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无定河流域位于黄土高原与毛乌素沙地过渡带,水土流失严重,生态环境具有脆弱性和波动性。于2021年春季(4月)和秋季(10月)对无定河流域上、中、下游及其6条支流和流域内的3个淤地坝开展水生态系统调查,旨在厘清无定河流域底栖动物群落特征,构建底栖动物生物完整性指数并开展健康评价。无定河流域春季共采集到底栖动物105种,平均密度为181 ind./m2,平均生物量为0.760 g/m2,秋季共采集到底栖动物67种,平均密度为94 ind./m2,平均生物量为0.454 g/m2。通过对两季度研究区域内底栖动物27个生物参数开展分布范围检验、判别能力分析和相关性分析,构建无定河流域底栖动物生物完整性指数,对全流域40个样点(6个参照点和34个受损点)进行B-IBI健康评价。评价结果表明,总体上无定河流域底栖动物生物完整性较好,40个样点中春季有19个处于健康或亚健康状态,秋季有23个处于健康或亚健康状态,其中无定河上、中游干支流大都以健康和亚健康为主,无定河下游干支流以及3个淤地坝水体健康状况较差。在不同水土流失类型区域,底栖动物群落特征和生物完整性评价具有显著性差异。本研究结果可为无定河流域河流健康评估提供科学依据。  相似文献   

苏玉  曹晓峰  黄艺 《湖泊科学》2013,25(1):91-98
采用底栖动物完整性指数(B-IBI)评价滇池流域入湖河流健康状况.根据滇池流域38个样点(9个参照点,29个干扰点)于2009年丰水期和2010年平水期采得的大型底栖动物数据,对19个生物参数进行分布范围、Spearman相关性和判别能力分析,确定构成滇池流域底栖动物生物完整性的指数为甲壳动物+软体动物分类单元数、集食者%、捕食者%和耐污类群%.用比值法统一量纲,计算各个生物参数的值,并将所得的值相加即得到B-IBI指数值.根据B-IBI指数值的25%分位数确定健康等级标准,并对小于25%分位数的值进行四等分,即得到滇池流域底栖动物完整性的评价标准,B-IBI>1.62为健康,1.03~1.62为亚健康,0.31~1.03为一般,0.10~0.31为较差,<0.10为极差.评价结果表明,滇池流域的38个样点中,16个为健康,5个为亚健康,6个为一般,6个为较差,5个为极差.B-IBI值与硝态氮和水温有较大的负相关关系,与其他理化因子相关性不明显.  相似文献   

利用底栖动物完整性指数(B-IBI)评价河流生态环境状况已成为水生态健康评估和管理的重要方法。基于2020年秋季至2021年夏季对北京市五大水系115个样点的大型底栖动物、水体理化因子以及栖息地质量4个季度的调查数据,分别构建了北京市山区、平原区河流底栖动物完整性指数,并对其生态状况进行了评估。指标筛选结果显示:山区河流B-IBI核心指标包括总分类单元数、EPT相对丰度、BMWP指数、粘附者相对丰度、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数;平原区河流B-IBI核心指标包括总分类单元数、摇蚊科相对丰度、EPTO相对丰度、耐污类群相对丰度。根据各参数值随干扰增强的变化趋势,采用比值法计算各指标的分值和评价标准。结果显示:在空间上,北京市山区河流处于良好状态,其中以潮白河水系生态状况最好,处于良好状态,蓟运河水系生态状况最差,处于很差状态;平原区河流处于中等状态,其中永定河、大清河水系处于良好状态,蓟运河、北运河以及潮白河水系均处于中等状态。在时间上,不同季节的B-IBI值无显著性差异,整体生态状况不受季节变化的影响,表明构建的北京市B-IBI评价体系在时间上具有良好的稳定性。多元回归分析显...  相似文献   

2010年4月和7月对太湖流域五水系(苕溪、南河、洮滆、黄浦江和沿江水系)73个采样点的大型底栖动物进行了两次调查,分析各水系底栖动物群落结构及其与环境因子之间的关系,并评价各水系的水质状况.所有采样点共记录底栖动物88种,隶属于3门8纲48科.全流域主要河流大型底柄动物的平均密度和生物量分别为5888.91 ind....  相似文献   

应用底栖动物完整性指数评价上海市河流健康   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
据2011-2013年对上海市31条河流底栖动物的调查结果,对31个生物参数进行分布范围、判别能力以及相关性等进行分析,确定构建上海市河流底栖动物完整性指数(B-IBI)的4个参数:(寡毛类动物+蛭纲)数量百分比、耐污类群分类单元数、双翅目数量百分比和集食者分类单元数百分比.采用比值法统一量纲,将各个生物参数分值加和得到上海市河流B-IBI值.利用构建的B-IBI对上海市31条河流健康状况进行评价,结果表明:31条河流中,有4条河流处于健康状态,8条河流处于亚健康状态,9条河流处于一般状态,8条河流处于较差状态,2条河流处于极差状态;远郊河流健康状态最好,近郊次之,市区最差.  相似文献   

硅藻群落结构的差异:比较样本采集过程与空间梯度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
硅藻种群的分布与其所处的生境条件密切相关,但在实际过程中的一些人为因素,例如取样方法、样本的制备以及藻种鉴定都可能会干扰到种群结构的分析结果.因此很有必要探究这些人为因素是否会对真实的硅藻群落生态学研究产生误导性的判断,以免干扰硅藻生物水质评价的客观性.选取采样方法及样本制备为代表的人为因素对硅藻群落生态分析结果引入的误差大小进行评估.结果显示,子样本之间(同一样品重复制作的玻片样本)和样品之间(同一样点重复取样)群落结构差异大小分别是1.26%和1.97%,同一条河流的样点之间则为3.38%,而所选定的跨河流研究区域的样点间群落结构差异最大(42.03%).生态学的排序结果和数理统计分析表明,在硅藻群落结构分析中,现场取样方法和样本制备过程相对于不同生境条件所引起的变化,并不会带来较大的差异.因此在河流附生硅藻的群落生态学研究中,可基本不考虑取样方法等因子的干扰,而是侧重于环境因子对硅藻生态分布的影响.  相似文献   

应用底栖动物完整性指数评价太湖生态健康   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:12  
依据2010年春季至2012年秋季,太湖32个样点的底栖动物和环境变量共11次的季节性调查结果,采用干扰程度最小系统法定义构建底栖动物生物完整性指数的参照系统,提出了确定参照系统的4个基本条件,进而按非湖心区和湖心区两个生态区分别构建太湖底栖动物完整性指数(LTB-IBI).通过对候选生物参数的分布范围筛选、判别能力分析、与理化因子的相关性和参数间的冗余分析,获得了非湖心区LTB-IBI的4个构成指数:总分类单元数、Simpson多样性指数、前3位优势单元%和BMWP指数,以及湖心区LTB-IBI的5个构成指数:总分类单元数、Simpson多样性指数、甲壳+软体分类单元数、前3位优势单元%和BMWP指数.采用比值法统一构成指数量纲,分别构建了非湖心区和湖心区LTBIBI指数,评价太湖水生态健康的等级.2010-2012年,太湖生态健康总体上呈现逐步提升的趋势.影响太湖底栖动物完整性的重要环境变量是水体中的氮含量.研究表明,连续观察数据可较大程度上提高太湖LTB-IBI指数的可靠性和评价结果的合理性.  相似文献   

根据鉴江流域21个观测点鱼类调查所收集的数据,结合历史资料的记录,初步构建基于鱼类生物完整性评价的26个初选指标,并根据指标属性分类进行初筛,对10个通过的候选指标进行分布范围、判别能力和Pearson相关性分析,确定了由总的种类数占期望值的百分比、鲤科鱼类占总种类数的百分比、鳑鲏亚科鱼类占总种类数的百分比、耐受性强鱼类占总种类数的百分比和产漂流性卵鱼类占总种类数的百分比共5个主评指标组成的生物完整性指数体系,并用于鉴江流域部分河段的生态健康评价.结果表明,凌江鱼类完整性相对较好,罗江一般,平定水、袂花江和鉴江干流较差,小东江最差;鉴江流域大多数河段的综合健康状态处于较差状态,需要对鉴江流域进行生态修复以达到相对健康状态.评价结果与河流受人为干扰的实际情况相吻合,研究构建的评价体系可供周边地区使用和借鉴.  相似文献   

采用跨断层场地垂直形变观测数据和气象站气象数据等资料,利用灰色关联分析法构建了适于本类数据的灰色关联模型,对影响因素与形变值之间的关联度进行了研究,同时提出了一个关联度评价模型用于计算关联度阈值,将计算所得的关联度与阈值进行比较来筛选干扰因素。通过对窝子滩场地和大泉口场地计算的结果进行分析,结果表明该模型能在一定程度上定量确定干扰因素对形变的影响程度,可应用于跨断层监测场地的形变分析。  相似文献   

混合禁忌搜索算法在湖泊富营养化评价中的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文提出了幂函数加和型湖泊富营养化评价指数公式,同时将禁忌搜索算法与模拟退火、免疫进化算法有机地结合起来,建立了求解优化问题的混合禁忌搜索算法(HTS).将此算法用于评价指数公式的参数优化,从而建立起湖泊富营养化综合评价模型,为湖泊富营养化评价和预测提供了一条有效的途径.将优化好的湖泊富营养化模型用于东湖富营养化评价的实例研究,结果表明此评价模型能较好地反映湖泊富营养化水平,并具有较好的通用性和实用性.  相似文献   

With the aim of finding an efficient, standardised and practical protocol for sorting macroinvertebrate samples for water management practice, three different sorting techniques were tested: RIVPACS sorting, a modified AQEM/STAR (MAS) sorting protocol and a Live-sorting method. Based on the same AQEM/STAR sample to ensure comparable results, we compared RIVPACS and MAS sorting for 20 samples, and Live-sorting and MAS for a different set of 20 samples. Comparisons were based on both ecological and financial parameters relevant for the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive in Germany. Parameters include recently developed multimetric assessment indices, their stream type specific core metric results, time effort and costs. While RIVPACS and MAS sorting produced similar results in terms of ecological assessment, time effort and costs, Live-sorting differed notably in all three respects. Live-sorting is the quickest and least expensive protocol, but shows higher variability than the other protocols. We discuss the differences and the level of standardisation for each of these methods.  相似文献   

In the past, no single standardised method for sampling and sorting benthic macroinvertebrates has been implemented in Germany. Therefore, we tested the suitability of two common sorting protocols, RIVPACS and AQEM/STAR, by taking samples with each protocol at 44 sampling sites. Our results reveal that different methods deliver slightly different assessment results. Moreover these two methods differ in costs. Although the AQEM/STAR protocol takes longer than the RIVPACS protocol, we favoured the AQEM/STAR protocol because of its higher level of standardisation. In order to limit costs to an acceptable level, a modification of the AQEM/STAR protocol (MAS method) is developed. This method is highly standardised, gives stable assessment results and is relatively inexpensive (€ 224.00 for processing of an average sample). A detailed protocol of the newly developed method is given.  相似文献   

A physical, chemical and biological characterization of river systems is needed to evaluate their ecological quality and support restoration programs. Herein, we describe an approach using water chemistry, physical structure and land use for identification of a disturbance gradient existing in the Karun River Basin. For this purpose, at each site, physical structure and physico-chemical data were collected once in each season for a total of 4 samples during the period (October 2018 - September 2019). Principal components analysis (PCA) of 17 variables identified five variables that were influential across all seasons: conductivity, total habitat score, stream morphology, clay & silt, and sand. Of the 54 sites, 14, 26 and 14 sites were classified as least, moderate and most disturbed sites, respectively. The metric Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT) taxa was used for validation of the classification. Results in different seasons showed that all the least disturbed sites (n = 14) were significantly different from moderate and most disturbed sites (p < 0.01). In this study the validation process presented good confirmation of a priori reference sites selection, showing that the proposed criteria could be considered as appropriate tools for characterization of the existent disturbance gradient in the Karun River Basin.  相似文献   

邓肯E-B模型无法描述软化土体的应力应变关系以及土体的剪胀效应;采用抛物线型体应变曲线的南水模型破坏时的剪胀率趋于定值,与实际土体不符。但南水模型适合描述应力应变峰值点前或最大剪胀率前土体的本构关系,邓肯模型适合描述的应变范围更小。因此,若要进行土工结构渐进破坏的分析计算,则需要建立一个适合于描述直至破坏的更大应变范围的土体本构关系。采用损伤扰动概念,将变形过程中的土体视为“相对完整”的未损伤土体和“完全调整”扰动土体的混合体,其应力应变关系可根据损伤扰动程度,由各自的应力应变关系组合确定。并根据试验提出了确定损伤扰动函数的计算公式。对体应变曲线,则采用抛物线加双曲线的形式加以描述。  相似文献   

The MS7.0 Jiuzhaigou earthquake in Sichuan Province of 8 August 2017 triggered a large number of landslides. A comprehensive and objective panorama of these landslides is of great significance for understanding the mechanism, intensity, spatial pattern and law of these coseismic landslides, recovery and reconstruction of earthquake affected area, as well as prevention and mitigation of landslide hazard. The main aim of this paper is to present the use of remote sensing images, GIS technology and Logistic Regression(LR)model for earthquake triggered landslide hazard mapping related to the 2017 Jiuzhaigou earthquake. On the basis of a scene post-earthquake Geoeye-1 satellite image(0.5m resolution), we delineated 4834 co-seismic landslides with an area of 9.63km2. The ten factors were selected as the influencing factors for earthquake triggered landslide hazard mapping of Jiuzhaigou earthquake, including elevation, slope angle, aspect, horizontal distance to fault, vertical distance to fault, distance to epicenter, distance to roads, distance to rivers, TPI index, and lithology. Both landsliding and non-landsliding samples were needed for LR model. Centroids of the 4834 initial landslide polygons were extracted for landslide samples and the 4832 non-landslide points were randomly selected from the landslide-free area. All samples(4834 landslide sites and 4832 non-landslide sites)were randomly divided into the training set(6767 samples)and validation set(2899 samples). The logistic regression model was used to carry out the landslide hazard assessment of the Jiuzhaigou earthquake and the results show that the landslide hazard assessment map based on LR model is very consistent with the actual landslide distribution. The areas of Wuhuahai-Xiamo, Huohuahai and Inter Continental Hotel of Jiuzhai-Ruyiba are high hazard areas. In order to quantitatively evaluate the prediction results, the trained model calculated with the training set was evaluated by training set and validation set as the input of the model to get the output results of the two sets. The ROC curve was used to evaluate the accuracy of the model. The ROC curve for LR model was drawn and the AUC values were calculated. The evaluation result shows good prediction accuracy. The AUC values for the training and validation data set are 0.91 and 0.89, respectively. On the whole, more than 78.5% of the landslides in the study area are concentrated in the high and extremely high hazard zones. Landslide point density and landslide area density increase very rapidly as the level of hazard increases. This paper provides a scientific reference for earthquake landslides, disaster prevention and mitigation in the earthquake area.  相似文献   

Multivariate statistical analyses of geomorphic variables from 23 forest stream reaches in southeast Alaska result in successful discrimination between pristine streams and those disturbed by land management, specifically timber harvesting and associated road building. Results of discriminant function analysis indicate that a three-variable model discriminates 10 disturbed from 13 undisturbed reaches with 90 per cent and 92 per cent correct classification respectively. These variables are the total number of pools per reach, the ratio of mean residual pool depth to mean bankfull depth, and the ratio of critical shear stress of the median surface grain size to bankfull shear stress. The last variable can be dropped without a decrease in rate of correct classification; however, the resulting two-variable model may be less robust. Analysis of the distribution of channel units, including pool types, can also be used to discriminate disturbed from undisturbed reaches and is particularly useful for assessment of aquatic habitat condition. However, channel unit classification and inventory can be subject to considerable error and observer bias. Abundance of pool-related large woody debris is highly correlated with pool frequency and is an important factor determining channel morphology. Results of this study yield a much needed, objective, geomorphic discrimination of pristine and disturbed channel conditions, providing a reference standard for channel assessment and restoration efforts.  相似文献   

Modern ecological assessments of running waters are based on the a priori definition of ecological benchmarks, given by reference-quality sites. Such benchmarks are established at the level of ecoregions, typologies, or site. Yet, in highly disturbed regions, such as coastal areas of European countries, the assessment of streams’ water quality based on the reference condition concept is very difficult, due to the lack of undisturbed sites. Among others, the reduced number of reference sites may have as a consequence the definition of imprecise ecological benchmarks. Here we tested the hypotheses that (1) the increase in the number of potential reference sites (2) the definition of more precise abiotic thresholds using the least disturbed condition approach (LDC), and (3) the use of diatom assemblages, as the most ubiquitous element in lowland areas, would result in refinement and eventual sub-division of existing river types of a highly disturbed area, such as the Portuguese centre-western region. For this purpose, abiotic data characterising natural conditions of 55 sites from a littoral highly disturbed region were used in a hierarchical classification analysis that revealed the existence of three different sub-groups. In addition, a three-step approach was used to define thresholds for the pressure variables in LDC. Based on these new thresholds, sites in LDC were selected. A hierarchical classification performed to the LDC diatom spring assemblages revealed the existence of two sub-groups, concordant with two of the abiotic sub-groups. Several species contributed to the dissimilarity between the two sub-groups (e.g., Achnanthidium minutissimum and Karayevia oblongella). Differences between the sub-groups were also found in the trait proportions of stalked species. New benchmark values for these two sub-groups, based on the scores of the official diatom index, the Indice de Polluosensibilité Spécifique (IPS), were different from the previous reference value used. Yet, no biological benchmark values were established for one of the groups due to the absence of sites in the LDC. Our study suggests that streambed substrate is an important characterisation variable in the river type definition and highlights that, in spite of the potential refinement in reference conditions and typology obtained, an alternative approach that does not require the use of reference sites should be explored in the future.  相似文献   

A method for environmental monitoring using benthic species profiles as input is developed in this work. The method, referred to as projective ordination, utilises local principal component modelling (SIMCA) to obtain a cross-validated model which spans the natural variation in a region around offshore oil-producing installations. The borderline between regions with disturbed and non-disturbed species communities is subsequently decided from the residual distribution. This distribution is used to design an approximate F-test for assessing whether a community at a particular sampling location is disturbed or not. If so, the nature of the disturbance is determined by projecting the data on the PC model.Projective ordination utilises information from previous surveys to define the permissible variation in species communities, i.e. the limit of the natural variation. In addition, the method is dynamic, in a sense that the sampling locations may vary from survey to survey.Furthermore, our analysis shows that the customary number of replicate samples per station can be reduced. Modelling with only four randomly chosen replicates out of the complete set of five for each sampling location, does not affect the model significantly. On the other hand, taking only 3 replicates into account leads to significant divergences.A model based on the 1990 and 1993 surveys at the Statfjord field is presented as an example of the technique.  相似文献   

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