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西太平洋晚第三纪钙质超微化石及其古海洋学意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究了菲律宾海东部,北部“大洋钻探工程”125航次782A和786A二个钻孔晚第三纪的钙质超微化石。本区自下而上划分为13个带(或亚带),存在三个沉积间断:晚渐新世与中中新世之间;中中新世与晚中新世之间以及晚中新世与早上新世之间。据超微化石分析,本区晚第三纪存在4个相对暖水期和4个相对较凉期。根据菲律宾海东部,中部“深海钻探工程”58、59、60三个航次以及我国东海陆架、台湾东海岸及西部地区,南海北缘等地钙质超微化石分带的对比,晚渐新世与早中新世之间以及中、上新世之间的沉积间断在环西太平洋一侧具有普遍性,但形成原因不尽相同。  相似文献   

生物礁为南海周边区域重要的油气储层类型,本次基于XK-1井岩心及薄片中主要造礁生物种类、数量、分布规律与生态特征的分析,开展了西沙地区中新世以来碳酸盐岩-生物礁演化过程的研究,并推测了盆地内生物礁的发育特征。研究认为西沙地区中新世以来主要发育珊瑚、钙藻及苔藓虫三类造礁生物,同时,根据其分布特征,结合建立的礁、滩复合体沉积模式将XK-1井中新世以来的沉积环境划分为13个演化阶段。提出伴随着海平面的上升,造礁生物有从珊瑚逐渐向钙藻及苔藓虫演变的趋势,而伴随着海平面的下降,造礁生物又从钙藻和苔藓虫逐渐向珊瑚演变。明确了该区中新世以来发育早中新世三亚组一段沉积时期、晚中新统黄流组沉积时期、上新统莺歌海组沉积晚期至第四纪乐东组沉积时期3个主要造礁期和早中新世三亚组二段沉积早期、中中新世梅山组沉积中期2个次要造礁期。  相似文献   

中太平洋和东太平洋火山沉积作用的差异:矿物学的证据   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中太平洋和东太平洋的沸石粘土沉积岩心(CP30和CCA121)的矿物学特征揭示了早中新世以来两个洋区火山沉积作用的差异。首先,中太平洋火山组分来自偏碱性的火山母岩,而且从早中新世到第四纪,母岩碱性增加;而东太平洋火山组分的母岩主要呈基性,从早中新世到现代,母岩具有由碱性向基性变化的趋势,表明洋壳或上地幔在时空上具有不均匀性。其次,两个洋区火山沉积物中都含有陆源物质,但东太平洋受到了较中太平洋强的陆源作用影响。同时伴随着火山沉积作用,东太平洋一直存在热液沉积作用,为结核形成提供了丰富的成矿元素  相似文献   

部控项目“海南西沙礁相第四纪地质研究”课题负责人张明书,国家自然科学基金项目“中国生物礁比较沉积学研究”课题负责人业治铮。以中新世至晚更新世的生物礁岩石地层剖面为基础,结合碳、氧同位素和地球化学分析资料,阐明了西沙生物礁自中新世初形成以来的沉积地质学问题,反映了我国浅海碳酸盐沉积学、礁地质学等领域的新进展。提交“西沙礁相第四纪地质研究”报告。出版成果;《中国西沙礁相地质图册》及《西沙生物礁碳酸盐沉积地质学研究》两书均由科学出版社出版,《生物礁比较沉积学》专辑,刊登在“海洋地质与第四纪地质”第10卷第二期上。 部控项目“太平洋中部多金属结核的调查与研究”课题负责人许东禹。在太平洋开展了4个航次资源调查的基础上,探讨太平洋中部多金属结核的矿物、化学成分、生长和分布规律及晚新生代古海洋环境及其演化。提交“太平洋中部多金属结核的研究”报告。  相似文献   

根据中太平洋柱样430的古地磁测量结果并结合柱样的岩性、生物地层学和同位素年代学的研究资料,讨论了钻孔所在海域的沉积史。结果表明,中新世中期至上新世早期(约距今1500—340万年)和晚第四纪末(约距今4万年)以采存在明显的沉积间断。在上新世晚期末至第四纪早期(约距今240—90万年)之间的沉积物中可能存在沉积间断。上述有关时期内出现的深海底侵蚀和沉积间断与地史时期南极底层环流形成和增强有关。作者认为古地磁应作为研究太平洋沉积间断的一种重要工具。  相似文献   

南海西沙海槽盆地地质构造特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西沙海槽盆地是一个发育在南海北部陆坡深水区的新生代沉积盆地,接受了厚1 500~8 000m的沉积,沉积层中部厚,南北薄,呈南北分带特征。地震剖面上表现出下断上拗的特点,盆地裂陷期的构造样式以"多米诺式半地堑"或"地堑"为特征,控制半地堑发育的主要断层有F1、F2、F3、F4、F5。盆地发育经历了古新世—渐新世断陷和中新世—第四纪拗陷两个主要演化阶段,断陷阶段发育陆相河湖相沉积,拗陷阶段发育浅海-半深海沉积。  相似文献   

在鄂霍次克海地区可划分出3个主要的新近纪沉积旋回:第一旋回:厚逾1000m的渐新世-早中新世沉积旋回;第二旋回:厚达2000m的中-晚中新世旋回;第三旋回:厚约1000m的上新世-第四纪沉积旋回。厚度最大的地方位于库页岛东北边和堪察加半岛西边的近海区。这些旋回的划分以具侵蚀面的区域性不整合为依据,每个旋回都以厚度为几米、几十米至成百上千米不等的粗粒碎屑沉积物(砾岩,含砾砂岩)开始,旋回中部由砂页岩(粉砂质砂、泥岩或页岩、硅藻土)组成,旋回上部为厚达100~300m的海退沉积序列或者陆相含煤沉积。  相似文献   

以琼东南盆地深水区LS33井岩心为研究对象,通过对孢粉组合序列的分析,探讨渐新世以来各个地质时期的植被类型以及所反映的古气候特征。根据孢粉谱和聚类分析结果,LS33井岩心可划分为8个孢粉组合,不同组合之间孢粉面貌差异巨大。早渐新世,孢粉组合中以蕨类植物为优势组分,多见常绿植物,代表冷干的植物分子罕见,反映了暖湿性的热带亚热带气候。晚渐新世到早中新世,延续了早渐新世暖湿的特点,常绿栎、榛最为繁盛,植被和气候出现较为明显的垂直分带性。早中新世研究区气候发生了重大转折,温带落叶树和高山针叶林树的增多表明气候类型已转至凉干。早中新世至晚中新世常绿树的繁盛和红树科的发育表明气候属于暖湿型。上新世到更新世继承了晚中新世的特点,但红树林逐渐衰退,草本植物逐渐繁盛,意味着气候类型从暖湿逐渐转为凉干。  相似文献   

以最新的地质-地球物理资料为基础,分析了北黄海盆地东部坳陷的断裂特征及构造样式,总结了研究区的沉积-构造演化阶段。研究表明:东部坳陷断裂发育,F1、F2断层为最重要的控制性断层,其次为F9、F10、F11、F8断层,同时在研究区识别出了伸展、挤压、扭动、反转等构造样式;结合构造研究与沉积发育史,将东部坳陷的沉积-构造演化划分为中侏罗世初始断陷期、晚侏罗世断陷扩展期、早白垩世断拗期、早白垩世晚期-始新世构造反转期、渐新世强烈断陷期、渐新世末-中新世初构造反转期、中新世-第四纪区域沉降期。以上述研究为基础,参考区域地质背景探讨了东部坳陷的成因机制:中侏罗世,研究区的初始断陷与块体逃逸的伸展作用有关;晚侏罗世,板块俯冲导致地壳减薄,东部坳陷持续断陷;早白垩世,由于伊泽奈崎板块运动行为变化使郯庐断裂左行走滑,在区域左旋并伴随热沉降的同时研究区发生断拗;晚白垩世,板块正向俯冲导致东部坳陷挤压反转并持续至始新世;渐新世,因太平洋板块转向、俯冲带后撤及印度-欧亚大陆碰撞,导致郯庐断裂带右旋,研究区在右旋张扭背景中强烈断陷;渐新世末,由于太平洋板块俯冲速率、印度-欧亚板块远程效应的增强及俯冲带抑制作用,研究区再次发生构造反转;中新世-第四纪,东部坳陷因岩石圈热衰减发生区域沉降。  相似文献   

以最新的地质-地球物理资料为基础,分析了北黄海盆地东部坳陷的断裂特征及构造样式,总结了研究区的沉积-构造演化阶段。研究表明:东部坳陷断裂发育,F1、F2断层为最重要的控制性断层,其次为F9、F10、F11、F8断层,同时在研究区识别出了伸展、挤压、扭动、反转等构造样式;结合构造研究与沉积发育史,将东部坳陷的沉积-构造演化划分为中侏罗世初始断陷期、晚侏罗世断陷扩展期、早白垩世断拗期、早白垩世晚期-始新世构造反转期、渐新世强烈断陷期、渐新世末-中新世初构造反转期、中新世-第四纪区域沉降期。以上述研究为基础,参考区域地质背景探讨了东部坳陷的成因机制:中侏罗世,研究区的初始断陷与块体逃逸的伸展作用有关;晚侏罗世,板块俯冲导致地壳减薄,东部坳陷持续断陷;早白垩世,由于伊泽奈崎板块运动行为变化使郯庐断裂左行走滑,在区域左旋并伴随热沉降的同时研究区发生断拗;晚白垩世,板块正向俯冲导致东部坳陷挤压反转并持续至始新世;渐新世,因太平洋板块转向、俯冲带后撤及印度-欧亚大陆碰撞,导致郯庐断裂带右旋,研究区在右旋张扭背景中强烈断陷;渐新世末,由于太平洋板块俯冲速率、印度-欧亚板块远程效应的增强及俯冲带抑制作用,研究区再次发生构造反转;中新世-第四纪,东部坳陷因岩石圈热衰减发生区域沉降。  相似文献   

福建“佛昙群”的地质时代和地层特征   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
郑晓云  郑承忠 《台湾海峡》1996,15(3):215-222
关于“佛昙群”的地质时代,在过去的64a中,人们有着5种不同的见解;第三纪、上新世或第四纪、上新世、晚第三纪上新世至早更新世。本文对5个原“佛昙群”露头剖面进行年代地层学研究,结果表明“佛昙群”中包含有中更新世、早更新世、上新世、中新世和渐新世的地层。  相似文献   

太平洋中部多金属结核生物地层学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用钙质超微化生物地质学研究方法,分析鉴定了多金属结核中的钙质超微化石,建立了多金属结核生长层柱状剖面图,确定了多金属结核形成的三个生长阶段及其年代,为揭示多金属结核的成矿规律和分布规律提供了必要的地质资料。  相似文献   

Reconnaissance seismic shot in 1971/72 showed a number of well defined seismic anomalies within the East Sengkang Basin which were interpreted as buried reefs. Subsequent fieldwork revealed that Upper Miocene reefs outcropped along the southern margin of the basin. A drilling programme in 1975 and 1976 proved the presence of shallow, gas-bearing, Upper Miocene reefs in the northern part of the basin. Seismic acquisition and drilling during 1981 confirmed the economic significance of these discoveries, with four separate accumulations containing about 750 × 109 cubic feet of dry gas in place at an average depth of 700 m. Kampung Baru is the largest field and contains over half the total, both reservoir quality and gas deliverability are excellent. Deposition in the East Sengkang Basin probably started during the Early Miocene. A sequence of Lower Miocene mudstones and limestones unconformably overlies acoustic basement which consists of Eocene volcanics. During the tectonically active Middle Miocene, deposition was interrupted by two periods of deformation and erosion. Carbonate deposition became established in the Late Miocene with widespread development of platform limestones throughout the East Sengkang Basin. Thick pinnacle reef complexes developed in the areas where reef growth could keep pace with the relative rise in sea level. Most reef growth ceased at the end of the Miocene and subsequent renewed clastic sedimentation covered the irregular limestone surface. Late Pliocene regression culminated in the Holocene with erosion. The Walanae fault zone, part of a major regional sinistral strike-slip system, separates the East and West Sengkang Basins. Both normal and reverse faulting are inferred from seismic data and post Late Pliocene reverse faulting is seen in outcrop.  相似文献   

对东太平洋海盆 430 柱沉积物的组分、古生物、结构构造以及古地磁、铀系等进行研究后, 将沉积物进行分类、命名与分层, 并确定其年代。研究表明, 本柱由下至上的沉积物分别为含沸石粘土、深海粘土、硅质粘土和钙质粘土。该柱中存在 4 个沉积间断, 其中在 325 cm附近层位有一厚约 10 cm 的多金属结核层,此界面为中中新世至晚上新世的沉积间断,它在 C C区内普遍存在, 持续时间长, 分布范围广。反映此时南极底层流十分强盛, 对东太平洋 C C 区的沉积作用和多金属结核形成与发育产生重要的影响。  相似文献   

渭南阎村W7孔岩心样品的古地磁学研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对渭南阎村W7孔岩心地层样品的磁性地层学研究,确定了黄土组、三门组地层的时代。这一地区的黄土/古土壤层形成始于松山反极性时晚期,约为1.1MaB.P.。按照地层样品的剩磁特征和岩性特征对黄土/古土壤层作更精细地划分,这一地区的黄土/古土壤层相当于马兰黄土、离石黄土层,缺失午城黄土。地层的剩磁极性资料表明,三门组地层形成于高斯极性时晚期—松山极性时中期,按照奥尔都维正极性亚时为第四纪下限的年代准则,确定三门组地层的时代为晚上新世。 W7孔岩心的地层样品的剩磁极性序列与已有的地磁极性年代表的磁极性序列大体相当,本项研究也揭示了二个短周期极性事件的存在,位于第5黄土层的安比拉事件(Emperor)发生的年代约为0.445—0.458Ma B.P.。位于第9黄土层的后期哈拉米洛事件(Post-Jaramillo)发生的年代约为0.77—0.81MaB.P.。 磁性地层学研究表明这一地区在松山反极性时中晚期出现过沉积间断,持续时约0.5Ma。 根据W7孔的地层学研究认为,选择以奥尔都维正极性亚时末期的年代(1.60MaB.P.)作为第四纪下限是有利于第四纪地层的划分和对比的。  相似文献   

Using recently gathered onland structural and 2D/3D offshore seismic data in south and central Palawan (Philippines), this paper presents a new perspective in unraveling the Cenozoic tectonic history of the southeastern margin of the South China Sea. South and central Palawan are dominated by Mesozoic ophiolites (Palawan Ophiolite), distinct from the primarily continental composition of the north. These ophiolites are emplaced over syn-rift Eocene turbidites (Panas Formation) along thrust structures best preserved in the ophiolite–turbidite contact as well as within the ophiolites. Thrusting is sealed by Early Miocene (∼20 Ma) sediments of the Pagasa Formation (Isugod Formation onland), constraining the younger limit of ophiolite emplacement at end Late Oligocene (∼23 Ma). The onset of ophiolite emplacement at end Eocene is constrained by thrust-related metamorphism of the Eocene turbidites, and post-emplacement underthrusting of Late Oligocene – Early Miocene Nido Limestone. This carbonate underthrusting at end Early Miocene (∼16 Ma) is marked by the deformation of a seismic unit corresponding to the earliest members of the Early – Middle Miocene Pagasa Formation. Within this formation, a tectonic wedge was built within Middle Miocene (from ∼16 Ma to ∼12 Ma), forming a thrust-fold belt called the Pagasa Wedge. Wedge deformation is truncated by the regionally-observed Middle Miocene Unconformity (MMU ∼12 Ma). A localized, post-kinematic extension affects thrust-fold structures, the MMU, and Late Miocene to Early Pliocene carbonates (e.g. Tabon Limestone). This structural set-up suggests a continuous convergent regime affecting the southeastern margin of the South China Sea between end Eocene to end Middle Miocene. The ensuing structures including juxtaposed carbonates, turbidites and shallow marine clastics within thrust-fold belts have become ideal environments for hydrocarbon generation and accumulation. Best developed in the Northwest Borneo Trough area, the intensity of thrust-fold deformation decreases towards the northeast into offshore southwest Palawan.  相似文献   

This study provides the results of the first integrated study of Oligocene–Pliocene basins around Norway.Within the study area, three main depocentres have been identified where sandy sediments accumulated throughout the Oligocene to Early Pliocene period. The depocentre in the Norwegian–Danish Basin received sediments from the southern Scandes Mountains, with a general progradation from north to south during the studied period. The depocentre in the basinal areas of the UK and Norwegian sectors of the North Sea north of 58°N received sediments from the Scotland–Shetland area. Because of the sedimentary infilling there was a gradual shallowing of the northern North Sea basin in the Oligocene and Miocene. A smaller depocentre is identified offshore northern Nordland between Ranafjorden (approximately 66°N) and Vesterålen (approximately 68°N) where the northern Scandes Mountains were the source of the Oligocene to Early Pliocene sediments. In other local depocentres along the west coast of Norway, sandy sedimentation occurred in only parts of the period. Shifts in local depocentres are indicative of changes in the paleogeography in the source areas.In the Barents Sea and south to approximately 68°N, the Oligocene to Early Pliocene section is eroded except for distal fine-grained and biogenic deposits along the western margin and on the oceanic crust. This margin was undergoing deformation in a strike-slip regime until the Eocene–Oligocene transition. The Early Oligocene sediments dated in the Vestbakken Volcanic Province and the Forlandssundet Basin represent the termination of this strike-slip regime.The change in the plate tectonic regime at the Eocene–Oligocene transition affected mainly the northern part of the study area, and was followed by a quiet tectonic period until the Middle Miocene, when large compressional dome and basin structures were formed in the Norwegian Sea. The Middle Miocene event is correlated with a relative fall in sea level in the main depocentres in the North Sea, formation of a large delta in the Viking Graben (Frigg area) and uplift of the North and South Scandes domes. In the Norwegian–Danish Basin, the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone was reactivated in the Early Miocene, possibly causing a shift in the deltaic progradation towards the east. A Late Pliocene relative rise in sea level resulted in low sedimentation rates in the main depositional areas until the onset of glaciations at about 2.7 Ma when the Scandes Mountains were strongly eroded and became a major source of sediments for the Norwegian shelf, whilst the Frigg delta prograded farther to the northeast.  相似文献   

Late Cenozoic sedimentation from four varied sites on the continental slopes off southeastern Canada has been analysed using high-resolution airgun multichannel seismic profiles, supplemented with some single channel data. Biostratigraphic ties are available to exploratory wells at three of the sites. Uniform, slow accumulation of hemipelagic sediments was locally terminated by the late Miocene sea-level lowering, which is also reflected in changes in foraminiferan faunas on the continental shelf. Data are very limited for the early Pliocene but suggest a return to slow hemipelagic sedimentation. At the beginning of the late Pliocene, there was a change in sedimentation style marked by a several-fold increase in accumulation rates and cutting of slope valleys. This late Pliocene cutting of slope valleys corresponds to the onset of late Cenozoic growth of the Laurentian Fan and the initiation of turbidite sedimentation on the Sohm Abyssal Plain. Although it corresponds to a time of sea-level lowering, the contrast with the late Miocene lowstand indicates that there must also have been a change in sediment delivery to the coastline, perhaps as a result of increased rainfall or development of valley glaciers. High sedimentation rates continued into the early Pleistocene, but the extent of slope dissection by gullies increased. Gully-cutting episodes alternated with sediment-draping episodes. Throughout the southeastern Canadian continental margin, there was a change in sedimentation style in the middle Pleistocene that resulted from extensive ice sheets crossing the continental shelf and delivering coarse sediment directly to the continental slope.  相似文献   

琼东南盆地物源和沉积环境变化的重矿物证据   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基于11口钻井岩心样品的重矿物数据,结合古生物学、元素地球化学和地震资料,对琼东南盆地的物源及沉积环境演变进行了分析.结果表明,盆地基底沉积以陆相沉积为主,自渐新世起,盆地逐渐接受海侵,大致经历了海陆过渡→滨浅海→浅海→半深海的沉积环境演变过程,水深总体呈逐渐增大的趋势且在同一时期南部区域水深整体上大于北部.随着沉积环境的变化,各地层(崖城组至莺歌海组)物源呈现出多源性特征,经历了原地→近源→远源的演变过程.在渐新世早期,物源以近源玄武质火山碎屑和邻区陆源碎屑为主,之后演变为远源的陆壳碎屑,物源区包括北部海南岛、南部永乐隆起、东北部神狐隆起、西部红河、西南部中南半岛乃至更广的区域.海南岛物源自早渐新世便开始发育,至中中新世成为盆地最主要的物源,并持续至现今;永乐隆起和神狐隆起物源在晚渐新世至早中新世期间最为发育,于中中新世逐渐消退;红河物源于晚中新世大规模加入,为中央峡谷的主要沉积物源,影响至上新世结束;中南半岛莺西物源自上新世发育,影响至更新世时期.此外,自生组分对盆地(尤其是南部区域)的沉积贡献也不容忽视.  相似文献   

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