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Relational Cities: Doha,Panama City,and Dubai as 21st Century EntrepÔts   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In a dynamic global economy, emergent configurations of capitalist production produce novel spatial assemblages and correspondingly unique geometries of power. The “global cities” literature frames these transformative processes in terms of hierarchical world urban systems, providing a clear theoretical path to understanding the local implications of global spatial restructuring. This article develops the concept of the “relational city” as a transnational urbanist approach to understanding a particular subset of cities that are emblematic of the spatial transformations manifest through advanced capitalism. Relational cities are those constituted through globally critical flows of capital, goods, and ideas, and whose economies are dedicated to intermediary services such as offshore banking, container- and bulk-shipping, and regional re-exportation. Similar to gateway cities and entrepôts, relational cities are found eccentrically at one end of a fan-shaped network, connecting the global economy with a regional economic matrix. Drawing upon Doha, Dubai, and Panama City as illustrative case studies, this article suggests a new way of understanding urban change in a global context while simultaneously moving beyond the recurrent focus on the top-tier financial world cities of the Global North.  相似文献   

基于全球生产网络的理论框架,利用战略耦合,分析大湾区各城市的战略耦合模式发展及其在全球生产网络中地位与分工的差异,以深入认识粤港澳大湾区的协同发展。研究发现:1)粤港澳三地的战略耦合模式和演变过程均存在本质差异,从属于不同的全球生产网络。香港在发展本土制造业及后来的“前店后厂”的过程中,经历了2次依附耦合到解耦的过程,在金融业上形成互惠耦合模式;而澳门在制造业上经历了2次从依附耦合到解耦的过程,在博彩业上形成了吸收耦合模式。2)珠三角各个城市战略耦合模式也存在显著差异,各城市通过不同的主导产业嵌入到不同的全球生产网络之中。3)在上述2个尺度的战略耦合差异的影响下,大湾区的区域经济没有逐步走向协同,而是出现了起伏的发展过程:各个城市早期由于耦合模式不同而协同较弱,中期由于战略耦合嵌入相同的GPN中而走向协同,后期由于解耦的出现而协同趋势衰减。文章的核心论点认为战略耦合的模式差异,导致各个城市嵌入到经济周期、生产系统、技术结构存在显著差异不同的全球生产网络之中,因此难以实现区域整体协同。  相似文献   

陈肖飞  韩腾腾  赵梓渝  苗长虹 《地理研究》2021,40(12):3483-3496
全球生产网络(GPNs)非常重视跨国公司地方嵌入与区域发展的战略耦合模式及影响机制,然而以往研究相对聚焦于资本密集型或技术密集型企业,着重探讨产业联系、技术外溢、社会网络等要素的影响,而对以富士康为代表的劳动密集型跨国企业并未给予足够关注。本研究以郑州富士康为案例,融合劳工地理学和新经济地理学的理论视角,基于2017—2021年对郑州富士康的追踪调研,研究发现:① 在全球网络动力与本土地域动力相互联动的作用下,地方区位优势和企业空间粘性虽然发生了显著变化,并初步呈现出互惠式耦合特征,但郑州富士康地方嵌入与区域发展的战略耦合模式仍以依附式为主。② 劳动力视角下跨国公司地方嵌入与区域发展的战略耦合形成机制主要受制于公司属性特征与员工雇佣方式(包括企业性质、用工模式、工资福利等)、区域人口红利与劳动力供应格局、政府中介政策与劳动力行为选择等因素。③ 促进劳动密集型跨国公司地方嵌入与区域发展的战略耦合,维持劳动力市场弹性和激励跨国公司扩大投资并促进生产网络区域化应作为国家和地方政府战略制定和政策实施的两个基本维度。研究成果不仅可以有效弥补跨国公司地方嵌入与区域发展战略耦合对劳动力作用的忽视,而且通过典型案例可以为劳动密集型跨国公司与区域发展的战略耦合关系提供实证经验支持。  相似文献   

A new mapping of the world for the new millennium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new mapping of the world derived from connections between cities is presented as a complement to the traditional world map of countries. Under conditions of contemporary globalization world cities have emerged as global service centres. These have been created by the location strategies of leading corporate service firms (e.g. in accountancy) in setting up their global office networks. Data on the offices of 46 global service firms in 55 world cities are used to define service connections between cities. Connections are converted into measures of network proximity and a multidimensional scaling is applied to these 'distances' to create a 'global service space' of cities. This new mapping of the world shows a distinctive centric structure with the major world cities (e.g. London) at the core. Investigation of this general structure reveals more subtle patterns of interacting regional and hierarchical tendencies.  相似文献   

Ever‐changing spatial divisions of labour have led to an altered integration of many developing countries into global production networks (GPNs), leading to new spaces of territorial development in these countries. Against this background, this paper examines the role of local institutional actors in co‐shaping territorial development driven by global industrial relocation. Drawing on the case of Bekasi District, Indonesia, this paper nuances the notion of ‘strategic coupling’ in specific national and local settings of developing countries. Drawing on empirical material obtained through a series of in‐depth interviews conducted between 2012 and 2016, our analysis reveals that although local institutional actors have participated in Bekasi District's territorial development processes they sometimes exhibit a hesitant and less‐than‐creative attitude in this participation. Meanwhile, non‐local actors, most notably private developers and central government agencies, tend to have a more significant leverage in these development processes at the local level, suggesting complex institutional arrangements in tying Bekasi District's assets with GPNs.  相似文献   

In a polycentric world, cities increasingly bear responsibility for implementing climate policies. To do so, they establish transnational city networks (TCNs), which produce ambitious imaginaries of the future of cities, such as ‘smart cities’ or ‘resilient cities’, based on ecological knowledge. This paper analyses Southeast Asian (SEA) cities’ participation in TCNs. First, this paper presents city networks operating in SEA. Then, drawing on a case study of Quezon City, this paper shows how SEA cities often position themselves in the network as knowledge consumers rather than (co)producers and prefer to learn from cities in the Global North. This research also shows how TCNs—with limited success—seek to counter this neo-colonial knowledge flow model. The paper contributes to the literature on TCNs, arguing that the ongoing North–South imbalance needs to be addressed if networks are to promote viable models of future SEA cities. Identifying the patterns of knowledge flows inside TCNs, this study argues that networks should assist cities in imagining possible city futures beyond the experiences of the select world and global cities. TCNs should pay more attention to supporting their SEA members in looking ‘outwards’ to comparable cities worldwide rather than merely ‘upwards’ to global and mega-cities.  相似文献   

吴頔  丁婧  袁丰 《地理研究》2021,40(12):3470-3482
突如其来的新冠肺炎疫情在全球蔓延肆虐,国家间和区域间的人员、货物流动阻滞,对全球生产网络带来了巨大冲击。受此影响,涉外企业纷纷出现了与国际市场、供应链、劳动力、金融资本之间的短暂割裂。在此外部冲击面前,基于全球经济深度链接的战略耦合理论,无法有效解释全球生产网络出现的被动性、暂时性、突发性的耦合断裂。以江苏省昆山市为例,通过深入访谈和调研,重点研究地方政府能动性在维系战略耦合联系中的作用机制。研究发现,昆山政府以本地产业链供应链信息的系统掌握为基础,综合运用协调整合、政策支撑、资源调配等能力,修复导致耦合断裂的环节或重建新耦合。本文提出外部冲击型耦合断裂这一概念,丰富拓展了对战略耦合动态性的认识。其次,本文深化了对政府-全球生产网络互动联结的理解,讨论了地方政府在维系战略耦合联系中的能动性作用和局限性。  相似文献   

A new evaluation of the Pacific Rim concept is presented. The originality of this test for regional coherence is to be found in the basic units being analysed: cities instead of states. Based on a theoretical framework that identifies world city and world city network formation in terms of the office networks of advanced producer service firms, we use a principal components analysis to analyse a data set of 28 Pacific Rim cities and 46 global service firms. This identifies five main groupings of cities in terms of similar mixes of corporate service firms: a western Rim group; a group of ‘old Commonwealth’ cities; a market communist group of cities; Tokyo as a global city; and US cities as a specific separate group. These results confirm numerous earlier studies that were sceptical of the existence of a coherent Pacific Rim region. However, the particular approach adopted here allows us to identify the Pacific Rim generically as a particularly pernicious construct. We conclude that the Pacific Rim is a geographical chaotic conception.  相似文献   

Over the past few decades, cities and city regions have become the core of the global economy. Regional governments are increasingly drafting city development policies and implementing them through various visioning documents with the aim of making cities more global, networked and competitive. Welfarist governments especially in the global South are becoming increasingly entrepreneurial, and in the process poor citizens are getting pushed to the margins, evicted from their land and relocated to city fringes. Hyderabad in India provides an interesting illustration of neoliberal development trends in which poor local farmers are forced off their land to make way for a ‘world‐class’ knowledge enclave, popularly known as Cyberabad. This paper examines the policies and processes by which the regional government has sought to brand Hyderabad as a world‐class information technology destination and to restructure and reimagine it as a key node in a network of ‘globally connected cities’ of the world. It also considers the making of Cyberabad in terms of splintering urbanism, which is often understood as a defining feature of contemporary neoliberal urban processes.  相似文献   

楊偉聰  刘逸 《地理研究》2021,40(12):3253-3258
进入21世纪以来,全球生产网络(Global Production Net-work,GPN)研究非常深刻地展现了 Peter Dicken所描绘的"全球-地方矛盾".这个概念由Dicken在1994年发表于《Economic Geography》上的Roepke Lecture特邀文章中首次提出[1].作为过去20多年经济地理学的一个主要学术支柱,GPN研究经历了两个重要的理论发展阶段,即从早期的广泛而一般的GPN框架2-4]过渡到更加具备解释性的GPN 2.0理论[5-7].在GPN研究理论快速发展的这个时期里,Coe等首先提出了"战略耦合"这一关键而新颖的概念[4],并由Yeung对其进行了完善[8-10].  相似文献   

粤港澳大湾区经济韧性的特征与空间差异研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
刘逸  纪捷韩  张一帆  杨宇 《地理研究》2020,39(9):2029-2043
当前区域经济韧性的测度研究的测度维度较为单一地聚焦在GDP之上,缺乏揭示韧性在其它经济指标上的表现;同时过于注重区域内因素,忽略了外向联系的影响。因此,本研究以粤港澳大湾区为例,选择5个经济指标对大湾区的经济韧性进行多维度测算,并借助关系经济地理学理论视角,对区域内部差异的形成原因给予解释。主要得到三个结论:第一,区域的经济韧性难以从单一维度来判定,多维度指标所揭示的经济韧性存在显著差异,其中GDP所表现出来的区域经济韧性较为保守,而就业指标所表现出来的经济韧性变动较大。第二,大湾区内部各城市的经济韧性存在显著差异,这些差异与区位和GDP规模无显著关系,而与其产业经济结构和嵌入全球生产网络方式有显著关系。第三,湾区城市在经济韧性表现的差异可以用战略耦合来进行初步解释,深圳因自主耦合而经济韧性表现最佳,佛山和广州次之,香港和澳门因以依附耦合的方式嵌入全球金融和酒店网络,因而经济韧性相对较差。本文为经济韧性研究提供了大湾区案例和新的分析视角,推动了关系经济地理学在经济韧性研究中的应用。本文建议未来要重视基于定性方法的经济韧性研究。  相似文献   

刘逸  纪捷韩  许汀汀  张晓琳 《地理研究》2021,40(12):3382-3398
战略耦合与区域经济韧性分别为关系经济地理学派与演化经济地理学派的关键变量,在当下已有的研究中,前者缺乏区域长期演化的动态视角,后者忽视区域外部的经济联系对区域内部的影响,二者缺乏理论对话;同时,战略耦合在当下缺乏定量研究,成为两个学派之间进行融合的阻碍之一。因此,以广东省21个城市为例,基于回归分析、地理探测器等方法,从区域经济中外资的出口主导、生产主导、技术主导3个维度来测度战略耦合程度对区域经济韧性的影响,以此尝试推动两个学派的互动。研究结论:① 证实战略耦合对区域的经济韧性有着显著的影响,其中外资的生产主导影响最为显著,其次是外资的技术主导,影响最小的是外资的出口主导;② 中国港澳台地区投资与其他外资对区域经济韧性的作用机制存在根本性差异,体现在区域韧性变动的过程中,二者在技术主导和生产主导维度上的影响效果相反;③ GDP、FDI、出口总额等传统的全球化程度的测度指标不适合作为测度战略耦合对区域经济韧性影响的重要变量。本研究通过方法的创新,实现了对战略耦合的一次完整的定量测度,进一步实现了关系经济地理学派与演化经济地理学派在方法上的一次理论互动,为全球生产网络后续更加深入的量化研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

苗长虹 《地理学报》2006,61(4):425-434
以产业区理论、管制理论和全球生产网络理论为基础,以学习创新为核心,构建了一个融生产体系与社会生产体制、制度与协调机制、地方生产网络、全球生产网络“四位一体”的学习型产业区分析框架;运用该框架,以河南许昌发制品产业集群为案例,研究了全球-地方网络联结的方式、动态及其对技术学习的影响。研究发现,通过全球与地方生产网络的建构和有机联结,传统产业集群的技术学习是可以从“低端道路”迈向“高端道路”的,发展学习型产业区应作为我国经济发展与技术创新的一项重大战略和政策。  相似文献   

从长三角城市群看上海全球城市建设   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
概观当代城市发展的趋势,全球化促进了全球城市发展,区域化正在形成巨型城市区域,地方化使城市集群各具特色.长江三角洲城镇群在我国具有特别重要的地位与作用,也是中国融入全球化进程的首要全球区.该区域城市群发展应该顺应这些潮流,发展全球城市,建设巨型城市区,组建网络城市,规划走廊城市.上海是长江三角洲乃至中国正在崛起的全球城市,从国际资本流、国际贸易、跨国公司总部、金融业及高级生产性服务业、国际交通通讯信息平台等方面看,上海的全球城市已具雏形,但与世界主要全球城市相比差距仍然较大.从长江三角洲城市群发展看,上海全球城市建设必须面临相应的城市转型,主要包括产业结构重构和转移、社会结构转型、城市空间扩展和城市功能的重塑.  相似文献   

薛德升  邹小华 《地理学报》2018,73(6):989-1001
世界城市及其网络是近20多年来国际上城市研究的重要方向。现有研究主要反映了发达国家高级生产者服务业企业主导下的世界城市网络,针对中国等新兴经济体经济动力影响下的世界城市网络的研究明显不足。以在全球快速扩展中的中资商业银行为对象,利用改进的链锁网络模型,分析了1978年以来中资商业银行境外扩展的时空变化,及其连接下的世界城市网络的空间结构变迁。结果显示:中资商业银行的全球扩展,强化了中国主要城市与西欧和北美核心金融中心城市、全球的区域性门户城市、以及亚太地区的世界城市之间的联系,对不同阶段全球的世界城市网络的发展产生了日益重要的影响。中国的对外经济、人员以及政府间的联系,是影响中资商业银行全球扩展与世界城市网络格局的主要原因。  相似文献   

梅琳  薛德升 《地理科学进展》2012,31(10):1264-1273
在全球化的冲击下, 超越或嵌入国家地理疆界范围的行动者改变着世界政治地理格局。国际组织、国际非政府组织、跨国政府组织和跨国非政府组织等跨国机构在全球地缘政治中的角色越来越重要。地理学视角的研究认为, 不同类型的跨国机构在全球尺度上创造了复杂而多样化的全球政治地理结构, 也形成具有政治特色的世界城市体系。不仅如此, 跨国机构通过地方尺度的行动, 深入城市的全球化发展过程, 成为与世界城市紧密关联的影响因子, 对城市制度和内部空间等方面的变化发挥着不可忽视的作用。对当代西方地理学中跨国机构研究进行梳理和评述, 在此基础上指出目前存在的不足, 不仅是从地理学视角对跨国机构研究进展的把握, 也希望对中国当代政治地理和城市地理中跨国机构的研究有一定的借鉴和启示意义。  相似文献   


The temporal nature of humans interaction with Points of Interest (POIs) in cities can differ depending on place type and regional location. Times when many people are likely to visit restaurants (place type) in Italy, may differ from times when many people are likely to visit restaurants in Lebanon (i.e. regional differences). Geosocial data are a powerful resource to model these temporal differences in cities, as traditional methods used to study cross-cultural differences do not scale to a global level. As cities continue to grow in population and economic development, research identifying the social and geophysical (e.g., climate) factors that influence city function remains important and incomplete. In this work, we take a quantitative approach, applying dynamic time warping and hierarchical clustering on temporal signatures to model geosocial temporal patterns for Retail and Restaurant Facebook POIs hours of operation for more than 100 cities in 90 countries around the world. Results show cities’ temporal patterns cluster to reflect the cultural region they represent. Furthermore, temporal patterns are influenced by a mix of social and geophysical factors. Trends in the data suggest social factors influence unique drops in temporal signatures, and geophysical factors influence when daily temporal patterns start and finish.  相似文献   

城市门户性与中国门户群研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
基于职能与区位二元视角,构建综合评价指标体系,对2014年中国地级以上城市的门户性、门户等级体系、门户群以及门户城市的空间结构与意象进行研究,结果表明:① 中国城市门户性在地带性尺度上呈“东中西”三级递减空间格局,东部地区门户城市空间集群趋势明显,中部、西部地区缺乏明显的高值集群。② 中国门户城市划分为4个等级,高等级门户沿海、沿江、沿边指向性明显,低等级门户广泛分布于中、西部内陆地区。③ 中国门户城市可划分为辽东半岛、京津秦唐、山东半岛、长江三角洲、海峡西岸和珠江三角洲六大门户群,六大门户群的腹地范围差异较大且区域分工明显。  相似文献   

经济全球化背景下中国经济发展空间格局的演变趋势研究   总被引:12,自引:6,他引:6  
全球化已经成为对国家、地区和企业制定发展策略产生重要影响的因素之一。参与经济全球化已经对中国区域发展空间格局产生了重要影响。在分析中国国际贸易和利用外资现状及发展趋势的基础上,根据相关理论预测了在经济全球化趋势下中国未来区域发展空间格局的可能情景。中国的比较生产成本和市场规模优势仍将对外商直接投资形成较大的吸引力,将进一步强化中国作为"世界工厂"的地位。随着中国进一步参与经济全球化,外资和外贸的发展将促进和强化中国的"T"型空间格局的形成。在这个"T"型空间骨架上将形成若干个以主要门户城市为核心的、具有一定国际竞争力的大都市经济区。  相似文献   

Black Holes and Loose Connections in a Global Urban Network   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper introduces the concept of black holes and loose connections in a global urban hierarchy. Black holes are defined as large cities, with a population of over 3 million, that are not classified as world cities. The paper draws upon a classification that uses advanced producer services as an indicator of world city status. Large, nonworld cities are identified, and provisional ideas about explaining their position are outlined. Connectivity and population data are used in a simple regression analysis to identify loose connections: cities whose connectivity is less than that predicted by their population.  相似文献   

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