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基于北京市气象局快速循环同化系统RMAPS-ST以及对流尺度集合预报系统RMAPS-EN,构建了En-3DVAR集合变分混合同化系统,将该系统应用到业务快速循环同化系统中并进行试验,分别在冷启动与循环启动环境下对比了混合同化系统(Hybrid)与三维变分(3DVAR)的同化预报效果。获得的结论如下:单点试验结果表明,混合同化系统分析增量的分布与集合预报离散度分布具有较好的对应关系;在冷启动和循环启动中,三维变分的分析增量都表现出各向同性的特点,混合同化分析增量均表现出一定的流依赖特征;降水个例分析表明,在冷启动环境中,Hybrid与3DVAR效果相当,而在循环启动中,Hybrid的降水预报相对于3DVAR有较明显的改进效果;批量试验检验结果表明,冷启动中,Hybrid与3DVAR的评分大致相当,而在循环启动中,Hybrid相对于3DVAR的评分有明显改进;集合离散度和背景场误差的相关性分析表明二者在循环启动环境下具有更好的相关性。  相似文献   

基于集合卡尔曼变换与三维变分(ETKF-3DVAR)混合资料同化系统和欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECWMF)的全球集合预报,以"梅花"台风为例,分析了台风系统预报误差的流依赖特征,讨论了耦合系数在混合同化和预报中的敏感性及其对预报质量的影响。结果显示,台风系统的预报误差协方差具有显著的中小尺度结构特征,集合估计的预报误差协方差结构能够再现其流依赖属性。相对于3DVAR方案,混合资料同化方案的最优耦合系数对台风系统的分析和预报质量具有更好的改善;但不同的耦合系数对台风路径预报有明显的影响,不合适的耦合系数甚至可能导致更坏的结果,只有耦合了相对合适的预报误差协方差的流依赖信息,混合资料同化方案才可能对分析和预报质量有正效果。这表明在混合资料同化系统中,构造一种具有自适应能力的耦合权重函数,实现相对最优权重的自动选择,对充分发挥混合资料同化方案的潜在优势具有重要意义。  相似文献   

集合变分混合同化背景误差协方差流依赖性分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
通过单点观测试验的方法,对集合变分混合同化背景误差协方差的流依赖特征、流依赖性影响因子、产生原因,以及集合预报方法对流依赖性的影响进行了研究。结果表明:由于引入了集合信息,集合变分混合同化的分析增量与天气系统的分布有关,具有非均匀、各向异性的特征;这种流依赖特征对混合系数敏感,当集合协方差所占权重很小时,分析增量仍呈现出均匀、各向同性特征;混合同化背景误差协方差的流依赖特征不仅与集合样本有关,还与构造集合协方差的ETKF方法有关,只引入与环流形势密切相关的集合样本并不能使分析增量表现出显著的流依赖性,集合样本和ETKF方法共同作用才能将流依赖信息引入到混合协方差中,使分析增量出现流依赖特征;不同集合预报方法对混合协方差的流依赖特征有显著影响,考虑初值和物理过程的超级集合,以及在超级集合样本上再进行ETKF更新扰动后样本构造的混合协方差流依赖特征更加显著。  相似文献   

利用WRF(Weather research and forecasting)模式及模式模拟的资料,采用Hybrid ETKF-3DVAR(ensemble transform Kalman filter-three-dimensional variational data assimilation)方法同化模拟雷达观测资料。该混合同化方法将集合转换卡尔曼滤波(ensemble transform Kalman filter)得到的集合样本扰动通过转换矩阵直接作用到背景场上,利用顺序滤波的思想得到分析扰动场;然后通过增加额外控制变量的方式把"流依赖"的集合协方差信息引入到变分目标函数中去,在3DVAR框架基础下与观测数据进行融合,从而给出分析场的最优估计。试验结果表明,Hybrid ETKF-3DVAR同化方法相比传统3DVAR可以提供更为准确的分析场,Hybrid方法雷达资料初始化模拟的台风涡旋结构与位置比3DVAR更加接近"真实场",对台风路径预报也有明显改进。通过对比Hybrid S试验与Hybrid F试验发现,Hybrid的正效果主要来源于混合背景误差协方差中的"流依赖"信息,集合平均场代替确定性背景场带来的效果并不显著。  相似文献   

利用WRF以及WRFDA3.6.1的ETKF-3DVAR混合集合—变分同化方案,对2012年第15号台风"布拉万"进行了模拟,并分析协方差权重系数对"流依赖"属性和台风强度、路径的模拟效果的影响。通过单点实验发现:随着集合协方差权重系数增加,分析增量的"流依赖"属性就越发明显。当集合协方差权重系数大于0.5时,由于集合成员数量以及预报质量的限制,将会引入虚假的"流依赖"信息,使得分析增量的范围形状不再发生变化,强度有所减弱。在对台风"布拉万"路径和强度的模拟中发现:集合协方差权重系数取0.5以下的预报结果普遍好于系数大于0.5的预报结果,其中,当集合协方差权重系数取0.25时路径预报误差最小,当集合协方差权重系数取0.2时强度预报误差最小。  相似文献   

为有效引入“流依赖”的背景场误差协方差,同时降低集合预报带来的计算量,尝试通过优选与同化时刻天气形势更相似的历史预报样本,并结合预报过程中的时间滞后样本,将两种样本引入集合-变分混合同化系统中,构建基于优选历史预报样本和时间滞后样本的集合-变分混合同化方案。单点观测理想试验表明,优选历史预报样本结合时间滞后样本,既能够缓解样本不足所导致的采样误差,又能够为同化系统提供“流依赖”的背景场误差协方差。连续一周的循环同化及预报试验结果显示,相较于ERA5资料和探空资料,三维变分方案整体表现稍差,样本组合混合同化方案分析场和预报场的均方根误差最小,且比仅用时间滞后样本的混合同化方案有所改进;降水评分整体也表现最优,尤其对中雨和暴雨的模拟改进较明显,较好地模拟出了强降水中心的强度和位置,且改善了降水过报的问题。   相似文献   

基于FY-3A卫星微波资料,利用Hybrid方法对2012年7月21日北京地区强降水过程进行同化模拟试验,并分析了混合系数在同化中的应用。通过单点试验发现,传统3DVar同化方法的背景误差协方差是静态的,其同化增量总是表现为以观测单点位置为中心呈均匀、各向同性分布,且与同化单点的位置有关。而集合变分同化的背景误差协方差是由集合预报结果构造的集合协方差,其单点观测试验同化增量集中在此次降水区域周围,依赖于环流形势的分布,其分布与观测单点的位置无关。通过实际个例的同化试验发现,混合系数取0.5的模拟效果最好,其次为0.1,混合系数取1的试验模拟效果最差。  相似文献   

基于集合变分混合同化方法的双台风数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用基于WRF模式的集合变分混合同化方法(Ens-3DVAR),对2013年双台风“菲特”和“丹娜丝”的路径、强度和降水进行模拟,结果表明:对双台风路径和强度的模拟,无论是模拟效果还是稳定性,Ens-3DVAR方法72 h模拟效果最优;三种试验方法对降水都有一定的模拟能力,SAL评分表明无论是对降水结构、强度,还是降水位置的模拟,Ens-3DVAR方法模拟效果最好;从Ens-3DVAR和3DVAR方法得到的初始时刻的同化增量场来看,同化卫星资料后,两种方法均改变了初始场信息,但Ens-3DVAR试验与3DVAR试验的增量无论是大小还是分布范围明显不同,说明预报系统的局地信息改变对模拟效果有很大的影响;Ens-3DVAR方法采用集合背景场和流依赖性背景误差协方差,弥补了传统3DVAR中采用均匀、各向同性、准定常的背景误差协方差所带来的局限,提供了更接近实际大气的背景场;同时该方法采用了多个不同时刻的输入资料,说明Ens-3DVAR方法是数值预报中利用历史资料的一种可行途径。   相似文献   

基于混合集合同化方案的台风“海鸥”的数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
混合变分/集合同化是基于变分+集合思路新兴发展起来的一种资料同化方法。利用WRF和WRFDA最新版本3.5构建混合集合同化的流程,通过单点试验直观体现出混合集合同化方案“流依赖”背景误差协方差的影响。对台风“海鸥”路径和强度的模拟和分析表明,混合集合同化方案在台风路径和强度的预报上要强于三维变分同化方案。对比两种方案同化后的分析场表明,混合集合同化方案分析出的台风中心强度优于三维变分同化方案分析结果,其原因一方面是混合集合同化方案初始场是采用集合平均的结果,另一方面是混合集合同化方案采用“流依赖”背景误差协方差的影响,这两个因素对台风的预报准确性有一定作用。   相似文献   

2018年第14号台风“摩羯”对山东造成了大范围暴雨和大风天气,基于WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting)模式及其Hybrid-3DVAR混合同化预报系统,对Hybrid-3DVAR不同集合协方差比例和不同航空气象数据转发(aircraft meteorological data relay,以下简称AMDAR)资料同化时间窗对台风“摩羯”预报的影响进行了数值研究。结果表明:加大集合协方差比例对台风“摩羯”路径预报有较大影响和改进;当全部取来自集合体的流依赖误差协方差时,预报的台风路径最好,降水预报也最接近实况;AMDAR资料同化对于台风路径和降水预报也有正的改进作用,但加大集合协方差比例到100%时对台风路径预报影响更大;不同资料同化时间窗会影响同化的AMDAR资料数量,从而影响台风降水精细化预报;45 min同化时间窗的要素预报误差最小,对台风造成的强降水精细特征预报最接近实况;不同资料同化时间窗主要影响台风降水预报落区分布,对台风路径预报影响相对较小。  相似文献   

Based on the GRAPES-MESO hybrid En-3DVAR (Ensemble three-dimension hybrid data assimilation for Global/Regional Assimilation and Prediction system) constructed by China Meteorological Administration, a 7-day simulation (from 10 July 2015 to 16 July 2015) is conducted for horizontal localization scales. 48h forecasts have been designed for each test, and seven different horizontal localization scales of 250, 500, 750, 1000, 1250, 1500 and 1750 km are set. The 7-day simulation results show that the optimal horizontal localization scales over the Tibetan Plateau and the plain area are 1500 km and 1000 km, respectively. As a result, based on the GRAPES-MESO hybrid En-3DVAR, a topography-dependent horizontal localization scale scheme (hereinafter referred to as GRAPES-MESO hybrid En-3DVAR-TD-HLS) has been constructed. The data assimilation and forecast experiments have been implemented by GRAPES-MESO hybrid En-3DVAR, 3DVAR and GRAPES-MESO hybrid En-3DVAR-TD-HLS, and then the analysis and forecast field of these three systems are compared. The results show that the analysis field and forecast field within 30h of GRAPES-MESO hybrid En-3DVAR-TD-HLS are better than those of the other two data assimilation systems. Particularly in the analysis field, the root mean square error (RMSE) of u_wind and v_wind in the entire vertical levels is significantly less than that of the other two systems. The time series of total RMSE indicate, in the 6-30h forecast range, that the forecast result of En-3DVAR-TD-HLS is better than that of the other two systems, but the En-3DVAR and 3DVAR are equivalent in terms of their forecast skills. The 36-48h forecasts of three data assimilation systems have similar forecast skill.  相似文献   

Based on the GRAPES-MESO hybrid En-3 DVAR(Ensemble three-dimension hybrid data assimilation for Global/Regional Assimilation and Prediction system) constructed by China Meteorological Administration, a 7-day simulation(from 10 July 2015 to 16 July 2015) is conducted for horizontal localization scales. 48 h forecasts have been designed for each test, and seven different horizontal localization scales of 250, 500, 750, 1000, 1250, 1500 and 1750 km are set. The 7-day simulation results show that the optimal horizontal localization scales over the Tibetan Plateau and the plain area are 1500 km and 1000 km, respectively. As a result, based on the GRAPES-MESO hybrid En-3 DVAR, a topography-dependent horizontal localization scale scheme(hereinafter referred to as GRAPES-MESO hybrid En-3 DVAR-TD-HLS) has been constructed. The data assimilation and forecast experiments have been implemented by GRAPES-MESO hybrid En-3 DVAR, 3 DVAR and GRAPES-MESO hybrid En-3 DVAR-TD-HLS, and then the analysis and forecast field of these three systems are compared. The results show that the analysis field and forecast field within 30 h of GRAPES-MESO hybrid En-3 DVAR-TD-HLS are better than those of the other two data assimilation systems. Particularly in the analysis field, the root mean square error(RMSE) of u_wind and v_wind in the entire vertical levels is significantly less than that of the other two systems. The time series of total RMSE indicate, in the 6-30 h forecast range, that the forecast result of En-3 DVAR-TD-HLS is better than that of the other two systems, but the En-3 DVAR and 3 DVAR are equivalent in terms of their forecast skills. The 36-48 h forecasts of three data assimilation systems have similar forecast skill.  相似文献   

A heavy rainfall case related to Mesoscale Convective Systems (MCSs) over the Korean Peninsula was selected to investigate the impact of radar data assimilation on a heavy rainfall forecast. The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) three-dimensional variational (3DVAR) data assimilation system with tuning of the length scale of the background error covariance and observation error parameters was used to assimilate radar radial velocity and reflectivity data. The radar data used in the assimilation experiments were preprocessed using quality-control procedures and interpolated/thinned into Cartesian coordinates by the SPRINT/CEDRIC packages. Sensitivity experiments were carried out in order to determine the optimal values of the assimilation window length and the update frequency used for the rapid update cycle and incremental analysis update experiments. The assimilation of radar data has a positive influence on the heavy rainfall forecast. Quantitative features of the heavy rainfall case, such as the maximum rainfall amount and Root Mean Squared Differences (RMSDs) of zonal/meridional wind components, were improved by tuning of the length scale and observation error parameters. Qualitative features of the case, such as the maximum rainfall position and time series of hourly rainfall, were enhanced by an incremental analysis update technique. The positive effects of the radar data assimilation and the tuning of the length scale and observation error parameters were clearly shown by the 3DVAR increment.  相似文献   

The impacts of AMSU-A and IASI (Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer) radiances assimila-tion on the prediction of typhoons Vicente and Saola (2012) are studied by using the ensemble transform ...  相似文献   

第I部分研究结果(徐枝芳等,2007)表明模式与实际观测站地形高度差异对地面观测资料同化效果有较大影响。此文在MM5_3DVAR同化系统中利用近地层相似理论将地面观测资料进行直接三维变分同化分析,考虑模式与实际观测站地形高度差异对同化效果的影响,提出在地面观测误差中增加地形代表性误差来解决这个问题。研究结果表明:地面资料同化分析时,在其观测误差中加入一项新的误差——地形代表性误差,能较好地解决地面资料同化分析中模式与观测站地形高度差异问题;地面资料参与同化分析,在观测误差中加入与模式和实际观测站地形高度差异大小相关的地形代表性误差时,地面观测值对分析值的影响随着地形高度差异代表性误差的加入而减小,同时又部分地将地面观测信息通过变分分析融进分析场,使得低层分析更接近真实场,且地面资料利用率更高,24小时降水数值预报(模拟)的效果较好。  相似文献   

The impact of assimilating radiances from the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-A (AMSU-A) on the track prediction of Typhoon Megi (2010) was studied using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model and a hybrid ensemble three-dimensional variational (En3DVAR) data assimilation (DA) system. The influences of tuning the length scale and variance scale factors related to the static background error covariance (BEC) on the track forecast of the typhoon were studied. The results show that, in typhoon radiance data assimilation, a moderate length scale factor improves the prediction of the typhoon track. The assimilation of AMSU-A radiances using 3DVAR had a slight positive impact on track forecasts, even when the static BEC was carefully tuned to optimize its performance. When the hybrid DA was employed, the track forecast was significantly improved, especially for the sharp northward turn after crossing the Philippines, with the flow-dependent ensemble covariance. The flow-dependent BEC can be estimated by the hybrid DA and was capable of adjusting the position of the typhoon systematically. The impacts of the typhoon-specific BEC derived from ensemble forecasts were revealed by comparing the analysis increments and forecasts generated by the hybrid DA and 3DVAR. Additionally, for 24 h forecasts, the hybrid DA experiment with use of the full flow-dependent background error substantially outperformed 3DVAR in terms of the horizontal winds and temperature in the lower and mid-troposphere and for moisture at all levels.  相似文献   

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