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The field of geographical information systems (GIS) is reviewed from the viewpoint of spatial analysis which is the key component of the familiar four-part model of input, storage, analysis and output Input is constrained by the limits of manual methods and problems of ambiguity in scanning. The potential for developments in output is seen to be limited to the query mode of GIS operation, and to depend on abandoning the cartographic model. Discussion of storage methods is organized around the raster versus vector debate and the need to represent two spatial dimensions in one. A taxonomy of GIS spatial analysis operations is presented together with a generic data model. Prospects for implementation are discussed and seen to depend on appropriate scales of organization in national and international academic research.  相似文献   

基于对象关系数据库的时空数据模型研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
一体化时空数据建模是新一代GIS理论与技术研究的重要基础。基于对象关系数据库探讨时空数据库的数据建模方法,提出综合考虑矢量和栅格数据一体化的时空数据模型。首先基于基本类型派生定义矢量和栅格抽象数据类型,在此基础上定义时空数据类型为一系列空间类型的时间片序列。该抽象数据类型的定义包括其数据对象和相关操作,将其嵌入对象关系数据库中,扩展其时空数据的存储和查询能力。利用该数据模型,可以统一考虑矢量和栅格数据,建立基于对象关系的时空数据库,并支持矢量—栅格一体化时空数据访问和操作,进而对新一代GIS技术的研究与实现起到重要支撑作用。  相似文献   

渐进传输被认为是解决目前海量空间数据传输与实时用户体验之间矛盾的有效方法。栅格数据渐进传输的相关研究比较成熟,但矢量数据的渐进传输理论和技术还存在问题。为了推进矢量数据渐进传输的相关研究,该文对与矢量数据渐进传输密切相关的二维矢量数据、三维表面模型两种数据的多分辨率表达和渐进传输的研究现状进行归纳与总结,指出相关研究的发展方向,为海量空间数据适用于分布式网络传输提供参考依据。  相似文献   


Vector data storage has various advantages in a cartographic or geographical information system (GIS) environment, but lacks internal spatial relationships between individual features. Quadtree structures have been extensively used to store and access raster data. This paper shows how quadtree methods may be adapted for use in spatially indexing vector data. It demonstrates that a vector quadtree stored in floating point representation overcomes the classical problem with raster quadtrees of data approximation. Examples of vector quadtrees applied to realistic size data sets are given  相似文献   

The availability of continental and global-scale spatio-temporal geographical data sets and the requirement to efficiently process, analyse and manage them led to the development of the temporally enabled Geographic Resources Analysis Support System (GRASS GIS). We present the temporal framework that extends GRASS GIS with spatio-temporal capabilities. The framework provides comprehensive functionality to implement a full-featured temporal geographic information system (GIS) based on a combined field and object-based approach. A significantly improved snapshot approach is used to manage spatial fields of raster, three-dimensional raster and vector type in time. The resulting timestamped spatial fields are organised in spatio-temporal fields referred to as space-time data sets. Both types of fields are handled as objects in our framework. The spatio-temporal extent of the objects and related metadata is stored in relational databases, thus providing additional functionalities to perform SQL-based analysis. We present our combined field and object-based approach in detail and show the management, analysis and processing of spatio-temporal data sets with complex spatio-temporal topologies. A key feature is the hierarchical processing of spatio-temporal data ranging from topological analysis of spatio-temporal fields over boolean operations on spatio-temporal extents, to single pixel, voxel and vector feature access. The linear scalability of our approach is demonstrated by handling up to 1,000,000 raster layers in a single space-time data set. We provide several code examples to show the capabilities of the GRASS GIS Temporal Framework and present the spatio-temporal intersection of trajectory data which demonstrates the object-based ability of our framework.  相似文献   

This paper examines the common methods for converting spatial data sets between vector and raster formats and presents the results of extensive benchmark testing of these procedures. The tests performed are unique in this field since: (1) they used both synthetic and real test data sets; (2) they measured conversion quality, accuracy and efficiency, not just how fast the procedure operated; and (3) they were conducted in a generic geographic information system (GIS) environment without the aid of specialized computer hardware. The results show that the best overall techniques are the ones which take advantage of spatial relationships inherent in the data sets. These were the Scan Line algorithm for vector to raster conversions and the Boundary Linking algorithm for raster to vector conversions.  相似文献   

土壤碳库研究中土壤数据从矢量到栅格的等精度转换   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
矢量数据转换成栅格数据是多数区域土壤碳库研究中数据准备的关键步骤。本研究以太湖地区1:5万、1:50万、1:400万3个比例尺土壤矢量数据库为基础,分别转成不同分辨率的栅格数据;基于不同比例尺和栅格分辨率数据,研究水稻土表层(0~20cm)的土壤类型数量、面积、有机碳储量以及有机碳密度变化,并以矢量数据获得的这4个指标为基准,用相对变异百分数(VIV)来判别不同栅格数据与其对应比例尺土壤矢量数据之间的精度差异。结果表明,在4个指标的|VIV|<1%前提下,3个比例尺矢量数据分别转换成0.2km×0.2km、1km×1km、9km×9km的栅格数据,既保证数据转换过程中精度要求,又避免了数据冗余。土壤数据比例尺与栅格分辨率等精度转换对应关系可描述为y=0.0225x-0.01233(R2=0.999),对区域土壤碳循环研究具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

矢量数据向栅格数据转换的一种改进算法   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
地理信息系统的发展与空间数据结构的优化密不可分,栅格数据与矢量数据之间的高效转换是GIS的关键技术之一。由于栅格数据十分有利于空间分析中的叠置分析,因而通常需要将矢量数据转换成栅格数据。该文分析对比了地理信息系统的两种基本数据结构,在总结已往矢量数据转换为栅格数据方法的基础上,依据边界代数多边形填充算法的基本原理,结合绘图作业时采用的正负法,提出了一种改进的折线边界(数据串)跟踪方法。该算法原理简单,不需进行复杂的距离比较运算,运算速度快,并且通过简单的角度判断保证了填充的精度。  相似文献   

在分析矢量栅格数据特点的基础上,提出一系列矢栅一体化查询函数,基于PostgreSQL/PostGIS数据库,实现了支持栅格数据存储与组织的扩展数据类型,并对栅格数据类型与PostGIS矢量数据一体化查询函数进行了扩展实现。最后,通过实例验证了矢栅一体化查询函数的表达能力和解决实际问题的应用前景。  相似文献   

While some geographic phenomena hold uniform properties, such as land‐use zones, many geographic phenomena are distributed such that their properties vary across an extended area. While such distributed phenomena are best represented as continuous surfaces, individual objects (or features) often emerge among clusters of high or low values in a field. For example, areas of relatively high elevation may be viewed as hills, while flat low‐lying areas are perceived as plains in a terrain. A comprehensive spatial analysis of distributed phenomena should examine both the spatial variance of its attribute surfaces and the characteristics of individual objects embedded in the field. An immediate research challenge to meet such spatial analysis needs is that these emerging features often have vague boundaries that vary according to the use and the user. The nature, and even existence, of these objects depend upon the range of values, or thresholds, used to define them. We propose a representation framework that takes a dual raster‐vector approach to capture both field‐ and object‐like characteristics of distributed phenomena and maintain multiple representations of embedded features delineated by boundaries that are likely to be relevant for the expected uses of the data. We demonstrate how boundaries influence the analysis and understanding of spatiotemporal characteristics of distributed phenomena. Using precipitation as a proof of concept, we show how the proposed framework enhances semantic flexibility in spatiotemporal query and analysis of distributed phenomena in geographic information systems.  相似文献   

分形理论对处理土地利用结构之类的非线性对象具有较强实用价值, 分维值作为该理论的重要测度指标, 其计算常基于栅格数据, 由此导致了土地结构边界信息的损失, 也减弱了分维值对土地利用空间结构特性的揭示作用。本文以苏州市1:10 万土地利用数据为例, 对研究区的土地利用空间格局进行分形分析, 通过分析不同栅格大小的土地利用分维值, 建立分维值与栅格粒度之间的定量关系, 并通过栅格数据推算矢量分维值, 分析推算误差及其原因。结果表明, 苏州市土地利用格局符合分形理论的一般规律;苏州市整体土地利用程度较高, 耕地、建设用地结构较为简单, 而未利用地、林草地结构较复杂, 水域斑块结构复杂性较低;随着栅格粒度的增加, 土地利用分维值呈现增加趋势, 且粒度与分维值之间存在二次函数的定量关系, 可以通过此关系式在一定误差范围内推求矢量数据的土地结构分维值, 斑块数量与整体规模是影响推求精度的重要原因。  相似文献   

当前用来计算分形维数的原始数据通常是栅格图像,但是现有的土地利用数据大多以矢量形式存放,若将其转为栅格形式后计算分维数,则将面临基于栅格图像所得到的分形维数的计算精度与像元尺寸以及图像自身大小有较大关系,并且在对栅格图像进行不规则形状提取时容易造成数据丢失等问题。鉴于此,本文利用Visual C#完成了基于Windows平台的矢量数据分形维数计算程序设计,并利用该程序对20世纪90年代三个时期的秦岭中段和鄂东南地区土地利用类型的分维数进行了求算。结果表明该程序是一种方便、实用而且精确的分维数计算方法。此外,从三期各类土地利用类型的稳定性指数来看,在秦岭中段地区表现为:居民点及工矿用地>未利用土地>水田>旱地>草地>林地>水域,而鄂东南地区则表现为:水田>未利用土地>居民点及工矿用地>旱地>林地>草地>水域,这说明在上述两个地区,林地、水域、草地的稳定性都相对较差,它们的潜在变化趋势也较大。  相似文献   

三维地质建模若干基本问题探讨   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:20  
由于地质数据及其应用本身所具有的复杂性、不确定性、信息不完备等特点,使得三维地质建模成为制约三维GIS研究及其应用的主要瓶颈之一。讨论三维空间数据模型的设计,提出“多元数据—多方法集成—多层次干预”的“三多”建模思路;从建模尺度、数据源、建模工具等方面对建模方法进行分类;分析三维地质建模的关键技术,包括三维地质模型构建、海量模型数据操作和多元数据一体化耦合显示;针对三维地质建模系统的开发提出6项建议,分析近期三维地质建模的研究热点。  相似文献   


Many geographical information systems offer the possibility of converting vector data to raster data and using the raster pattern for analysis. This conversion process is already well known and has been used for many years. This paper shows how a selection of eight geographical information systems convert vector test data to a raster pattern. Each system handles this process in its own way, giving results that differ both in number and in the location of assigned raster cells in the raster pattern. The results of the conversions are compared with a desired raster pattern based on five simple principles. Suggestions are made about standardizing the process of conversion for all geographical information systems to make it possible to create and exchange data more safely.  相似文献   

中国土壤土层厚度的空间变异性特征   总被引:98,自引:5,他引:98  
以全国第二次土壤普查的1627个土壤剖面资料为基础,在地质统计学和地理信息系统的支持下,以变异函数为基本工具初步分析中国土壤土层厚度的空间变异特征,并应用普通克里格法进行最优无偏线性插值,制作出分辨率为30km×30km的中国土壤土层厚度的空间分布图。结果表明:中国土壤土层厚度具有较好的可迁性和空间结构性特点,实验变异函数值的变化趋势基本上随着距离的增加逐渐上升,拟合变程在680km以上,土壤厚度的相关性可大于680km,土层厚度具有明显的块状或连续分布的特点  相似文献   

作为GIS的核心功能之一,空间分析逐步向处理数据海量化及分析过程复杂化方向发展,以往的串行算法渐渐不能满足人们对空间分析在计算效率、性能等方面的需求,并行空间分析算法作为解决目前问题的有效途径受到越来越多的关注。该文在简要介绍空间分析方法和并行计算技术的基础上,着重从矢量算法与栅格算法两方面阐述了目前并行空间分析算法的研究进展,评述了在空间数据自身特殊性的影响下并行空间分析算法的发展方向及存在的问题,探讨了在计算机软硬件技术高速发展的新背景下并行空间分析算法设计面临的机遇与挑战。  相似文献   

Polygonal vector data are important for representing countries, lakes, residential settlements, and other polygonal features. The proper representation of polygonal vector data is the basis of efficient rendering and picking and quick access and display of the analysis results based on polygons (e.g., 3D overlaying and surface area measurement in mountainous areas) in a virtual globe. However, polygonal vector data are displayed using texture-based or boundary-based approaches in most existing virtual globes. The texture-based approach cannot easily support interactive operations (e.g., picking) and spatial analysis (e.g., adjacency analysis and spatial measurement). The boundary-based approach treats the holes as independent features; however, it is difficult to recognize which boundaries constitute a polygon. Further research is needed on how to better organize the polygons to support efficient rendering, picking, and analysis in a virtual globe. In this article, we propose two methods to drape interior filled 2D polygons onto a multi-resolution 3D terrain. Both proposed methods combine polygon clipping and polygon triangulation. The difference between the two methods is in the way holes are eliminated. Method 1 recursively subdivides a terrain triangle until the child-triangles contain no holes; every resulting clipped polygon, which is then triangulated, contains no holes. Method 2 directly clips a polygon against a terrain triangle and creates bridge edges to transform the resulting polygons with holes to degenerate polygons that are further triangulated. The experimental results demonstrate that both proposed methods can efficiently process polygons with holes resulting in appropriate numbers of triangles. The processed interior-filled polygons remain close to the terrain surface in a virtual globe. Both proposed methods support real-time rendering of polygonal vector data in a virtual globe.  相似文献   

栅格空间中三维地学实体拓扑关系表达的K6N9-I模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述栅格空间中三维地学实体拓扑空间关系研究的理论基础和现实意义,基于数字拓扑理论定义了栅格实体的6邻域内部I6、6邻域边界B6和k阶6邻域E6k,并以此分别替换9-I模型中实体的内部I、边界B和外部E,形成一种适用于栅格空间三维实体拓扑关系描述和分析的新9-I模型,即k阶6邻9-I模型(K6N9-I)。以基于规则六面体表达的地学实体为研究对象,通过扩展关系数据库SQL形成空间关系查询语言,实现了栅格空间中三维地学实体拓扑关系的定性表示和定量计算。以若干地学实体为例进行了初步实验,表明该模型实用方便,且在复杂地学实体的度量、方位等空间关系研究方面亦有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

基于POI数据的南京市空间格局定量研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从语义属性、几何形态等方面对典型城市空间格局要素进行定量化抽取及特征分析,总结归纳出城市空间格局要素间的关联特征。在此基础上,将POI数据进行分类,设计了基于平面核密度估计算法、空间聚类与双重密度因子分析分析算法,并以南京市为例,通过栅格叠加计算,提取边界,分类渲染以及栅格重分类等步骤,实现南京城市空间格局及商业中心抽取。结果发现城市商业中心有效地反映了城市空间总体格局的区域分布,提取出的南京市商业中心基本符合2000—2020年的南京市总体规划,但文本并不能直接体现城市各商业中心的定位,城市中除了主城区这个集聚且组团的单中心商业模式,各个县城、开发区、高新区都有各自形成的商业中心,符合城市的多商业模式。较传统的城市商业空间研究来说,基于POI数据的定量研究对城市总体格局及商业空间的认知更为精细,有助于商业中心的识别及行业特征的分析,便于政府部门对现有规划功能区的发展方向进行调整,使得不同功能区空间结构与特征关系更加合理。  相似文献   

An efficient and reliable automated model that can map physical Soil and Water Conservation (SWC) structures on cultivated land was developed using very high spatial resolution imagery obtained from Google Earth and ArcGIS®, ERDAS IMAGINE®, and SDC Morphology Toolbox for MATLAB and statistical techniques. The model was developed using the following procedures: (1) a high-pass spatial filter algorithm was applied to detect linear features, (2) morphological processing was used to remove unwanted linear features, (3) the raster format was vectorized, (4) the vectorized linear features were split per hectare (ha) and each line was then classified according to its compass direction, and (5) the sum of all vector lengths per class of direction per ha was calculated. Finally, the direction class with the greatest length was selected from each ha to predict the physical SWC structures. The model was calibrated and validated on the Ethiopian Highlands. The model correctly mapped 80% of the existing structures. The developed model was then tested at different sites with different topography. The results show that the developed model is feasible for automated mapping of physical SWC structures. Therefore, the model is useful for predicting and mapping physical SWC structures areas across diverse areas.  相似文献   

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