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伽马射线作为宇宙中极端事件的独特探针,探测伽马射线是人们了解宇宙构成、星体演化和宇宙线起源等的重要途经.伽马天文涉及了宇宙中的各种前沿科学问题并且观测所需能谱跨度极宽(102 keV–102 TeV),针对不同的科学目标和细分谱段,必须利用不同的伽马望远镜探测技术.总结了空间和地面的共5大类伽马射线观测技术,分别是编码孔径望远镜、康普顿望远镜、电子对望远镜、成像大气切伦科夫望远镜和广延大气簇射阵列;回顾了70 yr来在观测设备和技术进步的推动下伽马射线天文学领域的巨大进展,其中包含高能和甚高能谱段取得的大量成就,中低能段由于已有观测任务有限以及灵敏度低,超高能和极高能段由于观测难度大、起步时间晚,数据和成果相对其他谱段产出较少;展望了未来已经规划的伽马望远镜任务、能力及预期科学产出,其中,中低能段空间望远镜增强型ASTROGAM望远镜(e-ASTROGAM)、全天区中能伽马射线观测站(AMEGO)和甚高能段地面望远镜阵列高海拔宇宙线观测站(LHAASO)、切伦科夫望远镜阵列(CTA),由于灵敏度较同谱段已有任务灵敏度有大幅提升,极有可能在20 yr内从不同角度再度扩展人类对伽马宇宙的认知.  相似文献   

正近日,我国的重大科技基础设施"高海拔宇宙线观测站"(Large High Altitulde Air Shower Observatory, LHAASO)在《Nature》期刊上发表了首批科学结果[1]. LHAASO利用其1/2阵列在2020年1月至11月这段时期的数据,共发现了12个显著性大于7倍标准偏差的超高能伽马射线(指能量大于100 Te V的光子, 1 TeV=10~(12)eV)源.  相似文献   

地面水切伦科夫探测器(Water Cherenkov Detector Array, WCDA)是高海拔宇宙线观测站(Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory, LHAASO)的重要组成部分,主要科学目标是实现在甚高能中低能段(100 GeV~30 TeV)对整个北天区伽马源进行巡天观测。为了确保对辐射源探测的指向准确性,需要对探测器阵列进行时间标定。主要介绍了水切伦科夫探测器时间标定方法、标定系统的搭建以及关键部件——分光光纤束的批量测试。  相似文献   

岳川 《天文学报》2020,61(5):59
宇宙线的观测研究和暗物质粒子的间接探测是高能天体物理领域两个重大研究课题. 自1912年V. Hess发现宇宙线开始, 人类对宇宙线的观测历史已经超过了一个世纪, 传统理论模型预言``膝''区以下能段的宇宙线能谱应服从单一幂率分布, 而近些年的空间和高空气球实验表明10 GeV--100 TeV的宇宙线质子能谱可能存在偏离单一幂律谱分布的重要结构, 这对研究银河系内宇宙线的起源、传播和加速机制具有重要意义. 另一方面, 得益于宇宙线和伽马射线观测精度的提高和观测能段的拓宽, 暗物质粒子的间接探测在国际上受到越来越多的关注, 暗物质粒子可能会发生湮灭或衰变产生稳定的普通高能粒子, 包括正负电子对、正反质子对、伽马射线和中微子等, 进而在宇宙线或伽马射线留下可探测的信号.  相似文献   

袁强 《天文学报》2023,64(5):49-11
高能宇宙线的起源、加速和传播是重大的前沿科学问题,回答该问题需要对宇宙线的能谱、各向异性以及各类高能天体电磁辐射进行精确观测.通过空间粒子探测器对宇宙线各成分能谱的直接测量是研究宇宙线物理问题的重要手段.中国于2015年底发射并持续运行至今的暗物质粒子探测卫星以其大接受度、高能量分辨率等特点,在宇宙线直接探测方面取得了系列重要成果,揭示出质子、氦核、硼碳和硼氧比例等宇宙线能谱的新结构,为理解宇宙线起源等科学问题提供了新的依据.介绍了暗物质粒子探测卫星的仪器设置、运行状况、科学成果及其物理意义.  相似文献   

高海拔宇宙线观测站(Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory, LHAASO)位于四川省稻城县海子山,平均海拔4 410 m,属于典型的高寒山地气候,天气变化迅速。广角切伦科夫望远镜阵列(Wide Field of view Cherenkov Telescope Array, WFCTA)是LHAASO三大观测阵列之一,需要在晴朗的夜晚工作。为保证望远镜的正常运行,需要时刻检测雨雪情况,保证广角切伦科夫望远镜阵列在雨雪天气时及时关闭。但由于气温过低,传统的雨雪传感器在站点不能正常工作,因此需要改进仪器增加加热装置。通过实验室研究完成了加热装置设计,并在现场进行了实地检测。结果表明,高灵敏度雨雪传感器可以在站点低温环境下使探测表面温度保持在零度以上,可以实时有效地监测雨雪天气,为广角切伦科夫望远镜的正常运行提供了重要的支撑。  相似文献   

银河系外的伽马射线辐射源主要是耀变体,对其研究有助于揭示活动星系核喷流物理、高能宇宙线起源甚至宇宙演化等。研究了为什么有些蝎虎天体有强的伽马射线辐射,而有些却没有。选了170个有多普勒因子和能谱曲率测量的蝎虎天体,并把它们分成被费米LAT探测到的和未被费米LAT探测到的两类。研究发现这两类源的多波段能谱曲率有显著区别,即费米LAT探测到的源的曲率明显小于未被费米LAT探测到的源;即使扣除了多普勒因子的影响,结果也相近。蝎虎天体PKS 0048-09和S5 0716+714有着相似的同步辐射光度但却不同的伽马射线光度。基于同步自康普顿模型,再结合二次曲线电子谱可以很好地拟合它们的多波段能谱,并发现拟合的曲率和辐射区尺度不同但却成正比。PKS 0048-09可能有一个更致密的喷流,从而产生了更大康普顿因子。结果表明,给定同步辐射光度,能谱曲率和康普顿因子对于能否被Fermi伽马射线卫星探测到非常重要;讨论了这一结果对粒子统计加速和辐射机制的限制。  相似文献   

高海拔宇宙线观测站(Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory)的核心科学目标是探索高能宇宙线起源以及相关的宇宙演化、高能天体运动和新物理前沿的研究。通过大面积铺设μ子探测器极大地降低宇宙射线背景,从而提升高能伽马射线探测的灵敏度。作为μ子探测器的核心部件之一的光电倍增管负责接收水中的切伦科夫光子并将其转换成电信号输出,因此,光电倍增管的性能好坏直接影响μ子探测器的性能。稻城实验室2%抽样测试结果表明,光电倍增管的各性能达到μ子探测器的指标要求,与批量测试结果的相对偏差小于2%。  相似文献   

高海拔宇宙线观测站(Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory, LHAASO)位于四川省稻城县海子山,平均海拔4 410 m。激光标定系统是LHAASO的广角切伦科夫望远镜阵列(Wide Field-of-view Cherenkov Telescope Array, WFCTA)的组成部分之一,用于标定广角切伦科夫望远镜阵列接收的光子数的绝对增益。激光标定系统中的激光能量测量系统由能量探头(Energy sensor)、能量计(Energy meter)和温控系统3部分组成,主要用于精确测量发射向广角切伦科夫望远镜阵列视场内的脉冲激光束的能量。主要对能量探头进行了相对标定和性能研究,并设计开发了保温系统来保证能量探头在环境恶劣的高海拔地区正常工作。通过能量探头之间的相对标定,可以提高激光能量测量的准确性。能量探头的性能测试结果表明,在以能量探头中心为圆心、直径为8 mm的圆形区域内,其不均匀度小于1.5%。激光束的入射角对能量探头测量激光脉冲能量几乎没有影响,但是垂直入射时能量探头反射的激光会损坏激光器,因此需要避免激光束垂直入射能量探头。...  相似文献   

宇宙线发现100年来极大地推动了粒子物理学、天体物理学的发展,然而其起源、加速和传播的问题依然是宇宙线研究的三个根本问题。宇宙线“膝区”物理的研究是解决宇宙线这些基本问题的途径之一。简要回顾了宇宙线研究的历史和能谱特点;重点阐述了宇宙线“膝区”的实验观测数据以及重要实验组测量的差异和争论的焦点;归纳讨论了解释宇宙线“膝区”成因的四种主要理论模型,并结合最新实验数据说明了第四种成因(新物理过程)的可能性不大;叙述了国内研究者对宇宙线“膝区”物理研究的贡献;最后对宇宙线“膝区”物理研究的前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

Since the century discovery of cosmic ray, the origin of cosmic ray is always a mystery. The study on the origin of high-energy cosmic ray is in an interdiscipline between the very high-energy (VHE) gamma-ray astronomy and the cosmic ray physics. The Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO) is a unique and new generation cosmic-ray station with the advantages of high altitude, all-weather, and large-scale. It takes the function of hybrid technology to detect cosmic rays and to upgrade greatly the resolving power between gamma rays and cosmic rays. The LHAASO is expected to make the full-sky survey to find new gamma-ray sources, to obtain the highest sensitivity of gamma-ray detection at the high energy band of > 30 TeV, and to make the very high precision measurement on the component energy spectra of cosmic rays in a broad energy range of 5 orders of magnitude, in order to provide the evidence for revealing the mystery of the origin of cosmic ray. This paper describes the detector structure, performance superiority and scientific motivation of the LHAASO.  相似文献   

弥散宇宙γ射线产生于初级宇宙线的传播过程,本文利用宇宙线传播的“双漏模式”得出与实验观测谱接近的银河系弥散宇宙γ射线谱。  相似文献   

Blazar emission of gamma rays and cosmic ray production of gamma rays in gas-rich clusters have been proposed recently as alternative sources of the high energy extragalactic diffuse gamma ray background radiation. We show that these sources also produce very different high energy extragalactic diffuse neutrino background radiations. An extragalactic neutrino background radiation may be detected by the new generation of large neutrino telescopes under construction and may be used to trace the origin of the extragalactic gamma radiation.  相似文献   

The IceCube experiment has detected two neutrinos with energies between 1 and 10 PeV. They might have originated from Galactic or extragalactic sources of cosmic rays. In the present work we consider hadronic interactions of the diffuse very high energy cosmic rays with the interstellar matter within our Galaxy to explain the PeV neutrino events detected in IceCube. We also expect PeV gamma ray events along with the PeV neutrino events if the observed PeV neutrinos were produced within our Galaxy in hadronic interactions. PeV gamma rays are unlikely to reach us from sources outside our Galaxy due to pair production with cosmic background radiation fields. We suggest that in future with simultaneous detections of PeV gamma rays and neutrinos it would be possible to distinguish between Galactic and extragalactic origins of very high energy neutrinos.  相似文献   

The role of nearby galactic sources, the supernova remnants, in formation of observed energy spectrum and large-scale anisotropy of high-energy cosmic rays is studied. The list of these sources is made up based on radio, X-ray and gamma-ray catalogues. The distant sources are treated statistically as ensemble of sources with random positions and ages. The source spectra are defined based on the modern theory of cosmic ray acceleration in supernova remnants while the propagation of cosmic rays in the interstellar medium is described in the frameworks of galactic diffusion model. Calculations of dipole component of anisotropy are made to reproduce the experimental procedure of “two-dimensional” anisotropy measurements. The energy dependence of particle escape time in the process of acceleration in supernova remnants and the arm structure of sources defining the significant features of anisotropy are also taken into account. The essential new trait of the model is a decreasing number of core collapse SNRs being able to accelerate cosmic rays up to the given energy, that leads to steeper total cosmic ray source spectrum in comparison with the individual source spectrum. We explained simultaneously the new cosmic ray data on the fine structure of all particle spectrum around the knee and the amplitude and direction of the dipole component of anisotropy in the wide energy range 1 TeV–1 EeV. Suggested assumptions do not look exotic, and they confirm the modern understanding of cosmic ray origin.  相似文献   

Identifying the accelerators that produce the Galactic and extragalactic cosmic rays has been a priority mission of several generations of high energy gamma ray and neutrino telescopes; success has been elusive so far. Detecting the gamma-ray and neutrino fluxes associated with cosmic rays reaches a new watershed with the completion of IceCube, the first neutrino detector with sensitivity to the anticipated fluxes, and the construction of CTA, a ground-based gamma ray detector that will map and study candidate sources with unprecedented precision. In this paper, we revisit the prospects for revealing the sources of the cosmic rays by a multiwavelength approach; after reviewing the methods, we discuss supernova remnants, gamma ray bursts, active galaxies and GZK neutrinos in some detail.  相似文献   

Gamma ray burst (GRB) fireballs provide one of very few astrophysical environments where one can contemplate the acceleration of cosmic rays to energies that exceed 1020 eV. The assumption that GRBs are the sources of the observed cosmic rays generates a calculable flux of neutrinos produced when the protons interact with fireball photons. With data taken during construction IceCube has already reached a sensitivity to observe neutrinos produced in temporal coincidence with individual GRBs provided that they are the sources of the observed extra-galactic cosmic rays. We here point out that the GRB origin of cosmic rays is also challenged by the IceCube upper limit on a possible diffuse flux of cosmic neutrinos which should not be exceeded by the flux produced by all GRB over Hubble time. Our alternative approach has the advantage of directly relating the diffuse flux produced by all GRBs to measurements of the cosmic ray flux. It also generates both the neutrino flux produced by the sources and the associated cosmogenic neutrino flux in a synergetic way.  相似文献   

With the help of empirical data concerning the latitudinal distribution of galactic gamma rays the contribution of inverse Compton scattered gamma rays is calculated using various models concerning the distribution of high energy cosmic ray electrons perpendicular to the galactic plane. It is shown that gamma ray astronomy from regions with vanishing stellar and interstellar matter densities at energies greater than 100 MeV provides instructive information on the cosmic ray electron density. We find evidence for the existence of a broad galactic electron disk with a total thickness of at least 6.4 kpc. The uncertainties of the cosmic ray electron spectrum measurements above 100 GeV imply an additional uncertainty in the inverse Compton source function of at least a factor 6.  相似文献   

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