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新疆独山子山前活断层和活褶皱及古地震研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱海之  陈杰 《内陆地震》1990,4(2):97-106
本文初步研究了新疆独山子山前活断层、活褶皱构造。这些表层构造有着不同性质的地表变形,是多次古地震活动的反映。文中将这些古地震遗迹分为四期,并计算了该断层带的地震复发周期和平均位移速率。  相似文献   

柏美祥 《内陆地震》1992,6(2):206-216
地震构造系潜在震源区的蕴震及发震构造,也是地震所产生的断层和形变带,受活断层及活动褶皱控制。 新疆主要的地震构造位于印度板块和欧亚板块相碰撞的喜马拉雅碰撞带的后陆,多在碰撞期后形成。这些碰撞期后构造就是新疆主要的地震构造,分布于羌塘板块、冈底斯板块、哈萨克斯坦板块和西伯利亚板块相互碰撞地段,即塔里木盆地南北缘、准噶尔盆地南缘及东北缘、伊犁盆地两侧、塔什库尔干谷地、布伦口各地以及鲸鱼湖盆地南缘。 从新疆历史地震断层或形变带的时间及空间分布来看,其活动顺序为:1716年特克斯活断层→1812年喀什河活断层→1842年巴里坤洛包泉活断层→1895年塔什库尔干活断层→1902年托特拱拜孜—阿尔帕勒克活断层→1906年准噶尔盆地南缘活断层→1914年鄯善碱泉子活断层→1924年阿尔金活断层→1931年可可托海—二台活断层→1985年卡兹克阿尔特活断层,反映了地震构造活动的新生性及迁移性。7—8级地震迁移距离为120—1340km,平均为640km。这些地震构造一般都发生过多次古地震,其平均复现期为千年左右。由布伦口活断层、策勒活断层、木孜塔格—鲸鱼湖活断层及霍尔果斯—吐谷里活断层上古地震断层的发现,拜城、库尔勒、吐鲁番和木垒古地震遗迹的展布,以及地震迁移规律等表明,今后十年北天山、南天山  相似文献   

本文介绍了新疆主要逆断层-褶皱构造区的基本特征,并对其潜在震源划分问题进行了初步的讨论。北天山山前推覆构造及乌鲁木齐以南的逆断裂-褶皱构造相对比较简单,由根部断裂、推覆体和前缘逆断裂-褶皱构造所组成;强地震的极震区或地震动的高值区可能位于推覆构造的根部断裂附近,而地震地表破裂和同震地表变形则位于山前逆断层-褶皱带内。南天山的柯坪推覆构造、库车推覆构造、帕米尔东北缘的弧形推覆构造,虽然也由多排逆断裂-褶皱构造带组成,但是其中的规模巨大、发育时间较长的逆断裂-背斜带,往往具备发生强震的条件。强震的极震区分布与地震地表断层位置比较一致,可作为强震的潜在震源。盆地内的新的盲逆断层-褶皱构造也具备发生6.5—7.0 级地震的能力,应作为震级上限为 7.0 级的潜在震源。由于对逆断层-褶皱构造的深浅构造关系及发震模型认识的不足,在潜在震源划分中应考虑这种不确定性。同时在潜在震源区划分中,还应考虑地震构造区的地震活动历史及构造活动性参数。  相似文献   

陈杰  南凌 《内陆地震》1992,6(1):25-38
通过对发生在活动构造挤压区内的Coalinga、El.Asnam、Spitak等地震实例及新疆活动褶皱的分析研究,提出了活动褶皱的分类、活动褶皱研究的意义、内容、方法及其识别。指出同活动断层相似,活褶皱也有粘滑和蠕滑两种形成机制。年轻而快速增长的活褶皱不仅可能是发生地震的地点,其本身也有可能是连续地震的产物。我们称这些具有粘滑机制的活褶皱为地震褶皱;活动褶皱发育的挤压性构造区具有发生中强地震的潜在危险。地震褶皱则是地震震源的一种“指示构造”。同时作为古地震标志,地震褶皱及其派生的近地表活动弯滑断层和弯矩断层等次生断层,其同震生长和滑动可以提供下伏发震断层的复发间隔及其活动历史;由于逆断型地震其发震道断层的滑动不仅在平面分布上具有不均匀性,而且在剖面分布上也存在不均匀性,其量从震源深处向地表有渐小趋势。故主要根据对第四纪地表变形的分析来进行地震危险性评价的方法。在活动构造挤压区有很大的局限性。而平衡剖面法乃是识别和定量研究活动逆断层,特别是隐伏断层的最好方法。  相似文献   

本文介绍了新疆主要逆断层-褶皱构造区的基本特征,并对其潜在震源划分问题进行了初步的讨论.北天山山前推覆构造及乌鲁木齐以南的逆断裂.褶皱构造相对比较简单,由根部断裂、推覆体和前缘逆断裂.褶皱构造所组成;强地震的极震区或地震动的高值区可能位于推覆构造的根部断裂附近,而地震地表破裂和同震地表变形则位于山前逆断层.褶皱带内.南天山的柯坪推覆构造、库车推覆构造、帕米尔东北缘的弧形推覆构造,虽然也由多排逆断裂.褶皱构造带组成,但是其中的规模巨大、发育时间较长的逆断裂.背斜带,往往具备发生强震的条件.强震的极震区分布与地震地表断层位置比较一致,可作为强震的潜在震源.盆地内的新的盲逆断层.褶皱构造也具备发生6.5-7.0级地震的能力,应作为震级上限为7.0级的潜在震源.由于对逆断层.褶皱构造的深浅构造关系及发震模型认识的不足,在潜在震源划分中应考虑这种不确定性.同时在潜在震源区划分中,还应考虑地震构造区的地震活动历史及构造活动性参数.  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐城市活断层发震构造模型初探   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
沈军  宋和平  李军 《内陆地震》2007,21(3):193-204
根据地表活断层资料、深地震反射剖面资料、石油地震剖面资料、流动地震观测和小震精确定位资料,通过与北天山山前典型发震构造的对比及逆断裂-褶皱与推覆构造的基本结构特征,初步建立了乌鲁木齐目标区发震构造模型。乌鲁木齐目标区可分为2个主要的地震构造,它们均是逆冲推覆构造。西侧为北天山山前逆冲推覆构造,由根部逆断裂、中部滑脱面和前缘挤压褶皱隆起带组成,根部逆断裂及前缘挤压褶皱带上发育全新世活断层,滑脱构造具有自南向北扩展的特点,未来的7级强震可能发生在根部断裂附近,而前缘挤压褶皱隆起构造,即西山隆起及其相伴生的西山断层和王家沟断层组、九家湾断层组,不具备发生大于6.5级地震的条件。东侧为博格达弧形推覆构造的西翼,其发震构造也由根部逆断层、中部滑脱层和前缘挤压褶皱隆起带组成,推覆构造具有自南向北扩展的特点。现今的推覆体前缘为阜康南断裂和古牧地背斜。该推覆构造带内部的雅玛里克断层、白杨南沟断层、碗窑沟断层和八钢-石化断裂,不是全新世活动断层,不具备发生大于6.5级地震的条件。  相似文献   

胡军  蔡仲琼 《内陆地震》1991,5(1):76-78
乌鲁木齐拥有130余万人口,是新疆维吾尔自治区的政治、经济、文化、交通中心。乌鲁木齐市位于天山褶皱带与准噶尔盆地间的乌鲁木齐山前拗陷带上,是构造复杂、断裂纵横、活断层发育、有感地震较多并有破坏性地震伴随的构造部位。近几年来,在市郊多处不仅发现活断层断错第四系、断错冲洪积扇、断错山脊、断错水系,还发现地震地表断层、地裂缝、滑坡、塌陷及沙土液化等古地震遗迹。据历史地震资料,1934年8月7日东道海子6级地震震中距离市中心88km;人们记忆犹新的1965年11月13日博格达山6.5级地震震中,距离市中心45km,近30余年来,中小地震活动频繁。 导致强震发生的活断层在乌鲁木齐市区展布状况怎样?由于第四系和城市各种建筑设施  相似文献   

兰州盆地活断层的高分辨率浅层地震勘探技术   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
针对城市活断层浅层地震探测的一些技术问题,在兰州盆地的金城关断层和刘家堡断层沿线开展活断层浅层(50 m以内)地震勘探技术研究.主要采用纵波和横波多次覆盖共CMP点地震反射方法,获得了目标场地地震图像资料,尤其横波地震剖面更加清晰地反映出超浅层构造空间特征.以红艺村测线(HYC)和师范学校西测线(SFXX)为例,分析总结了数据采集、资料处理、剖面解释三方面浅层活断层地震探测的技术要点.结果可以为兰州市及类似复杂构造地区活断层地震调查提供技术参考.  相似文献   

福州市活断层探测与地震危险性评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
大量震例研究表明,活动断层产生的直下型地震对城市的破坏非常严重,应用先进有效的地质与地球物理探测技术,准确地探明城市之下及附近活动断层分布,确定直下型地震的震源和危害性是我国城市减灾工作面临的一个非常急迫的实际问题。《福州市活断层探测与地震危险性评价》项目作为中国地震局全国城市活动断层探测的试点与示范项目于2001年初开始实施,2004年8月通过中国地震局的验收。项目围绕解决城市范围内的断裂定位、定年、定性、深部背景、地震危险性和危害性及防震减灾对策等一系列科学问题,通过“初查与目标区主要活断层鉴定”、“深部地震构造环境探测”、“地震活断层鉴定与危险性评价”、“地震活断层的详细探测”、“地震活断层危害性评价”和“活断层地理信息系统建设”等阶段的探测和评价工作,同时在福州市城、郊区全面开展壤中气汞、土壤汞、气氡、地质雷达、多道直流电法、瞬变电磁法、浅层地震折射法、浅层地震反射法、勘探震源效果对比、用于建立福州盆地埋藏第四系(标准)剖面的钻探等多种手段的试验探测,总结各种试验探测的技术指标和实践经验,在活断层的综合试验探测、定位定年、地震危险性和危害性评价等方面取得了下列成果与结论:(1)福州市活断层综合试验探测成果表明,在充分收集、整理与分析相关地质、地球物理、钻孔等资料的基础上,以地球化学探测为先导“侦察机”,确定了活断层的可能位置;以浅层地震勘探为主要探测方法,辅以电磁勘探作为补充,并利用钻探建立的第四系(标准)剖面或地层层序及测井获得的各种地球物理参数进行必要的校正和验证,结合裸露地表断层或埋深较浅断层的槽探及古地震调查或隐伏断层两侧钻孔岩芯岩性、层序、绝对年龄或孢粉等相对年龄的测定与对比等,是进行城市活断层探测(定位)与地震危险性、危害性评价(定年、定性)的最佳组合方法。(2)福州盆地位于具有发生中等强度地震的区域地震构造环境中,“台湾动力触角”对其影响相对较弱。(3)福州盆地主要断裂的活动性较弱,经鉴定的6条目标断裂都不是全新世断裂。其中,八一水库-尚干断裂和闽侯-南屿断裂至少为晚更新世中期以来的不活动断裂,其它为晚更新世以来不活动断裂。(4)福州盆地深部不存在发生直下型强烈破坏性地震的构造环境,其邻近的长乐-诏安断裂带是未来可能会发生对福州市有影响的地震震源区。(5)福州盆地主要断裂存在发生中等-中强地震的危险性,但发震概率较小。(6)福州盆地地震危害性较弱,地面发生地震地表破裂带的可能性不大。(7)开发建立了全国第一个活断层地理信息系统,具备信息查询显示、数据管理、数据的分析处理和咨询服务等功能。  相似文献   

为了对昆明市活断层构造的深浅关系有更深入的了解,在浅层地震反射勘探的基础上,布设了一条东西向、横跨昆明盆地的中深层探测剖面KM4测线,通过对测线参数的试验与分析,确定了适合昆明盆地反射地震勘探的施工参数,采用该施工参数,开展了有效勘探深度为2~3 km的中深层反射地震勘探,确定了目标区隐伏活断层在盆地深部与盆地基底展布的异同及空间关系,探测到了昆明盆地深部断层的基本位置,确定了浅部断层与盆地基底断裂间的关系.对该测线的设计和参数采集试验分析,为城市和山区的活断层探测提供了宝贵的经验.  相似文献   

On the basis of the Xining active urban fault survey, we studied the relationship between the active urban fault and fold deformation. The result of this research shows that the Huangshuihe fault and the NW-striking fault on the northern bank of the Huangshulbe River are tensional faults on top of an anticline, the Nanchuanhe fault is a transverse tear fault resulting from differential folding on two sides of the fault, the east bank of the Beichuanhe River fault is a compressional fault developed on the core or climb of a syncline. By balance profile analysis of fold deformation and inversion of gravity anomaly data, we obtained the depth of the detachment plane and established the seismotectonic model of the )fining urban area. Based on the seismotectonic model, we analyzed the earthquake potential of the active urban fault.  相似文献   

Based on geological and geomorphologic characteristics of the surface faults acquired by field investigations and subsurface structure from petroleum seismic profiles, this paper analyzes the distribution, activity and formation mechanism of the surface faults in the east segment of Qiulitage anticline belt which lies east of the Yanshuigou River and consists of two sub-anticlines:Kuchetawu anticline and east Qiulitage anticline. The fault lying in the core of Kuchetawu anticline is an extension branch of the detachment fault developed in Paleogene salt layer, and evidence shows it is a late Pleistocene fault. The faults developed in the fold hinge in front of the Kuchetawu anticline in a parallel group and having a discontinuous distribution are fold-accommodation faults controlled by local compressive stress. However, trenching confirms that these fold-accommodation faults have been active since the late Holocene and have recorded part of paleoearthquakes in the active folding zone. The fault developed in the south limb near the core of eastern Qiulitage anticline is a low-angle thrust fault, likely a branch of the upper ramp which controls the development of the eastern Qiulitage anticline. The faults lying in the south limb of eastern Qiulitage anticline are shear-thrust faults, which are developed in the steeply dipping frontal limb of the fault-propagation folds, and also characterized by group occurrence and discontinuous distribution. Several fault outcrops are discovered near Gekuluke, in which the Holocene diluvial fans are dislocated by these faults, and trench shows they have recorded several paleoearthquakes. The surface anticlines of rapid growth and associated accommodation faults are the manifestations of the deep faults that experienced complex folding deformation and propagated upward to the near surface, serving as an indicator of faulting at depth. The fold-accommodation faults are merely local deformation during the folding process, which are indirectly related with the deep faults that control the growth of folds. The displacement and slip rate of these surface faults cannot match the kinematics parameters of the deeper fault, which controls the development of the active folding. However, these active fold-accommodation faults can partly record paleoearthquakes taking place in the active folding zone.  相似文献   

2013年4月20日发生在龙门山南段的芦山MS7.0地震是继发生在龙门山中北段的汶川MS8.0地震之后的又一次强震。本文通过震后地表变形特征、余震分布、震源机制解、石油地震勘探剖面、历史地震数据等资料,结合前人对龙门山南段主干断裂、褶皱构造特征的研究以及野外实地考察,应用活动褶皱及"褶皱地震"的相关理论,初步分析芦山地震的发震构造模式。认为芦山地震为典型的褶皱地震,发震断裂为前山或山前带一隐伏断裂。构造挤压产生的地壳缩短大部分被褶皱构造吸收。认为龙门山南段前缘地区具有活褶皱-逆断层的运动学特征,表明龙门山逆冲作用正向四川盆地内部扩展。  相似文献   

库木库里盆地位于青藏高原北缘,与柴达木盆地一山之隔,是二者的过渡地带,也是高原主体部分向NE扩展的前缘地区;现今构造表现为被3条大型活动构造带(走滑的阿尔金断裂带、东昆仑断裂带和逆冲的祁漫塔格褶皱逆冲系)所夹持。因此,该盆地对于研究青藏高原北缘的构造活动性、活动历史,探讨高原的扩展模式具有十分重要的意义。虽然库木库里盆地南、北两侧均发育活动性很强的大型走滑断裂,但是在盆地中央发育1条大型背斜,走向NWW-SEE,与祁漫塔格褶皱逆冲系和柴达木盆地内的褶皱构造走向一致,说明盆地目前遭受NNE向的挤压。通过对盆地地形横、纵剖面和阶地展布形态的分析,得出背斜有自西向东扩展变形的特征;野外调查和测年结果显示,背斜东段冰川融水形成了大型冰水扇,形成年龄为(87.09±2.31)~(102.4±3.7)ka,进而获得背斜东段自晚更新世以来平均隆升速率的最大值为(2.78±0.28)~(3.28±0.28)mm/a。库木库里盆地整体的活动性很强,在构造上与其北边的柴达木盆地类似,都受控于阿尔金断裂南侧的NNE向的区域挤压作用。  相似文献   

Influenced by the far-field effect of India-Eurasia collision, Tianshan Mountains is one of the most intensely deformed and seismically active intracontinental orogenic belts in Cenozoic. The deformation of Tianshan is not only concentrated on its south and north margins, but also on the interior of the orogen. The deformation of the interior of Tianshan is dominated by NW-trending right-lateral strike-slip faults and ENE-trending left-lateral strike-slip faults. Compared with numerous studies on the south and north margins of Tianshan, little work has been done to quantify the slip rates of faults within the Tianshan Mountains. Therefore, it is a significant approach for geologists to understand the current tectonic deformation style of Tianshan Mountains by studying the late Quaternary deformation characteristics of large fault and fold zones extending through the interior of Tianshan. In this paper, we focus on a large near EW trending fault, the Baoertu Fault (BETF) in the interior of Tianshan, which is a large fault in the eastern Tianshan area with apparent features of deformation, and a boundary fault between the central and southern Tianshan. An MS5.0 earthquake event occurred on BETF, which indicates that this fault is still active. In order to understand the kinematics and obtain the late Quaternary slip rate of BETF, we made a detailed research on its late Quaternary kinematic features based on remote sensing interpretation, drone photography, and field geological and geomorphologic survey, the results show that the BETF is of left-lateral strike-slip with thrust component in late Quaternary. In the northwestern Kumishi basin, BETF sinistrally offsets the late Pleistocene piedmont alluvial fans, forming fault scarps and generating sinistral displacement of gullies and geomorphic surfaces. In the bedrock region west of Benbutu village, BETF cuts through the bedrock and forms the trough valley. Besides, a series of drainages or rivers which cross the fault zone and date from late Pleistocene have been left-laterally offset systematically, resulting in a sinistral displacement ranging 0.93~4.53km. By constructing the digital elevation model (DEM) for the three sites of typical deformed morphologic units, we measured the heights of fault scarps and left-lateral displacements of different gullies forming in different times, and the result shows that BEFT is dominated by left-lateral strike-slip with thrust component. We realign the bended channels across the fault at BET01 site and obtain the largest displacement of 67m. And we propose that the abandon age of the deformed fan is about 120ka according to the features of the fan. Based on the offsets of channels at BET01 and the abandon age of deformed fan, we estimate the slip rate of 0.56mm/a since late Quaternary. The Tianshan Mountains is divided into several sub-blocks by large faults within the orogen. The deformation in the interior of Tianshan can be accommodated or absorbed by relative movement or rotation. The relative movement of the two sub-blocks surrounded by Boa Fault, Kaiduhe Fault and BETF is the dominant cause for the left-lateral movement of BETF. The left-lateral strike-slip with reverse component of BETF in late Quaternary not only accommodates the horizontal stain within eastern Tianshan but also absorbs some SN shortening of the crust.  相似文献   

Due to the interaction between the Tibetan plateau, the Alxa block and the Ordos block, the western margin of Ordos(33.5°~39°N, 104°~108°E)has complex tectonic features and deformation patterns with strong tectonic activities and active faults. Active faults with different strikes and characteristics have been developed, including the Haiyuan Fault, the Xiangshan-Tianjingshan Fault, the Liupanshan Fault, the Yunwushan Fault, the Yantongshan Fault, the eastern Luoshan Fault, the Sanguankou-Niushoushan Fault, the Yellow River Fault, the west Qinling Fault, and the Xiaoguanshan Fault. In this study, 7 845 earthquakes(M≥1.0)from January 1st, 1990 to June 30th, 2018 were relocated using the double-difference location algorithm, and finally, we got valid locations for 4 417 earthquakes. Meanwhile, we determined focal mechanism solutions for 54 earthquakes(M≥3.5)from February 28th, 2009 to September 2nd, 2017 by the Cut and Paste(CAP)method and collected 15 focal mechanism solutions from previous studies. The spatial distribution law of the earthquake, the main active fault geometry and the regional tectonic stress field characteristics are studied comprehensively. We found that the earthquakes are more spatially concentrated after the relocation, and the epicenters of larger earthquakes(M≥3.5) are located at the edge of main active faults. The average hypocenter depth is about 8km and the seismogenic layer ranges from 0 to 20km. The spatial distributions and geometry structures of the faults and the regional deformation feature are clearly mapped with the relocated earthquakes and vertical profiles. The complex focal mechanism solutions indicate that the arc-shaped tectonic belt consisting of Haiyuan Fault, Xiangshan-Tianjingshan Fault and Yantongshan Fault is dominated by compression and torsion; the Yellow River Fault is mainly by stretching; the west Qinling Fault is characterized by shear and compression. The structural properties of the fault structure are dominated by strike-slip and thrust, with a larger strike-slip component. The near-north-south Yellow River Fault is characterized by high angle NW dipping and normal fault motion. Based on small earthquake relocation and focal mechanism solution results, and in combination with published active structures and geophysical data in the study area, it is confirmed that the western margin of Ordos is affected by the three blocks of the Tibetan plateau, the Alax and the Ordos, presenting different tectonic deformation modes, and there are also obvious differences in motion among the secondary blocks between the active faults. The area south of the Xiangshan-Tianjingshan Fault has moved southeastward since the early Quaternary; the Yinchuan Basin and the block in the eastern margin of the Yellow River Fault move toward the SE direction.  相似文献   

The northeastern margin of Tibetan plateau is an active block controlled by the eastern Kunlun fault zone, the Qilian Shan-Haiyuan fault zone, and the Altyn Tagh fault zone. It is the frontier and the sensitive area of neotectonic activity since the Cenozoic. There are widespread folds, thrust faults and stike-slip faults in the northeastern Tibetan plateau produced by the intensive tectonic deformation, indicating that this area is suffering the crustal shortening, left-lateral shear and vertical uplift. The Riyueshan Fault is one of the major faults in the dextral strike-slip faults systems, which lies between the two major large-scale left-lateral strike-slip faults, the Qilian-Haiyuan Fault and the eastern Kunlun Fault. In the process of growing and expanding of the entire Tibetan plateau, the dextral strike-slip faults play an important role in regulating the deformation and transformation between the secondary blocks. In the early Quaternary, because of the northeastward expansion of the northeastern Tibetan plateau, tectonic deformations such as NE-direction extrusion shortening, clockwise rotation, and SEE-direction extrusion occurred in the northeastern margin of the Tibetan plateau, which lead to the left-lateral slip movement of the NWW-trending major regional boundary faults. As the result, the NNW-trending faults which lie between these NWW direction faults are developed. The main geomorphic units developed within the research area are controlled by the Riyueshan Fault, formed due to the northeastward motion of the Tibet block. These geomorphic units could be classified as:Qinghai Lake Basin, Haiyan Basin, Datonghe Basin, Dezhou Basin, and the mountains developed between the basins such as the Datongshan and the Riyueshan. Paleo basins, alluvial fans, multiple levels of terraces are developed at mountain fronts. The climate variation caused the formation of the geomorphic units during the expansion period of the lakes within the northeastern Tibetan plateau. There are two levels of alluvial fans and three levels of fluvial terrace developed in the study area, the sediments of the alluvial fans and fluvial terraces formed by different sources are developed in the same period. The Riyueshan Fault connects with the NNW-trending left-lateral strike-slip north marginal Tuoleshan fault in the north, and obliquely connects with the Lajishan thrust fault in the south. The fault extends for about 180km from north to south, passing through Datonghe, Reshui coal mine, Chaka River, Tuole, Ketu and Xicha, and connecting with the Lajishan thrusts near the Kesuer Basin. The Riyueshan Fault consists of five discontinuous right-step en-echelon sub-fault segments, with a spacing of 2~3km, and pull-apart basins are formed in the stepovers. The Riyueshan Fault is a secondary fault located in the Qaidam-Qilian active block which is controlled by the major boundary faults, such as the East Kunlun Fault and the Qilian-Haiyuan Fault. Its activity characteristics provide information of the outward expansion of the northeastern margin of Tibet. Tectonic landforms are developed along the Riyueshan Fault. Focusing on the distinct geomorphic deformation since late Pleistocene, the paper obtains the vertical displacement along the fault strike by RTK measurement method. Based on the fault growth-linkage theory, the evolution of the Riyueshan Fault and the related kinetic background are discussed. The following three conclusions are obtained:1)According to the characteristics of development of the three-stage 200km-long steep fault scarp developed in the landforms of the late Pleistocene alluvial fans and terraces, the Riyueshan Fault is divided into five segments, with the most important segment located in the third stepover(CD-3); 2)The three-stage displacement distribution pattern of the Riyueshan Fault reveals that the fault was formed by the growths and connections of multiple secondary faults and is in the second stage of fault growth and connection. With CD-3 as the boundary, the faults on the NW side continue to grow and connect; the fault activity time on the SE side is shorter, and the activity intensity is weaker; 3)The extreme value of the fault displacement distribution curve indicates the location of strain concentration and stress accumulation. With the stepover CD-3 as the boundary, the stress and strain on NW side are mainly concentrated in the middle and fault stepovers. The long-term accumulation range of stress on the SE side is relatively dispersed. The stress state may be related to the counterclockwise rotation inside the block under the compression of regional tectonic stress.  相似文献   

In an attempt to understand the structure of active faults as they emerge from bedrock into shallow semi-consolidated and unconsolidated sediments, we have recorded a comprehensive high-resolution seismic reflection/refraction data set across the Ostler Fault zone on the central South Island of New Zealand. This fault zone, which absorbs 1–2 mm/yr of compression associated with oblique convergence of the Pacific and Australian tectonic plates, consists of a series of surface-rupturing N–S trending, west-dipping reverse faults that offset a thick sequence of Quaternary glacial outwash and late Neogene fluvio-lacustrine sediments of the Mackenzie Basin. Our study focuses on a region of the basin where two non-overlapping fault segments are separated by a transfer zone. Deformation in this area is accommodated by offsets on multiple small faults and by folding in their hanging walls. The seismic data with source and receiver spacing of 6 and 3 m and nominal CMP fold of 60 was acquired along twelve 1.2 km long lines orthogonal to fault strike and an additional 1.6 km long tie-line parallel to fault strike. The combination of active deformation and shallow glacial outwash sediments results in particularly complicated seismic data, such that application of relatively standard processing schemes yields only poor quality images. We have designed a pre- and post-stack reflection/refraction processing scheme that focuses on minimising random and source-generated noise, determining appropriate static corrections and resolving contrasting reflection dips. Application of this processing scheme to the Ostler Fault data provides critical information on fault geometry and offset and on sedimentary structures from the surface to ~ 800 m depth. Our preliminary interpretation of one of the lines includes complex deformation structures with folding and multiple subsidiary fault splays on either side of a ~ 50° west-dipping primary fault plane.  相似文献   

基于地理信息系统(GIS)技术研究南北地震带和中央造山带交汇区断裂带分布与地震活动的关系,对区内16条主要断裂带,以25km为缓冲区宽度,进行叠加,分析各断裂带的地震活动性及其特征.结果表明,主要的发震断裂有西秦岭北缘断裂的西段、礼县-罗家堡断裂西南段以及临潭-宕昌断裂的东南段、文县断裂西南段、虎牙断裂和雪山断裂;虎牙断裂和雪山断裂地震活动性最强,其次是塔藏断裂、礼县-罗家堡断裂以及光盖山-迭山北麓断裂;按震源深度可将研究区划分为4个区域,区内的震源深度由北向南逐渐加大,震源深度剖面图反映了断层的几何形态和力学性质,进一步揭示出了青藏高原向东挤压、物质向东向南逃逸的运动模式.  相似文献   

The 40km-long, NEE trending Reshui-Taostuo River Fault was found in the southern Dulan-Chaka highland by recent field investigation, which is a strike-slip fault with some normal component. DEM data was generated by small unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)on key geomorphic units with resolution<0.05m. Based on the interpretation and field investigation, we get two conclusions:1)It is the first time to define the Reshui-Taostuo River Fault, and the fault is 40km long with a 6km-long surface rupture; 2)There are left-handed dislocations in the gullies and terraces cut by the fault. On the high-resolution DEM image obtained by UAV, the offsets are(9.3±0.5) m, (17.9±1.5) m, and(36.8±2) m, measured by topographic profile recovery of gullies. The recovery measurements of two terraces present that the horizontal offset of T1/T0 is(18.2±1.5) m and the T2/T1 is (35.8±2) m, which is consistent with the offsets from gullies. According to the historical earthquake records, a M5 3/4 earthquake on April 10, 1938 and a MS5.0 earthquake on March 21, 1952 occurred at the eastern end of the surface rupture, which may be related to the activity of the fault. By checking the county records of Dulan and other relevant data, we find that there are no literature records about the two earthquakes, which is possibly due to the far distance to the epicenter at that time, the scarcity of population in Dulan, or that the earthquake occurred too long ago that led to losing its records. The southernmost ends of the Eastern Kunlun Fault and the Elashan Fault converge to form a wedge-shaped extruded fault block toward the northwest. The Dulan Basin, located at the end of the wedge-shaped fault block, is affected by regional NE and SW principal compressive stress and the shear stress of the two boundary faults. The Dulan Basin experienced a complex deformation process of compression accompanying with extension. In the process of extrusion, the specific form of extension is the strike-slip faults at each side of the wedge, and there is indeed a north-east and south-west compression between the two controlling wedge-shaped fault block boundary faults, the Eastern Kunlun and Elashan Faults. The inferred mechanism of triangular wedge extrusion deformation in this area is quite different from the pure rigid extrusion model. Therefore, Dulan Basin is a wedge-shaped block sandwiched between the two large-scale strike-slip faults. Due to the compression of the northeast and southwest directions of the region, the peripheral faults of the Dulan Basin form a series of southeast converging plume thrust faults on the northeast edge of the basin near the Elashan Fault, which are parallel to the Elashan Fault in morphology and may converge with the Elashan Fault in subsurface. The southern marginal fault of the Dulan Basin(Reshui-Taostuo River Fault)near the Eastern Kunlun fault zone is jointly affected by the left-lateral strike-slip Eastern Kunlun Fault and the right-lateral strike-slip Elashan Fault, presenting a left-lateral strike-slip characteristic. Meanwhile, the wedge-shaped fault block extrudes to the northwest, causing local extension at the southeast end, and the fault shows the extensional deformation. These faults absorb or transform the shear stress in the northeastern margin of the Tibet Plateau. Therefore, our discovery of the Dulan Reshui-Taostuo River Fault provides important constraints for better understanding of the internal deformation mode and mechanism of the fault block in the northeastern Tibetan plateau. The strike of Reshui-Taostuo River Fault is different from the southern marginal fault of the Qaidam Basin. The Qaidam south marginal burial fault is the boundary fault between the Qaidam Basin and the East Kunlun structural belt, with a total length of ~500km. The geophysical data show that Qaidam south marginal burial fault forms at the boundary between the positive gravity anomaly of the southern East Kunlun structural belt and the negative gravity anomaly gradient zone of the northern Qaidam Basin, showing as a thrust fault towards the basin. The western segment of the fault was active at late Pleistocene, and the eastern segment near Dulan County was active at early-middle Pleistocene. The Reshui-Taostuo River Fault is characterized by sinistral strike-slip with a normal component. The field evidence indicates that the latest active period of this fault was Holocene, with a total length of only 40km. Neither remote sensing image interpretation nor field investigation indicate the fault extends further westward and intersects with the Qaidam south marginal burial fault. Moreover, it shows that its strike is relatively consistent with the East Kunlun fault zone in spatial distribution and has a certain angle with the burial fault in the southern margin of Qaidam Basin. Therefore, there is no structural connection between the Reshui-Taostuo River Fault and the Qaidam south marginal burial fault.  相似文献   

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