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Summary. Recent papers dealing with the most controversial aspects of AGNs are reviewed. They suggest interesting conclusions: all Seyferts can be described by a single parameter, the X-ray column density; radio loud AGNs may host a rapidly spinning black hole and radio quiet AGNs a slowly spinning black hole; high-ionization AGNs (Seyfert galaxies and QSOs) contain an optically thick, geometrically thin accretion disk, while low-ionization AGNs (Liners) contain an optically thin, geometrically thick accretion disk; a number of blazars have been classified as BLLs on the basis of insufficient data; most objects with weak broad emission lines are in fact HPQs; many objects have been called Liners although they are not AGNs but rather the result of stellar activity; type 2 QSOs exist, but are quite inconspicuous if radio quiet. Received 16 November 1999 / Published online: 15 February 2000  相似文献   

In this paper, we collect the redshift, bolometric luminosity, the full- width at half maximum of the Hβ emission line, the monochromatic luminosity at 5100 Å and the radio loudness for the sample of 117 quasars, including 20 radio-quiet quasars (RQQs) and 97 radio-loud quasars (RLQs). With the reverberation mapping method we calculate the black hole mass and Eddington ratio for this sample, as well as the radio luminosity from the total 5 GHz ?ux density. By analyzing the correlations among them, we obtain the following conclusions: (1) The black hole mass has weak correlations with the bolometric luminosity, radio loudness and radio luminosity for the RQQs, and has strong correlations with the bolometric luminosity, radio loudness and radio luminosity for the RLQs; (2) For the RQQs, the bolometric luminosity has weak correlations with the radio luminosity and 5 100 Å monochromatic luminosity, and for the RLQs, the bolometric luminosity has strong correlations with the radio luminosity and 5 100 Å monochromatic luminosity; (3) The RQQs and RLQs differ in the distributions of the black hole mass, emission line width and Eddington ratio. Based on these results, we suggest: the difference of emission line width between RQQs and RLQs is probably caused by the difference of black hole mass; the fundamental difference between RQQs and RLQs is caused by the difference of their intrinsic physical nature; the black hole mass, black hole spin, Eddington ratio, and host galaxy morphology are the important parameters to explain the origin of radio loudness and the double-peaked distribution; and the radio jet is closely related with the accretion rate of disk.  相似文献   

The power of jets from black holes is expected to depend on both the spin of the black hole and the structure of the accretion disc in the region of the last stable orbit. We investigate these dependencies using two different physical models for the jet power: the classical Blandford–Znajek (BZ) model and a hybrid model developed by Meier. In the BZ case, the jets are powered by magnetic fields directly threading the spinning black hole while in the hybrid model, the jet energy is extracted from both the accretion disc as well as the black hole via magnetic fields anchored to the accretion flow inside and outside the hole's ergosphere. The hybrid model takes advantage of the strengths of both the Blandford–Payne and BZ mechanisms, while avoiding the more controversial features of the latter. We develop these models more fully to account for general relativistic effects and to focus on advection-dominated accretion flows (ADAFs) for which the jet power is expected to be a significant fraction of the accreted rest mass energy.
We apply the models to elliptical galaxies, in order to see if these models can explain the observed correlation between the Bondi accretion rates and the total jet powers. For typical values of the disc viscosity parameter  α∼ 0.04 –0.3  and mass accretion rates consistent with ADAF model expectations, we find that the observed correlation requires   j ≳ 0.9  ; that is, it implies that the black holes are rapidly spinning. Our results suggest that the central black holes in the cores of clusters of galaxies must be rapidly rotating in order to drive jets powerful enough to heat the intracluster medium and quench cooling flows.  相似文献   

We analyse the observed distribution of Eddington ratios  ( L / L Edd)  as a function of supermassive black hole mass for a large sample of nearby galaxies drawn from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We demonstrate that there are two distinct regimes of black hole growth in nearby galaxies. The first is associated with galaxies with significant star formation [   M */star formation rate (SFR) ∼  a Hubble time] in their central kiloparsec regions, and is characterized by a broad lognormal distribution of accretion rates peaked at a few per cent of the Eddington limit. In this regime, the Eddington ratio distribution is independent of the mass of the black hole and shows little dependence on the central stellar population of the galaxy. The second regime is associated with galaxies with old central stellar populations (   M */SFR ≫  a Hubble time), and is characterized by a power-law distribution function of Eddington ratios. In this regime, the time-averaged mass accretion rate on to black holes is proportional to the mass of stars in the galaxy bulge, with a constant of proportionality that depends on the mean stellar age of the stars. This result is once again independent of black hole mass. We show that both the slope of the power law and the decrease in the accretion rate on to black holes in old galaxies are consistent with population synthesis model predictions of the decline in stellar mass loss rates as a function of mean stellar age. Our results lead to a very simple picture of black hole growth in the local Universe. If the supply of cold gas in a galaxy bulge is plentiful, the black hole regulates its own growth at a rate that does not further depend on the properties of the interstellar medium. Once the gas runs out, black hole growth is regulated by the rate at which evolved stars lose their mass.  相似文献   

Recently, Sloan Digital Sky Survey successfully carried out the reverberation mapping of a sky area, aiming to test the R ? L relation that has been already widely used. Here, R is the responsivity-weighted radius of the broad line region, and L is the optical luminosity at 5100 Å. Two results have been obtained from the data in the first year: (1) The time lags of AGNs (Active Galactic Nuclei) with a high accretion rate are much shorter than that estimated from the R ? L relation, which confirmed the results of reverberation mapping observations made by the Lijiang 2.4 meter telescope. (2) Some AGNs with a lower accretion rate also have very short time lags. The shortening of the time lags of the AGNs with a low accretion rate is caused by the retrograde accretion of black holes. This result has verified from observations the theoretical prediction made by Wang et al. (2014). The discovery of the black holes with a retrograde accretion has important significance, it indicates that the cosmological evolution of the black holes in quasars is implemented via the inherently random accretion.  相似文献   

光学波段的“变脸”AGN (changing-look Active Galactic Nucleus, CL AGN)是光谱类型发生变化AGN的统称.近年来,越来越多观测证据表明这类现象与中央超大质量黑洞吸积活动有关.而黑洞吸积率的变化可能会引起喷流的增强或者减弱,进而导致射电波段观测性质的变化.在已发表的文献中,收集了74个光学波段证认的“变脸”AGN、90个“变脸”AGN的候选体.基于这个目前最大并且选源方式多样化的非完备样本,探讨了“变脸”AGN在射电波段的观测性质.从澳大利亚平方公里阵先导设备(Australian Square Kilometre Array (SKA) Pathfinder, ASKAP)和美国甚大阵甚大阵(Very Large Array, VLA)的4大射电巡天观测中,发现了51个“变脸”AGN (含21个候选体)在0.9–3 GHz存在射电波段的对应体,样本的射电探测率约为41%,与一般AGN的射电探测率无显著区别.此外,分析了这些源的射电谱指数,发现在1.4 GHz和3 GHz频段“变脸”AGN相对于一般射电源有较平的射电谱.该统计结果或可解释为“...  相似文献   

Monte Carlo simulations of the growth of supermassive black holes in semi-analytic models of galaxy formation are used to reconstruct characteristic merging and accretion histories. This paper shows that the growth pattern depends on the environment. In field galaxies black holes acquire most of their mass in a single accretion event. Refuellings and mergers with other black holes become important in groups and clusters. I also investigate whether the assumption that radio jets are powered by rotating black holes can explain the observed radio-loud–radio-quiet dichotomy. Wilson & Colbert speculated that rapidly rotating black holes are the natural product of major mergers, while normal accretion through a disc may not give rapidly spinning black holes if the conversion of rotational energy into electromagnetic energy is very efficient. Here I derive predictions for this model including the fraction of radio-loud quasars as a function of redshift and luminosity and compare these predictions with those of alternative proposals.  相似文献   

Under the assumption that accretion on to massive black holes (BHs) powers active galactic nuclei (AGNs), the mass function (MF) of the BHs responsible for their past activity is estimated. For this, we take into account not only the activity related to the optically selected AGNs, but also that required to produce the hard X-ray background (HXRB). The MF of the massive dark objects (MDOs) in nearby quiescent galaxies is computed by means of the most recent results on their demography. The two mass functions match well under the assumption that the activity is concentrated in a single significant burst with λ L L Edd being a weakly increasing function of luminosity. This behaviour may be indicative of some level of recurrence and/or of accretion rates insufficient to maintain the Eddington rates in low-luminosity/low-redshift objects. Our results support the scenario in which the early phase of intense nuclear activity occurred mainly in early-type galaxies (E/S0) during the relatively short period in which they still had an abundant interstellar medium. Only recently, with the decline of the quasi-stellar object (QSO) luminosities, did the activity in late‐type galaxies (Sa/Sab) become statistically significant.  相似文献   

We investigate the relation between black hole mass, M bh, and jet power, Q jet, for a sample of BL Lacs and radio quasars. We find that BL Lacs are separated from radio quasars by the FR I/II dividing line in M bhQ jet plane, which strongly supports the unification scheme of FR I/BL Lac and FR II/radio quasar. The Eddington ratio distribution of BL Lacs and radio quasars exhibits a bimodal nature with a rough division at L bol/L Edd~0.01, which imply that they may have different accretion modes. We calculate the jet power extracted from advection-dominated accretion flow (ADAF), and find that it requires dimensionless angular momentum of black hole j???0.9???0.99 to reproduce the dividing line between FR I/II or BL Lac/radio quasar if dimensionless accretion rate $\dot{m}=0.01$ is adopted, which is required by the above bimodal distribution of Eddington ratios. Our results suggest that black holes in radio galaxies are rapidly spinning.  相似文献   

We present the first results from a major HST WFPC2 imaging study aimed at providing the first statistically meaningful comparison of the morphologies, luminosities, scalelengths and colours of the host galaxies of radio-quiet quasars, radio-loud quasars and radio galaxies. We describe the design of this study and present the images that have been obtained for the first half of our 33-source sample. We find that the hosts of all three classes of luminous AGN are massive elliptical galaxies, with scalelengths ≃10 kpc, and R − K colours consistent with mature stellar populations. Most importantly, this is first unambiguous evidence that, just like radio-loud quasars, essentially all radio-quiet quasars brighter than M R =−24 reside in massive ellipticals. This result removes the possibility that radio 'loudness' is directly linked to host galaxy morphology, but is however in excellent accord with the black hole/spheroid mass correlation recently highlighted by Magorrian et al. We apply the relations given by Magorrian et al. to infer the expected Eddington luminosity of the putative black hole at the centre of each of the spheroidal host galaxies we have uncovered. Comparison with the actual nuclear R -band luminosities suggests that the black holes in most of these galaxies are radiating at a few per cent of the Eddington luminosity; the brightest host galaxies in our low- z sample are capable of hosting quasars with M R ≃− 28, comparable to the most luminous quasars at z ≃3. Finally, we discuss our host-derived black hole masses in the context of the radio luminosity:black hole mass correlation recently uncovered for nearby galaxies by Franceschini et al., and consider the resulting implications for the physical origin of radio loudness.  相似文献   

Associated with one of the most important forms of active galactic nucleus (AGN) feedback, and showing a strong preference for giant elliptical host galaxies, radio AGN (\(L_{1.4\,\mathrm{GHz}} > 10^{24}\) W \(\hbox {Hz}^{-1}\)) are a key sub-class of the overall AGN population. Recently their study has benefitted dramatically from the availability of high-quality data covering the X-ray to far-IR wavelength range obtained with the current generation of ground- and space-based telescope facilities. Reflecting this progress, here I review our current state of understanding of the population of radio AGN at low and intermediate redshifts (\(z < 0.7\)), concentrating on their nuclear AGN and host galaxy properties, and covering three interlocking themes: the classification of radio AGN and its interpretation; the triggering and fuelling of the jet and AGN activity; and the evolution of the host galaxies. I show that much of the observed diversity in the AGN properties of radio AGN can be explained in terms of a combination of orientation/anisotropy, mass accretion rate, and variability effects. The detailed morphologies of the host galaxies are consistent with the triggering of strong-line radio galaxies (SLRG) in galaxy mergers. However, the star formation properties and cool ISM contents suggest that the triggering mergers are relatively minor in terms of their gas masses in most cases, and would not lead to major growth of the supermassive black holes and stellar bulges; therefore, apart from a minority (<20 %) that show evidence for higher star formation rates and more massive cool ISM reservoirs, the SLRG represent late-time re-triggering of activity in mature giant elliptical galaxies. In contrast, the host and environmental properties of weak-line radio galaxies (WLRG) with Fanaroff–Riley class I radio morphologies are consistent with more gradual fuelling of the activity via gas accretion at low rates onto the supermassive black holes.  相似文献   

On the basis of Kang et al.’s semi-analytical model of galaxy formation and evolution, the joint formation and evolution of galaxies and their central massive black holes are studied. It is assumed that the activity of quasars is caused by merging of galaxies. Via the introduction of the mass accretion rate of black holes, the bolometric luminosity function of quasars with the redshifts in the region of 0 < z < 4.5 is ascertained. With the respective limitations of the three factors, i.e., the Eddington ratio, black-hole mass function and two-point correlation function, the luminosity function predicted by the model may coincide with observations in the entire range of luminosity. This result reveals that the constant Eddington ratio cannot well describe the accretion of black holes, so the Eddington ratio has to be increased with the redshift in a certain range of redshift. The major merging of galaxies is the effective mechanism of triggering the quasar activity, while the minor merging can merely affect the quasars with low and intermediate luminosities. Its effect on the high-luminosity quasars is very small. At the place of z=1, the quasars with extremely high luminosities possess more intense properties of clustering than other quasars.  相似文献   

研究了在仅有并合时黑洞自旋的演化分布.利用了后牛顿近似处理并合后的角动量问题,采用蒙特卡洛方法模拟了不同条件下的并合影响.结果表明主并合不能使黑洞自旋分布稳定,而小并合可使黑洞自旋平稳地降低.当取并合质量比为幂指数形式时黑洞自旋分布可以稳定在-个小自旋占绝对份额的水平,同时,也讨论了射电强活动星系核和黑洞自旋在不同假设下的关系.最后计算并给出了射电噪度的分布情况.  相似文献   

We report on the results of cross-correlation of a sample of 903 Utraluminous IRAS galaxies (ULIRGs) with the ROSAT-All Sky Survey Bright Source Catalogue and the ROSAT archived pointing observations. The sample of ULIRGs has been compiled from the recently released PSCz redshift survey. In total,35 ULIRGs are securely detected by the ROSAT All-Sky Survey and pointing observations, five of which are blazars. The statistical properties of these sources in the soft X-ray band are determined and compared with their properties on other wavebands. We find that the ratio of the soft X-ray to the far-infrared flux spans about five orders of magnitude and reaches values of about unity. This ratio is a good indicator of the main energy source of ULIRGs. Those with soft X-ray to far-infrared flux exceeding 0.01 are probably powered by accretion onto central supermassive black holes while those with ratios smaller than 0.001 are probably powered by starbursts or other heating processes, or are Compton thick sources. Some ULIRGs have energy contributions from both. This ratio is low for most ULIRGs and hyperluminous infrared galaxies, which explains their low detection rate by ROSAT and ASCA.We also find that some ULIRGs have a similar soft X-ray luminosity vs. temperature relation to that for groups of galaxies and elliptical galaxies,suggesting a common origin of these systems. Our study also reveals a tight correlation between the hardness ratio and the soft X-ray luminosity for Seyfert 1s/QSOs.  相似文献   

We investigate whether models based on the assumption that jets in quasars are powered by rotating black holes can explain the observed radio dichotomy of quasars. We show that in terms of the 'spin paradigm' models, radio-loud quasars could be objects in which the rotation rate of the black hole corresponds to an equilibrium between spin-up by accretion and spin-down by the Blandford–Znajek mechanism. Radio-quiet quasars could be hosting black holes with an average spin much smaller than the equilibrium one. We discuss possible accretion scenarios which can lead to such a bimodal distribution of black hole spins.  相似文献   

Almost all galaxies have massive central black holes in their centers with masses typically ranging from ~105 to ~109 M. However, the origin and evolution of these objects and their connection with the hosting galaxies are not completely understood yet. In this work we analyze the mass accretion rate of supermassive black holes (SMBH’s) and the mean Eddington ratio (MER) of type 1 AGN using data from the Sloan Sky Survey. For this purpose we improve the method for constructing the subsample of SMBH, taking into account the survey flux limit and the bias of the sample. It was observed that the mean bolometric luminosity of the active black holes can be represented by a function composed by a power law in mass and a like-Schechter function in redshift. Our results also show that both the mean Eddington ratio and the mass accretion rate are proportional to this function.  相似文献   

Compact remnants – stellar mass black holes and neutron stars formed in the inner few parsec of galactic centres are predicted to sink into the central parsec due to dynamical friction on low-mass stars, forming a high concentration cusp. Same physical region may also contain very high-density molecular clouds and accretion discs that are needed to fuel supermassive black hole (SMBH) activity. Here we estimate gas capture rates on to the cusp of stellar remnants, and the resulting X-ray luminosity, as a function of the accretion disc mass. At low disc masses, most compact objects are too dim to be observable, whereas in the high disc case most of them are accreting at their Eddington rates. We find that for low accretion disc masses, compact remnant cusps may be more luminous than the central SMBHs. This 'diffuse' emission may be of importance for local moderately bright active galactic nuclei (AGNs), especially low-luminosity AGNs. We also briefly discuss how this expected emission can be used to put constraints on the black hole cusp near our Galactic Centre.  相似文献   

《Astronomische Nachrichten》2017,338(2-3):256-261
This article provides a summary of XMM ‐Newton highlights on stellar tidal disruption events. First found with ROSAT , ongoing and upcoming sky surveys will detect these events in the thousands. In X‐rays, tidal disruption events (TDEs ) provide us with powerful new probes of accretion physics under extreme conditions and on short timescales and of relativistic effects near the super‐massive black holes (SMBHs) , of the formation and evolution of disk winds near or above the Eddington limit, and of the processes of high‐energy emission from newly launched radio jets. TDEs serve as signposts of the presence of dormant single black holes at the cores of galaxies, and of binary black holes as well, since TDE lightcurves are characteristically different in the latter case. XMM ‐Newton has started to contribute to all of these topics, and a rich discovery space is opening up in the next decade.  相似文献   

The first spectroscopic census of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) associated with late-type galaxies in the Virgo cluster was carried out by observing 213 out of a complete set of 237 galaxies more massive than   M dyn > 108.5 M  . Among them, 77 are classified as AGNs [including 21 transition objects, 47 low-ionization nuclear emission regions (LINERs) and nine Seyferts] and comprise 32 per cent of the late-type galaxies in Virgo. Due to spectroscopic incompleteness, at most 21 AGNs are missed in the survey, so that the fraction would increase up to 41 per cent. Using corollary near-infrared observations that enable us to estimate galaxy dynamical masses, it is found that AGNs are hosted exclusively in massive galaxies, i.e.   M dyn≳ 1010 M  . Their frequency increases steeply with the dynamical mass from zero at   M dyn≈ 109.5 M  to virtually 1 at   M dyn > 1011.5 M  . These frequencies are consistent with those of low-luminosity AGNs found in the general field by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Massive galaxies that harbour AGNs commonly show conspicuous r -band star-like nuclear enhancements. Conversely, they often, but not necessarily, contain massive bulges. A few well-known AGNs (e.g. M61, M100, NGC 4535) are found in massive Sc galaxies with little or no bulge. The AGN fraction seems to be only marginally sensitive to galaxy environment. We infer the black hole masses using the known scaling relations of quiescent black holes. No black holes lighter than  ∼106 M  are found active in our sample.  相似文献   

The Unified Model of active galactic nuclei (AGN) predicts that the sole difference between type 1 and 2 Seyfert galaxies nuclei is the viewing angle with respect to an obscuring structure around the nucleus. High-energy photons above 20 keV are not affected by this absorption if the column is Compton thin, so their 30–100 keV spectra should be the same. However, the observed spectra at high energies appear to show a systematic difference, with type 1 Seyfert galaxies having Γ∼ 2.1 whereas type 2 Seyfert galaxies are harder with Γ∼ 1.9. We estimate the mass and the accretion rate of Seyferts detected in these high-energy samples, and show that they span a wide range in   L / L Edd  . Both black hole binary systems and AGN show a correlation between spectral softness and Eddington fraction, so these samples are probably heterogeneous, spanning a range of intrinsic spectral indices which are hidden in individual objects by poor signal-to-noise ratio. However, the mean Eddington fraction for the type 1 Seyfert galaxies is higher than for the type 2 Seyfert galaxies, so the samples are consistent with this being the origin of the softer spectra seen in type 1 Seyfert galaxies. We stress that high-energy spectra alone are not necessarily a clean test of Unification schemes, but that the intrinsic nuclear properties should also change with   L / L Edd  .  相似文献   

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