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特殊的地理位置使济南市跨越黄河向北发展提到了议事日程,城市建设与黄河防洪的关系将更加密切。济南河段历来是黄河防洪的重点,目前该段黄河堤防正在进行标准化建设。防御标准相当于30到近千年一遇,可以满足城市防洪的要求。济南市跨河发展,黄河将成为城中河,城市建设与防洪建设将互相促进。由于黄河问题的复杂性,泥沙淤积和地上悬河将长期存在,建议城市规划要考虑给黄河未来的防洪留出足够空间,对跨河交通等过河建筑物应统一进行规划,城市建设要充分利用黄河泥沙资源,同时搞好沿黄生态和风景线建设,以实现人与自然和谐共处。  相似文献   

特殊的地理位置使济南市跨越黄河向北发展提到了议事日程,城市建设与黄河防洪的关系将更加密切。济南河段历来是黄河防洪的重点,目前该段黄河堤防正在进行标准化建设,防御标准相当于30到近千年一遇,可以满足城市防洪的要求。济南市跨河发展,黄河将成为城中河,城市建设与防洪建设将互相促进。由于黄河问题的复杂性,泥沙淤积和地上悬河将长期存在,建议城市规划要考虑给黄河未来的防洪留出足够空间,对跨河交通等过河建筑物应统一进行规划,城市建设要充分利用黄河泥沙资源,同时搞好沿黄生态和风景线建设,以实现人与自然和谐共处。  相似文献   

特殊的地理位置使济南市跨越黄河向北发展提到了议事日程,城市建设与黄河防洪的关系将更加密切.济南河段历来是黄河防洪的重点,目前该段黄河堤防正在进行标准化建设,防御标准相当于30到近千年一遇,可以满足城市防洪的要求.济南市跨河发展,黄河将成为城中河,城市建设与防洪建设将互相促进.由于黄河问题的复杂性,泥沙淤积和地上悬河将长期存在,建议城市规划要考虑给黄河未来的防洪留出足够空间,对跨河交通等过河建筑物应统一进行规划,城市建设要充分利用黄河泥沙资源,同时搞好沿黄生态和风景线建设,以实现人与自然和谐共处.  相似文献   

南水北调总体战略与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄土高原和黄淮海平原是一个大缺水系统,南水北调势在必行 黄河是贯穿黄土高原和黄淮海平原的大动脉,使黄土高原和黄淮海平原的缺水形成了一个大缺水系统。 20世纪80年代后半期,黄河的工农业用水量已达271亿立方米,再加上冲刷黄河下游和河口泥沙淤积的用水量200亿立方米,总共达471亿立方米。黄河多年平均天然年径流量约560亿立方米,多年平均可利用水量的潜力已不到100亿立方米。  相似文献   

黄河泥沙资源丰富。如何处理黄河泥沙,历来是黄河治理开发的大事。该文结合黄河下游山东、河南两省的实际情况,在论证综合开发利用黄河泥沙的可能性、技术支撑、市场需求、法制环境等基础上,提出了淤改涝洼地、制造墙体材料、复垦采煤塌陷区等综合利用黄河泥沙的建议。  相似文献   

黄河三角洲的形成和演变   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
黄河每年有8×108~10×108t泥沙进入河口地区。由于黄河的受水盆地浅,区域上又位于构造强烈沉降区,进入河口地区的泥沙约有80%淤积在陆上及滨海地区,逐步形成了现代的黄河三角洲。通过RS与GIS综合对比和地质成因分析,可揭示整个三角洲在河流动力和海洋动力综合作用下的快速淤进、蚀退,河床抬高和尾闾改道等一系列演变,其中又以海岸带的演变最为明显。近几年,受黄河来水来沙量减少和人为加固堤坝等因素影响,河口地区造陆速度减缓,其他地区海岸带蚀退变慢,河床进一步抬高,整个三角洲基本处于淤蚀平衡状态。  相似文献   

利用黄河泥沙资源治理煤田采空沉陷区,可以清除黄河泥沙,降低黄河河底高度,达到除害兴利的目的。该文讨论了巨野煤田开发存在的沉陷问题,以及因此造成的危害和影响,研究利用黄河泥沙资源恢复煤田沉陷区的途径和方法,对于类似沉陷区治理有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

洞庭湖泥沙淤积严重,多年平均泥沙淤积量达14,334万t/a;同时,洞庭湖又处于不均匀的地壳沉降中,沉降速率达5.00~31.3 mm/a.作者应用20世纪70年代和90年代两个时段18个时相卫星遥感数据,系统地调查量算了不同水位时洲滩的出露面积.在此基础上,根据不同水位时来水来沙规律及洲土面积与水位的变化关系,利用现代航天对地观测技术有效地论证了洞庭湖的地壳沉降与湖盆泥沙淤积.研究表明,洞庭湖仍处于不断沉降中,在平水位以下或洪水位以上,地壳沉降速率均大于泥沙淤积速率.  相似文献   

0引言黄河流经山东省菏泽、济宁、泰安、聊城、德州、济南、淄博、滨州、东营9市,25个县(市、区),河道长628?。由于黄河含沙量高,大量泥沙淤积在河道内,造成目前河床高于两岸背河地面4~6m,设计洪水位高出背河地面8~10m,济南河段的2000年设计防洪水位高出济南市工人新村地面达11.6m,形成举世瞩目的地上悬河,防洪形势十分严峻。1998年“三江”大水之后,党中央、国务院对水利工作做出了一系列重大决策,加大了对大江大河的治理投资力度,加快了黄河下游的治理步伐。经过连续6年的建设,黄河山东段防洪工程整体强度得到明显提高,为战胜可能发生的大…  相似文献   

利用黄河泥沙围出“渤海湖”的初步设想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文是一个关于将渤海变成淡水湖的水利工程的构想。让黄河的大量泥沙通过人工导流的方式沿莱州湾南岸与渤海海峡沉积延伸,产生的陆地将渤海封闭并逐渐形成淡水湖。这一工程将陆地连接山东半岛与辽东半岛,并为华北提供巨大淡水库,具有显著的经济、生态效益。具体实施上,可通过两道渔网式围栏促使黄河泥沙定点沉积并阻挡浪潮侵蚀,通过加强汛期水量增加黄河口泥沙。  相似文献   

Since 2002, an artificial water and sediment regulation(AWSR) has been carried out, which largely reduced water and sediment discharged from the Yellow River into the Bohai Sea. Although the sediment transport in the Yellow River Mouth(YRM) has been observed and modeled intensively since AWSR, but preferentially for the non-storm conditions. In this study, a three-dimensional current-wave-sediment coupled model, DHI-MIKE numerical model, was used to examine the seasonal suspended-sediment transport in the YRM after the AWSR. Results show that the seasonal distribution of suspended-sediments in the YRM is dominated by wind and wave rather than river input. The major transport pathway of suspended-sediments is from the western Laizhou Bay to the Bohai Strait during the winter monsoon, especially in storm events. In addition, about 66% of the river sediments deposit within 30 km of the YRM, which is smaller than previous estimations. It suggests that the YRM has been eroded in recent decades.  相似文献   

黄河三角洲具有极高的生态价值,研究其景观格局及生态风险对促进黄河三角洲高质量发展具有重要意义。本文以黄河三角洲1980年、2000年和2020年土地利用数据为基础,分析土地转移及景观格局特征,同时构建生态风险评价模型揭示生态风险时空演变及空间相关性。结果表明:(1)耕地是黄河三角洲最主要的地类,占比在60%以上,1980—2020年土地转移主要发生在耕地、建设用地、水域和未利用地之间。(2)1980—2020年黄河三角洲景观斑块数、景观斑块密度、景观最大斑块指数、景观形状指数和香农多样性指数均呈下降趋势,区域整体趋向简单化和聚集化。(3)黄河三角洲高风险区和较高风险区主要环渤海分布,1980—2020年各级风险区转出最大面积均为更低级风险区,生态风险有所降低。  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to research the influence of natural climatic changes on the evolution of the coastal zone in modern times and the possible implication of human activities on the configuration of the present coastline.Comparison of data of two very far and different areas , the Po River delta, Adriatic Sea and the Huanghe River delta, Bohai Sea, reveals the planetary diffusion of climatic fluctuations and their effects on coastal evolution .  相似文献   

山东半岛海域成矿区带划分以往研究程度较低。该文利用海域重磁资料,在研究区梳理了渤海和黄海的重磁异常特征,渤海和北黄海呈负布格重力异常,南黄海北部与之相反;渤海为正磁异常,黄海与之相反。以重磁异常为基础,基于陆域构造单元划分,对海域构造单元划分至Ⅲ级10个构造单元,海域构造单元多为陆域向海域的延伸,仅渤中坳陷和北黄海盆地为独立的海域构造单元。参照陆域成矿区带划分,以构造单元边界为界线,海域成矿区带划分至Ⅳ级6个成矿区,各成矿区特征不同,坳陷构造单元内成矿区富集油气矿产,隆起构造单元内成矿区表现为埕宁隆起富集煤矿,胶北隆起富集金、菱镁矿、煤、灰岩矿,千里隆起富集岩金、蛇纹岩、石棉、花岗石矿。  相似文献   

China is a country with a vast marine territory whose area covers one third of the total land territory area. With the exploitation of marine resources and the development of marine economy, marine economic regions have been formed gradually. We shouldn’t ignore them when we divide economic regions throughout the whole nation, especially in our country. In this paper, we’ Il expand division principles, practice and methods of marine comprehensive economic region. Liaoning Province, facing the Yellow Sea and the Bohai sea, is not only a part of Round-the-Bohai Sea Economic Region, but a part of national marine econemic region. Through evaluating marine resources of Liaoning, and analyzing development of marine economy, composition of marine industries and distributional characteristic of marine economy, Liaoning marine region is divided into Bohai Sea marine economic region and Yellow Sea marine economic region based on differences of marine economy. Thereby we go further into the formation of regional marine economic region and distributional mechanism of regional marine economy. Foundation item: Subsidized by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(49671022). Biography: ZHANG Yao-guang(1934–), male, a native of Shanghai City, professor. His research interest includes marine economic geography.  相似文献   

Sedimentary sequence and sediment provenance are important factors when it comes to the studies on marine sedimentation. This paper studies grain size distribution, lithological characteristics, major and rare earth elemental compositions, micropaleontological features and ~(14)C ages in order to examine sedimentary sequence and sediment provenance of the core BH6 drilled at the mouth of the Yellow River in Bohai Sea. According to the grain size and the micropaleontological compositions, 4 sedimentary units have been identified. Unit 1(0–8.08 mbsf) is of the delta sedimentary facies, Unit 2(8.08–12.08 mbsf) is of the neritic shelf facies, Unit 3(12.08–23.85 mbsf) is of near-estuary beach-tidal facies, and Unit 4(23.85 mbsf–) is of the continental lake facies. The deposits from Unit 1 to Unit 3 have been found to be marine strata formed after the Holocene transgression at about 10 ka BP, while Unit 4 is continental lacustrine deposit formed before 10 ka BP. The provenances of core BH6 sediments show properties of the continental crust and vary in different sedimentary periods. For Unit 4 sediments, the source regions are dispersed while the main provenance is not clear, although the parent rock characteristics of a few samples are similar to the Luanhe River sediments. For Unit 3, sediments at 21.1–23.85 mbsf have been mainly transported from the Liaohe River, while sediments above 21.1 mbsf are mainly from the Yellow River and partially from the Liaohe River. For Unit 2, the sediments have been mainly transported from the Yellow River, with a small amount from other rivers. For Unit 1, the provenance is mainly the Yellow River catchment. These results help in better understanding the evolution of the Yellow River Delta.  相似文献   

黄河三角洲海岸线遥感动态监测   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
黄河三角洲是世界上海岸线变迁最快的地区之一。遥感与GIS技术相结合,能准确及时地监测黄河三角洲海岸线的动态演变。本文以1976年以来多时相遥感影像为主要数据源,通过几何精校正与配准,形成统一投影与坐标体系的遥感影像,运用平均高潮线法,对20景时间序列影像经分类处理后提取海岸线;另经GIS叠加分析,剖析了现行黄河河口、钓口河口地区海岸线的演变过程及其规律。  相似文献   

Diversion of the Yellow River is a unique geological event in offshore China, causing changes of the sedimentary environment in eastern China Seas. The last diversion took place in AD 1855, with the estuary diverted from the Yellow Sea into the Bohai Sea. The identification of the river diversion events in the shelf sediments would not only provide the definite ages for the sediments, but also give a clue for better understanding of the sedimentation in that area. In this study, 210 Pb, grain size, geochemical element, and foraminiferal data in core H205 from the north Yellow Sea were systematically investigated. A high-resolution sedimentary record was established, which was coupled with the Yellow River diversion and runoff changes. The results show that the foraminiferal composition and foraminiferal abundance of the sediments from the north Yellow Sea had good response to the Yellow River diversion in 1855. Before the change, shallow water assemblages dominated the foraminifera, and the abundance of each foraminiferal species was very low. After the diversion event, the abundance of most foraminifera increased sharply, with a maximum increase of 16 times, and the assemblage was still dominated by shallow water species. Furthermore, the changes in foraminiferal abundance in the core sediments corresponded well with the discharge fluctuation of the Yellow River since 1855. When the Yellow River began entering the Bohai Sea, the Yellow River water, which is rich in nutrients, along with the coastal currents affected the north Yellow Sea, increased the primary productivity in the north Yellow Sea, which is the main reason for the abrupt increase and fluctuation of foraminiferal abundance in this area. At the meantime, the East Asian winter monsoon could also promote the development of nearshore foraminiferal species by enhancing the coastal currents.  相似文献   

黄河三角洲油田集中区土地利用演化的遥感分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文利用多时相的 TM卫星影像及相关资料 ,圈定油田集中区 ,并提取其土地利用要素 ;就 1984~ 1999年15年来 ,黄河三角洲油田集中区内土地利用变化进行分析。结果表明 ,油田集中区是处于生态极其脆弱的地带 ,土地利用类型变化比较快 ,变化的面积所占的比例相对较大。  相似文献   

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