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A study on the potential and kinetics of hydrocarborn(HC) generation of 30 source-rock samples from a certain depression has been made by means of ROCK-EVAL technique .In the pyrolysis experiment, the source material types, maturation and hydrocarbon-generating potential of source rocks from three Upper Jurassic horizons of that area have been evaluated in terms of such indicators as the type-index, hydrocarbon-generating potential and maximum pyrolysis temperaturw(Tmax) .The results show that the pyrolysis HC yield of immature source rocks is much higher than that of mature rocks in case that the source mateuial is of high quantity and organic matter is abundant, which suggests that it is important for evaluating the HC-generating potential to use immature samples for pyrolysis.In the pyrolytic simulation experiments on other two immature samples,it was found that the hydrocarbon yield is temperature-dependent, and thereafter the kinetical parameters for source rocks, such as reactional grade, appearant activation energy and frequency factor were calculated.  相似文献   

Mineral-bituminous matrix(MBM) makes up a major part of source rocks,but its potential in hydrocarbon generation is uncertain,Mineral and organic (Maceral and kerogen) compositions,organic maturity and fluorescence of MBM are studied based on source rock samples from eastern Jiuquan(Jiudong)Basin.The results show that MBM is dominated by inorganic minerals and among the small percentage of organic components those of secondary origins are predominant over the primary species.This strongly indicates that the significance of MBM in hydrocarbon generation is limited.  相似文献   

The accessory minerals apatite and sphene are the main carriers of REE in alkaline rocks.Their chondrite-normalized REE patterns decline sharply to the right as those of the host rocks,In the patterns an obvious negative Eu anomaly and a positive Ce anomaly can be seen in apatite and sphene,respectively.Zircon from alkaline rocks is different in REE pattern,I,e,. a nearly symmetric“V“-shaped pattern with a maximum negative Eu anomaly.Compared with the equivalents from granites,apatite,sphene and zircon from alkaline rocks are all characterized by higher (La/Yb)N ratio and less Eu depletion,As to the relative contents of REE in minerals,apatite,sphene and zircon are enriched in LREE,MREE and HREE respectively,depending on their crystallochemical properties.  相似文献   

Volcanic rocks in Ertix,Xinjiang,occurring in the collision zone between the Siberia Plate and the Junggar Plate,are distributed along the Eritix River Valley in northern Xinjiang.The volcanic rocks were dated at Late Paleozoic and can be divided into the spilite-keratophyre series and the basalt-andesite series.The spilite-keratophyre series volcanic rocks occur in the Altay orogenic belt at the southwest margin of the Siberia Plate.In addition to sodic volcanic rocks.There are also associated potassic-sodic volcanic rocks and potassic volcanic rocks.The potassic-sodic volcanic rocks occur at the bottom of the eruption cycle and control the distribution of Pb and Zn deposits.The potassic volcanic rocks occur at the top of the eruption cycle and are associated with Au and Cu mineralizations.The sodic volcanic rocks occur in the middle stage of eruption cycle and control the occurrence of Cu(Zn) deposits.The basalt-andesite series volcanic rocks distributed in the North Junggar orogenic belt at the north margin of the Junggar-Kazakstan Plate belong to the potassic sodic volcain rocks.The volcanic rocks distributed along the Ulungur fault are relatively rich in sodium and poor in potassium and are predominated by Cu mineralization and associated with Au mineralization.Those volcanic rocks distributed along the Ertix fault are relatively rich in K and poor in Na,with Au mineralization being dominant.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONCompositionally ,the term“boninite”refers to alarge variety of pri mary or near-pri mary ( Mg#=0 .60 -0 .85) magmas with a wide variation of CaO/Al2O3(most range from0 .55 to 0 .75) (Crawford etal .,1989) . With regard to its definition as recom-mended bythe I UGS (Deng et al .,1993) and Hickeyand Frey (1982) ,the classification of boninitic rocksis still a matter of petrological debate ( Qiu et al .,2004) .In general ,rock with some typical geochemi-cal features of bon…  相似文献   

Organic matter was experimentally extracted by supercritical fluids(CO2 1% isopropanol)from petroleum source rocks of different thermo-maturities at different buried depths in the same stratigraphic unit in the Dongying Basin.The results show that supercritical fluid extraction(SFE)is more effective than Soxhlet extraction(SE),with higher amounts and greater varieties of hydrocarbons and soluble organic matter becoming extractive.The supercritical CO2 extraction is therefore considered more valuable in evaluation of petroleum source rocks and oil resources,particularly those of immature types.  相似文献   

Extensive volcanism is one of the important features of Cenozoic geology in China.Based on temporal-spatial distribution,the volcanism was associated with three major different geological settings:1)the continental rift basalts in Northeast and North China;2)the tension-fault basalts on the continental margins of Southeast China; and 3) the collision-zone high-K volcanics in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and its vicinities.The characteristics of “depletion in the south and enrichment in the north“of the China continental mantle are strongly supported by isotopic evidence.The Cenozoic continental cal characters,into the following geochemical provinces:1)the depleted mantle in South China;2)the primary mantle in Northeast and NorthChina; 3)the hybrid and transi-tional mantle in the region of Shandong ,Anhui,Jiangsu and northern Zhejiang;4)the depleted mantle around the Bohai Bay and the Lower Liaohe River;5)the K-metasomatic enriched mantle in the northern part of Northeast China;and 6)the re-cycled enriched mantle in the ancient subduction zone in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and its surround-ings.These geochemical characteristics on a regional scale must be a reflection of the nature of lithosphere evolution.  相似文献   

Whole-rock Pb isotopic compositions of the high-pressure (HP) metamorphic rocks, consisting of two-mica albite gneisses and eclogites, and foliated granites from the HP metamorphic unit of the Tongbai-Dabie orogenic belt are firstly reported in this paper. The results show that the tip metamorphic rocks in different parts of this orogenic belt have similar Pb isotopic compositions. The twomica albite gneisses have ^206 pb/^204 Pb=17. 657 -18. 168, ^207pb/^204 Pb=15. 318-15. 573,^ 208Pb/^204ob=38.315-38. 990, and the eclogites have ^206Pb/^204 Pb=17. 599 -18. 310, ^207Pb/^204 Pb=15. 465 -15. 615,^208Pb/^204Pb=37. 968-39. 143. The HP metamorphic rocks are characterized by upper crustal Pb isotopic composition. Although the Pb isotopic composition of the HP metamorphic rocks partly overlaps that of the ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic rocks, as a whole, the former is higher than the latter. The high radiogenic Pb isotopic composition for the HP metamorphic rocks confirms that the subducted Yangtze continental crust in the Tongbai-Dabie orogenic belt has the chemical structure of increasing radiogenic Pb isotopic composition from lower crust to upper crust. The foliated granites, intruded in the HP metamorphic rocks post the HP/UHP metamorphism, have ^206Pb/^204 Pb=17. 128- 17. 434,^207Pb/^204pb=15. 313-15. 422 and ^208Pb/^204Pb=37. 631-38. 122, which are obviously different from the Pb isotopic compositions of the HP metamorphic rocks but similar to those of the UHP metamorphic rocks and the foliated garnet-bearing granites in the UHP unit. This shows that the foliated granites from the HP and UHP units have common magma source. Combined with the foliated granites having the geochemical characteristics of A-type granites, it is suggested that the magma for the foliated granites in the UHP and HP unit would be derived from the partial melting of the retrometamorphosed UHP metamorphic rocks exhumed into middle to lower crust, and partial magmas were intruded into the HP unit.  相似文献   

Terrigenous clastic reservoir rocks are widespread in China,and nearly all the industrial oil and gas accumulations in eastern China occur in the clastic rocks.The study shows that organic inclusions are mostly distributed in the secondary fissures and pores which were ormed in the process of oil-rock interaction,rather than in the cements or secondary enlargements. The organic inclusions are dominantly organic gas-rich or are composed of pure hydrocarbons.Homogenization temperatures range mainly from 120℃ to 130℃,which shows a relatively high maturity of organic matter.Vertical and horizontal temperature changes provide the grounds for the investigation of basin evolution and thermal fluid-kinetics-model.Fluorescence spectral characteristics o the organic inclusions indicate that oils and gases in the area studied probably have experienced two-stage or two-time migration.Micro-fluorescence rescearch is one of the effective approaches to oil/source correlation and oil migration-stage determination.The abundance and occurrence of organic inclusions is one of the indicators of oil and gas abundance and accumulation in rock layers.With the help of other informatio,organic inclusions can provide the basis for the prospective assessment of oil and gas in clastic reservoir rocks.  相似文献   

Five major froms(lamellar,banded,crack-like,dissceminated and segregated encrustation(of organic matter distribution in sourc rocks have been revealed under scanning electron microscope by using the heavy metal staining technique.The degree of organic impregnation is related to the amount of liquied hydrocarbons in the rocks,and from this relationship a rough estimation of organic matter can be made on the basis of electron microscopic observations.In conjunction with experimental studies it has been found that the distribution forms of organic matter are a function of its maturity in the process of thermal evolution and accordingly some microscopic criteria can be developed for the assessment of source rocks.  相似文献   

Hydrous pyrolysis (closed vessel autoclaving in the presence of excess water) of organic-rich rocks is said to generate oils which closely resemble natural crude oils in their broad characteristics and composition. However there are only a few accounts of the proportions and compositions of hydrocarbons in hydrous pyrolysates and none of these discuss the aromatic hydrocarbon composition in detail. The present paper presents some data on the latter.Hydrous pyrolysis (3 days) of a dolomitic siltstone (Permian, Marl Slate) at 280, 300,320, 340 and 360°C produced significant amounts of oils in which the aromatic hydrocarbons were one and a half to two times as abundant as the saturated hydrocarbons.The overall composition of the aromatic hydrocarbons was similar to most crude oils; the major components isolated by our methods from natural oils and from pyrolysates were C1–4 alkylnaphthalenes. At the lowest pyrolysis temperature (280°C) the distributions of the more minor components of the pyrolysates (e.g. alkylphenanthrenes, aromatic steroids) were also generally similar to those found in natural crudes. However, a number of components (e.g. methylanthracenes, Diels' hydrocarbon) which are not usually reported in crudes, were also detected and the relative proportions of these increased at the higher temperatures. Hydrous pyrolysis (340°C) of an organic-rich oil shale (Jurassic, Kimmeridge) and an asphaltic-material containing no minerals produced pyrolysates in which many of these unusual compounds were also present. In addition the pyrolysate of the oil-shale contained higher proportions of organic sulphur compounds. It appears that the formation of the unusual compounds is not simply a function of the type of organic matter or mineralogy but rather of the high temperatures or fast heating rates employed.  相似文献   

QK-1天然气水合物钻探试验井位于西藏羌塘盆地毕洛错地区,主要钻遇中侏罗统夏里组粉砂质泥岩和布曲组灰岩。其有机质丰度、有机质类型、有机质成熟度等有机地球化学特征表明,南羌塘地区中侏罗统烃源岩的有机质丰度偏低,夏里组泥岩TOC介于0.26%~0.38%之间,达到差-中烃源岩标准,而布曲组灰岩TOC介于0.02%~0.08%之间,仅局部达到差烃源岩标准;两个组的烃源岩有机质类型主要为Ⅱ2型及Ⅲ型,较利于天然气的生成,其中夏里组的生气能力优于布曲组;该区烃源岩热演化程度较高,Ro为1.31%~1.63%之间,均达到高成熟阶段,而夏里组有可能已进入干气阶段。基于冻土区天然气水合物成藏条件分析,综合考虑夏里组烃源岩及沉积厚度特征,认为中侏罗统夏里组具备良好的天然气水合物勘探前景。  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地玛湖凹陷风城组页岩油勘探取得巨大突破,但是按照普遍认可的页岩油烃源岩评价标准,本区的烃源岩品质并不理想。为了科学评价玛湖凹陷烃源岩品质特征,本文在系统的岩心观察和有机地球化学分析的基础上,揭示烃源岩的形成环境,并按照矿物组成对烃源岩分类评价。玛湖凹陷风城组细粒岩主要沉积于正常半深湖、咸化半深湖、半咸化半深湖、含热液半深湖和滨浅湖环境中,各环境中细粒岩的有机质特征存在一定区别,其中半咸化半深湖有机质较为富集,w(TOC)均值在1%左右。进一步结合有机质类型判别图解,表明咸化半深湖和含热液半深湖有机质来源以湖泊生物为主,而其他环境中存在湖泊和陆源混合有机质来源。基于有机质生烃潜力评价和成熟度(Vre=0.74%)估算,表明目前风城组烃源岩中有机质正处于大量排烃的成熟阶段,且确定了细粒岩中的烃类为原生烃。由于不同矿物组成的烃源岩吸附能力的差异,按照陆相泥质烃源岩和碳酸盐质烃源岩开展分类评价,结果表明风城组沉积了累计厚度近250 m的的有效烃源岩,且富含以藻类体为主的有机质。  相似文献   

陆相低成熟烃源岩有机硫与热解成烃动力学关系初探   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
沈忠民  周光甲 《沉积学报》1998,16(4):133-139
对陆相低成熟烃源岩(Ro≤ 0.5 %)有机硫与成烃动力学关系进行了研究。结果表明:①有机硫含量与镜质体反射率(Ro)之间呈负相关关系,即有机硫含量随成熟度提高而减少;②源岩的平均活化能(E)有随有机硫含量增大而减小的趋势;③有机硫含量与源岩活化能分布最小值(Emin)和经可溶有机质抽提后的活化能分布最小值(Emin)之间存在正相关关系;④活化能分布范围Emin~ESEmin(ESEmin>Emin)内的可溶有机质生烃能力与有机硫含量具有一定的相关性;⑤综上结果推断东营凹陷南斜坡东段沙四段(Es4)源岩中的有机硫在成烃过程中可能起到了一定的作用。  相似文献   

对北黄海盆地LV井中、上侏罗统烃源岩及上侏罗统原油(油砂抽提物)进行常规有机地球化学分析和碳同位素测试,分析研究烃源岩和原油的地球化学特征并探讨原油的来源问题。测试结果显示,侏罗系烃源岩达成熟-高熟阶段,有机质类型以Ⅲ型为主。中侏罗统烃源岩有机碳含量较高,但生烃潜能、氯仿沥青“A”及总烃含量低值,属于差的烃源岩。干酪根碳同位素总体偏重(-24.4‰~-23.5‰),与原油碳同位素特征(-29‰左右)差异显著,排除与原油的母岩关系。上侏罗统烃源岩有机碳含量较中侏罗统低,但生烃潜能、氯仿沥青“A”及总烃含量高值。上侏罗统烃源岩抽提氯仿沥青“A”碳同位素(-26‰~-21.5‰)特征、单体烃碳同位素分布模式及甾萜烷生物标志物特征都与原油相似,综合分析认为原油应该来源于上侏罗统中干酪根类型较好、母质为混源的成熟烃源岩。  相似文献   

烃源岩的非均质性、动力学模型中频率因子的不确定性、热模拟实验条件(开放/封闭程度、加水与否、升温速率)以及热模拟实验的再现性都将影响有机质成烃动力学模型参数, 进而影响油气资源潜力评价结果的可信度.对此, 从多个盆地不同类型有机质样品(18块)的开放体系(Rock-Eval)热模拟实验入手, 选取SFF模型和MFF模型来描述不同类型有机质样品成烃动力学特征, 对比地质外推结果的差异性.其中采用SFF模型低估了具有较低和较高活化能有机质的生烃潜力(反应分数), 而采用MFF模型可以避免这一问题, 同时频率因子随活化能的升高而升高, 能有效解决频率因子不确定性的问题.同时采用算术平均法和依据S2加权平均法对不同类型样品的动力学参数求取平均动力学参数, 并以3.3 ℃/Ma的升温速率进行外推, 对比分析了不同类型有机质外推结果的差异性.最后, 通过对两种模型依据S2加权平均法获得的动力学参数在松辽盆地黑鱼泡凹陷实际应用表明, 应用MFF模型计算得出的生烃门限深度为1 700 m, 与前人研究结论一致.表明采用MFF模型和S2加权平均法获得的动力学参数进行资源评价具有较高可信度.   相似文献   

论述了达连河含煤段油页岩及油页岩段油页岩的地球化学特征,探讨了两套油页岩成因。这两套油页岩地球化学性质有很多相似之处,主要表现为油页岩都属于中熔或难熔的硅质灰分,SiO2、Al2O3及Fe2O3含量很高;无机元素 Mn/Ti小于0.1,Sr/Ba为0.1~0.5,V/Ni为2.6~7.0;有机质类型以腐泥腐殖型为主,正构烷烃OEP值为1.55~3.67,具奇碳数优势,主峰碳为nC23和C29,Pr/Ph比值平均高达2.30,具强烈的姥鲛烷优势,Pr/nC17比值为1.18~3.20,说明这两套油页岩都形成于淡水、近岸及弱氧化-弱还原的湖沼相沉积环境。但含煤段油页岩沉积时期高温、湿润的古气候条件下的喜湿植物面貌,使油页岩母质类型具有较多的富氢组分,这是造成两套油页岩品质差异的主要原因。  相似文献   

柴西地区上干柴沟组上段(N12)烃源岩的沉积水体环境为咸水湖相。其烃源岩的有机质总体丰度不高;有机质类型主要有腐殖腐泥型和腐殖型,具体分布受烃源岩所处位置及沉积环境控制;有机质成熟度多为未成熟-低成熟;有机质的烃转化率较高,反映其大部分有机质已经进入生烃门限,少量已经进入生烃高峰期。其烃源岩具有咸化湖泊相未熟-低熟有机质生烃的特点,而其生烃机理很可能是藻类生物类脂物和细菌的早期成烃。柴西地区上干柴沟组上段(N12)烃源岩作为该区未熟-低熟石油主要源岩之一,具有非常大的勘探潜力。  相似文献   

现代海洋生物有机组分的动态变化过程是利用正演法评价海相优质烃源岩的重要中间环节, 可以为估算沉积过程中有机质的损耗提供参考.从化学组成来看, 生物体的脂类与原油成分最为接近, 而且与其他生化组分相比, 脂类的化学性质相对稳定, 可以长期保存在地层中, 因此脂类是最重要的生油母质.温度、盐度、CO2等环境条件以及生物的种类和生长阶段对生物脂类组成有重要影响, 不同环境条件和不同种类的生物对烃源岩有机质的贡献也不同.海水中的有机质在沉积过程中受原始生产力和氧化还原条件的影响.在特定生境中, 在一定的生产力范围内, 沉积有机质的通量与生产力有正相关关系.超过此范围, 沉积有机质通量与生产力关系不大.氧化条件下有机质降解速度快, 而还原条件则有利于沉积有机质的保存.生物膜的形成不仅使有机质更容易沉积, 而且降低了有机质被降解的机会.地质历史时期生物膜的识别对研究烃源岩有机质的保存具有重要意义.   相似文献   

张英  李剑  张奎  关平  李谨  王晓波 《地质学报》2007,81(12):1716-1722
柴达木盆地东部第四系生物气源岩有机质丰度是控制该区生物气资源的关键因素。通过重新设计实验流程,建立了针对未成熟生物气源岩的有机质丰度评价方法。柴达木盆地第四系生物气源岩可溶有机质含量约是不溶有机质含量的2.6倍,有机质大部分以可溶的形式存在。鉴于未成熟生物气源岩有机质赋存形式的特殊性,提出了柴达木盆地东部第四系生物气源岩的有机质丰度评价标准。大量存在的可溶有机质揭示柴达木盆地东部地区第四系仍处于生物甲烷生成阶段,较高的气源岩有机质丰度为生物气勘探提供了重要的资源保障。  相似文献   

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