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江琴  林世琛 《台湾海峡》1996,15(A00):74-76
研制欧鳗配合饲料是养鳗业之急需。经1994年饲喂试验结果饲料系数为1.01,净增重66.4%,初获成效。通过两年多在省内外50多个鳗场推广使用,效果明显。  相似文献   

本文报告了"合信"牌欧鳗配合饲料精养缓长型欧鳗的试验.结果表明,试验组的平均饲料效率为48.11%,比对照组提高了10.71%;欧鳗的存活率达99.9%,且有较好的肉质,符合出口烤鳗的要求.  相似文献   

潘瑞珍  李利明  曾丽莉 《台湾海峡》2001,20(Z1):138-141
概述大蒜素抑菌防治鱼病的药理及其诱食、促生长,提高罗非鱼和缓长型欧鳗饲料效率的研究成果.推理提示大蒜素刺激增强欧鳗胃肠道蠕动与增进雌激素作用的综合生理效应可能是提高缓长型欧鳗饲料效率的因素之一.建议在海水鱼OMP饲料中添加大蒜素与硫胺素防止海水养殖鱼类的B1缺乏症.大蒜素推荐用量为(80~300)×10  相似文献   

僵鳗促长饲料养殖日本僵鳗及欧鳗的效果   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘建诚 《台湾海峡》1998,17(A12):109-111
将僵鳗促长饲料分别按1% ̄2%比例添加于常规鳗鱼配合饲料中进行了养殖日本僵鳗及欧鳗试验。结果表明,饲料效率日本僵鳗添加组比对照组提高了31% ̄40%;欧鳗添加组比对照组高出68.9% ̄250%。成活率日本僵鳗添加组高于或等于对照组;欧鳗添加组比对照组高出52% ̄62%。养殖每公斤鳗的饲料成本,日本僵鳗添加组比对照组下降了13% ̄20%,而欧鳗添加组比对照组下降了36% ̄54%。证实了用僵鳗促长饲料  相似文献   

欧洲鳗鲡膨化颗粒饲料养殖试验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
翁祥斌  陈金翠 《台湾海峡》1998,17(A12):75-78
本实验用“海马”牌幼鳗膨化颗粒饲料和幼鳗粉状饲料进行了为期49d的欧洲鳗鲡养殖对比试验,结果表明,膨化颗粒饲料具有良好的适口性和较高的饲料效率(70.8%),可保证鳗于的正常摄食和生长,并能降低养殖用饲料成本,减轻对水质的污染,提高鳗鱼生长的均匀度。  相似文献   

随着国产投弃式温深仪(XBT)性能的提高,其使用范围和规模也逐步扩大,受某专项办的委托,厦门大学在南海东北部开展了"海洋监测设备适用性检验规范及海上试验研究(国家863计划)"项目,针对海洋技术领域研发的技术较为成熟、具备产品化条件的XBT开展检验与验证,对国产XBT的性能和实际使用情况进行分析和总结。试验中,在不同站点进行温盐深仪(CTD)现场测量,以此数据为真值对国产和进口XBT精度做评估。在较高速度走航测量时,则以进口XBT数据为参照,对国产XBT进行评估。试验结果表明,国产XBT整体上表现良好,成功率大概为80%,有些型号的国产XBT精度与进口XBT精度接近,但国产XBT无效剖面较多。同时也发现,进口XBT的精度无法满足预期比测的要求,不能准确计算出国产XBT精度,但结果仍然具有参考价值。本次试验可以为国产XBT的规模化应用和推广提供数据支持,也可为其他型号XBT/XCTD/CTD等仪器的比测提供借鉴。  相似文献   

郑元球 《台湾海峡》1996,15(A00):117-119
本文从欧鳗对饲料蛋白质的需要量,论及饲料的质量,以及投饵前的饲料加工和投饵技术与饲料散失的关系。  相似文献   

张蕉霖  董为民 《台湾海峡》1996,15(A00):71-73
1995年分别在邵武欣隆绿色养殖有限公司养殖池和诏安桥东溪雅鳗场对规格110p/kg、72p/kg、72/pk的欧鳗用我公司开发的欧鳗专用饲料-“海马”牌黑仔7^#饲养71d与67d的试验。结果表明,投饵率为1.2%-1.8%;成活率为99%;饵料效率在82.1%-84.5%之间。  相似文献   

鳗饲料添加螺旋藻粉的养殖效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈启发 《台湾海峡》1998,17(A12):70-74
本文报道了用Spirulina platensis粉添加于“厦清”、“大昌”牌养鳗饲料中喂养日本鳗苗的试验。结果表明,添加该藻粉2.0%喂养僵鳗30d,其饲料系数比对照组均下降,降幅为21.2% ̄53.7%,鳗增重倍数提高0.029 ̄0.171;添加该藻粉2.5% ̄2.0%喂养正常幼鳗118d,其饲料系数分别降低0.074 ̄0.234和0.024 ̄0.181,且鳗个体均匀,规格较大。  相似文献   

欧鳗冬季饲料饲养试验报告   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
江琴  郑志雄 《台湾海峡》1998,17(A12):153-156
本试验在平均水温13.3℃的冬季低水温条件下进行,试验期间平均日投饵率为0.73%,饲料效率达50%左右。试验结果表明欧鳗在冬季低水温条件下养殖,通过加强饲料是可行的,从而进一步降低加温养殖成本。  相似文献   

本文初步概述饲养欧洲鳗鲡(Anguillaanguilla)的食性特征,对蛋白质的表现消化率和日粮蛋白质的需求量、驯饵、饲料形态、给饲率以及实用的欧鳗配合饲料。建议采用膨化颗粒饲料,制订欧级饲料实验方法和条件的规范。  相似文献   

黑鲷的营养需要及配合饲料研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文论述了黑鲷饲料中最适蛋白质含量及动,植物蛋白比例的有关研究,黑鲷对于饲料中磷的需要量及钙磷化,黑鲷饲料中必需氨基酸添加的必要性,在此基础上,制成黑鲷配合饲料并与冰冻玉筋鱼进行了比较养殖试验,取得较好的结果。  相似文献   

江兴龙 《海洋与湖沼》2012,43(6):1134-1140
采用水体中设置生物膜净水栅对比实验的方法,在12口土池开展生物膜原位修复技术对土池淡水养殖日本鳗鲡的节水减排、养殖效益及机理的研究。结果表明,在172d的养殖期间,处理组比对照组节水减排78%(P<0.01);处理组的氨氮、NO2-N、CODMn、溶解性正磷酸盐和浊度分别低于对照组31.7%、49.7%、29.6%、24.2%和26.2%(P<0.01);藻类密度的变化幅度及蓝藻相对密度分别低于对照组58.8%、52.6%(P<0.01);净产量、起捕尾重和生长速度分别高出对照组38%、22.7%和27.1%(P<0.01);饲料系数低于对照组14.2%(P<0.01);处理组每公顷池塘增加养殖利润约77.25万元。池塘生物膜原位修复低碳养殖技术具有成本低、节水减排、增产增收、操作简便与易推广等优点,具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

The world׳s eel fisheries are in a state of crisis. While an increasing number of studies have documented the biophysical dynamics of the decrease in eel populations in Canada and around the world, studies documenting fishing practices, fisheries management, and the impact of eel declines on the livelihoods of fishermen are still rare. This paper aims to contribute to this discussion by examining the American eel (Anguilla rostrata) fishery in the St. Lawrence River Estuary, positioning it within larger historical, economic, and socio-environmental contexts. More particularly, it explores the issues these fishermen face as a consequence of the declining eel population, changing management practices, global trends in eel commercialization, and initiatives taken to promote eel fishing and the landscape that surrounds it as an important component of natural and cultural heritage. It is argued that these changes, many of which have been amplified by neoliberal policy shifts, have contributed to the marginalization of eel fishers and are making their future increasingly uncertain.  相似文献   

鳗鲡(Anguilla)作为我国优质水产养殖种类,精准掌握其数量对高效养殖有重要意义。为实现对循环水养殖鳗鲡的准确计数,提出了一种基于深度学习的改进Faster RCNN模型。针对检测目标即鳗鲡头部尺寸小的问题,选择在特征提取网络ResNet50中加入FPN结构来作为模型的骨干网络,以提取并融合多尺度的特征;针对原模型锚框都是基于人工经验设置的,并不适用于鳗鲡数据集的问题,使用k-means聚类算法对训练集中标注的鳗鲡头部检测框进行聚类分析,获得了适合鳗鲡数据集的15种不同尺度的锚框;针对图像中存在鳗鲡头部重叠的问题,选择使用Soft-NMS算法替代原NMS算法对RPN部分生成的候选框进行筛选,以减少模型对鳗鲡重叠部分的漏检情况。试验结果表明:改进后的Faster RCNN模型对鳗鲡头部的检测精度(mAP0.5)高达96.5%,较原Faster RCNN模型(Backbone为ResNet50)显著提升了14%,与SSD300和YOLOV3模型相比分别显著提升了24.9%和15%;在鳗鲡计数上,利用改进后的Faster RCNN模型检测结果进行计数,计数准确率达到90%以上,提升了模型对鳗鲡的检测识别能力。  相似文献   

采用水体中设置弹性填料对比实验的方法,在12口聚乙烯水槽实施淡水精养殖日本鳗鲡,进行对鳗鲡精养殖水体生物膜原位修复节水增效效果、机理及应用前景的研究。结果表明,在207天的养殖期间,生物膜原位修复技术应用处理组的平均日换水率仅1.2%,比对照组显著节水减排74%(P0.01);处理组的主要水质因子pH、DO、TAN、NO2-N、NO3-N、COD等浓度均符合相关的渔业水质标准;处理组的起捕尾重、产量、生长速度分别比对照组高106%(P0.2)、108%(P0.2)和220%(P0.15),饲料系数低于对照组38.4%(P0.1)。此外,处理组弹性填料设置的适宜密度为填料占水体体积的10%。因此,精养殖水体生物膜原位修复技术,具有节水、减排与节能效果显著,投资与运行成本低,环保、低碳、安全,操作简便、易推广等优点。该革新性的生态工程低碳养殖技术对推动我国水产养殖发展方式从高耗费资源型向资源节约与环境友好型转变将产生重大影响。  相似文献   

In 2007 CITES included the Critically Endangered European eel on its Appendix II, thereby regulation international trade. In 2010 the EU member states adopted a ‘zero-quota’ policy thereby banning all commercial international trade. Given the continued high demand for eel in East Asia shifts have occurred to source European eel from non-EU eel range countries. Using official export figures from two independent databases, I here quantify to what extend Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria are fulfilling this demand. The ban had little effect on the annual export volumes in live eel from Morocco (mean of 41.3 metric ton / year), Algeria (15.5 t) or Tunisia (56.2 t) or chilled/frozen eel from Algeria (11.7 t) and Tunisia (20.0 t) but this trade from Morocco increased significantly (from 27.4 to 237.2 t). Prior to the ban the trade in eel from North Africa was almost exclusively to European countries (live 93–98%) and very little to East Asia, whereas after the ban East Asia became the main importer (live 91–93%). The monetary value of the trade totalled US$126 million and did not increase over time, but the importance of the live eel trade increase from 76% prior to the ban to 93% after. It is unclear on what basis Morocco and Tunisia were able to decide what level of trade was not detrimental to the survival of European eel in the wild, and I argue for better monitoring to ensure that international trade is not an impediment to the conservation of European eel.  相似文献   

Glass eel migration of the European eel Anguilla anguilla (L., 1758) in the eastern Mediterranean is poorly known despite the increasing state of anxiety for the future of the stock. In the present study, glass eel migration was investigated from October 1999 to April 2000, using experimental fishery with fyke nets, in two coastal systems along the western Greece (Ionian Sea): at the Sagiada marsh in the delta area of Kalamas River and at the mouth of Alfios River. The main period of the glass eel entrance was from December to March and the migration pattern was similar to those observed along the Atlantic coast of southwestern Europe. The variance of daily glass eel catches between the two studied sites was significantly different. The univariate and bivariate time series spectral analysis showed that glass eel short-term freshwater migration: (1) consisted of waves with periods from 5 to 40 days and (2) was correlated with environmental factors such as water temperature, atmospheric pressure, rainfall and moonlight. The observed differences between the two sites reveal the importance of the inland ecosystem characteristics.  相似文献   

It is generally believed that size grading in a fish farm improves the total biomass output, because it will minimise the stress imposed by larger individuals over small individuals, resulting in higher feed intake and growth rate. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of size grading on individual growth performance of yellow New Zealand shortfin eel (Anguilla australis). A 109 day trial was conducted in a recirculation aquaculture system (RAS) with 103 eels of similar initial weight (101 ± 12 g). All eels were individually marked by PIT (passive integrated transponder) tags. On day 42, eels were graded to establish the following groups: only small eels (S-graded ≤ 135 g), only large eels (L-graded > 135 g), and small and large eels together (S-ungraded and L-ungraded). The large eels showed better specific growth rate (SGR), feed intake (FI) and feed conversion ratio (FCR) than the small eels. Nevertheless, no significant differences were found either between L-graded and L-ungraded or between S-graded and S-ungraded. The age of eels was not significantly different between groups. These findings suggest that the individual growth rate performance of the eels is not primarily a consequence of social interaction among tank-mates.  相似文献   

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