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蒙古国植被对干旱响应的敏感性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了蒙古国不同区域、不同土地覆被类型区的植被生长状况对干旱响应的敏感性特征,并探讨了成因。研究表明:① 2001—2019年,蒙古国虽然发生了3次较为严重的干旱事件,但整体上干旱程度呈轻微降低趋势,SPEI出现轻微上升,总体增速为0.001%/a;植被生长状况出现了好转,植被指数也呈上升趋势,总体增速为0.15%/a。② 蒙古国大部分区域植被生长受干旱影响较强,各植被指数与干旱指数呈较明显的正相关关系,在NDVI与SPEI-12的相关性分析中,正相关面积占比达76.36%;而在杭爱山脉和肯特山脉以北降水量丰沛的区域和阿尔泰山脉以南荒漠化严重和植被极为稀少区域,植被生长受干旱影响较弱,植被指数与SPEI相关性较小。③ 不同类型植被对干旱响应的敏感性也有差异,其中草地敏感性最强(0.22),而森林敏感性最弱(-0.04)。④ 干旱持续时间长短,对植被生长影响有较大差异,蒙古国大部分区域的植被对延续3个月至半年的干旱最为敏感,而年内以7月份干旱对植被影响最强。⑤ 植被对干旱响应的敏感性实质是区域水分平衡的植被影响,对同种植被而言多年平均气温越高或降水量越少,植被对干旱响应的敏感性越强,反之则越弱。本文的研究结果对蒙古国因地制宜开展荒漠化防治具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

Accurate quantification of aboveground biomass of grasslands in alpine regions plays an important role in accurate quantification of global carbon cycling. The monthly normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), enhanced vegetation index (EVI), mean air temperature (Ta), ≥5℃ accumulated air temperature (AccT), total precipitation (TP), and the ratio of TP to AccT (TP/AccT) were used to model aboveground biomass (AGB) in grasslands on the Tibetan Plateau. Three stepwise multiple regression methods, including stepwise multiple regression of AGB with NDVI and EVI, stepwise multiple regression of AGB with Ta, AccT, TP and TP/AccT, and stepwise multiple regression of AGB with NDVI, EVI, Ta, AccT, TP and TP/AccT were compared. The mean absolute error (MAE) and root mean squared error (RMSE) values between estimated AGB by the NDVI and measured AGB were 31.05 g m-2 and 44.12 g m-2, and 95.43 g m-2 and 131.58 g m-2 in the meadow and steppe, respectively. The MAE and RMSE values between estimated AGB by the AccT and measured AGB were 33.61g m-2 and 48.04 g m-2 in the steppe, respectively. The MAE and RMSE values between estimated AGB by the vegetation index and climatic data and measured AGB were 28.09 g m-2 and 42.71 g m-2, and 35.86 g m-2 and 47.94 g m-2, in the meadow and steppe, respectively. The study finds that a combination of vegetation index and climatic data can improve the accuracy of estimates of AGB that are arrived at using the vegetation index or climatic data. The accuracy of estimates varied depending on the type of grassland.  相似文献   

通过对黄河源地区鄂陵湖地层剖面的研究,综合分析同一地区不同植被带孢粉代用指标,获得了晚全新世以来鄂陵湖流域植被及气候演变记录。1)1.90~1.60 ka BP,植被类型以高寒草原为主,区域气候干旱寒冷;2)1.60~0.80 ka BP,为高寒草甸景观,孢粉组合反映出次生植被具有垂直地带性,湖滨地区次生植被为十字花科及紫菀属,而阴坡和山顶区则为紫菀属及蒲公英属,干旱程度有所缓解;3)0.80 ka BP~,整体景观为莎草、十字花科、蒿属为主的高寒草甸景观,气候转向暖湿,但整体仍较为干旱。其中,0.66~0.84 ka BP出现一次湿润时期,植被丰富。  相似文献   

青藏高原植被NDVI对气候因子响应的格兰杰效应分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
多变的气候和复杂的地理环境使得青藏高原植被对气候变化响应敏感,因此分析高原植被与气候因子之间的动态关系对气候变化研究和生态系统管理具有重要意义。论文基于1982—2012年青藏高原气象数据(气温、降水)以及GIMMS NDVI3g遥感数据,在像素级别上运用格兰杰因果关系检验方法,在月尺度和季节尺度上分析了高原植被NDVI(主要是草原)与平均气温、降水量之间的响应情况及因果关系。研究表明:① 月尺度上NDVI与平均气温之间、NDVI与降水量之间的时序平稳性比例高于季节尺度,月尺度下达到平稳性的植被区域分别占99.13%和98.68%,季节尺度下分别占64.01%和71.97%;② 月尺度下高原平均气温和降水量对NDVI影响的滞后期都集中在第12~13个月,荒漠草原、典型草原和草甸3种植被类型的滞后期一致,季节尺度下平均气温和降水量对NDVI影响的滞后期主要分布在第3~4和第6个季度,3种植被类型的滞后期差异性较大;③ 月尺度下,青藏高原约98.95%的植被覆被区的平均气温是引起NDVI变化的格兰杰原因,反之,大部分地区(约89.05%,除高原东南区域)内NDVI也是引起平均气温变化的格兰杰原因;季节尺度下,青藏高原中部以外植被区域(约92.03%)内的平均气温是引起NDVI变化的格兰杰原因,而在东部和西部部分地区(约50.55%)中NDVI也是引起平均气温变化的格兰杰原因;④ 月尺度下,高原东北和西北地区(约72.05%)内的降水量是引起NDVI变化的格兰杰原因,大部分地区(约94.86%,除东南部少量区域)中NDVI是引起降水量变化的格兰杰原因;季节尺度下,高原东南部(约61.43%)地区内的降水量是引起NDVI变化的格兰杰原因,高原中东部地区(约48.98%)中NDVI是引起降水量变化的格兰杰原因。总之,高原植被NDVI与气温、降水的相互作用显著,彼此均可构成格兰杰因果效应,但总体上气候因子的影响程度大于植被的反馈作用,月尺度的效应区域大于季节尺度的效应区域。  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial changes of NDVI on the Tibetan Plateau, as well as the relationship between NDVI and precipitation, were discussed in this paper, by using 8-km resolution multi-temporal NOAA AVHRR-NDVI data from 1982 to 1999. Monthly maximum NDVI and monthly rainfall were used to analyze the seasonal changes, and annual maximum NDVI, annual effective precipitation and growing season precipitation (from April to August) were used to discuss the interannual changes. The dynamic change of NDVI and the corre-lation coefficients between NDVI and rainfall were computed for each pixel. The results are as follows: (1) The NDVI reached the peak in growing season (from July to September) on the Tibetan Plateau. In the northern and western parts of the plateau, the growing season was very short (about two or three months); but in the southern, vegetation grew almost all the year round. The correlation of monthly maximum NDVI and monthly rainfall varied in different areas. It was weak in the western, northern and southern parts, but strong in the central and eastern parts. (2) The spatial distribution of NDVI interannual dynamic change was different too. The increase areas were mainly distributed in southern Tibet montane shrub-steppe zone, western part of western Sichuan-eastern Tibet montane coniferous forest zone, western part of northern slopes of Kunlun montane desert zone and southeastern part of southern slopes of Himalaya montane evergreen broad-leaved forest zone; the decrease areas were mainly distributed in the Qaidam montane desert zone, the western and northern parts of eastern Qinghai-Qilian montane steppe zone, southern Qinghai high cold meadow steppe zone and Ngari montane desert-steppe and desert zone. The spatial distribution of correlation coeffi-cient between annual effective rainfall and annual maximum NDVI was similar to the growing season rainfall and annual maximum NDVI, and there was good relationship between NDVI and rainfall in the meadow and grassland with medium vegetation cover, and the effect of rainfall on vegetation was small in the forest and desert area.  相似文献   

青藏高原植被覆盖变化与降水关系   总被引:15,自引:6,他引:9  
The temporal and spatial changes of NDVI on the Tibetan Plateau, as well as the relationship between NDVI and precipitation, were discussed in this paper, by using 8-km resolution multi-temporal NOAA AVHRR-NDVI data from 1982 to 1999. Monthly maximum NDVI and monthly rainfall were used to analyze the seasonal changes, and annual maximum NDVI, annual effective precipitation and growing season precipitation (from April to August) were used to discuss the interannual changes. The dynamic change of NDVI and the corre- lation coefficients between NDVI and rainfall were computed for each pixel. The results are as follows: (1) The NDVI reached the peak in growing season (from July to September) on the Tibetan Plateau. In the northern and western parts of the plateau, the growing season was very short (about two or three months); but in the southern, vegetation grew almost all the year round. The correlation of monthly maximum NDVI and monthly rainfall varied in different areas. It was weak in the western, northern and southern parts, but strong in the central and eastern parts. (2) The spatial distribution of NDVI interannual dynamic change was different too. The increase areas were mainly distributed in southern Tibet montane shrub-steppe zone, western part of western Sichuan-eastern Tibet montane coniferous forest zone, western part of northern slopes of Kunlun montane desert zone and southeastern part of southern slopes of Himalaya montane evergreen broad-leaved forest zone; the decrease areas were mainly distributed in the Qaidam montane desert zone, the western and northern parts of eastern Qinghai-Qilian montane steppe zone, southern Qinghai high cold meadow steppe zone and Ngari montane desert-steppe and desert zone. The spatial distribution of correlation coeffi- cient between annual effective rainfall and annual maximum NDVI was similar to the growing season rainfall and annual maximum NDVI, and there was good relationship between NDVI and rainfall in the meadow and grassland with medium vegetation cover, and the effect of rainfall on vegetation was small in the forest and desert area.  相似文献   

东北地区植被分布全球气候变化区域响应   总被引:26,自引:8,他引:18  
根据东北地区生态气候环境和生物地理规律对Holdridge生命地带分类系统进行修正,将东北地区植被分为寒温带湿润森林、寒温带潮湿森林、温带湿润森林、暖温带湿润森林、温带半湿润森林草甸草原、温带半湿润草甸草原、温带半干旱典型草原、暖温带半湿润草甸草原和暖温带半干旱典型草原等9 个生命地带并分析了其空间分布特征。运用大气环流模式分析东北地区由于温室气体增加导致的气候变化趋势。以此为基础评价东北地区植被分布的区域响应。全球气候变暖情景下,东北地区暖温带和温带范围明显扩大,而寒温带范围缩小甚至退出东北地区,植被分布界限显著北移;同时湿润区面积减少半湿润区和半干旱区扩大,导致森林面积缩小草原面积扩大。  相似文献   

Aboveground biomass in grasslands of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau has displayed an overall increasing trend during 2003-2016, which is profoundly influenced by climate change. However, the responses of different biomes show large discrepancies, in both size and magnitude. By applying partial least squares regression, we calculated the correlation between peak aboveground biomass and mean monthly temperature and monthly total precipitation in the preceding 12 months for three different grassland types (alpine steppe, alpine meadow, and temperate steppe) on the central and eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The results showed that mean temperature in most preceding months was positively correlated with peak aboveground biomass of alpine meadow and alpine steppe, while mean temperature in the preceding October and February to June was significantly negatively correlated with peak aboveground biomass of temperate steppe. Precipitation in all months had a promoting effect on biomass of alpine meadow, but its correlations with biomass of alpine steppe and temperate steppe were inconsistent. It is worth noting that, in a warmer, wetter climate, peak aboveground biomass of alpine meadow would increase more than that of alpine steppe, while that of temperate steppe would decrease significantly, providing support for the hypothesis of conservative growth strategies by vegetation in stressed ecosystems.  相似文献   

Pollen records from the Chinese Loess Plateau revealed a detailed history of vegetation variation and associated climate changes during the last 13.0 ka BP. Before 12.1 ka BP, steppe or desert-steppe vegetation dominated landscape then was replaced by a coniferous forest under a generally wet climate (12.1–11.0 ka BP). The vegetation was deteriorated into steppe landscape and further into a desert-steppe landscape between 11.0 and 9.8 ka BP. After a brief episode of a cool and wet climate (9.8–9.6 ka BP), a relatively mild and dry condition prevailed during the early Holocene (9.6–7.6 ka BP). The most favourable climate of warm and humid period occurred during mid-Holocene (7.6–~4.0 ka BP) marked by forest-steppe landscape and vegetation alternatively changed between steppe and desert- steppe from ~4.0 to ~1.0 ka BP.  相似文献   

The continuous increase of livestock production in Inner Mongolia has caused severe degradation of the grassland ecosystems in recent years. Previous grazing experiments have shown a wide range of vegetation responses between the biome types on a global scale, but there is still a lack of sufficient studies to discern the relative responses of a given biome type. We conducted a meta-analysis of vegetation coverage (VC), plant density (PD), total biomass (TB), above-ground biomass (AGB), under-ground biomass (UGB) and Shannon-Weaver Index (SI) in different grassland types in Inner Mongolia obtained under conditions of different grazing intensities and durations. The results showed that grazing decreased VC, TB, AGB, UGB, and PD significantly. Compared to the global and national average values, the negative effects of grazing to steppe biomass in Inner Mongolia were higher than that on the global scale, while less pronounced than that in China. TB of the meadow steppe in Inner Mongolia increased by 40% under moderate grazing intensity and duration because of compensatory growth. SI of the desert and meadow steppe showed negative linear relationships with the grazing intensity in Inner Mongolia. The percentage changes in AGB, PD, and SI to grazing showed quadratic relationships with the mean annual temperature of the experimental year. With increasing mean annual precipitation, the negative effects of grazing on UGB and SI first decreased and then increased, with that of VC and grazing showing a cubic relationship.  相似文献   

选用甘青地区达连海、青海湖、苏家湾、大地湾4个典型高分辨率的钻孔资料进行对比分析,阐明了该地区末次冰消期以来气候变化规律与主要气候事件,初步探讨了该地区植被纬向时空演化规律。结果显示末次冰消期大致开始于15.2~14.6 ka BP之间,冰消期期间该地区气候表现为冷暖波动频繁,气候不稳定,植被类型由东向西为草原-荒漠化草原。全新世早期阶段10.4~8.2 ka BP气候表现为温干,植被类型由东向西为疏林草原-草原。全新世中期8.2~4.3 ka BP气候温暖湿润,植被发育良好,由东向西出现森林-森林草原植被。4.3 ka BP以后该地区气候总体向凉干方向发展,3.9~3.4 ka BP期间陇中地区气候波动较显著,植被类型草原-森林草原交替出现。晚全新世后期2.3~0 ka BP气候冷干,从东到西发育草原-荒漠化草原植被。  相似文献   

Pollen records from the Chinese Loess Plateau revealed a detailed history of vegetation variation and associated climate changes during the last 13.0 ka BP.Before 12.1 ka BP,steppe or desert-steppe vegetation dominated landscape then was replaced by a coniferous forest under a generally wet climate(12.1-11.0 ka BP).The vegetation was deteriorated into steppe landscape and further into a desert-steppe landscape between 11.0 and 9.8 ka BP.After a brief episode of a cool and wet climate(9.8-9.6 ka BP),a relati...  相似文献   

Soil carbon sequestration and potential has been a focal issue in global carbon research. Under the background of global change, the estimation of the size as well as its change of soil organic carbon(SOC) storage is of great importance. Based on soil data from the second national soil survey and field survey during 2011–2012, by using the regression method between sampling soil data and remote sensing data, this paper aimed to investigate spatial distribution and changes of topsoil(0–20 cm) organic carbon storage in grasslands of Inner Mongolia between the 1980 s and 2010 s. The results showed that:(1) the SOC storage in grasslands of Inner Mongolia between the 1980 s and 2010 s was estimated to be 2.05 and 2.17 Pg C, with an average density of 3.48 and 3.69 kg C·m–2, respectively. The SOC storage was mainly distributed in the typical steppe and meadow steppe, which accounted for over 98% of the total SOC storage. The spatial distribution showed a decreased trend from the meadow steppe, typical steppe to the desert steppe, corresponding to the temperature and precipitation gradient.(2) SOC changes during 1982–2012 were estimated to be 0.12 Pg C, at 7.00 g C·m–2·yr–1, which didn't show a significant change, indicating that SOC storage in grasslands of Inner Mongolia remained relatively stable over this period. However, topsoil organic carbon showed different trends of carbon source/sink during the past three decades. Meadow steppe and typical steppe had sequestered 0.15 and 0.03 Pg C, respectively, served as a carbon sink; while desert steppe lost 0.06 Pg C, served as a carbon source. It appears that SOC storage in grassland ecosystem may respond differently to climate change, related to vegetation type, regional climate type and grazing intensity. These results might give advice to decision makers on adopting suitable countermeasures for sustainable grassland utilization and protection.  相似文献   

草原生产力及其对气候变化的响应是全球变化研究的热点。利用ArcGIS插值技术,将蒙古高原32个气象站点数据插值成1°×1°的格点数据,然后利用CENTURY模型模拟了蒙古高原1961—2016年草原地上净初级生产力(ANPP)时空分布特征。结果表明:(1) CENTURY模型模拟的蒙古高原草原ANPP时空分布能够很好地反映该区域草原生产力的变化,草原ANPP分布由北向南,由东向西逐渐减少。(2) 草甸草原和典型草原单产均呈波动下降趋势,草甸草原下降速率较大,荒漠草原单产呈波动上升趋势,草原总产以典型草原最大,荒漠草原面积虽然最大,但总产最低。(3) 降水对草原生产力起主导作用,湿期会有荒漠草原→典型草原→草甸草原的转化,而干期的转化过程正好相反。从暖湿期→冷干期转换时,蒙古草原总产下降幅度最大,相反,则增产幅度最大。  相似文献   

13 ka BP 以来黄土高原西部的植被与环境演化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对黄土高原西部三个剖面的孢粉记录分析, 重建了该区13 ka BP 以来详细的植被 与气候演化序列。结果表明, 12.1 ka BP 以前, 研究区植被以干草原为主, 气候寒冷干燥。 12.1~9.8 ka BP 植被变化显著。期间出现两次显著的湿润期, 分别为12.1~11.4 ka BP、 11.2~11.0 ka BP, 可与博令暖期和阿勒罗得暖期对比; 两次持续时间和强度明显不同的干旱 期出现在11.4~11.2 ka BP 和11.0~9.8 ka BP, 可分别与中仙女木事件和新仙女木事件对比。 经过短暂的快速变湿后, 9.6~7.6 ka BP 研究区植被以疏林草原为主, 气候波动频繁但总体温 和偏干。7.6~4.0 ka BP 森林和森林草原植被出现, 气候温暖湿润。其中6.6~5.8 ka BP 温带落 叶阔叶林发育, 为研究区全新世最适宜期。自4.0 ka BP 以来研究区草原和荒漠草原交替出 现, 气候在总体干冷的环境下存在次一级的干湿波动。  相似文献   

利用1982-2000年NOAA/AVHRR卫星的NDVI数据(时间分辨率旬,空间分辨率8 km×8 km),结合同时期的气温和降水资料,基于时滞互相关方法和GIS工具,分析了青藏高原植被覆盖对水、热条件年内变化的时滞响应及其空间特征。结果如下:①除高寒荒漠、森林外,青藏高原植被NDVI与同期旬均温和旬降水相关性均呈高度正相关。其中,中等覆盖度的植被受水、热影响表现更为强烈。②青藏高原植被NDVI对气温和降水有滞后效应,且滞后水平存在空间差异,高原北部(柴达木盆地、昆仑山北冀)和高原南部植被对降水、和温度的响应比较迟缓,而高原中、东部地区植被对温度和降水的响应比较敏感。③不同植被类型对水热条件的响应程度也存在差异,由高到低依次是草甸、草原、灌丛、高寒垫状植被、荒漠,最后是森林。  相似文献   

A synthesis of Holocene pollen records from the Tibetan Plateau shows the history of vegetation and climatic changes during the Holocene. Palynological evidences from 24 cores/sections have been compiled and show that the vegetation shifted from subalpine/alpine conifer forest to subalpine/alpine evergreen sclerophyllous forest in the southeastern part of the plateau; from alpine steppe to alpine desert in the central, western and northern part; and from alpine meadow to alpine steppe in the eastern and southern plateau regions during the Holocene. These records show that increases in precipitation began about 9 ka from the southeast, and a wide ranging level of increased humidity developed over the entire of the plateau around 8-7 ka, followed by aridity from 6 ka and a continuous drying over the plateau after 4-3 ka. The changes in Holocene climates of the plateau can be interpreted qualitatively as a response to orbital forcing and its secondary effects on the Indian Monsoon which expanded northwards  相似文献   

博尔塔拉河流域位于中哈边境,其植被和土壤具有十分明显的垂直分布和区域性差异,根据该流域一条自西向东沿着海拔高度从210 m 到3 235 m 长约200多km的样带上所采集的人为干扰较少的49 个表土花粉样品的孢粉组合图式和现代植被样方调查资料,探讨了博尔塔拉河流域植被与表土花粉之间的关系。该区孢粉谱从上至下可划分为6个带,分别对应高山草甸带、亚高山草甸草原带、森林灌丛带、灌丛草原带、荒漠草原带、荒漠植被带。值得注意的是第6个孢粉带因含有具湿地特征的隐域性植被类型花粉组分,故又分成2个亚带,即荒漠植被亚带Ⅵ1和荒漠植被亚带Ⅵ2。森林灌丛植被带上限的云杉花粉含量明显比该带下限的含量高,表明云杉花粉的传播在沟谷地区受山谷风的影响较大。与此同时,将孢粉数据与气象数据相结合,分析结果得出比较有代表性的云杉属(Picea)、桦属(Betula)、藜科(Chenopodiaceae)、麻黄属(Ephedra)等花粉,与降水量和温度的关系较为密切。  相似文献   

1980s-2010s内蒙古草地表层土壤有机碳储量及其变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
戴尔阜  翟瑞雪  葛全胜  吴秀芹 《地理学报》2014,69(11):1651-1660
以我国内蒙古草原为研究区域,结合1982-1988年第二次土壤普查资料以及2011-2012年实地考察数据,构建了基于遥感数据和土壤数据的区域表层土壤有机碳储量估算方法,对研究区1980s和2010s表层土壤有机碳储量、空间分布特征及其变化进行研究,结果表明:(1) 1980s、2010s内蒙古草地表层土壤 (0~20 cm) 有机碳储量分别为2.05 Pg C、2.17 Pg C,土壤有机碳密度约为3.48 kg C·m-2、3.69 kg C·m-2,其空间分布上呈现从草甸草原、典型草原、荒漠草原逐渐降低的特征;(2) 1982-2012年间,内蒙古草地表层土壤有机碳储量略有增加,但增加幅度较小,其中草甸草原和典型草原表层土壤有机碳储量增加,荒漠草原则表现为减少。研究结果将为研究区因地制宜地采取固碳措施,实现草地可持续管理提供科学参考。  相似文献   

基于1982~2006年GIMMS NDVI数据集和地面气象台站观测数据,分析了青藏高原整个区域及各生态地理分区年均NDVI的变化趋势,并通过偏相关分析研究不同生态地理分区植被覆被变化对气温和降水响应的空间分异特征。研究表明:(1)近25年来,高原植被覆盖变化整体上趋于改善;高原东北部、东中部以及西南部湿润半湿润及部分半干旱地区植被趋于改善,植被覆盖较差的北部、西部半干旱和干旱地区呈现退化趋势;(2)高原植被变化与气温变化的相关性明显高于与降水变化的相关性,说明高原植被年际变化对温度变化更为敏感;(3)高原植被年际变化与气温和降水的相关性具有明显的区域差异,植被覆盖中等区域全年月NDVI与气温和降水的相关性最强,相关性由草甸向草原、针叶林逐步减弱,荒漠区相关性最弱。生长季植被覆盖变化与气温的相关性和全年相关性较一致,降水则不同,生长季期间高原大部分地区植被变化与降水相关性不显著。  相似文献   

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