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我国西南岩溶山区位于上扬子地台,经过多期构造运动,形成了特有的强烈褶皱地貌形态,特大型滑坡灾害频发。通过资料收集、现场调查以及统计分析,讨论了岩溶山区典型滑坡后破坏的成灾模式和形成条件,并得出以下结论:(1)我国西南岩溶山区普遍呈现上陡下缓的地形地貌特征和上硬下软的地层结构特征,岩溶地貌和溶蚀岩体结构加剧了滑坡后破坏的成灾规模;(2)研究区的滑坡成灾模式主要分为岩质崩塌、高位远程滑坡-碎屑流和高位远程滑坡-泥石流三种类型;(3)岩质崩塌灾害类型剪出口高差通常小于50 m,等效摩擦系数通常大于0.6,堆积体破碎比在5~20之间;高位远程滑坡-碎屑流灾害类型剪出口高差通常在50~200 m之间,等效摩擦系数通常在0.33~0.60之间,堆积体破碎比在20~100 之间;高位远程滑坡-泥石流灾害类型剪出口高差通常大于200 m,等效摩擦系数通常小于0.33,堆积体破碎比区间大于100;(4)西南岩溶山区的“高位滑坡”剪出口高差通常大于50 m,具有高速远程运动特征,运动过程中具有冲击铲刮、破碎解体、气垫和流化四种动力学效应。滑坡后破坏成灾模式的提出,可以为滑坡运动动力学机理和成灾反演预测研究提供重要分析模型。  相似文献   

贵州省六盘水水城高位远程滑坡流态化运动过程分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高位远程滑坡是中国西南山区常见的一类灾难性地质灾害,其发生往往伴随有碰撞解体效应,导致滑体碎裂化,转化为碎屑流或泥石流,具有流化运动堆积的特征。2019年7月23日发生于中国贵州省六盘水市水城县的鸡场镇滑坡是典型的高位远程流态化滑坡,滑坡前后缘高差430 m,水平运动距离1340 m,堆积体体积200×104 m3,导致21幢房屋被掩埋,51人遇难。基于野外详细调查和滑前滑后地形对比,采用DAN-W软件对水城滑坡的整个运动堆积过程进行了模拟,结果显示:水城滑坡在滑源区残留堆积体厚度最大为27 m,堆积区最大堆积厚度为15 m,滑坡碎屑流前缘最大运动速度为27 m/s,最大动能为6.57×106 J;滑坡高位剪出,由于势能转化为动能,滑坡快速达到速度峰值,并铲刮地表松散土层;由于强降雨,滑体高速运动使基底孔隙水来不及排出,导致基底摩擦力下降,降低能量损耗,滑体解体促进颗粒流化运动,减少了摩擦,也是滑坡远程运动的重要原因。   相似文献   

茂县新磨特大滑坡-碎屑流的发育特征与运移机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2017年6月24日茂县叠溪镇新磨村发生体积近800×104 m3的灾难性特大型滑坡-碎屑流灾害。通过现场调查、遥感解译和资料分析,本文对灾害发育的地质环境条件,崩滑危岩体及运移堆积特征,降雨及地震对崩滑的触发作用等进行了研究,探讨了影响碎屑流运动性的主要效应及其致灾机理,并评价了类似灾害的监测预警新方法。研究认为:(1)新磨村位于1933年叠溪MS7.5地震前已经存在的大型老滑坡堆积体上,多次历史强震和历年降雨循环使滑源区砂板岩坡体表层卸荷带失稳剥离,内部岩体完整性和强度进一步损伤劣化,滑源区在2003年之前已经发育了多条宽大裂缝,并存在显著滑前变形前兆,新磨滑坡本质上是一次后地震机制的灾难性高速岩质滑坡-碎屑流。(2)新磨基岩顺层滑坡体积约150×104 m3,但有约600×104 m3沟道老崩坡积体被刮铲、裹携。滑坡体高位撞击使老堆积体内“土拱效应”快速丧失并获得加速,“刮铲-裹携效应”促进了滑坡-碎屑流的流动性和扩散性,但大规模的裹携也限制了碎屑流运移得更远。这种冲击加载-刮铲裹携的破坏机制与1986年新滩滑坡、2000年易贡滑坡和2004年贵州纳雍左营滑坡等类似。(3)滑坡-碎屑流产生的地震信号分析可再现整个滑坡、冲击、运移、停积等全过程,震前InSAR形变资料分析则揭示了显著的变形前兆,两者结合应是未来这类超视距崩滑-碎屑流灾害早期识别、评价和预警的新方法。(4)鉴于滑后新磨流域仍然存在大量新老裂缝及其切割而成的危险块体,建议立即开展详细的灾害调查、风险评价和监测预警工作,避免类似灾害重复发生。  相似文献   

汶川地震触发大光包巨型滑坡基本特征及形成机理分析   总被引:25,自引:6,他引:19  
大光包红洞子沟巨型滑坡是汶川地震触发的最大规模滑坡,其体积达7.42亿m3, 堰塞坝高达690m,是我国已知的最大规模地震滑坡和最高的滑坡堰塞坝,也是目前全世界已知的为数不多的几个方量在5亿m3以上的超大规模滑坡之一,其高达690m的滑坡堰塞坝为目前世界最高的滑坡坝。滑坡位于发震断层上盘,距发震断裂映秀北川断裂不足7km。震前斜坡为三面切割的孤立型山脊,相对高差达1500m;斜坡岩层走向与坡面近于垂直,层面延展性极好,构成滑动面形成的基础。调查和分析表明,斜坡的临空条件和贯通性好的灰岩层面是滑坡产生的基础;而高强度和长持时强震地面运动是导致滑坡产生的根本因素。滑坡产生的机理和过程可分为以下4个阶段:即坡体震裂、松弛和解体阶段、高速溃滑阶段、震动堆积阶段、二次抛射和碎屑流堆积阶段。失稳高速下滑的坡体,形成了沿主滑方向长4.2km,宽2.2km的堆积体,高速流动的碎屑流越过下游侧风波岩山脊,沿红洞子沟形成了长1km的碎屑流堆积区。  相似文献   

2004年3月12日,云南省丽江市玉龙雪山南坡发生了较大规模的冰-岩碎屑流型高速远程滑坡。位于斜坡顶部(高程为4 337~5 350 m)的岩体和冰川块体沿着高陡岩壁向下滑动,在峡谷地形控制下于干河坝内形成体积约11.2×106 m3的滑坡堆积体。本文通过遥感影像分析和现场调查,对干河坝冰-岩碎屑流的地貌与堆积特征进行了详细研究,初步阐释了干河坝冰-岩碎屑流发生的成因机制和运动过程。研究结果表明,节理裂隙发育、源区冻融作用加剧和历史地震效应是此次地震的诱发因素。地形的坡度变化特征、滑体表面“乘船石”结构及内部岩屑的定向排列表明滑坡的运动过程可分为碰撞破碎阶段和扩散堆积阶段。滑坡堆积区广泛分布的“冰川乳坑”和冰水沉积物暗示堆积体底部松散沉积物减阻或是干河坝冰-岩碎屑流具有远程效应的有利因素。深入理解干河坝冰-岩碎屑流的地貌特征及运动学过程,对揭示高速远程滑坡的超强运动机理具有重要的理论意义,同时对我国西部高寒山区大型滑坡灾害的预测预警亦具有现实意义。  相似文献   

华蓥山溪口滑坡—碎屑流   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文分析了华蓥山溪口滑坡—碎屑流的形成机制,以及该区斜坡失稳的成灾规律,并提出了华蓥山区地质灾害防护对策的建议。  相似文献   

滑坡-碎屑流是一种沿着斜坡表面作远程运动的岩石碎屑流动体。碎屑流体在远程运动过程中会出现粒径分选,并在堆积体中呈现出一定的层序特征。本文通过开展碎屑流滑槽试验,观测了碎屑流运动过程中的粒径分选过程,并重点研究了碎屑流堆积体的垂向和滑移方向层序,采用分层和分段筛分法,对不同粒径的颗粒含量进行了分析,揭示出碎屑流堆积体内部不仅在垂向上具有反粒序结构,还在滑移方向上具有双峰分布形态。这两种堆积特征在6.24茂县新磨村滑坡和8.28纳雍普洒村崩塌堆积体的块石分布规律中得到验证,它们是滑坡-碎屑流体运动过程中块石之间相互作用的宏观反映,是分析碎屑流远程运动机制的重要现场证据。通过室内滑槽试验和实例分析,得到以下结论:碎屑流运动过程中产生的弥散压力和振动筛分是导致碎屑流堆积体中形成垂向反粒序以及滑移方向双峰堆积形态的重要原因。其中振筛作用的动力来源为碎屑流滑移区的不规则起伏引起的碎屑体振荡,以及由粒径差异造成的动量不均衡碰撞。  相似文献   

高速远程滑坡-碎屑流是大型危岩体失稳破坏的主要成灾模式之一,它具有启动速度快、运动距离远、覆盖范围广的特点,具有极强破坏性,预测分析大型危岩体的运动特征具有重要的研究意义。文中选取重庆武隆县羊角场镇大巷危岩为研究对象,通过调查危岩体所处的地质地貌条件和危岩体发育特征,分析总结其潜在失稳模式和失稳后运动过程,利用DAN3D动力分析软件,参考鸡尾山滑坡反演分析的流变模型和参数,对危岩失稳后形成滑坡-碎屑流的运动学特征进行预测分析。模拟结果表明:(1)大巷危岩失稳后运动过程可分为启动、偏转抛出、碰撞铲刮和远程堆积4个阶段,运动时间约为220s,形成滑坡-碎屑流的滑程为2 500m;(2)大巷危岩滑体方量530×104 m3,滑后堆积体方量790×104 m3,堆积体水平长约1 680m,平均厚度约为6m,铲刮最大厚度为8m,碎屑流运动过程中最大速度为60m/s;(3)碎屑流可穿过羊角场镇城区抵达乌江,说明羊角场镇城区在大巷危岩的危害范围内;(4)文中的模拟计算结果可为高速远程滑坡-碎屑流的危险性定量评价研究提供依据。  相似文献   

高位远程滑坡指剪出口高、滑动距离长、体积大和速度快的滑坡,具有强动能、强烈碎屑化-流体化、铲刮效应等特征,滑坡及其诱发的灾害链对人类生命财产安全、路桥基础设施、水利水电工程等危害巨大。在遥感解译和野外调查的基础上,总结了2000年西藏易贡高位远程滑坡的研究进展,分析了滑坡启滑机制、体积、运动速度、堰塞湖体积、溃坝机制等,进一步揭示了内外动力耦合作用是西藏易贡高位远程滑坡的主要影响因素,以及该滑坡具有溯源侵蚀复发型的周期性启滑机制。基于GIS与高精度DEM进一步核算了易贡高位远程滑坡的体积,认为滑源区崩滑体体积约9225×104 m3,滑坡堆积体体积约为2.81×108~3.06×108 m3,其中堆积体体积与国内外研究的认识基本一致。易贡滑坡崩滑源区还发育2个潜在失稳区,潜在崩滑体方量约1.86×108 m3,一旦失稳可能再次形成滑坡-堵江-溃坝灾害链,危害巨大,故提出了进一步加强易贡高位远程滑坡潜在崩滑体稳定性研究、灾害链流域性影响...  相似文献   

刘家湾滑坡位于青川东河口红光乡刘家湾,为汶川地震触发的特大型岩质山体滑坡。野外调查结果表明,该滑坡堆积体与一般汶川地震滑坡运动堆积体迥异的是滑体在沿碳质板岩与白云岩划分带破坏溃滑后,滑源区又沿白云岩风化卸荷带触发了二次溃滑,形成二级堆积平台的形态且以不同岩性区分,在岩性划分带及风化卸荷带呈现出明显的动力破坏特性。通过对该滑坡堆积体进行岩体物理力学试验及波速测试研究表明,该滑坡由白云岩、碳质板岩及千枚岩组成的内硬外软岩质边坡具有明显的量化差异特性,强震条件下差异岩性组合边坡岩层接触面的动力突变效应耦合凸出地形是导致该边坡破坏的主要因素。近一步研究显示该滑坡运动可大致分山体震裂阶段、地质分界面应力突变阶段、高速溃滑阶段、碎屑流堆积阶段、二次溃滑堆积5个动力过程。  相似文献   

On June 24, 2017, a catastrophic landslide (Xinmo landslide) occurred on the left bank of Songping river in Diexi town, Sichuan Province, China. Based on field investigations, this paper tries to reveal the cause and mechanism of the initiation and development of the Xinmo landslide. Xinmo landslide is located in the so called “Minshan block.” This tectonic block is very active and generates many earthquakes. Among them, the 1933 Diexi Ms 7.5 earthquake which had an indispensable effect on the occurrence of the Xinmo landslide, whose distance to the recent Xinmo landslide is only 8.7 km. The 1933 earthquake triggered the collapse of the Qianxin gully, which damaged the rock mass forming the source of the Xinmo landslide and creating a free prominent ridge. The later 1976 Songpan Ms 7.2 earthquake and the 2008 Wenchuan Ms 8.0 earthquake further damaged the integrity of the rock mass in the source area of the 2017 Xinmo landslide. The Xinmo landslide developed on a typical bedding dip slope with metasandstone intercalated with a few thin bedded slate layers. The slate intercalation gives the slope a very low shear strength in the dip direction and the long term rainfall may have softened the slip zone and the locked section. These two aspects have promoted the occurrence of Xinmo landslide.  相似文献   

The 2008 Ms 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake triggered a large number of extensive landslides. It also affected geologic properties of the mountains such that large-scale landslides followed the earthquake, resulting in the formation of a disaster chain. On 10 July 2013, a catastrophic landslide–debris flow suddenly occurred in the Dujiangyan area of Sichuan Province in southeast China. This caused the deaths of 166 people and the burying or damage of 11 buildings along the runout path. The landslide involved the failure of ≈1.47 million m3, and the displaced material from the source area was ≈0.3 million m3. This landslide displayed shear failure at a high level under the effects of a rainstorm, which impacted and scraped an accumulated layer underneath and a heavily weathered rock layer during the release of potential and kinetic energies. The landslide body entrained a large volume of surface residual diluvial soil, and then moved downstream along a gully to produce a debris flow disaster. This was determined to be a typical landslide–debris flow disaster type. The runout of displaced material had a horizontal extent of 1200 m and a vertical extent of 400 m. This was equivalent to the angle of reach (fahrböschung angle) of 19° and covered an area of 0.2 km2. The background and motion of the landslide are described in this study. On the basis of the above analysis, dynamic simulation software (DAN3D) and rheological models were used to simulate the runout behavior of the displaced landslide materials in order to provide information for the hazard zonation of similar types of potential landslide–debris flows in southeast China following the Wenchuan earthquake. The simulation results of the Sanxicun landslide revealed that the frictional model had the best performance for the source area, while the Voellmy model was most suitable for the scraping and accumulation areas. The simulations estimated that the motion could last for ≈70 s, with a maximum speed of 47.7 m/s.  相似文献   

2022年9月5日四川泸定县发生MS 6.8级地震, 地震诱发大量同震崩滑体, 并导致湾东河断流。基于现场调查、影像解译和区域地质资料分析, 采用空间统计和水文计算的方法, 对湾东河流域同震崩滑体分布特征和潜在泥石流危险性进行了研究。结果表明: 湾东河流域内同震崩滑体主要分布在地震烈度Ⅸ度区, 规模以中小型为主, 主要沿沟道两侧展布, 尤其是单薄山脊两侧临空面发育密度较大, 距断层距离和坡度对其分布具有明显的控灾效应; 未来湾东河流域暴发溃决型泥石流的冲出量可能为同等触发条件下震前泥石流的约两倍。依此提出了加强流域内溃决型泥石流风险防范, 尽快通过综合监测预警获取泥石流发生的临界雨量值, 在泥石流防治工程设计中应充分考虑泥石流规模放大系数等防灾减灾建议, 为泸定地震后泥石流灾害防灾减灾提供科学参考。   相似文献   

The May 12, 2008 Wenchuan, China Earthquake which measured Mw = 8.3 according to Chinese Earthquake Administration – CEA (Mw = 7.9 according to the USGS) directly triggered many landslides, which caused about 20,000 deaths, a quarter of the total. Rock avalanches were among the most destructive landslides triggered by this seismic event, and have killed more people than any other type of landslide in this earthquake. The Donghekou rock avalanche, one example of a catastrophic avalanche triggered by the Wenchuan earthquake, occurred in Qingchuan and buried one primary school and 184 houses, resulting in more than 780 deaths, and in addition, caused the formation of two landslide dams, which formed barrier lakes.Combining aerial images (resolution of 0.5 m) with field investigations, this paper lists some parameters of 66 cases in one table, and details source characteristics of six typical cases. It has been found that most of the long runout rock avalanches have source areas with high relief and steep inclination, causing the debris in the travel courses to accelerate. There was also a large amount of saturated Holocene-age loose deposits formed by a river or gully that existed in the travel courses. Comparison studies indicate that saturated Holocene loose deposits in the travel courses could be the most important factor for the causes of the long runout characteristic of the rock avalanches especially when they traveled over gentle or even flat ground surfaces.Furthermore, the relationships among the relief slope gradient, runout and covered area are investigated, and a threshold line for predicting the maximum horizontal runout distance under certain change in elevation is presented.  相似文献   

The Niumiangou Creek rock avalanche was triggered by an Ms 8.0 earthquake that happened on 12 May 2008 in the Sichuan Province, China. The rock avalanche traveled a horizontal distance of 3.0 km over a vertical elevation difference of 0.89 km, equivalent to a coefficient of friction of only 0.29. The travel path of the rock avalanche can be divided into three segments: (1) failing and disintegrating, (2) flying, (3) flowing. In the failing and disintegrating segment, the rock slope failed because of the coupled action of horizontal and vertical force of the earthquake, then smashed into the opposite mountain and disintegrated. In the flying segment, the disintegrating rock mass changed direction and flew into the Lianhuaxin Creek, which was different from the previous research results that concluded rock debris flowed in Lianhuaxin Creek. A great amount of air trapped and compressed under the rock debris acted as air cushion and supported the rock debris to fly a further distance. In the flowing segment, the rock debris flowed on the ground surface in Niumiangou Creek. The flowing velocity has been estimated from the maximum elevation and runup according to the damaged trimlines of the debris. The saturated fine material in Niumiangou Creek entrained by the failed debris mass is thought to have contributed to the long runout of the debris. The Niumiangou Creek rock avalanche is one of the three longest rock avalanches triggered by Wenchuan earthquake. The conclusions of the paper have implications for hazard assessment of potential rock avalanches in the earthquake area and the other similar mountainous area in west China.  相似文献   

On 17 February 2006, a rockslide-debris avalanche cascaded down the steep slope of Mt. Can-abag, burying the entire village of Guinsaugon in St. Bernard, Southern Leyte, Philippines. Casualties include 139 dead with 980 still missing and presumed dead, making it perhaps the most catastrophic landslide in Philippine history. The landslide started at the ridge top along a fault plane associated with the active Philippine Fault Zone. It started as a block slide that transformed into an avalanche. The entire event lasted for only a few minutes. Estimated maximum landslide velocity is 120–130 m/s. The landslide left behind a deep, wedge-shaped scarp. The central part of the deposit exhibits a hummocky topography typical of avalanches, in contrast to the flatter surface of the debris-flow-type marginal deposit. High amounts of soil in the matrix were derived from the scouring of ancient landslide deposits and rice fields in the valley. The landslide has a total area of 3.2 km2 and a runout distance of 4.1 km. Estimated volume of debris is approximately 20 Mm3. At least four streams were dammed by the landslide debris. Intense precipitation and earthquakes preceding the landslide are the potential triggers. Preliminary back analyses assuming a planar and wedge slip surface yielded very low factors of safety even under dry conditions. A more rigorous analysis of the failure mechanism of the landslide is needed.  相似文献   

2008年5月12日的汶川大地震引发了大规模同震山体滑坡,随后的强降雨又引发新的山体滑坡,滑坡形成的松散固体物质成为后续泥石流灾害的主要物质来源。为探究强震区泥石流流域崩滑体时空演变特征,文章以北川县魏家沟等8条泥石流流域为例,选取8期遥感影像(2008年震后、“9.24”泥石流发生后、2010年、2011年、2013年、2014年、2015年、2016年),分别解译崩滑体,统计其空间分布特征。此外,利用归一化植被指数(NDVI)计算研究区内植被覆盖度(VFC)及植被覆盖度恢复率(VCRR)。结果表明:研究区内崩滑体发育面积在强降雨作用后达到峰值,随后呈稳定恢复状态,面积逐年减小。崩滑体在高程900~1 100 m范围、坡度30°~45°范围、坡向90°~135°范围、距沟道150 m范围内发育面积最大。流域内植被覆盖度在2008年“9.24”泥石流灾害后最低,随后呈稳定恢复。自震后到2010年的时期内,植被覆盖度恢复率中等以下区域较多,植被恢复程度较低。2011年之后,流域内大多区域处于植被覆盖度恢复率中等以上等级,植被恢复程度较高。到2016年,研究区植被覆盖度已恢复至较高水平。研究表明:除地层岩性、微地貌等因素影响外,植被对泥石流活动性具有一定的抑制作用。  相似文献   

2008年5月12日,汶川M8.0地震在四川省绵竹市清平乡文家沟内诱发一巨型滑坡。通过现场调查得知,滑坡前后缘高差455m,厚度20~30m,滑面为基岩层面,初始方量2.750×107m3。滑体在运动中转化为碎屑流。滑坡-碎屑流总的水平运动距离为4022m,垂直运动距离为1443m,遗留的堆积物体积达5×107m3。滑坡距映秀—北川断裂仅3.6km,位于其下盘,地震烈度达X I度。滑坡导致文家沟中48人遇害,并形成一条完整的地震次生地质灾害链。初步分析表明滑坡启动速度快,滑坡向碎屑流转化过程明显、地点明确。碎屑流运动过程复杂,伴有强烈的"气垫效应"和"前缘气浪冲击效应"。作者认为,文家沟滑坡的高启动速度是长持时强烈地震动作用的结果,与山体的猛烈碰撞是导致滑体解体并转化为碎屑流的原因。  相似文献   

甘肃天水红旗山黄土滑坡群成因及稳定性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
天水市位于西秦岭北缘断裂带,区内活动断裂发育,历史上强震频发,诱发了大量黄土滑坡。基于对天水市北山地震滑坡群的野外调查,研究了地震滑坡变形破坏特征;以红旗山滑坡群为典型案例,结合室内测试结果,剖析了红旗山滑坡的变形破坏机制;利用FLAC3D模拟分析了现今红旗山滑坡的稳定性。研究结果表明:天水北山滑坡群由地震作用诱发;红旗山滑坡包含两个主滑动带,历史上经历了3期以上变形活动,演化过程复杂,属地震-降雨耦合型滑坡。现今红旗山滑坡体在天然状态下相对稳定,如遇强震作用将造成坡体内部塑性区贯通,斜坡顶部岩土体将发生滑移。这一研究成果可为潜在强震区地震滑坡的变形机理及防灾减灾提供依据。  相似文献   

The Faroe Islands in the North Atlantic Ocean are susceptible to flow-type landslides in coarse-grained highly organic colluvium. Following several hazardous debris avalanche events, research work has been initiated to quantify landslide risk. A central task in this work is to predict landslide runout behavior. From numerical simulation of four debris avalanches, this study provides a first screening of which rheology and appertaining input parameters best predict runout behavior of debris avalanches in the Faroe Islands. Three rheologies (frictional, Voellmy, and Bingham) are selected and used for individual back analysis of the events in the numerical models BING and DAN3D. A best fit rheology is selected from comparing predicted and observed landslide runout behavior. General back analysis to identify the optimal input parameters for the chosen rheology is performed by cross validation, where each debris avalanche is modeled with input parameters from the three other events. Optimal input parameters are found from the model run producing the most accurate runout length and velocity. The Bingham is selected as the best fit rheology, a result differing from similar studies of coarse-grained landslides. A reason for why particularly the frictional rheology proves unsuitable is its tendency to produce too long runout lengths of the low-weight runout material, a result showing important limitations for using the frictional rheology in DAN3D. Optimal Bingham input parameters are τ y ?=?980 Pa and μ b ?=?117 Pa/s. However, future studies performed in 2D models are needed for precise parameterization before results can be used for landslide risk assessment.  相似文献   

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