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30~300 MHz的低频段陆基天线阵是重要的射电观测设备,在该频段进行射电观测面临无线电环境复杂、天空背景温度高等特点。介绍了一种基于微波芯片设计的新型低频段模拟接收机。接收机由初级带通滤波器(30~70 MHz)、初级放大器、次级带通滤波器(55~65 MHz)、180°移相器、两个次级放大器组成。在测试云南天文台短波段无线电环境的基础上,接收机实现了对55~65 MHz可观测频段的选通和放大,整机噪声约为320 K,增益63 d B左右。同时作为中国射电天文低频阵前期研究的一部分,由于采用单片微波集成电路(Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit,MMIC)芯片,接收机具有体积小、成本低、易于量产等特点。  相似文献   

为满足天马望远镜Q波段(35-50 GHz)双波束致冷接收机的需求,介绍了一种Q波段宽带圆极化器的设计。圆极化器采用90°移相器与正交模式转换器组合的方式,其中,90°移相器利用双壁波纹移相结构,仿真结果表明,工作带宽内可以达到90°±3°;正交模式转换器采用十字转门结构,仿真结果表明各端口反射系数好于-25 dB,输出端口隔离度好于-60 dB。文章还给出了对实际加工90°移相器与正交模式转换器具有指导意义的容差分析,并且给出了90°移相器与正交模式转换器组合的仿真结果。组合而成的圆极化器性能满足天马望远镜Q波段致冷接收机的设计指标:端口反射系数好于-20 dB,输出端口隔离度好于-32 dB。  相似文献   

天马望远镜Ka波段宽带接收机是研究恒星形成、星际介质以及深空探测的重要观测平台。论述了接收机核心器件Ka波段宽带圆极化器的研制过程。该器件由90°两壁波纹移相器和改进型双脊波导形式的正交模式耦合器构成,工作频带为26.5~40 GHz,相对带宽达到41%。首先介绍了圆极化器的应用背景及工作原理,继而进行模型设计和仿真优化,最后进行结构设计和样品实测。实测结果显示,移相器的相移误差为90±4°,轴比达到0.6 d B,正交模式耦合器的交叉极化为-26 d B,隔离度为-35 d B,器件端口驻波均低于-18 d B,实测结果与设计仿真相符。  相似文献   

在射电天文观测中,天文信号十分微弱,在大部分情况下可以看成是噪声功率的微小增加,需要长的积分时间才能从噪声中显现,因此在进行射电天文数据采集时对采集系统的性能具有较高的要求.针对射电天文数据的特点,从噪声特性、频率特性和同步特性3方面给出了系统性能的衡量指标,围绕这些指标,分别研究了其测试方法,最后以某个实际射电天文数据采集系统为测试平台,进行了指标的测试.测试结果验证了所提指标的有效性和指标测试方法的合理性.  相似文献   

接收机是射电天文中用于探测微弱射电信号的重要接收设备.接收机的强度校准就是将接收机对射电源的响应转换为天文意义上的流量密度.常规方法就是使用经典的冷热负载法,将接收机自身的强度响应转换为一个等效的温度值,之后再据此对射电源做进一步标定.通过搭建基于斩波轮技术的K波段接收机强度校准平台,使用斩波轮法测试K波段常温接收机的噪声温度,并与传统冷热负载法的测试结果进行比对.结果显示,在晴好天气条件下,斩波轮法在30°、90°仰角下噪声温度的最大测试误差为7.5%和8.4%,可以很好地应用于实际噪声温度测试中;但在5°仰角测试中,由于过低仰角引入了地面噪声,使得斩波轮法的测试误差上升至20%–30%之间而无法使用.希望在此基础上进一步开展K波段天空亮温度的理论计算与实测,从而完善斩波轮技术的应用,使之可以满足在不同气象条件下的噪声校准测试需求.  相似文献   

灵敏度是所有信号接收设备的重要指标之一.在射电天文中,灵敏度定义为最小可检测的流量密度,是衡量射电干涉仪性能的重要因素.描述了射电天文中干涉仪灵敏度和图像灵敏度的物理含义,阐述了干涉仪分别对展源和点源的灵敏度区别;分析了中国频谱日像仪(Chinese Spectral Radioheliograph,CSRH)接收机和图像灵敏度以及系统设计对系统灵敏度的影响.  相似文献   

本文从理论上推导出射电天文接收机的灵敏度公式,由此估算了射电天文各个波段观测的灵敏度和有害干扰电平的极限值。简述了三种类型的有害干扰和减小干扰影响的技术措施。  相似文献   

设计了一个K波段圆极化器,其工作频率为18至26.5 GHz。K波段包含多条重要的射电天文分子谱线,此波段圆极化器的研制对于天文观测与科学研究有极其重要的意义。圆极化器用于将线极化波转换为圆极化波以便于射电望远镜进行观测。包括其工作原理、设计要点、模型仿真结果等内容。主要着眼于正交模式转换器与移相器这两个圆极化器中的重要器件,通过工作原理分析以及电磁仿真的方法进行器件的具体设计并得出仿真结果。仿真结果各个端口回波损耗均小于-20 d B,且移相器的移相误差小于3.3°。  相似文献   

W波段接收机系统能有效接收多条重要的射电天文分子谱线信息,对于天文观测和科学研究有重要意义。W波段正交模耦合器(Ortho-Mode Transducer, OMT)作为接收机系统实现极化分离的关键器件,其性能对接收机整体性能有重要影响。介绍了一款基于Boifot结构的W波段宽带正交模耦合器,并介绍了正交模耦合器的工作原理和设计流程。仿真结果表明,在70~116 GHz频带内,正交模耦合器相对带宽达到49.4%,回波损耗优于18.7 dB,交叉极化优于55.8 dB,端口隔离度优于54 dB。  相似文献   

超导SIS (Superconductor-Insulator-Superconductor)接收机因极低的接收机噪声温度成为毫米波和亚毫米波段射电天文观测的首选.本振系统耦合噪声也是接收机噪声的一部分,在多年的天文观测中,发现本振耦合噪声无法完全忽略,对天文观测的灵敏度有一定影响.采用两个不同种类的信号发生器作为本振系统初级信号源,测试了超导SIS接收机的噪声温度,发现信号发生器输出的基底噪声能够耦合到接收机内部,从而增加接收机噪声强度.分析研究了本振系统热噪声和信号发生器基底噪声对接收机噪声的影响.通过在信号发生器输入端加入窄带滤波器滤除其基底噪声,消除了信号发生器基底噪声引入的接收机噪声,降低了接收机的整体噪声,提高了望远镜的灵敏度.  相似文献   

In the numerical integrations of the outer planets, when the inner planets are not considered, the initial conditions are determined by least square adjustment with a complete ephemeris. In the present work, we compute the resulting uncertainty on the initial conditions by the analysis of the very simple problem which consists in fitting by least squares a straight line to a sine curve. Explicit formulae for the computation of the error due to the fitting process are given. In particular, fitting over an integer number of periods is very close to the worst case. The determination of the initial conditions in the LONGSTOP project (Milani,et al., 1987) is analysed as an example. It is shown that the uncertainty on the main frequencies of the secular system due to the determination of the initial conditions is of the order of 0.01 arcsec/year.  相似文献   

The tidal force effects of a spherical galaxy passing head-on through a disk galaxy have been studied at various regions of the disk galaxy and for various orientations of the disk galaxy with respect to the direction of relative motion of the two galaxies. The density distribution of the disk galaxy is taken to be, (r)=ce–4r/R , where c is the central density andR is the radius of the disk. The density distribution of the spherical galaxy is taken to be that of a oolytrope of indexn=4. It is found that as a result of the collision, through the central parts and the outer parts of the disk galaxy remain intact, the region in between these two regions disrupts. Thus a ring galaxy with a nucleus embedded in the ring-i.e., a ring galaxy of the RN-type, is formed.  相似文献   

The star WR 7a, also known as SPH 2, has a spectrum that resembles that of V Sagittae stars although no O  vi emission has been reported. The Temporal Variance Spectrum – TVS – analysis of our data shows weak but strongly variable emission of O  vi lines which is below the noise level in the intensity spectrum.
Contrary to what is seen in V Sagittae stars, optical photometric monitoring shows very little, if any, flickering. We found evidence of periodic variability. The most likely photometric period is   P phot= 0.227(±14) d  , while radial velocities suggest a period of   P spec= 0.204(±13) d  . One-day aliases of these periods can not be ruled out. We call attention to similarities with HD 45166 and DI Cru (= WR 46), where multiple periods are present. They may be associated to the binary motion or to non-radial oscillations.
In contrast to a previous conclusion by Pereira et al., we show that WR 7a contains hydrogen. The spectrum of the primary star seems to be detectable as the N  v 4604 Å  absorption line is visible. If so, it means that the wind is optically thin in the continuum and that it is likely to be a helium main sequence star.
Given the similarity to HD 45166, we suggests that WR 7a may be a qWR – quasi Wolf–Rayet – star. Its classification is WN4h/CE in the Smith, Shara & Moffat three-dimensional classification system.  相似文献   

We present a quasar model with a rotating disk and a massive nucleus. We use this model in order to characterize the motion in the model (regular or chaotic) and to connect the extent of the chaotic regions to the physical parameters of the model. Numerical experiments suggest that, there are connections between the extent of the chaotic areas and the parameters of the system. Furthermore, it is shown that the form of numerically found relationships can be expressed analytically. Comparison to previous work is also made. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to develop a simple model of an encounter between a comet and a planet, with a subsequent capture or an escape, and to study the potential consequences. The hypothetical scenario is as follows: a comet with a conic orbit meets close to one of its vertices (located near the ecliptic plane), a jovian planet, and transforms its orbit. There are two hypotheses which are made for the shock: this vertex becomes one of the final vertices and the orbital plane of the comet is unchanged during the encounter as it was the case for Brooks 2 in 1886. In this model, it was able to find an equation which was then used to obtain the pre‐ and post‐encounter orbits elements and the kind of orbit (ellipse, hyperbola, parabola) with respect to the initial inclination. The numerical experiments with the observed comets often provide pre‐encounter orbits with an aphelion point located near another jovian planet farther from the Sun, and so on with sometimes several planets, or with an aphelion point located beyond the Pluto orbit. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We formulate the problem of an infinitesimal particle moving in the space under the influence of the gravitational force induced by a homogeneous annulus disk fixed on a plane. We compute using different coordinates and in terms of an elliptic integral the potential associated to this problem. Also we study the symmetries of the associated potential. After that, we look at the dynamics in some particular cases, namely: in the line perpendicular to the plane that contains the annulus disk and passes through the center of the ring and on the plane that contains the massive annulus.   相似文献   

The inclination of the field lines at the surface of the disc plays a crucial role on the nature of the magnetically driven flows. For the non-relativistic case, a centrifugally driven outflow of matter from the disc is possible, if the poloidal component of the magnetic field makes an angle of less than a critical 60° with the disc surface (Blandford and Payne 1982). We investigate the dynamical properties of the magnetically driven flows from the disc near a non-rotating black hole and find that the critical angle becomes larger than 60° when the flows start from the region near the black hole.  相似文献   

Results of evolutionary calculations for a close binary system with a central helium burning He-star filling its Roche lobe and an accreting white dwarf are presented. Values for the mass of the components and the degree of central helium exhaustion before the filling of the Roche lobe are varied. It is shown that in such a system the mass accretion rate will remain for a long time (2–4) Ö 10–8 yr–1 ifq<1 (q=M He,2/M CO,1). The obtained results are discussed in connection with pre-supernova I phenomenon.  相似文献   

A spread in parallel beam velocity is found to have little effect on the previous results from the model by Dungey and Strangeway (1976). However, examination of the eigenfunctions for the same model indicates that perpendicular temperature may be the key to beam stability.  相似文献   

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