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山系的分维及山系与断层系关系──以中国为例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以中国山系为例运用分形理论对山系分布是否具有分形性质进行了统计分形分析,并探讨了山系分维的地学意义.在此基础上,根据分维的相关性,进行了山系、断层系关系的研究,从一个新的角度进行了断层系形成机制的探讨.  相似文献   

水系分形维数(Fractal dimension of gully network,D_g)反映了河网分布和水系发育的复杂程度。以位于黄河上游内蒙古段十大孔兑上游丘陵沟壑区为研究对象,利用计盒维数的方法,研究其水系分形特征,同时利用水系分维数D判断流域地貌所处的侵蚀发育阶段。结果表明,(1)以毛不拉孔兑为例,利用人工判定法,相关系数检验法和拟合误差相结合的方法确定无标度区为20~370 m。且各孔兑的地貌形态在该无标度区间内均表现出很好的分形特征,计盒维数可作为流域地貌形态分形特性的量化指标。求得十大孔兑上游丘陵沟壑区的水系分维数D_g为1.08~1.14。(2)十大孔兑水系分维值在不同的汇流面积阈值下变化不大;径流模数与河网分维存在正相关关系。产沙模数与河网分维的线性正相关关系反映了地貌发育幼壮年期地形条件对产沙的影响。(3)按水系分维数与流域起伏程度、坡度及等高线分维值的关系,就十大孔兑而言,当D_g≤1.06时,流域处于幼年期;当D_g1.06时,流域进入壮年期。水系分维数、高程积分值指示十大孔兑上游流域地貌均处于壮年期。  相似文献   

基于分形的中国大陆海岸线尺度效应研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以DEM为基础,并参照卫星影像,提取了不同比例尺下中国大陆海岸线,从海岸地质构造特征和海岸类型角度出发,对我国大陆海岸线整体、沉降隆起岸段和不同类型海岸尺度效应进行分析,并探讨了引起尺度效应差异的地理环境因素。研究表明:(1) 中国大陆海岸线整体分形维数为1.195,岸线长度受测量尺度影响显著,定量刻画海岸线长度不可忽略相应测量尺度;(2)岸线分形受地质构造特征和水动力因素控制明显,隆起段和沉降段海岸线分形维数有着显著差异:辽东半岛隆起段分形维数为1.153,辽河-华北平原沉降段分形维数为1.116,山东半岛隆起段分形维数为1.148,苏北-杭州湾沉降段分形维数为1.177,浙东-桂南隆起段分形维数则达1.239;(3) 海岸线尺度效应同时随海岸类型不同有着显著差异,位于冀北平原和滦河三角洲平原岸段的砂质岸线分形维数为1.109;位于苏北平原的淤泥质岸线分维数为1.056,位于闽东南山地丘陵的基岩海岸线分形维数达1.293。海岸线是陆、海和气界面的交汇线,其分形性质的定量刻画,可为多尺度研究海气、陆气和海陆相互作用提供科学基础。  相似文献   

为了探讨塔克拉玛干沙漠小尺度风沙地貌形态特征,对沙漠腹地复杂纵向沙垄横断面的上覆沙丘的分形特征进行了研究。沙丘形态野外测量采用RTK(real-time kinematic)技术,并通过南方测绘软件(South Survey)量算形态特征参数。研究结果表明:(1)沙丘形态具有分形特征,饼状沙堆和沙片的分维数是1.292 2,新月形沙丘的分维数是1.286 6,简单线性沙丘的分维数是1.102 5,新月形沙丘链的分维数是1.085;(2)在不同地貌部位之间,分维数差异不大(1.0~1.3),变异系数为0.06,表明复杂纵向沙垄上覆沙丘形态有自相似性;(3)沙丘的各形态特征参数变异系数的空间变化趋势一致,且与分形维数呈显著的线性正相关(P<0.05),表明沙丘形态分形维数能客观反映沙丘形态特征。在塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地纵向沙垄区,沙丘形态分形维数可以作为反映风沙环境特征的定量指标。  相似文献   

刘继生  陈彦光 《地理科学》2003,23(6):713-720
基于河南省城镇体系空间结构的多分形性质及其与水系的分维关系的实证探讨发现如下地理规律:①在较大标度范围内,河南省城市体系的空间结构为简单分形,但在较小标度范围内,系统已经具有明确的多重分形特征;②多分维谱在参数q≈-4处出现标度间断,从而城市体系的空间结构发生对称破缺。③城市体系空间结构的分维小于水系空间结构的分维。由此证明:第一,多分形是由单分形演化而来,城镇体系的多分形结构是基于地球表面的分形支体由测度集中区向测度疏散区渐近发育的。第二,城市体系的分形发育与水系的分维结构具有一定的数理关系,城市体系的分维理当小于水系维数。  相似文献   

基于GIS和DEM的水系三维分形计盒维数的计算   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
实现具有三维立体特征的河网水系分形维数的准确计算,是目前分形地貌学面临的主要问题之一.该文依据三维分形计盒维数的基本原理,提出基于DEM和ArcGIS的水系三维分形计盒维数的计算方法,并以湖北省恩施市境内水系为例,验证了方法的可靠性,说明三维计盒维数比二维计盒维数更能反映水系的空间分布特征和内部结构.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地年平均气温的分形特征研究   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
根据分形理论、相空间嵌入定理、Grassberger和Procaccia提出的计算分维数的方法,对塔里木盆地22个气象台站50年(1956-2005)的年平均气温时间序列数据进行分析,计算其分维数,进一步应用普通克立格法、采用变异函数的指数模型对分维数进行了空间插值.研究结果表明.(1)该区域年平均气温的分维数为2.22~2.64,它提供了该区域气候吸引子的自相似结构的基本信息,表明模拟该区域气候系统至少需要3个独立变量,(2)分形维数的空间分布与地形地理位置密切相关,在地形地势复杂的地方及有地表径流的地方分维数的值较高,譬如在盆地边缘砾石带、盆地边缘绿洲带、盆地东部的罗布泊湖盆区分形维数均较高,约为2.55~2.57,表明这些地方气候变化较为复杂,沙漠腹地分形维数较低,约为2.51~2.55,气候系统的复杂性相对较低.  相似文献   

南京市旅游景区景点系统空间结构分形研究   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:17  
应用分形理论,以南京市旅游景区景点系统为例,测算出其聚集维数、网格信息维数和空间关联维数三种分形维数,对景区景点系统的空间结构进行研究。通过对维数值和分维数坐标图进行了分析,认为南京市景区景点体系的空间结构是分形的,系统的有序度高,空间结构紧致,具有景点体系空间结构演化自组织优化的趋势,南京市景区景点的空间分布集聚性很强,且是沿着某些方向上的集聚,自组织优化趋势受到无序因素的干扰而打断,空间结构需要进行调整。  相似文献   

分形在数字水系累计汇水量阈值确定中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于DEM提取水系时,累计汇水量阈值的确定是关键。该文首先论述如何在GIS支持下,用计盒维数法计算分形维数;然后计算不同累计汇水量阈值条件下提取的水系的分形维数,进而分析阈值、水系的形态特征及其分形维数三者间的关系;最后通过比较实际河流与不同阈值下水系的分形维数,确定合适的阈值。实验表明,基于GIS计算分形维数的方法具有可操作性与高效性。同时,用分形维数量化阈值对水系提取的影响,并以实际河流的分形维数为参考,避免了阈值确定的随意性。  相似文献   

不同比例尺下中国水系分维数关系研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
何钢  蔡运龙 《地理科学》2006,26(4):461-465
应用分形理论,再次验证整个中国水系及各流域水系分形特征的客观存在;通过比较1:450万及1:1200万比例尺计算的分形维值大小及变化规律,表明单一尺度的分形规律在其它尺度下依然存在;大比例尺条件下计算得到的分形维值也大,且各层次不同流域的分维值在不同比例尺条件下的变化也呈现相同的趋势,表明图源比例尺对分维计算值的影响。  相似文献   

旅游系统网络空间分形研究的科学展望   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
大自然千奇百怪, 大自然用其"无形之手"造就了奇妙无比的分形世界, 在自然形胜之处, 形成了无数的自然- 人工分形复合体, 它们逐渐吸引人们的关注, 渐进由旅游景物- 景点- 景群- 景区—风景区以及风景区域等而形成不同规模、不同层次的旅游网络系统。旅游网络系统的最基 本要素之一是景区(点), 不同等级、不同层次、不同规模的景区(点) 由各种旅游线路和廊道( 交通 线路) 相串通、连接, 从而形成旅游系统的网络空间结构。文中首先明确指出了将分形理论应用于 旅游地理学研究的科学意义, 系统提出了旅游系统网络空间结构在旅游景点、旅游线路与旅游交 通三方面的分形科学问题; 并进而以北京市旅游景点为例, 定量给出了旅游网络系统空间结构的 分形证据; 最后, 还指出了积极支持开展分形旅游研究对促进我国旅游地理学理论研究水平的提 升和在国际旅游学领域尽快占据分形旅游研究前沿之地的积极意义。  相似文献   

2000-2012年中国北方海岸线时空变化分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
利用遥感和GIS 技术获取了中国北方“三省一市”2000 年、2005 年、2008 年、2010年、2011 年与2012 年共6 期大陆海岸线的时空分布情况;采用网格法计算了各个时期海岸线的分形维数;分析了海岸线时空变化特征、海岸线长度变化与分形维数变化之间的关系,以及海岸线动态变化的原因。2000-2012 年,研究区海岸线长度持续增加,总共增加了637.95km,年均增加53.16 km。从区域上看,以天津市与河北省所在的渤海湾区域海岸线变化最强烈;从时间过程上看,2008 年后海岸线长度进入快速增长时期,其中2010-2011 年是海岸线长度变化最剧烈的时期,变化强度为2.49%。2000-2012 年研究区海岸线的分形维数不断增大,其中渤海湾区域海岸线分形维数变化最剧烈;历史海岸线的长度与分形维数之间存在较好的线性关系,相关系数为0.9962;通过对大量海岸线动态引起的整体海岸线长度变化与分形维数变化的统计分析研究表明,在大多数情况下,局部海岸线长度增大(或缩减) 会导致整体海岸线分形维数增大(或减小),并且呈正比例变化。从2000-2012 年各时段海岸线动态对应的各类沿海工程的面积汇总情况来看,港口建设、渔业设施建设以及盐场建设分别占前三位,人类工程建设是中国北方海岸线变化最主要原因;与人类活动影响相比,自然变化如河口淤积与侵蚀对海岸线影响比较小。  相似文献   

中国陆地海岸线尺度效应研究(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Spatial scale is a fundamental problem in Geography. Scale effect caused by fractal characteristic of coastline becomes a common focus of coastal zone managers and researchers. In this study, based on DEM and remote sensing images, multi-scale continental coastlines of China were extracted and the fractal characteristic was analyzed. The results are shown as follows. (1) The continental coastline of China fits the fractal model, and the fractal dimension is 1.195. (2) The scale effects with fractal dimensions of coastline have significant differences according to uplift and subsidence segments along the continental coastlines of China. (3) The fractal dimension of coastline has significant spatial heterogeneity according to the coastline types. The fractal dimension of sandy coastline located in Luanhe River plain is 1.109. The dimension of muddy coastline located in northern Jiangsu Plain is 1.059, while that of rocky coastline along southeastern Fujian is 1.293. (4) The length of rocky coastline is affected by scale more than that of muddy and sandy coastline. Since coastline is the conjunction of sea, land and air surface, the study of coastline scale effect is one of the scientific bases for the researches on air-sea-land interaction in multi-scales.  相似文献   

This study examined the spatial distribution of the continent coastline in northern China using remote sensing and GIS techniques, and calculated the fractal dimension of the coastline by box-counting method, with a time span from 2000 to 2012. Moreover, we analyzed the characteristics of spatial-temporal changes in the coastline's length and fractal dimension, the relationship between the length change and fractal dimension change, and the driving forces of coastline changes in northern China. During the research period, the coastline of the study area increased by 637.95 km, at a rate of 53.16 km per year. On the regional level, the most significant change in coastline length was observed in Tianjin and Hebei. Temporally, the northern China coastline grew faster after 2008. The most dramatic growth was found between 2010 and 2011, with an increasing rate of 2.49% per year. The fractal dimension of the coastline in northern China was increasing during the research period, and the most dramatic increase occurred in Bohai Rim. There is a strong-positive linear relationship between the historical coastline length and fractal dimension (the correlation coefficient was 0.9962). Through statistical analysis of a large number of local coastline changes, it can be found that the increase (or decrease) of local coastline length will, in most cases, lead to the increase (or decrease) of the whole coastline fractal dimension. Civil-coastal engineering construction was the most important factor driving the coastline change in northern China. Port construction, fisheries facilities and salt factories were the top three construction activities. Compared to human activities, the influence of natural processes such as estuarine deposit and erosion were relatively small.  相似文献   

This study examined the spatial distribution of the continent coastline in northern China using remote sensing and GIS techniques, and calculated the fractal dimension of the coastline by box-counting method, with a time span from 2000 to 2012. Moreover, we ana- lyzed the characteristics of spatial-temporal changes in the coastline's length and fractal di- mension, the relationship between the length change and fractal dimension change, and the driving forces of coastline changes in northern China. During the research period, the coast- line of the study area increased by 637.95 km, at a rate of 53.16 km per year. On the regional level, the most significant change in coastline length was observed in Tianjin and Hebei. Temporally, the northern China coastline grew faster after 2008. The most dramatic growth was found between 2010 and 2011, with an increasing rate of 2.49% per year. The fractal dimension of the coastline in northern China was increasing during the research period, and the most dramatic increase occurred in Bohai Rim. There is a strong-positive linear relation- ship between the historical coastline length and fractal dimension (the correlation coefficient was 0.9962). Through statistical analysis of a large number of local coastline changes, it can be found that the increase (or decrease) of local coastline length will, in most cases, lead to the increase (or decrease) of the whole coastline fractal dimension. Civil-coastal engineering construction was the most important factor driving the coastline change in northern China. Port construction, fisheries facilities and salt factories were the top three construction activi- ties. Compared to human activities, the influence of natural processes such as estuarine deposit and erosion were relatively small.  相似文献   

This study examined the spatial distribution of the continent coastline in northern China using remote sensing and GIS techniques,and calculated the fractal dimension of the coastline by box-counting method,with a time span from 2000 to 2012.Moreover,we analyzed the characteristics of spatial-temporal changes in the coastline's length and fractal dimension,the relationship between the length change and fractal dimension change,and the driving forces of coastline changes in northern China.During the research period,the coastline of the study area increased by 637.95 km,at a rate of 53.16 km per year.On the regional level,the most significant change in coastline length was observed in Tianjin and Hebei.Temporally,the northern China coastline grew faster after 2008.The most dramatic growth was found between 2010 and 2011,with an increasing rate of 2.49% per year.The fractal dimension of the coastline in northern China was increasing during the research period,and the most dramatic increase occurred in Bohai Rim.There is a strong-positive linear relationship between the historical coastline length and fractal dimension(the correlation coefficient was 0.9962).Through statistical analysis of a large number of local coastline changes,it can be found that the increase(or decrease) of local coastline length will,in most cases,lead to the increase(or decrease) of the whole coastline fractal dimension.Civil-coastal engineering construction was the most important factor driving the coastline change in northern China.Port construction,fisheries facilities and salt factories were the top three construction activities.Compared to human activities,the influence of natural processes such as estuarine deposit and erosion were relatively small.  相似文献   

水系的分形维数及其含义   总被引:66,自引:6,他引:66  
何隆华  赵宏 《地理科学》1996,16(2):124-128
在分述水系分维数的几个计算方法基础上,对两上试区采用地图照相缩小后扫描以及图象处理的方法提取河流信息,以计盒方法计算水系的分维数,并据此提出划以域地貌侵蚀发育阶段的方法。  相似文献   

海岸线空间分形性质探讨——以江苏省为例   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
朱晓华  王建  陈霞 《地理科学》2001,21(1):70-75
根据分形理论 ,借助于GIS技术的支持 ,以江苏省海岸线为例 ,对以往研究少有涉及的海岸线空间分形性质进行了初步探讨 ,包括不同比例尺下海岸线长度的分形标定、不同潮滩分界线是否具有分形性质等 ,在江苏省海岸线长度的分形标定中取得了实际应用 ,由此获得了对海岸线分形性质及其分维意义的一些深入认识。  相似文献   

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