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海南琼东北地区是中国新生代以来火山活动最强烈、持续时间最长的地区之一,历史上曾发生1605年琼山7.5级大地震。最新的水准、形变测量以及In SAR资料揭示在琼山7.5级大地震震中以南的地区存在1条SN向展布的沉陷区,沿该区小地震活动频发,即铺前湾—冯家湾小地震密集条带,有研究推测该小地震密集条带与深部岩浆系统的发育有关。为了进一步探测研究琼东北火山区火山岩浆系统的深部结构、地下介质属性、小地震活动和形变变化与火山深部岩浆系统分布的深层关系,2017年初在琼东北地区以雷虎岭-马鞍岭火山区为中心针对2条剖面开展了大地电磁探测,使用相位张量分解技术对其电性结构进行分析,并使用大地电磁三维反演技术获得了沿剖面的三维深部电性结构图像。探测结果进一步确定了琼东北火山区下方的介质属性和低阻体的赋存范围,并发现琼东北地区的电性结构存在明显的东西差异,电阻率值东高西低。此外,在琼东北地区地壳中存在2个低阻体,分别为海南岛西北部澄迈县区域(即雷虎岭和马鞍岭火山口西侧)下方中地壳碗状向W倾斜的低阻体和龙泉下方的低阻体;而在海南岛东北部的铺前湾—冯家湾小地震密集条带与地面沉陷区的深部并没有低阻介质赋存,排除了小地震是由于壳内火山岩浆活动引起的可能。  相似文献   

琼东南地区是海南岛及邻区地震较为活跃的地区,1999年5月17日海南陵水近海发生M_S5.0级地震,该地震是华南地区也是东南沿海地区距今最近的一次M_S5.0级以上地震(资料截至2015年底)。本文通过地震活动M-T图、震中分布、震级-频度关系、地震类型以及地震活动性参数等分析方法,分析总结了海南陵水近海M_S5.0(M_L5.3)级地震前后琼东南地区的地震活动特征。认为,琼东南地区M_L2.0以上地震活动具有明显的平静-活跃交替变化的特征;从地震空间分析,地震集中分布在三个区域,显示出丛集活动特征;从构造上分析,地震主要分布于陵水—九所断裂、尖峰—吊罗断裂和琼东南盆地北侧断裂三组断裂附近;从时间进程分析,2009年以来,琼东南地区进入M_L2.0以上地震相对平静期,持续至2015年底。  相似文献   

本文利用流动形变测量资料,对北天山地震带的地壳形变过程、特征进行了分析讨论,认为北天山地震带地形变具有趋势性、同步性、阶段性,水平形变量大于垂直形变量,并且北天山地震带的地壳活动方式继承了新构造运动。同时,对北天山地震带上的地形变与地震活动的关系也做了探讨,认为地震前后,地壳在垂直形变方面具有“N”字形变化模式,并指出北天山地震带在地震过程中有一形变衰减波存在。 本文分析、处理了自1971年至1986年以来的北天山地震带上十几条跨断裂流动水准测线资科、1982—1986年的水平形变网资料,以及乌市跨断层形变台站的部分地道水准测量资料,力求揭示它们所控制的断裂带及地区的形变过程、特征及其与地震活动的关系,并找出其中的活动规律。  相似文献   

北天山流动水准重复测量资料的前兆异常特征初析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对北天山地区跨断层流动水准观测资料的分析,可以看出,北天山地区跨断层流动水准观测值的变化较好地反映了各断裂带、地震前后的地壳垂直形变运动特征.由于各断裂带、各测线与震中的距离不同,它们所反映出的地壳垂直形变运动特征和变化量也不相同.流动水准观测资料对北天山中西部地区5~6级以上地震有较好的震前反映,前兆信息明显.  相似文献   

通过对2003年9月27日发生在新疆友谊峰东北7.9级地震震前乌鲁木齐形变站垂直形变异常特征的分析,得出该台站垂直形变在地震临震前有明显的异常反映,地震前北天山中、西段地区4.9级以上地震活动较活跃,垂直形变运动速率加速上升,地震当日观测数据出现突跳现象。  相似文献   

海南岛及邻区地壳三维P波速度结构   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用海南岛及邻区1999——2005年9个地震数字化台站记录到的3 500余条区域初至波到时资料,确定了海南岛及邻区地壳三维P波速度结构. 结果表明,该区域浅部上地壳的波速异常与地表地质构造有一定的相关性,即王五——文教断裂带以北地区波速较低,而以南地区为相对高的波速异常区. 这与琼北地区为凹陷、并伴有多期火山活动和较高的地热背景,而琼中南地区为较稳定的隆起等构造特征相一致. 在其中下地壳,琼东地区相对琼西地区波速较低,可能暗示了地幔热物质上涌等动力学过程. 波速异常分布模式还暗示出北西向断裂带(如铺前——清澜断裂带)较浅,而近东西向的王五——文教断裂带较深,有可能延伸至莫霍面或更深.   相似文献   

地震前兆的象限性特征及其理论分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
在总结华北北部地区唐山、大同地震前地电阻率和形变前兆的象限性特征的基础上,分析并发现张北地震前的形变和地电阻率前兆也具有一定的象限性特征.说明前兆象限性的存在并非偶然,是与孕震体的存在有关.通过岩石实验与理论分析认为,在孕震过程中,前兆异常确实存在象限性特征.象限性的空间分布范围并不是固定不变,而是具有逐渐变大——最大——变小的过程.并且象限性的上升区与下降区(或压缩区与膨胀区)在近源区与远源区不同.如果基于对前兆象限性的认识,指导分析前兆异常不同形态异常的空间分布,对地震的可能发震地区预测将具有参考意义.   相似文献   

基于地壳黏弹模型在GPS观测资料和地震位错数据为约束条件下,应用有限元数值模拟方法对2001年昆仑山8.1级、2008年汶川8.0级和2015年尼泊尔8.1级特大地震引起的地壳形变分布特征进行了模拟计算,获得了地震位移场和形变场.这3次大地震分别发生在青藏高原的北部、东部边界和南部边界,尽管震级大小基本相当,但发震区域和发震断层性质都各不相同,其各自产生的地壳形变场分布特征存在明显的差异,主要表现为形变场区域大小、幅值大小等的差异,以及在不同地壳深度也存在明显的差异,这些差异主要取决于地震断层性质和地下介质结构的不同.通过模拟计算,可以进一步了解大地震产生的应力加卸载区分布特征,对预测未来地震发生区域范围提供重要参考依据.  相似文献   

丽江7.0级地震前跨断层形变累积率的变化特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对丽江7.0级地震前跨断层短水准、短基线资料断层形变累积率的计算分析,表明丽江地震前跨断层形变累积率在空间分布上及演化过程中有一定的分布特征。以丽江-剑川断裂为界,其西部震中附近的断层形变累积率相对较低,而其东部周围的则较高,且震前存在累积率减小的调整过程。由此可见,地震不一定发生在形变累积率高的地区,而通常发生在多年形变累积率空间分布差异性显著的地区。通过多场地断层形变累积率的计算,分析其空间分布特征及演变,结合其它手段资料,对地震中、长期危险区的判定及中短期危险性的判定有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

川滇地区现今地壳形变及其与强震时空分布的相关性研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文通过分析80年代以来的川滇地区跨断层形变测量资料、区域垂直形变测量资料及部分大区域GPS测量资料,认为该时间域内川滇地区地壳形变处于相对弱状态,并直接导致了自1981年道孚6.9级地震后至今川滇地区6级以上地震基本上未沿主边界断裂展布,且具有准顺时针旋转迁移的分布特征。基于此,认为未来几年内川滇地区地震危险性预测研究的重点应是川滇地区中部。最后根据现今地壳形变测量资料和地震分布特征提出了川滇地区活动地块时段性划分的概念,并给出了初步的划分结果。  相似文献   

The researches in this paper disclose a huge earthquake migration series that lasted more than one century—from the 17th century to the early day of the 18th, transverse migration of huge earthquake from West Pacific trench to the Chinese mainland, lasted about 134 a, the distance is about 2600 km, the velocity is about 19 km/a, and the direction of migration agrees with the direction of plate subduction and vertical to the strike of plate boundary. The migration has two branches. One extends westwards and terminates at the central longitude belt (Helanshan—Liupanshan fault zone) of the Chinese mainland, triggered the strongest seismicity episode in North China, including 4 earthquakes withM ⩾8.0. The other extends northwards, passing through Korea Peninsula, terminates at the north part of Heilongjian Province, and triggered the volcanic eruption activity in Changbaishan and Wudalianchi. The time-space linearity of migration is good. Its velocity is stable and its activity attenuates gradually. It is estimated that it is related with the disturbance of asthenosphere matters caused by the sudden acceleration of the subduction of the trench plate. There are two similar transverse migration series from 1498 to 1556 and from 1843 to 1927, and the velocities are 36.2 and 33.7 km/a respectively.  相似文献   

The orientations of dykes from many of the islands of the Lesser Antilles island arc have been mapped. Most of these dykes can be interpreted in terms of local or regional swarms derived from specific volcanoes of known age, with distinct preferred orientations. Dykes are known from all Cenozoic epochs except the Palaeocene, but are most common in Pliocene, Miocene and Oligocene rocks. A majority of the sampled dykes are basaltic, intrude volcaniclastic host rocks and show a preference for widths of 1–1.25 m. Locally, dyke swarms dilate their hosts by up to 9% over hundreds of metres and up to 2% over distances of kilometres. The azimuths of dykes of all ages show a general NE-SW preferred orientation with a second NW-SE mode particularly in the Miocene rocks of Martinique. The regional setting for these minor intrusions is a volcanic front above a subduction zone composed of three segments: Saba-Montserrat, Guadeloupe-Martinique, St. Lucia-Grenada. The spacing of volcanic centres along this front is interpreted in terms of rising plumes of basaltic magma spaced about 30 km apart. This magma is normally intercepted at crustal depths by dioritic plutons and andesitic/dacitic magma generated there. Plumes which intersect transverse fracture systems or which migrate along the front can avoid these crustal traps. Throughout its history the volcanic front as a whole has migrated, episodically, towards the backarc at an average velocity of about 1 km/Ma. The local direction of plate convergence is negatively correlated with the local preferred orientation of dykes. The dominant NE-SW azimuth mode corresponds closely to the direction of faulting in the sedimentary cover of the backarc and the inferred tectonic fabric of the oceanic crust on which the arc is founded. A generalised model of the regional stress field that controls dyke intrusion outside of the immediate vicinity of central volcanic vents is proposed, in which the maximum horizontal stress parallels the volcanic front except in the northern segment where subduction of the Barracuda Rise perturbs the stress field. There is also evidence of specific temporal changes in the stress field that are probably due to large scale plate kinematics.  相似文献   

东北地区浅源中强震及深震与西太平洋板块俯冲   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文研究了1990年以来东北地区的浅源中强震和深震的相关关系,还讨论了板块俯冲对东北地区的影响,结果表明,东北地区浅源地震与深源地震存在着相关活动的特点。  相似文献   

TheTOBisoneoftheyoungestandhighestintracontinentalorogenicbeltsinMiddleAsia.ItplaysaveryimportantroleinaccommodatingtheconvergencebetweenIndianContinentandtheSiberianContinent,andtherefore,itiswidelynoticedbygeoscientistsworldwide.Uptonow,severalgeoscienc…  相似文献   

Kenshiro  Otsuki 《Island Arc》1992,1(1):51-63
Abstract The Izanagi plate subducted rapidly and obliquely under the accretionary terrane of Japan in the Cretaceous before 85 Ma. A chain of microcontinents collided with it at about 140 Ma. In southwest Japan the major part of it subducted thereafter, but in northeast Japan it accreted and the trench jumped oceanward, resulting in a curved volcanic front. The oblique subduction and the underplated microcon-tinent caused uplifting of high-pressure (high-P) metamorphic rocks and large scale crustal shortening in southwest Japan. The oblique subduction caused left-lateral faulting and ductile shearing in northeast Japan. The arc sliver crossed over the high-temperature (high-T) zone of arc magmatism, resulting in a wide high-T metamorphosed belt. At about 85 Ma, the subduction mode changed from oblique to normal and the tectonic mode changed drastically. Just after this the Kula/Pacific ridge subducted and the subduction rate of the Pacific plate decreased gradually, causing the intrusion of huge amounts of granite magma and the eruption of acidic volcanics from large cauldrons. The oblique subduction of the Pacific plate resumed at 53 Ma and the left-lateral faults were reactivated.  相似文献   

GlobalshearstrespaterninmainseismicactivebeltsLEIXIAO(肖磊)PEI-SHANCHEN(陈培善)InstituteofGeophysics,StateSeismologicalBureau,Bei...  相似文献   

太平洋板块俯冲对中国东北深浅震影响机理的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张慧  焦明若  刘峡 《地震》2012,32(2):135-144
本文采用与深度有关的不同分层结构模型, 并考虑太平洋板块俯冲角度差异等特征, 建立太平洋板块向中国东北地区俯冲的2D纵向静力学模型。 以太平洋板片俯冲速度为约束条件, 通过变化俯冲板块的俯冲角度, 数值模拟太平洋板块向中国东北的俯冲过程, 探讨太平洋板块俯冲作用对于我国东北深浅震的影响, 得到不同俯冲角度模型的深浅部应力场分布, 揭示区域构造应力场的总体特征和断裂带局部特性, 并讨论了活动断裂带以及邻近区域对东北地区深浅部构造应力场的响应。 结果表明, 太平洋板块俯冲角度的变化对于中国东北地区深浅震的地震活动格局具有重要影响, 断裂带构造环境是浅源地震孕育的基本条件。  相似文献   

俯冲带地震动特征及其衰减规律探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
随着我国南海不断开发建设,海洋工程的抗震问题日益受到重视.我国南海东部区域位于大陆板块与海洋板块共同作用的俯冲带地区,地震活动频繁,震级较大,潜在地震对南海开发建设有重要影响.为了研究俯冲带地震的地震动特征及其衰减规律,本文基于实际俯冲带地震数据,并结合数值模拟方法,分析和探讨了俯冲带板内、板缘地震与浅地壳地震的地震动特征和衰减规律的差异.研究结果表明:俯冲带地震动存在区域性差异,在地震动衰减特征方面,同一区域的俯冲带板缘地震要比浅地壳地震衰减慢,俯冲带板内地震要比浅地壳地震衰减得快;数值模拟分析不同深度海水对海底地震动的影响表明,海底地震动水平分量几乎不受海水介质的影响,但是竖向分量随海水深度的增加有减小的趋势.最终,基于数值模拟和经验关系的混合方法建立了南海俯冲带地震动衰减关系模型,其结果可为海域区划等相关研究和海域工程建设提供参考.  相似文献   

冲绳板块应力场数值模拟及其动力学特征div>   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
冲绳板块位于菲律宾海板块向欧亚板块俯冲形成的西太平洋边缘活动带上,构造应力场图像及其动力学机制表现得相当复杂.采用伪三维有限元方法,以WSM2008 观测应力场数据的应力取向和应力型两方面指标作为主要约束,对冲绳板块构造应力场进行了数值模拟.通过对计算结果的分析,对模型涉及的各种作用力作出了估计.在此基础上,对冲绳板块岩石层的状态,以及该地区的板块动力学特征进行了探讨,并得到了以下一些初步认识:① 软流层静压推力控制着该地区构造应力场的基本形态;② 冲绳海槽的演化过程,例如该地区的岩石层减薄与其下地幔流的上升等,也在很大程度上影响了该地区的板内应力场空间分布特征;③ 琉球俯冲带边界力的作用是分段的,不同区段作用力对板内应力场的影响有所不同.   相似文献   

Sources of Tsunami and Tsunamigenic Earthquakes in Subduction Zones   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
—We classified tsunamigenic earthquakes in subduction zones into three types earth quakes at the plate interface (typical interplate events), earthquakes at the outer rise, within the subducting slab or overlying crust (intraplate events), and "tsunami earthquakes" that generate considerably larger tsunamis than expected from seismic waves. The depth range of a typical interplate earthquake source is 10–40km, controlled by temperature and other geological parameters. The slip distribution varies both with depth and along-strike. Recent examples show very different temporal change of slip distribution in the Aleutians and the Japan trench. The tsunamigenic coseismic slip of the 1957 Aleutian earthquake was concentrated on an asperity located in the western half of an aftershock zone 1200km long. This asperity ruptured again in the 1986 Andreanof Islands and 1996 Delarof Islands earthquakes. By contrast, the source of the 1994 Sanriku-oki earthquake corresponds to the low slip region of the previous interplate event, the 1968 Tokachi-oki earthquake. Tsunamis from intraplate earthquakes within the subducting slab can be at least as large as those from interplate earthquakes; tsunami hazard assessments must include such events. Similarity in macroseismic data from two southern Kuril earthquakes illustrates difficulty in distinguishing interplate and slab events on the basis of historical data such as felt reports and tsunami heights. Most moment release of tsunami earthquakes occurs in a narrow region near the trench, and the concentrated slip is responsible for the large tsunami. Numerical modeling of the 1996 Peru earthquake confirms this model, which has been proposed for other tsunami earthquakes, including 1896 Sanriku, 1946 Aleutian and 1992 Nicaragua.  相似文献   

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