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We explore the predictions of the standard hierarchical clustering scenario of galaxy formation, regarding the numbers and metallicities of PopIII stars that are likely to be found within our Galaxy today. By PopIII we refer to stars formed at large redshift ( z >4), with low metallicities ([ Z /Z]<−2.5) and in small systems (total mass ≲ 2×108 M) that are extremely sensitive to stellar feedback, and which through a prescribed merging history end up becoming part of the Milky Way today. An analytic, extended Press–Schechter formalism is used to obtain the mass functions of haloes which will host PopIII stars at a given redshift, and which will end up in Milky Way sized systems today. Each of these is modelled as a mini-galaxy, with a detailed treatment of the dark halo structure, angular momentum distribution, final gas temperature and disc instabilities, all of which determine the fraction of the baryons that are subject to star formation. The use of new primordial metallicity stellar evolutionary models allows us to trace the history of the stars formed, and give accurate estimates of their expected numbers today and their location in L /L versus T /K Hertzsprung–Russell (HR) diagrams. A first comparison with observational data suggests that the initial mass function (IMF) of the first stars was increasingly high-mass weighted towards high redshifts, levelling off at z ≳9 at a characteristic stellar mass scale m s=10–15 M.  相似文献   

Galactic bulges     
We model the evolution of the Galactic bulge and of the bulges of a selected sample of external spiral galaxies, via the multiphase multizone evolution model. We address a few questions concerning the role of the bulges within galactic evolution schemes and the properties of bulge stellar populations. We provide solutions to the problems of chemical abundances and spectral indices, the two main observational constraints to bulge structure.  相似文献   

Two fundamental constraints on the earliest star formation conditions in the Galaxy are an apparent empirical low-metallicity threshold of-4 ? [Fe/H], an and upper limit to the fraction of Population III halo stars of F III < 4 × 10-4. How do these observed constraints compare with predictions of simple models? This is investigated within the framework of element dispersal from clustered core-collapse SNe. Simple arguments considering turbulent mixing within multi-phase ISM suggest that the observed low-metallicity threshold is consistent with rough expected values. However, the observed limit on F III is two orders of magnitude larger than predictions from this simple, one-zone inhomogeneous chemical evolution.  相似文献   

The abundances of heavy elements in EMP stars are not well explained by the simple view of an initial basic “rapid” process. In a careful and homogeneous analysis of the “First Stars” sample (eighty per cent of the stars have a metallicity [Fe/H] ≃ –3.1 ± 0.4), it has been shown that at this metallicity [Eu/Ba] is constant, and therefore the europium‐rich stars (generally called “r‐rich”) are also Ba‐rich. The very large variation of [Ba/Fe] (existence of “r‐poor” and “r‐rich” stars) induces that the early matter was not perfectly mixed. On the other hand, the distribution of the values of [Sr/Ba] vs. [Ba/Fe] appears with well defined upper and lower envelopes. No star was found with [Sr/Ba] < –0.5 and the scatter of [Sr/Ba] increases regularly when [Ba/Fe] decreases. To explain this behavior, we suggest that an early “additional” process forming mainly first peak elements would affect the initial composition of the matter. For a same quantity of accreted matter, this additional Sr production would barely affect the r‐rich matter (which already contains an important quantity of Sr) but would change significantly the composition of the r‐poor matter. The abundances found in the CEMP‐r+s stars reflect the transfer of heavy elements from a defunct AGB companion. But the abundances of the heavy elements in CEMP‐no stars present the same characteristics as the the abundances in the EMP stars. Direct stellar ages may be found from radioactive elements, the precision is limited by the precision in the measurements of abundances from faint lines in faint stars, and the uncertainty in the initial abundances of the radioactive elements. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

A theory for the oxygen abundance radial distribution formation in the galactic disc of a spiral galaxy is developed. We take into account that the main sources of oxygen are Type II supernovae (SN II), the progenitors of which are massive short-lived stars strongly concentrated in the spiral arms. Hence oxygen is the most sensitive indicator of spiral arms' influence on galactic disc enrichment by heavy elements. Various models for the spiral density waves were analysed. We predict that the imprints in the oxygen radial distribution will enable us to distinguish between different models for spiral patterns. Among other parameters, the corotation radius happens to be one of the most important.  相似文献   

We analyse two recent computations of Type II supernova nucleosynthesis by Woosley & Weaver (hereafter WW95) and Thielemann, Nomoto & Hashimoto (hereafter TNH96), focusing on the ability to reproduce the observed [Mg/Fe] ratios in various galaxy types. We show that the yields of oxygen and total metallicity are in good agreement. However, TNH96 models produce more magnesium in the intermediate and less iron in the upper mass range of Type II supernovae than WW95 models. To investigate the significance of these discrepancies for chemical evolution, we calculate simple stellar population yields for both sets of models and different initial mass function slopes. We conclude that the Mg yields of WW95 do not suffice to explain the [Mg/Fe] overabundance either in giant elliptical galaxies and bulges or in metal-poor stars in the solar neighbourhood and the Galactic halo. Calculating the chemical evolution in the solar neighbourhood according to the standard infall model, we find that, using WW95 and TNH96 nucleosynthesis, the solar magnesium abundance is underestimated by 29 and 7 per cent, respectively.   We include the relaxation of the instantaneous mixing approximation in chemical evolution models by splitting the gas component into two different phases. In additional simulations of the chemical evolution in the solar neighbourhood, we discuss various time-scales for the mixing of the stellar ejecta with the interstellar medium. We find that a delay of the order of 108 yr leads to a better fit of the observational data in the [Mg/Fe]–[Fe/H] diagram without destroying the agreement with solar element abundances and the age–metallicity relation.  相似文献   

Models of the chemical evolution of our Galaxy are extended to include radial migration of stars and flow of gas through the disc. The models track the production of both iron and α-elements. A model is chosen that provides an excellent fit to the metallicity distribution of stars in the Geneva–Copenhagen survey (GCS) of the solar neighbourhood and a good fit to the local Hess diagram. The model provides a good fit to the distribution of GCS stars in the age–metallicity plane, although this plane was not used in the fitting process. Although this model's star formation rate is monotonically declining, its disc naturally splits into an α-enhanced thick disc and a normal thin disc. In particular, the model's distribution of stars in the ([O/Fe], [Fe/H]) plane resembles that of Galactic stars in displaying a ridge line for each disc. The thin-disc's ridge line is entirely due to stellar migration, and there is the characteristic variation of stellar angular momentum along it that has been noted by Haywood in survey data. Radial mixing of stellar populations with high  σ z   from inner regions of the disc to the solar neighbourhood provides a natural explanation of why measurements yield a steeper increase of  σ z   with age than predicted by theory. The metallicity gradient in the interstellar medium is predicted to be steeper than in earlier models, but appears to be in good agreement with data for both our Galaxy and external galaxies. The models are inconsistent with a cut-off in the star formation rate at low gas surface densities. The absolute magnitude of the disc is given as a function of time in several photometric bands, and radial colour profiles are plotted for representative times.  相似文献   

The abundances of long-lived radioactive elements Th and U observed in metal-poor halo stars can be used as chronometers to determine the age of individual stars, and hence set a lower limit on the age of the Galaxy and hence of the universe. This radioactive dating requires the zero-decay productions of Th and U, which involves complicated r-process nucleosynthesis calculations. Several parametric r-process models have been used to calculate the initial abundance ratios of Th/Eu and U/Th, but, due to the sharp sensitivity of these models to nuclear physics inputs, the calculations have relatively large uncertainties which lead to large uncertainties in the age determinations. In order to reduce these uncertainties, we present a simple method to estimate the initial productions of Th and U, which only depends on the solar system abundances and the stellar abundances of stable r-process elements. From our calculations of the initial abundance ratios of Th/Eu and U/Th, we re-estimate the ages of those ver  相似文献   

The behaviour of the  Δν= 2 CO  bands around 2.3 μm was examined by comparing observed and synthetic spectra in stars in globular clusters of different metallicity. Changes in the 12C/13C isotopic ratio and the carbon abundances were investigated in stars from 3500–4900 K in the galactic globular clusters M71, M5, M3 and M13, covering the metallicity range from −0.7 to −1.6. We found relatively low carbon abundances that are not affected by the value of oxygen abundance. For most giants, the 12C/13C ratios determined are consistent with the equilibrium value for the CN cycle. This suggests complete mixing on the ascent of the red giant branch, in contrast to the substantially higher values predicted across this range of parameters by the current generation of models. We found some evidence for a larger dispersion of 12C/13C in giants of M71 of metallicity  [μ]=[M/H]=−0.7  in comparison with the giants of M3, M5 and M13, which are more metal deficient. Finally, we show evidence for lower 12C/13C in giants of globular clusters with lower metallicities, as predicted by theory.  相似文献   

We examine the chemical and dynamical structure in the solar neighbourhood of a model Galaxy that is the endpoint of a simulation of the chemical evolution of the Milky Way in the presence of radial mixing of stars and gas. Although the simulation's star formation rate declines monotonically from its unique peak and no merger or tidal event ever takes place, the model replicates all known properties of a thick disc, as well as matching special features of the local stellar population such as a metal-poor extension of the thin disc that has high rotational velocity. We divide the disc by chemistry and relate this dissection to observationally more convenient kinematic selection criteria. We conclude that the observed chemistry of the Galactic disc does not provide convincing evidence for a violent origin of the thick disc, as has been widely claimed.  相似文献   

The Orion Nebula cluster (ONC) appears to be unusual on two grounds: the observed constellation of the OB stars of the entire ONC and its Trapezium at its centre implies a time-scale problem given the age of the Trapezium, and an initial mass function (IMF) problem for the whole OB star population in the ONC. Given the estimated crossing time of the Trapezium, it ought to have totally dynamically decayed by now. Furthermore, by combining the lower limit of the ONC mass with a standard IMF it emerges that the ONC should have formed at least about 40 stars heavier than  5 M  while only 10 are observed. Using the N -body experiments we (i) confirm the expected instability of the Trapezium and (ii) show that beginning with a compact OB-star configuration of about 40 stars both the number of observed OB stars after 1 Myr within 1 pc radius and a compact trapezium configuration can be reproduced. These two empirical constraints thus support our estimate of 40 initial OB stars in the cluster. Interestingly, a more-evolved version of the ONC resembles the Upper Scorpius OB association. The N -body experiments are performed with the new C-code catena by integrating the equations of motion using the chain-multiple-regularization method. In addition, we present a new numerical formulation of the IMF.  相似文献   

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