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黄土缓坡片蚀过程及其水力参数适宜性试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
为确定黄土缓坡片蚀过程中侵蚀限制条件的变化及水力参数的适宜性,采用模拟降雨试验,在60 mm/h雨强、3种坡度(7.5°、10°、15°)和2种坡长(5 m和10 m)条件下,验证含沙量作为表征参量判定片蚀过程侵蚀限制条件的可行性,提出检验水力参数与产沙量作用关系适宜性的评价方法。结果表明:①依据含沙量随径流的变化规律,片蚀过程依次经历输沙能力限制阶段、剥蚀能力限制阶段Ⅰ和剥蚀能力限制阶段Ⅱ共3个侵蚀阶段,其中剥蚀能力限制阶段Ⅰ的侵蚀量占绝对优势。②从水力参数的适宜性来看,径流功率和雷诺数均能很好地表征与产沙量的关系,径流剪切力和弗劳德数则不能有效反映与产沙量的关系。③在不同侵蚀限制阶段,径流功率和雷诺数与产沙量的作用关系是不同的。输沙能力限制阶段和剥蚀能力限制阶段Ⅱ时,径流功率和雷诺数与产沙量分别呈指数关系和线性正相关关系;剥蚀能力限制阶段Ⅰ时,该2种水力参数均与产沙量呈线性负相关关系,但作用关系不唯一,且存在雷诺数临界值,即在输沙能力限制阶段和剥蚀能力限制阶段Ⅱ,径流功率和雷诺数与产沙量的作用关系不受坡长效应影响;在剥蚀能力限制阶段Ⅰ,需要同时考虑坡长和雷诺数临界值的共同影响。该研究结果可为深入理解片蚀过程的复杂性提供参考依据。  相似文献   

为研究不同坡度植被边坡降雨入渗和径流侵蚀的规律,开展大型边坡模型降雨试验,对边坡含水率、水土流失等参数进行实时监测,量化分析坡度对边坡雨水入渗、坡面径流和土壤侵蚀的影响。结果表明:在持时为4 h、降雨强度为60 mm/h持续降雨条件下,1:2、1:1.75、1:1.5裸土边坡累计雨水入渗量分别为同坡度植被边坡的70.6%、80.4%、92.3%,植被覆盖会加快雨水入渗速率,增大边坡累计雨水入渗量。植被边坡坡度越小,雨水入渗速率越快,累计雨水入渗量越大,而裸土边坡则相反。植被覆盖可有效降低坡面径流速率、减少累积径流量,边坡坡度越小,减流效果越显著,1:2、1:1.75、1:1.5植被边坡对比同坡度裸土边坡分别减少径流量53.11%、32.56%、17.73%。植被边坡水土流失含泥沙量均不足0.1%,植被可有效抑制坡面土壤侵蚀,而裸土边坡坡度越大坡面土壤侵蚀越严重,1:2、1:1.75、1:1.5裸土边坡单位面积侵蚀土壤质量分别为3.623、5.710、11.295 kg/m2,水土流失含泥沙量分别为3.06%、4.29%、7.34%。根据试验结果拟合得到裸土边坡产泥...  相似文献   

坡沟系统坡面径流流态及水力学参数特征研究   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
利用变坡度坡沟系统概化模型和人工模拟降雨试验,定量分析了在60、90和130mm/h降雨强度下坡沟系统坡面径流流态及水力学参数特征。结果表明,上方汇水和降雨强度的增大使坡沟系统水流雷诺数和弗劳德数呈明显增大,水流流态由缓流演变为急流,坡面水流阻力系数明显减小,从而使坡沟侵蚀产沙量显著增大。  相似文献   

土壤侵蚀的中子活化示踪法研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
利用中子活化示踪法研究坡面土壤的侵蚀过程,发现坡面的相对侵蚀量从坡脚到坡顶随坡长的变化符合Weibull分布,其形状参数主要受降雨量、降雨历时和径流深度的影响,尺度参数主要与平均雨强、I30相关.坡面在侵蚀的同时也发生沉积,一般来说短历时高强度的降雨沉积量较小,而长历时低强度的降雨沉积量较大,某一部位侵蚀产沙的沉积量与其距离之间有y=axb的关系.坡面径流直接影响着坡面的输移比,当径流深和径流系数较高时,输移比接近于1,否则输移比降低.  相似文献   

黄土坡面侵蚀特性研究对于铁路边坡及路基防护具有重要的意义。通过银西高铁董志塬段某路基护坡坡面冲刷试验,获得了不同冲刷历时、冲刷流量、坡度等条件下的坡面冲刷结果,并对坡面流水动力学特性、坡面产沙规律、坡面产沙机理进行了分析,得出以下结论:(1)坡顶和坡底比坡面中部更易受侵蚀;30°~60°斜坡在较小的冲刷强度下也能产生较明显的侵蚀沟,宜采取45°左右的多级矮坡来减弱侵蚀强度。(2)坡面流水动力学特性分析表明,试验工况水流主要处于过渡流区;平均流速与冲刷流量、坡度呈幂函数关系;达西阻力系数与冲刷流量、坡度呈负相关,且与雷诺数相关性较低。(3)平均含沙量随冲刷流量与坡度的增大而增大,随历时近似线性增加,约20 min以后,含沙量基本稳定,此过程为坡面沟道发展阶段。(4)坡面侵蚀产沙量与侵蚀切应力、有效水流功率都呈正相关,与前者近似呈线性增大关系,而与后者近似呈幂函数关系。  相似文献   

坡面流水力学参数对团聚体剥蚀程度的定量影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
土壤团聚体作为径流搬运过程中的基本结构单元,其在径流运移中的剥蚀破坏影响着坡面径流入渗状况、泥沙含量及地表侵蚀过程的强度。利用变坡试验水槽,在不同流量(0.4~1.2 L/s)和坡度(8.8%~46.6%)范围内,详细分析了流量、坡度、径流水深和阻力系数对鄂南两种典型母质发育红壤团聚体剥蚀破坏的定量影响。研究结果表明,流量和坡度对两种母质发育红壤团聚体的剥蚀影响都是极显著的,坡度对两种红壤团聚体的剥蚀破坏影响均大于流量;不同流量和坡度组合下的团聚体剥蚀破坏变化规律不同,利用流量和坡度的幂函数可以准确地预测团聚体剥蚀程度;在两种水力学参数之间,团聚体剥蚀程度随着径流水深的增加而降低,随着阻力系数的变大剥蚀程度增加。  相似文献   

泥沙输移与坡面降雨和径流能量的关系   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
从导致土壤侵蚀的降雨和径流能量出发,提出了基于物理学原理的降雨能和径流能的概念,并采用人工模拟降雨实验,分析了泥沙输移与降雨和径流能的关系,结果显示:坡面薄层径流泥沙剥蚀量随着地表坡度、降雨能和径流能的增加而增加,雨滴击溅作用下泥沙剥蚀量远远大于无雨滴击溅作用时泥沙剥蚀量;薄层水流泥沙浓度随着坡度和降雨能的增加而增加,当坡度和降雨能一定时,泥沙浓度随着径流能的增加而减小;降雨扰动系数与降雨和径流能的比值按照对数关系增长,在相同坡度下,当降雨能一定时,降雨扰动系数随着径流能的增加而减小,当径流能一定时,降雨扰动系数随着降雨能的增加而增加。降雨能是导致泥沙剥离的本质,径流能是泥沙搬运的动力。  相似文献   

崩岗是中国花岗岩地区危害最大的一种土壤侵蚀方式,坡面防护是崩岗侵蚀治理的重要措施。为研究微生物诱导碳酸钙沉淀(MICP)技术在花岗岩崩岗侵蚀区冲刷防护中应用的可行性,以福建省崩岗最为发育的安溪县官桥镇花岗岩土质覆盖层为研究对象,进行降雨条件下微生物治理崩岗的模型试验研究。采用喷洒加固法对崩岗坡面进行处理,然后利用降雨模拟系统冲刷坡面,最后分析了MICP加固技术对泥沙产量及坡面侵蚀深度的影响。结果表明:与未加固边坡相比,MICP固化边坡泥沙产量由未加固的7648.43 g下降至266.61 g,较加固之前降低了96.51%;最大侵蚀深度由未加固的60 mm下降至除个别侵蚀坑外边坡表面基本未发生侵蚀。  相似文献   

黄土坡面径流侵蚀产沙动力过程模拟与研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
通过室内模拟冲刷试验系统研究了3°~30°坡度范围内坡面径流的侵蚀动力及产沙特征,分析了坡面径流能耗与径流侵蚀产沙之间的关系。结果表明,坡面径流平均流速随坡度和流量的增加而增大,流速与坡度和流量之间存在指数函数关系,坡度对流速的影响大于流量。在3°~21°坡度范围内,坡面径流单宽能耗随坡度的增加而增加,当坡度超过21°时,径流能耗随坡度的增加而降低。坡度对侵蚀产沙的影响也有类似的现象,在3°~21°坡度范围内,坡面径流平均单宽输沙率随坡度的增加而增大,当坡度达到临界极值21°和24°后,坡面径流平均输沙率随坡度增加而减小;在整个试验坡度范围内,径流平均单宽输沙率随流量的增大而增大;流量对坡面径流平均单宽输沙率的影响大于坡度。坡面径流平均单宽输沙率和单宽径流能耗之间存在明显的线性关系,其临界单宽径流能耗随坡度的增加而增加,土壤可蚀性参数随坡度的变化在10.368~30.366的范围变化,试验的土壤可蚀性的平均值为14.61。  相似文献   

黄土边坡降雨侵蚀特征的物理模拟试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄土边坡的侵蚀破坏是引起黄土地区公路边坡自然灾害的主要诱因。通过建立室内边坡降雨冲刷物理模型, 进行黄土边坡侵蚀破坏的模拟试验, 再现边坡溅蚀、片蚀、沟蚀、坍塌的基本破坏过程, 并对坡面降雨冲刷的演变过程和侵蚀机理进行了细致的描述和分析。试验表明:在一定的降雨雨强下, 径流TSS(携砂能力)和单位面积侵蚀泥沙量随着试验坡度的增加逐渐增加, 而径流总量、侵蚀干泥沙量随着坡度的增加而相应变小。同时, 黄土边坡侵蚀冲刷过程中的主要侵蚀能力参数如坡面径流总量、汇流干泥沙量、侵蚀干泥沙量等与降雨雨强之间存在相应的关系。  相似文献   

As vegetation are closely related to soil erosion, hydrodynamic parameter changes under various vegetation pattern conditions can be used as an important basis for the research of the soil erosion mechanism. Through upstream water inflow experiments conducted on a loess hillslope, how the vegetation pattern influences the hydrodynamic processes of sediment transport was analyzed. The results show that the placement of a grass strip on the lower upslope can effectively reduce runoff erosion by 69%, relying on the efficiency of regulated hydrodynamic process. The effective location of grass strip for hillslope alleviating erosion is on the lower part of the upslope, mainly due to the grass strip measure used to regulate the hydrodynamic system. As a result, the underlying surface runoff resistance is increased by 5 times, runoff shear stress is decreased by more than 90%, and runoff power decreased by over 92%. The measure greatly separates the scouring energy of surface runoff that acts on the slope soil. Therefore, the use of grass strips effectively decreases the energy of runoff flowing along the slope, eliminating soil erosion to a great extent and thereby achieving a better regulation of hydrodynamic processe.  相似文献   

植被作用下土壤抗剪强度和径流侵蚀力的耦合效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用野外径流小区动态监测和人工模拟降雨试验,阐明了草被和灌木的减流减沙效应,从力学层面揭示了坡面侵蚀产沙的过程机理。结果表明,与裸地相比,野外坡面草地和灌木地径流量分别减少28.1%~56.5%和85.7%~100%、产沙量分别减少84.9%~90.7%和98.5%~100%;在人工模拟降雨强度下,草地和灌木地径流量分别减少51.9%~90.9%和61.7%~80.6%、产沙量分别减少93.6%~99.2%和95.5%~99.2%;植被具有明显的增强土壤抗剪强度的作用,不同植被坡面抗剪强度与剪切面上的法向压力成正比,且符合库仑定律;不同下垫面条件下土壤黏聚力与坡面径流量和侵蚀产沙量呈显著的负相关关系,随着黏聚力的增大,径流量和侵蚀产沙量呈下降趋势;草地和灌木地坡面侵蚀临界径流切应力分别为裸地的2.64~3.16倍和2.44~3.18倍,建立了不同被覆坡面临界径流切应力与土壤抗剪强度和黏聚力的关系。研究结果对定量评价植被减蚀作用和深化土壤侵蚀力学过程有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

植被影响下坡面侵蚀临界水流能量试验研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
坡面侵蚀临界水流能量是反映土壤抗蚀作用强弱的重要特征值.利用人工模拟降雨试验,定量研究了在45mm/h、87 mm/h和127 mm/h降雨强度下、20°陡坡面裸地、草地和灌木地的坡面侵蚀临界水流能量.结果表明,不同植被条件下坡面输沙率随径流切应力、单位水流功率和断面比能的增大而增大,有良好的响应关系.裸地、草地和灌木...  相似文献   

流域侵蚀速率的时空变化对于理解活动造山带的地貌演化具有重要意义。以阿尔泰山8个山地流域为研究对象,利用1964—2011年的水文数据,采用河流输沙量法估算了年代际山地流域侵蚀速率。首先确定悬移质、推移质和溶解质对河流输沙量的贡献,然后计算各流域的年代际侵蚀速率,并结合已有研究结果,探讨了阿尔泰山流域侵蚀速率的时空特征及其控制因素。结果表明:阿尔泰山8个山地流域的平均侵蚀速率为0.03 mm·a-1,其中乌伦古河山地流域侵蚀速率最小(0.01 mm·a-1),额尔齐斯河支流克兰河山地流域侵蚀速率最大(0.05 mm·a-1)。进一步对侵蚀速率与气候、地形、岩性、构造和植被等因素进行相关分析,发现流域侵蚀速率与地形因子(流域面积、地形起伏度)和气候因子(径流深度、平均温度)的相关性较强,表明这些因素可能对阿尔泰山山地流域侵蚀起主要影响。与阿尔泰山百万年尺度的剥蚀速率(0.07~0.3 mm·a-1)相比,研究时段内的流域侵蚀速率偏低,这表明中亚地区晚新生代持续的干旱气候可能制约了阿尔泰山地表侵蚀。  相似文献   

Soil crust and slope angle are of important factors affecting runoff production and sediment yield. In the hilly areas of the Loess Plateau, North China, slope lands are distributed extensively and subjected to soil crusting; therefore, the research on the responses of runoff and soil loss to soil crust and slope angle is essential to soil and water conservation. In the study, five pairs of 1 m × 5 m plots with slope angles of 5°, 10°, 15°, 20° and 25° respectively, were established in Wangjiagou watershed, which was located at the Loess Plateau, China. Based on the two simulated rainfall events, uncrusted surface prior to the first simulated rainfall event, and crusted surface prior to the second rainfall event were distinguished. The runoff production and soil loss were measured at intervals of 5 min during the simulated events. It indicated that both soil crust and slope angle played an important role in runoff production and soil loss. With the reference slope angle of 5°, the relative importance of soil crust and slope angle in runoff production was calculated. It showed that soil crust effect on the total runoff volume decreased from 100 to ~40%, while slope angle effect increased from 0 to ~60% with increasing slope angle because soil crust less developed on the steeper slopes. Furthermore, soil crust effect was associated with rainfall duration. At the same slope angle, the relative importance of soil crust decreased with rainfall duration because new crust was formed on the uncrusted surface. The critical slope of erosion was also discussed. Soil loss increased with slope angle when the slope angle was less than 20°. Generally speaking, soil crust effect decreased with slope angle and/or rainfall duration.  相似文献   

Generally, collapse and landslide are the main sources of granular deposits while the initiation of deposits is triggered by the tremendous runoff from steep longitudinal gully. Substance composition, topographic condition and catchment characteristics directly affect the models of deposits initiation, and larger longitudinal grade provides better topographic condition for the initiation. Several sets of experiments on model casing were designed to simulate the failure mode of slopes under the states of stable and unstable seepages according to catchment and penetration characteristics. It was revealed from the experiments that the initiation of granular deposits had two fundamental modes, that is, fire hose effect and static liquefaction. The former one generally happens at the unsaturated slope or the slope of high permeability while the latter case occurs at the soils containing fine particles. It was concluded that the fire hose effect could generate the deep and narrow eroded channel along with the runoff, the movement distance was related to the continuous hydrodynamic force, and the transporting capacity of solid substances was weak. In addition, slope fluidization was featured with slow seepage failure at the early stage, instantaneous shear failure at the late stage, and wider channel came out due to serious erosion.  相似文献   

Improper cultivation practices are seriously degrading native forest ecosystems in northern Iran. Hence, the objectives of this study are to compare selected soil properties, runoff amount, erosion and also introducing equations to predict the runoff and soil erosion in three types of land use (forest, garden and cultivated). A simple portable rainfall simulator has been set in 90 random points to create experimental rainfall. Result showed that changes in natural forest led to a significant clay, organic carbon of soil, total N and antecedent soil moisture decrease and sand, pH and bulk density increasing. The rainfall runoff experiments indicate that runoff content of the natural forest soils was 35 % and respectively 38.45 % higher than the garden and cultivated land soils .This result could be related to the higher antecedent soil moisture in natural forest compared with the other land uses. According to the obtained results, garden soil erosion and cultivated land was 1.351 and respectively 1.587 times higher than the forest. The correlation matrix revealed that runoff content was positively correlated with antecedent soil moisture, bulk density and silt, and negatively with soil organic carbon, total N and sand. Also, soil organic carbon, total N, clay and sand showed negative correlation with soil erosion, while there is a positive correlation between erosion and silt, bulk density, pH and antecedent soil moisture. The results of multiple linear regression showed that runoff in forest, garden and cultivated land can be predicted with correlation coefficient of 0.637, 0.547 and 0.624, respectively. The correlation coefficients of 0.798, 0.628 and 0.560 in equations indicate their moderate potential in simulating soil erosion.  相似文献   

结合现有边坡加固理论和加固经验,对一紧临道路和8层老楼房且下部有厚度达14 m淤泥软弱土层的基坑边坡进行了复合加固设计。通过对边坡稳定性计算、分析,加固后的边坡满足最小安全系数的要求。按照本设计进行施工后,基坑边坡的变形和周围建筑物的沉降均在安全允许的范围之内,保证了地下室结构部分的顺利施工。所提供的加固技术对同类深基坑支护工程具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

The divergent plate boundary in Iceland is characterized by 40–80 km long and 5–10 km wide swarms of tension fractures (∼102 m long) and normal faults (∼103 m long). The upper part of the crust is mainly composed of lava flows, with abundant columnar joints that are mostly perpendicular to the lava contacts. The lava flows are horizontal at the surface of the rift zone but become tilted at the rate of 1° for every 150 m depth in the crust. At the surface of the rift zone the joints are vertical and parallel to the vertical principal stress. Because of tilting of the lava pile, the columnar joints become oblique to this stress, hence becoming potential shear fractures, and form echelon sets at greater depths in the crust. Theoretical considerations suggest that normal faults start to nucleate on sets of en echelon columnar joints and/or large-scale tension fractures at crustal depths of 0.5–1.5 km. The width (depth) must be the smallest (controlling) dimension of many faults. Nevertheless, there is a positive linear relation (r = 0.91) between maximum throw and length of the Holocene faults. If the faults grow as self-similar structures, the throw-length relationship can be explained by a similar relation between fault length and width.  相似文献   

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