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Gan—Chen模式在岩土工程中的应用研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
岩土体应力应变之间存在黄金分割比例-0.618和0.382这对数字关系,据此规律建立比较正确和简便的定量计算-Can-Chen模式。此模式可用于确定桩的中和点和中性点,估算单桩实际承载力,估算地基土的竖向变形和侧向变形,估算建(构)筑物沉降量,深基坑围护设计和计算,确定深基坑支撑位置,预估超深沉井的卡位等,通过介质其在岩土工程中的应用研究成果,以求岩土工程界试用、验证。  相似文献   

桩身负摩阻力的现场测试与研究   总被引:31,自引:5,他引:31  
马时冬 《岩土力学》1997,18(1):8-15
某高速公路中桥桥台桩基础地层中有约13m厚的淤泥,在填土高4.5m的情况下,对2根直径1.5m,长28m的钢筋混凝土灌注桩进行了桩身应力,应变和桩周分层沉降的测试,测出中性点学术工和桩侧负摩阻力,通过实测值与设计预测值的比较,对各种计算和参数选取方法给以评价。  相似文献   

旨在对杭州市地质灾害危险性进行分析,以杭州华星科技大楼建设用地地质灾害分析为例。首先.在研究杭州市市区地质灾害调查资料的基础上,通过对杭州市地质构造特征、区域稳定性、水文地质条件、地形地貌、地层岩性、工程地质特征及历史地质灾害的分析,结合该工程建设的规模和特点,对该建设用地范围内潜在地质灾害(不均匀沉降)危险性,采用等代墩基法来定量计算其沉降,计算结果为SW角点处沉降量最小(0.2605m),SE角点处沉降量最大(0.4130m),根据建筑桩基规范知两相邻柱桩允许沉降量为:0.003 l0,(l0取65m),经计算得出,该辅楼的最大不均匀沉降差值仍在允许的范围内;地面沉降、地裂缝、岩溶地面塌陷等其它地质灾害采用定性方法分析。最后,在此基础上得出结论:杭州华星科技大楼建设用地遭受地质灾害危险性小,作为高层建筑用地适宜。  相似文献   

桩锚结构变形协调条件是桩锚结构设计中内力计算的关键点。现行桩锚结构变形协调条件是在锚索施加预应力后桩身向坡内变形十分微小而忽略不计的条件下推导得到的,只适用于锚索预应力微小或为0的情况。但在许多工程实例中,锚索的预应力较大,导致的桩身变形不能被忽略。因此,现行的变形协调条件假设与桩锚结构的实际工作状态不一致。利用结构力学理论,在研究桩锚结构体系的两阶段变形过程的基础上,对变形协调方程从2个方面改进,其一是改变原有方法中抗滑桩滑面处位移和转角的计算方法;其二是改变第j排锚索对桩身 点处位移贡献的计算形式。算例分析表明,改进桩锚结构变形协调条件,可以更好地为工程设计服务。  相似文献   

基坑开挖引起的坑底土卸荷回弹会使既有桩基产生受拉的不利影响,而桩身拉力在中性点位置达到最大值。利用简化的附加侧摩阻力分布模型,对中性点的变化规律进行了理论分析,再结合相关的研究数据,通过汇总分析,得出了中性点深度随桩长、开挖深度、桩侧土体性质等因素的变化规律。分析显示,中性点深度与桩长的比值、开挖深度与桩长的比值近似满足线性正比关系,桩侧土体重度、内摩擦角的增加会引起中性点位置的下移,未设置围护结构、桩端扩底等条件也会引起中性点位置的下移。在此基础上,提出了预测中性点位置的计算模型,预测结果与数值分析结果较为吻合。  相似文献   

地面堆载作用下楔形桩中楔形角的存在可以降低桩身下拽力,但针对倒楔形角的存在与中性点位置关系的研究却相对较少。为了分析地面堆载作用下楔形桩和等截面桩的桩-土相互作用机制,基于透明土材料和PIV(particle image velocimetry)技术,采用非插入式测试方法开展地面堆载作用下楔形桩和等截面桩中性点位置的对比模型试验研究,测得不同地面堆载等级作用下桩体沉降与桩周土体沉降等变化规律,探讨了桩-土相对位移、中性点位置与地面荷载等级的变化规律。研究结果表明,利用透明土材料来研究桩基中性点位置的试验方法在技术上是可行的;文中试验条件下楔形桩和等截面桩中性点位置均随着地面堆载等级的增加而降低。  相似文献   

考虑土的成层性,假定桩周成层土弹性模量的不同不影响桩中性点位置,应用弹性理论和桩土位移协调条件及边界条件,推导了路堤荷载下复合地基加固区桩及桩周土压缩量计算的解析式,同时得到了各层土范围内桩、桩周土竖向应力及桩侧剪应力的表达式,并利用有限元分析了桩周土弹性模量的变化对桩中性点位置的影响规律,验证了假定。结果表明:使用该计算方法分析路堤荷载下复合地基加固区内桩和桩周土的变形,计算结果与有限元及实测结果比较接近,满足工程计算精度要求,能为类似地基土成层分布工程沉降分析提供有益参考。  相似文献   

夏力农  王星华  雷金山 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z1):784-787
简要分析了加载次序对于负摩阻力桩基桩土相互作用影响的机理。采用有限元方法计算比较了这种差异。计算结果表明,加载次序的变化会引起桩身摩阻力分布、中性点位置和下拉力的变化。桩身摩阻力的分布差异主要是桩身上部负摩阻力的大小,负摩阻力先出现时的负摩阻力值较小,这种状况在各级桩顶荷载下不会改变。负摩阻力先出现时,中性点的位置比较低,两者的差距随着桩顶荷载的增大而变得加大。负摩阻力先出现时下拽力小于桩顶荷载先施加的情况。这对于负摩阻力桩基检测的研究和应用是有益的。  相似文献   

长螺旋钻孔泵压灌注CFG桩缩径与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
CFG桩是水泥粉煤灰碎石桩的简称。长螺旋钻孔泵压灌注CFG桩在层状土层的软硬分界处及软土中出现缩径,通过降低提钻速率和设置降水井点,缩径问题有所缓解,采取复打技术后彻底解决了缩径问题。  相似文献   

群桩沉降计算理论分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于Geddes应力解,并根据叠加原理计算群桩内任意点处的三向应力,采用基于Duncen-Chang本构模型的修正分层总和法计算群桩内任意点处的沉降量,最后,根据基点法[1]和群桩基础荷载、变形协调关系建立方程,从而,最终获得群桩的沉降计算。该理论较常规弹性理论方法计算群桩沉降有较大地改进,具体体现在以下几个方面:(1)考虑了群桩中地基土的三向应力分布对群桩沉降计算的影响;(2)考虑了土体本构模型(Duncen-Chang弹性非线性本构模型),因而,能计及土体非线性特性对群桩沉降的影响;(3)采用修正分层总和法理论,能考虑土体成层分布特性以及侧向变形对单桩沉降计算的影响。  相似文献   

冻结粉质粘土中锥形桩弹性阶段挤扩效应的研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
20世纪70年代, 在原苏联的乌克兰地区, 用锥形桩作基础建造了大量的多层或高层住宅, 取得了显著的经济效益. 我国的科技人员于20世纪80年代初期也开始了这方面的研究, 并于河北省的保定地区进行了试点工作. 但在冻土中采用锥形桩作基础, 迄今为止还未有报道. 通过对冻结条件下粉质粘土中锥形桩在竖向荷载作用下弹性阶段挤扩效应的分析, 根据厚壁圆筒受均匀内压时的弹性理论解答, 计算出了冻结条件下粉质粘土中锥形桩侧表面在弹性阶段末期的挤扩应力值, 并根据锥形桩模型在竖向快速加荷条件下的试验资料, 验证了公式的正确性, 结果令人满意.  相似文献   

The averaging method is widely used in celestial mechanics, in which a mean orbit is introduced and slightly deviates from an osculating one, as long as disturbing forces are small. The difference $$\delta {\mathbf{r}}$$ in the celestial body positions in the mean and osculating orbits is a quasi-periodic function of time. Estimating the norm $$\left\| {\delta {\mathbf{r}}} \right\|$$ for deviation is interesting to note. Earlier, the exact expression of the mean-square norm for one problem of celestial mechanics was obtained: a zero-mass point moves under the gravitation of a central body and a small perturbing acceleration $${\mathbf{F}}$$. The vector $${\mathbf{F}}$$ is taken to be constant in a co-moving coordinate system with axes directed along the radius vector, the transversal, and the angular momentum vector. Here, we solved a similar problem, assuming the vector $${\mathbf{F}}$$ to be constant in the reference frame with axes directed along the tangent, the principal normal, and the angular momentum vector. It turned out that $${{\left\| {\delta {\mathbf{r}}} \right\|}^{2}}$$ is proportional to $${{a}^{6}}$$, where $$a$$ is the semi-major axis. The value $${{\left\| {\delta {\mathbf{r}}} \right\|}^{2}}{{a}^{{ - 6}}}$$ is the weighted sum of the component squares of $${\mathbf{F}}$$. The quadratic form coefficients depend only on the eccentricity and are represented by the Maclaurin series in even powers of $$e$$ that converge, at least for $$e < 1$$. The series coefficients are calculated up to $${{e}^{4}}$$ inclusive, so that the correction terms are of order $${{e}^{6}}$$.  相似文献   

中更新世全球最大冰期与中国沙漠扩张   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
位于青藏高原和西北干旱区交界带的沙沟黄土剖面, 详细记录了0.8 Ma BP以来东亚季风系统和沙漠演化的历史. L6黄土层中, 中值粒径和砂粒含量表明当时冬季风极端强盛, 沙漠大规模扩张, 其范围仅次于末次冰期最盛期. 在0.6~0.7 Ma BP以前(即深海氧同位素MIS16阶段), 北半球高纬度大陆冰盖大规模扩展, 全球冰量达到最大, 并且西伯利亚冰盖的扩展, 还使得西伯利亚高压增强; 同时, 青藏高原上也发育了最大规模的冰川, 从而强化了西风和东亚冬季风. 其结果造成了中国季风边缘区的沙漠扩张. 虽然全球冰量和青藏高原是影响沙漠演化的重要因素, 但在不同的时段其机制可能有所不同, 也不能忽略其它因素的影响.  相似文献   

Property and behaviour of sand–pile interface are crucial to shaft resistance of piles. Dilation or contraction of the interface soil induces change in normal stress, which in turn influences the shear stress mobilised at the interface. Although previous studies have demonstrated this mechanism by laboratory tests and numerical simulations, the interface responses are not analysed systematically in terms of soil state (i.e. density and stress level). The objective of this study is to understand and quantify any increase in normal stress of different pile–soil interfaces when they are subjected to loading and stress relief. Distinct element modelling was carried out. Input parameters and modelling procedure were verified by experimental data from laboratory element tests. Parametric simulations of shearbox tests were conducted under the constant normal stiffness, constant normal load and constant volume boundary conditions. Key parameters including initial normal stress ( $ \sigma_{{{\text{n}}0}}^{\prime } $ ), initial void ratio (e 0), normal stiffness constraining the interface and loading–unloading stress history were investigated. It is shown that mobilised stress ratio ( $ \tau /\sigma_{\text{n}}^{\prime } $ ) and normal stress increment ( $ \Updelta \sigma_{\text{n}}^{\prime } $ ) on a given interface are governed by $ \sigma_{{{\text{n}}0}}^{\prime } $ and e 0. An increase in $ \sigma_{{{\text{n}}0}}^{\prime } $ from 100 to 400 kPa leads to a 30 % reduction in $ \Updelta \sigma_{\text{n}}^{\prime } $ . An increase in e 0 from 0.18 to 0.30 reduces $ \Updelta \sigma_{\text{n}}^{\prime } $ by more than 90 %, and therefore, shaft resistance is much lower for piles in loose sands. A unique relationship between $ \Updelta \sigma_{\text{n}}^{\prime } $ and normal stiffness is established for different soil states. It can be applied to assess the shaft resistance of piles in soils with different densities and subjected to loading and stress relief. Fairly good agreement is obtained between the calculated shaft resistance based on the proposed relationship and the measured results in centrifuge model tests.  相似文献   

夏力农  苗云东  廖常斌 《岩土力学》2012,33(4):1217-1222
通过对复合地基在正常使用条件下和地基土沉降后的三维数值模拟,研究了复合地基由地下水位下降引起的地基土沉陷后的沉降、桩体摩阻力分布和桩身轴力分布的变化。分析表明:随着地基土沉降的增加,加固桩体和基础的沉降加大,中性点位置逐渐下降,桩身轴力有所增大;在加强桩中,中心桩的中性点最低,边桩次之,角桩最高;随着地基土沉降的增加,各桩中性点位置差异逐渐减小,桩体上部负摩阻力作用的桩身长度更长,负摩阻力值逐渐增大。  相似文献   

速流结构防治泥石流的理论及应用   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:17  
作为一种公路沿线发育的地质灾害,泥石流是路基、路面及相关建、构筑物最强烈的毁损动力。为了防治泥石流公路灾害,作者开发了速流结构。该结构由汇流槽和速流槽组成。其中汇流槽的侧墙长度、高度’、厚度等参数通过泥石流沟形态及其冲击力综合确定;而速流槽的宽度、侧墙及纵横断面则由泥石流排泄量、流速、锁固桩及流体性质综合确定。根据公路穿越速流结构的方式,将速流结构分为底越式和顶越式2种。速流结构对于解决具有大冲大淤特性的冲淤变动型沟谷泥石流灾害具有重要应用价值。据此可以确保穿越泥石流沟的公路构、建筑物的安全与稳定.确保公路交通有序进行。此外,文章对速流结构的一些子结构,如速流槽侧墙及锁固桩进行了力学分析。位于川西南西昌-木里干线公路的平川泥石流属于典型的冲淤变动型沟谷泥石流。该沟长度8.2km,沟床平均比降0.181,平均流速9.0m/s,沉积区宽度500m左右。为了确保该段公路交通的有序进行,作者干1999年实施了平川泥石流速流结构。通过2000年以来的研究及现场测试,显示了该防治结构的优越性。但是,作为一种特殊的水工结构,泥石流对速流结构的磨蚀作用是比较强烈的。因此,开展速流结构的抗冲、抗撞研究是进一步研究具有重要价值。  相似文献   

A technique based on the ν-value, which is defined by % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafiart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq-Jc9% vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0-yqaqpepae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr-x% fr-xb9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaamaabaabaaGcbaWaaSGbaeaaca% GGOaGafqiXdqNbaebacaGGPaWaaWbaaSqabeaacaaIYaaaaaGcbaWa% a0aaaeaacqaHepaDdaahaaWcbeqaaiaaikdaaaaaaaaaaaa!3CEB!\[{{(\bar \tau )^2 } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{(\bar \tau )^2 } {\overline {\tau ^2 } }}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {\overline {\tau ^2 } }}\], where τ is the time interval between two adjacent earthquakes and indicates the pattern of time sequences of earthquakes, has been applied to the 25 March 1986 Aegean Sea (Greece) earthquake (M L = 5.2) in an attempt to discover temporal changes in seismicity. The analysis of several earthquake sequences revealed that low ν-values preceded the occurrence of relatively large earthquakes. The ν-value technique may be used for monitoring the seismicity changes.  相似文献   

Reversed phase equilibrium experiments in the system (Ca, Mg, Fe)2SiO4 provide four tielines at P?1 bar and 1 kbar and 800° C–1,100° C. These tielines have been used to model the solution properties of the olivine quadrilateral following the methods described by Davidson et al. (1981) for quadrilateral clinopyroxenes. The discrepancy between the calculated phase relations and the experimentally determined tielines is within the uncertainty of the experiments. The solution properties of quadrilateral olivines can be described by a non-convergent site-disorder model that allows for complete partitioning of Ca on the M2 site, highly disordered Fe-Mg cation distributions and limited miscibility between high-Ca and low-Ca olivines. The ternary data presented in this paper together with binary solution models for the joins Fo-Mo and Fa-Kst have been used to evaluate two solution parameters: $$\begin{gathered} F^0 \equiv 2(\mu _{{\rm M}o}^0 - \mu _{{\rm K}st}^0 ) + \mu _{Fa}^0 - \mu _{Fo}^0 = 12.660 (1.6) kJ, \hfill \\ \Delta G_*^0 \equiv \mu _{{\rm M}gFe}^0 + \mu _{FeMg}^0 - \mu _{Fo}^0 - \mu _{Fa}^0 = 7.030 (3.9) kJ. \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$ . Ternary phase quilibrium data for olivines tightly constrain the value of F0, but not that for ΔG * 0 which describes nonideality in Fe-Mg mixing. From this analysis, we infer a function for the apparent standard state energy of Kst: $$\begin{gathered} \mu _{{\rm K}st}^0 = - 102.79 \pm 0.8 - (T - 298)(0.137026) \hfill \\ + (T - 298 - T1n(T/298))(0.155519) \hfill \\ + (T - 298)^2 (2.8242E - 05)/2 \hfill \\ + (T - 298)^2 (2.9665E + 03)/(2T(298)^2 ) kJ \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$ where T is in Kelvins and the 298 K value is relative to oxides.  相似文献   

内蒙古哈达门沟金矿床钾长石化蚀变特征及其成矿意义   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
李强之  吴尚全 《现代地质》1999,13(3):315-322
内蒙古自治区哈达门沟金矿以其特殊的钾长石化蚀变而备受注目。通过对哈达门沟金矿钾长石化蚀变特征及钾长石化形成的物理化学条件等方面的研究, 指出哈达门沟金矿石英脉旁为钾长石化而不是绢英岩化的原因是因为矿床形成部位深、形成温度较高、成矿介质偏碱性并具较大的m(K+)/ m(H+) 值。据此归纳华北地台热液金矿床的蚀变( 矿化) 垂直分带由下而上为: 钾长石化带( 细脉浸染型矿化)—绢英岩化带( 蚀变岩型矿化) —硅化脉带( 石英脉型矿化) , 进而指出该分带模式的成矿和找矿指示意义  相似文献   

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