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侧扫声呐原始数据经几何校正后会造成采样点分布不规则的现象,需要通过重采样获得规则网格数据,以满足海底地貌全覆盖显示的需求。重采样间隔与插值算法对重采样图像的质量具有直接影响。本文分析了侧扫声呐数据采样点的分布特点,在此基础上提出了基于扭曲网格三角剖分有限元插值技术的侧扫声呐图像重构方法。与多种插值方法重采样结果的对比实验表明,该方法不仅提高了计算效率,而且能很好地保留原始数据的信息。  相似文献   

提出用反距离插值法将多波束离散数据点插值成规则格网DEM数据,再根据海图生产规范自动绘制不等间距相对光滑的DEM。将自动绘制的等深线与一般软件生成的等深线、海底地形图成果等深线进行比较分析得出:文中方法绘制的等深线相比以前有较大改善且更符合地形,可作为人工绘制的参考线。  相似文献   

王兴  刘莹  王春晖  李保磊  钟山 《海洋通报》2016,35(3):324-330
空间插值在海洋环境评价中有着广泛的应用,常用的插值方法有:线性插值、最近邻点插值、自然邻点插值、三次多项式插值、反距离权重插值、克里金插值等。盐度是海水重要的环境因子,基于2012年8月份的北海区盐度监测数据,采用空间插值分析表层盐度分布,并通过开展不同插值方法的插值实验,对插值结果进行曲面分析和误差分析,对比各插值方法的特点与适用性。结果显示:基于本次海洋环境监测的站位与盐度数据,克里金插值、自然邻点插值曲面趋势符合较好,而且相对其他插值方法误差也较小,是相对适用于海水盐度的空间插值方法。  相似文献   

利用均匀分布于滦河水下三角洲的85个表层沉积物粒度数据,基于地统计学的粒径输运趋势方法对滦河水下三角洲沉积物的输运趋势及影响因素进行了研究。半方差函数分析表明,以0.015°(地球大圆弧度)为插值半径加密后(规则分布)的平均粒径半方差值具有随变程增加而增加的趋势,并在变程值达到0.09°后趋于稳定,而原始数据的半方差值与变程相关性较差。以此(0.09°)为特征距离计算的粒径输运结果显示,滦河水下三角洲南部水深12 m以浅区域粒径输运趋势以向南为主,北部具有向西和向北的趋势;水深12~15 m范围内粒径输运趋势近似西南方向,且趋势较大;南部水深15 m以深地区粒径输运趋势方向为西北向,北部为东南向。粒径输运趋势整体上与实测潮流、余流和泥沙输运方向一致,显示潮流对研究区沉积物的输运具有控制作用。滦河水下三角洲地区沉积环境和输运趋势受河流、波浪、潮流、残留沉积和地形等多种因素影响,粒径输运趋势仅能够较好地解释潮流影响,对于残留沉积等复杂沉积过程的解释则相对有限。  相似文献   

水深是反映海底地形地貌的最基础要素,对缺失的水深点进行准确的插值能帮助有效地表达海底地形地貌起伏形态。针对海底地形变化复杂的区域,传统的反距离加权插值法存在只考虑样本水深点与待插值水深点之间的距离,而忽略了样本水深点之间的空间相关性的问题。本文提出了一种顾及特征水深点距离重分配的反距离加权插值算法。该算法首先对离散的水深点构建特征水深线,在特征水深线的基础上,提取特征水深线上的特征点作为特征水深点;然后在所有样本水深点到待插值水深点距离之和不变的约束下,提出距离重分配的量化指标;最后构造出一个顾及特征水深点距离重分配的IDW插值算法模型。实验结果表明,在海底地形变化复杂的区域,顾及特征水深点距离重分配的反距离加权插值算法与传统的IDW、自然邻域插值、样条函数插值算法等相比,能有效提高水深点的插值精准度。  相似文献   

以射阳河口南部潮滩为研究区,分别利用普通克里格插值和遥感反演得到潮滩表层的沉积物组分质量分数,进而获取沉积物类型,并对2种方法进行比较分析。结果表明,研究区分布3种沉积物,分别为粉砂质砂、砂质粉砂和粉砂。根据沉积物分类精度和空间分布特征的对比,空间插值获得的沉积物组分质量分数精度较高,沉积物类型总体分类精度均为87.9%,但高光谱遥感反演出的沉积物组分分布图能较好的反映出沉积物组分的空间异质性特征,沉积物类型的分布也具有更明显的空间变化规律,呈现出由低潮位向岸、由潮沟向滩面颗粒逐渐变细的趋势,这种空间分布特征与采样点粒度分析结果所表现的趋势基本一致,且与研究区的水动力环境特征及沉积物物质来源相吻合。  相似文献   

底栖生物生物量空间插值方法研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在地统计学和地理信息系统支持下,采用反距离加权(Inverse distance weighting,IDW)、径向基函数(Radial basis functions,RBF)、普通克里格(Ordinary Kriging,OK)3种插值方法对2007年4月获得的大亚湾人工鱼礁区及附近海域底栖生物生物量数据进行空间插值方法研究,并对插值精确度进行交叉验证。结果显示,经对数转化后的数据呈正态分布,而且3种插值方法对其进行插值,所得的等值面图效果比原始数据所得等值面图效果好。交叉验证显示,对数转化数据插值精确度OK﹥RBF﹥IDW。观察插值结果等值面图,发现3种方法均能较客观地模拟出底栖生物生物量的总体分布趋势,在对局部趋势的模拟上,OK的表现效果最好。  相似文献   

基于GIS空间分析的海底表层沉积物粒度分布特征插值研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了对比研究不同空间插值方法在沉积物粒度空间分布表述上的精度及适用性,在2004年11月荣成宁津小型海湾-黑泥湾综合调查的基础上,探讨了表层沉积物粒度参数的空间插值,比较了IDW(反距离加权法)、Kriging(克里金插值法)、Spline(样条插值法)与NN(自然邻域法)4种GIS空间分析方法的特征、差异及实效性,并对影响插值结果准确性的因素进行分析。结果显示,在黑泥湾表层沉积物粒度结果的空间插值计算中,从插值准确性和空间表达能力两方面考虑,IDW,Spline,Kriging和NN中以IDW法较为适宜,但要考虑到"牛眼效应"的出现会与局部实际情况存在差异;Kriging法和NN法的插值结果准确性较高,但其空间表达能力稍逊;Spline法在近岸带表层沉积物粒度特征插值中的应用性相对较差。海洋调查要素空间分布的内在规律性是控制插值结果的主要因素,表层沉积物分布以长期稳定的潮流、地形特征为主导因素,呈现由岸向海条带状分布的特征。数据均匀分布区域的插值结果要优于边界区和突变区;另外,在选取的3个观察尺度上,不同插值方法的误差均与野外取样网格间距呈显著线性正相关。  相似文献   

空间信息系统原理(三)数字高程模型及其数据结构   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
简要介绍了DTM的提出和应用情况,并对数字地面模型(DTM)、数字高程模型(DEM或DHM)、数字地形模型(DGM)等三个概念进行了论述,说明了它们的区别和联系,详细论述了离散点、不规则三角形、等高线、断面线和规则格网等几种数字高程模型的数据结构,并对不同数据结构的数字地面模型的特征进行了比较。  相似文献   

为了客观准确地反映辽东湾海域沉积物中石油类含量的空间分布特征,文中基于GIS的地统计分析模块,对2015年辽东湾海域沉积物石油类调查数据进行探索性数据分析,分别运用反距离权重法、普通克里金法、规则样条函数法和张力样条函数法进行空间插值,采用交叉检验方法对插值精度进行了评估。结果表明:插值精度张力样条函数法规则样条函数法反距离权重法普通克里金法,整体上4种插值方法均能客观地模拟出沉积物石油类含量的空间分布趋势。在局部区域,张力样条函数法插值预测结果更接近真实测量值。辽东湾海域沉积物石油类宜采用张力样条函数法进行空间插值。  相似文献   

连云港近岸海域沉积物运移趋势   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
张存勇 《海洋学报》2013,35(3):172-178
基于连云港近岸海域夏冬季大面积多站表层沉积物样品的粒度分析结果,采用Gisedtrend粒径趋势分析方法,研究了沉积物的运移趋势,探讨了粒径趋势分析的影响因素,结果表明,连云港近岸海域沉积物运移趋势较显著,在海州湾海域沉积物运移趋势为西南向,表现为湾顶淤积;在港口南部海域沉积物运移趋势显示为汇聚区。特征距离、采样网格、周围环境和粒度组分影响粒径趋势的分析结果;综合考虑岸线、岛屿、人工边界等自然环境以及多源粒度组分能够提高粒径趋势分析结果的合理性。  相似文献   

为了探究激波捕捉类Boussinesq模型在模拟岛礁地形上规则波和不规则波传播的可行性,采用基于完全非线性Boussinesq方程并具有激波捕捉能力的数值模型Funwave-TVD对规则波和不规则波在岛礁地形上的传播进行了数值模拟,通过与试验数据对比,分析模型中空间步长的影响,验证模型在模拟波高、平均水位分布以及波谱空间演变的能力,结果表明:采用合适的空间步长,模型能较好地模拟规则波和不规则波在岛礁地形上的传播和演化过程。对于规则波,较小的空间步长可改善破碎点处波高峰值的预测,并能更好地预测波浪破碎后波高的空间分布,相比结合经验破碎的Boussinesq模型,Funwave-TVD能更好地模拟规则波在岛礁地形上的破碎,以及破碎以后行进涌波的再生成过程;对于不规则波,Funwave-TVD总体而言能较好地模拟涌浪有效波高、次重力波的生成及空间演化和平均水位,但会低估礁坪上次重力波波高,较粗的空间步长也会低估礁坪上涌浪有效波高。  相似文献   

This article evaluates different spatial interpolation methods for mapping submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) in the Caloosahatchee Estuary, Florida. Data used for interpolation were collected by the Submersed Aquatic Vegetation Early Warning System (SAVEWS). The system consists of hydro-acoustic equipment, which operates from a slow-moving boat and records bottom depth, seagrass height, and seagrass density. This information is coupled with geographic location coordinates from a Global Positioning System (GPS) and stored together in digital files, representing SAV status at points along transect lines. Adequate spatial interpolation is needed to present the SAV information, including density, height, and water depth, as spatially continuous data for mapping and for comparison between seasons and years. Interpolation methods examined in this study include ordinary kriging with five different semivariance models combined with a variable number of neighboring points, the inverse distance weighted (IDW) method with different parameters, and the triangulated irregular network (TIN) method with linear and quintic options. Interpolation results were compared with survey data at selected calibration transects to examine the suitability of different interpolation methods. Suitability was quantified by the determination coefficient (R2) and the root-mean-square error (RMSE) between interpolated and observed values. The most suitable interpolation method was identified as the one yielding the highest R2 value and/or the lowest RMSE value. For different geographic conditions, seasons, and SAV parameters, different interpolation methods were recommended. This study identified that kriging was more suitable than the IDW or TIN method for spatial interpolation of all SAV parameters measured. It also suggested that transect data with irregular spatial distribution patterns such as SAV parameters are sensitive to interpolation methods. An inappropriate interpolation method such as TIN can lead to erroneous spatial representation of the SAV status. With a functional geographic system and adequate computing power, the evaluation and selection of interpolation methods can be automated and quantitative, leading to a more efficient and accurate decision.  相似文献   

基于自研的HUST-Ship黏性流CFD求解器,提出了一种船舶耐波性数值试验水池参数化建模方法和网格生成技术。在自研的CFD软件平台中,根据波浪参数(规则波的波长、波高和不规则波的特征周期、有效波高)自动生成船舶耐波性数值试验水池。以结构化重叠网格技术为基础,分别对船舶与水池进行网格划分并进行网格的组装、重叠,实现船舶在耐波性数值试验水池中的数值“试验”,对船舶耐波性进行数值预报。根据波浪种类分为规则波数值试验水池与不规则波数值试验水池,可对各类波浪条件实现精确可靠的数值造波,模拟船舶在各种波浪环境中运动响应、耐波性事件与非线性运动特性。采用参数化建模方法生成的耐波性数值试验水池能够提高建模和网格生成效率,通过对国际标模进行数值预报并与船模试验结果对比,验证了参数化建模方法生成的耐波性数值试验水池对船舶在波浪中运动性能的计算精度。  相似文献   

Sea surface temperature (SST) isoline charts that were manually mapped using in situ SST data and satellite-derived SST data are valuable because they incorporate oceanographers’ knowledge and experience. This type of SST data is useful for studying sea conditions of an area, for analyzing environmental factors that could affect fishing grounds, as a parameter for atmospheric or oceanic models, or as a diagnostic tool for comparison with the SSTs produced by ocean models. However, isoline maps must be digitized and interpolated into grid data in order to be used in these applications. Herein, we propose a coupled interpolation (CI), which couples improved multi-section interpolation and single-point change surface interpolation containing orientation, for generating grid data from SST isolines. We interpolated 1049 SST isoline maps (temperature interval 1°), which cover an area of the northwestern Pacific Ocean (125°E–180°E, 26°N–50°N) and were published by the Japan Fisheries Information Service Center (JAFIC) during 1990–2000, to grid datasets with 15′ grid resolution. We assessed the quality of grid datasets by checking noise points, RMSE analysis, checking offset errors, retrieving percentage of Kuroshio axes and visually comparing inverse isotherms with original isotherms. The quality analysis and comparison with four other interpolators showed the CI interpolator to be a good technique for generating SST grid data from isotherms. We also computed the SST anomaly (SSTA) using the SST grid datasets. The amplitude values of integral SSTA in the area of 31–46°N, 170–180°E were low, whereas they were high in the SW–NE rectangular area of 35–46°N, 142–160°E.  相似文献   

This article evaluates different spatial interpolation methods for mapping submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) in the Caloosahatchee Estuary, Florida. Data used for interpolation were collected by the Submersed Aquatic Vegetation Early Warning System (SAVEWS). The system consists of hydro-acoustic equipment, which operates from a slow-moving boat and records bottom depth, seagrass height, and seagrass density. This information is coupled with geographic location coordinates from a Global Positioning System (GPS) and stored together in digital files, representing SAV status at points along transect lines. Adequate spatial interpolation is needed to present the SAV information, including density, height, and water depth, as spatially continuous data for mapping and for comparison between seasons and years. Interpolation methods examined in this study include ordinary kriging with five different semivariance models combined with a variable number of neighboring points, the inverse distance weighted (IDW) method with different parameters, and the triangulated irregular network (TIN) method with linear and quintic options. Interpolation results were compared with survey data at selected calibration transects to examine the suitability of different interpolation methods. Suitability was quantified by the determination coefficient (R2) and the root-mean-square error (RMSE) between interpolated and observed values. The most suitable interpolation method was identified as the one yielding the highest R2 value and/or the lowest RMSE value. For different geographic conditions, seasons, and SAV parameters, different interpolation methods were recommended. This study identified that kriging was more suitable than the IDW or TIN method for spatial interpolation of all SAV parameters measured. It also suggested that transect data with irregular spatial distribution patterns such as SAV parameters are sensitive to interpolation methods. An inappropriate interpolation method such as TIN can lead to erroneous spatial representation of the SAV status. With a functional geographic system and adequate computing power, the evaluation and selection of interpolation methods can be automated and quantitative, leading to a more efficient and accurate decision.  相似文献   

In a macrotidal environment with offshore breakwaters (Elmer, West Sussex) a new approach for the identification of the sediment transport pathways with grain size trend analysis (GSTA) was undertaken using statistical parameters (mean, sorting and skewness) directly derived from settling velocities distributions. The same samples were analysed with sieving (quarter- and half-phi resolution) and GSTA was performed again in order to directly compare the resultant sediment transport directions derived with the two analytical techniques. Furthermore, both regular and irregular sampling distributions were used to recalculate GSTA. Hydrodynamic data were collected in different locations around the breakwaters and net sediment transport directions were calculated in order to assess the accuracy of the sediment transport pathway directions derived with the different analytical techniques.The accuracy of settling velocity in determining the statistical parameters of the grain size distribution is identified, especially for the fine-medium sand sediments. Settling velocities produced better results than the sieving; the quarter-phi resolution producing the poorer results in comparison with the coarser half-phi resolution. The results for the different spatial sampling strategies are found to depend upon the number of samples utilised; that shows that the accuracy of the GSTA is based upon the ability of representing, adequately, the spatial distribution of the sediment parameters.  相似文献   

借助伴随同化方法,利用实测水位资料,对空间分布的风应力拖曳系数做了反演研究.假定风应力拖曳系数具有空间分布特征,即在模拟海区中均匀选取一些独立点,利用这些独立点的风应力拖曳系数线性插值得到全场的风应力拖曳系数.同化实验结果表明,采用空间分布的风应力拖曳系数得到的模拟结果,明显优于将风应力拖曳系数取为常数和依照经验公式计...  相似文献   

北黄海西部海底沉积物的粒度特征和净输运趋势   总被引:52,自引:4,他引:48  
程鹏  高抒 《海洋与湖沼》2000,31(6):604-615
根据对北黄西部海底沉积物的粒度测试,运用“粒度趋势分析”方法,分析探讨了北黄海西部(渤海海峡区)海底表层底质的粒度分布特征和净输运趋势,结果表明,本区的细颗粒沉积物主要位于北黄海中部和山东半岛沿岸,大连湾附近,粗颗粒沉积物则主要分布于庙岛群岛以东和大连湾东南侧海区,沉积物的平均粒径、分选系数、偏态系数闰度参数的分布特征有一定的对应性,除庙岛群东侧的砂质沉积,分选较好之外,其它海区的沉积物总体特征是,粒径越粗,分选越差,偏态更正偏;而粒径越细,分选越好,偏态系数也较低。山 岛北侧的沉积物具有向东和向东北的输运趋势,西中沉积物的输运趋势向东南并转向东,北部喾物的输运趋势向南,形成了向北黄海中部汇聚的趋势,本碛研究还表明“粒度趋势分析”方法在大范围的陆架区域具有较好的适用性,在操作中,使用规则的正方形网格可以较全面判  相似文献   

To address the limitations of current methods to control and adjust the accuracy of depth models and relatively low accuracy, a quantitative method to control and adjust the accuracy of adaptive grid depth modeling is proposed. First, uncertainties in source data and interpolated depths are estimated, and the representation uncertainty derived from finite and discrete points representing the continuous seafloor surface is analyzed. Second, mean vertical uncertainty in an arbitrary given area is calculated. Finally, interpolation of the depths at grid nodes from source data and the distribution framework of the grid nodes are optimized in each local area, and an adaptive grid depth model is created according to the expected accuracy. The experimental results demonstrate that (1) the proposed method can control and adjust the accuracy of the depth model in each local area such that the accuracy of the constructed model meets the requirements of the expected index as closely as possible and (2) the proposed method can improve the accuracy of the depth modeling by optimizing the interpolation and distribution of the grid nodes.  相似文献   

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