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Physical geographers are often confronted with the decision of whether to publish in geography or nongeography journals. The present study seeks to quantify the number of articles with a significant hydrology content published in geography versus hydrology journals by physical geographers from 1997 to 2002 using the ISI Web of Knowledge electronic database. Of 690 articles published in the 10 selected geography and hydrology journals during the period of study, over four‐fifths were published in hydrology journals. Based on our interpretation of the data, the comparatively smaller audience in geography and the risk of acquiring fewer citations compels physical geographers to publish in hydrology journals for increased visibility. A critical mass of physical geographers should consider publishing some of their work in physical geography journals to elevate the status of geography in the academy.  相似文献   

中国地理学期刊编辑出版研究的综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵歆 《地理科学》2015,35(11):1437-1443
通过全面收集和系统整理中国地理学类期刊编辑发表的编辑出版研究成果,总结分析中国地理期刊在期刊发展方面的特点,包括地理期刊的总体发展、主要期刊的发展历程、英文期刊的发展、中外期刊发展对比等。概括分析了中国主要地理期刊载文、人文地理学科刊文、主要期刊引文分析等方面的统计结果。最后,对中国地理期刊编辑在期刊与学科发展关系、期刊选题和办刊思路、提高期刊编辑质量、防止稿件重复发表、电脑与网络使用方法等5方面的研究做出了全面总结。  相似文献   

The network of interrelationships among a set of 22 geographic journals is investigated, using data on the frequency with which articles published in one journal cite papers published In another. The analysis considers journals published in 1970–1972 and 1980–1982. Journals with a focus on regional science weaken their connection to others in the set. The Annals retains its position at the core of the journal space that is identified using multidimensional scaling; Environment and Planning A invades the niche vacated by the regional science journals.  相似文献   

李小玲 《地理学报》2014,69(7):1025-1038
以中国的《地理学报》中、英文版和美国的AAAG (Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 美国地理学家协会会刊)、英国的TIBG (Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers,英国皇家地理学会会刊) 作为中西方主流地理期刊的代表案例,以各刊网站的资料和文献作为数据源,对比各刊的办刊背景、发展历史,重点从办刊宗旨、报道内容、国际化程度、办刊特色、用稿要求等几个方面来对比分析中西方主流地理期刊的办刊实践,结果显示:1) 办刊宗旨上,AAAG和TIBG将重点落实在学科建设服务上,明确宣称其国际权威的高端定位,强调刊文对学科知识性的贡献,即对创新性有特别具体和明确的要求;《地理学报》中、英文版除了服务于学科建设外,明确提出为国民经济建设服务的宗旨。2) 学科内容上,AAAG创刊前20年偏重自然地理,之后人文地理刊文一直处于优势地位;环境科学和方法研究近年来受到重视,基础研究不断深入;《地理学报》自然和人文地理的刊文总体上趋于合理和平衡,其英文版偏重自然地理学、自然与人文相结合的综合性研究。3) 国际化程度方面,被研究期刊的作者群均以本国作者为主,国际作者群体以来自美国、英国、加拿大等国家的作者占优势,其中,AAAG作者的国际化程度最高。4) 办刊特色方面,《地理学报》中、英文版注重实证研究类刊文;AAAG主要体现在其专刊 (special issue) 及主席演讲等方面,TIBG主要体现在虚拟期刊 (virtual issue) 及对刊文质量的贡献要求等方面。  相似文献   

In academia, publication productivity, defined as the number of peer-reviewed articles published and the frequency of citations, is a primary factor in the assessment of tenure and promotion. One of the most cited gender differences in academia is the “productivity puzzle,” which suggests that women publish less than men, thereby affecting every aspect of a woman's academic career. Peer-reviewed articles published in the Annals of the Association of American Geographers (Annals) and The Professional Geographer (PG) between 1995 and 2006, and in four subdisciplinary journals between 2005 and 2009, as well as citation reports, were used to explore whether gender differences are present in publication productivity. Gender differences were evident in the proportion of women authors, the frequency of collaboration, and the number of citations across a broad range of prestigious geographic journals. For all journals studied, women were underrepresented, especially in the authorship positions that equate to notions of respect and merit. Although the number of collaborative articles increased during the study period, single-authored papers are the dominant mode of publication for both men and women for most geographic journals. The authorship patterns for frequently cited articles generally mirror those for all articles. Because the frequency of collaborative publication was high for women, the dual trends of a general increase in publication collaboration and increasing participation of women in academic geography bodes well for increased female productivity as it relates to publishing. Nevertheless, it is important to note that, currently, males as lead or single authors represent the predominant voice of geography within the journals examined in this study.  相似文献   

赵歆 《地理学报》2015,70(9):1526-1534
依据2015年6月发布的2014年度国际期刊引证报告,将SCI收录的46种地理学期刊按学科分为5大类,对各学科期刊的影响因子、总被引频次等相关引证指标进行分析,并对各专业地理学期刊2009-2014年间的学术影响力增长情况进行总结。同时,整理国际地理学期刊的年刊文量、出版国别、出版周期和出版公司等期刊出版资料,对国际地理学期刊的学科类型分布、学术影响指标、编辑出版状况之间的相关影响特征进行探讨。  相似文献   

本文基于文献计量与数据挖掘的原理与方法,以《地理学报》《地理研究》《地理科学》《地理科学进展》(以下简称“四地”或四刊)创刊以来发表的学术论文为基础数据,选取各刊被引量前500位的论文,从时间特征、位次特征、关键词、作者、研究机构、所属地区等角度进行统计分析,旨在揭示中国地理研究的特点与态势。结果表明:①四刊论文贡献量的时间分布存在差异,但高被引论文年代区间集聚特征明显;②高被引论文同位次被引量变化曲线是比较期刊影响力的一种较好方法,四刊曲线均呈现负幂函数曲线衰减态势;③四刊论文作者个数及关键词个数变化整体上较为同步,论文数量随着作者数的增加而呈现“倒勺”变化,关键词个数总体上呈现“趋多避少”的态势;④关键词大类统计反映了四刊的关注重点与差异,核心词根统计揭示了研究焦点与学术支点,空间、城市、土地、变化、生态、中国、区域、旅游、环境、发展等词根出现频次最高;⑤入围量排名靠前的作者大多从事人文经济地理研究,一批领军人物和活跃研究者贡献突出且优势明显;⑥《地理学报》、中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所、北京在各自层面首位度明显。最后,从研究时效及结果解释力、中外研究数据统筹、学术贡献综合评价指标体系构建、研究团队评价及中国地理研究均衡化、本土化与国际化等方面指出了未来的努力方向。  相似文献   

通过对国际上的政治地理学旗舰性杂志《Political Geography》2005-2015年期间391篇成果的分析,总结出国际政治地理学研究的主要研究议题为:边境与边界,环境政治,空间与尺度,领土和主权以及安全问题,选举地理,社会和文化政治,其中空间与尺度,领土和主权以及安全问题,社会和文化政治几个方向研究成果占较大比例,而其他三个方向则相对较少.通过研究方法分析发现,国际政治地理学主要采用定性分析的方法,尤其是民族志和文本分析的方法,定量分析的使用存在一定的局限性.最后,从该杂志的研究对象和研究机构两个方面的分析归纳出:欧美主导的发达国家(尤其是英国和美国)对世界政治地理学话题的学术霸权与世界南,北差异发展具有一定的相关性.在中国综合国力日渐增强,参与国际事务能力不断提高以及作为新兴的地缘政治力量崛起的社会历史背景下,政治地理学经世致用之能亟待被展现.因此,中国政治地理学发展作为发展中国家的声音势必将越来越洪亮.  相似文献   

“Energy” presents a number of complex and interrelated challenges regarding the environment, economy, and politics. In this paper, we argue that cartography should help clarify our understanding of energy issues, but ask whether this has in fact been the case. In a review of over 100 articles pulled from twenty‐three peer‐reviewed geography journals, we qualitatively assess energy maps published since the early 20th century, examining trends in topic and cartographic technique. Energy maps in geography journals have focused on North America and Western Europe while relying on proportional symbols, grayscale production, and the analysis of energy phenomena at the national scale—tendencies that in many instances have limited our understanding of the ways in which energy is actually consumed. Simultaneously, cartographers are limited to the energy data available to them, frequently precluding small‐scale consumption analysis or consideration of diurnal and seasonal trends. We argue that the future of energy cartography relies on access to consumption data coupled with greater user interactivity.  相似文献   

西方创新地理研究的知识图谱可视化分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来,创新问题日益受到西方人文地理学者的关注,并成为西方人文地理学研究的新方向。本文选择WOS(Web of Science)作为文献搜索引擎,选取在创新主题下刊发文章最多的500本期刊中的14本被社会科学引文索引SSCI收录的地理学期刊作为文献来源,以1982-2015年共2048篇英语创新主题文献记录作为数据源,基于显示知识发展进程与结构关系的可视化工具CiteSpace对数据进行关键词共现分析和文献共被引分析,绘制了西方创新地理研究的知识图谱,实现了本领域热点主题、知识基础和演进轨迹的可视化。研究发现:西方创新地理研究近30年来发文量和新兴关键词数量增长显著,研究者分布形成西欧、北美两大核心地区,近期研究指向热点关键词技术、溢出、集聚、研发、企业家精神;拥有较为明显的演进主体,研究内容宽广,主题尚不集中,全球城市、全球蜂鸣、空间化模式、产业、生命周期、剑桥地区(或剑桥现象)、知识、产业发展、区域创新战略是建立在32篇高被引文献之上的9个热点主题;经济地理学导向明显,尤其受新区域主义、转向潮流、演化经济地理学的发展影响显著,具有较为清晰的发展脉络。  相似文献   

地理学及部分相关学科SCI收录期刊介绍   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王彦  李宏建 《地理学报》2005,60(6):1029-1040
将SCI收录的21种及中国进入科学引文索引和科学引文索引扩展版的地理学类目核心期刊进行了全面的揭示,包括英文刊名、汉译刊名、出版周期、原版刊号、最新影响因子、国际标准刊号、出版地、出版者、联系地址、最新期刊网址,期刊描述等全方位的期刊信息。期刊描述内容包括:期刊的创刊年以及期刊的发展,期刊主要内容及使用的语言,网站可免费获取的该刊目次和文摘及全文信息等。  相似文献   

An analysis of the presence of women geographers in Spanish universities indicates that women lecturers are a minority, especially in the top posts. The written contributions of women geographers in geographical journals published by geography departments, and in unpublished M.A. theses and doctoral dissertations are proportionally fewer than the corresponding percentage of staff members.  相似文献   

1994-2003年我国旅游地理研究文献及其评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过搜集1994—2003年《地理学报》、《地理研究》等10种期刊发表的旅游地理文献,将10种期刊分为两大类,从文章的数量、基金资助、研究涉及区域、研究方法和研究内容等方面进行统计分析,揭示了中国旅游地理10a来的研究进展状况和特点。  相似文献   

1889-1944年日本《地学杂志》刊载涉及中国论文分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
段伟  何滢 《地理研究》2013,32(3):580-589
日本《地学杂志》是日本地球科学界最重要的专门性刊物之一,自1889年创刊以来登载了大量有关东亚及东南亚的地理信息,其中对中国的报道和研究所占版面年平均超过13%。本文主要介绍日本《地学杂志》的发展沿革及内容构成,着重分析1889-1944年该杂志所载涉及中国的文章,特别关注日本地学家对中国各区域地形、地质、资源、物产、水道交通及社会人文等方面的实地考察,论证其研究价值和意义,分析其时空分布特点。通过分析1889-1944年间以《地学杂志》相关人员为代表的日本研究者对中国的关注和认识在时空及侧重点上的变化态势,表明当时日本地学家在中国所从事的实地调查活动与日本国家在政治和经济上对中国地理知识的需求之间有着十分密切的联系。  相似文献   

John Turnbull Thomson is more known in New Zealand for his work as Chief Surveyor of Otago Province (1856–1876) and first Surveyor General of New Zealand (1877–1879). He was also a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society of London from 1848 until his death in 1884. Thomson was an important and early self‐declared ‘does’ of geographer in New Zealand, prior to the establishment of university geography in 1937. Thomson's contribution included survey and mapping but he also gave public lectures on geography and contributed to debates about glaciation.  相似文献   

This article discusses services as a research theme by reviewing the anthology Service Industries in the Global Economy, a collection of articles published in 1998, in two volumes in the series The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics (series editor Mark Blaug). The articles are reprints from journals in economics, economic geography and sociology, and they span the period from 1939 to 1997. Of the total of 70 articles, this review can give only some samples.  相似文献   

Cultural Globalization,Global English,and Geography Journals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we review the debate on cultural globalization and examine the rise of English as a form of global communication. The implications of these trends for the geographical community are discussed in an analysis of the use of English in geography journals. We note the increasing number of journals published in English, measure the proportion of contributions from non‐English‐speaking countries in English language journals, and note the language practice of selected journals. We conclude that there has been a trend towards linguistic homogenization and raise the question: what are the implications of a geographical discourse dominated by just one language?  相似文献   

Beyond Germany, Leo Waibel (1888–1951) built a distinguished reputation for his work in Africa and the Americas. Today he is remembered especially in Brazil, where he boosted the development of geography as a research discipline in the years 1946–1950. During his tenure of the chair in geography at Bonn (1929–1937), Waibel's main research preoccupation became the role of the tropics in the world economy. In early 1937, he sought research leave to make an extended field trip to Brazil. Stripped on political grounds in the same year of his chair, Waibel came to the United States, where he became the only geographer to receive help from the Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced Foreign Scholars. He would eventually serve as one of the very limited core staff on President Franklin Roosevelt's “M” Project on migration and settlement. This paper reconstructs the context of his work in the United States, clarifying especially the nature of his collaborations with Isaiah Bowman, widely regarded at the time as the leading geographer within the United States. Waibel's correspondence from the United States, and later from Brazil, reveals an international career marked by contradictions.  相似文献   

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