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2009年5月8日,广东省12322防震减灾公益服务热线正式开通。在非震时,承担着科普地震知识、搜集宏观异常和意见建议的任务;震后,能快速发布震情信息,接收灾情报告及稳定社会秩序。针对12322热线已运行6年,突出的矛盾和面临的困难越来越突出,提出了几点意见和建议。  相似文献   

四川省防震减灾素质教育工程的建设内容包括1个防震减灾素质教育中心、39个防震减灾科普宣传服务站、180个防震减灾科普示范学校和25个防震减灾科普示范社区。教育工程能够实现全省防震减灾科普知识的有效宣传,以及地震信息的实时发布和地震救援信息的实时更新。  相似文献   

随着城镇化水平的快速提高,处于地震灾害高风险区域的城镇数量也不断增加。在城镇防震减灾工作管理体系中,市县地震部门的防震减灾工作是关键。然而,这些基层部门在推进防震减灾工作中面临着公共服务科技含量不高、工作手段缺乏、基础数据缺乏等难题。本文针对城镇地震防灾与应急处置的关键环节和薄弱部位,研究针对性强、操作简便的城镇地震防灾与应急处置一体化服务系统,为市县地震部门平时的震害防御、防震减灾科普宣传、应急准备以及震时应急响应和震后应急处置提供重要依据、工具和手段,全面提高市县防震减灾能力。从而提高为城镇人民的生命财产安全和经济建设保驾护航的能力,为城镇化建设营造安全的抗震环境。  相似文献   

防震减灾科普宣传是增强全民防震减灾意识和能力的重要途径,利用互联网充分做好防震减灾科普宣传工作,将对影响防震减灾科普宣传工作的广度、深度和效果起到积极的促进作用.本文在分析互联网在历次地震中的表现和网络防震减灾科普宣传工作现状的基础上,提出了促进防震减灾科普宣传在互联网中应用的具体措施.  相似文献   

加强地震科普教育是提升防震减灾能力的重要抓手。本文分析了当前我国城市和农村地震科普的现状,总结了地震部门近几年科普宣传的宝贵经验,并提出了未来地震科普宣传的新思路,通过技术创新和人才建设打造人民群众喜闻乐见的科普精品。  相似文献   

随着信息科技的发展,通过新媒体平台获取资讯成为一种趋势。新媒体在为公众带来全新生活模式和理念的同时,也为防震减灾宣传工作提供了新的平台和发展机遇。结合当前防震减灾科普宣传工作的实际情况,对防震减灾科普宣传在传统媒体与新媒体融合发展中的应用展开调研与分析,并借鉴"山西省防震减灾科普知识竞赛决赛"开展科普宣传的成功经验,给出相关解决方案,希望能为今后防震减灾科普宣传工作的开展起到一定作用。  相似文献   

微信是一种快速的即时通讯工具,受到越来越多人的青睐。厦门市地震局借助微信公众平台开展防震减灾科普宣传工作,发布震情信息,收集灾情信息,提供应急避难场所信息,有效发挥了地震微信公众平台在城市防灾减灾中的积极作用,同时也提升了地震部门的公众服务能力。  相似文献   

郝文娟 《山西地震》2005,(Z1):43-43
防震减灾的科普宣传工作是防震减灾工作的重要组成部分,搞好科普宣传工作,为防震减灾工作出谋献策是每位地震工作者的重要责任.我国是一个多地震的国家,地震频度高、强度大、震源浅、分布广.资料表明,我国41%的国土,一半以上的城市都位于地震基本烈度Ⅶ度或Ⅶ度以上地区,从而使我国成为世界上受地震灾害最严重、经济损失最大的国家之一.我国现处在一个新的地震活跃期,面对这样严峻的地震形势,我国防震减灾工作的任务会更艰巨.  相似文献   

地震是自然灾害中对人类危害最大的灾难之一,将地震灾害给人类造成的损失降到最低是我们一直努力追求的目标。目前,地震预报仍然是世界性难题,大力开展科普宣传工作是现阶段能够有效减轻地震灾害损失的工作措施之一。随着信息化以及科技的发展,防震减灾科普宣传的内容和方式也需要与时俱进,才能更好地适应经济社会发展的需求。尤其云南地震系统现处于机构改革时期,面对新的形势,站在新的平台上,如何做好新时代的防震减灾科普宣传工作,既是机遇,也是挑战。本文以云南地震局昆明基准地震台及其他部分台站为例,与沿海省份的科普宣传工作作比较,思考新形势下云南地区如何加强防震减灾科普工作。  相似文献   

随着移动互联网技术、通讯技术的快速发展,越来越多的人通过新媒体平台获取信息资讯,新媒体在给人们带来全新生活模式和理念的同时,也为防震减灾科普提供了新的平台和发展机遇。本文主要通过认知新媒体时代网络的传播特点:瞬时性、碎片化传播方式、双向性传播渠道及形象化传播特性,分析新媒体对防震减灾科普宣传的影响,对地震微信公众服务平台的建设进行了思考。本文对如何利用微信公众服务平台新形式进行防震减灾科普宣传有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

Summary Adopting thePizzetti-Somigliana method and using elliptic integrals we have obtained closed formulas for the space gravity field in which one of the equipotential surfaces is a triaxial ellipsoid. The same formulas are also obtained in first approximation of the equatorial flattening avoiding the use of the elliptic integrals. Using data from satellites and Earth gravity data the gravitational and geometric bulge of the Earth's equator are computed. On the basis of these results and on the basis of recent gravity data taken around the equator between the longitudes 50° to 100° E, 155° to 180° E, and 145° to 180° W, we question the advantage of using a triaxial gravity formula and a triaxial ellipsoid in geodesy. Closed formulas for the space field in which a biaxial ellipsoid is an equipotential surface are also derived in polar coordinates and its parameters are specialized to give the international gravity formula values on the international ellipsoid. The possibility to compute the Earth's dimensions from the present Earth gravity data is the discussed and the value ofMG=(3.98603×1020 cm3 sec–2) (M mass of the Earth,G gravitational constant) is computed. The agreement of this value with others computed from the mean distance Earth-Moon is discussed. The Legendre polinomials series expansion of the gravitational potential is also added. In this series the coefficients of the polinomials are closed formulas in terms of the flattening andMG.Publication Number 327, and Istituto di Geodesia e Geofisica of Università di Trieste.  相似文献   

解释并讨论了湖州和宁波台1993年以来的地倾斜资料,总结了震前有异常显示的6次地震。发现:①异常在现场记录资料中均有显示,异常形态的识别对预报地震有重要的意义;②能观测到异常全过程的倾斜仪与震中的距离基本符合式lgDj=0.303(MS+1.6)给出的监测能力半径,大于这个半径的台有时也能观测到异常,但多为短临异常。如果震前记录到异常的全过程,则利用单台资料可能对地震三要素进行预测。  相似文献   

Following the M w 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake, the M w 6.6 Lushan earthquake is another devastating earthquake that struck the Longmenshan Fault Zone (LFZ) and caused severe damages. In this study, we collected continuous broadband ambient noise seismic data and earthquake event data from Chinese provincial digital seismic network, and then utilized ambient noise tomography method and receiver function method to obtain high resolution shear wave velocity structure, crustal thickness, and Poisson ratio in the earthquake source region and its surroundings. Based on the tomography images and the receiver function results, we further analyzed the deep seismogenic environment of the LFZ and its neighborhood. We reveal three main findings: (1) There is big contrast of the shear wave velocities across the LFZ. (2) Both the Lushan earthquake and the Wenchuan earthquake occurred in the regions where crustal shear wave velocity and crustal thickness change dramatically. The rupture faults and the aftershock zones are also concentrated in the areas where the lateral gradients of crustal seismic wave speed and crustal thickness change significantly, and the focal depths of the earthquakes are concentrated in the transitional depths where shear wave velocities change dramatically from laterally uniform to laterally non-uniform. (3) The Wenchuan earthquake and its aftershocks occurred in low Poisson ratio region, while the Lushan earthquake sequences are located in high Poisson ratio zone. We proposed that the effect of the dramatic lateral variation of shear wave velocity, and the gravity potential energy differences caused by the big contrast in the topography and the crustal thickness across the LFZ may constitute the seismogenic environment for the strong earthquakes in the LFZ, and the Poisson ratio difference between the rocks in the south and north segments of the Longmenshan Fault zone may explain the 5 years delay of the occurrence of the Lushan earthquake than the Wenchuan earthquake.  相似文献   

陈应君 《中国地震》2019,35(2):305-318
利用哈佛大学GCMT数据中心和前人积累的历史地震资料(1962~2016年M W>4.0地震)以及Crust2.0地壳结构统计分析了喜马拉雅地区、天山地区的地壳区域构造与地震活动间的相关性。此外,利用GFZ地学研究中心提供的静态卫星重力模型GGM03S/EGM2008和地形模型Topo计算了2个地区的各类重力异常场,同时还模拟了不同地壳弹性参数下的重力异常场,结果表明喜马拉雅地区重力异常场在水平、垂直方向的梯度特征远大于天山地区的异常特征,且喜马拉雅地区的有效弹性板厚度Te(6~15km)小于天山地区的有效弹性板厚度Te(20~30km)。最后,利用喜马拉雅地区与天山地区的GPS震间三维形变场约束了断层运动模型,结果显示两者主前缘断裂的断层闭锁深度及应力积累状态存在较大的差异。因此认为,造成青藏高原及邻区的边界地壳区域地震活动性差异的动力学因素,与地壳有效弹性板厚度、孕震断层参数及区域应力积累状态等密切相关。  相似文献   

Pore water testing and analysis: the good,the bad,and the ugly   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The increasingly common practice of collecting and assessing sediment pore water as a primary measure of sediment quality is reviewed. Good features of this practice include: pore water is a key exposure route for some organisms associated with sediments; pore water testing eliminates particle size effects; pore water analyses and tests can provide useful information regarding contamination and pollution. Bad features include: pore water is not the only exposure route; pore water tests lack chemical or biological realism: their "sensitivity" relative to other tests may be meaningless due to manipulation and laboratory artifacts; many sediment and surface dwelling organisms are not directly influenced by pore water. Bad features can become ugly if: other exposure pathways are not considered (for toxicity or bioaccumulation); manipulation techniques are not appropriate; pore water tests are inappropriately linked to population-level effects. Pore water testing and analyses can be effective tools provided their limitations are well understood by researchers and managers.  相似文献   

基于ISC地震记录,利用天体动力学中二体问题的轨道方程和摄动理论,确定发震时刻太阳在地面的投影点位置,并进一步计算出太阳相对震中的地心天顶距,将地震按天顶距的大小进行统计,得到地震的太阳天顶距地震频度分布。同样的方法,可得地震的月球天顶距地震频度分布。统计发现:地震的太阳天顶距地震频度和月球天顶距地震频度分布表现出一致的规律性,且较大地震和小地震的活动规律不同,较大地震丛集发生在太阳(月球)天顶距0°和180°附近,与地面引潮力的绝对值分布有较好的一致性;而小地震多丛集在太阳(月球)天顶距60°和120°附近。在此基础上,我们对地震的日月天顶距同时进行统计,建立了日月天顶距地震概率密度分布,结果表明,日月投影点及其对蹠点周围,较大地震发生的概率较高。  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - The behavior of the correlation between the radial BR and normal BN components of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) in the dependence on the time, the flow type of...  相似文献   

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