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烟台市龙口港污损生物生态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于2007年03月22日至2008年03月21日在山东省烟台市龙口港附近海域,进行了为期1年的挂板试验,本次调查共记录该海域污损生物32种,优势种为内枝多管藻(Polysiphonia morrowii)、软丝藻(Ulothrix flacca.)、肠浒苔(Entermorpha intestinalis)、中胚花筒螅(Tubularia mesembryanthemum)等.该海域全年均有污损生物附着,月板平均生物量为525.18 g/m2,5-11月的生物附着量较高,最高值出现在7月;季板平均生物量为1569.39 g/m2,生物群落的种类组成和生物量变化明显,其中秋季板生物量最高,龙口海域污损生物的附着种类受季节性水温变化的影响比较明显,藻类开始附着的温度低于动物.4个季度污损生物的种群多样性指数(H忆)春季最高,均匀度指数(J)和种群丰富度指数(M)则夏季最高.统计分析表明,龙口港海域污损生物群落可大致划分为 4个组群,秋季附着的污损生物代表了试验海域的主要特征,同时揭示出污损生物附着季节、演替时间长短等是影响群落种类组成的重要因素  相似文献   

洋山港海域大型污损生物生态特点   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
洋山港是上海国际航运中心的枢纽港。为了解该海域污损生物的群落结构及演变趋势,2009年3月至2010年3月在洋山港海域进行了周年污损生物挂板调查研究。洋山港海域污损生物种类较少,共记录污损生物19种,隶属于5个类群,优势种为僧帽牡蛎(Ostrea cucullata)、网纹纹藤壶(Balanus reliculatus) 、大室膜孔苔虫(Membranipora grandicella)、厦门华藻苔虫(Sinoflustra amoyensis)、双钩楯琥珀苔虫(Aspidelectra bihamata)、中胚花筒螅(Tubularia mesembryanthemum)、曲膝薮枝螅(Obelia geniculata)和亚洲帚毛虫(Sabellaria ishikawai),种类组成以广布种为主,同时部分具有河口低盐种的特征;污损生物的附着高峰期是6—10月份,除冬季月份外,其余月份均有生物附着;受盐度、水流及泥沙含量的影响,洋山港污损生物的生物量变化较大,月板、季板及年板的平均附着生物量分别为9.20,127.20和774.04 g/m2。另外,通过对洋山港海域污损生物周年的物种组成和群落结构变化分析,发现该海域污损生物群落受季节变化和盐度的升高影响较大,群落结构不稳定,物种演替明显。  相似文献   

根据2007年3月至2008年2月在舟山朱家尖蜈蚣客运码头进行的污损生物挂板试验,对该海域污损生物的种类组成、附着季节、生物量分布及生态特点进行了初步研究。结果表明:该海域共鉴定出污损生物85种,其中,藻类13种,腔肠动物13种,苔藓虫4种,多毛类12种,软体动物8种,甲壳类22种和其它13种。优势种为中胚花筒螅Tubularia mesembryanthemum、泥藤壶Balanus uliginosus、白脊藤壶Balanus albicostatus、僧帽牡蛎Saccostrea cucullata、近江牡蛎Crassostrea rivularis、马尔他钩虾Melita sp.、圆鳃麦杆虫Caprella acutifrons、长鳃麦杆虫C.equilibra和盘管虫Hydroides sp.。朱家尖海域全年都有污损生物繁殖附着,其中6—10月为附着盛期,表层和中层月板生物量的高峰值均出现在7月,最低值分别出现在2月和1月,表层月板全年附着总生物量为2 006.1g/m2,月平均生物量为167.18g/m2;中层月板全年附着总生物量为2 388.15g/m2,月平均生物量为199.01g/m2;季度板污损生物生物量按高低依次为:夏季>秋季>春季>冬季;上半年板污损生物的生物量>下半年板。在垂直分布上,除季度板外,其它试板的生物量和附着密度均为中层>表层。根据污损生物的生态习性、分布特征及对盐度的适应,可将舟山朱家尖海域主要污损生物定义为河口低盐种。水温是影响调查海域污损生物分布的主要因素,水体盐度则对朱家尖海域污损生物的种类及指标种分布具有决定性作用。  相似文献   

本文记叙了国内外首次以大型商品化热浸锌锚链为研究对象的海港试验结果,跟踪记录了其4年的腐蚀与生物污损发展过程。分别于2013年7月、2014年7月、2015年7月和2016年7月将试验锚链提出海面,对出现在锚链上的全部附着生物进行刮取、分类、鉴定、称重,清洗锚链的表面,检查锈点,并对热浸锌锚链表面测厚,照相记录跟踪全过程。试验结果表明:裸钢腐蚀严重,锈层在2~3mm,腐蚀产物易成片脱落,形成大小不等的腐蚀坑,最大坑深3mm左右;热浸锌锚链未出现明显腐蚀点,大气区锌层腐蚀速率约10μm/a,水下区锌层腐蚀速率约20~70μm/a,但在两个链环连接处出现磨蚀锈斑;耐蚀性在不同区带中表现为水上链水下链;热浸锌锚链表面的污损生物数量少于未浸锌锚链,随着时间延长,热浸锌锚链表面污损生物逐年增多,其中优势生物为海鞘(Ascidians)、苔藓虫(Bryozoans),其次是贻贝(Mytilus sp.)、牡蛎(Ostreidae sp.)、石莼(Ulva sp.),曾出现南方污损生物种,如翡翠贻贝(Perna viridis)。2013~2014、2014~2015、2015~2016三年锚链单位面积上污损生物的重量分别为1257.6、1454.6和21304.0g/m~2。污损生物重量的增加大大增加了锚链的磨蚀程度,为锚链腐蚀失效埋下了隐患。本研究为海洋工程锚链设计或应用提供了宝贵的科学依据。  相似文献   

2007年3月1日至2008年2月29日在上海芦潮港附近海域进行了污损生物周年挂板试验,调查了该海域污损生物的种类组成、优势种、附着季节和生物量分布特征,分析了主要污损生物的生态特点.结果表明,该海域共鉴定出污损生物52种,隶属于9个生物门类,其中藻类5种,腔肠动物11种,苔藓虫6种,多毛类2种,软体动物5种,甲壳类1...  相似文献   

2016年3月-2017年3月在石岛海域进行了污损生物挂板实验,综合分析了该海域污损生物的种类组成、群落结构和季节变化等特点,并与邻近海区污损生物群落进行了比较。本次调查共发现污损生物21种,分析结果表明,石岛海域污损生物群落结构和数量随季节发生明显变化,夏季种类最多、丰度最大,秋、春季次之,冬季则很少有污损生物附着。根据CLUSTER分析结果,可将月板分为三个群落组,温度较凉爽的4月、5月和10月为一个群落组,温度最高的6月、7月、8月和9月为一个群落组,其余月份温度最低,为一个群落组,SIMPROF分析检验表明,各群落组间具有显著差异,且特征种各有不同。丰度/生物量比较曲线表明,在季板和年板中,只有夏季板的污损生物群落结构不稳定,这与小型节肢动物的爆发性增殖有关。和邻近海域相比,调查海域生物量偏低,但污损生物随季节变化趋势基本相同。  相似文献   

国产热浸锌锚链的耐蚀性研究(Ⅰ):热浸锌锚链的海港试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文记叙了国内外首次以大型商品化热浸锌锚链为研究对象的海港试验结果,跟踪记录了其4年的腐蚀与生物污损发展过程。分别于2013年7月、2014年7月、2015年7月和2016年7月将试验锚链提出海面,对出现在锚链上的全部附着生物进行刮取、分类、鉴定、称重,清洗锚链的表面,检查锈点,并对热浸锌锚链表面测厚,照相记录跟踪全过程。试验结果表明:裸钢腐蚀严重,锈层在2~3mm,腐蚀产物易成片脱落,形成大小不等的腐蚀坑,最大坑深3mm左右;热浸锌锚链未出现明显腐蚀点,大气区锌层腐蚀速率约10μm/a,水下区锌层腐蚀速率约20~70μm/a,但在两个链环连接处出现磨蚀锈斑;耐蚀性在不同区带中表现为水上链>水下链;热浸锌锚链表面的污损生物数量少于未浸锌锚链,随着时间延长,热浸锌锚链表面污损生物逐年增多,其中优势生物为海鞘(Ascidians)、苔藓虫(Bryozoans),其次是贻贝(Mytilus sp.)、牡蛎(Ostreidae sp.)、石莼(Ulva sp.),曾出现南方污损生物种,如翡翠贻贝(Perna viridis)。2013~2014、2014~2015、2015~2016三年锚链单位面积上污损生物的重量分别为1257.6、1454.6和21304.0g/m2。污损生物重量的增加大大增加了锚链的磨蚀程度,为锚链腐蚀失效埋下了隐患。本研究为海洋工程锚链设计或应用提供了宝贵的科学依据。  相似文献   

泉州湾污损生物生态研究   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
2001年12月—2002年11月在泉州湾海域进行了污损生物周年挂板试验,共记录污损生物112种,以近岸暖水种为主,其中长鳃麦秆虫(Caprella equilibra)和网纹藤壶(Amphibalanus reticulates)是该海域最具代表性的优势种,其次为裂片石莼(Ulva fasciata)、中胚花筒螅(Tubularia mesembryanthemum)、薮枝螅(Obeliasp.)、纵条矶海葵(Haliplanella luciae)、外伪角涡虫(Pseudoceros exoplatus)、柄涡虫(Stylochus sp.)、僧帽囊牡蛎(Saccostrea cucullata)、翡翠贻贝(Perna viridis)、巴西地钩虾(Podocerus brasiliensis)、强壮板钩虾(Stenothoe valida)、镰形叶钩虾(Jassa falcata)和角突麦秆虫(Caprella scaura)等种类。该海区污损生物全年均可附着,种类丰富且附着强度大,附着盛期在4—11月,月板、季板、半年板和周年板的平均附着生物量分别为2 624g/m2、5 309g/m2、6 210g/m2和8 247g/m2,夏季可达11 295g/m2。随着试板浸海时间的延长,试板上污损生物群落的多样性明显增加,且结构也趋于稳定。  相似文献   

北部湾白龙半岛邻近海域污损生物生态研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
2006年3月至2007年2月在北部湾白龙半岛邻近海域进行周年污损生物挂板试验, 并调查该海域码头和养殖网箱的污损生物状况.调查结果表明: 该海域污损生物群落呈现明显的亚热带港湾污损生物生态特点.调查记录污损生物共82种, 其中优势种为网纹藤壶Balanus reticulatus、有孔右旋虫Dexiosprira foraminosus、左旋虫Spirorbis papillatus、多室草苔虫Bugula neritina、大室膜孔苔虫Membranipora grandicella、美丽琥珀苔虫Electra tenella、缘齿牡蛎Dendostrea crenulifera、冠瘤海鞘Styela canopus和翡翠贻贝Perna viridis.生物全年附着, 2006年5-10月为附着高峰期.北部湾白龙邻近海域的月板、季板和年板平均附着生物量分别为200.54、2 550.37和15 121.67g·m-2, 均比大亚湾和湛江港的低, 而比清澜港和北部湾涠州岛的高.码头附着生物呈明显的垂直分带现象: 高潮带为滨螺区, 中潮带为牡蛎-笠藤壶分布带, 低潮带主要为藻类.在调查的基础上, 还针对海洋工程、海水养殖和河口生态环境保护给出不同的防污建议.  相似文献   

浙江北关港污损生物的群落结构及其主要影响因子   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
于2016年3月至2017年2月在浙江北关港附近海域进行污损生物周年挂板试验,全年共记录大型污损生物9门44科53属59种,种类组成以近岸暖水种为主,属于典型的亚热带内湾型污损生物群落。固着生活类型的悬浮物食者是该海域污损生物群落的优势群体,群落最主要的优势种是网纹藤壶(Amphibalanus reticulates),其次为长鳃麦秆虫(Caprella equilibra)、中胚花筒螅(Ectopleura crocea)、太平洋侧花海葵(Anthopleura nigrescens)、廉形叶钩虾(Jassa falcata)和强壮藻钩虾(Stenothoe valida)等种类。该海域污损生物全年各月均有附着,6-10月板的覆盖面积均达100%,附着盛期为6-8月,月板、季板、半年板和年板的平均附着密度和生物量分别为(21 371±8 722) ind/m2和(1 667.5±506.0) g/m2,(31 605±17 671) ind/m2和(5 879.1±2 576.5) g/m2,(31 188±10 834) ind/m2和(13 989.6±4 755.4) g/m2,(18 425±5 757) ind/m2和(6 581.9±2 175.9) g/m2,其中夏季附着强度最高。污损生物群落个体间因栖息空间和食物竞争而存在着相互依存或互相制约的关系,又依照对环境的适应性而存在着一定的时空分布规律。分析表明,温度是决定污损生物地理分布的最主要环境因素;另外,盐度、水体透明度以及光照等自然环境也是影响污损生物附着的重要影响因素。  相似文献   

Multiple biotic and abiotic drivers regulate the balance between CO2 assimilation and release in surface waters. In the present study, we compared in situ measurements of plankton carbon metabolism (primary production and respiration) to calculated air–water CO2 fluxes (based on abiotic parameters) during 1 year (2008) in a hypereutrophic tropical estuary (Recife Harbor, NE Brazil – 08°03′S, 34°52′W) to test the hypothesis that high productivity leads to a net CO2 flux from the atmosphere. The calculated CO2 fluxes through the air–water interface (FCO2) were negative throughout the year (FCO2: –2 to –9 mmol C·m?2·day?1), indicating that Recife Harbor is an atmospheric CO2 sink. Respiration rates of the plankton community ranged from 2 to 45 mmol C·m?2·hr?1. Gross primary production ranged from 0.2 to 281 mmol C·m?2·hr?1, exceeding respiration during most of the year (net autotrophy), except for the end of the wet season, when the water column was net heterotrophic. The present results highlight the importance of including eutrophic tropical shallow estuaries in global air–water CO2 flux studies, in order to better understand their role as a sink of atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

The variability of the phosphates, silicates, alkalinity, oxygen, CO2 pressure, salinity, and temperature in the surface mixed layer (SML), as well as the variations of its thickness along the drift passage of the North Pole 35 station, are considered. The station drifted over the Nansen Basin mainly eastwards from ??105 to ??30° E. The surveys were performed from October of 2007 till June of 2008 at three-day intervals. The SML parameters are mainly determined by the advection and mixing with the underlying waters. The analysis of the hydrochemical variability shows that the surface waters at the eastern and western areas of the drift are of different origins. The waters of the eastern area were subjected to the impact of riverine runoff. These waters were spread westwards. The fraction of riverine waters in the eastern area amounts to 3%. In the western area of the drift, presumably transformed Atlantic waters were observed, which spread eastwards from the Fram Strait. The drift path of the station crosses the boundary of the water masses near 85° N and 45° E.  相似文献   

This study reports the first finding of tropical blacklip pearl (BLP) oyster, Pinctada margaritifera, in Korean waters. One BLP oyster was found and sampled from Beom-seom islet (33°13′N, 126°33′E) in the southern coast of Jeju Island, Korea in February, 2011. The taxonomic status of the specimen was confirmed by nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome oxidase I and 28S ribosomal DNA. Oxygen isotopic analysis (δ18Osh) and histology were used to determine the specimen’s age and reproductive stage, which were 3.5 years and ripe male, respectively. This BLP oyster most likely originated in an area in the subtropics or tropics, such as the Okinawa archipelagic or Micronesian regions. We suggest that intensive monitoring surveys are necessary for confirming the northward expansion of BLP oyster in Korean waters in the near future.  相似文献   

Natural surface film experiments in inland waters and shallow offshore regions of the Baltic and Mediterranean Seas were carried out in the time period 1990–1999 under calm sea conditions using a novel device for sampling and force-area studies. The sampler-Langmuir trough-Wilhelmy filter paper plate system ‘cuts out’ an undisturbed film-covered sea area to perform π-A studies without any initial physico-chemical sample processing. The limiting specific area Alim (2.68–31.57 nm2/molecule) and mean molecular mass Mw (0.65–9.7 kDa) of microlayer surfactants were determined from the 2D virial equation of state applied to the isotherms. Enthalpy ΔH and entropy ΔSt of the 2D first-order phase transitions were evaluated using the Clausius-Clapeyron equation applied to the isotherms. Miscibility of film components and film structure evolution is expressed by the scaling exponent y adopting the 2D polymer film scaling theory. The stress-relaxation measurements revealed a two-step relaxation process at the interface with characteristic times τ1=1.1–2.8 and τ2=5.6–25.6 seconds suggesting the presence of diffusion-controlled and structural organisation relaxation phenomena. The obtained results suggest that natural films are a complex mixture of biomolecules covering a wide range of solubilities, surface activity and molecular masses with an apparent structural organisation exhibiting a spatial and temporal variability.  相似文献   

The temporal variation of iodate and total iodine in the Menai Straits and Irish Sea is discussed together with station data for the Atlantic Ocean. Surprisingly little temporal variation was found in either iodate or total iodine even though seasonal nutrient cycling occurred within these water bodies. The iodate concentrations of the temperate Atlantic Ocean, Irish Sea and Menai Straits surface waters were significantly different. These results, together with the known hydrology of the Menai Straits, make it likely that iodate-reducing substances present in terrestrial run-off will be responsible for relatively low iodate concentrations in shallow-seawaters, such as the Irish Sea. However, it is suggested that the low iodate concentrations of tropical surface waters are more likely to have a biological origin. The possibility that the marine iodine system is open to a thermo-dynamical interpretation, as some workers have suggested, is refuted in the case of temperate surface waters as well as deep ocean waters (>200 m). It is shown that existing analyses indicate that below 200 m at oceanic stations, iodate does not vary significantly with depth.  相似文献   

Based on the 45-year (09/1957-08/2008) European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Reanalysis (ERA-40) wave reanalysis dataset, this study analyzes interannual and interdecadal variabilities and intraseasonal oscillations of sea surface wind speed (WS), wind sea wave height (Hw), swell wave height (Hs) and significant wave height (Hs) in the Roaring Forties and tropical waters of the Indian Ocean, to determine swell propagation characteristics. The results show: (1) monthly variabilities of Hs in the Roaring Forties are in good agreement with those in tropical waters of the Indian Ocean; swell plays a dominant role in mixed waves throughout most of the Indian Ocean; and WS, Hw, Hs, and Hs exhibit a significant increasing trend over the 45-year study period. (2) Hs in the Roaring Forties and tropical waters of the Indian Ocean share a common period of 9.8–10.4 years on an interdecadal scale; and WS and Hs in the Roaring Forties and Hs in the tropical waters of the Indian Ocean share a common period of approximately 8 days (weekly oscillation) on an intraseasonal scale. (3) Swell of the Roaring Forties needs approximately 30 h to fully respond to the wind in this region. Approximately 84 h are required for Hs to propagate from the Roaring Forties to the tropical waters of the south Indian Ocean, while it takes approximately 132–138 h for Hs to propagate from the Roaring Forties to the tropical waters of the north Indian Ocean.  相似文献   

海—气相互作用及其对我国气候的若干影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
柯东胜 《海洋预报》1993,10(4):23-29
本文综述了近年来我国学者在海-气相互作用方面的研究成果,集中探讨了海-气相互作用对我国气候的若干影响。结果表明:①我国许多地区的降水和气温变化具有明显的准3.5年振荡周期,这一特征与赤道太平洋地区的海面温度也表现出强烈的准3.5年振荡现象有着密切的联系;②我国气温与南方涛动存在着遥相关的事实,可以作为早期识别埃尔-尼诺的信号;③热带太平洋海温异常影响到副热带高压强弱和位置的变化,是导致我国东部夏季  相似文献   

With a limited number of properties (salinity, temperature, total dissolved inorganic carbon, total alkalinity, and oxygen) from a recent cruise in the tropical Atlantic Ocean, we use the simple and recent approach TrOCA (Tracer combining Oxygen, inorganic Carbon, and total Alkalinity) to estimate the distribution of anthropogenic CO2 along three latitudinal sections. In order to assess the quality of the anthropogenic CO2 distribution, results from the method are compared to the CFC-11 measurements. We discuss the large-scale distribution of the main water masses of the tropical Atlantic Ocean in the light of the anthropogenic CO2 and the CFC-11 distributions. Keeping in mind that the anthropogenic CO2 emission began 60 years earlier than that of CFC-11, the former provides new insight on the local circulation and efficiency of the tropical waters to store the atmospheric carbon.  相似文献   

Winter thermohaline properties of the northern Adriatic are analysed here with the aim of getting a better insight into dense water formation on the shelf. The hydrographic parameters collected in February in the 1967–2000 interval at two stations, the first located close to the eastern shore (station 1), and the second positioned near the Po river mouth (station 2), are compared. Two types of winter hydrographic conditions are distinguished: type A when bottom salinity and density are higher at station 1 than at station 2 and type B when these parameters are higher at station 2 than at station 1. Type A is more likely to occur in warmer and type B in colder winters. Both A and B distribution types can occur in periods when the Adriatic is under the influence of very saline waters of Mediterranean origin. Interannual changes in density are, at both stations, more dependant on haline than on thermal variations. At both stations temperature was somewhat higher in the early seventies than during the eighties and nineties, while salinity and density were lower in the early seventies and early nineties than in other years of the analysed period. By comparing the 1967–2000 changes in hydrographic conditions in February to monthly values of northern Adriatic surface fluxes and Po river discharge rates, it is shown that winter thermohaline characteristics in the region depend on processes which occur much earlier, i.e. during the previous autumn and late in spring of the preceding year, and even during the previous winter, 12 months before.  相似文献   

目前,在中国采用热浸镀Zn及其合金一直是防止钢材在自然环境中腐蚀的最经济有效的方法,为了提高镀层的防腐和涂装性能,往往在其表面进行钝化处理。传统的镀锌层钝化处理工艺均采用高浓度的铬酸盐溶液, 这对环境污染和人体的危害较严重。随着环境保护问题日益引起人们的重视,在传统的高铬钝化基础上,低浓度铬酸盐钝化开始步入实用性阶段(吴双成,1996;卢燕平等,1995)。但是,目前低铬钝化研究主要集中于热浸镀Zn或电镀Zn镀层,而合金镀层由于化学稳定性高,与铬酸溶液自发反应能力差,无法采用常规的低铬钝化方法处理,有关这方面的报道目前尚少。王洪仁(1998)对Zn-Al合金镀层的低铬钝化处理进行了有益的探索,获得了一个优化的低铬钝化配方和稳定的钝化工艺,并成功地应用于热浸镀Zn-Al合金镀层的表面防锈处理;实验证明,海水在模拟浸泡6个月后,钝化处理Zn-Al合金镀层的腐蚀失重比未钝化样品降低65.9%,表明低铬酸盐钝化使Zn-Al合金镀层的耐海水腐蚀性能得到显著提高(Li Y et al.,2001)。本文作者在前人基础上对Zn-Al合金镀层低铬钝化膜的组成和耐盐雾腐蚀性进行了研究,并初步探讨了钝化膜的形成过程及其耐蚀机理。对Zn-Al合金镀层低铬钝化处理技术的研究,不仅大大降低了对环境的污染和人体的危害,也是在低铬钝化研究方面的重大突破,具有十分重要的意义和实际应用价值。  相似文献   

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