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金星探测研究进展与未来展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金星探测是解答太阳系类地行星形成演化,地球宜居性的形成和未来发展,以及外太阳系宜居星球搜索策略的关键.由于金星恶劣的环境条件、对探测技术的多重挑战和相对高昂的探测成本,金星探测和研究程度远不及月球和火星.自20 世纪90 年代后期,金星探测任务相对匮乏.本文梳理了国际上金星探测研究进展、关键科学问题及技术需求,提出了未来金星的探测目标和探测方式建议.目前,对金星大气和气候研究程度最高,包括大气结构和大气化学,能量平衡和热结构,云层和霾层,大气环流和动力学以及气候演化等.高层大气的物理化学和太阳风与金星的相互作用方面也有重要进展.金星地表和内部的研究则相对滞后,研究涵盖金星表面形貌特征,撞击和重塑历史,火山和构造活动,地表物质组成,地表和大气相互作用等,但受限于数据的空间覆盖率和较低的分辨率和精度,诸多重大问题尚未解答,迫切需要新的探测数据.除探测任务外,金星研究还依赖于地基观测、实验室模拟和数值模拟研究.地面模拟设施对支持金星探测任务研发和金星基础科学研究尤为重要.未来十年是中国开展金星探测的契机和研发相关技术的关键时期.本文可为对金星探测、行星科学、太阳系探测感兴趣的科学家和工程人员提供参考.  相似文献   

学习和实践科学发展观,主要在着力转变思想观念,着力解决突出问题上下苦功。通过学习,要克服学习疲劳感和麻痹思想,克服与己无关,是走过场,没有实际效果的思想。要认识到通过学习,可以更加全面了解和理解国际国内形势发展趋势和国土部门所面临的新形势和压力,有利于发现和分析本单位和本职工作中所存在的问题,从而有利于为国土资源信息化做好技术保障和服务工作。  相似文献   

正本刊讯2020年12月21日,全国住房和城乡建设工作会议在京召开。会议深入学习贯彻习近平总书记关于住房和城乡建设工作的重要指示批示精神,贯彻落实党的十九届五中全会和中央经济工作会议精神,总结2020年和"十三五"住房和城乡建设工作,分析面临的形势和问题,提出2021年工作总体要求和重点任务。住房和城乡建设部党组书记、部长王蒙徽作工作报告。会议指出,2020年,全国住房和城乡建设系统坚决贯彻落实习近平总书记重要指示批示精神和党中央决策部署,担当作为,攻坚克难,住房和城乡建设各项工作取得了新的进展和成效。  相似文献   

利用Quanta 200环境扫描电镜、GENESIS能谱仪在不同的测试条件下,对方解石和白云石标样进行无标样定量分析实验,得到不同测试条件下对方解石和白云石类样品进行无标样定量分析时的碳的LEA因子和SEC因子。在高真空模式下,当加速电压分别为15 kV,20 kV和25 kV时,方解石和白云石样品的碳的LEA因子分别为61和51,55和37,48和20;碳的SEC因子分别为1.788 0和1.432,1.685 0和1.281,1.561 9和1.137。在低真空模式下,当加速电压分别为15 kV,20 kV和25 kV时;方解石和白云石样品的碳的LEA因子分别为56和41,38和29,32和20;碳的SEC因子分别为1.568 8和1.367,1.408 2和1.226,1.356 0和1.164。当使用这套碳的LEA因子或SEC因子定量分析方解石或白云石类样品时,得出的CO2质量分数与标准值的误差均在±1%左右。  相似文献   

以岩土力学为基础的土坝设计方法,能够定性和半定量地分析坝体和地基稳定性、估算坝体和地基的沉降量,而不能全面分析地基和坝体内部应力应变状态.采用邓肯E-K模型,对水电站坝基和坝体在填筑和蓄水条件下的应力和变形进行了动态模拟计算,结果表明,坝体和心墙垂直和水平变形在竣工和蓄水期均符合规范要求,心墙在蓄水期间不会产生水力劈裂.  相似文献   

转型期矿业经济和矿政管理的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
矿产资源是工业的粮食,矿业是国民经济的基础产业,是现代工业和工业文明的基石。实行两个具有全局意义的根本性转变和可持续发展战略,我国矿业经济的发展和矿产资源的行政管理临新的挑战和机遇。文章运用社会主义市场经济理论和行政管理原理,阐述了当前矿业经济和矿政管理的严峻形势和突出问题,分析了体制转轨和增长转型期的矿业实际,从开展理论研究,提高对矿产资源重要性,紧迫性的认识,健全矿产资源管理新体制,完善矿业市  相似文献   

Cam.  SDG 《广东地质》1998,13(3):69-78
香港中侏罗-早白垩酸性火山岩和花岗岩类侵入体,是展布于中国东南部的NE向燕山构造浆带的一部分,香港火山碎屑沉积充填线状排列的喇叭形火山口和椭圆形破火山口,岩浆是通过裂隙充填到复杂的断裂和剪切带中,形成岩墙杂岩体和花岗岩类侵入体,岩墙显示了破火山口的边界,火山口,破火山口,岩墙和侵入体的空间分布和几何形态,受到4期火山活动和侵入活动期间的构造所控制,EW向和NEE向的拉伸和转换拉张作用主导,随时间的  相似文献   

中国早奥陶世岩相古地理   总被引:17,自引:11,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
本文是中国早、中和晚寒武世岩相古地理诸文的继续[1-3]。在笔者等的华北地区、华南地区和西北地区寒武纪和奥陶纪定量岩相古地理研究及编图成果的基础上,结合其他地区的地质资料,编制出了中国早奥陶世早期和晚期岩相古地理图两幅,并撰写出本文。在华北地区,作图单位分早奥陶世早期和晚期,以冶里期和马家沟二期分别代表其早期和晚期。在华南地区,作图单位亦分早奥陶世早期和晚期,以新厂期和宁国期分别代表其早期和晚期。在西北地区和其他地区,作图单位均为早奥陶世,不分早期和晚期。华北地区、华南地区和西北地区研究程度较高,其岩相古地理图和相应的文字论述都是定量的和比较详细的。其他地区的研究程度较低,其岩相古地理图和文字论文都是定性的或概略性的。定量,即每个古地理单元的划分都有确切的定量资料和定量图件为依据。这种定量的岩相古地理图对石油、天然气以及其他矿产的预测和勘探最有用处。中国早奥陶世岩相古地理的基本格局仍和寒武纪各世的一样,是两槽和三台相间分布。两槽即天山北山蒙辽吉槽地和昆仑秦岭槽地,三台即准噶尔蒙兴台地、塔里木柴达木华北台地和西藏华南台地。这些古地理单元及其次级古地理单元的范围和特征,有些与晚寒武世或中及早寒武世的相同或基本上相同,有些则大不相同,这是由早奥陶世的大范围的海侵决定的。  相似文献   

固体废弃物处理的岩土工程问题   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
系统地介绍了与固体废弃物填埋处理有关的岩土工程问题, 包括地质灾害的勘察、预防和治理, 似土废弃物和非土废弃物性能的测试研究, 填埋场和填埋体的稳定和变形分析, 填埋场的渗漏和污染物运移的规律, 粘土和筑坝建材的调查等。  相似文献   

近年来,层序地层学的理论和方法在沉积环境分析和储层预测中得到越来越广泛的应用,而且随着大面积高分辨率地震资料的不断增多,地震地层学和层序地层学的结合也越来越紧密。按照层序地层学的理论,对地震资料进行重新处理,探讨出一种有效合理的层序地层格架的建立方法,并在此格架下,进行多属性地震相体分析,从横向和纵向上同时进行划相,得到地震相体,利用地震相体进行地震层序的识别和解释,从而进行沉积环境的细致分析和储层预测。西南四川盆地的暗礁和浅层储藏特性描述中,此方法在划分地震层序和沉积层序方面,比以往的结果要精细和更加定量化。利用地震资料所做的地震层序和地震相分析具有较明确的地质含义,一般可以直接转换成沉积层序和沉积相。  相似文献   

Late Cretaceous Chalk sedimentation history across the British Isles included (i) fault controlled uplift and subsidence in Northern Ireland and the Inner Hebrides and (ii) uplift along the lines of en echelon folds in Southern Britain and northern France. Synsedimentary slump folds and downslope displacement structures are compared with penecontemporaneous interbed slides and later tectonic folds and faults. Compressional strike-slip tectonic processes at Flamborough Head, Yorkshire, illustrate intra-Chalk slump beds in a half-graben setting. Progressive ‘growth’ of structures characterises early downslope slump folding, interbed sliding and some listric faulting. Sheet-flints replacing slide shear planes and early fractures provide evidence for early movements. Availability of open-slopes or the depth of burial under which the range of structures developed is reflected in the degree of disruption and fragmentation of chalk and flint. Fragmentation provides clues to the timing of events and origin of the Late Campanian Altachuile Breccia (Northern Ireland) and the Coniacian Hope Gap slides (Sussex). Fragmentation and formation of sheet flints together help distinguish intra-Chalk tectonics from Quaternary glacitectonic structures.The role of marl seams, high porosity chalk beds and hardgrounds on bed-sliding, décollement zones and disruption of chalk blocks from bedrock in glacitectonics is discussed. Chalk formations with marl seams develop a special style of fracturing related to early interbed sliding and pore-fluid escape structures. Marl-seams are shown to be primary sedimentary features and not the products of post depositional pressure-solution. More than any other formation the Late Santonian – Early Campanian Newhaven Chalk contains extensive sheet-flints and shows great lateral variation in thickness and lithology across the fold belts of southern England and northern France.  相似文献   

基于110口探井1 100 m岩心、500余口探井总长107 000 m火成岩井段资料,通过岩心观察、岩矿鉴定、物性测试和含油气性分析,研究了辽河坳陷东部凹陷新生界不同层系火成岩岩性、岩相发育特征和储层控制因素。结果显示:本区发育火山岩、侵入岩、沉火山碎屑岩3大类16种岩性,其中玄武岩类占91.0%;发育6相16种亚相,其中溢流相占63.0%;发育4类9种储集空间,次生孔隙和次生裂缝占主体。砾-粒间孔隙和裂缝发育的粗面岩类、玄武质火山碎屑(熔)岩和火山口-近火山口相带的侵出相、火山通道相和爆发相是最有利的储集岩性、岩相带。储层主要受岩性、岩相、断裂等多方面控制,岩性决定储集空间类型和储层微观特征,岩相控制储层宏观分布规律,断裂控制岩体分布范围、火山口位置和储层有效性。近油源、靠断裂的优势岩性、岩相带是火成岩油气勘探最有利目标。  相似文献   

中国南方早中三叠世岩相古地理   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
冯增昭  鲍志东 《地质科学》1997,32(2):212-220
在各基于剖面的地层学及定量岩石学研究的基础上,采用单因素分析综合作图法,编制出了中国南方早中三叠世飞仙关期(印度期)、嘉陵江期(奥伦期)、雷口坡期(安尼期)和天井山期(拉丁期)的各种单因素基础图件及定量岩相古地理图。在这种古地理图中,各一、二、三级古地理单元的确定都有定量的单因素数据为依据。各期岩相古地理的特征可概括为陆海相间,台盆相间,台中有盆,盆中有台,台中有滩和坪,台盆间有斜坡。各期岩相古地理有明显的继承性和发展性。从早三叠世飞仙关期到中2叠世天井山期,是一个较大的海退过程。这种定量的岩相方地理图,为中国南方中下三叠统的油气勘探提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

新疆库车坳陷逆掩断裂在油气运聚中的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在研究新疆库车坳陷逆掩断裂、源岩和盖层空间发育特征的基础上,研究了逆掩断裂与源岩、盖层的空间匹配关系.认为断穿源岩、盖层的逆掩断裂则是油气散失的通道;勾通源岩,但未断穿盖层的逆掩断裂则是油气聚集的输导通道,它们控制着库车坳陷油气的聚散及其在空间上的分布.在研究库车坳陷逆掩断裂活动史和源岩排烃史、盖层封闭能力形成史的基础上,研究了逆掩断裂与源岩、盖层的时间匹配关系,认为盖层与源岩的时间匹配关系控制着可供运移的油气量;逆掩断裂与源岩的时间匹配关系控制着可供聚集的油气量,盖层与逆掩断裂的时间匹配关系控制着油气的富集量.  相似文献   

场地和断层对埋地管道破坏的影响分析   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
朱庆杰  陈艳华  蒋录珍 《岩土力学》2008,29(9):2392-2396
场地条件和断层活动是埋地管道破坏的主要原因,避免因为场地岩土和断层的影响而造成管道破坏,是城市地下生命线工程建设中急需解决的问题。采用ADINA软件的Parasolid建模方式,通过定义合适的体类型和布尔操作,建立了埋地管道破坏分析的几何模型,实现了土体-断层-管道破坏有限元建模。借助模型参数选择,确定了基岩与岩土性质、管道特性等模型参数;定义了管-土摩擦和约束条件、地震波和断层位移荷载等。依据计算结果,分析了场地条件和断层参数对地下管道地震破坏的影响;结果表明:管道埋藏越深,断层断距越大,管道的变形越大,破坏越严重。给出了管-土摩擦系数和断层与管道交角的最优值,并给出了几点工程建议。  相似文献   

The marine Cretaceous of China is distributed mainly in southwestern Xinjiang, the West Kunlun Mountains, the Karakorum Mountains and most parts of Xizang (Tibet), with findings even from Taiwan.The marine Cretaceous of China may be divided into three sedimentary belts according to the lithologic and tectonic characters, biological provinces and the different modes of deposition.On the basis of recent research on the Cretaceous marine strata and faunas in China, the lithostratigraphic and biostratigraphic sequences have been preliminarily established and the division and correlation of strata and boundaries between the Jurassic and Cretaceous, Lower Cretaceous and Upper Cretaceous, as well as Cretaceous and Tertiary outlined; the position of the beach line of the Laurasian landmass in China and the events of the tectonic movement and the transgression and regression during the Cretaceous period are discussed.  相似文献   

Emma R. Power 《Geoforum》2009,40(6):1024-1032
Studies of domestic temporalities have emphasised the timing of social activities and interactions in the home, including how family members negotiate their use of home spaces and technologies, the impact of flexible work practices on home, and the organisation of care and mothering activities. But home is also shaped by the rhythms and times of nonhumans that inhabit, travel through and are part of the house-as-home; it is further shaped by the environment outside home. Drawing inspiration from recent discussions of nature times the paper explores the more-than-human temporalities of domestic space. It charts the ageing and decay of house structures, the disruption caused by nocturnal animals, and the seasonal cycles of sunlight and plant growth that immediately surround the home, attending to the ways that these events shape everyday experiences of home and homemaking. These times and rhythms are examined through interviews undertaken with people living with uninvited brushtail possums in the ceilings of their homes, interviews and diaries completed by new dog owners, interviews with gardeners, and analysis of popular Australian homemaking magazines. These stories emphasise the dynamic and unfolding nature of the house-as-home as a hybrid timespace produced through an ongoing entwinement of human and nonhuman, living and non-living, culture and nature.  相似文献   

This contribution is the third part of a paper addressing size and boundary effects on explosively induced wave propagation, fracturing and fracture pattern development in small scale laboratory specimens, which are frequently used for model blast tests. Small cylindrical and block type specimens fabricated from concrete, sandstone and amphibolite are centre-line loaded by linear explosive charges and supersonically detonated. Using shock wave theory, elastic wave propagation theory, and fracture mechanics it is shown that the type of boundary conditions prescribed at the outer boundary of the cylinder controls the extension of stem cracking and the development of the fragmentation pattern within the body of the cylinder and the cube specimens. In the case of a composite specimen, where a cylindrical core of different material is embedded in a cylinder or in a cube, the level of fracturing and fragmentation is controlled by the conditions and possible de-lamination of the interface which, in turn, depends on the relative dimensions of the core and the block. Using known results from the theory of wave interaction with free boundaries and interfaces it will be shown that the fracture strain and the notch sensitivity of the material expressed by imperfections play an important role. Equally important is the ratio between the length of the pulse (space-wise or time-wise) and the characteristic dimensions of the models. Axi-radial boundary cracks and spalling will be explained on the basis of earlier wave propagation studies associated with supersonic blasting. Theoretical results are in good agreement with numerical simulations and recent experimental findings.  相似文献   

沉积盆地动力学研究的新进展   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
何登发  李德生 《地学前缘》1995,2(3):53-58,88
沉积盆地动力学研究在90年代向多维、多角度、多种研究手段相结合的方向迈进。多维体现在盆地研究延拓至岩石圈层次、上部脆性变形与下部韧性变形相结合,造山带研究与盆地研究相结合,流变学、应力状态等随时间变化影响盆地动力学演化研究方面;同时,构造时间非线性因素也制约着盆地动力学历程。多角度体现在对制约盆地演化的热、应力与重力因素的综合研究,对盆地形成的热作用研究进一步加强,对岩石圈应力的时空演化与岩石圈形变对盆地动力学的影响有了深刻的认识,对重力的成盆作用有了新的探讨。多种研究手段如数值模拟、构造物理模拟实验以及二者的结合等已用来研究沉积盆地动力学演化。  相似文献   

Grain size and mineral composition of core sediments were used to investigate influences of various terrestrial and marine conditions, which have prevailed on the southwestern Black Sea shelf during the Holocene. Siliciclastic mud with small amounts of sand and gravel from nearby coastal hinterland is the principal sediment type, whereas sediments deposited near the shelf edge and the Istanbul Strait and off the Duru Lake (a paleo-river mouth) constitued large quantities of sand and gravel of both biogenic and terrigenic origin. Variable amounts of aragonite, 1 nmmicas, quartz, feldspars, calcite and dolomite constitute the dominant non-clay minerals in bulk sediments. The clay mineral assemblage in the 〈 2 μm fraction is made up of smectite, illite, kaolinite and chlorite. Aragonite and calcite are mainly derived from benthic accumulations, whereas feldspars (mainly plagioclase) and smectite reflect magmaticvolcanic provenance and the distribution of 1 nm-micas and chlorite correlate with nearby metamorphic sources onland. Nevertheless, grain size and mineral distribution generally indicate a combination of effects of wind and wave climate, longshore and offshore cyclonic currents, changing sea-level stands and nearby source rock and morphological conditions. It is also suggested that at least part of clay minerals could be derived from the northwesterly Danube River input.  相似文献   

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