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湖南省农业生态水资源库脆弱性评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以湖南农业生态水资源库为研究对象,分析了其脆弱性成因和主要表现.从脆弱性成因角度构建了包含10个具体指标的湖南生态水资源库脆弱性评价指标体系,运用模糊物元评价模型对85个县级评价单元的农业生态水资源库脆弱度进行综合评判.结果表明:全省农业生态水资源库脆弱性等级以中等脆弱为主,其中,微脆弱等级11个,占总评价单元的12.9%;中等脆弱等级74个,占总评价单元的87.1%.脆弱度空间分布存在"西部大于东部,南部大于北部"的总体分布态势.其中,以湘西北、湘西南和湘南所构成的外部环形地带和以长沙、衡邵盆地为中心的中东部地带为全省两个比较明显的高脆弱区(带).  相似文献   

中国地质环境具有先天脆弱性,空间分布存在巨大差异,对于区域生产力布局、工程建设、国土空间开发等社会经济诸多方面具有很大的影响。本研究基于ArcGIS平台,采用层次分析法构建包含地质构造、地表形态、组成物质三大类9个一级指标的地质环境脆弱性评价指标体系;将地壳稳定性、断裂带分布、海拔高度等9个脆弱性指标图层进行线性变换归一化处理,得到各指标标准值图层;运用因子相关分析法,分析9个脆弱性指标间相关性;应用主成分分析法,将相关性显著重复的要素删去,重新组合成一组新的互相无关的综合脆弱性要素;以主成分要素对应的方差贡献率作为权重,应用综合指数模型,完成地质环境脆弱性综合评价;在区位理论及空间统计的支持下进行进行分区,将全国划分为微度、轻微度、轻度、中度、重度和极度等6类脆弱区;综合分析中国地质环境脆弱性分布的空间特征及区域差异。研究结果表明,总体脆弱是中国地质环境的突出特征,中度至极度脆弱区面积约占中国全国土地面积的1/3,这是中国国土空间开发所面临的自然基础条件;中国区域地质环境脆弱程度呈现西北高东南低、西南高东北低且镶嵌式分布的总体空间格局,大致以贺兰山-六盘山-邛崃山-乌蒙山一线为界,此线以西地区地质环境脆弱程度高,此线以东地区地质环境脆弱程度低。  相似文献   

杨建平  杨岁桥  李曼  谭春萍 《冰川冻土》2013,35(6):1436-1445
冻土的脆弱性是指冻土对气候变化的脆弱性,是冻土易受气候变化,尤其是温度变化不利影响的程度. 研究冻土对气候变化的脆弱性是提高对自然生态系统、工程系统、生态-社会-经济系统对冻土变化影响的脆弱性的认知,科学适应冻土变化诸种影响的前提和基础. 基于科学性与实际相结合的原则、全面性与主导性原则、可操作性原则,以暴露度、敏感性与适应能力为标准,遴选构建了我国冻土脆弱性评价指标体系. 借助RS与GIS技术平台,使用空间主成分方法,构建了冻土脆弱性指数模型,在区域尺度上综合评价了冻土的脆弱性. 依据自然分类法,将冻土脆弱性分为潜在脆弱、轻度脆弱、中度脆弱、强度脆弱与极强度脆弱5级. 结果表明:总体上我国冻土以中度脆弱为主,但青藏高原多年冻土对气候变化尤为脆弱;冻土脆弱性具有显著的地域分布特点,青藏高原、西部高山、东北多年冻土区脆弱性相对较高,季节冻土区相对较低. 与季节冻土相比,多年冻土对气候变化更脆弱. 在当前升温幅度条件下,冻土脆弱程度主要取决于冻土的地形暴露与冻土对气候变化的适应能力.  相似文献   

史正涛  曾建军  刘新有  黄英  王杰 《冰川冻土》2013,35(5):1276-1282
根据高原盆地城市水源地脆弱性内涵, 评价指标可量化性及不同水源地之间可比性, 选取了水源地水文气象、生态环境、水源污染和地表扰动状况4个方面14个指标, 构建了高原盆地城市水源地脆弱性指标体系.基于高原盆地城市水源地复杂性和指标评价标准界线的模糊性, 采用层次分析法确定指标权重, 应用模糊综合评判法建立评价模型, 运用所建立的评价模型对昆明市松华坝水源地脆弱性进行了评价.结果表明, 昆明市松华坝水源地为中度脆弱. 其中, 水文气象因子、水源污染因子处于中度脆弱状态, 生态环境因子处于轻度脆弱状态, 地表扰动因子介于轻度脆弱与中度脆弱状态之间.  相似文献   

基于主成分分析法,以贵州省普定县区域内的13个行政村落为例,对影响该区生态系统脆弱度的9个变量进行分析,并利用欧式距离公式确定系统的脆弱性。结果表明,耕地面积是影响生态系统脆弱度的最主要因素,占的权重值为0.189,其次是石山地区的平均坡度;在研究区域中有7个村落达到强度脆弱或极强度脆弱,其中偏坡村的潜在脆弱性和胁迫脆弱性为最大;作为一个整体评价单元,研究区的生态系统脆弱度为0.653,属于强度脆弱区。为此,今后应该积极采取相应的治理措施,尤其是注意从控制耕地开发利用规模上来恢复生态环境。   相似文献   

冰川的脆弱性是指冰川对气候变化的脆弱性.基于科学性与实际相结合的原则、全面性与主导性原则、可比性原则、可操作性原则,以气候变化脆弱性的暴露度、敏感性与适应能力三要素为标准,遴选构建了我国冰川脆弱性评价指标体系.使用中国1961-2007年594个站点的年平均气温和590个站点的年降水量资料、中国第一、二次冰川编目数据,借助RS与GIS技术平台,使用空间主成分方法,构建了冰川脆弱性指数模型,在区域尺度上综合评价了中国冰川脆弱性的现状.基于IPCC A1B气候情景下气温和降水量变化预估数值、21世纪冰川变化预估数据,对2030年代和2050年代的冰川脆弱性进行了初步预估.依据自然分类法,将冰川脆弱性分为潜在脆弱、轻度脆弱、中度脆弱、强度脆弱与极强度脆弱5个等级.结果表明:从现状看,中国冰川对气候变化很脆弱,约92%的冰川作用区存在不同程度的脆弱性,而且强度脆弱区和极强度脆弱区面积占研究区总面积的41%;情景和动态上,2030年代和2050年代仍有约80%的冰川作用区存在不同程度的脆弱性,但整体上冰川脆弱性呈减弱趋势,局部地区冰川仍处于强度和极强度脆弱状态.冰川脆弱性是多因素综合影响的结果,在现状情况下,冰川脆弱程度主要取决于冰川的地形暴露和冰川对气候变化的敏感性;2030年代和2050年代除地形因素之外,降水量变化上升成为冰川脆弱程度的关键影响因素.在未来气候持续变暖情况下,冰川脆弱性不增反降,冰川对气候变化的敏感性降低可能是主要原因.  相似文献   

中国地质灾害严重,地质灾害承灾载体的脆弱性直接决定着灾害造成损失的严重程度,开展脆弱性定量评价方法研究具有重要意义。(1)本文构建了地质灾害承灾载体脆弱性评价指标体系,包括4个一级指标和19个二级指标。一级指标包括生命类、物质类、生态环境类和社会经济类指标。(2)以青川县为例,分别采用TOPSIS模型和加权求和模型,分别以乡镇单元和行政村单元为最小单元,开展了地质灾害承灾载体脆弱性评价,将青川县承灾载体脆弱性分为高、较高、中等、较低和低5个脆弱性等级。(3)两种模型评价结果对比显示,总体一致性较好,73%的区域脆弱性结果完全一致,27%的区域存在一个等级的差别;高、低脆弱性等级区两种模型结果一致,吻合度100%;较高和中等脆弱性等级区两种模型结果吻合度分别为86%和73%;较低脆弱性区两种模型结果吻合度略差,为54%。(4)两种单元评价结果对比显示,在总体规律上保持了较好的一致性。半数以上的乡镇单元与行政村单元脆弱性等级完全相同或总体一致;以行政村为评价单元的评价结果明显更加精细,原因在于不同行政村的各类指标值具有明显的差异性,而乡镇单元消除了各个行政村之间的差异。  相似文献   

了解海岸带脆弱程度对于海岸带可持续开发和防灾避灾是至关重要的.基于脆弱指数法选取风暴潮灾害风险等6项因子构建指标体系对曹妃甸地区海岸带脆弱程度进行评价,采用2种赋权重方法对比讨论结果的合理性.结果表明:海岸带脆弱程度由近岸至内陆呈逐渐降低趋势,高脆弱和较高脆弱区主要分布在涧河至滦南第三盐场近岸、高尚堡盐场至大清河盐场近岸;风暴潮灾害风险和地面沉降速率是影响曹妃甸海岸带脆弱性高低的2个主要指标.  相似文献   

区域生态环境风险评价具有尺度大、风险源与风险受体多、空间异质性强等特点,开展区域生态环境风险研究是识别生态环境风险水平、制定防范应对策略的重要理论支撑。文章以贵州省为例,参考相对风险模型为风险评价原则,基于自然灾害成因,综合考虑区域自然及经济状况,建立贵州省喀斯特生态环境风险评价框架与指标体系,运用层次分析法及系统聚类分析法,对各评价单元的危险性、暴露性、脆弱性、防灾减灾能力进行分析,并划分了区域风险程度等级。结果表明:贵州省喀斯特生态环境风险分布与生态环境本底和社会经济发展水平相关性明显,高风险区主要分布在生态环境脆弱的高原山地、高原峡谷地区以及综合发展水平较高的贵阳中心城区,低风险区主要分布在喀斯特分布面积少、生态本底好、自然灾害较少的黔东南及黔西北地区。   相似文献   

地质遗迹景观脆弱性是地质遗迹景观系统对人类活动和自然条件变化反映的重要指标,是评价地质遗迹景观可持续利用的重要指标。文章以永福县典型地质遗迹景观为例,运用地质遗迹景观脆弱性影响因素压力-状态-响应(PSR)模型,从压力、状态、响应3个层面选取17个评价指标,构建地质遗迹景观脆弱性评价指标体系,采用层次分析法(AHP)确定各项指标权重,并运用德尔菲专家咨询法建立5级地质遗迹景观脆弱性划分标准,最后通过综合评分法对永福县地质遗迹景观脆弱性进行评价。结果表明:永福县地质遗迹景观顶子山、小山峡评价值为16.797 0、19.142 1,属微度脆弱;福禄泉、石占溪瀑布评价值为 39.162 8、39.777 5,属低度脆弱;拉孝江、百寿河、板峡湖评价值为 58.546 5、52.330 5、 52.520 9,属中度脆弱;百寿岩、新村屯洞、永福岩评价值为 65.743 0、64.089 3、72.939 5,属高度脆弱,这与实地调查结果相吻合,反映出永福县地质遗迹现状,由此说明PSR模型评价地质遗迹景观脆弱性具有实用性。   相似文献   

中国旱灾农业承灾体脆弱性诊断与评价   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
旱灾是世界上影响面最广、造成农业损失最大的自然灾害类型,世界近一半的国家干旱严重。中国旱灾频繁,每年旱灾损失占各种自然灾害损失的15%以上,随着人口和农业的快速发展,农业承灾体脆弱性对灾情的放大也在增加。基于灾害系统理论,从致灾因子和耕地承灾体的区域组合角度,在旱灾频发高值区,选择雨养农业、灌溉农业和水田农业为主要承灾体类型,构建了农业旱灾脆弱性生产压力和生活压力,灾前—灾中易损性和灾中—灾后适应性等农业旱灾承灾体脆弱性诊断指标体系。提出脆弱性评价的区域模型,即:雨养农业的易损—适应模型(兴和)、灌溉农业的生产—生活压力模型(邢台)和水田农业的需水—灌水模型(鼎城)。基于农业承灾体脆弱性评价,提出制定适应降水变化的波动土地利用结构调整区域政策、建立农业生态—生产范式、建立“水银行”管理机制、建立用水效益和开源节流的评估体系以及加强“截水—抽水—控水”为一体的灌溉系统工程建设,提高灌溉应急能力等对策,以期为农业旱灾的防御和区域粮食安全决策提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Huining County is located in the central part of Gansu Province, and the geological disasters are extremely developed in this area. There are 16 collapses, 12 landslides and 7 mudslides, which have caused great economic loss. In order to divide and evaluate the susceptibility zoning of geological disasters in Huining County, the authors established the geological disaster database based on the regional geological disaster investigations. The evaluation model of geological disaster susceptibility analysis was established by the analytic hierarchy process and statistical method of GIS spatial analysis, and 14 basic indicator layers were selected. The evaluation units were overlaid, analyzed and verified, and the results show that the geological disaster susceptibility in Huining County can be divided into three zones of high easy-happening area, medium easy-happening area and low easy-happening area. It is considered that the evaluation results are in good agreement with the actual situation of geological disasters, with the expert evaluation method to examine the geological disaster susceptibility results. The evaluation results can provide some reference for the comprehensive prevention and treatment of geological disasters in Huining County.  相似文献   

Wang  Qian  Zhang  Qi-peng  Liu  Yang-yang  Tong  Lin-jing  Zhang  Yan-zhen  Li  Xiao-yu  Li  Jian-long 《Natural Hazards》2020,100(1):3-15

Natural disaster vulnerability can intuitively reflect the susceptibility of an area to environmental changes. Better understanding the spatial distribution of natural disaster vulnerability is a critical process for taking effective adaptation and management. Although significant achievements have been made in disaster vulnerability, few studies are known about natural disaster vulnerability at the national scale, especially from the typical natural disaster events in China. In this study, with normalizing selected indicators and calculating vulnerability index, we analyzed the spatial distribution of natural disasters vulnerability during 2010–2017 using the geospatial techniques. The results showed that natural disaster vulnerability has certain spatial differences, but different natural disaster can occur in the same area during the study period. Drought disaster can occur in all regions of China, especially in Inner Mongolia. Flood disaster is mainly concentrated in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River Basin. The wind and storm disaster is chiefly in the northern regions in China. The freezing disaster is widely distributed in China. Furthermore, the regions with low vulnerability were primarily distributed in the eastern coastal region, indicating that the rapid development of economy and technology can resist or mitigate natural disaster to a certain extent. This study offers a solution to study natural disasters and provides scientific basis for disaster prevention and mitigation actions.


Analysis of social vulnerability to hazards in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To improve natural disaster management, it is important to recognize the variability of the vulnerable populations exposed to hazards and to develop location-based emergency plans accordingly. This paper presents a mathematical model to establish a model of social vulnerability index (SoVI), which includes 12 social variables, and the regional social vulnerability to natural hazards was formulated by them. Taking a city as statistical unit, the variability of vulnerability to natural hazards was explored among the 323 cities based on the SoVI. The results indicate that vulnerability is a location-based regional phenomenon, with the most vulnerable cities being located in the southwest of China and the eastern areas being generally less vulnerable. The results will be helpful for policy makers to formulate disaster management plans, which can be beneficial for people in more vulnerable areas who are responding to, coping with, and recovering from natural disasters.  相似文献   

会宁县地处甘肃省中部,地质灾害极为发育,共发育有崩塌16处、滑坡12处、泥石流7条,地质灾害已对研究区造成了重大经济损失。为了对会宁县地质灾害易发性进行分区评价及指导防灾减灾,在区域地质灾害调查的基础上,建立了地质灾害数据库,采用层次分析法和GIS空间分析统计方法,选取14个基础指标,建立了会宁县地质灾害易发性分析评价模型,对评价单元叠加分析计算及验证分析,将会宁县地质灾害的易发程度划分为3个区,即高易发区、中易发区和低易发区。通过专家评审法检验地质灾害易发性评价结果,认为评价结果与实际地质灾害情况相符性较好,可以为制定会宁县地质灾害综合防治措施提供依据。  相似文献   

区域自然灾害风险分析研究进展   总被引:34,自引:1,他引:33  
讨论了区域自然灾害风险的含义,指出了保险与灾害研究中对风险含义的不同理解,着重说明可能性风险概念,综述了区域灾害风险分析的内容及区域灾害风险估算的数学模型,指出风险分析可归结为风险辨识,风险估算,风险评价三个环节,风险估算数学模型的演进可概括为极值风险模型,概率风险模型,可能性风险模型三个阶段,着重介绍区域自然灾害风险分析的可能性风险模型。  相似文献   

Integrated risk assessment of multi-hazards in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Maps of population exposure, vulnerability and risk to natural hazards are useful tools for designing and implementing disaster risk mitigation programs in China. The ranking of provinces by relative risk to natural hazards would provide a metric for prioritizing risk management strategies. Using provinces as our study unit, from the perspectives of hazard exposure, susceptibility, coping capacity and adaptive capacity, this study first constructed China’s disaster risk index for five types of major natural hazards: earthquakes, floods, droughts, low temperatures/snow and gale/hail. Then, the relative risk level at the provincial scale in China was assessed. Finally, the hotspots with the highest hazard exposure, vulnerability and risk were identified. The results showed that high exposure was a significant risk driver in China, whereas high vulnerability, especially social vulnerability, amplified the risk levels. Similar to the population exposure to disasters, the relative risk levels in the southwestern, central and northeastern regions of China were significantly higher than those in the eastern, northern and western regions. The high-risk regions or hotspots of multi-hazards were concentrated in southern China (less-developed regions), while the low-risk regions were mainly distributed in the eastern coastal areas (well-developed regions). Furthermore, a nonlinear relationship existed between the disaster risk level and poverty incidence as well as per capita GDP, demonstrating that disaster losses in middle-income areas are likely to increase if economic policies are not modified to account for the rising disaster risk. These findings further indicated that research on disaster risk should focus not only on hazards and exposure but also on the vulnerability to natural disasters. Thus, reducing vulnerability and population exposure to natural hazards would be an effective measure in mitigating the disaster risk at hotspots in China.  相似文献   

Drought is one of the major natural disasters occurring in China and causes severe impacts on agricultural production and food security. Therefore, agricultural drought vulnerability assessment has an important significance for reducing regional agricultural drought losses and drought disaster risks. In view of agricultural drought vulnerability assessment with the characteristics of multiple factors and uncertainty, we applied the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation framework to agricultural drought vulnerability model. The agricultural drought vulnerability assessment model was constructed based on the multi-layer and multi-index fuzzy clustering iterative method, which can better reveal the drought vulnerability (including sensitivity and adaptation capacity). Furthermore, the cycle iterative algorithm was used to obtain the optimal index weight vector of a given accuracy by setting the objective function. It provides a new approach to weight determination of agricultural drought vulnerability assessment. In this study, agricultural drought vulnerability of 65 cities (as well as leagues and states) in the Yellow River basin was investigated using a fuzzy clustering iterative model and visualized by using GIS technique. The results showed clear differences and regularities among the spatial distribution of agricultural drought vulnerability of different regions. A large number of the regions in the basin consisted of those exhibiting high to very high vulnerability and were mainly distributed throughout Qinghai, Gansu, northern Shaanxi, and southern Shanxi, accounting for 46 % of the total assessment units. However, the regions exhibiting very high vulnerability were not significantly affected by droughts. Most of the regions exhibiting moderate vulnerability (21.5 % of the assessment units) were mainly concentrated among agricultural irrigation areas, where agriculture is highly sensitive to droughts, and drought occurrence in these regions will likely cause heavy losses in the future. The regions exhibiting slight to low vulnerability were relatively concentrated, accounting for 32.3 % of the assessment units, and were mainly distributed in the plains of the lower reaches of the Yellow River, where the economy was rather well developed and the agricultural production conditions were relatively stronger.  相似文献   

Jin  Ju-Liang  Fu  Juan  Wei  Yi-Ming  Jiang  Shang-Ming  Zhou  Yu-Liang  Liu  Li  Wang  You-Zhen  Wu  Cheng-Guo 《Natural Hazards》2014,75(2):155-178

Regional waterlog disaster integrated risk system, affected by natural, social, and economic systems and its combination relationship, is a complex system with certain structure and function. Waterlog disaster integrated risk results from the combined effects of regional environment, impact factors, vulnerability, and disaster-reducing capability of flood hazards in the drainage area. Waterlog disaster integrated risk system can be divided into four subsystems of hazard, vulnerability, disaster-reducing capability, and disaster conditions. Evaluation indexes are selected using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process method, and the evaluation index system is established. Then, the waterlog disaster integrated risk evaluation model is proposed based on set pair analysis method. Taking Huaihe river in Anhui Province of China as the typical area in this study, the results show that the proposed approach is able to obtain the spatial distribution characteristics of waterlog hazard, vulnerability, mitigation capabilities, and integrated disaster risk within the study area. From the quantitative point of view, identification of the areas with high flood risk can provide a scientific basis for the flood management and technical support.


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