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MAPGIS 为地质图件数字制图提供了现代化的技术手段,可大大提高工作效率,改善工作质量,应用前景广阔。在宜昌市矿产资源规划1:20万地质图件的编制工作中,对在 MAPGIS 环境下绘制大型地质图件的数据准备、流程设计.矢量化、误差校正、拓扑上色、子图库添加等进行了成功的尝试。  相似文献   

浅谈计算机技术在煤矿储量估算中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了在煤矿储量估算中应用Microsoft Excel制作各种表格及计算,同时应用MAPGIS软件直接绘制储量估算图,提高图件的精度及节省绘制图件的时间。  相似文献   

马玲玲 《山西地质》2012,(4):108-111
在县(市)级地质灾害调查与区划工作中,利用MAPGIS制图软件的平台,进行各类成果图件的编制。文中详细介绍了MAPGIS制作地质图的具体操作程序,并就此提出了一些编制图件的技巧和体会。  相似文献   

应用MAPGIS的强大图像处理功能,以及MT-Ⅲ测井系统软件包LOGSYS的数据处理功能,笔者编写了MAPGIS和LOGSYS数据通讯程序MAPLOG,成功实现了测井资料由数据到图像和由图像到数据的转换。此项工作为微机编制各种测井图件提供了一种可行的途径,对MAPGIS在测井资料处理中的应用研究做了进一步的探讨。   相似文献   

刘星 《广东地质》2002,17(3):33-43
以往重力图件制作是通过一些专业的重力数据处理软件生成及通过手工修编来完善,通常只能提供单一性质的图件,在生产研究中不利于重力与地质资料进行唯一性解析和图件的保存、交流;MAPGIS中提供了强大的图层管理、空间分析和属性功能,通过这些功能可以完成重力图件的多图层、多方位的分析解释。而这项工作的关键在于解决重力数据在MAPGIS中的可视化。论述了如何将野外采集的重力原始数据通过重力专业软件处理,实现了重力空间数据在MAPGIS中的可视化。同时给出了若干程序和具体实例。  相似文献   

陆可喜  石文学  刘继朝 《地下水》2008,30(3):113-115
应用MAPGIS和Office软件找到了一种解决点位数据信息计算机绘制图件的方法。与传统的在方格纸上绘制等值线图的方法相比,图件准确、整洁、美观,且所绘制的图件与元素原始点位图比例尺相同,位置一致,套合较好,避免了人为因素的干扰,极大地缩短了室内整理时间,提高了工作效率。  相似文献   

邬晓芳  邓毅  王常薇  况忠 《贵州地质》2012,29(2):156-159
根据《全国矿产资源潜力评价数据模型规范》要求,图件结构模型包括图件名称、图件代码、图件分层、图件比例尺、坐标系参数、图层对应属性数据表、属性数据项代码等,全国矿产资源潜力评价项目办开发了GeoMAG软件来帮助大家更快、更好的规范图件。笔者在工作过程中视不同情况分别采用生成图件结构和规范图件结构两种方法对图件进行规范化处理,使提交的图件符合《全国矿产资源潜力评价数据模型规范》要求。  相似文献   

通过解析MAPGIS投影变换的原理,重点介绍应用MAPGIS投影变换对地质勘查成果图件进行投影变换的方法,实例说明不同坐标系之间投影变换过程中的参数选择,对地质行业中的成果计算机制图具有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

姜作勤 《中国地质》1994,(12):27-29
地学图件是地质工作成果的主要表现形式,是为社会、经济发展服务的重要手段.这些图件不仅用于矿产资源勘查的战略部署、矿产资源预测,而且广泛用于资源管理、国土利用与规划、环境监测、工程建设和灾害防治.地学图件种类多,内容复杂,在有了底图之后尚需十几道工序方能完成,编图与修编周期很长.与传统编图方式相比,采用数字制图技术进行计算机辅助编(制)图可大大减少编图工序和时  相似文献   

李菊  赵立鸿  庄颖 《江苏地质》2012,36(4):444-448
在矿产资源种类单一的南通地区,砖瓦用黏土是其矿产资源规划的主体,基于保护耕地和环境的需要,全部利用河道淤泥作为砖瓦用黏土资源。因此,在该市矿产资源规划图件编制中,需要解决这一特殊的非传统矿产要素的表达问题;通过探索,采用概化综合属性、以点代面的表达方式,较为准确地反映了淤泥资源的分布、可用量及规划开发量等要素。  相似文献   

考虑核电厂地基-基础的动力相互作用,应用显式动力有限差分法分析了地震作用下极软岩、较软岩、坚硬岩上核电厂建筑结构基础的地震响应特征,比较了岩石坚硬程度对基础加速度反应谱的影响。研究表明:随着岩石坚硬程度的提高,核电厂建筑物结构基础的地震响应有增加的趋势;在周期轴上,基础处的加速度反应谱曲线会随着岩石坚硬程度的提高逐渐向短周期(高频段)方向移动。在高频段,建造于较坚硬岩石上基础结构的加速度反应谱值偏大;在中等频段,建造于较软岩石上基础结构的加速度反应谱值偏大;在低频段,岩石坚硬程度对加速度反应谱的影响不显著。  相似文献   

多年冻土融沉性分类研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
在冻土工程中,冻土的融沉性评价是工程地质勘察的主要内容之一,融沉性分类是冻土地基基础设计施工的重要依据.根据345个冻土原状样品融沉压缩试验数据,提出了细砾、砂土、粉土、黏性土、泥炭化黏性土和泥炭质土等6类土的融沉系数一含水量或融沉系数一超塑含水量线性回归方程式,得到与各融沉性分级相应的界限含水量或界限超塑含水量.最后...  相似文献   

Reaction of zoning of garnet   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Compositional zoning of garnet in metamorphic or igneous rocks preserves evidence of the equilibration history of the sample and can be interpreted in terms of a growth-fractionation, diffusion-exchange, or diffusion-reaction model. Diffusion zoning is usually assumed to result from exchange reactions between garnet and other phases as the partitioning coefficient varies in response to changing environmental conditions, primarily temperature. However, in many natural environments where garnet grew originally in divariant equilibrium with other phases, changing conditions can promote continuous or “divariant” reactions and consequent compositional shifts of phases that can be much greater in some systems showing these reactions than those related to the small changes of partitioning. Diffusional zoning related to overstepping of these continuous reactions must be related to incongruent reaction and necessitates formulation of a kinetic diffusion-reaction model involving moving phase boundaries as well as solid-state diffusion. Three samples containing zoned garnets from the metamorphic aureole around the Ronda ultramafic intrusion in southern Spain are used to illustrate two possible models of diffusion-reaction processes. The examples are particularly informative because the reactions are demonstrably irreversible and evidence of the reaction system is preserved. Partitioning data indicates that compositions of product phases are not in equilibrium with the original garnet and do not vary with extent of reaction; therefore, exchange reactions with garnet were not possible and garnet changed composition only by incongruent reaction. After a small amount of reaction, Mg/Fe of the rim composition approaches a value apparently in equilibrium with product phases, but the garnets are zoned inward to the original garnet composition preserved in the interior. Grossularite content is approximately constant and spessartite content variable but small, thus, the rim composition of pyrope or almandine is assumed to be fixed by the external reaction process and is taken as a boundary condition in the following models. The zoning profile of pyrope or almandine component between the fixed rim and core compositions (assumed to extend to ∞) is described in semiinfinite, half-space models appropriate for large garnets with narrow rims. The first model corresponds to a reaction system in which all garnet compositions are metastable (case 1) and zoning depends on the independent variables of the diffusion constant, velocity of the interface between garnet and matrix, and time. The second model, corresponding to systems in which the initial garnet composition is metastable but an equilibrium composition is stable (case 2), depends on the independent variables diffusion constant, time, and a function of reaction compositions. In case 1 the consumption velocity is assumed constant and a steady state zoning profile is reached at large time, whereas, in case 2, the velocity decreases with the concentration gradient and steady state is not possible. The models were tested using a reaction time estimated from cooling models of the aureole, mass of garnet consumed, determined petrographically, and phase compositions. The two cases are somewhat independent in that different parameters are independent variables. The estimate of the diffusion constant of 10?18±2 cm2/sec (assumed to be a mutual or binary coefficient for almandine and pyrope) is considered reasonable for the temperature range of reaction (probably 600–900° C), and the two models are consistent considering the probable error and possible real temperature differences. It is obvious that details of the metamorphic reaction system must be known to successfully apply diffusion models. Kinetic models, involving consumption or growth of the phase as well as diffusion are probably necessary when dealing with natural rocks. Several possible and interesting complications, such as cross coupling between components, can be investigated if more data were available. Experimental determination of diffusion constants allow natural reaction rates to be estimated by this method. Diffusion zoning is an important consideration that could increase the efficiency of experimentation with chemically recalcitrant phases.  相似文献   

吴永  何思明  裴向军  李新坡 《岩土力学》2012,33(10):3043-3050
5.12地震导致大规模的松散崩滑物质堆积于沟道,极大的增加了震后降雨型沟道泥石流爆发的概率。然而,灾后特殊的物源条件和成灾环境改变了传统沟道泥石流的形成机制,给震后沟道泥石流的防治工作带来了巨大的困难。为此,以水文学为基础,在构建松散堆积体潜水位变化水文学模型的前提下,借助水力学理论,分析了沟道堆积体内水力随潜水位变化的规律和特征,研究作用在单元条块堆积体上静水压力和动水压力的计算方法。在合理分段沟道松散堆积体的前提下,基于无限边坡理论完成了对各段堆积体下滑力、基底抗滑力及剩余下滑力的表达构建。结合算例解析了震后降雨条件下堆积体失稳的力学机制。分析表明,震后沟道松散堆积体失稳启动并泥石流化是流域降雨作用下堆积体内潜水位不断抬升、水力环境不断劣化的结果。流域大、沟道窄、堆积深、导水系数小、沟床缓的堆积体因较高的潜水位更易在降雨中失稳,且失稳模式因条块间剩余下滑力差异而分为整体推移启动及解体牵引启动两类。  相似文献   

边坡滚石运动轨迹分段循环算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
边坡滚石是在基本建设中常遇到的一种工程灾害。其防护结构的设计依据主要是边坡滚石的运动轨迹,因而要对这种灾害进行防治,首先要确定滚石的运动轨迹。根据落石运动全过程的三个阶段,即滚动(滑动)运动阶段、抛物运动阶段和与坡面碰撞阶段,利用分段循环算法分别得到了三个运动阶段的运动速度计算公式。以某岩质边坡构建相似模型,将该理论公式应用于落石运动轨迹预测,验证了公式的可行性和有效性。与现有方法相比,分段循环算法具有计算原理简单明确、易于使用等优点。该方法可用于斜坡区滚石运动特征的预测,并可作为斜坡区滚石灾害防治的依据。  相似文献   

Using the database of automatic hydrometeorological stations, installed in the Don RIver delta and Taganrog Bay seashore, the sources of the anomalois scale water negative surge and salinization of the Azov Sea under conditions of low river flow in 2015–2016 are studied. The new schemes of stratification and advection of salty sea waters in the Don River mouth under different weather conditions, water discharge and levels are given.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(10):1218-1225
Copper deposits of Cuba belong to the Jurassic lead-zinc-copper, Cretaceous copper and Paleogene copper complexes, which differ substantially in their formation conditions. The island is differentiated into a number of metallogenic zones formed at the initial and early stages of the Cuba folded province. Pinar del Rio, Pinos, Trinidad and Oriente zones, of an intrageanticlinal nature, are prospective with respect to copper vein deposits of the lead-Zinc-copper complex. The Sasa and Cauto zones - intrageosynclinal - are prospective with regard to copper-pyrite and copper vein deposits of the Cretaceous complex. A metallogenic study of the island is indicated in planning the exploration of its copper prospects. -- AGI Staff.  相似文献   

含水层渗透性空间分布的指示克立格估值   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
宋刚  万力  胡伏生  高茂生  张琦伟 《地学前缘》2005,12(Z1):146-151
详细介绍了指示克立格估值计算的理论和方法。以指示变异函数为基本工具分析了华北某地区第四系含水层渗透性空间分布的结构特征,结果表明该地区含水层渗透性存在明显的各向异性特征。水平方向上,X轴方向的相关性较Y轴方向的好,Z轴的相关性最差。用指示克立格法对未采样点处进行估值,估值结果显示含水层渗透性由山前向滨海逐渐变低,在垂直方向上,渗透性变化不明显,浅部比深部略好;同时给出了估计精度,并认为对估计精度不高的区域可通过增加适当的工程加以控制。最后用交叉验证法对估值结果进行了检验,证明建立的指示变异函数模型合理且估值效果较好。这一实际应用表明指示克立格法可以很好地描述第四系含水层渗透性的空间分布规律。  相似文献   

熊春发  孔令伟  杨爱武 《岩土力学》2014,35(7):1892-1898

This work presents the results of a study of the biogeographical distribution of Late Albian-Maastrichtian ammonites, found in sequences of the Pacific coast of Russia. The taxa typical of the Pacific Realm were identified, and their distribution traced beyond the borders of this region. In addition, species-migrants, distributed within the studied area were established. As a results of our works, a high level of endemism of ammonite fauna of the East of Russia was noted (75–88% of endemic species, on average). The bipolarity, previously established in the distribution of ammonoids within the Pacific Paleobiogeographical Realm, as well as their high regional provincialism, was confirmed. The following division of the studied area into faunal ammonite provinces in the Late Cretaceous was proposed: Arctic Province; Boreal-Pacific Province, including northeastern Russia (Chukotka Peninsula, the Koryak Upland, Penzhyna Gulf) and the boreal coast of North America (Alaska Peninsula, Arctic Canada and British Columbia); Northwest Pacific Province, including the Primorye Territory, Sakhalin and Shikotan Islands, the Japanese Islands; Northeast Province of the Pacific (the western coast of the United States and Mexico); Southwest Pacific (Australia, New Zealand, Oceania) and Southeast (the western coast of South America and Antarctica, Seymour and James Ross Islands) Provinces. This division is confirmed by data on inoceramid species. In addition, levels of global transgressions and general sea level rise, associated with the appearances of most of widespread marine taxa in the Pacific shelf seas, are established. These include Late Albian, Cenomanian-Turonian boundary, Late Coniacian, Late Campanian, Early-Late Maastrichtian boundary. Moreover, migration of ammonites occurred due to the Tethys Ocean extension and followed the northern sea straits in the Arctic Ocean and within the Pacific Realm, depending on warm currents. Both the counter and one-way migrations were established.  相似文献   

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