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十一月之天气,殊为恶劣,全国各地,阴湿异常;惟东南沿海一带,颇属晴朗。东亚境内,本月共见温带低气压九个,其中之一发生於日本海之北部後,即行东北与本国天气无关。此外八个,分布国内,为本月天气变化之主要因子。另有台风一个,盘桓於菲列滨附近洋面,本国天气末受影响。本月中有较显之寒潮五次,其中之三次,曾使本国天气发生重大改变,於长江流域及其南之面积,降水尤多。一日,除东方滨海之一带地外,本国之大部面积,均在盛大之低气压下,阴雨连绵,其状殊为恶劣。二日,另二低气压出现於长江流域,阴雨区域推广而及苏鲁海岸。四日,一高气压已到外蒙,西北天气初现晴意。五日,高气压中心行抵华北,黄河以南先後发生大风,  相似文献   

朱炳海 《气象学报》1935,11(1):48-50
初旬大致乾热,此後霉雨开始,阴雨连绵。月初,西伯里亚冷气团经华西南下,与日本洋面之高气压间形成一低气压槽,不连续面直贯南北,连系三低气压中心:其一,在海河下流。其二,在长江中流。其三,在南海之滨。是以一二两日,华东一带相继阴雨,温度低冷,长江中下流域,降水尤多。三日,高气压进据长江,低气压槽移至海洋,全国天气,豁然开朗,於是温度增高。  相似文献   

十月之天气,华南华中,湿暖异常,华北一带,颇为晴朗。东亚境内共有低气压中心十三,副低气压中心五,合计十有八个。其中之二个,发生於西伯里亚,一个出现於东部满州,一个导源於西部内蒙,均使蒙古或满州之天气发生显著之影响。又二个。初见於东海,二个滋长於渤海,均向东或东北去,当其离陆最近时,使沿岸天气变劣。另一个为台风,来自菲列滨以东洋面,运行於南海,越  相似文献   

黄厦千 《气象学报》1937,13(1):43-48
(一)引论天气预报,基於数学原则,在先已有列却逊氏之专著,自极面学说发达以来,挪威盖为今日气象学之中心地。柏脱逊氏,(SverrePetterssen)挪威气象学者中之长於天气预报者也,(现在美国加州理工大学California Instiute of Technology讲学)於一九三三年发表气压区之动能及力能在天气预报方面之运用,美人克列克博士(Dr.Irving P.Krick)又推演之以为天气预报定则,(尚  相似文献   

一、日之天气 雾之形成,须有待於静隐层结乏气团。於时风力微弱,对流不盛。故凡以足以扰动气团层结之因子,如风力增大气温升高等,均类能防础雾之发生,尤以辐射类为然。兹将湘省之长沙、常德、衡阳三地雾日之天气状况分述於下:  相似文献   

吕炯 《气象学报》1930,6(5):17-40
气压之变动大别之可分季候的,区域的,风暴的,微波的(ripple)一日的,半日的,及潮力的等等。兹篇所述,乃偏重於半日的(semidiunrnol),至其他之变动,则仅约略敍述而已。季候的变迁:若就北温带内而言,夏季温度增高,大气体积膨胀,同时水蒸气亦增加,故夏季之气压,比较低  相似文献   

赵恕 《气象学报》1935,11(3):155-165
厦门概述本月上旬温度,均较去年八月上旬为低,其原因即由於台风之来临,全月最高温度满三十五度者仅二日,去年计四日,全月最低温度在二十五度以下者计六日,去年仅五日,本年雨量集中在八月上旬,去年则在中旬,此本年八月与往年八月不同之大概也。七八月之间,为台风最活跃之期,厦门其常光顾之地。本月上旬连续阴雨其原因即由於台风,上月台风在厦门登陆者有二,一在二十三日,一在三十日。以後者之势力为最强。第二次台风於三十日来袭厦门,十二时气压降至733.60mm风力达蒲福尔氏第八级,三十日及十一日二日雨量总数达157.5mm之多,较低处僻巷小路,涨水数尺,  相似文献   

本月天气,乾冷异常,此因极地大陆气团之盛行所致;但於其萎总之时,热带气团即行伸张,因於高空发生暖面,而降雨雪,故本月之雪,颇多自南方始者。月初,高气压中心尚在西伯里亚之贝加尔湖区域,而其极面已抵长江,因是雨雪纷飞。二日,有一小高气压自西伯里亚分离而出现於  相似文献   

胡振铎 《气象学报》1936,12(8):446-449
国立中央研究院气象研究所肃州测候所自二十三年七月一日起开始观测,至今已有一年余之纪录,其逐日详细纪录已按月载於气象研究所出版之气象月刊中,兹仅择其概要述之如次: (一)气压:气压全年平均约在六四○公厘左右,以各月份平均比较,二十三年十月份为最高,二十四年七月份为最低,相差之数达十  相似文献   

KarlO.Lange 《气象学报》1936,12(6):327-339
1.无线电气象仪器之发展现状无线电气象仪器,所以测量高空中之温度湿度气压等要素者也。在地位方便之测候所固可收受纪录,即人迹难於接近之处,亦得听取其气象报告。此种仪器,本可以飞机携之上升,以作探测,而迅速报  相似文献   

2018年一次罕见早春飑线大风过程演变和机理分析   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
盛杰  郑永光  沈新勇  张涛  曹艳察  林隐静 《气象》2019,45(2):141-154
2018年3月4—5日,华南、江南等地发生了一次大范围强对流过程,发生时间早,落区范围广,多地伴有雷暴大风、冰雹、短时强降水等剧烈对流天气,尤其飑线在江西境内造成了严重大风灾害。基于大气环流和雷达回波发展演变特征,将该次过程分为初始、发展和减弱三个阶段:初始阶段西风槽前西南急流造成的低压倒槽为强对流提供大尺度触发条件;发展阶段对流活动位于槽前暖区中,飑线在江西造成极端大风;入夜后,冷锋南下,对流进入减弱阶段。环境场及对流参数诊断表明江西中北部低层高温高湿,中层干冷,温度垂直递减率大,有利于产生雷暴大风。南昌探空长时间序列分析表明温湿要素气候态异常,与历史同期比,低层明显偏暖偏湿,中层偏干,有利于极端对流天气发生。综合多源观测资料和雷达资料分析中小尺度特征,本次江西飑线过程特点及成因包括:(1)受引导气流和前向传播共同作用,飑线移动速度快。(2)自动站分析显示飑锋后雷暴高压强,与锋前暖低压作用造成强密度流,有利于产生大范围直线型大风;(3)通过对比飑线弓状回波南北段回波结构差异表明,飑线后侧中层干后向入流促使降水粒子相变,剧烈降温形成的强下沉运动(下击暴流)是导致极端大风的主要原因,后部层云区下沉气流增强雷暴高压加之动量下传作用对雷暴大风有增幅作用。  相似文献   

We used simultaneous measurements of surface PM2.5 concentration and vertical profiles of aerosol concentration, temperature, and humidity, together with regional air quality model simulations, to study an episode of aerosol pollution in Beijing from 15 to 19 November 2016. The potential effects of easterly and southerly winds on the surface concentrations and vertical profiles of the PM2.5 pollution were investigated. Favorable easterly winds produced strong upward motion and were able to transport the PM2.5 pollution at the surface to the upper levels of the atmosphere. The amount of surface PM2.5 pollution transported by the easterly winds was determined by the strength and height of the upward motion produced by the easterly winds and the initial height of the upward wind. A greater amount of PM2.5 pollution was transported to upper levels of the atmosphere by upward winds with a lower initial height. The pollutants were diluted by easterly winds from clean ocean air masses. The inversion layer was destroyed by the easterly winds and the surface pollutants and warm air masses were then lifted to the upper levels of the atmosphere, where they re-established a multi-layer inversion. This region of inversion was strengthened by the southerly winds, increasing the severity of pollution. A vortex was produced by southerly winds that led to the convergence of air along the Taihang Mountains. Pollutants were transported from southern–central Hebei Province to Beijing in the boundary layer. Warm advection associated with the southerly winds intensified the inversion produced by the easterly winds and a more stable boundary layer was formed. The layer with high PM2.5 concentration became dee-per with persistent southerly winds of a certain depth. The polluted air masses then rose over the northern Taihang Mountains to the northern mountainous regions of Hebei Province.  相似文献   

2018年春节期间,琼州海峡持续6 d(2月15—20日)有雾,最低能见度不足200 m。主要从气象卫星监测上分析此次琼州海峡持续性海雾的时间演变特征,并从大气海洋条件分析形成持续性海雾的原因,得出如下结论:1)2018年2月华南东侧西太平洋海面温度较常年同期偏高,有3个暖海面温度距平中心,为持续性大雾提供暖湿气流;2)此次持续性大雾过程琼州海峡位于均压场,但西南低涡起着辅助的作用,致使海洋性的南风在边界层抵御了干燥的大陆性气团,利于维持边界层的湿度;3)低层流场为暖湿气流,925 hPa近地面湿层上空有一个干中心维持,“上干下湿”的湿度层结有利于海雾维持和向上发展形成一定厚度的海雾;4)低云增加和弱降水是使18日全天海雾得以维持的重要因素。  相似文献   

Basing on airmass motion trajectory calculations over the Arabian Peninsula on April 10, 2008, it can be assumed that in the lower and middle troposphere, zones with increased air moisture exist due to air inflow from the Red Sea. As a result, mesoscale volumes of dry and moist air are neighboring, though large-scale field is comparatively homogeneous with low humidity. In the mesoscale zones, intense thunderstorm and hailstorm Cb clouds developed, whose characteristics and evolution are studied in the paper. Continuous radar observations of the clouds are carried out during 5 hours. Numerical simulation of the cloud evolution is performed with nonstationary 1.5-dimensional model. It is noted that under the mentioned atmospheric conditions, in the area under consideration, heavy rain and hail from the Cb clouds are observed. The main factors of their origination are high thermal instability of the atmosphere and moist air inflow from outside.  相似文献   

利用多普勒天气雷达资料及反演风场和常规观测资料,对2014年11月2日发生在北黄海(山东半岛北部海上)一次罕见海龙卷风暴的中尺度特征进行了分析。结果表明:冷空气、暖湿海面热力边界、山东半岛北部近海岸西北风与偏西风的辐合线是海龙卷风暴发生的天气背景。海龙卷风暴发生时雷达回波PPI最大分贝反射率因子为60 dBZ,高度为2.0 km,最高风暴顶为4.5 km,最大垂直累积液态水含量VIL为21 kg·m-2。利用雷达反演风场进行中尺度特征分析,结果表明:在海龙卷风暴发生发展过程中,低层风辐合对应4.0 km高度上是风辐散,海上有较强的偏南暖湿气流输送到雷暴区。中尺度动力特征:最大正涡度和散度辐合在1.0 km以下,低层正涡度和散度辐合、高层散度辐散是雷暴发生初期动力特征;低层没有正涡度和散度辐合、高层为正涡度和散度辐合是雷暴开始发展的动力特征;低层和高层为大的正涡度和散度辐合是雷暴成熟阶段的动力特征。高空冷空气叠加上低空强的偏南气流,造成局地涡度加大和低层辐合加强,使低层暖湿气流倾斜上升。海龙卷与辐合区的冷空气和暖湿气流有关。  相似文献   

根据TOGA计划,1990年初夏,中美两国科学工作者对18°N—10°S、120—165°E的热带西太平洋海区进行了科学考察,本文用这次考察的资料(包括总辐射、净辐射、海温、气温、气压、湿度、露点、风、云和海浪),计算了睛天和阴雨天、两个剖面(165°E经向剖面和赤道纬向剖面)以及整个考察区域的(昼夜)净辐射强度、感热和潜热通量、净热量通量和动量通量的日平均和日总量,并对热带西太平洋西部和东部进行了比较,发现西部比东部获得更多的太阳辐射能,这是热带西太平洋暖水池形成的直接原因之一。   相似文献   

利用民勤站L波段探空雷达2004年5月23—24日的一次强沙尘暴过程加密探测资料,从气象要素的垂直廓线和能量天气学两个方面,分析了沙尘暴发生发展过程中大气层结及其演变特征。结果表明:沙尘暴过境前,500hPa以下的高空风速较小,低层800hPa以下基本为偏东气流,中高层为偏西气流,沙尘暴过境时近地层风速明显加大,700hPa以下为西北气流,高层为西南气流;相对湿度在沙尘暴过境前,高层明显高于低层,而过境后,整层大气的湿度明显增加,且800hPa附近出现逆湿现象,沙尘暴过境前后整层大气相对湿度在垂直方向上的变化趋势基本一致。沙尘暴发生前,近地层气温较高,200hPa附近存在超低温现象,250hPa附近存在比较厚的下沉逆温层,随着沙尘暴过境,低层的气温显著下降,近地层约800hPa处出现逆温层,而250hPa处的逆温层逐渐减弱;地面气象要素的变化为:沙尘暴过境之前,地面气压比较低,温度较高,风速也比较小,而沙尘暴一到,顿时气压升高,风速猛增,温度下降;沙尘暴过境前,500hPa以下处于对流不稳定,过境期间饱和能差逐渐减小,不稳定能量由高层向低层传递,单站的垂直运动发展加剧;沙尘天气结束后.整层大气的结构基本稳定.不稳定能量衰竭,饱和能差进一步减小,整层大气湿度有了较大的增加。  相似文献   

The present study investigates meteorological conditions for the day-to-day changes of particulate matter (PM) concentration in Beijing city during the period 2008–2015. The local relationship of PM concentration to surface air temperature, pressure, wind speed, and relative humidity displays seasonal changes and year-to-year variations. The average correlation coefficient with PM10 in spring, summer, fall, and winter is 0.45, 0.40, 0.38, and 0.30 for air temperature; –0.45, –0.05, –0.40, and –0.45 for pressure; 0.13, 0.04, 0.53, and 0.50 for relative humidity; and –0.18, –0.11, –0.45, and –0.33 for wind speed. A higher correlation with wind speed is obtained when wind speed leads by half a day. The heavily polluted and clean days, which are defined as the top and bottom 10% of the PM values, show obvious differences in the regional distribution of air temperature, pressure, and wind. Polluted days correspond to higher air temperature in all the four seasons, lower sea level pressure and anomalous southerly winds to the south and east of Beijing in spring, fall, and winter, and a northwest–southeast contrast in the pressure anomaly and anomalous southerly winds in summer. Higher relative humidity is observed on polluted days in fall and winter. The polluted days are preceded by an anomalous cyclone moving from the northwest, accompanied by lower pressure and higher air temperature, in all four seasons. This feature indicates the impacts of moving weather systems on local meteorological conditions for day-to-day air quality changes in Beijing.  相似文献   

利用NCEP-FNL资料、FY-4卫星红外云图资料、雷达资料和自动站资料,对2021年4月15日渤海西岸由大尺度冷空气和中尺度对流系统共同作用形成的极端大风进行特征和成因分析。结果表明:(1)FY-4卫星红外云图云顶亮温表现出指状特征,雷达反射率因子表现为两个弱回波带在渤海西岸合并加强为一条带状回波,随着系统东移由带状回波演变为弓状回波。(2)上冷下暖的不稳定层结为锋面触发对流提供有利环境条件,在径向速度图上出现较大范围速度模糊和中层径向辐合。(3)此次大风过程具有雷暴大风和冷空气大风混合的大风特征,大风成因是由大尺度冷空气产生的动量下传、大尺度变压风、梯度风以及中尺度雷暴冷池出流共同导致的。  相似文献   

Microphysical and radiative effects of ice clouds on diurnal variations of tropical convective and stratiform rainfall are examined with the equilibrium simulation data from three experiments conducted with a two-dimensional cloud resolving model with imposed temporally and zonally invariant winds and sea surface temperature and zero mean vertical velocity. The experiment without ice radiative effects is compared with the control experiment with ice microphysics (both the ice radiative and microphysical effects) to study effects of ice radiative effects on diurnal rainfall variations whereas it is compared with the experiment without ice microphysics to examine ice microphysical effects on the diurnal rainfall variations. The ice radiative processes mainly affect diurnal cycle of convective rainfall whereas the ice microphysical processes have important impacts on the diurnal cycles of both convective and stratiform rainfall. Turning off the ice radiative effects generally enhances convective rainfall during the morning and evening and suppresses convective rainfall in the afternoon whereas turning off the ice microphysical effects generally suppresses convective and stratiform rainfall during the morning and enhances convective and stratiform rainfall in the afternoon and evening. The ice radiative and microphysical effects on the diurnal cycle of surface rainfall are mainly associated with that of vapor condensation and deposition, which is controlled by air temperature through saturation specific humidity. The ice effects on the diurnal cycle of local temperature tendency are largely explained by that of latent heating since the diurnal cycle of radiation is insensitive to the ice effects.  相似文献   

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