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南极海冰异常变化与全球海平面变化   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
通过分析1973~1994年南极海冰的长期变化趋势和全球海平面代表站的年代际变化规律,发现南极海冰80年代明显比70年代的海冰面积偏小,海平面高度80年代平均值也明显比70年代偏高.联系两者之间的变化并分析其物理机制,指出80年代海冰变化累积距平值比70年代显著减少,标志着全球气候增暖;海水温度和大气温度都明显偏高,从而导致海冰长期累积的大量减少;水温高而引起水体膨胀,并且越是在暖年从南极大陆上的冰盖向海洋中输入的冰山就越多.由于上述多种原因综合作用的结果,造成海平面明显的上升,因此引起80年代海平面平均高度比70年代明显上升,10a平均值偏高22mm,并且分布不均匀,特别是太平洋尤为明显.东北太平洋和东南太平洋各有一大范围的海平面上升区,在白令海峡附近也有一上升区,西北和西南太平洋各有一下降区.我们认为这种状况与南极海冰持续性减少有关,这说明南大洋水温偏高,南大洋环流在南美大陆向北分支的秘鲁寒流水温也相对偏暧,这容易发生El Nino事件.El Nino事件发生时太平洋上盛行的东风减弱西风增强.原太平洋海平面西高东低的状况,因受重力和风动力的作用,使大量的海水从西向东输送,造成80年代太平洋东部上升西部下降的分布状态.  相似文献   

南极冰盖是全球气候系统的重要组成部分 ,并且对全球海平面有重要的影响。有必要测定冰盖在气候变化期中的波动以检测其行为模式。南极冰期的精确起始年代尚待测定 ,且对冰期前的生物数据所知甚少。有关目前南极冰盖随全球气候变暖是生长还是消亡资料并不多 ,特别是上新世和更新世期间的东南极冰盖的稳定性还存在争议 ,对南极冰盖更新世期间变化的了解仅限于罗斯海和横贯南极山脉区。本航次将依据南极大陆边缘钻孔的沉积记录建立冰盖生长和消减的详尽历史 ,并了解冰盖自身对毗邻大洋气候变化是如何响应的。正确地评估南极大陆不同历史时期被…  相似文献   

应用1973~1999年南极气温和海冰资料,分别对它们进行了统计分析,结果表明,南极的最低温度中心位于东南极大陆(东方站),这种分布特征是与南极地形相对应的.南极东方站的年平均地面气温是-55.3℃;地面最高气温出现在12月至翌1月,其温度为-32.1℃;地面最低气温出现在8月,其温度为-68.2℃.南极各地区的地面气温具有不同的变化特征.根据温度的变化特征,将南极的气候分为4种类型:南极大陆型、南极半岛型、东南极沿岸型和海湾型.近年来南极半岛的气温有明显升高的趋势,而东南极沿岸的气温有明显下降的趋势,它们的变化呈明显的反位相.南极海冰与南极气温变化有较好的对应关系,气温升高的南极半岛的海冰有减少的趋势,而气温下降的东南极的海冰有增加的趋势.这种结果很难用温室效应来解释南极与全球气候变化的差异.东南极海冰变化与南太平洋的海温场存在密切关系,其影响过程是通过南极海冰范围的异常增加或减少,直接影响南极绕极流的冷暖结构及其异常冷暖水的经向输送,从而导致热带和副热带太平洋上层海温场的异常变化.  相似文献   

北大西洋沉积物中的冰筏载事件提供了末次冰川作用期间劳伦泰德冰盖 (LIS)千年尺度不稳定性的证据。然而 ,尽管其与自然和人为的气候变化问题有关 ,但还是没有确定南极冰盖 (AIS)在这些时间尺度上的状态。大部分西南极冰盖 (WAIS)建立于海平面以下 ,因此可能易受海平面和气候的干扰 ,这种内在的不稳定性也是末次冰川作用期间劳伦泰德冰盖的特征 ,其建立于哈得孙海峡区域的海平面以下。在全冰川环境下 ,西南极冰盖大约比现今西南极冰盖大2/3 ,海平面低约120m ,南极洲周围边缘海的搁浅冰架更加广泛。因此 ,更新世南极冰盖历…  相似文献   

解思梅 《海洋预报》2001,18(3):79-81
乘船赴南极考察看到冰山是一大美景和乐趣。可以说冰山是大自然塑造的最美丽的景观,其形状千姿百态,在太阳光的照射下,由于反射、散射、折射等光学作用,可以出现美丽耀眼、奇彩夺目的光学现象。冰山有其壮观美丽的一面,也有其危害的一面。冰山是南极船航行安全的最大障碍,一艘2万吨的破冰船“雪龙”号见了它,还是要绕道而行,稍有不慎,就会撞得粉身碎骨。冰山又是南极冰盖向海洋输送淡水的途径,直接影响海平面的上升。其移动的规律又是研究海流和风力共同作用的标志。因此,对冰山的形成、移动等的研究有着重要的科学价值和经济、…  相似文献   

原泉 《海洋地质前沿》1994,(8):24-24,F003
1.据构造稳定地区的海相沉积和海岸以及深海稳定同位素的证据表明,全球海平面在上新世对比现在高出25—35m,并持续了50万a,说明目前北半球大部分冰以及西南极和东南极的冰盖在上新世时都不存在,南极古植物和微古生物证据亦支持了这一结论.  相似文献   

本文通过对南极斯科舍海东南部DC-11岩芯生物硅、有机氮、TFe2O3与有机氮同位素的年代学分析,重建了该海区3.4万年以来古生产力与环境演变历史。研究结果表明,生物硅、有机氮含量与南极温度变化基本一致,暖期高、冷期低;有机氮同位素值与南大洋海冰变化相吻合,暖期小、冷期大,冷期硝酸盐利用率大于暖期。从末次冰期、末次冰消期至全新世,研究区古生产力与环境变化显著,南极冷倒转等千年尺度的变化明显;海冰在气候、营养盐与古生产力之间起着重要的关联作用。冰期或冷期海冰的加强导致表层水层化加强,深层水及其营养盐的上涌减弱,表层海洋硝酸盐等相对匮乏,生产力降低。研究区现代与全新世铁供应充足,在风尘盛行的末次冰期和冰消期呈过剩状态,明显不同于亚南极。  相似文献   

最近和即将发生的崩解事件不会削弱埃默里冰架的稳定性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冰架崩解约占南极物质损耗总量的一半。借助卫星遥感本世纪已经观测到多次大型崩解事件,引发了公众对气候变化问题的广泛关注。然而作为冰架消涨的自然循环,某些崩解事件只是周期性重现而并非近年来南极升温导致。2019年9月-10月,我们通过“哨兵一号”雷达卫星和“京师一号”小卫星完整地记录到发生在埃默里冰架前端的一次大型崩解事件,并利用冰流数值模式模拟了本次以及未来两次即将发生的崩解事件对该冰架的动力学影响。遥感观测表明,埃默里冰架前端发育有两条纵向、两条横向和一条斜向共五条大型裂隙。它们沿尖端继续向上游延伸可以造成三次崩解事件,其中第一次发生于2019年9月末,D28冰山随普里兹湾涡流向西北方向旋转漂移。依据前人推测的崩解周期,我们在模型中设置五组试验,选择露出海面体积、接地面积、冰流通量三个参数估算冰架对三次崩解的响应。结果表明,通过设计合理的网格系统,我们的模型能够捕捉到每次崩解事件释放的物理信号。三次崩解总体响应趋于一致,仅表现出微弱的差异。在一个60年的崩解周期内,三次崩解引发冰流加速70 m/a,前端减薄2 m,接地线退缩60 km2,共约造成40亿吨额外的物质损耗。然而上述变化仍然处于最新卫星估算误差内部,所以我们认为这些崩解事件并不会显著削弱埃默里冰架整体的稳定结构。考虑到这还是首次明确观测到该冰架进入新一轮崩解周期,未来仍必要收集更长时间序列的遥感资料用以验证模式结果。  相似文献   

应用UK37和δ18 O重建末次盛冰期以来海水古温度和海平面变化,UK37-SST沉积记录表现了冰期/间冰期模式.UK37-SST在冰后期23.3~26.9℃;末次盛冰期22.2~23.8℃.末次盛冰期时古温度比目前平均低4.7℃,南海北部季节性温差冰后期在4.5~7.0℃;末次盛冰期在7.0~9.0℃,远远超过同一纬度太平洋季节温差.末次冰期以来在气候降温的同时,伴有海平面下降,气候的冷暖交替对海平面变化具有决定性的控制意义.  相似文献   

南极海冰的生消冻融与全球气候变化息息相关,多年以来受到国际社会的高度关注。目前已有诸多关于南极海冰范围变化的研究,但大部分是基于卫星遥感影像来展开分析。Argo观测网遍布全球各大洋,为海冰范围研究提供了一种新的思路,即根据浮标GPS点的南部边界推算南极海冰边界,由浮标的年、月累积数据得到南极海冰范围的年际、月际变化规律。对于这种研究思路提出了三种实现方法:(1)绘制专题图,可以清晰直观地看到南极海冰在2—9月间的生消变化情况;(2)利用南极附近浮标GPS点数量占全球比例的变化情况来分析海冰变化规律,在月际变化趋势上与影像数据一致,在年际变化上稍显不足;(3)使用点密度分析方法估计海冰边界,建立基于浮标GPS点密度的海冰-海水分界模型,可得到南极海冰范围变化规律的定量分析结果。浮标数据与影像数据互为补充,可为全球气候变化研究提供更多参考。  相似文献   

Anomalous change of the Antarctic sea ice and global sea level change   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
AnomalouschangeoftheAntarcticseaiceandglobalsealevelchange¥XieSimei;ZouBing;WangYiandBaoChenglan(1.NationalMarineEnvironmentF...  相似文献   

The variation features of the Antarctic sea ice (Ⅱ)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ThevariationfeaturesoftheAntarcticseaice(Ⅱ)¥XieSimei;HaoChunjiang;QianPingandZhangLin(ReceivedFebruary6,1993;acceptedAugust29...  相似文献   

On the recent warming of the southeastern Bering Sea shelf   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During the last decade, the southeastern Bering Sea shelf has undergone a warming of 3 °C that is closely associated with a marked decrease of sea ice over the area. This shift in the physical environment of the shelf can be attributed to a combination of mechanisms, including the presence over the eastern Bering Sea shelf of a relatively mild air mass during the winter, especially from 2000 to 2005; a shorter ice season caused by a later fall transition and/or an earlier spring transition; increased flow through Unimak Pass during winter, which introduces warm Gulf of Alaska water onto the southeastern shelf; and the feedback mechanism whereby warmer ocean temperatures during the summer delay the southward advection of sea ice during winter. While the relative importance of these four mechanisms is difficult to quantify, it is evident that for sea ice to form, cold arctic winds must cool the water column. Sea ice is then formed in the polynyas during periods of cold north winds, and this ice is advected southward over the eastern shelf. The other three mechanisms can modify ice formation and melt, and hence its extent. In combination, these four mechanisms have served to temporally and spatially limit ice during the 5-year period (2001–2005). Warming of the eastern Bering Sea shelf could have profound influences on the ecosystem of the Bering Sea—from modification of the timing of the spring phytoplankton bloom to the northward advance of subarctic species and the northward retreat of arctic species.  相似文献   

Several studies have provided evidence of a reduction of the Antarctic sea ice extent. However, these studies were conducted either at a global scale or at a regional scale, and possible inter-regional differences were not analysed. Using the long-term whaling database we investigated circum-Antarctic changes in summer sea ice extent from 1931 to 1987. Accounting for bias inherent in the whaling method, this analysis provides new insight into the historical ice edge reconstruction and inter-regional differences. We highlight a reduction of the sea ice extent occurring in the 1960s, mainly in the Weddell sector where the change ranged from 3° to 7.9° latitude through summer. Although the whaling method may not be appropriate for detecting fine-scale change, these results provide evidence for a heterogeneous circumpolar change of the sea ice extent. The shift is temporally and spatially consistent with other environmental changes detected in the Weddell sector and also with a shift in the Southern Hemisphere annular mode. The large reduction of the sea ice extent has probably influenced the ecosystem of the Weddell Sea, particularly the krill biomass.  相似文献   

A 41-year Antarctic sea ice concentration(SIC) dataset derived from satellite passive microwave radiometers during the period of 1979–2019 has been used to analyze sea ice changes in recent decades. The trends of SIC and sea ice extent(SIE) are calculated during the periods of 1979–2019, 1979–2013, and 2014–2019. The trends show regionally dependent features. The SIC shows an increasing trend in most of the regions except the Bellingshausen Sea and Amundsen Sea(BA) during 1979–2019 and 1979–2013. The SIE trend shows a decreasing or decelerating trend in the period of 1979–2019((6 835±2 210) km2/a) compared with the 1979–2013 period((18 600±2 203) km~2/a). In recent years(2014–2019), the SIC and SIE have exhibited decreasing trends(–(34 567±3 521) km~2/month), especially in the Weddell Sea(WS) and Ross Sea(RS) during summer and autumn. The trends are related to regionally dependent causes. The analyses show that the SIC and SIE decreased in response to the warming trend of 2 m air temperature(T_(a-2m)) and have exhibited a good relationship with T_(a-2m) in summer and autumn in recent years. The sea ice decrease in the Antarctic is mainly caused by increases in absorbed energy and southward energy transportation in recent years, such as the increase in gained solar radiation and moist static energy from the south, which demonstrate notable regional characteristics. In the WS region, the local positive feedback from the additional absorbed solar radiation, resulting in warmer air and reduced sea ice, is the main reason for the sea ice decrease in recent years. The increase in southward energy transport has also favored a decrease in sea ice. In the RS region, the increase in southward-transported moist static energy has contributed to the decrease in sea ice, and the increases in cloud cover and longwave radiation have prevented sea ice growth.  相似文献   

Bottom water formation changes the characteristics of water masses entering the southern part of the Weddell Sea through atmosphere-ice-ocean interaction in which both sea and shelf ice play an important role. Modified water, in particular Weddell Sea Bottom Water, recirculates in the west. By comparing the in- and outflowing water masses we have estimated transformation rates on the basis of a data set obtained during the Winter Weddell Gyre Study from September to October 1989. This consisted of a salinity-temperature-depth (CTD) section carried out by R/V “Polarstern” from the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula to Kapp Norvegia and data from three current meter moorings maintained from 1989 to 1990 in the eastern boundary current off Kapp Norvegia. Because of the lack of sufficient direct current measurements in the interior and the western boundary current, it was necessary to derive mass transports on the basis of available data combined with physical and geometrical arguments. At the mooring site barotropic currents were measured. They were extrapolated to the interior under the assumption that wind-driven, baroclinic and barotropic current fields are of similar shape. The location of the gyre centre was determined from drifting buoy tracks and geopoten-tial anomaly. A linear current profile from the eastern boundary current to the centre of the gyre was assumed, and the western outflow was determined according to mass conservation. Different assumptions on the transition from the boundary current to the interior and the location of the centre result in a wide range of transports with most likely values between 20 and 56 Sv. The total mass transport was split into individual water masses. Differences between inflow and outflow result in a transformation rate of 3–4 Sv from Winter and Warm Deep Water to Antarctic and Weddell Sea Bottom Water. The net heat and salt transport across the transect implies heat fluxes from the ocean to the atmosphere of 3–10 W m−2 and ice formation rates of 0.2–0.35 m year−1.  相似文献   

Composite pictures of the areal extent of Antarctic sea ice derived from satellite photographs, show that the growth and the rate of growth of the pack ice compare favorably to the values previously estimated on other bases. Anomalous growth patterns are found in the Weddell Sea. Possible causes of this anomaly include surface and subsurface advection of ice crystals. The rate of retrogradation of the pack ice is found to exceed the rate of progradation.  相似文献   

基于海冰密集度的消退起始时间判别方法改进研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
杨毅  聂红涛  董春明  魏皓 《海洋学报》2021,43(7):152-161
海冰融化过程以正反馈的形式影响着海洋的热量吸收,对北极生态环境的变化和经济活动的开展起着重要作用。基于1979–2018年北冰洋逐日海冰密集度数据,本文综合考虑不同海域海冰冰况等因素,对北冰洋边缘海海冰消退起始时间的判别方法进行了改进。通过不同的方案对比分析表明,改进后的方法能够反映不同海域、不同年份冰情的变化;并且可消除一些天气扰动现象的干扰,避免过早地判别消退起始时间。应用本方法分析发现北冰洋各边缘海消退起始时间存在提前的趋势,与融化起始时间的提前趋势较为一致。但是不同海域提前程度存在明显差异,喀拉海和楚科奇海提前消退的趋势最强,达到了9 d/(10 a),而东西伯利亚海消退提前趋势最弱,只有4 d/(10 a),区域间的差异逐渐增大。海冰消退起始时间存在显著的年际差异,各边缘海的标准差均在15 d左右,近10年中消退最早与最晚之间的差值最大可达50 d,出现在波弗特海。  相似文献   

An ecological model to calculate phytoplankton development and microbial loop dynamics in the marginal ice zone of the antarctic ecosystem has been established on the basis of physical and biological (phyto- and bacterioplankton biomass and activity and counting of two classes of heterotrophic nanoplankton) measurements carried out in the marginal ice zone of the Scotia-Weddell Sea sector of the Southern Ocean during sea ice retreat 1988 (EPOS 1 and 2 expeditions). Application of this model at latitudes where sea ice retreat occurs and in adjacent open sea and permanently ice-covered areas demonstrated that the marginal ice zone is a region of enhanced primary and bacterioplankton production. Combining the results of the phyto- and bacterioplankton models allowed the quantitative estimate of the carbon fluxes through the lower level of the planktonic food web of the Weddell Sea marginal ice zone during the sea ice retreat period. The resulting carbon budget revealed the quantitative importance of microbial and micrograzing processes in the pathways of net primary production, 71% of this latter being assimilated in the microbial food web. However, total net microbial food web secondary production contributed 28% of‘marginal ice zone produced’ food resources available to krill and other Zooplankton.  相似文献   

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