观测法、近地震观测法和人工源地震深部探测法.其中,由于人工源地震探测的震源位于浅表层介质中,且其震源位置、爆炸时间、接收条件等均为精确已知,因此其所得结果的精度最高、且最为准确.人工源深部地震探测分为深部地震宽角反射和折射剖面探测及深部近垂直反射波法探测.前者可求得壳、幔介质的分层结构和速度分布,后者可较详细了解地壳构造形态的细节.两种方法具有不同的特点、但却相辅相成.当今,将深地震宽角反射/折射和深反射法联合观测以取得较详细的速度结构和构造展布特征将必成地球内部研究的必然轨迹.  相似文献   

毛桐恩  姚家榴 《地震学报》1994,16(4):495-503
本文首先研究分析了我国大陆东部(105E以东)不同构造块体以及构造块体内的不同部位的地震活动度的差异和特征, 进而从板块内部和深部探讨了造成这种差异的壳-幔结构因素;计算了不同块体的地壳厚度与岩石圈厚度之比, 即壳-幔结构比R值。发现R值的大小与地震活动度明显相关, R值的内涵标志着板内壳-幔的物质运动状况, 及其壳-幔间通过对流和侵入达到交换能量和物质的相互作用的程度。   相似文献   

声波全波形反演目标函数性态   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
地震波传播的复杂性所引起的地震反演中强烈的非线性问题是目前全波形反演在技术上遇到的最大难题,了解全波形反演中不同的目标函数随不同物性参数的不同摄动尺度的变化性态,对选择合理的反演方法和反演策略具有重要意义.本文参照Jannane等对波形反演目标函数性态的分析方法,通过变密度声波方程,分析了多种地震数据子集的不同目标函数随物性参数的摄动尺度的变化关系,重点分析了它们的非线性程度,为进行分步骤、分尺度全波形反演方法和反演策略的选择提供了理论指导.  相似文献   

Time-lapse seismic data is useful for identifying fluid movement and pressure and saturation changes in a petroleum reservoir and for monitoring of CO2 injection. The focus of this paper is estimation of time-lapse changes with uncertainty quantification using full-waveform inversion. The purpose of also estimating the uncertainty in the inverted parameters is to be able to use the inverted seismic data quantitatively for updating reservoir models with ensemble-based methods. We perform Bayesian inversion of seismic waveform data in the frequency domain by combining an iterated extended Kalman filter with an explicit representation of the sensitivity matrix in terms of Green functions (acoustic approximation). Using this method, we test different strategies for inversion of the time-lapse seismic data with uncertainty. We compare the results from a sequential strategy (making a prior from the monitor survey using the inverted baseline survey) with a double difference strategy (inverting the difference between the monitor and baseline data). We apply the methods to a subset of the Marmousi2 P-velocity model. Both strategies performed well and relatively good estimates of the monitor velocities and the time-lapse differences were obtained. For the estimated time-lapse differences, the double difference strategy gave the lowest errors.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a general approach to integrating petrophysical models in three-dimensional seismic full-waveform inversion based on the Gramian constraints. In the framework of this approach, we present an example of the frequency-domain P-wave velocity inversion guided by an electrical conductivity model. In order to introduce a coupling between the two models, we minimize the corresponding Gramian functional, which is included in the Tikhonov parametric functional. We demonstrate that in the case of a single-physics inversion guided by a model of different physical type, the general expressions of the Gramian functional and its gradients become simple and easy to program. We also prove that the Gramian functional has a non-negative quadratic form, so it can be easily incorporated in a standard gradient-based minimization scheme. The developed new approach of seismic inversion guided by the known petrophysical model has been validated by three-dimensional inversion of synthetic seismic data generated for a realistic three-dimensional model of the subsurface.  相似文献   




Besides classical imaging techniques, full-waveform inversion is an increasingly popular method to derive elastic subsurface properties from seismic data. High-resolution velocity models can be obtained, and spatial sampling criteria are less strict than for imaging methods, because the entire information content of the seismic waveforms is used. As high operational costs arise from seismic surveys, the acquirable data volume is often limited by economic criteria. By selecting optimal locations for seismic sources, the information content of the data can be maximized, and the number of sources and thus the acquisition costs can be reduced compared with standard acquisition designs. The computation of such optimized designs for large-size 3D inverse problems at affordable computational cost is challenging. By using a sequential receiver-wise optimization strategy, we substantially reduce the computational requirements of the optimization process. We prove the applicability of this method by means of numerical 3D acoustic examples. Optimized source designs for different receiver patterns are computed for a realistic subsurface model, and the value of the designs is evaluated by comparing checkerboard inversion tests with different acquisition designs. Our examples show that inversion results with higher accuracy can be obtained with the optimized designs, regardless of the number of sources, the number of receivers, or the receiver distribution. Larger benefits of the optimized designs are visible when a sparse receiver geometry is used.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional elastic full waveform inversion was applied to two lines extracted from a spiral three-dimensional vertical seismic profile data acquired in an oilfield offshore, Abu Dhabi, in the United Arab Emirates. The lines were selected to be parallel and perpendicular to the plane defined by the deviated borehole. The purpose of the inversion was to derive high-resolution elastic properties of the subsurface. After pre-processing, the data were band-pass filtered with a minimum frequency of 3.5 Hz and a maximum frequency of 30 Hz. A sequential inversion approach was used to mitigate non-linearity. The pre-processing of the data consisted in the removal of bad traces, followed by amplitude and phase corrections. High-resolution P- and S-wave velocity models that show good correlations with the available sonic logs were obtained. The results of the inversion suggest that the oilfield consists of a stack of layers with varying lithology, porosity and possibly fluid content.  相似文献   

Seismic modelling of the shallow subsurface (within the first few metres) is often challenging when the data are dominated by ground-roll and devoid of reflection. We showed that, even when transmission is the only available phase for analysis, fine-scale and interpretable P-wave velocity (VP) and attenuation (QP−1) models can still be prepared using full-waveform inversion, with data being preconditioned for ground-roll. To prove this idea, we suppressed the ground-roll in two different ways before full-waveform inversion modelling: first, through a bottom mute; second, through a novel wavelet transform-based method known as the redundant-lifting scheme. The applicability of full-waveform inversion is tested through imaging two buried targets. These include a pair of utility water pipes with known diameters of 0.8 m and burial depths of 1.5 m, respectively. The second target is the poorly documented backfill, which was the former location of the pipe(s). The data for full-waveform inversion are acquired along a 2D profile using a static array of 24, 40 Hz vertical component geophones and a buried point source. The results show that (a) the redundant-lifting scheme better suppresses the ground roll, which in turn provides better images of the targets in full-waveform inversion; and (b) the VP and QP−1 models from full-waveform inversion of redundant-lifting scheme data could detect the two targets adequately.  相似文献   

The recursive nature of rays in blocky models can be exploited to solve some difficult problems in seismic modelling. Each segment of a ray travels from an initial point up to a reflecting interface, where it is split into reflected and transmitted ray segments, which each continue in a similar way. The tree structure that thus emanates is conveniently handled by a recursive scheme. Recursion allows an automatic generation of all phases on a seismogram, together with all information necessary to analyse or select them. By operating recursively with a ray cell, bounded by a pair of vicinal rays in 2D, or a triplet of vicinal rays in 3D, and two successive isochrons, the two-point ray-tracing problem is reduced to a simple interpolation. Also, the cellular approach allows for a stable and robust evaluation of dynamic ray quantities without any paraxial tracing, which is cumbersome in blocky models of realistic complexity. Geometric shadows are filled by recursively generated diffractions. The recursive ray tracer has found applications in the fast computation of Green's functions in target-oriented inversion and in phase identification in VSP.  相似文献   

The ProP waveform data obtained from a deep seismic sounding profile, which ran through Zhangbei seismic region, were processed by means of both seismic wave complexity coefficient and frequency spectrum analysis methods, and the complexity characteristics of crest-mantle boundary beneath the studied area and its adjacent region were determined. The results show that the place below epicenter can be taken as boundary, the northern side of which is Inner Mongolia axis with small complexity coefficient and the southern side of which is Huai'an basin with large complexity coefficient. The different spectrum patterns at the two sides of the epicenter were inferred from spectrum analysis. In the epicentral area, there have been multi-period magmatic eruptions since Meso-Cenozoic and craters exist at the surface. From the velocity imaging of middle and upper crust in Zhangbei seismic region it can be found that there are crustal low velocity bodies around the craters and also there are low velocity zones, which went into deep crust. It is suggested that the distinct zones of crust-mantle boundary complexity may be the margin, where the magma had intruded due to magma activity in Meso-Cenozoic. The southern side with large complexity coefficient is deep magmatic activity area and the northern side with small complexity coefficient is stable crust-mantle tectonics. The difference of crust-mantle complexity provides deep background for the development of strong earthquake.  相似文献   

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