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为填补滨海旅游灾害防范的空白,文章详细介绍了国家海洋局海洋减灾中心着手开展我国典型滨海旅游区裂流危险评估、安全警示、公众科普等技术工作。归纳总结了地形动力学概化分析、精细化数值模拟、遥感影像分析、现场勘测等裂流灾害危险性评价技术方法;详细介绍了我国海南省三亚、陵水地区重点滨海旅游岸段的裂流灾害风险及安全警示现状的调查评估情况;分析探讨了近期国内频繁出现的海滩裂流溺水事故以及国内裂流灾害公众科普宣传动态;并提出了滨海旅游灾害防范下一步的专业技术工作和科学探索方面可能的发展方向。  相似文献   

基于海滩地形动力学、遥感影像的风险预识别以及现场排查等方法,对西涌滨海旅游区海滩裂流风险进行了初步评估。评估结果表明:地形动力分析结果显示,西涌滨海旅游区泳场逐月平均沙滩类型大部分是沿岸沙坝和裂流沟槽交替的沙坝型(B),风险等级高;影像特征判断该沙滩属于沿岸沙坝和裂流沟槽交替的沙坝型(B)或者低潮位附近伴有冲流沙坝及裂流沟槽的低潮沙坝裂流型(LTBR),裂流风险等级高;历史影像和现场调研均发现该海滩发生过裂流;综合判定该海滩裂流风险等级为高。但鉴于观测资料限制和评价方法自身局限性的影响,本次排查结论仅为初步结论,其合理性尚需更加深入的研究。  相似文献   

海岸裂流的研究进展及其展望   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
王彦  邹志利 《海洋学报》2014,36(5):170-176
近岸裂流是海岸工程和海岸演变中非常重要的动力因素,对污染物排放和游泳者安全有很重要的意义。详细回顾了国内外对海岸裂流方面的研究与进展,具体包括对裂流的实验室实验和现场观测测量技术、理论分析、裂流的形成机理以及数值模拟等方面,概述了该领域的研究现状与发展趋势。总结了已有研究存在的不足,提出了需要进一步研究的课题。  相似文献   

详细回顾了各国在裂流方面的研究和成果,着重介绍了几个比较典型的经验预报方法:LURCS、ECFL LURCS、modified ECFL LURCS、CAP-LURCS以及两个数值模型FUNWAVE、XBeach,期望能对发展我国自己的裂流预报系统具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

华南休闲海滩沙坝触发的裂流风险及特征研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为应对频发的致命性海滩溺水事故,自然资源部开展了我国首次滨海旅游区裂流灾害技术调查,在华南地区发现大量滨海休闲海滩存在浅滩沙坝和裂流现象。作为全国调查的部分成果,本文应用多种方法研究了广东省3个热门海滩沙坝触发的裂流机理、特征和演变规律。地形动力计算和卫星影像显示了沙坝形态、岸线形状以及裂流的高度动态性,尤其在青澳湾裂流呈现非常规的反季节变化,冬季风险较高而夏季风险较低。在相位解析水动力数值模拟中,裂流表现出对沙坝形态、浪高、浪向的高度敏感性。沙坝间较宽间隙会产生尺寸较大的裂流区,但比起窄沟槽不一定伴随更强的流速。当大部分水流集中从邻近的较宽通道回流入海时,部分窄沟槽几乎没有裂流产生。裂流流速与浪高成正比与入射角成反比。数值模拟结果表明,当入射角达到10°~30°时,沿岸流会取代离岸流占主导地位。现场调查也验证了在低潮时,较浅的水深会放大水流和波浪的地形效应,导致裂流风险加剧。本文研究结果可为滨海旅游区裂流灾害的工程减缓措施和公共警示提供有益参考。未来将会持续开展针对特定岸线的长期观测,以为裂流预警报和风险管控积累足够的统计数据。  相似文献   

裂流发生迅速,发生位置隐秘,发生范围相对较小,发生时海浪大、流速快,这些特点给裂流观测带来困难。本文以威海国际海水浴场为研究对象,通过水深地形测量、海浪海流观测及高空摄影等多种观测方式相结合,尝试采用可行且易于实现的方法对裂流易发区域进行定位,在此基础上对该海域裂流类型和产生原因进行分析,并进一步进行威海国际海水浴场裂流区划。研究表明:威海国际海水浴场水下地形较为复杂,离岸200 m范围内存在5个沙丘-沟槽结构,沟槽和东侧栈桥前沿是裂流危险区,分属海滩型裂流和边界型裂流,裂流流速在0.5~1 m/s之间,观测期间裂流平均风险等级为中等。本研究可为裂流观测和海水浴场管理提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

裂流是海滩旅游中重要的安全隐患,国内目前还很少有裂流风险的评价研究。文章基于地形动力学模型对湛江东海岛海滩裂流风险从年平均、逐月平均和逐月常浪向状况下进行了评价。结果表明:(1)东海岛海滩全年平均状态为沙坝消散型海滩,一年四季出现裂流的概率较大,为中等危险性的海滩;(2)逐月平均海滩类型以沙坝消散型为主,但在6—7月海滩类型为低潮沙坝/裂流型,海滩风险等级最高,8月的月平均海滩状态为无沙坝消散型,属于危险性较低海滩,但此时波浪向为SE向时,海滩状态变成低潮沙坝/裂流型,裂流风险等级很高;(3)海滩管理者要重视对海滩裂流风险的管理。  相似文献   

裂流是沿海地区频发的一种高速离岸流。根据Castelle的裂流分类模型对广东省14个海滩的Google Earth影像进行了解译分类,对裂流分类模型在遥感影像中的应用进行了探讨。结果表明:在高风险月份,海滩裂流的组成较为单一,混合型裂流少,水深控制的裂流占据主导地位,裂流数量总体维持在较高水平;在中风险月份,水动力控制的裂流和混合型裂流的比例增加,水深控制的裂流仍然占有一定比例;在低风险月份,裂流很少出现,甚至无裂流发生。裂流的类型与海滩的状态密切相关。对于海湾中的海滩,海湾长度影响裂流的数量,海湾凹入度影响不同类型裂流的组成比例。考虑到实验条件的限制,这一规律需要后续结合实际地形地貌进行更细致和深入的研究和验证。按照本文解译标准得出的分类结果,与前人提出的裂流风险性评价模型吻合度较高,进一步说明了该解译标准的有效性,为今后对海滩裂流的研究和分类工作提供了一定的参考。  相似文献   

金沙湾是粤港澳大湾区重要的滨海旅游景点之一,深受世界各地游客的青睐.利用XBeach模型模拟金沙湾海滩的近岸环流,研究了不同模拟波况下裂流的发生情况.结果表明,金沙湾产生裂流很大程度上受到波高和地形的影响,在年平均有效波高波况下,金沙湾沿岸无明显裂流,当入射波高超过某个阈值后,沿岸裂流风险提高.裂流的强度和离岸距离与入...  相似文献   

沿岸流不稳定运动目前已成为一个研究热点,对于沿岸流不稳定的研究对于近岸泥沙、污染物输移以及海岸养护等都有很重要的意义。本文详细介绍了沿岸流不稳定运动的研究进展,具体包括沿岸流不稳定运动现场以及实验室实验研究进展,沿岸流线性不稳定理论,非线性不稳定理论以及沿岸流不稳定运动产生的其它理论分析。结果表明国外对于该问题的研究(主要是有关不稳定理论方面)已经取得很多成果,但国内目前很少,并且现在对沿岸流不稳定研究比较成熟的理论基础是不稳定理论,该理论都假定增长率最大的不稳定模式决定着沿岸流的波动特性。但对于多模式不稳定运动的研究还基本没有,对于沿岸流不稳定运动三维特性的研究(包括数值研究及实验研究)也基本没有报道。所以这两个方面可能是以后对该问题研究的重要方向。  相似文献   

弧形海岸裂流的数值模拟研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
弧形海岸波浪产生的裂流严重危害人类活动,但是目前对其特征缺乏充分认识。本文对Haller物理模型实验和三亚大东海的数值模拟表明FUNWAVE模式具有较好的裂流模拟能力。基于该模式进行了多种弧形海岸条件的裂流数值模拟,给出裂流的一些特征:(1)海岸弯曲度增大,裂流增强;(2)海岸坡度对裂流有比较大的影响,太陡或太平缓的海岸不利于形成裂流;(3)海岸尺寸减小,裂流减弱;(4)波高和波周期增大,裂流增强,但是对于某些海岸而言,0.4m波高可能就存在危害比较大的裂流。  相似文献   

A field experiment on the nature of rip currents was conducted on the Dutch coast, which differs from previous rip current study sites because it is a wind-sea dominated environment with mostly obliquely incident waves and tidally-driven longshore currents. During the experiment three distinct flow patterns, obtained with GPS tracked drifter instruments, were observed: (1) a locally governed circulation cell, (2) an offshore current that is deflected shore parallel outside the surf zone and (3) a meandering longshore current. The transition from rip currents (flow patterns 1 and 2) to meandering longshore currents (flow pattern 3) occurred gradually within the tidal cycle with longshore currents prevalent at mid to high tide. Rip currents at this site appeared at depressions in the surf zone bar and typically occurred when the water level fell below NAP (equivalent to MSL), even in the presence of obliquely incident waves and tidally driven longshore currents. Hindcast simulations of the drifter experiments were performed with the numerical model XBeach and showed good agreement with field observations. The model was subsequently used to investigate the influence of tidal water level fluctuations, longshore currents and obliquely incident waves on rip currents.Rip currents were initiated when the water level dropped below a specific threshold with the magnitude of the rip current associated with the water level. The strength of the tidal current and its orientation with respect to the incident waves governed the offshore extent and orientation of the rip current. In contrast to other studies that suggest that rip currents solely occur under shore normal (or slightly oblique waves), in this study both observations and numerical model simulations indicate that rip currents can exist under large angles of wave incidence, when the rip channel is sufficiently wide and the wave height is small.  相似文献   

On rip-channelled beaches, intense rip currents are driven by waves due to alongshore variations in breaking-induced wave energy dissipation. This study addresses for the first time the potential development of tidal currents superimposed onto the wave-driven circulation. This phenomenon is observed on a rip-channelled meso-macrotidal beach (Biscarrosse, SW France). Field measurements show 20 to 45% stronger mean rip velocities during ebb than during flood. Numerical experiments reveal that this asymmetry is the signature of tidal currents developing over the rip channel morphology. This asymmetry is found to increase roughly linearly with increasing tidal range. These results are significant to beach safety and lifeguarding and stimulate further numerical exercises.  相似文献   

《Coastal Engineering》2006,53(2-3):191-208
Rip currents are shore-normal, narrow, seaward-flowing currents that originate within surf zone, extend seaward of the breaking region (rip head), and can obtain relatively high velocities. Within the last decade, there have been a significant number of laboratory and field observations within rip current systems. An overview of rip current kinematics based on these observations and the scientific advances obtained from these efforts are synthesized. Rip current flows are partitioned into mean, infragravity, very low frequency (vorticity), and tidal contributions, and it is found that each contributes significantly to the total. Data from the laboratory and the field suggest that the rip current strength increases with increasing wave energy and decreasing water depths. The maximum mean current occurs inside the surf zone, where the maximum forcing is present owing to the dissipation of waves.  相似文献   

田海平  陈雷  王维  辛立彪 《海洋学报》2021,43(12):92-101
离岸流是近岸流的重要组成部分,当波浪受到特殊海滩地形的影响,会形成一股沿着离岸方向运动的高速水流,能够迅速将人带离海岸,对海滨安全造成威胁。为了深入探究离岸流的形成机理及水动力学特性,本文基于二阶Stokes波浪理论,采用了更为光滑的变截面沙坝模型,通过流体体积法捕捉自由液面,对离岸流进行三维数值模拟探究。本文重点分析了离岸流产生时流场的瞬时速度、时均速度、压强等不同参量的分布规律,结果显示在沙坝和海岸线之间,有一对方向相反的水循环体系;对比不同流层离岸流的速度,了解到波浪与离岸流的耦合作用;并探究了入射波波高对离岸流强度及分布区域的影响,深化了对离岸流水动力学过程的认识。  相似文献   

Dune erosion is shown to occur at the embayment of beach mega-cusps O(200 m alongshore) that are associated with rip currents. The beach is the narrowest at the embayment of the mega-cusps allowing the swash of large storm waves coincident with high tides to reach the toe of the dune, to undercut the dune and to cause dune erosion. Field measurements of dune, beach, and rip current morphology are acquired along an 18 km shoreline in southern Monterey Bay, California. This section of the bay consists of a sandy shoreline backed by extensive dunes, rising to heights exceeding 40 m. There is a large increase in wave height going from small wave heights in the shadow of a headland, to the center of the bay where convergence of waves owing to refraction over the Monterey Bay submarine canyon results in larger wave heights. The large alongshore gradient in wave height results in a concomitant alongshore gradient in morphodynamic scale. The strongly refracted waves and narrow bay aperture result in near normal wave incidence, resulting in well-developed, persistent rip currents along the entire shoreline.

The alongshore variations of the cuspate shoreline are found significantly correlated with the alongshore variations in rip spacing at 95% confidence. The alongshore variations of the volume of dune erosion are found significantly correlated with alongshore variations of the cuspate shoreline at 95% confidence. Therefore, it is concluded the mega-cusps are associated with rip currents and that the location of dune erosion is associated with the embayment of the mega-cusp.  相似文献   

《Coastal Engineering》2006,53(5-6):419-439
The flow on a plane beach with a random, directionally spread wave field was simulated with a Boussinesq model. The random wave spectra were directionally symmetric with their central direction perpendicular to the beach, so no constant longshore current was generated. Variable wave-averaged currents were generated because of the spatially variable wave field, and sometimes formed offshore directed rip currents that appear in variable longshore locations. The rip currents are associated with a vortex pair which is generated within the surfzone and subsequently propagates offshore. Analysis of the vorticity balance show that the main vorticity input occurs within the inner surfzone. Three different beach slopes and four different wave spectra are simulated. The frequency, duration, and intensity of the transient rips depend on both the beach slope and the incident wave spectra. The results have important engineering implications for the transport of material in the nearshore zone, in particular on longshore uniform beaches.  相似文献   

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