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软硬互层结构的顺层岩质边坡破坏类型复杂、难于防治, 针对此类边坡地质灾害易发、多发的问题, 从坡面角度、岩层倾向及组合形式、节理分布等方面进行了研究。边坡物理模型试验是揭示边坡变形破坏机理的重要手段, 基于相似理论, 以重庆市万州区孙家滑坡为工程依托, 根据滑坡区地质勘探报告设计了室内边坡物理模型试验; 试验通过顶升模型箱模拟重力加载来探究顺层岩质边坡发生破坏时, 前缘坡角和软弱夹层倾角之间的关系; 结合有限元分析软件Plaxis 2D对物理模型进行了多组数值模拟试验, 以验证软硬互层顺层岩质边坡破坏机制。试验结果表明: 对于顺层岩质边坡, 当软弱夹层的倾角在22°左右, 前缘开挖坡角58°左右时, 顺层岩质边坡容易发生滑动, 滑动面为后缘节理面和软弱夹层的贯通面。因此, 顺层岩质边坡稳定性受层面和节理面密度的控制, 当边坡含多层软弱层面时, 易沿层面和后缘节理贯通面发生破坏, 随着软弱面层数增加, 边坡稳定系数逐渐降低。研究成果可以为公路开挖切坡导致的顺层岩质边坡失稳机理研究及其稳定性评价提供理论依据, 为顺层岩质边坡失稳的预测预报提供支撑。   相似文献   

含优势渗流层边坡在降雨入渗的作用下其渗流场往往具有较高的不确定性,这给边坡的稳定性评价带来困难,通常采用概率的方法解决此类问题。针对含优势渗流层边坡降雨入渗下的可靠度问题,通过将应力分析中的点估计-有限元法引入到边坡渗流-稳定性分析,提出了考虑优势渗流层渗透特性不确定性的渗流概率分析和边坡可靠度分析方法;其次以广西某含碎石夹层土坡为例,分析了降雨入渗下碎石夹层的优势渗流效应及渗流概率,并基于此开展了该边坡降雨入渗下的可靠度分析。结果表明:①含优势渗流层边坡雨水沿优势渗流层渗入坡体内部的深度显著高于沿坡面渗入的深度;优势渗流层渗透特性的不确定性对渗流结果的影响较大,使得边坡稳定性分析具有较强的不确定性;②随着雨水入渗持时的增加,含优势渗流层边坡不同滑动面的失效概率总体呈现增加趋势,最危险滑动面的位置不断向边坡下部演化;依托工程滑动面位置的预测结果与工程实际吻合;③提出的概率分析方法适用于分析含优势渗流层边坡降雨入渗影响下的稳定性问题,而且具有计算量小的优势,可作这类边坡可靠度分析的一种新方法。   相似文献   

通过对太原市杏花岭区小返乡后李家山村的两处边坡进行勘察,主要查明岩土类型、成因、工程特性以及岩土的透水性和地下水的出露情况,查明坡体岩土的物理力学性质和软弱结构面的抗剪强度,对边坡的稳定性进行了分析,稳定性分析采用圆弧滑动法进行,两处边坡均处于不稳定状态,在降水条件诱发下极易发生滑动,必须尽快进行综合整治.  相似文献   

西部山区高速公·建设过程中经常由于边坡开挖而容易导致失稳事故.研究发现,大量公·边坡内的软 弱夹层的岩体强度具有显著的应变软化特征.为了研究应变软化后对边坡稳定性的影响程度,以沪蓉西高速公 ·某典型含软弱夹层边坡为实例,对应变软化模型和理想弹塑性模型进行了对比研究.结果表明:①2种模型计 算所得出的最大不平衡力、水平λ移、塑性区和塑性剪应变的变化规律基本相同,?次开挖后均累计增大,但是采 用应变软化模型计算的累计值和范Χ均大于理想弹塑性模型;②?次开挖的瞬间会产生最大不平衡力峰值,随后 迅速减小,拉应力带主要分布于开挖卸荷面附近以及坡顶面附近10m 内;③软弱夹层的分布λ置对边坡的稳定 性影响很大,坡脚前缘软弱夹层易发生剪破坏,边坡后缘软弱夹层易发生拉破坏.应变软化模型的稳定系数比理 想弹塑性模型的稳定性系数小,综合得出,影响含软弱夹层边坡稳定性的关键是开挖后软弱夹层的强度参数劣化 程度,采用应变软化模型反映了这一渐进性的破坏过程,与实际情况相符,而理想弹塑性模型δ反映出这一劣化 特征,计算结果偏Σ险.   相似文献   

在边坡稳定性上极限分析中, 由于考虑了材料的理想弹塑性本构关系与相关流动法则, 相比极限平衡法更符合岩土材料的特征。在以往的二维边坡极限分析上限法中, 要求坡面形态为规则的直线, 而无论是天然边坡还是人工边坡, 边坡的坡面形态往往并非规则的直线。此外, 以往的边坡极限上限分析中得到的稳定数Ns=c/γH主要针对土坡的临界高度计算, 且未考虑孔压等外力对边坡施加的外功率。不同于传统极限平衡法采用静力学的平衡条件, 本研究针对非直线型坡面边坡稳定性问题, 假定滑动面为对数螺旋线, 基于极限分析上限定理和虚功原理, 提出了一种边坡发生旋转破坏时旋转中心的确定方法, 推导出了非直线型坡面边坡的重力虚功功率和能量平衡方程的解析解, 并提出了基于内、外功率之比的稳定系数K用以评价边坡的稳定性。通过算例比较了不同形态天然边坡的稳定性和人工削坡对边坡稳定性的影响, 并分析了边坡的坡度(β)、土体的内摩擦角(φ)、黏聚力(c)以及孔压系数(ru)对稳定系数K的影响规律。对于坡度较大的边坡, 通过削坡改变坡面形态提高了边坡的稳定系数K。稳定系数K随黏聚力的增加而非线性增大, 随孔压系数的增加而降低。当黏聚力相对于孔压系数对边坡稳定性影响更大时, 稳定系数K随内摩擦角的增加而增大; 反之, 稳定系数K则随内摩擦角的增加而减小。以上结果符合对边坡稳定性分析的普遍认知, 验证了模型的合理性。另外, 通过将该方法与传统的Bishop法的计算结果进行对比, 发现安全系数Fs=1与稳定系数K=0的临界状态物理意义相同, 稳定系数K随黏聚力非线性增加, 更符合边坡的渐进破坏过程。   相似文献   

顺层岩质滑坡突发性强, 破坏性大, 是危害山区城镇安全的重要灾害类型之一。发育软弱夹层的顺向斜坡是顺层岩质滑坡的高发区, 区域顺层岩质滑坡易发性评价应融入软弱夹层的控滑机制和空间分布不确定性分析。以万州区铁峰乡为研究区, 在软弱夹层物质结构及空间分布详细调查的基础上, 分析了原生沉积、构造变形和表生改造作用下区内页岩和泥岩两类软弱夹层发展为滑动面的演化机理, 总结了顺层岩质滑坡的变形破坏机理。考虑软弱夹层空间分布的不确定性, 提出了软弱夹层垂向分布和有效控滑深度范围内软弱夹层控滑贡献度的计算模型。提取了软弱夹层类型和控滑贡献度等表征顺层岩质滑坡控滑结构的关键指标, 结合地形地貌、斜坡结构、水文地质及人类工程活动4类要素, 构建了顺层岩质滑坡易发性评价指标体系。针对万州区铁峰乡河谷南侧的顺向坡区段, 以斜坡为评价单元, 采用层次分析法对研究区顺层岩质滑坡开展了易发性评价。结果显示研究区内侏罗系珍珠冲组泥化夹层和自流井组页岩层是顺层岩质滑坡的主要控滑层位, 极高易发区和高易发区占比分别为9.7%和25.8%, 岩质斜坡单元下伏软弱夹层分布情况和斜坡前缘开挖情况是影响滑坡灾害易发性的主要因素, 建房和道路开挖等人类工程活动极易诱发顺层岩质滑坡灾害。与不考虑软弱夹层相关指标的易发性评价结果相比, 本文方法的结果更符合实际情况。   相似文献   

基于有限元修正节理岩质边坡稳定性计算的解析解   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用有限元方法探讨在人工开挖或自然侵蚀环境下,岩质边坡体内应力场的变化及节理发育形成机理,并采用有限元强度折减法对后缘具有张节理边坡的稳定性影响因素进行敏感性对比分析,进而得出具有非贯通节理边坡稳定性计算的修正解析解.结果表明:卸荷及风化作用导致边坡体由表及里出现应力重分布及应力集中的现象,使边坡后缘由顶部向下发育一簇...  相似文献   

广西山区较多,高速公路多切坡修建,赤裸的陡立坡面岩石常会顺层面及坡面下滑和崩落,给行车造成极大威胁。以往多采用单纯的锚固或喷素混凝土进行防护,未能达到恢复坡体植被,营造绿色通道的目的,客土喷播植草快速绿化技术应用尚为鲜见。文章通过南宁—友谊关高速公路局部路段边坡防护工程实例,介绍高速公路边坡治理中锚索、锚杆及客土喷播综合防护的施工应用情况,为相同地质条件公路边坡设计提供借鉴。  相似文献   

基于GEOSTUDIO软件,运用统计岩体力学理论,对新疆CHE水利枢纽不同工况下的边坡稳定性进行分析。结果表明:研究区工程地质条件复杂,断层、挤压破碎带及岩脉广泛发育,左右岸均存在5组优势结构面;对左右岸参数敏感性分析,两岸强卸荷岩体的粘聚力c对应的稳定性系数的曲线斜率远大于摩擦角φ对应的稳定性系数的曲线斜率,因此在一定范围内,坡体稳定性对粘聚力c值的变化更为敏感;研究区边坡在自然条件、蓄水条件及库水快速降升条件稳定系数K>1,即边坡处于稳定状态。  相似文献   

基于GEO-STUDIO软件,运用统计岩体力学理论,对新疆CHE水利枢纽不同工况下的边坡稳定性进行分析。结果表明:研究区工程地质条件复杂,断层、挤压破碎带及岩脉广泛发育,左右岸均存在5组优势结构面;对左右岸参数敏感性分析,两岸强卸荷岩体的粘聚力c对应的稳定性系数的曲线斜率远大于摩擦角φ对应的稳定性系数的曲线斜率,因此在一定范围内,坡体稳定性对粘聚力c值的变化更为敏感;研究区边坡在自然条件、蓄水条件及库水快速降升条件稳定系数K1,即边坡处于稳定状态。  相似文献   

岩质边坡非饱和带水分对于边坡植物生长具有重要的生态学意义.目前对岩质边坡非饱和带水汽运移的系统性研究还很少,现有研究大部分集中在大气与岩体的接触面和凝结水能否生成的定性层面,而未将边坡非饱和带作为一个系统整体来研究.为了阐明岩质边坡非饱和带的水汽运移机制及其与边坡植物生长之间的关系,运用热力学和系统科学的理论,开展边坡温湿度监测试验,进行了详细的水汽运移机制的研究.研究发现,岩质边坡非饱和带内的水汽运移驱动力为水汽分压梯度,水汽从水汽分压大的位置向水汽分压小的位置运移.冬季时,水汽从边坡深部向浅部运移,夏季时,水汽从大气向边坡深部运移.岩质边坡非饱和带内存在水汽饱和带,夏季范围较大,冬季范围收缩.同时,通过对岩质边坡复绿植物的成活率进行监测分析,论述了岩质边坡非饱和带内的水汽内循环机制及其生态学意义.本文对于研究岩体非饱和带水文学、探索植物水分来源、指导岩质边坡复绿乃至干旱半干旱带的生态修复都有极为重要的理论和现实意义.  相似文献   

在大量的野外地质调查工作基础之上,采用赤平投影法分析了沉积岩地区岩石高边坡的潜在破坏模式,并运用极限平衡法计算边坡在此潜在破坏模式下的稳定性,对安全储备较低的采石场边坡提出削坡方案,同时配合有限元法对边坡的稳定性进行了分析和评价,指出岩层层面是影响沉积岩地区高边坡稳定性的最不利结构面,是调查和研究的重点。  相似文献   

Rock slope stability is of great concern along highway routes as stability problems on cut slopes may cause fatal events as well as loss of property. In rock slope engineering, stability evaluations are commonly performed by means of analytical or numerical analyses, principally considering the factor of safety concept. As a matter of fact, the probabilistic assessment of slope stability is progressively getting popularity due to difficulties in assigning the most appropriate values to design parameters in analytical or numerical methods. Additionally, the effect of heterogeneities in rock masses and discontinuities on the analysis results is minimized through the probabilistic concept. In this study, slope stability of high and steep sedimentary rock cut slopes along a state highway in Adilcevaz-Bitlis (Turkey) was evaluated on the basis of probabilistic approach using the Slope Stability Probability Classification (SSPC) system. The probabilistic assessment indicates major slope stability problems because of discontinuity controlled and discontinuity orientation independent mass movements. Almost all studied cut slopes suffer from orientation-independent stability problems with very low stability probabilities. Additionally, the probability of planar and toppling failures is significantly high with respect to the SSPC system. The stability problems along the investigated rock slopes were also verified by field reconnaissance. Remedial measures such as slope re-design and reinforcement at the studied locations should be taken to prevent hazardous events along the highway. On the other hand, the probabilistic approach may be a useful tool during rock slope engineering to overcome numerous uncertainties when probabilistic and analytic results are compared.  相似文献   

The stability of slopes is always of great concern in the field of rock engineering. The geometry and orientation of pre-existing discontinuities show a larger impact on the behavior of slopes that is often used to describe the measurement of the steepness, incline, gradient, or grade of a straight line. One of the structurally controlled modes of failure in jointed rock slopes is plane failure. There are numerous analytical methods for the rock slope stability including limit equilibrium, stress analysis and stereographic methods. The limiting equilibrium methods for slopes under various conditions against plane failure have been previously proposed by several investigators. However, these methods do not involve water pressure on sliding surfaces assessments due to water velocity and have not yet been validated by case study results. This paper has tried to explore the effects of forces due to water pressure on discontinuity surfaces in plane failure through applying the improved equations. It has studied the effect of water flow velocity on sliding surfaces in safety factor, as well. New equations for considering water velocity (fluid dynamics) are presented. To check the validity of the suggested equations, safety factor for a case study has been determined. Results show that velocity of water flow had significant effect on the amount of safety factor. Also, the suggested equations have higher validity rate compared to the current equations.  相似文献   

The long-term stability of a prestressed anchored slope might be influenced by the durability of the anchorage structure. To understand long-term stability of anchored rock slopes, the research presented herein evaluated the performance evolution of a prestressed anchored bedding slope system in a corrosive environment by model test. The corrosion process in a prestressed anchor bar was monitored in terms of its open-circuit potential(OCP), corrosion current density(CCD), and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS). The stability of the prestressed anchored slope was evaluated by monitoring changes in anchorage force and displacements. The experimental results show that prestress and oxygen could reduce the corrosion resistance of the anchor bar, and anchor bars in a chloride-rich environment are very susceptible to corrosion. Prestressed tendons in a corrosive environment suffer a loss of anchorage force, the prestress decreases rapidly after locking, and the rate thereof decreases until stabilising; in the later stage, corrosion leads to the reduction of the cross-sectional area of the steel bar which may cause the reduction in anchorage force again. Anchorage force controls the deformation and stability of the anchored slope, the prestress loss caused by later corrosion may lead to an increased rate of displacement and stability degradation of the prestressed anchored rock slope.  相似文献   

The excavated height of the left bank slope of the diversion power system intake in Jinchuan hydropower station is about 16o m. The stability and safety of the slope during construction and its operation/utilization become one of the most important geological engineering problems. At the same time, it is also crucial to select a safe and economic excavation gradient for the construction. We studied the problem of how to select a safe and economic slope ratio by analyzing the geological condition of the high slope, including the lithology, slope structure, structural surface and their combinations, rock weathering and unloading, hydrology, and the natural gradient. The study results showed that the use of an excavation gradient larger than the gradient observed during site investigation and the gradient recommended in standards and field practice manuals is feasible. Then, we used the finite element method and rigid limit equilibrium method to evaluate the stability of the excavation slope under natural, rainstorm and earthquake conditions. The calculated results showed that the excavated slope only has limited failure, but its stability is greatly satisfactory. The research findings can be useful in excavation and slope stabilization projects.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study on the gravity-induced rock slope deformation observed along the Nujiang River in China. We performed a comprehensive field investigation and analysis to identify the deformation pattern of the slope and its triggering factors. Moreover, a geological-evolutionary model was developed, and it considers the effects of river incision and rock mass degradation caused by weathering and simulates the mechanisms underlying the initiation and progression of the slope deformation. The results support the proposed failure mechanism in which fractures within the slope are induced by rock mass degradation caused by weathering. Importantly, the modeling reveals that compressional deformation at the toe of the slope results in a tensile failure in the upper portion of the slope, demonstrating that the rock mass in the slope toe is the key factor inducing slope deformation. This analysis of slope deformation and its spatial and temporal correlations with rock weathering and river incision reveal the main triggering factors that control the evolution of the studied slope and provide insights into the deformation process.  相似文献   

The right-bank slope of the Dagangshan hydropower station located in Southwest China is a highly unloaded rock slope. Moreover, large-scale natural faults were detected in the slope body; some excavation-induced unloading fractures were discovered at elevations between 1075m and 1146m. Because of poor tectonic stability, the excavation work was suspended in September 2009, and six largescale anti-shear galleries were employed to replace the weak zone in the slope body to reinforce the rightbank slope. In this study, based on microseismicmonitoring technology and a numerical-simulation method, the stabilities of the slope with and without the reinforcement are analysed. An in-situ microseismic-monitoring system is used to obtain quantitative information about the damage location, extent, energy, and magnitude of the rocks. Thus, any potential sliding block in the right-bank slope can be identified. By incorporating the numerical results along with the microseismic-monitoring data, the stress concentration is found to largely occur around the anti-shear galleries, and the seismic deformation near the anti-shear galleries is apparent, particularly at elevations of 1210, 1180, 1150, and 1120m. To understand the interaction mechanism between the anti-shear gallery and the surrounding rock, a 2D simulation of the potential damage process occurring in an anti-shear gallery is performed. The numerical simulation helps in obtaining additional information about the stress distribution and failure-induced stress re-distribution in the vicinity of the anti-shear galleries that cannot be directly observed in the field. Finally, the potential sliding surface of the right-bank slope is numerically obtained, which generally agrees with the spatial distribution of the in-situ monitored microseismic events. The safety factor of the slope reinforced with the anti-shear gallery increases by approximately 36.2%. Both the numerical results and microseismic data show that the anti-shear galleries have a good reinforcement effect.  相似文献   

以岩质边坡中常见的平面滑动为研究对象,研究其最优锚固方向角的计算方法。将锚索自由段单位长度能提供的最大抗滑增量作为目标控制变量,将坡面和滑动面特征参数与锚索设计参数作为优化控制自变量,通过坐标系转换得到的线性方程组对锚索的预拉力进行分解,并根据锚索支护时的三维模型建立了锚索自由段长度的优化公式,进而推导了用于锚固方向角三维优化的新计算方程。在该方程的基础上借助MATLAB软件中的fmincon函数对锚索加固方向不受限制时的锚固方向角进行了优化。最后通过锚固方向角敏感性分析与工程实例分析相结合,证明了推荐的最优锚固方向角计算方法的有效性与先进性。新方法有效地解决了边坡坡面与滑动面走向存在夹角时最优锚固方向角的求解问题,可进一步提高锚索的锚固效益,降低边坡的支护费用。   相似文献   

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