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长江口潮滩沉积物的磁学性质及其与粒度的关系   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
对长江口潮滩沉积物的环境磁学研究表明, 沉积物磁性特征由多畴/假单畴磁铁矿所主导. 磁铁矿除陆源碎屑成因外, 在磁性最强的石洞口排污口附近沉积物中出现了球形磁性颗粒, 系工业污染的产物. 粒度是影响长江口潮滩沉积物磁性特征的重要因素, 磁化率、饱和等温剩磁与8~16 mm粒级含量呈正相关, 而非磁滞剩磁磁化率等指示细颗粒亚铁磁性矿物的参数与<4 mm乃至<32 mm粒级组分高度正相关. 这一特征表明, 在将磁化率作为污染物含量代用指标时, 需考虑粒度造成的磁化率波动的可能影响, 非磁滞剩磁磁化率则可以作为沉积物细粒级组分的代用指标, 并应用于污染物含量的粒度校正.  相似文献   

珠江三角洲沉积物的岩石磁学性质及其环境意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取珠江三角洲区域位于广州番禺的PD钻孔进行沉积物岩石磁学和环境磁学记录的研究. 岩石磁学实验表明钻孔大部分沉积物以低矫顽力的磁铁矿类矿物为主要控磁矿物, 但仍存在少量铁硫化物. 在有机质丰富的灰黑色黏土沉积中, 铁硫化物含量增加, 成为影响沉积物磁性特征的主要矿物, 标志着海退后富含有机质而缺氧的沼泽环境. 以赤铁矿和针铁矿类矿物为主要控磁矿物的花斑黏土, 表明了一个较长时期的暴露风化过程, 代表着沉积间断. 在以磁铁矿类矿物作为主要载磁矿物的沉积物中, 磁铁矿浓度及粒度的变化主导磁化率(κ)、饱和等温剩磁(SIRM)等环境磁学参数的变化, SIRM/κ 和χarm/SIRM的大小旋回响应于海平面的升-降过程, 它们的高值反映了磁性矿物粒度变细、海平面上升. 在沉积学分析的基础上, 根据环境磁学参数截然不同的变化规律, 结合微体古生物数据, 将珠江三角洲沉积物代表的环境分为两次显著的海平面上升-下降旋回, 晚更新世和全新世的海侵又包含若干个比较明显的次级海平面波动过程.  相似文献   

现代洪水沉积物的沉积学特征研究是开展古洪水重建的一项基础工作.2018年黄河汛期洪水沉积物在兰州体育公园形成了一道天然堤.对该天然堤剖面的岩石磁学研究显示:沉积物中的磁性矿物既有磁铁矿,又有赤铁矿/针铁矿.磁化率、饱和等温剩磁、非磁滞剩磁、S-ratio和L-ratio等参数在剖面上没有明显变化,指示2018年洪水沉积物源区、磁性矿物的种类和含量变化不显著.剖面下部(66~110 cm)沉积物的磁化率各向异性(AMS)椭球最大轴偏角集中分布(K_1-Dec=22.8°±10.3°),上部(0~64 cm)沉积物的磁化率最大轴偏角在上半平面内随机分布;下部沉积物的磁性矿物粒度指标(X_(ARM)/X和X_(ARM)/SIRM)和天然剩磁(NRM)强度低于上部;指示洪水沉积物的下部和上部分别形成于2018年黄河二号和三号洪水期间.由于二号洪水流量及水位陡升陡降、持续时间短,三号洪水水位升降相对缓慢、持续时间长;造成了两次洪水沉积物的AMS特征、X_(ARM)/X、X_(ARM)/SIRM以及NRM强度差异.本研究揭示洪水沉积物的磁学参数能够灵敏地响应不同水动力条件和持续时间的洪水期次,从而具有高分辨率区分洪水事件的潜力.  相似文献   

巢湖沉积物磁性特征及其对沉积动力的响应   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
对巢湖西部柱样以及杭埠河流域土壤的环境磁学研究表明,磁铁矿是决定磁性特征的主要磁性矿物,杭埠河流域是巢湖西部沉积物的主要来源.靠近巢湖西岸的柱样AC1砂含量较高,X、SIRM值较大而xARM/SIRM较低,说明磁铁矿含量较高、颗粒较粗.距岸稍远的柱样AC2砂含量较低,X、SIRM值也较低,其变化与XARM较相似,与粘土含量变化也有一定程度的相似,AC2沉积物X、SIRM值较ACI小,但XARM/SIRM较高,说明磁铁矿含量较低且颗粒较细.杭埠河流域土壤的磁性测量结果表明,砂、砾含量高的粗骨土磁性最强,富含粗颗粒磁铁矿.巢湖柱样沉积物砂的含量随踞岸远近而不同, 反映了沉积环境的水动力不同,由此产生明显的磁性特征差异,实质是对沉积动力的响应.研究表明磁性参数XARM/SIRM 可以间接反映沉积物中粘土含量的高低变化.  相似文献   

葛淑兰  L 《地球物理学报》2013,56(2):542-557
沉积物记录的地磁场强度首先提供了模拟地磁场演化的数据约束,其次提供了沉积物的年龄信息. 本文报道了菲律宾海西北部岩芯记录的地磁场相对强度,并结合岩石磁学和沉积学性质探讨了影响强度的各个因素. 除底部红粘土层的局部磁偏角偏转可能揭示了沉积后改造以外,磁化率各向异性和地磁场方向特征表明沉积物为原状沉积. 岩石磁学性质表明沉积物符合磁性均一性,可以记录可靠的地磁场强度. 由于红粘土层及其下部的磁偏角异常,本文讨论其上部约125 ka的结果. 常规归一方法获得的两个地磁场强度参数NRM/ARM(特征剩磁和非磁滞剩磁比值)和NRM/κ(特征剩磁和磁化率比值)与其它记录对比得到时间-深度对比点,对比点之间的年龄为线性内推或者外推. 地磁场强度时间模型上的岩芯氧同位素与全球氧同位素综合曲线一致证明强度结果的有效性和对比的正确性. 磁化率为归一参数的强度大多低于以非磁滞剩磁为归一参数的强度,频谱和相关分析证明NRM/ARM不与ARM和磁性矿物粒度(ARM/κ)相关,也没有轨道周期性,而NRM/κ却与κ和ARM/κ相关,而且有13~12 ka的周期. 由此我们认为NRM/ARM记录的地磁场强度比NRM/κ更好地消除了气候印记. 进一步探讨了超顺磁含量、碳酸钙含量、磁性矿物组成以及磁性矿物粒度变化与地磁场强度差值的关系,发现末次间冰期较高的超顺磁含量和磁性矿物粒度的较大范围变化造成了地磁场强度差值,后者至少造成了90%差异. 中等含量的碳酸钙和较小的磁性矿物组成变化不是磁场强度差值产生的原因. 如何校正磁性矿物粒度变化的影响将是下一步工作的重点.  相似文献   

北京石景山工业区附近一个污染土壤剖面的磁学研究   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
对北京西郊石景山工业区附近的土壤剖面进行环境磁学研究,结合粒度、金属元素分析、磁学指标测试和多元统计分析,发现磁参数(χ,ARM,SIRM)与重金属元素(Mn,Cu,Fe,Pb,Zn,Al,Sr)含量呈同步垂向变化趋势.来源于工业区附近工业生产排放(钢铁厂、发电厂、水泥厂)的污染物是土壤剖面上部(0~3 cm)磁性和金属含量增强的主要原因,由富集在细粉砂和中粉砂的多畴磁铁矿主导了样品的磁性特征.3~10 cm重金属含量逐渐下降,土壤的磁性特征与上层相似,但磁性矿物含量降低,属于剖面中的迁移过渡阶段.10 cm以下,土壤基本未受到污染,磁性矿物和重金属含量都低,磁性颗粒大小变化稳定,基本代表了该地区土壤的自然背景.指标聚类和相关分析表明,土壤磁参数与重金属元素含量显著相关.结合模糊聚类分析,磁参数可用于追踪、识别工业污染物质在土壤剖面中的富集、迁移状态,揭示不同深度土壤的污染程度.  相似文献   

土壤剖面中粉煤灰垂向迁移的磁响应   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
对浙江省安吉县梅溪发电厂粉煤灰贮灰场附近的土壤短剖面进行环境磁学、元素含量及粒度研究.借助模糊聚类分析,分辨出粉煤灰原位堆积、富集、迁移深度及未受污染土壤特征.剖面上部0~14cm为粉煤灰的原位反映,多畴磁铁矿主导了该段样品磁性.其中11~14cm处磁性矿物和金属元素有所富集.14~21cm为粉煤灰在土壤中的迁移深度.迁移段土壤中亚铁磁性矿物及Pb、Zn等金属含量介于底部未污染土壤与上部粉煤灰原位堆积层之间.单畴斜交反铁磁性矿物及来源于上部粉煤灰的多畴磁铁矿共同主导了该段土壤的磁性特征.21cm以下土壤基本未受粉煤灰污染,单畴斜交反铁磁性矿物是其主要磁性矿物.指标聚类分析表明,亚铁磁性矿物主要赋存在粗粉砂中,单畴磁晶粒主要存在于细粉砂中.χ、ARM、SIRM与Cu、Mn、Pb、Zn呈显著相关.结合多元统计分析,磁参数可用于追踪、识别粉煤灰在土壤剖面中的垂向迁移.  相似文献   

太湖平原WJ孔矿物磁学特征以及晚第四纪海侵事件   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
基于古地磁和AMS14C定年结果,对长江三角洲太湖平原的WJ孔进行岩性特征、矿物磁学、粒度分析及有孔虫化石研究,拟重建WJ孔记录的晚第四纪以来沉积环境演变过程与海侵事件,并探讨环境磁学参数对河口三角洲地区沉积环境演化的指示意义.研究结果表明,WJ孔可以划分为中更新世阶段I、中更新世阶段II、晚更新世、全新世四个阶段,沉积地貌环境分别为:河湖、滨海-阶地、河口坝-河口湾-潮滩与阶地、湖沼平原.WJ孔揭示了三次海侵事件,分别为中更新世晚期海侵,晚更新世MIS5海侵和晚更新世MIS3海侵.其中记录的MIS5e海侵最为强盛,MIS3后期也存在一次海侵加强事件.另外,滨海潮滩-河口坝环境的沉积物磁性特征明显,χlf、SIRM、HIRM等为显著高值.  相似文献   

在沙漠沉积环境中,成土作用对磁化率的贡献较小,往往被原生磁信号掩盖,因此分离两种磁组分对气候和粉尘代用指标的提取至关重要.本研究选取位于毛乌素沙地东缘的锦界风沙沉积剖面为研究对象,利用多变量一元线性回归中的"平均值概念"进行磁化率的原生碎屑组分0和次生成土组分Xpedo的分离,并探讨磁学参数所承载的气候和环境意义.结果显示,磁学比值参数(如Xpedo/X0、Xfd/HIRM、Xfd%和XARM/SIRM)彼此之间存在显著线性或指数/对数相关关系,它们对成土强度指示明确,可以在一定程度上减小或避免磁性矿物背景值差异所产生的误差,与磁化率相比更适宜用于该区的古降水量重建.HIRM主要由碎屑赤铁矿含量控制,HIRM与X0存在明显正相关关系,表明碎屑赤铁矿随原生磁性矿物总体含量的增加(减少)而增加(减少),在粉尘成因磁性矿物中所占比例大致稳定,从而HIRM可以指示源区粉尘通量的变化.锦界剖面的原生和次生磁性矿物浓度均明显低于黄土高原黄土,不同地层X0和Xpedo在磁化率中所占的比例存在较大差异,因此磁化率的环境意义比较复杂,在使用其恢复古气候古环境时需慎重.  相似文献   

泸沽湖近代沉积环境时空变化特征及原因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对泸沽湖沉积岩芯粒度、磁化率(χ_(lf))、化学蚀变指数(CIA)等沉积指标的分析,结合~(210)Pb和~(137)Cs定年结果以及区域降水和人类活动等资料,研究了近150年来泸沽湖沉积环境的时空变化特征与主要影响因素.泸沽湖沉积物粒度组成以黏土与细粉砂为主(80%),细颗粒组分(如黏土)含量与χ_(lf)、CIA之间具有显著相关性.各岩芯沉积指标垂向变化规律相似,1920s之前,沉积指标较为稳定,为人类活动影响较弱的准自然沉积阶段;1920s以来,χ_(lf)、CIA值与黏土含量逐渐升高,反映了风化与成壤作用较强的细颗粒表土物质侵蚀开始加强,可能与流域农业发展及森林砍伐等人类活动影响有关;约1970年以来,χ_(lf)、CIA值与黏土含量进一步升高,指示了流域内表土侵蚀与上述人类活动影响的进一步增强,与文献记录的1970s—1980s两次大规模的森林砍伐吻合;约2002年以来,χ_(lf)、CIA值与黏土含量降低,反映了表土侵蚀减弱,与近年来流域植被逐渐恢复及降水减少有关.与器测资料对比研究表明,降水等气候因素对近代泸沽湖沉积环境演变的影响相对较弱.空间上,各沉积指标表现出一定的异质性.黏土含量在南部和北部湖区两侧靠近洪积扇及冲积平原的湖区沉积物中较高;近50年以来,各沉积岩芯所反映的平均沉积通量为0.020~0.043 g/(cm~2·a),南部湖区高于北部湖区,主要受入湖水系分布及流域南部地区高强度人类活动导致的土壤侵蚀的影响.  相似文献   

Understanding the sources of sediments deposited in tidal flats is critical for reconstructing the evolution of coastal regions impacted by large rivers. Environmental magnetism can be an effective tool to track sediment sources and analyze the sediment properties. We evaluate several magnetic parameters from the tidal flat sediments along the Jiangsu coast. The results show that the sediments of Liandao Island have the lowest values of magnetic susceptibility (χ), anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM) and saturation isothermal remanence magnetization (SIRM). In addition to these, the values of χ, ARM and SIRM display a generally increasing trend from the north to the south along the Jiangsu coast. The strong relations between χ, ARM and SIRM show that the changes of magnetization of the tidal flat sediments mainly reflect the changes of concentration rather than those in grain sizes of magnetic particles. The main magnetic phase is magnetite, with a small amount of hematite. The strong relationship between χ and the 2-16 μm grain-size fraction suggests that magnetite is enriched in the finer silt fraction. The sediment sources is the main factor that influences the magnetic properties of the tidal flat sediments from the Jiangsu coast. Combined with the previous studies, the results indicate that the tidal flat sediments of Liandao Island were mainly derived from the nearshore rock weathering. The Yellow River is the dominant supplier for the north of Dafeng, while the Yangtze River is the dominant supplier for the south of Rudong. The coast between Dafeng and Rudong is a transition zone influenced by both rivers. This study provides a basis against which possible future variations in sediment composition resulting from catchment changes can be assessed.  相似文献   

西安市道路灰尘磁学特征及其对环境的响应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
西安市道路表面灰尘样品的环境磁学研究显示磁化率(χ)、非磁滞磁化率(χARM)以及饱和等温剩磁(SIRM)均比较高,表明样品中磁性矿物含量较高.其中磁化率(χ)主要受人类活动强度影响,而非磁滞磁化率(χARM)及饱和等温剩磁(SIRM)则由人为活动强度和磁性矿物种类共同决定.κ-T曲线以及等温剩磁(IRM)获得曲线显示样品中磁铁矿和磁赤铁矿等亚铁磁性矿物占主导,并可能含有少量的单质铁,其相对含量与人类活动种类有关:与单纯的交通排放及冶金活动相比,密集的人群流动可带来更多的单质铁矿物.磁畴图谱显示磁性矿物粒径变化不大,以准单畴及多畴颗粒等粗颗粒为主,明显大于成土作用形成的磁性颗粒.综合磁性矿物含量种类以及粒径可辨别污染及污染来源,提供污染监测的磁学手段,并初步进行污染来源划分.  相似文献   

Limited information is available about the use of magnetic susceptibility property to determine soil redistribution in hilly areas of the semi-arid regions. This study was conducted to evaluate the use of magnetic properties to determine soil redistribution along a hill slope following deforestation. The study area is located in the Quaternary hilly region of Lordegan district in west Iran. Ten transects were established in two land uses that included natural Querqus forested and cultivated lands. Soil samples were collected at different positions along the slope and magnetic properties (χlf, χhf, SIRM, ARM, and χfd) and selected physico-chemical properties were determined. The results (based on the χfd, SIRM/ARM) showed that the magnetic susceptibly in the calcareous materials is pre-dominantly derived during the pedogenic processes and the superparamagnetic particles which were transported to lower positions of hill slope following deforestation. The results confirmed that this methodology could be applied for monitoring soil redistribution along the slope in calcareous hilly areas in the semi-arid regions.  相似文献   

Magnetic parameters and their environmental implications of sediments in a core (PD) from the Pearl River Delta, South China, indicate that ferrimagnetic minerals with low coercivity, such as magnetite, dominate the magnetic properties although small amounts of Fe-sulphides occur. The fraction of Fe-sulphides increases and becomes the dominant minerals determining the magnetic characteristics in grey-black organic-rich clay horizons, indicating an anoxic, sulphate-reducing swamp environment resulting from a marine regression. In the "Huaban clay" , hard magnetic minerals, such as hematite and goethite, largely control the magnetic properties of the sediments and imply a long period of exposure and weathering. Where magnetite is the main magnetic mineral, its fraction and grain size determine properties such as magnetic susceptibility (κ ) and saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (SIRM). Ratios of SIRM/κ and χarm/SIRM reflect changes in sea level with high SIRM/κ and χarm/SIRM correlating with a smaller magnetic mineral grain size and rising sea level. Based on downcore variations of these environmental magnetic parameters along with sediment characteristics and microfauna, the sedimentary environment of the Pearl River Delta area can be divided into two main cycles of transgression and regression during the late Pleistocene and Holocene with more sub-cycles of sea level fluctuation during each transgression.  相似文献   

Since the 1970s, environmental magnetism has found extensive applications in diverse research areas of geoscience[1]. In China, a lot of environmental magnetic studies have been carried out on loess, lake and marine sediments for the purpose of paleoclima…  相似文献   

The complexity of most geological and geophysical problems prompts sometimes the use of non linear mathematical methods to handle them. An adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) that combines fuzzy logic with neural networks, is applied here to study a paleoclimate section from the Quaternary sedimentary fill of the Lake Mucubají (western Venezuela). The purpose of this work is to find a set of numerical relationships that could predict the possible connections between oxygen isotope (δ18O) values from two different locations in the northern hemisphere (Ammersee in southern Germany and an ice core from the Greenland Ice Core Project — GRIP) and rock-magnetic parameters measured in Mucubají samples (i.e. mass-specific magnetic susceptibility — χ, magnetic remanence S-ratio, mass-specific saturation isothermal remanent magnetization — SIRM and anhysteretic remanent magnetization — ARM). The best inferences in terms of coefficient of determionation R2 and the Root Mean-Square Error (RMSE) are obtained using those magnetic data as input that include information about magnetite grain size distributions, e.g., SIRM and ARM in FIS structures [1χ, 4ARM] and [4ARM, 1SIRM]. A comparison between Ammersee and GRIP actual data, as well as their corresponding inferences for the FIS structure [4ARM, 1SIRM], reveals a reasonable good inference of global trends for both records, overlooking the regional and/or local paleoclimate forcings that might have affected Ammersee. A better correlation between global isotope paleoclimate records and magnetic proxies, is perhaps prevented by the role played by local and regional paleoclimate and tectonism in Mucubají. We also argue that the ratio of ARM over SIRM appears to be related in a complex way to the onset and to the end of the Younger Dryas. Our novel approach to the assessment of a specific paleoclimate case study shows the potential of the ANFIS technique in solving problems where traditional univariate and multivariate linear regression methods could prove inadequate.  相似文献   

This study characterized the magnetic property and levels of heavy metals of the topsoils near a cement plant. The concentrations of five selected heavy metals (Pb, Cu, Zn and Cd) were measured on 32 topsoil samples (0–20 cm) collected near a cement plant via inductively coupled plasma/mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS). The orders of enrichment factors (EF), on average, were Cd (7.3) > Cu (3) > Zn (2.9) > Pb (2.1), respectively. A self-organizing map (SOM) was applied to the concentrations of heavy metals for “correlation hunting”. Mineral magnetic concentration parameters, such as the specific magnetic susceptibility (χ), susceptibility of anhysteretic remanent magnetization (χARM), saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (SIRM), together with interparametric ratios (such as IRM 100mT/SIRM, SIRM/χ, χARM/SIRM) show that ferrimagnetic, superparamagnetic (SP) and multi-domain (MD) minerals dominated the soils. The results of correlation analysis indicate that copper showed a significant correlation with χ, χARM and SIRM but such a relationship with χ, χARM and SIRM was only weakly identified for Zn, Cd and Pb.  相似文献   

李勇  李海燕  刘慧 《地球物理学报》2011,54(10):2620-2630
为监测石英尾砂对濠河沉积物的影响,采用环境磁学方法进行研究.在濠河中、下游采集了三条典型沉积物剖面,通过详细的岩石磁学参数与SiO2质量分数(w(SiOz)) 测量,结果表明濠河中、下游沉积物中的主要磁性矿物是磁铁矿.三条典型沉积物剖面在纵向上按磁性参数曲线的变化特征均可分成四个磁性层,第二、第三、第四层沉积物受石英尾...  相似文献   

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